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Manejo populacional de cães e gatos: métodos quantitativos para caracterizar populações, identificar prioridades e estabelecer indicadores / Dog and cat population management: quantitative methods to characterize populations, identify priorities and to establish indicatorsBaquero, Oswaldo Santos 05 October 2015 (has links)
O manejo populacional de cães e gatos é um conjunto de estratégias para controlar e prevenir problemas relacionados com o convívio entre esses animais e os seres humanos. Nesta tese é proposto um fluxo de trabalho baseado em métodos quantitativos, para auxiliar o planejamento, implementação e monitoramento de programas de manejo populacional de animais de companhia. Ao seguir o fluxo de trabalho é possível coletar dados para caracterizar populações, analisar esses dados para propor intervenções e avaliar o efeito das intervenções. A proposta foi baseada na articulação de cinco pesquisas. Na primeira pesquisa foi implementado de um desenho amostral complexo para caracterizar a população de cães e gatos domiciliados de Votorantim, São Paulo. Na segunda pesquisa que foi baseada nos dados levantados na primeira, foram usadas análises de correspondências múltiplas para identificar perfis de opiniões públicas em relação ao abandono de cães e gatos. Na terceira pesquisa foi avaliada a validade do desenho amostral usado na primeira pesquisa, mediante simulações estocásticas. Na quarta pesquisa foi desenvolvido um modelo matemático de manejo populacional que permite priorizar as intervenções de acordo com o efeito que produzem. Na quinta pesquisa foi desenvolvido um modelo matemático para avaliar a eficiência do controle reprodutivo realizado com contraceptivos de efeito reversível. Os modelos das duas últimas pesquisas foram baseados em sistemas acoplados de equações diferenciais e em análises de sensibilidade global e local. A proposta foi implementada em um software de código aberto, o pacote do R capm, que pode ser incorporado na rotina de trabalho dos setores envolvidos no manejo populacional de animais de companhia / Dog and cat population management is a set of strategies to control and prevent problems related with the coexistence between those animals and human beings. In this thesis it is proposed a work-fiow based on quantitative methods to support the planning, implementation and mo- nitoring of companion animal population management programs. Following the work-fiow, it is possible to collecf data to characterize populations, analyze that data to propose interventions and assess the effect of interventions. The proposal was based on the articulation of five rese- arches. In the first research, a complex sampling design was implemented to characterize the owned dog and cat populations of Votorantim, São Paulo. In the second research, which was based on data from the first one, public opinion profiles regarding dog and cat abandonment were identified using multiple correspondence analysis. In the third research, the validity of the sampling design used in the first research was assessed through stochastic simulations. In the fourth research, a mathematical model of population management was developed. With that model, it is possible to prioritize interventions according to the effect they produce. In the fifth research, a mathematical model was developed to assess the efficiency of reproductive control based on contraceptives with reversible effect. The models of the last two researches were based on systems of coupled differential equations, and on global and local sensitivity analysis. The proposal was implemented in an open source software, the R package capm, that can be incorporated in the working routine of sectors involved with companion animal population management
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Sistemas de Arquivos Distribuídos / Distributed File SystemsKon, Fabio 08 November 1994 (has links)
Este trabalho se inicia com uma discussão sobre as principais características dos Sistemas de Arquivos Distribuídos, ou seja, espaço de nomes, localização, cache, consistência, replicação, disponibilidade, escalabilidade, heterogeneidade, tolerância a falhas e segurança. Analisamos diversos sistemas de arquivos existentes quanto a estas características dando especial atenção aos sistemas NFS, Andrew, Coda, Sprite, Zebra, Harp, Frolic e Echo. Descrevemos alguns modelos analíticos para o comportamento de sistemas de arquivos distribuídos e, em seguida, apresentamos um novo modelo para sistemas baseados em leases - um mecanismo para a garantia de consistência em sistemas distribuídos. Finalmente, descrevemos a nossa implementação do sistema de arquivos distribuído SODA - que utiliza leases - apresentando dados sobre o seu desempenho. / We begin with a discussion of some of the main characteristics of Distributed File Systems, namely locality, name space, cache, consistency, replication, availability, scalability, heterogeneity, fault tolerance and security. We analyze several file systems based on these characteristics. We focus mainly on NFS, Andrew, Coda, Sprite, Zebra, Harp, Frolic, and Echo. We then describe some analytical models of the behavior of distributed file systems. After that we present a new model of systems based on leases - a mechanism to assure consistency on a distributed system. Finally we describe our implementation of the SODA distributed file system - which uses leases - presenting some results on its performance.
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Collaboration massivement distribuée et gestion du savoir en ligne: le cas de la communauté WordPress (2003-2008). "Code is poetry", but a "documentation resource should be managed"Ruzé, Emmanuel 04 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Le déploiement du numérique se caractérise par une montée en puissance des communautés sur Internet. Celles-ci ont permis l'émergence de formes organisationnelles significativement nouvelles intéressant les managers et supportées par les technologies de l'information, en particulier les mouvements open-source puis Web 2.0.. Cependant, l'articulation entre les modes d'organisation sous-jacents à ces deux courants parfois confondus n'a pas été comprise de façon exhaustive. En particulier, les usages de la technologie wiki se situent à la frontière entre les deux mouvements ; ils constituent un point de tensions potentiel entre les pratiques de l'open-source et les principes de « collaboration massivement distribuée » caractéristiques des sites à « contenu ouvert ». Cette thèse propose une étude de cas en profondeur, celle du déploiement dans une communauté open-source d'un système d'information fondé sur la technologie wiki et ouvert aux contributions volontaires. La communauté WordPress l'a implémenté afin de centraliser et rendre public le savoir nécessaire à la viabilité du projet. Nous montrons dans quelle mesure des formes de gouvernance ont émergé pendant l'histoire de la communauté afin de gérer ce bien informationnel collectif : formes d'articulation avec la communauté et d'appropriation du savoir, routines, collaboration structurée entre volontaires, constitution dynamique du bien collectif. Notre thèse propose donc une contribution à la compréhension des formes informelles de gouvernance qui conditionnent la viabilité des biens publics numériques. Nous adoptons une approche micro-historique sur la période 2003-2008 à partir de matériaux d'archives traités selon plusieurs méthodologies qualitatives et quantitatives. Nous montrons ensuite la fécondité des concepts de l'économie cognitive pour comprendre l'émergence des formes de gouvernance observées. Cette thèse fut en effet une collaboration entre les laboratoires CRG et CREA de l'Ecole polytechnique.
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Sécurité des systèmes d'exploitation répartis : architecture décentralisée de méta-politique pour l'administration du contrôle d'accès obligatoire.Blanc, Mathieu 19 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons au contrôle d'accès obligatoire dans les systèmes d'exploitation répartis. Nous présentons une approche novatrice fondée sur un modèle de méta-politique pour l'administration décentralisée des noeuds du système réparti. Ces travaux visent la sécurité des grands réseaux partagés, i.e. les clusters, grilles ou ensembles de noeuds coopérant par Internet. L'architecture que nous proposons garantit des propriétés de sécurité globales et une bonne tolérance aux pannes. Ces propriétés, non prises en comptes par les modèles de contrôle d'accès classiques, sont obtenues grâce à notre méta-politique. Nous en présentons une formalisation, puis nous exhibons une technique de vérification garantissant l'absence de flots d'information illégaux au sein des noeuds du réseau. Nous décrivons ensuite comment le modèle peut être étendu pour la détection d'intrusions. Enfin, nous proposons une implantation supportant différents systèmes cibles tels que SELinux et grsecurity.
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Intellectual Property Rights in Software : A Critical Investigation from an Ethical PerspectiveSchulz, Axel January 2004 (has links)
<p>The development of software was considered until the beginning of the 1990th as a cathedral like product development in closed companies. This way of development changed in the last decade. Open source software (OSS) development challenged this consideration significantly. OSS is produced in co-operation by skilled people, distributed and used by many moral agents. The result, the software itself, can be studied and modified. Herein is the main incentive for people to develop the software. In such a mode of production the freedom to access knowledge and information (=source code) is a necessity to produce the artifact (software).</p><p>Software is a digital entity. The main difference in comparison to natural resources like oil, land, minerals is that it can be used and reproduced without losses. It lacks the capacity of getting naturally scarce. Contemporary intellectual property rights assume implicitly that goods might getting scarce one day. Imbedded in the term intellectual property is also an idea of "fencing" objects. In this thesis I will argue that anartificial"encing"of digital objects might cause unintentional bad consequences for the society. An other quality intellectual property rights are claimed to have is that they serve as an incentive for inventors/authors to produce new inventions and ideas. The practice of OSS development works without such an incentive provided by intellectual property rights.</p><p>The moral conflict, which I attempt to unravel in this work deals with the question to what extend the application of intellectual property rights in software is necessary and how restrictive particular property rights in digital objects should be - if there should be any at all. Knowledge as the factor of production is of the same value in knowledge societies as land was for agrarian societies. The difference is in the mode of production and the un-limitless availability of digitalized knowledge. I argue that the"protection"of knowledge, and software is knowledge, has to be carefully revised in so called knowledge societies.</p>
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Utvärdering av Mock Objekt Bibliotek : ur ett interaktionsbaserat perspektivBillskog, David January 2007 (has links)
<p>Att skriva enhetstester är en viktig del i nya populära systemutvecklingsmetoder som extreme programming. Med testdriven utveckling skriver man testerna innan den källkod som skall testas. Ett vanligt problem med dessa tester är att de blir beroende av delar i systemet som inte är intressant för själva testen. Mock objekt är en teknik som gör det enkelt att isolera tester från allt som inte är relaterat till det som skall testas.</p><p>Det finns två sätt att se på mock objekt. Den traditionella synen är att mock objekt skall användas som ett verktyg vid isolering av externa system. Den alternativa synen är att mock objekt är ett designverktyg som kan driva fram en bättre design i systemet. I denna uppsats utvärderas ett antal mock objekt bibliotek ur detta nyare perspektiv. Resultatet visar att det finns åtskilliga skillnader mellan biblioteken.</p>
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The Instant Generation : - hur ser ungdomars attityder till fildelning ut?Strand, Carl January 2006 (has links)
<p>Abstract:</p><p>Title: Engelska (Svenska)</p><p>Number of pages: 40 (47 including appendix)</p><p>Author: Carl Strand</p><p>Tutor: Göran Svensson</p><p>Course: Media and Communication Studies C</p><p>Period: Fall 2005</p><p>University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University</p><p>Purpose/Aim: The purpose of this essay is to analyze how young people, in the ages 18 to 25, relate to the subject of file sharing, and what their attitudes to this phenomenon are. I aim to describe how they use file sharing, their knowledge about it, how their usage have changed due to the new copyright law, what their stands are on the question of resource control and management on the Internet, and what they think of the future of file sharing.</p><p>Material/Method: The method being used is a qualitative focus group interview model, used to investigate how young people look at the subject of file sharing. The results of the interviews is then applied to a theoretical framework based on thoughts of Denis McQuail, Lawrence Lessig concerning creativity, copyright, resource management and file sharing on the Internet</p><p>Main Results: My conclusion is that the widespread file sharing habits of young people is not only caused by the temptation of getting free stuff, but of the lack of commercial and legal alternatives. Youths are willing to pay for media if the distribution is superior to the illegal file sharing alternative. They are a generation of young people that has grown up in a society where the tendency in many fields has been to make everything faster and more effective. They want to be able to get everything, and they want it fast. They are what I call the Instant Generation.</p><p>Keywords: File sharing, attitudes, focus groups, Darknet, Open Source, free resources, free creativity</p>
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Library Communication Among Programmers WorldwideBerglund, Erik January 2002 (has links)
Programmers worldwide share components and jointly develop components on a global scale in contemporary software development. An important aspect of such library-based programming is the need for technical communication with regard to libraries – library communication. As part of their work, programmers must discover, study, and learn as well as debate problems and future development. In this sense, the electronic, networked media has fundamentally changed programming by providing new mechanisms for communication and global interaction through global networks such as the Internet. Today, the baseline for library communication is hypertext documentation. Improvements in quality, efficiency, cost and frustration of the programming activity can be expected by further developments in the electronic aspects of library communication. This thesis addresses the use of the electronic networked medium in the activity of library communication and aims to discover design knowledge for communication tools and processes directed towards this particular area. A model of library communication is provided that describes interaction among programmer as webs of interrelated library communities. A discussion of electronic, networked tools and processes that match such a model is also provided. Furthermore, research results are provided from the design and industrial valuation of electronic reference documentation for the Java domain. Surprisingly, the evaluation did not support individual adaptation (personalization). Furthermore, global library communication processes have been studied in relation to open-source documentation and user-related bug handling. Open-source documentation projects are still relatively uncommon even in open-source software projects. User-related Open-source does not address the passive behavior users have towards bugs. Finally, the adaptive authoring process in electronic reference documentation is addressed and found to provide limited support for expressing the electronic, networked dimensions of authoring requiring programming skill by technical writers. Library communication is addressed here by providing engineering knowledge with regards to the construction of practical electronic, networked tools and processes in the area. Much of the work has been performed in relation to Java library communication and therefore the thesis has particular relevancefor the object-oriented programming domain. A practical contribution of the work is the DJavadoc tool that contributes to the development of reference documentation by providing adaptive Java reference documentation. / On the day of the public defence the title of article I was: Designing Electronic Library Reference Documentation.
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Open Source Business Model : Balancing Customers and CommunityRosén, Thomas January 2008 (has links)
Free and Open Source Software has not only increased researchers’ interest about community-driven software development, but lately, interest from commercial actors increased as well. In addition, some scientists have claimed that Open Source Software has entered a new phase: OSS 2.0. Even so, a coherent way of analyzing commercial Open Source ventures is still missing. Commercial Open Source firms’ strategies are often described using the term “business models”. However, these models often lack stringent structures and have been used primarily to describe the firms’ offerings and methods to earn revenue. Through the adaptation of an existing, firmly theoretically-based analytical business model framework, this thesis suggests a new analysis model for studying for-profit Open Source companies. In addition, the framework is generically constructed, ensuring its usability for other industries as well. The model consists of three elements: market positions, operational platform and offering. This particular study concerned four software product vendors, all of which base their products on Open Source Software. When analyzing their business, insights were made about how these firms operated. The result show that there are certain key elements and factors that determine if a company has a sustainable business or not. From the analysis framework, three elements were refined. The main Open Source Software project connects the market positions and the operational platform; and from the offering, the product and service and the revenue model were very important. The study identified eight key factors which influenced the elements: brand for the product, the company and the Open Source Software project; community, that is the sum of the non-paying users and developers connected to Open Source Software projects; resources, which are community-based resources such as development and testing; legitimacy, the perceived legitimacy regarding licenses and the revenue models; control, i.e. the control the firm has of the software; ability to charge, or how the company can charge for its services; customers, the paying users; and finally volume, which is the number of paying customers. The findings also indicate that companies interested in working with the open-source community have to be able to balance the demands from both their customers and the community in order to benefit and gain competitive advantage. / Report code: LiU-TEK-LIC 2008:26.
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A technique for the evaluation of free and open source e-learning systemsSanga, Camilius January 2010 (has links)
<p>Evaluating software is a universal and complex problem. The question is: how should software be selected and adopted, or rather, which of the software packages is the most suitable for a specific environment? Extensive research on the evaluation of software has been done, but only a few researchers have considered evaluation of e-learning systems based on three software quality characteristics (i.e. usability, maintainability and deployability) for implementation in third world countries. In this thesis, it will be considered how to use a mixed research methods for the evaluation of free and open source e-learning systems in a developing country. The scope of this investigation is the evaluation of two free and open source e-learning systems at the Open University of Tanzania using 33 stakeholders (some with more and others with less computer expertise).</p>
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