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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Operating System Design and Implementation for Single-Chip cc-NUMA Many-Core / Conception et réalisation d’un système d’exploitation pour des processeurs many-cores

Almaless, Ghassan 27 February 2014 (has links)
De nos jours, des processeurs à mémoire partagée cohérente ayant jusqu’à 100 coresintégrés sur la même puce sont une réalité et des processeurs many-cores ayant plusieurs centaines, voire, un millier de cores sont à prévoir prochainement.Dans ces architectures, la question de la localité du trafic lié aux miss decaches L1 (data, instruction et TLB) est primordiale à la fois pour passer àl’échelle et pour réduire la consommation électrique (énergie consommée par bittransféré). Notre thèse est que : (i) la gestion de la localité des accès mémoiredoit être prise en compte au niveau du noyau du système d’exploitation et elle doitêtre effectuée d’une manière transparente aux applications utilisateur; et (ii) les noyaux monolithiques actuels sont incapables de renforcer la localité des accès mémoire des threads d’une même application parallèle, car la notion de threadsdans ces noyaux est intrinsèquement inadaptée pour les processeurs many-cores.Par conséquent, nous pensons que la démarche suivie jusqu’à présent pour faireévoluer les noyaux monolithiques n’est pas suffisante et qu’il est impératif demettre la question de la localité des accès mémoire au centre de cette évolution.Pour prouver notre thèse, nous avons conçu et réalisé ALMOS (Advanced Locality Management Operating System), un système d’exploitation expérimental à base de noyau monolithique distribué. ALMOS dispose d’un nouveau concept de thread, nommé Processus Hybrides. Il permet à son noyau de renforcer, d’une manière transparente, la localité des accès mémoire liés à l'exécution de chaque thread. La gestion des ressources (cores et mémoires physiques) dans le noyau d’ALMOS est distribuée renforçant la localité des accès mémoire lors de la réalisation des services systèmes. La prise de décision concernant l’allocation mémoire, le placement des tâches et l’équilibrage de charge dans le noyau d’ALMOS est décentralisée, multi-critères et sans prise de verrou. Elle repose sur une infrastructure distribuée coordonnant d’une manière scalable l’accès aux ressources.En utilisant le prototype virtuel précis au cycle et au bit près du processeur many-core TSAR, nous avons expérimentalement démontré que : (i) les performances(scalabilité et temps d’exécution) du schéma d'ordonnancement distribué du noyaud’ALMOS sur 256 cores dépassent celles des noyaux monolithiques existants; (ii) la réalisation répartie de l’appel système fork permet de passer à l’échellece service système sur 512 cores; (iii) le coût de la mise à jour de l’infrastructure distribué de prise de décisions du noyau d’ALMOS ne nécessiteque 0.05% de la puissance de calcul totale du processeur TSAR; (iv) les performances(scalabilité, temps d’exécution et trafic distant) de la stratégie d’affinitémémoire du noyau d’ALMOS, nommé Auto-Next-Touch, dépassent celles des deuxstratégies First-Touch et Interleave sur 64 cores; (v) le modèle de processushybrides d’ALMOS permet de passer à l’échelle deux applications hautementmulti-threads existantes sur 256 cores et une troisième sur 1024 cores; et enfin (vi) le couple ALMOS/TSAR (64 cores) offre systématiquement une bien meilleure scalabilité que le couple Linux/AMD (Interlagos 64 cores) pour 8 applications de classe HPC et traitement d’images. / Nowadays, single-chip cache-coherent many-core processors having up to 100 coresare a reality. Many-cores with hundreds or even a thousand of cores are planned in the near future. In theses architectures, the question of the locality of L1 cache-miss related traffic (data, instruction and TLB) is essential for both scalability and power consumption (energy by moved bit). Our thesis is that: (i) handling the locality of memory accesses should be done at kernel level of an operating system in a transparent manner to user applications; and (ii) the current monolithic kernels are not able to enforce the locality of memory accesses of multi-threaded applications, because the concept of thread in these kernels is inherently unsuitable for many-core processors. Therefore, we believe that the evolution approach of monolithic kernels undertaken until now is insufficient and it is imperative to put the question of the locality of memory accesses in the heart of this evolution.To prove our thesis, we designed and implemented ALMOS (Advanced Locality Management Operating System), an experimental operating system based on a distributed monolithic kernel. ALMOS has a new concept of thread, called Hybrid Process. It allows its kernel to enforce the locality of memory accesses of each thread. The resources (cores and physical memory) management in ALMOS's kernel is distributed enforcing the locality of memory accesses when performing system services. Decision making regarding memory allocation, tasks placement and load balancing in ALMOS's kernel is decentralized, multi-criteria and without locking. It is based on a distributed infrastructure coordinating, in a scalable manner, the accesses to resources.Using the cycle accurate and bit accurate virtual prototype of TSAR many-core processor, we experimentally demonstrated that: (i) performance (scalability and execution time) on 256 cores of the distributed scheduling scheme of ALMOS's kernel outperform those of the shared scheduling scheme found in existing monolithic kernels; (ii) distributed realization of the fork system call enables this system service to scale on 512 cores; (iii) updating the distrusted decision-making infrastructure of ALMOS's kernel costs just 0.05 % of the total computing power of TSAR processor; (iv) performance (scalability, execution time and remote traffic) of memory affinity strategy of ALMOS's kernel, called Auto-Next-Touch, outperform those of two existing strategies First-Touch and Interleave on 64 cores; (v) concept of Hybrid Process of ALMOS's kernel scales up two existing highly multi-threads applications on 256 cores and a third one on 1024 cores; and finally (vi) the couple ALMOS/TSAR (64 cores) gives systematically much better scalability than the couple Linux/AMD (Interlagos 64 cores) for 8 multi-threads applications belonging to HPC and image processing domains.

Impact of Processing and Operating Conditions on Argyrodite Solid Electrolyte Conductivity and Battery Performance

Dunham, Joshua 10 August 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Betriebsstrategien und regenerative Betriebsmodi für Ventilsysteme mit getrennten Steuerkanten in bedienergeführten Anwendungen

Lübbert, Jan Frederik 18 June 2024 (has links)
Hersteller mobiler Arbeitsmaschinen sind im Zuge des angestrebten CO2-Ausstiegs zunehmendem Druck ausgesetzt, die Energieeffizienz ihrer Maschinen zu verbessern. Insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund der Elektrifizierung der Antriebssysteme als Alternative zu konventionellen fossil betriebenen Verbrennungsmotoren gewinnt die Energieeffizienz wesentlich an Bedeutung. Wurden Ventilsysteme mit getrennten Steuerkanten (gSk) aufgrund der tendenziell höheren Kosten bisher oft verworfen, so lohnt sich ihr Einsatz in Zeiten teurer Energie und hoher Preise für elektrische Akkukapazität jetzt zunehmend. In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten wurde bereits sehr viel Forschungsarbeit auf dem Gebiet der gSk geleistet. Viele publizierte Ansätze zur Bewegungssteuerung, also der Steuerung von Druck und Volumenstrom, in diesen Mehrgrößensystemen zeichnen sich durch eine hohe Komplexität der Algorithmen und/oder die Notwendigkeit hoch leistungsfähiger Ventiltechnik aus. Aus der Nutzung regenerativer Betriebsmodi zur Energieeinsparung resultiert in vielen Fällen die Notwendigkeit einer Umschaltung zwischen den Modi in der laufenden Bewegung. Vergleiche der jeweils vorgeschlagenen Lösungen erfolgen meistens nur mit einer konventionellen Referenz, nicht aber untereinander, sodass dem Entwickler verborgen bleibt, welcher Lösungsansatz für die Probleme Bewegungssteuerung und Modusumschaltung in der betrachteten Anwendung am besten geeignet ist. Zudem wird bei der Entwicklung energiesparender Betriebsstrategien, also der situationsabhängigen Wahl von Solldrücken und Betriebsmodi, in der vorliegenden Literatur kaum auf die Auswirkungen der vorgeschlagenen Lösungen auf das Bedienverhalten der Maschine eingegangen. Die vorliegende Arbeit soll diese Lücken schließen. Es werden verschiedene Steuerungs- und Regelungsansätze für Druck und Volumenstrom eines gSk-Systems vorgestellt, die sich durch einfache Gleichungen und eine Parametrierung nahezu ausschließlich mit leicht verfügbaren Konstruktionsdaten, sowie Unempfindlichkeit gegenüber Parameterschwankungen im Betrieb der Maschine auszeichnen. Teilweise kommen dabei Druckwaagen oder Druckregelventile als hydraulische Regler zum Einsatz. Die Algorithmen werden mittels der linearen Systemtheorie auf Stabilität untersucht und - soweit notwendig - Prüf- und Einstellverfahren hergeleitet. Die Arbeit stellt heraus, welche nachteiligen Auswirkungen eine energieoptimale Betriebsstrategie auf das Bedienverhalten hat und schlägt als Lösung einen energetischen Kompromiss bei ungestörter Bedienbarkeit vor. Ein Wechsel zwischen verschiedenen Betriebsmodi in der laufenden Bewegung ist mit einer stetigen Umschaltung mit einem Kurzschlussventil, einer stetigen Umschaltung mit einem Rückschlagventil, sowie einer störungsfreien diskreten Umschaltung mit einer Druckwaage realisierbar. Diese drei und die aus der Literatur bekannte diskrete Umschaltung ohne weiter Maßnahmen werden miteinander verglichen. Die aus den theoretischen Vorüberlegungen favorisierten Lösungsansätze für die vorgenannten Themengebiete Bewegungssteuerung, Betriebsstrategie und Modusumschaltung werden an einem Baggerarm-Laborprüfstand mit verschiedenen Ventilsystemen in realitätsnahmen Szenarien validiert, wobei der Schwerpunkt der Versuche auf der Analyse des Bedienverhaltens und der Komponentenanforderungen liegt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass es unter Beachtung und Umgehung einiger in der Arbeit identifizierter Fallstricke möglich ist, mit mobiltypischer Hardware und einfachen Algorithmen ein gut bedienbares und energieeffizientes gSk-System aufzubauen. Weiterhin bilden die erreichten Ergebnisse die Basis für anforderungsabhängige Empfehlungen bestimmter Ansätze für die jeweiligen Detailfragen Bewegungssteuerung, Modusumschaltung und Betriebsstrategie. Damit ist dem Ingenieur ein Leitfaden zur anwendungsabhängigen Entwicklung eines gSk-Ventilsystems gegeben.

3DIOS1 – Konzept eines Internet-Operating-Systems

Coltzau, Hauke, Unger, Herwig 14 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Es wird ein Konzept für ein zukünftiges Betriebssystem vorgestellt, das den Anforderungen und Möglichkeiten der zunehmenden Vernetzung von Rechnern und anderen Endgeräten Rechnung trägt. Es erweitert den bekannten Grundgedanken, mit Hilfe von Peer-to-Peer Technologien explorierbare virtuelle 3D-Landschaften zu erzeugen, ohne dabei von einem zentralen Anbieter abhängig zu sein. Es soll Nutzern die Möglichkeit bieten, das Serviceangebot im Internet ohne Einschränkungen zu durchsuchen und dabei anhand eigener semantischer Kriterien die für sie interessanten Services hervorzuheben. Über Parameter der Darstellung sollen Netzwerkeigenschaften, die für den Nutzer von Belang sein können, intuitiv erfassbar sein. Das System beinhaltet darüber hinaus Möglichkeiten zur Last- und Verkehrsbalancierung. In diesem Artikel werden Anforderungen an die zu Grunde liegende Infrastruktur und die grafische Benutzeroberfläche definiert, erste Skizzen des zukünftigen Systems vorgestellt und die weiteren Schritte bis zur Verwirklichung eines Prototyps diskutiert.

3DIOS1 – Konzept eines Internet-Operating-Systems

Coltzau, Hauke, Unger, Herwig January 2009 (has links)
Es wird ein Konzept für ein zukünftiges Betriebssystem vorgestellt, das den Anforderungen und Möglichkeiten der zunehmenden Vernetzung von Rechnern und anderen Endgeräten Rechnung trägt. Es erweitert den bekannten Grundgedanken, mit Hilfe von Peer-to-Peer Technologien explorierbare virtuelle 3D-Landschaften zu erzeugen, ohne dabei von einem zentralen Anbieter abhängig zu sein. Es soll Nutzern die Möglichkeit bieten, das Serviceangebot im Internet ohne Einschränkungen zu durchsuchen und dabei anhand eigener semantischer Kriterien die für sie interessanten Services hervorzuheben. Über Parameter der Darstellung sollen Netzwerkeigenschaften, die für den Nutzer von Belang sein können, intuitiv erfassbar sein. Das System beinhaltet darüber hinaus Möglichkeiten zur Last- und Verkehrsbalancierung. In diesem Artikel werden Anforderungen an die zu Grunde liegende Infrastruktur und die grafische Benutzeroberfläche definiert, erste Skizzen des zukünftigen Systems vorgestellt und die weiteren Schritte bis zur Verwirklichung eines Prototyps diskutiert.

Segurança do paciente no período pós-operatório imediato na sala de recuperação pós-anestésica / Patient security at immediate post-operating period at the post-anesthesia recovery room

Silva, Débora Cristina Pinto 30 May 2008 (has links)
Acredita-se que a segurança do paciente na SRPA depende não só de equipamentos e recursos tecnológicos, mas de recursos humanos, que desenvolvam procedimentos e intervenções de enfermagem, pautados em conhecimento prático e científico, evitando, assim, a ocorrência de eventos adversos e complicações decorrentes da alta complexidade inerente ao processo anestésico-cirúrgico. Sendo assim, os objetivos desse estudo foram: caracterizar os pacientes em SRPA sociodemograficamente; identificar as complicações mais freqüentes; relacionar as complicações às intervenções de enfermagem realizadas; relacionar o esquema de jornada de trabalho dos enfermeiros às complicações. A amostra é composta por 400 prontuários de pacientes maiores de 18 anos, submetidos a procedimentos cirúrgicos de grande e médio porte, admitidos na unidade de SRPA, com tempo de permanência superior à uma hora. O teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov foi aplicado para testar a normalidade de variáveis quantitativas. O teste exato de Fisher-Freeman-Halton foi utilizado na comparação de proporções em tabelas de contingência maiores que 2x2. Todas as probabilidades de significância com valores de p<0,005 como estatisticamente significantes. Os resultados mostram que a maioria dos pacientes é do sexo masculino, com idade média de 53,3 anos (Dp=16,9 anos), com doença sistêmica leve ou moderada, sem limitação funcional. A comorbidade mais freqüente foi a hipertensão arterial sistêmica (40,7%). As cirurgias mais realizadas foram gerais (62,7%) que incluíram abdominais, urológicas, ginecológicas, e vasculares de grande porte. A anestesia, predominante, foi geral (92,2%). Tempo de permanência em média 111,6 minutos (Dp=67,8). As complicações mais freqüentes foram dor (54%) e hipotermia (43%). Algumas complicações apresentaram relação estatisticamente significante com relação à intervenção de enfermagem como dor e rotina(p<0,0001); dor e oxigenioterapia (p 0,0013); dor e medicação(p 0,0001) e dor e curativo (p<0,0005). Outra complicação que significante foi agitação/ansiedade com intervenção de enfermagem de rotina (p 0,0194) e agitação/ansiedade com oxigenioterapia (p 0,0099). A complicação hipotensão relacionou-se positivamente com a intervenção de enfermagem hidratação (p<0,0005); exames complementares ( p 0,0381) e observação(p 0,0141). A hipertensão apresentou-se estatisticamente significante somente com a relação à observação (p<0,0005). O tremor apresentou relação, significativa com a colocação de manta térmica (p 0,0171) e transfusão sangüínea (p 0,0445); náuseas e vômitos relacionaram-se com a intervenção rotina(p 0,0004), medicação(p<0,0001) e sondagem vesical de alívio(p 0,0224). O sangramento respondeu significantemente à intervenção de rotina (p 0,0064), medicação (p 0,0008) e curativos (p<0,0005). A hipoxemia foi, estatisticamente significante quando relacionada à rotina(p 0,0002) e a oxigenioterapia (p<0,0001). A hipotermia teve uma relação significativa com rotina (p<0,0001), manta térmica (p<0,0001), medicação (p<0,0001). Dor (p 0,0224), náuseas e vômitos (p 0,0131), agitação (p 0,0490) e sangramento (p 0,0001) são complicações que se relacionaram significativamente de forma positiva à jornada de trabalho quando se fixou um enfermeiro na SRPA / There is a believe that patient security at SRPA depends not only on equipments and technological resources, but from human resources that develop procedures and nursing interventions based on practical and scientific knowledge, avoiding adverse events occurrences and complications due to the high complexity inherent in the surgical-anesthesia process. So, the objectives of this study were: characterize SRPA patients socio-demographically; identify the most frequent complications; relate complications to nursing interventions proceeded; relate nurses working journey to complications. The sample is composed by 400 over 18 years old patients\' records, submitted to big/medium surgical procedures, admitted at SRPA unit, standing there for more then one hour. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to test quantity variables normality. The Fisher-Freeman-Halton exact test was used to compare the proportions on tables bigger then 2x2. All probabilities with significance values from p<0.005 were considered statistically significant. Results show that most of the patients are male, average age 53.3 years old (dP=16.9 years old), with light or moderate systemic ill without functional limitations. Most frequent comorbidity is systemic arterial hypertension (40.7%). Most frequent surgeries were general surgeries (62.7%) which included abdominal, urological, gynecological, and big vascular ones. General anesthesia was the predominant one (92.2%). Average staying time 111.6 minutes (dP=67.8). Most frequent complications were pain (54%) and hypodermis (43%). Some complications showed significant statistical relation between the nursing intervention such as pain and routine (p<0.0001); pain and oxigentherapy (p<0.0013); pain and medication (p<0.0001) and pain and curative (p<0.0005). Another significant complication was agitation/anxiety with a nursing routine intervention (p<0.0194) and agitation/anxiety with oxigentherapy (p<0.0099). Hypotension complication was positively related with the hydrate nursing intervention (p<0.0005); complementary tests (p<0.0381) and observation (p<0.0141). Hypertension was presented statistically significant just related to the observation (p<0.0005). Tremble presented significant relation with using a thermal blanket (p 0.0171) and blood transfusion (p 0.0445); sickness and vomit were related to routine intervention (p 0.0004), medication (p<0.0001) and relieve bladder poll (p 0.0224). Bleeding responded significantly to routine intervention (p 0.0064), medication (p 0.0008) and curatives (p<0.0005). Hypoxemia was statistically significant when related to routine (p 0.0002) and oxygentherapy (p<0.0001). Hypothermia was significantly related to routine (p<0.0001), thermal blanket (p<0.0001), medication (p<0.0001). Pain (p 0.0224), sickness and vomit (p 0.0131), agitation (p 0.0490) and bleeding (p 0.0001) are complications that are significantly positively related to working journey when a nurse was fixed at the SRPA

Sustentabilidade e eficiência operacional de companhias abertas listadas na BM&FBovespa: um estudo a partir da análise envoltória de dados

Oliveira, Reginaldo Aparecido de 25 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2016-04-26T16:43:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Reginaldo Aparecido de Oliveira_.pdf: 2714898 bytes, checksum: e46c3d3599dbe6801bf91ac25556faab (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T16:43:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Reginaldo Aparecido de Oliveira_.pdf: 2714898 bytes, checksum: e46c3d3599dbe6801bf91ac25556faab (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-25 / Nenhuma / A pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar a eficiência operacional de companhias pertencentes e não pertencentes à carteira teórica do Índice de Sustentabilidade Empresarial (ISE) da BM&FBOVESPA através da análise envoltória de dados. A amostra foi formada por 159 companhias, sendo 57 pertencentes e 102 não pertencentes à carteira ISE. O período de análise compreende os anos de 2005 a 2014, correspondendo o ano de 2005 à criação do ISE. A análise dos dados foi efetuada mediante a utilização da análise envoltória de dados (DEA - data envelopment analysis) pelo método BCC, definido por Banker, Charnes e Cooper (1984), também conhecido como retorno variável de escala (VRS - variable returns to scale) com orientação ao produto, ou seja, a maximização dos outputs. As variáveis utilizadas na análise como inputs foram o ativo circulante, ativo imobilizado e o custo dos produtos vendidos e como output o lucro operacional. Toda a análise foi desenvolvida observando os segmentos de cada grupo de empresa da amostra de forma isolada, visando evitar distorção nos dados. Os resultados obtidos revelam que as companhias da carteira ISE apresentam eficiência operacional inferior às demais companhias, à medida que não alcançaram eficiência operacional de 100% (DEA – BCC – VRS) ao longo dos anos, o que leva a se concluir que o fato dessas companhias serem consideradas como de conduta sustentável, isso necessariamente não se reflete em sua eficiência operacional. / The research aimed to analyze the operational efficiency of companies belonging and not belonging to the theoretical portfolio of the Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE) of BM&FBOVESPA through data envelopment analysis. The sample was comprised of 159 companies, of which 57 owned and 102 non-ISE. The analysis period covers the years 2005 to 2014, corresponding to 2005 to the ISE creation. Data analysis was performed by using the data envelopment analysis (DEA) by the BCC method defined by Banker, Charnes and Cooper (1984), also known as variable returns to scale (VRS) with the product orientation, that is, the maximization of output. The variables used in the analysis were as inputs current assets, fixed assets and the cost of sales and operating profit as output. All analysis was developed observing the segments of each company in the sample group in isolation, in order to avoid distortion in the data. The results show that the ISE portfolio companies have lower operating efficiency to other companies, as they have not achieved operating efficiency of 100% (DEA - BCC - VRS) over the years, which leads to the conclusion that the fact that these companies are considered sustainable conduct, not necessarily reflected in operational efficiency.

Segurança do paciente no período pós-operatório imediato na sala de recuperação pós-anestésica / Patient security at immediate post-operating period at the post-anesthesia recovery room

Débora Cristina Pinto Silva 30 May 2008 (has links)
Acredita-se que a segurança do paciente na SRPA depende não só de equipamentos e recursos tecnológicos, mas de recursos humanos, que desenvolvam procedimentos e intervenções de enfermagem, pautados em conhecimento prático e científico, evitando, assim, a ocorrência de eventos adversos e complicações decorrentes da alta complexidade inerente ao processo anestésico-cirúrgico. Sendo assim, os objetivos desse estudo foram: caracterizar os pacientes em SRPA sociodemograficamente; identificar as complicações mais freqüentes; relacionar as complicações às intervenções de enfermagem realizadas; relacionar o esquema de jornada de trabalho dos enfermeiros às complicações. A amostra é composta por 400 prontuários de pacientes maiores de 18 anos, submetidos a procedimentos cirúrgicos de grande e médio porte, admitidos na unidade de SRPA, com tempo de permanência superior à uma hora. O teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov foi aplicado para testar a normalidade de variáveis quantitativas. O teste exato de Fisher-Freeman-Halton foi utilizado na comparação de proporções em tabelas de contingência maiores que 2x2. Todas as probabilidades de significância com valores de p<0,005 como estatisticamente significantes. Os resultados mostram que a maioria dos pacientes é do sexo masculino, com idade média de 53,3 anos (Dp=16,9 anos), com doença sistêmica leve ou moderada, sem limitação funcional. A comorbidade mais freqüente foi a hipertensão arterial sistêmica (40,7%). As cirurgias mais realizadas foram gerais (62,7%) que incluíram abdominais, urológicas, ginecológicas, e vasculares de grande porte. A anestesia, predominante, foi geral (92,2%). Tempo de permanência em média 111,6 minutos (Dp=67,8). As complicações mais freqüentes foram dor (54%) e hipotermia (43%). Algumas complicações apresentaram relação estatisticamente significante com relação à intervenção de enfermagem como dor e rotina(p<0,0001); dor e oxigenioterapia (p 0,0013); dor e medicação(p 0,0001) e dor e curativo (p<0,0005). Outra complicação que significante foi agitação/ansiedade com intervenção de enfermagem de rotina (p 0,0194) e agitação/ansiedade com oxigenioterapia (p 0,0099). A complicação hipotensão relacionou-se positivamente com a intervenção de enfermagem hidratação (p<0,0005); exames complementares ( p 0,0381) e observação(p 0,0141). A hipertensão apresentou-se estatisticamente significante somente com a relação à observação (p<0,0005). O tremor apresentou relação, significativa com a colocação de manta térmica (p 0,0171) e transfusão sangüínea (p 0,0445); náuseas e vômitos relacionaram-se com a intervenção rotina(p 0,0004), medicação(p<0,0001) e sondagem vesical de alívio(p 0,0224). O sangramento respondeu significantemente à intervenção de rotina (p 0,0064), medicação (p 0,0008) e curativos (p<0,0005). A hipoxemia foi, estatisticamente significante quando relacionada à rotina(p 0,0002) e a oxigenioterapia (p<0,0001). A hipotermia teve uma relação significativa com rotina (p<0,0001), manta térmica (p<0,0001), medicação (p<0,0001). Dor (p 0,0224), náuseas e vômitos (p 0,0131), agitação (p 0,0490) e sangramento (p 0,0001) são complicações que se relacionaram significativamente de forma positiva à jornada de trabalho quando se fixou um enfermeiro na SRPA / There is a believe that patient security at SRPA depends not only on equipments and technological resources, but from human resources that develop procedures and nursing interventions based on practical and scientific knowledge, avoiding adverse events occurrences and complications due to the high complexity inherent in the surgical-anesthesia process. So, the objectives of this study were: characterize SRPA patients socio-demographically; identify the most frequent complications; relate complications to nursing interventions proceeded; relate nurses working journey to complications. The sample is composed by 400 over 18 years old patients\' records, submitted to big/medium surgical procedures, admitted at SRPA unit, standing there for more then one hour. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used to test quantity variables normality. The Fisher-Freeman-Halton exact test was used to compare the proportions on tables bigger then 2x2. All probabilities with significance values from p<0.005 were considered statistically significant. Results show that most of the patients are male, average age 53.3 years old (dP=16.9 years old), with light or moderate systemic ill without functional limitations. Most frequent comorbidity is systemic arterial hypertension (40.7%). Most frequent surgeries were general surgeries (62.7%) which included abdominal, urological, gynecological, and big vascular ones. General anesthesia was the predominant one (92.2%). Average staying time 111.6 minutes (dP=67.8). Most frequent complications were pain (54%) and hypodermis (43%). Some complications showed significant statistical relation between the nursing intervention such as pain and routine (p<0.0001); pain and oxigentherapy (p<0.0013); pain and medication (p<0.0001) and pain and curative (p<0.0005). Another significant complication was agitation/anxiety with a nursing routine intervention (p<0.0194) and agitation/anxiety with oxigentherapy (p<0.0099). Hypotension complication was positively related with the hydrate nursing intervention (p<0.0005); complementary tests (p<0.0381) and observation (p<0.0141). Hypertension was presented statistically significant just related to the observation (p<0.0005). Tremble presented significant relation with using a thermal blanket (p 0.0171) and blood transfusion (p 0.0445); sickness and vomit were related to routine intervention (p 0.0004), medication (p<0.0001) and relieve bladder poll (p 0.0224). Bleeding responded significantly to routine intervention (p 0.0064), medication (p 0.0008) and curatives (p<0.0005). Hypoxemia was statistically significant when related to routine (p 0.0002) and oxygentherapy (p<0.0001). Hypothermia was significantly related to routine (p<0.0001), thermal blanket (p<0.0001), medication (p<0.0001). Pain (p 0.0224), sickness and vomit (p 0.0131), agitation (p 0.0490) and bleeding (p 0.0001) are complications that are significantly positively related to working journey when a nurse was fixed at the SRPA

Framework de Kernel para um sistema de segurança imunologica

Carbone, Martim d'Orey Posser de Andrade 23 June 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo Licio de Geus / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-07T00:53:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carbone_Martimd'OreyPosserdeAndrade_M.pdf: 997778 bytes, checksum: 199d19777ac058e5c7dcecaa5c43639f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: O crescimento alarmante da quantidade e da sofisticação dos ataques aos quais estão sujeitos os sistemas computacionais modernos traz à tona a necessidade por novos sistemas de segurança mais eficientes. Na natureza, há um sistema biológico que realiza esta tarefa com notável eficácia: o sistema imunológico humano. Este sistema é capaz de garantir a sobrevivência de um ser humano por décadas, além de ser capaz de aprender sobre novas ameaças e criar defesas para combatê-Ias. Sua eficácia, somada à semelhança entre o cenário da segurança biológica e o da segurança computacional, motivou a criação do projeto Imuno, cujo objetivo é a construção de um sistema de segurança para computadores baseado nos princípios do sistema imunológico humano. Após o estudo inicial, a modelagem conceitual do sistema e a implementação de protótipos restritos de certas funcionalidades do sistema Imuno, este trabalho tem como objetivo avançar rumo à construção de um sistema de segurança imunológico completo, de escopo geral. Para isso, torna-se necessária a implementação de uma framework em nível de sistema operacional, que suporte as funcionalidades relacionadas à prevenção, detecção e resposta que serão utilizadas por este sistema de segurança. Projetada para o kernel Linux 2.6, esta framework é composta por algumas frameworks pré-existentes, como Lima Security Modules (LSM), Netfilter, Class-based Kernel Resource Management (CKRM), BSD Secure Levels (SEClvl) e UndoFS, ajustadas de acordo com os requisitos levantados para a framework; e somadas a uma nova arquitetura de ganchos multifuncionais. Esta arquitetura expande a infraestrutura nativa dos ganchos LSM, tornando-os flexíveis e genéricos o bastante para serem utilizados com outras funcionalidades de segurança além de controle de acesso, como detecção e resposta, além de poderem ser controlados do espaço de usuário em tempo real. Um protótipo foi implementado para a versão 2.6.12 do Linux e submetido a testes, visando avaliar tanto o impacto de desempenho gerado como também o seu comportamento em um cenário de ataque simulado. Os resultados destes testes são expostos no final deste trabalho, junto com as conclusões gerais sobre o projeto e propostas de extensão / Abstract: The alarming growth in the quantity and the sophistication of the attacks that threaten modem computer systems shows the need for new, more efticient security systems. In nature, there is a biological system that accomplishes this task with a remarkable efticiency: the human immune system. Not only this system is capable of assuring the survival of a human being for decades; it is also capable of learning about new threats and creating defenses to fight them. Its efticiency, combined with the similarity that exists between the biological and the computer security problems, has motivated the creation of the Imuno project, whose goal is the construction of a computer security system based on the principIes of the human immune system. After initial studies, the system's conceptual modeling and the implementation of prototypes of certain Imuno functionalities, this project's goal is to advance towards the construction of a complete, general scope immune security system. In order to accomplish that, the implementation of an operating system leveI framework that supports the prevention, detection and response security functionalities to be used by such a system is necessary. Designed for the 2.6 Linux kernel, this framework is composed of several pre-existing frameworks, such as Linux Security Modules (L8M), Netfilter, Class-based Kernel Resource Management (CKRM), BSD Secure Levels (8EClvl) and UndoFS, adjusted according to the framework requirements; and supplemented by a new multifunctional hook architecture. This architecture expands L8M's native hook infrastructure, making them flexible and generic enough to be used by other security functionalities beyond access control, such as detection and response, and also capable of being controlled from userspace in real-time. A prototype has been implemented for Linux version 2.6.12 and submitted to various tests, aiming to evaluate the performance overhead it creates and its behavior in a simulated attack situation. These tests' results are shown at the end of this document, along with a general conclusion about the project and extension proposals / Mestrado / Mestre em Ciência da Computação

Implementace protokolu ACP do operačního systému L4 / Implementation of the ACP protocol into L4 operating system

Kolarík, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the implementation of ACP protocol which serves to manage the access for operation system based on L4 microkernel. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with methods of access management in computer networks. It focuses primarily on AAA systems which make access management possible. Furthermore it describes in detail the ACP protocol, the types of messages and their feedback. The next theoretical part is dedicated to operation systems and in particular to their architecture and services. Then we get a closer look at L4 microkernel family, their philosophy and properties. We continue with a detailed description of the L4 application interface and its ways of expansion. The practical section deals with the implemented concept of system for ACP protocol support in computers. General concept is then applied in real implementation of ACP protocol into the L4 operation system environment based on the L4 platform. To assist, I also included a detailed tutorial explaining the modeling and compilation of software for this platform. At this point we describe the methods used at the implementation and the description of particular modules and features. The end of the thesis concludes the information about the ways of testing and the implementation properties.

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