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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysis of the role of the atypical cadherin Fat2 during tissue elongation in the developing ovary of Drosophila melanogaster / Analyse der Rolle des atypischen Cadherins Fat2 bei der Gewebestreckung während der Ovarentwicklung von Drosophila melanogaster

Aurich, Franziska 29 May 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Tissue elongation is an important requirement for proper tissue morphogenesis during animal development. The Drosophila egg chamber is an excellent model to study the molecular processes underlying tissue elongation. An egg chamber is composed of germline cells that are enveloped by a somatic follicle epithelium. While the egg chamber matures, the drastic increase of the egg chamber’s volume is accompanied by a shape change from round to oval. Egg chamber elongation coincides with a circumferential alignment of F-actin filaments, microtubules, and fibrils of the extracellular matrix (ECM). Additionally, egg chambers rotate around their future long axis. It has been proposed that this rotation aligns F-actin filaments and ECM fibrils. The circumferentially aligned F-actin and ECM fibrils form a molecular corset that promotes egg chamber elongation. The atypical cadherin Fat2 is required for egg chamber rotation, the circumferential alignment of F-actin, microtubules, and ECM fibrils and for egg chamber elongation. However, the molecular mechanisms by which Fat2 influences egg chamber elongation remain unknown. In my thesis I performed a structure-function analysis of Fat2. I generated a Fat2 version that lacks the intracellular region and a second version, which lacks both intracellular region and the transmembrane domain and tested their ability to compensate for Fat2 functions in fat2-/- mutant egg chambers. My results reveal that the intracellular region is required for the microtubule alignment, and for egg chamber rotation. In contrast, the intracellular region is not required for F-actin and ECM alignment, and for egg chamber elongation. Hence, my findings for the first time demonstrate that egg chamber rotation is not required for F-actin and ECM fibril alignment and that egg chamber elongation can occur independently from egg chamber rotation. My work uncouples some of the parallel processes that take place during oogenesis and changes the view on the mechanisms that drive tissue elongation in this important model system. / Das Strecken von Geweben ist ein wichtiger Prozess bei der Gestaltbildung während der Entwicklung von Organismen. Die Eikammer von Drosophila ist ein hervorragendes Modellsystem, um die Gewebestreckung zu untersuchen. Eine Eikammer besteht aus Keimbahnzellen und einem einschichtigen Follikelepithel, das die Keimbahn umschließt. Während die Eikammer heranwächst durchläuft sie eine drastische Gestaltveränderung von rund nach oval. Zeitgleich zur Streckung der Eikammer weist das Follikelepithel parallel angeordnete F-actin−Filamente, Mikrotubuli und Fasern der extrazellulären Matrix (ECM) auf, welche die Eikammer ringsum umlaufen. Zudem rotieren die Eikammern um ihre zukünftige Längsachse. Bisher nahm man an, die Rotation würde für die Ausrichtung der F-actin−Filamente, Microtubuli und ECM-Fasern gebraucht werden. Die Anordnung der F-actin−Filamente und ECM-Fasern bilden dann ein molekulares Korsett, das die Gewebestreckung fördert. Das atypische Cadherin Fat2 wird für die Rotation der Eikammern, die umlaufende Anordnung der F-actin–Filamente, Microtubuli und ECM-Fasern sowie für die Streckung der Eikammern benötigt. Die Mechanismen, mit denen Fat2 die Gewebestreckung beeinflusst, sind allerdings unbekannt. In meinem Projekt führte ich eine Struktur-Funktions-Analyse von Fat2 durch. Ich generierte eine Version von Fat2 mit einer Deletion der kompletten intrazellulären Region und eine zweite, die weder die intrazelluläre Region noch die Transmembran-Domäne besitzt und testete, ob diese Versionen die Funktionen von Fat2 in fat2-/- mutanten Eikammern kompensieren können. Meine Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die intrazelluläre Region für die Anordnung der Mikrotubuli und für die Rotation der Eikammern gebraucht wird. Die intrazelluläre Region wird jedoch weder für die Anordnung von F-actin–Filamenten und den ECM-Fasern noch für die Streckung der Eikammer benötigt. Meine Erkenntnisse zeigen erstmalig, dass die Streckung der Eikammern ohne Rotation stattfinden kann. Meine Arbeit entkoppelt damit mehrere parallel stattfindende Prozesse während der Entwicklung der Eikammer und eröffnet einen neuen Einblick in die Mechanismen der Gewebestreckung in diesem wichtigen Modellsystem.

Analysis of the role of the atypical cadherin Fat2 during tissue elongation in the developing ovary of Drosophila melanogaster

Aurich, Franziska 10 April 2017 (has links)
Tissue elongation is an important requirement for proper tissue morphogenesis during animal development. The Drosophila egg chamber is an excellent model to study the molecular processes underlying tissue elongation. An egg chamber is composed of germline cells that are enveloped by a somatic follicle epithelium. While the egg chamber matures, the drastic increase of the egg chamber’s volume is accompanied by a shape change from round to oval. Egg chamber elongation coincides with a circumferential alignment of F-actin filaments, microtubules, and fibrils of the extracellular matrix (ECM). Additionally, egg chambers rotate around their future long axis. It has been proposed that this rotation aligns F-actin filaments and ECM fibrils. The circumferentially aligned F-actin and ECM fibrils form a molecular corset that promotes egg chamber elongation. The atypical cadherin Fat2 is required for egg chamber rotation, the circumferential alignment of F-actin, microtubules, and ECM fibrils and for egg chamber elongation. However, the molecular mechanisms by which Fat2 influences egg chamber elongation remain unknown. In my thesis I performed a structure-function analysis of Fat2. I generated a Fat2 version that lacks the intracellular region and a second version, which lacks both intracellular region and the transmembrane domain and tested their ability to compensate for Fat2 functions in fat2-/- mutant egg chambers. My results reveal that the intracellular region is required for the microtubule alignment, and for egg chamber rotation. In contrast, the intracellular region is not required for F-actin and ECM alignment, and for egg chamber elongation. Hence, my findings for the first time demonstrate that egg chamber rotation is not required for F-actin and ECM fibril alignment and that egg chamber elongation can occur independently from egg chamber rotation. My work uncouples some of the parallel processes that take place during oogenesis and changes the view on the mechanisms that drive tissue elongation in this important model system.:1 ABSTRACT I 2 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG II 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS III 4 LISTS 7 4.1 List of Abbreviations 7 4.2 List of figures 9 5 INTRODUCTION 11 5.1 Tissue morphogenesis during development 11 5.1.1 Tissue organization by differential cell affinity 11 5.1.2 Cell adhesion is mediated by cadherins12 5.1.3 The cytoskeleton drives cell shape changes 13 5.1.4 Planar polarity is required for tissue-level directionality 17 5.2 Models of tissue elongation 19 5.2.1 Germ-band extension in Drosophila melanogaster 19 5.2.2 Primitive streak formation in the chick embryo 21 5.2.3 Neural tube formation in Xenopus 22 5.3 Drosophila egg chamber as a model system to study tissue morphogenesis 24 5.3.1 Oogenesis in Drosophila 24 5.3.2 Egg chamber as a model for tissue elongation 27 5.3.3 Planar polarized organization of the F-actin cytoskeleton in the follicle epithelium 29 5.3.4 Egg chamber elongation requires a link between extracellular matrix and F-actin cytoskeleton 32 5.3.5 Egg chamber rotation is proposed to be a requisite for egg chamber elongation 34 5.3.6 The atypical cadherin Fat2 provides a key role during egg chamber elongation 35 6 AIMS OF THE THESIS 38 7 MATERIALS AND METHODS 39 7.1 Fly husbandry 39 7.2 Used fly stocks 39 7.3 Phenotypic markers 40 7.4 Ovary dissection for fixation 40 7.5 Antibody stainings 41 7.6 Used antibodies 42 7.7 Drug treatment 42 7.8 Microscopy of fixed samples 43 7.9 Live imaging 43 7.9.1 Imaging of the basal F-actin oscillations 43 7.9.2 Imaging of egg chamber rotation 44 7.10 Generation of the transgenic fosmid constructs 44 7.10.1 General materials required for molecular genetics in E.coli 46 7.10.2 Step 1: Amplification of the tagging cassette 47 7.10.3 Step 2: Transformation of the helper plasmid pRedFlp4 49 7.10.4 Step 3: Red-operon driven insertion of the tagging cassette 50 7.10.5 Step 4: Removal of the KanR gene 50 7.10.6 Step 5: DNA isolation and verification of the correct transgenic construct 50 7.10.7 Step 6: Integration of the transgene into the fly genome 52 7.11 Image analysis and quantifications 53 7.11.1 Statistics 53 7.11.2 Aspect ratio measurements 54 7.11.3 Quantification of GFP localization55 7.11.4 Quantification of tissue-wide Collagen IV alignment 55 7.11.5 Quantification of tissue-wide angles of F-actin and microtubules 57 7.11.6 Analysis of periodicity of F-actin oscillations 58 7.11.7 Quantification of the rotation velocity of egg chambers 60 8 RESULTS 61 8.1 Expression of full-length fat2-GFP gene fully rescues all aspects of the fat258D mutant phenotype 61 8.1.1 Expression of the fat2-GFP gene rescues the fat258D mutant egg shape and sterility 61 8.1.2 Using an ‘Alignment parameter’ SAP to quantify the directionality of cytoskeletal structures and extracellular matrix fibrils 63 8.1.3 Expression of the fat2-GFP gene rescues microtubule alignment of fat258D mutant egg chambers65 8.1.4 Expression of the fat2-GFP gene rescues F-actin and Collagen IV alignment of fat258D mutant egg chambers 67 8.2 Generation of different fat2 mutant transgenes by homologous recombineering 70 8.3 The intracellular region of Fat2 is dispensable for some specific aspects of the Fat2 functions 73 8.3.1 The egg chamber elongation is independent of the intracellular region of Fat2 73 8.3.2. Localization of Fat2 protein depends on the intracellular region of Fat2 76 8.3.3 The alignment of microtubules is dependent on the intracellular region of the protein 78 8.3.4 The intracellular region of Fat2 is required for proper early F-actin and Collagen IV fibril alignment 81 8.3.5 The intracellular region of Fat2 is required for late F-actin and Collagen IV fibril alignment 85 8.3.6 F-actin filaments and ECM fibrils co-align in fat258D mutant stage 8 egg chambers 88 8.3.7 F-actin filaments and ECM fibrils do not co-align in fat258D mutant stage 10 egg chambers 90 8.3.8 The stability of basal F-actin fibers and Collagen IV fibrils mutually depend on each other at stage 8 92 8.3.9 The contractile pulses of F-actin in stage 9 egg chambers are independent of the intracellular region of Fat293 8.3.10 The intracellular region of Fat2 is required for proper egg chamber rotation in the early developmental stages96 8.3.11 The intracellular region of Fat2 is required for proper egg chamber rotation in later developmental stages 99 9 DISCUSSION 103 9.1 Egg chamber elongation can be uncoupled from egg chamber rotation 104 9.2 Egg chamber elongation correlates with a functional molecular corset 107 9.3 Fat2 promotes egg chamber elongation by its extracellular region 109 9.4 Alternative mechanisms potentially drive egg chamber elongation 111 9.5 New model of egg chamber elongation 114 9.6 Future perspectives 116 9.7 Impact on tissue morphogenesis in general 119 10 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 120 11 REFERENCES 121 12 APPENDIX 134 12.1 Script for “FFTAlignment.m" 134 12.2 Script for “Test1” 143 12.3 Script for “AverageCellAlignment.m" 143 / Das Strecken von Geweben ist ein wichtiger Prozess bei der Gestaltbildung während der Entwicklung von Organismen. Die Eikammer von Drosophila ist ein hervorragendes Modellsystem, um die Gewebestreckung zu untersuchen. Eine Eikammer besteht aus Keimbahnzellen und einem einschichtigen Follikelepithel, das die Keimbahn umschließt. Während die Eikammer heranwächst durchläuft sie eine drastische Gestaltveränderung von rund nach oval. Zeitgleich zur Streckung der Eikammer weist das Follikelepithel parallel angeordnete F-actin−Filamente, Mikrotubuli und Fasern der extrazellulären Matrix (ECM) auf, welche die Eikammer ringsum umlaufen. Zudem rotieren die Eikammern um ihre zukünftige Längsachse. Bisher nahm man an, die Rotation würde für die Ausrichtung der F-actin−Filamente, Microtubuli und ECM-Fasern gebraucht werden. Die Anordnung der F-actin−Filamente und ECM-Fasern bilden dann ein molekulares Korsett, das die Gewebestreckung fördert. Das atypische Cadherin Fat2 wird für die Rotation der Eikammern, die umlaufende Anordnung der F-actin–Filamente, Microtubuli und ECM-Fasern sowie für die Streckung der Eikammern benötigt. Die Mechanismen, mit denen Fat2 die Gewebestreckung beeinflusst, sind allerdings unbekannt. In meinem Projekt führte ich eine Struktur-Funktions-Analyse von Fat2 durch. Ich generierte eine Version von Fat2 mit einer Deletion der kompletten intrazellulären Region und eine zweite, die weder die intrazelluläre Region noch die Transmembran-Domäne besitzt und testete, ob diese Versionen die Funktionen von Fat2 in fat2-/- mutanten Eikammern kompensieren können. Meine Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die intrazelluläre Region für die Anordnung der Mikrotubuli und für die Rotation der Eikammern gebraucht wird. Die intrazelluläre Region wird jedoch weder für die Anordnung von F-actin–Filamenten und den ECM-Fasern noch für die Streckung der Eikammer benötigt. Meine Erkenntnisse zeigen erstmalig, dass die Streckung der Eikammern ohne Rotation stattfinden kann. Meine Arbeit entkoppelt damit mehrere parallel stattfindende Prozesse während der Entwicklung der Eikammer und eröffnet einen neuen Einblick in die Mechanismen der Gewebestreckung in diesem wichtigen Modellsystem.:1 ABSTRACT I 2 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG II 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS III 4 LISTS 7 4.1 List of Abbreviations 7 4.2 List of figures 9 5 INTRODUCTION 11 5.1 Tissue morphogenesis during development 11 5.1.1 Tissue organization by differential cell affinity 11 5.1.2 Cell adhesion is mediated by cadherins12 5.1.3 The cytoskeleton drives cell shape changes 13 5.1.4 Planar polarity is required for tissue-level directionality 17 5.2 Models of tissue elongation 19 5.2.1 Germ-band extension in Drosophila melanogaster 19 5.2.2 Primitive streak formation in the chick embryo 21 5.2.3 Neural tube formation in Xenopus 22 5.3 Drosophila egg chamber as a model system to study tissue morphogenesis 24 5.3.1 Oogenesis in Drosophila 24 5.3.2 Egg chamber as a model for tissue elongation 27 5.3.3 Planar polarized organization of the F-actin cytoskeleton in the follicle epithelium 29 5.3.4 Egg chamber elongation requires a link between extracellular matrix and F-actin cytoskeleton 32 5.3.5 Egg chamber rotation is proposed to be a requisite for egg chamber elongation 34 5.3.6 The atypical cadherin Fat2 provides a key role during egg chamber elongation 35 6 AIMS OF THE THESIS 38 7 MATERIALS AND METHODS 39 7.1 Fly husbandry 39 7.2 Used fly stocks 39 7.3 Phenotypic markers 40 7.4 Ovary dissection for fixation 40 7.5 Antibody stainings 41 7.6 Used antibodies 42 7.7 Drug treatment 42 7.8 Microscopy of fixed samples 43 7.9 Live imaging 43 7.9.1 Imaging of the basal F-actin oscillations 43 7.9.2 Imaging of egg chamber rotation 44 7.10 Generation of the transgenic fosmid constructs 44 7.10.1 General materials required for molecular genetics in E.coli 46 7.10.2 Step 1: Amplification of the tagging cassette 47 7.10.3 Step 2: Transformation of the helper plasmid pRedFlp4 49 7.10.4 Step 3: Red-operon driven insertion of the tagging cassette 50 7.10.5 Step 4: Removal of the KanR gene 50 7.10.6 Step 5: DNA isolation and verification of the correct transgenic construct 50 7.10.7 Step 6: Integration of the transgene into the fly genome 52 7.11 Image analysis and quantifications 53 7.11.1 Statistics 53 7.11.2 Aspect ratio measurements 54 7.11.3 Quantification of GFP localization55 7.11.4 Quantification of tissue-wide Collagen IV alignment 55 7.11.5 Quantification of tissue-wide angles of F-actin and microtubules 57 7.11.6 Analysis of periodicity of F-actin oscillations 58 7.11.7 Quantification of the rotation velocity of egg chambers 60 8 RESULTS 61 8.1 Expression of full-length fat2-GFP gene fully rescues all aspects of the fat258D mutant phenotype 61 8.1.1 Expression of the fat2-GFP gene rescues the fat258D mutant egg shape and sterility 61 8.1.2 Using an ‘Alignment parameter’ SAP to quantify the directionality of cytoskeletal structures and extracellular matrix fibrils 63 8.1.3 Expression of the fat2-GFP gene rescues microtubule alignment of fat258D mutant egg chambers65 8.1.4 Expression of the fat2-GFP gene rescues F-actin and Collagen IV alignment of fat258D mutant egg chambers 67 8.2 Generation of different fat2 mutant transgenes by homologous recombineering 70 8.3 The intracellular region of Fat2 is dispensable for some specific aspects of the Fat2 functions 73 8.3.1 The egg chamber elongation is independent of the intracellular region of Fat2 73 8.3.2. Localization of Fat2 protein depends on the intracellular region of Fat2 76 8.3.3 The alignment of microtubules is dependent on the intracellular region of the protein 78 8.3.4 The intracellular region of Fat2 is required for proper early F-actin and Collagen IV fibril alignment 81 8.3.5 The intracellular region of Fat2 is required for late F-actin and Collagen IV fibril alignment 85 8.3.6 F-actin filaments and ECM fibrils co-align in fat258D mutant stage 8 egg chambers 88 8.3.7 F-actin filaments and ECM fibrils do not co-align in fat258D mutant stage 10 egg chambers 90 8.3.8 The stability of basal F-actin fibers and Collagen IV fibrils mutually depend on each other at stage 8 92 8.3.9 The contractile pulses of F-actin in stage 9 egg chambers are independent of the intracellular region of Fat293 8.3.10 The intracellular region of Fat2 is required for proper egg chamber rotation in the early developmental stages96 8.3.11 The intracellular region of Fat2 is required for proper egg chamber rotation in later developmental stages 99 9 DISCUSSION 103 9.1 Egg chamber elongation can be uncoupled from egg chamber rotation 104 9.2 Egg chamber elongation correlates with a functional molecular corset 107 9.3 Fat2 promotes egg chamber elongation by its extracellular region 109 9.4 Alternative mechanisms potentially drive egg chamber elongation 111 9.5 New model of egg chamber elongation 114 9.6 Future perspectives 116 9.7 Impact on tissue morphogenesis in general 119 10 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 120 11 REFERENCES 121 12 APPENDIX 134 12.1 Script for “FFTAlignment.m" 134 12.2 Script for “Test1” 143 12.3 Script for “AverageCellAlignment.m" 143

Desenvolvimento das modificações morfofuncionais em ovários de Astyanax altiparanae Garutti e Britski 2000 (Teleostei, Characidae) / Development of morphofunctional changes in the ovaries of Astyanax altiparanae Garutti and Britski 2000 (Teleostei, Characidae).

Cassel, Mônica Caroline Pavan 31 March 2017 (has links)
Este estudo apresenta: (1) uma revisão atualizada sobre o desenvolvimento oocitário em teleósteos, as vias de involução no processo de regressão ovariana e a espécie modelo Astyanax altiparanae; (2) a descrição da morfologia ovariana e das células garminativas de A. altiparanae e a caracterização do seu ciclo reprodutivo; (3) a caracterização dos processos de involução de atresia folicular e complexos pós-ovulatórios de A. altiparanae e a localização de proteínas envolvidas nas vias de apoptose e autofagia ao longo desses processos. Foram apresentados neste estudo novos detalhes da oogênese para espécies de Astyanax, sendo que esses novos dados parecem ter aplicação na piscicultura. Além disso, A. altiparanae apresenta um período de desova longo, com pico reprodutivo de outubro a fevereiro, e desenvolvimento oocitário assíncrono. Por fim, parece haver uma interrelação entre as vias de autofagia e apoptose nos processos de involução ovarianos e as vias regulatórias desses processos parecem ser conservadas entre espécies de teleósteos com fertilização externa. / This study presents: (1) an updated review on oocyte development in teleosts, the involution pathways during the process of ovarian regression, and the model species Astyanax altiparanae; (2) the description of the ovarian and germ cell morphology of A. altiparanae and the characterization of its reproductive cycle; (3) the characterization of the involution processes of follicular atresia and post-ovulatory complexes of A. altiparanae and the localization of proteins involved in the apoptosis and autophagy pathways throughout these processes. New details of the oogenesis for Astyanax species were presented in this study, and these new data seem to be applied in fish culture. In addition, A. altiparanae presents a long spawning period, with reproductive peak from October to February, and asynchronous oocyte development. Finally, there seems to be a crosstalk between autophagy and apoptosis pathways in ovarian involution processes and the regulatory pathways of these processes seem to be conserved among species of teleosts with external fertilization.

Vitelogênese do mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus / Culex quinquefasciatus vitellogenesis

Cardoso, André Franco 10 February 2010 (has links)
Como em outros mosquitos, os trofócitos do corpo gorduroso de Cx. quinquefasciatus sintetizam vitelogenina (Vg), principal proteína armazenada pelo ovócito, formada por duas subunidades de 200 e 86 kDa. A ultraestrutura dos trofócitos revela o rápido desenvolvimento da maquinaria biossintética após a alimentação com sangue (aa) e a consecutiva degradação após as 48 h aa. Antes do repasto (AR), um conjunto de células indiferenciadas, limitado pelo epitélio folicular, conforma os folículos ovarianos. Após AR, o ovócito se destaca pelo acúmulo de lipídeos e Vg. O receptor de vitelogenina é encontrado somente nos ovários e análise por PCR em tempos mostrou aumento dos transcritos nos primeiros cinco dias após emersão e nas primeiras 48 h aa, durante a vitelogênese. O perfil transcricional de Vg mostrou um pico no terceiro dia de vida adulta e ao final do processo ovogênico / As in other mosquitoes, fat body trophocytes of Cx. quinquefasciatus synthesize vitellogenin (Vg), the major yolk protein stored by the oocyte, formed by two subunits of 200 and 86 kDa. The trophocytes ultrastructure reveals the rapid development of the biosynthetic machinery and the consecutive degradation around 48 h post blood meal (PBM). Before blood meal, a set of undifferentiated cells limited by follicular epithelium, conform the ovarian follicles. After blood meal, the oocyte is remarkable by accumulation of lipid inclusions and yolk granules. Vitellogenin receptors (rVitCx), are localized exclusively in the ovaries and real time PCR showed transcripts increase at the first five days after emergence (AE), and at the first 48 h PBM, during oogenesis. Vg transcripts profile showed a peak on the third day AE and at the end of the vitellogenic process

The pumilio proteins PUF-5 and PUF-6/7/10 are necessary for repression of C. Elegans notch/glp-1 during late oogenesis (or not all that glitters is GLD-1) /

Lublin, Alex Louis. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. in Cell and Developmental Biology) -- University of Colorado at Denver and Health Sciences Center, 2005. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 82-86). Free to UCDHSC affiliates. Online version available via ProQuest Digital Dissertations;

Vitelogênese do mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus / Culex quinquefasciatus vitellogenesis

André Franco Cardoso 10 February 2010 (has links)
Como em outros mosquitos, os trofócitos do corpo gorduroso de Cx. quinquefasciatus sintetizam vitelogenina (Vg), principal proteína armazenada pelo ovócito, formada por duas subunidades de 200 e 86 kDa. A ultraestrutura dos trofócitos revela o rápido desenvolvimento da maquinaria biossintética após a alimentação com sangue (aa) e a consecutiva degradação após as 48 h aa. Antes do repasto (AR), um conjunto de células indiferenciadas, limitado pelo epitélio folicular, conforma os folículos ovarianos. Após AR, o ovócito se destaca pelo acúmulo de lipídeos e Vg. O receptor de vitelogenina é encontrado somente nos ovários e análise por PCR em tempos mostrou aumento dos transcritos nos primeiros cinco dias após emersão e nas primeiras 48 h aa, durante a vitelogênese. O perfil transcricional de Vg mostrou um pico no terceiro dia de vida adulta e ao final do processo ovogênico / As in other mosquitoes, fat body trophocytes of Cx. quinquefasciatus synthesize vitellogenin (Vg), the major yolk protein stored by the oocyte, formed by two subunits of 200 and 86 kDa. The trophocytes ultrastructure reveals the rapid development of the biosynthetic machinery and the consecutive degradation around 48 h post blood meal (PBM). Before blood meal, a set of undifferentiated cells limited by follicular epithelium, conform the ovarian follicles. After blood meal, the oocyte is remarkable by accumulation of lipid inclusions and yolk granules. Vitellogenin receptors (rVitCx), are localized exclusively in the ovaries and real time PCR showed transcripts increase at the first five days after emergence (AE), and at the first 48 h PBM, during oogenesis. Vg transcripts profile showed a peak on the third day AE and at the end of the vitellogenic process

Juvenile hormone signaling in insect development and reproduction / Juvenile hormone signaling in insect development and reproduction

SMÝKAL, Vlastimil January 2014 (has links)
This thesis comprises three published papers and one manuscript, all focused on the role of juvenile hormone (JH), the JH receptor Methoprene-tolerant (Met) and its target gene Krüppel-homolog 1 (Kr-h1) in insect development and reproduction. The JH-Met-Kr-h1 pathway is critical for metamorphic transition in hemimetabolan Pyrrhocoris apterus (Hemiptera) and holometabolan Bombyx mori (Lepidoptera) but seems to be dispensable during early larval postembryonic development. The results also show that Met and its heterodimeric partner Taiman (Tai) but not Kr-h1 are critical for ovarian development and vitellogenesis in Pyrrhocoris females. In vitro, in vivo and cell-based techniques in Drosophila melanogaster have demonstrated that Met and its paralog Gce are a bona fide receptor for JH. Only Gce capable of binding JH rescued Drosophila deficient for Met and Gce proteins, and the capacity of Gce to bind JH was necessary for JH-dependent transcriptional activation by Gce and Tai.

A morphological investigation of the effects of pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin on oocyte maturation, fertilization and embryonic development in rats

Britton, Ann Patricia January 1991 (has links)
A delicate balance of steroid and gonadotrophic hormones is essential for intrafollicular oocyte maturation and successful fertilization and embryonic development. Previous studies have demonstrated that a superovulatory dose of pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) has excessive gonadotrophic activity and alters intrafol1icular steroid hormone levels. In a series of four experiments, the morphology of oocytes and embryos retrieved from immature rats, treated with either a low or high dose of PMSG, and mature, cycling rats was compared to determine whether a superovulatory dose of PMSG has an adverse effect on oocyte maturation and subsequent fertilization and embryonic development in immature rats. Morphological criteria for the assessment of intraoviductal oocyte aging were established in the first experiment. During intraoviductal aging, progressive morphological changes directed by the intrinsic developmental program of the oocyte were observed. Further alterations in morphology were attributed to abnormalities of cytoskeletal function. In the second experiment, no difference in morphology was observed between oocytes retrieved from immature rats treated with either 4 or 40 IU PMSG. When compared with mature rats, changes attributable to cytoskeletal instability were observed in aged oocytes from immature rats treated with both doses of PMSG. This was concluded to be a manifestation of altered intrafollicular oocyte maturation as a result of the administration of exogenous gonadotrophin. In the third and fourth experiments, delayed fertilization and a significant reduction in fertilization rate were observed in superovulated, immature rats. The major cause of fertilization failure was determined to be intraoviductal oocyte aging. A significant increase in abnormal embryos was observed as a result of parthenogenetic activation of the aged oocytes. Abnormal, fertilized embryos retrieved from the superovulated group were concluded to be the manifestation of delayed fertilization. In conclusion, the major effect of a superovulatory dose of PMSG on oocyte fertilizability and embryonic development was intraoviductal oocyte aging and delayed fertilization. Changes attributed to altered intrafol1icular maturation were manifested during oocyte aging in immature rats treated with either the low or high dose of PMSG. / Medicine, Faculty of / Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Department of / Graduate

Characterization of the Drosophila Egfl7/8 ortholog during oogenesis

Bielli, Serena 24 July 2006 (has links)
During animal development precise coordination and regulation of cell proliferation, differentiation and cell death is required for proper tissue organization. This is achieved through specific cell communication by intercellular signals. Cell death, for example, is a mechanism utilized by multicellular organisms for several developmental processes such as elimination of damaged cells or morphological shaping. Apoptosis can be induced by intrinsic signals generated within the cells or from extrinsic signals received from the surrounding environment. This work centered on the analysis of the mechanisms and signals that trigger apoptosis during Drosophila oogenesis. Drosophila ovaries are composed of approximately 16-20 ovarioles, each of which contains a series of egg chambers that are proceeding through the 14 stages of oogenesis moving from the germarium toward the oviduct. For the mature egg to be formed cell death has to occur at specific stages both in the germline (nurse cells) and in the somatic cells (follicle cells). However, whether this apoptosis is caused by intrinsic or extrinsic signals is not known. In addition to this developmentally controlled cell death, apoptosis can also be induced by environmental cues. Under starvation, for example, there is an increase of apoptosis at particular stages: in the germarium and at mid-oogenesis. Mid-oogenesis (stage8/9) is when vitellogenesis starts. At these stages the state of the egg chambers are checked in order to eliminate, through apoptosis of the germline, defective egg chambers. In starved flies, through activation of this “check-point”, oogenesis is blocked before vitellogeneis starts. It is not clear what are the signals that prevent apoptosis at mid-oogenesis in well-fed flies. In this study I have analyzed the function of a newly identified signaling molecule CG7447 during Drosophila oogenesis. My results indicate that CG7447 is required to prevent apoptosis at mid-oogenesis in well-fed flies. CG7447 RNA is only detectable in cells of the germarium, but not at later stages of oogenesis. When an HA tagged version of CG7447 (CG7447-HA) was expressed in the follicle cells of the germarium, this protein was found to be enriched in the oocyte during stages 2-8. These data suggest that CG7447 might be a secreted protein produced in the germarium, which is then secreted into the oocyte. To test the function of CG7447 during oogenesis, I generated a mutant allele. The mutation in CG7447 reduced female fertility. Mutant ovaries showed a block of egg chamber development at mid-oogenesis and this block correlated with apoptosis of the follicle cells. These mutant phenotypes could be reversed by expression of CG7447-HA, showing that these defects are due to the mutation in CG7447. Surprisingly, expression of CG7447-HA in the follicle cells only from stage 9 onward could restore fertility and normal oogenesis in a CG7447 mutant, indicating that CG7447 is required for follicle cell survival at later stages. Proper nutritional conditions are required to prevent apoptosis in the germline. Our data suggest that CG7447 is instead required to prevent apoptosis in the follicle cells. Thus, our analysis appears to have identified a novel signaling pathway that prevents survival of follicle cells in well-fed flies. Finally, our bioinformatic analysis showed that CG7447 is homologous to vertebrate EGF-like domain 7 (Egfl7) and EGF-like domain 8 (Egfl8) proteins. Importantly, expression of mouse Egfl7 or Egfl8 were able to confer normal oogenesis and fertility to CG7447 mutant flies. We therefore conclude that CG7447 is an evolutionary conserved protein and that CG7447 and Egfl7/8 share a common molecular function. CG7447 is a newly identified signaling molecule required during Drosophila oogenesis to promote the survival of follicle cells and to allow entry into vitellogenesis. Identification of the signaling cascade triggered by CG7447 will be important to more precisely understand its function during oogenesis. It may also help to reveal the molecular role of Egfl7/8 during vertebrate development.


Eisa, Alaa Abdulaziz 25 November 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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