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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Opportunities For Turkish Companies in CEE / Opportunities For Turkish Companies in CEE

Okumuş, Andaç January 2010 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the opportunities for Turkish companies in the Central and Eastern European countries namely Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Slovak Republic and Austria. The thesis aims to provide a sound grasp of the economic situation of each country with an insight to the macroeconomic indicators, foreign direct investment and foreign trade figures for the country in question. Each country section included a separate focus on the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities that a Turkish investor who may wish to invest in the country in question may benefit from or confront with. In order to be able to do so, a detailed literature review has been conducted using mainly the update primary data available. The findings derived are summarized in the conclusion section of the thesis.

Diskriminace žen v pracovním právu / Discrimination of women in the labour law

Šilerová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with discrimination of women in the labour law, specifically in employment, access to employment and treatment at workplace. The goal of the thesis is to map the legislation of the principles of non-discrimination and equal opportunities in both Czech and European union law systems, another goal is research the reality of application of these rules and principles by the employers in companies operating in the Czech republic. The thesis first summarizes the legislation of these principles in the Czech law system and subsequently in the law system of the European union. Then it contains a practical part with a research made at 15 companies operating in the Czech republic.

Věková diverzita - prosazování rovných příležitostí ve společnosti RWE / Age diversity - promoting equal opportunities in RWE

Procházková, Petra January 2012 (has links)
The topic of the thesis entitled "Age diversity - promoting equal opportunities in RWE" is an analysis of diversity management tools specific to the company from 2011 to 2012, defining age management and proposing an action plan of age diversity in the company for the years 2013 and 2014. The theoretical part of the thesis defines the basic concepts needed to deal with the issues such as equal opportunities, diversity, age management. The thesis includes a description of the historical development of diversity management, including the legislative framework in the EU and the Czech Republic. Age management is the management with regard to the age and abilities of employees and, as such, is clearly related to demographic changes of society. The thesis summarizes the forecasts of demographic development provided by ČSÚ, indicating that the demographic situation in the Czech Republic leads to the aging of population. In the practical part of the thesis is an analysis of the project "Diversity" of RWE Group on 31 December 2012, particularly with regard to the application of tools for age diversity, analysis of diversity of the labor force, and the definition of a job potential. Analysis results are compared with those of selected companies in age management. Based on the findings an action plan of age diversity of the RWE Group for next period is designed. The aim of the thesis is to verify the positive benefits of age diversity for the RWE Group in the Czech Republic.

Cultural Business Environment: the case of the Czech Republic - Current situation, advantages and perspectives / Cultural Business environment: the case of the Czech Republic. Current situation, advantages and perspectives

Bonato, Eric January 2013 (has links)
Today, doing business in a foreign country is difficult, mainly due to cultural differences. Companies and business people must face multiple issues when operating abroad and even in their own nations. Crossing cultural boundaries is a real challenge for businesses today. In order to succeed, they must fully understand the cultural backgrounds of people to be more efficient when managing and cooperating with them and other businesses. The Czech Republic is one of the most developed countries in Central and Eastern Europe. However, it keeps its old roots and traditions that make people and companies behaving in a much more different way than in Western countries. The current situation in the Czech Republic is stable and the country has many advantages that attract FDI. But the economical and financial "crisis" within the European Union, and the pressure from new emerging nations might have an impact on the country in the future. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze and understand first what culture is and how difficult it is to cross cultural boundaries when doing business. Furthermore, the importance of taking into consideration the cultural characteristics of a country will be highlighted, here with the case of the Czech Republic. The other aim of the study is to bring knowledge about the main economic facts of the Czech Republic as well as the different steps when starting a business in the country. The author focused his research on explaining and discussing the business practices and etiquettes in the Czech Republic to better succeed when doing business. Finally, the advantages, opportunities and perspectives of the business will be analyzed, including results from interviews of Czech people and also foreigners living, studying or working in the Czech Republic. In other words, the aim of this study is to help professionals and any people who do not have any knowledge about doing business in the Czech Republic by giving them essential information on the topic.

Rakouský trh jako zdroj exportních příležitostí pro české subjekty / The Austrian market as a source of export opportunities for Czech businesses

Dědinová, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
The thesis focuses on a detailed analysis of the Austrian market and identifies the current export opportunities for Czech business units. Moreover it also includes an analysis of the mutual trade exchange between the Czech Republic and Austria. The thesis is highly practically oriented and provides opinions, advice and different perspectives and points of view of experts, successful Czech companies already acting on the Austrian market and also Austrian companies, which cooperate with Czech partners on a daily basis. The aim is to provide up-to-date information about the Austrian market, advice on how to succeed and recommendations, what to avoid when entering the market.

Kvinnors karriärmöjligheter inom detaljhandeln : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnors upplevelser att nå ledningspositioner / Women´s Career Opportunities in Retail: A Qualitative Study of Women´s Experiences of Reaching Management Positions

Chapman, Sandra, Öyen, Camilla January 2018 (has links)
Inom detaljhandeln anses könsfördelningen av de anställda vara jämställd, men när ledningspositionerna granskas visar det sig att det är män som dominerar på positionerna. Trots lagstiftningar för att främja en jämställd arbetsmarknad och det faktum att en förändring av könsfördelningen skett de senaste tio åren visar det sig ändå att underrepresentation av kvinnor på ledningspositioner kvarstår. Det framkommer även att kvinnors arbetsvillkor innefattar könsstereotyper och fördomar gällande deras ledaregenskaper samt ambitionsnivå vilket på sikt kan försvåra deras karriärförutsättningar och möjligheter att nå ledningspositioner. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att förstå kvinnors upplevelser av att nå ledningspositioner som traditionellt besitts av män och de faktorer som påverkat kvinnornas karriärmöjligheter. I uppsatsen har fem intervjuer med kvinnor på VD-position i fem detaljhandelsföretag i Sverige har genomförts genom en kvalitativ studie. Materialet som samlats in visar att de här kvinnorna lyfter sina personligheter och egenskaper som de främsta anledningarna till att de nått sina ledningspositioner. Resultatet visar på glapp mellan teorin som belyser vikten av nätverk för att kvinnors karriärer ska möjliggöras, och empirin som talar för att de här kvinnorna inte anser att det är en viktig faktor. Teorin och empirin överensstämmer när det kommer till relationen mellan bristen på kvinnliga förebilder och underrepresentationen av kvinnor i ledningspositioner. Slutsatsen för uppsatsen är att de kvinnor som intervjuats inte har stött på några hinder på sin väg mot ledningspositioner inom detaljhandeln men att det finns en medvetenhet om att könsstereotyper och fördomar påverkar kvinnors karriärmöjligheter inom detaljhandeln. / In the retail sector is the gender balance of employees considered equal, but when management positions are examined, it appears that men dominate these positions. Despite legislation to support an equal labor market and the fact that a change in the gender balance has taken place over the past ten years, it still appears that an underrepresentation of women in management positions remains. It also shows that women's working conditions include gender stereotypes regarding their leadership skills and ambition level, which in the long term can obstruct their career prospects and opportunities to achieve management positions. The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to understand women's experiences of reaching management positions that is traditionally occupied by men and the factors that affect women's career opportunities. Five interviews with women at the CEO's position in five retail companies in Sweden have been conducted in a qualitative study. The empirical data shows that these women raise their personalities and attributes as the main reasons for reaching their leadership positions. The result shows a gap between the theory that highlights the importance of networking to make women's careers possible, and empirical evidence that these women do not consider it an important factor. Theory and empirical evidence correspond when it comes to the relationship between the lack of female role models and the underrepresentation of women in management positions. The conclusion of this paper is that the women interviewed have not encountered any obstacles on their way to management positions in retail, but that there is awareness that gender stereotypes and prejudices affect women's career opportunities in retail.

The Wave of the Social Enterprise : A Single Case Study on an International Social Enterprise Operating in Indonesia

Gullarbergs, Frida, Haugland, Emma January 2020 (has links)
During the last decades, the circular economy has enabled a new kind of business model that is challenging the traditional linear way of doing business. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how an international social enterprise work towards a circular business model, as well as the challenges and opportunities that comes with operating in an emerging market. Previous research on the subject is limited which leaves a research gap in existing literature. Indonesia is an emerging country that is struggling with a weak recycling infrastructure and   lack of waste management, which has resulted in an ocean plastic pollution problem.   In the theoretical framework, relevant aspects of the circular economy, social enterprises and opportunities and challenges with operating in an emerging market are presented. A conceptual framework concludes the literature review by illustrating how the concepts ties together. In order to answer the research questions, a qualitative research method has been followed throughout this single case study, combined with an abductive approach. The data has been collected through semi-structured interviews presented together with secondary data, in order to get a deeper understanding of the case. By examining an international social enterprise with operations in an emerging market, findings on what opportunities and challenges this social enterprise encounter in Indonesia are presented together with how they work towards a circular business model. This study indicates that the international social enterprise challenges the linear way of doing business and can be set as an example for other companies that has a social mission and wants to do business in a sustainable way.   The analysis discusses the relation between the theoretical concepts and the empirical findings, together with observations from the authors. The analysis is followed by the concluding chapter where the contributions are stated, and the research questions are answered, followed by implications, limitations and suggestions for future research. The findings showed that international social enterprises can find opportunities in infrastructure- and institutional gaps in emerging markets. In addition, the findings indicate that a strong social mission can reduce the challenges of operating in an emerging market. The findings have contributed to introducing the social enterprise phenomenon into the international business research field, as well as international social enterprises operating in emerging markets. The authors also provide their definition of the concept ‘social enterprise’.

Det kommunikationsstödjande klassrummet : Lågstadielärares undervisning och resonemang om elevers muntliga kommunikation / Communication supporting classroom : Primary teachers’ ideas and ways to develop pupils’ oral communication ability

Arvidsson, Carina, Cehajic, Amina January 2020 (has links)
Föreliggande studies syfte är att undersöka hur fyra lärare på lågstadiet arbetar och resonerar när det gäller att få elever att kommunicera muntligt. Studiens teoretiska ram bygger på ett observationsverktyg som fokuserar på tre dimensioner i det kommunikationsstödjande klassrummet: miljö, lärtillfällen och interaktioner (Dock-rell, Bakopoulou, Law, Spencer & Lindsay, 2012:15). För datainsamling används sys-tematisk observation och semistrukturerad intervju. Observationerna visar lärarnas arbete för att stödja elevernas muntliga kommunikation. Bänkar placerade i grupp resulterade i grupparbeten och kommunikation inom gruppen. Lärarna uppmuntrade eleverna att tala genom individanpassade och ledande frågor. I intervjuerna framkom att det bör vara fritt från objekt på väggarna framåt i klassrummet så elevernas kon-centration inte störs. Varierande lärtillfällen där kommunikationen står i fokus är vik-tigt för att eleverna ska kunna utveckla sin muntliga kommunikativa förmåga, till exempel genom att återberätta en text. Kroppsspråket är ett komplement till det ver-bala språket som minskar upprepningar, t.ex. att genom en handrörelse visa elever att de ska räcka upp handen. Resultaten från observationerna och intervjuerna visar att samtliga lärare dagligen berör de tre dimensionerna i arbetet att inkludera alla elever i muntlig kommunikation. Av studiens resultat kan slutsatsen dras att de tre dimen-sionerna miljö, lärtillfälle och interaktion påverkar varandra och har inverkan på ele-vernas förmåga att kommunicera muntligt.

Idrott för alla? En kvalitativ studie om medlemmars möjligheter till att utöva fysiska aktiviteter i idrottsföreningar som vänder sig till personer med funktionsnedsättningar

Merhi, Bilal, Yas, Emilian January 2019 (has links)
Previous research shows that people with disabilities have less opportunities to participate and exercise in physical activities than the rest of the population. The purpose of this study has therefore been to investigate experiences of opportunities for exercising physical activities within sports associations, among members in sport clubs that are aimed towards people with disabilities. The purpose has also been to investigate how these members perceive the importance of the physical activities in the sports association. In this study, a qualitative approach has been selected and it has been done semi-structured interviews with eight members from two different sport clubs in Southern Sweden. The analysis has been done using content analysis. The analysis of the results showed that there are various factors that affect the members' ability to exercise physical activities in sports clubs. In the analysis, it emerged that these factors could both facilitate or complicate the opportunities for participation. For this reason, the majority of interviewees appreciated their opportunities as both good and bad. Finally, the analysis of the results showed that all interviewees felt that participation in the physical activities had positive effects on their physical and mental health, but also that it increased their social network.

“Samverkan - Inte mitt ansvar” : - Samverkan inom etableringsinsatser sett ur arbetsförmedlarnas synvinkel på Arbetsförmedlingen. / “Collaboration - Not My Responsibility” : - Collaboration within establishment activities from the employees' point of view at the Employment Service.

Lambe, Marijana, Abou-Hamidan, Tamam-Eugenia January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of the study has been to investigate how employees at the employment agencies experience collaboration with other national agencies during their work with new arrivals. This puts focus on interaction between different national agencies. The questions of the study are: - How do the employment agencies describe their role within the framework of the collaboration process between the municipality and the Employment Service? - How do the employment agencies describe power, responsibility and control in the collaboration process between the municipality and the Employment Service - How do the employment agencies describe the division of responsibility in the collaboration process between the municipality and the Employment Service? The study has a qualitative approach that tries to capture the perceptions of the employees’ concept of "responsibility" in the process of collaborating in public activities. In order to answer the questions of the study, 10 interviews were conducted with employees that are collaborating with the municipality and other organizations on the establishment of new arrivals to Sweden. During the interviews the most commonly encountered concepts were scope of responsibility, power, rules, knowledge, autonomy and overview of the collaboration. The concepts are reported in the results section with a descriptive analysis and interpretation. The study concluded that there is no one who takes responsibility for the process of cooperation.

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