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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investiční portfolio a jeho tvorba / Investment portfolio and its creation

Ryba, Jan January 2021 (has links)
The task of the thesis is to elaborate on investment opportunities, wchich are described in detail and to determine the ideal portfolio, that will be financed by dollar-cost averaging. The main investments include stocks, bonds, precious metals, mutual funds and more. Subsequently, the state of individual investments, their opportunities, but also the risks associated with them will be evaluated.

Imprisoning People and Opportunities : Estimating the Impact of State-Level Jail Population on Social Mobility

Melander, Maja, Berg Gorgén, Ebba January 2021 (has links)
This paper investigates the consequences of children's exposure to state-level incarceration rates on social mobility in the United States. The study uses social mobility data from the Opportunity Atlas for children born between 1978 and 1983. Jail population data is gathered from the 1985 and the 1995 Annual Survey of Jails. To analyze the impact of jail rates on social mobility, we estimate OLS regressions with state-level control variables. Of key interest is the potential differential effect of early (age 2-7) versus later (age 12-17) exposure. All estimates indicate a negative correlation between incarceration and social mobility. The main results indicate that exposure to incarceration rates during adolescence has a larger impact on social mobility. Further, the subgroup estimates indicate that female incarceration is a more effective determinant of social mobility and that the black and the female population are more sensitive to fluctuations in incarceration rates. The estimates by income percentiles show incoherent results. The results should be treated with caution to methodological issues and potential biases.

Investiční portfolio a jeho tvorba / Investment portfolio and its creation

Ryba, Jan January 2021 (has links)
The task of the thesis is to elaborate on investment opportunities, wchich are described in detail and to determine the ideal portfolio, that will be financed by dollar-cost averaging. The main investments include stocks, bonds, precious metals, mutual funds and more. Subsequently, the state of individual investments, their opportunities, but also the risks associated with them will be evaluated.

En förenklad modell avintensivundervisning.- Modellens påverkan på en elev i matematiksvårigheter och modellens möjligheter och utmaningar för lärare

Nordqvist, Louise January 2021 (has links)
It is the school's responsibility to give the students teaching that can encourage theirdevelopment and learning. One teaching method that has proven to be beneficial for studentsin math difficulties is intensive instruction. The purpose of this study was therefore to study,through a case study, how a simplified model of intensive instruction can impact a student inmath difficulties and his/her learning. The case study also highlights opportunities andchallenges with using the simplified model as a teacher. The results showed that the intensiveinstruction model had a positive effect on the student in several ways, but that the teacher shouldnot be too guiding if the teaching is going to be beneficial for the student. The results alsoshowed that the teacher needs to have good mathematical competence and that the teachingshould adapt the instruction to the student's conditions and needs. Another valuable result isthat the intervention gave positive learning effects in a relatively short time which might makeschools and teachers more willing to try using the simplified model of intensive instruction. / Det är skolans ansvar att erbjuda en undervisning som främjar alla elevers utveckling och lärande.  Ett  arbetssätt  som  visat  sig  vara  fördelaktigt  för  att  främja  lärandet  hos  elever  i matematiksvårigheter  är  intensivundervisning.  Den  här  studien  har  därför  haft  till  syfte  att, genom en fallstudie, undersöka hur en förenklad modell av intensivundervisning kan påverka lärandet hos en elev i matematiksvårigheter. Fallstudien undersökte även de möjligheter och utmaningar    som    finns    med    att    som    lärare    genomföra    en    förenklad    modell    av intensivundervisning. Resultatet visade att intensivundervisningen påverkat eleven positivt i flera avseenden men att läraren inte får vara för lotsande om undervisningen ska bli fördelaktig för eleven. Resultatet visade även att läraren behöver ha en god matematisk kompetens och att undervisningen bör anpassas till elevens förutsättningar och behov. Ytterligare ett värdefullt resultat utifrån fallstudien är att interventionen gav resultat på kort tid och det kan bidra till att allt fler skolor och lärare vågar pröva denna undervisningsform.

Marketingová strategie pre podnik Ing. Augustín Dobiš AD SPECTRUM / Marketing Strategy for Company Augustin Dobis AD SPECTRUM

Harant, Vladimír January 2010 (has links)
Diploma theses represents project of marketing a communication strategy of manufacturing company. This work includes situation analysis of present situation including evaluation of weaknesses and streghts of the company, opportunities and threaths and on the basis of this analysis particular marketing and communication strategy, budget and timing has been designed.

Förskollärares upplevelser av implementeringen av den nya läroplanen : Utmaningar och möjligheter

Albers, Ida, Svennefjord, Linda January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att bidra till ökad medvetenhet om hur förskollärare upplever sig kunna mediera läroplanen för förskolan (Skolverket, 2018) i samband med förändringarna i läroplanen som trädde i kraft den 1 juli 2019, och vilka utmaningar och möjligheter de stött på i samband med implementeringen. Det här var en kvantitativ studie som utgick från ett frågeformulär i ett slutet förskoleforum på Facebook där 56 förskollärare valde att delta. Ett sociokulturellt perspektiv användes för att förstå de kontextuella förutsättningarna för att mediera läroplanen. Resultatet visade att det många förskollärare upplevde som utmaningar i implementeringsarbetet var bland annat digitalisering, tidsbrist, utbildning/undervisning och gemensam reflektion/diskussion. De möjligheter många beskrev handlade om stöd och resurser från rektorn i form av bland annat tid för läsning, föreläsningar/webbkurs och samtal/diskussion. Resultatet visade även att majoriteten av deltagande förskollärare upplevde att arbetslaget sällan eller aldrig gavs möjlighet att tillsammans reflektera, diskutera och sätta sig in i förändringarna i läroplanen. Dock uppgav 87 procent att de som arbetslag regelbundet hade schemalagd gemensam planeringstid, men att under den tiden skulle allt annat hinnas med. Vad gäller förskollärarnas möjligheter att reflektera och diskutera med andra förskollärare visade resultatet att 66 procent av respondenterna regelbundet fick tillfälle för det medan 34 procent aldrig upplevde sig kunna göra det. Resultatet visade också att majoriteten av förskollärarna upplevde att det saknades material och resurser för att tillfredsställande kunna implementera förändringarna av läroplanen och de största bristerna handlade om tid och ekonomi. Därtill uppgav 70 procent av förskollärarna att de upplevde sig kompetenta nog att leda implementeringsarbetet, medan 30 procent kände sig osäkra framförallt på grund av tidsbrist och arbetet med digitalisering.

An Investigation into buyer behaviour of craft retailers in South Africa

Makhitha, K.M. (Khathutshelo Mercy) January 2013 (has links)
The SA government has identified the craft industry as a key focus area contributing to sustainable development, economic growth and employment opportunities. However the industry faces many challenges such as global competition and lack of resources. More importantly, craft producers in SA cannot access the craft retailer market successfully which limit their financial success. The purpose of this study is to investigate the buyer behaviour of craft retailers in SA. The specific focus of the study is to investigate the buying process followed by craft retailers, to determine the importance of supplier selection criteria used to evaluate suppliers, as well as to determine the sources of information that craft retailers use most often when searching for suppliers. A self-administered survey was conducted among craft retailers and a sample of 233 were realised. The descriptive statistics are reported as well as factor analysis, ANOVA and MANOVA results. Findings indicated that the buying process craft retailers go through are extensive and that certain stages are also more often used than others. No statistical significant differences were found between the types of craft retailers or the years of buying experience and the stages of the buying process. „Product quality‟ was considered the most important supplier selection criteria followed by „product is exciting and attractive‟ and „product styling and design‟. Statistical significant differences were found between different types of craft retailers and the importance they attach to selected supplier selection criteria but no significant differences were found for the years of buying experience. - iv - The results also indicated that craft retailers consult certain information sources more often than others. Information sources were grouped into three factors after the factor analysis: internal and personal information, promotional information and print advertising. The statistical significant differences were found between the different types of craft retailers and their use of promotional information sources but no differences were evident for the other two sources, namely internal and personal and print advertising. The study resulted in a proposed marketing strategy for craft producers to enable them to market their craft products more effectively to crafts retailers. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Marketing Management / unrestricted

The attitudes of parents towards homework in the Foundation Phase

Du Preez, Marike January 2014 (has links)
Homework is given to learners on a daily basis to practice a specific skill, to foster personal development and to develop planning and time management skills. Although learners in the Foundation Phase are encouraged to do homework on their own, the support and involvement of their parents are required in order to develop personal skills and to maintain a healthy social relationship. As homework is a time of the day when parents usually interact with their children, their attitudes regarding homework in the Foundation Phase impact the way in which a learner will experience the homework process. Some learners experience homework as more pleasant when parents are involved, while others feel that homework disrupt families and causes conflict and tension. Research has indicated that the early years of a child’s life are critical for development, as this is the time when learners acquire fundamental concepts, skills and attitudes and when parents pass on values such as respect, tolerance and appreciation, all of which are important to laying down the foundation for lifelong learning. Parents’ beliefs and behaviours thus have an important role to play in a child’s development, and their attitudes and actions influence the nature and course of their children’s development. Parents and families need to be encouraged to assist their children with homework and to see this as the time of the day when they can bond with their children. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / tm2015 / Educational Psychology / MEd / Unrestricted

The role of toy libraries in the provision of play-based learning opportunities for young children

Stach, Monica January 2017 (has links)
Worldwide, toy libraries are regarded as a non-centre-based early childhood education programme. In South Africa the majority of young children live in poverty and do not have access to early learning opportunities and play materials before entering formal schooling. This study investigated how toy libraries provide play-based learning opportunities for young children. Seven toy library sites located in five South African provinces (Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal and North West) participated in the study. The participants consisted of toy librarians, managers and parents. The toy librarians were selected purposively, applying the criterion that play-based early learning sessions were provided to children younger than six years. The research methodology employed was qualitative, and an interpretivist paradigm informed the multiple case study design. The conceptual framework was based on learning and systems theories informing how young children learn. The toy library operations and play-based early learning session characteristics inform the framework of quality standards for toy libraries. The data production strategies included focus group discussions of photographs, document analysis and observations of play sessions. The group discussion and observation transcriptions, documentation and photographs were analysed by means of coding. Three themes, namely young children and learning, toy library operations and play-based early learning, and nine sub-themes emerged that include academic learning, 21st century skills, administration, play materials, services, challenges, developmentally appropriate practice by toy librarians, play-based learning pedagogy indicators and characteristics of play-based learning. The findings indicate that toy libraries provide access to play-based early learning sessions to young children. However, a variety of developmentally and culturally as well as age-appropriate play materials and play-based early learning sessions that include a variety of play opportunities are required. In addition, the framework of quality standards for toy libraries was enhanced as a result of the study. This framework provides guidance on how to operate a toy library which includes, apart from lending toys, play-based early learning sessions in its services. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / Early Childhood Education / PhD / Unrestricted

Textbaserade problemlösningsuppgifter inom delmomentet area : En läromedelsanalys i två olika matematikböcker för elever i årskurs 6.

Rönngren, Sara January 2020 (has links)
Ett arbete om hur textbaserade problemlösningsuppgifter inom delmomentet area framställs i två matematikböcker. Syftet med arbetet är att skapa en djupare förståelse om läromedlen möjliggör ett lärande för eleverna. Metoden för arbetet är en kvalitativ innehållsanalys som präglas av Taflins (2007) beskrivningar av uppgifter och hennes sju kriterier för att ett problem ska anses vara ett rikt problem. Vidare används även opportunities to learn (OTL) för att undersöka lärandet med frågor. Teorin som formar arbetet är variationsteorin där lärandeobjektet, kritiska aspekter och variationsmönster är övergripande teman. Genom att använda en kvalitativ innehållsanalys tillsammans med variationsteorin och OTL ges möjligheter att enklare urskilja teman, mönster och begrepp i matematikböckerna. Fynden som gjorts i matematikböckerna visar att det finns flera textuppgifter som uppfyller samtliga av Taflins (2007) sju kriterier för rika problem och blir sålunda textbaserade problemlösningsuppgifter. Dessa framställs på olika sätt då de har olika lärandeobjekt, kritiska aspekter och variationsmönster. Olika teman påverkar även elevernas möjligheter till lärande då olika uppgifter fokuserar på olika saker. Slutligen påverkas elevernas lärande av mängden uppgifter och instruktioner i läromedlen. Instruktionerna ger eleverna information om vad de ska arbeta med men det är eleven själv som behöver sin problemlösningsförmåga, förståelse och sina kunskaper samt erfarenheter för att kunna lösa uppgifterna och skapa sig ett individuellt lärande.

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