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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Unconditional Relationships within Zero Knowledge

Ong, Shien Jin 09 September 2011 (has links)
Zero-knowledge protocols enable one party, called a prover, to "convince" another party, called a verifier, the validity of a mathematical statement such that the verifier "learns nothing" other than the fact that the proven statement is true. The different ways of formulating the terms "convince" and "learns nothing" gives rise to four classes of languages having zero-knowledge protocols, which are: statistical zero-knowledge proof systems, computational zero-knowledge proof systems, statistical zero-knowledge argument systems, and computational zero-knowledge argument systems. We establish complexity-theoretic characterization of the classes of languages in NP having zero-knowledge argument systems. Using these characterizations, we show that for languages in NP: -- Instance-dependent commitment schemes are necessary and sufficient for zero-knowledge protocols. Instance-dependent commitment schemes for a given language are commitment schemes that can depend on the instance of the language, and where the hiding and binding properties are required to hold only on the YES and NO instances of the language, respectively. -- Computational zero knowledge and computational soundness (a property held by argument systems) are symmetric properties. Namely, we show that the class of languages in NP intersect co-NP having zero-knowledge arguments is closed under complement, and that a language in NP has a statistical zero-knowledge **argument** system if and only if its complement has a **computational** zero-knowledge proof system. -- A method of transforming any zero-knowledge protocol that is secure only against an honest verifier that follows the prescribed protocol into one that is secure against malicious verifiers. In addition, our transformation gives us protocols with desirable properties like having public coins, being black-box simulatable, and having an efficient prover. The novelty of our results above is that they are **unconditional**, meaning that they do not rely on any unproven complexity assumptions such as the existence of one-way functions. Moreover, in establishing our complexity-theoretic characterizations, we give the first construction of statistical zero-knowledge argument systems for NP based on any one-way function.

Vienfaktorinės analizės taikymai matematinius pasiekimus lemiantiems faktoriams nustatyti / The appliencies of one factor analysis (ANOVA)to establish the factors which are settled upon mathematical achievements

Šalučka, Mindaugas 11 June 2005 (has links)
In the master work there is a scientific problem raised and worked out: what are application possibilities of one factor method analysis and how this statistic method could be used to ascertain six class pupils‘ mathematical achievements at secondary school in Lithuania. The aim of this work is to establish applying one factor analysis the main factors, which destine mathematical achievements and taking them into consideration to make conclusions and recomendations how those achievements to improve. To achieve this aim there are such tasks raised, as to analyse the quality possibilities and exactness of one factor method by establishing the factors destined by mathematical achievements, to estimate exterior and interior factors on which depend mathematical achievements and to present conclusions and recomendation. By analysing and generalizing scientific literature and statistical data it was established that one factor analysis is good to process for ranked data, when the variable of sample are independable and they are distributed according to normal law and their dispersion are similar (do not differ more than three times) this method allowed the indications of measured objects to change by a smaller number of generalizing indications without losing its main information. By investigating the mathematical achievements of six – grade pupil‘s statistically significant differences according to ANOVA method it was estasblished, that the factors which destine it are the... [to full text]

Ce I atomo energijos spektro ir šuolių tyrimas vienkonfigūraciniu Hartrio ir Foko artiniu / Analysis of Ce I atom spectrum and bounds using one-configuration Hartree-Fock approximation

Grybaitė, Rita 29 June 2009 (has links)
Darbą sudaro 2 skyriai. Pirmajame skyriuje yra pateikiama trumpa literatūros apžvalga. Antrajame skyriuje yra aprašomas rezultatų aptarimas eksperimentinio ir teorinio energijos spektro palyginimas grafiškai ir skaičiavimo metodu; šuolių tipai bei jų pasiskirstymas ir tikimybės. Darbo prieduose pateikiami eksperimentiniai skaičiavimo rezultatai. / The work consists of 2 chapters. Chapter 1 deals with a short literature review. Chapter 2 deals with experimental and theoretical energy spectrum comparison in diagram form and calculating form, and their results’ analysis; bound types and their distribution and probabilities. The results of experimental calculating are given in appendices.

Mistinės Vienio patirties verbalizavimo problema (Plotinas, Pseudo-Dionisijus, Wittgensteinas) / The Problem of verbalization of One's mystical experience (Plotinus, Pseudo-Dionysius, Wittgenstein)

Rudžianskaitė, Ieva 26 June 2012 (has links)
Šiame darbe aptariama mistinės Vienio patirties verbalizavimo problematika, analizuojant Plotino, Pseudo-Dionisijaus ir Wittgensteino tekstus. Tyrimo metu atskleidžiama Plotino, Pseudo-Dionisijaus ir Wittgensteino Vienio bei pasaulio visumos bendri suvokimo bruožai, kalbinės raiškos ribos ir galimybės mistinės patirties apibūdinimuose. / This work discusses the problem of verbalization of One's mystical experience analyzing texts of Plotinus, Pseudo-Dionysius and Wittgenstein. The research part develops character of perception of One and the whole world in general in works of Plotinus, Pseudo-Dionysius and Wittgenstein, also discusses limits of language and its possibilities in describing mystical experience.

A Quantum phase trasition in d-wave superconductors and symmetry features of quasi-one-dimensional superconductors

Duncan, R. D. (Richard D.) 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Applications of Quantum Cryptography

Nagy, Naya 12 March 2010 (has links)
This thesis extends the applicability of quantum cryptography. First, we prove that quantum cryptography at least equals classical cryptography in an important area, namely authentication. The quantum key distribution protocols presented here show that, contrary to previous belief, authentication can be done with quantum methods only. In addition, we have designed quantum security systems in unconventional settings. The security of sensor networks poses specific challenges, as the sensor nodes in particular can be physically picked up by the intruder. Our scheme protects both the integrity of the communication messages and it also protects the identity of the nodes, such that a reading intrusion of a node is detectable. The problem of access control in a hierarchy refers to a large number of users, organized in a hierarchy, having selective access rights to a database. Our quantum solution introduces quantum keys to the effect that the cryptographic scheme is dynamically adaptable to changes in the user structure, and it exhibits increased security levels. To the best of our knowledge, this thesis is the first to introduce quantum keys, that is secret keys defined by an array of qubits. We show that quantum keys make it possible for two parties to communicate with one-time pads without having to meet in advance. Also, opposite to previous cryptographic ``common sense", the security level of a quantum cryptosystem with quantum keys and quantum messages increases while being used, meaning the security increases over time. / Thesis (Ph.D, Computing) -- Queen's University, 2010-03-12 11:38:07.086

Matricinės lygčių sistemos sprendinių paieška / Finding solutions of matrix equations system

Alekna, Andrius 31 August 2011 (has links)
Rakto apsikeitimo protokolo, kaip ir bet kurio asimetrinės kriptografijos algoritmo, pagrindas yra vienkryptės funkcijos, kurias paprasta apskaičiuoti, tačiau apskaičiuoti atvirkštinę jų reikšmę per priimtiną laiko tarpą neįmanoma. Darbe bus bandoma įrodyti, kad tiriamoji lygčių sistema turi mažai sprendinių ir yra tinkama kriptografiniams algoritmams. Iš pradžių tyrinėta atskiros lygties sprendinių aibė, paskui pereita prie lygčių sistemos sprendinių aibės. Sprendiniai ieškomi naudojant matricų perrinkima, tai pat pasitelkiant kitus metodus. Nustatyta, kad lygčių sistemos sprendinių skaičius, nepriklauso nuo matricos eilės m. / Key agreement protocol, as well as any asymmetric cryptographic algorithm, is based on one-way functions which are easy to calculate, but to calculate the inverse of their value within a reasonable period of time is impossible. The paper will attempt to prove that the system of equations has not much solutions ant that it could be used in cryptographic algorithm. At first individual equation was solved, set of solutions was found. Then moved explore to the set of solutions of equations system. Solutions were found using brute force algorithm for matrices. As well as through other methods. It was found that the number of solutions of equations system does not depend on the matrix size.

Vergleichende In - vitro - Studie zur maschinellen Wurzelkanal präparation mit den NiTi - Single - File - Systemen RECIPROC ® , Wave One ™ und One Shape ® / A comparative in vitro study on the mechanical root canal preparation with the Single-File-Systems RECIPROC®, Wave One™ and One Shape®

Hiller, Sandra 14 April 2015 (has links)
Eine effektive Reinigung und die Formung des Wurzelkanals sind wesentliche Faktoren der Wurzelkanalbehandlung. In den Jahren seit Entwicklung der maschinellen Präparation der Wurzelkanäle wurden viele verschiedene Techniken und Instrumente entwickelt. Die Techniken sollten die Handhabung erleichtern und die Instrumente - durch ihr Design und Material - eine sichere und effiziente Präparation ermöglichen. Die ständige Weiter- und Neuentwicklung machen standardisierte Untersuchungsmethoden zum Vergleich der Instrumente notwendig. In dieser Arbeit wurden folgende Parameter untersucht: Veränderungen des anatomischen Kanalverlaufs durch die Präparation, insbesondere Begradigung gekrümmter Wurzelkanäle, qualitative und quantitative Veränderung der Form des Wurzelquerschnittes im apikalen, medialen und koronalen Kanalanteil, Bewertung der Reinigungsqualität an der Wurzelkanalwand in Bezug auf Smear Layer und Debris, Arbeitssicherheit, bezogen auf Art und Häufigkeit von Zwischenfällen, wie z.B. Instrumentenfrakturen, apikale Blockaden, Perforationen und Arbeitslängenverlusten, Zeitaufwand der Arbeitsschritte Der standardisierte Versuchsaufbau gewährleistete die simultane Analyse dieser Präparations-parameter. An 45 Unterkiefermolaren mit einem Krümmungswinkel zwischen 20° und 40° wurden die mesialen Wurzelkanäle mit den Single-File-Systemen RECIPROC®, Wave One™ und One Shape® aufbereitet und untersucht. Auch eine Anwendung in stark gekrümmten Wurzelkanälen führt nur zu einer geringen Wurzelkanalbegradigung. Es konnten keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den Sys-temen festgestellt werden. Die mittleren Werte der Begradigung sind bei allen Systemen als gering einzustufen. Sie lagen zwischen 1.20° und 1,28°. Die Systeme RECIPROC® und Wave One™ zeigen im Vergleich zu One Shape® kleinere Werte bei der Kanalbegradigung. Die drei Systeme respektieren den originalen Kanalverlauf sehr gut. Die Konizität des One Shape®-Systems scheint bei der qualitativen Präparationsform nach-teilig zu sein. Es lässt sich ein signifikanter Unterschied im medialen Kanalbereich feststellen. Die quantitative Querschnittsanalyse zeigt Mängel im apikalen Bereich. Es wurden vermehrt unbearbeitete Anteile der Kanalwand dokumentiert. Die Systeme unterscheiden sich jedoch nicht. Die Sauberkeit der Kanalwand nach der Präparation lässt bei allen Systemen ein Defizit im apikalen Bereich erkennen. Sowohl beim Debris und auch beim Smear Layer ist die Reinigung in ca. 50% der Wurzelkanäle nicht ausreichend. Der Zeitbedarf für die reine Präparation ist deutlich reduziert. Die reinen Instrumentierungs-zeiten lagen konzentriert bei weniger als 40 sec pro Kanal. Das System One Shape® unter-scheidet sich signifikant. Mit einer Präparationszeit von 36,3 sec ist es das schnellere der drei untersuchten Systeme. Alle Systeme sind als sicher einzustufen. Die Zwischenfälle waren gering und zum größten Teil der verwendeten Methode der Studie zuzuschreiben. Die Fraktur des RECIPROC®-In-struments wurde durch den Spalt zwischen den Sägefragmenten verursacht. Die Untersuchung der drei neuen Single-File-Systeme RECIPROC®, Wave One™ und One Shape® zeigt, dass eine adäquate Präparation des Wurzelkanals mit einer Feile möglich ist. Hinsichtlich der Verschleppung von Keimen in sterile Bereiche der Pulpa und der nicht vertretbaren Kreuzkontamination mit Prionen und anderen Erregern sind die Single-File-Systeme eine ernsthafte Alternative zu Multi-Use-Systemen.


Hök, Andreas, Trygg, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
The increased use of returnable packaging have given rise to the trend of packaging logistics.The operation of returnable packaging is challenging for global companies due to thecomplexity in the process and information flows. Companies invest in returnable packagingsystems in order to ensure quality throughout the supply chain. Despite the large investments inan returnable packaging fleet, it is often poorly controlled, leading to vast tied-up capital andshrinkage.This thesis proposes how the visibility and control of the system is affected by thecategorization of packaging and the allocation of responsibilities throughout the packaginghandling process. Theoretical and empirical studies were carried out, the theoretical part helpeddefine the problem. A case study were performed at Scania CV AB in Södertälje, Sweden.Results of this study shows that categorization of packaging is not sufficient to attain a suitablelevel of control in an packaging handling process. Although it could be used as a supporting orgoverning documents for standardization in the process. Findings showed that theresponsibilities in the process should be centralized in as large extent as possible. Although ifthe current process is lacking visibility and control, the benefits of centralized control may belost.

Bokchiffer : En algoritmisk beskrivning samt implementation för framtagningen av möjliga nycklar

Nyberg, Sofia, Krogh, Robert January 2014 (has links)
Rapporten presenterar ett tillvägagångssätt att med moderna medel angripa en av äldre tidens kryptotekniker, bokchiffer, där nummer utifrån boktexter utgör kryptotexten. Ett speciellt fall som varit olöst i närmare 200 år, det så kallade Beale-kryptot, kommer att vara huvudområdet och tillskillnad från den klassiska metodiken att medels penna och papper räkna och lösa, tillåta datorn att snabba på den långdragna arbetsprocessen. Ett inför rapporten skapat datorprogram kommer att användas, ett program som dels klarar av att replikera den gamla metodiken, dels att introducera nya lösningsgångar och dels att presentera statistik över dokument som undersöks. Programmet kan presentera de lösningarna man sedan vill titta närmare på i dekrypterad form, något som blir intressant både ur ett replikerbarhetsperspektiv men också om nya intressanta dokument dyker upp under den statistiska testningen.Testfallen resulterar inte i några nya intressanta nycklar, men visar på att metoden är rättvisande då ett historiskt löst dokument får markanta utstickande resultat.

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