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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entre a sala de aula de um Centro de Estudo de Línguas do Estado de São Paulo e o ambiente virtual no Evernote: potencializando a aprendizagem do francês na era digital / Between the classroom at a Language Study Center of the State of São Paulo and the virtual environment in Evernote: boosting the learning of French in the digital age

Gisele Pretti Gerevini da Costa 12 April 2018 (has links)
A utilização de tecnologias digitais é característica expressiva da sociedade atual, facilitando a realização de atividades cotidianas e possibilitando o acesso à informação e à comunicação de forma interativa, colaborativa e instrutiva nos mais diversos contextos sociais (LÉVY, 1993;1999; KENSKI, 2003; 2007). Considerando seu potencial para o desenvolvimento do ensino-aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras (LANCIEN, 2004; MANGENOT; LOUVEAU, 2006; ALBUQUERQUE-COSTA; MAYRINK, 2013; BRAGA, 2013; PIETRARÓIRA, 2013) e a urgência de colocar em prática inovações metodológicas para acompanhar as necessidades sociais e cognitivas dos nativos digitais (PRENSKY, 2010; CASTELLS, 2011), esta pesquisa foi realizada em um Centro de Estudo de Línguas do Estado de São Paulo (CEL) com o uso de tecnologias como instrumentos mediadores para a aprendizagem do francês língua estrangeira (VYGOTSKY, 1934), tendo como característica específica, a extensão da sala presencial a um ambiente virtual de aprendizagem. Desse modo, este estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de analisar como as tecnologias digitais podem auxiliar na realização de tarefas comunicativas na língua estrangeira (PUREN, 2009; ROSEN, 2009) que levem o aluno a ser um aprendiz ativo (BACICH; MORAN, 2018; VALENTE, 2017) em seu processo de aprendizagem em contextos híbridos (BACICH; TANZI-NETO; TREVISANI, 2015), na era da Sociedade da Informação (COLL; MONEREO, 2010). A pesquisa é de natureza qualitativa-interpretativista e foi desenvolvida aos moldes da pesquisa-ação junto a adolescentes do curso de francês do CEL e as tarefas propostas foram desenvolvidas e compartilhadas através da realização do projeto coletivo RADIO/MAG 6èmeA: a criação de uma rádio/revista virtual, em sala de aula presencial e no ambiente virtual no Evernote. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que as tecnologias digitais mediadas pelo professor e associadas à realização de tarefas autênticas de comunicação na língua estrangeira, em contexto presencial e virtual, ampliam os espaços de aprendizagem por possibilitarem a interatividade com a informação e interações com os pares, características que favorecem o desenvolvimento de uma postura ativa do aprendiz potencializando sua aprendizagem e sua transformação como sujeito na sociedade atual (FREIRE, 1996). / The use of digital technologies is a significant feature of todays society, making it easier for people to do everyday tasks and allowing access to information and communication in an interactive, collaborative and instructive way in various social contexts (LÉVY, 1993;1999; KENSKI, 2003; 2007). By taking into account their potential in the development of the teaching and learning of foreign languages (LANCIEN, 2004; MANGENOT; LOUVEAU, 2006; ALBUQUERQUE-COSTA; MAYRINK, 2013; BRAGA, 2013; PIETRARÓIRA, 2013) as well as the urgency to put into practice methodological innovations to cater to the social and cognitive needs of digital natives (PRENSKY, 2010; CASTELLS, 2011), our study was carried out in a Language Study Center (CEL) located in São Paulo with the technologies as mediating tools in the learning of French as a foreign language (VYGOTSKY, 1934) and having as its distinctive feature the virtual learning environment as an extension of in-person classes. The aim of this study is to analyze how digital technologies can help students perform communicative tasks in the foreign language (PUREN, 2009; ROSEN, 2009), which may turn them into active learners (BACICH; MORAN, 2018; VALENTE, 2017) in their learning process in hybrid contexts (BACICH; TANZI-NETO; TREVISANI, 2015) in the age of Information Society (COLL; MONEREO, 2010). We have conducted a qualitative-interpretive research, which was based on action research carried out with teenagers taking the French course at CEL. The suggested tasks were developed and shared in a group project entitled RADIO/MAG 6èmeA: the making of a virtual radio/ magazine, both in the classroom and in the virtual learning environment in Evernote. The results of our study have shown that digital technologies mediated by the teacher and associated with the completion of authentic communicative tasks in the foreign language, both in person and virtually, broaden the learning spaces since they allow interactivity with the information and interactions with peers. These features foster an active attitude of the learner by boosting their learning and promoting their transformation into subjects in todays society (FREIRE, 1996).

Learning from nature-based Indigenous knowledge: a trail to understanding elders' wisdom

McBee, Gabriela 13 August 2013 (has links)
Fostering collaboration among people of diverse ethnicities is vital to improving our relationships with Nature and with each other. All knowledges known to humans have their limits, including Western scientific knowledge. This study argues that Indigenous elders have a wealth of nature-based wisdom which is urgently needed. The Thirteen International Indigenous Grandmothers have been sharing their wisdom with the world and meeting them inspired this work. Two Grandmothers, one Mazatec and member of the Thirteen Grandmothers who follows in the healing tradition of curandera María Sabina, the other Taíno (Caribbean Arawak), and several members of their families in Mexico and in Cuba kindly agreed to be research participants so that I could bring attention to their gifts and share with the world. Embodying their ancient wisdom they do not see themselves as separate from Nature but as integral part of her. Their relationships to all beings, humans, animals, plants, minerals, and spiritual entities, are imbued with love and care. They can be role models for people who have forgotten the most basic premise of respect, reciprocity, responsibility, and empathy for all our relations. The methodologies underlying this investigation are Indigenous. I used strategies of inquiry such as storytelling, participant observation, and reflexive self study. Relationality and accountability are its pillars. Being of European descent, doing research with Indigenous elders required great vigilance on my part. I had to challenge my own conventional Western views and question the truths I am surrounded with to gain an understanding of my research participants’ worldview. Even with the best of intentions all I could hope for was an approximation. As I immersed myself into the worlds of my participants the great significance of plants as part of their physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing became evident. Maize, tobacco, and the plant teachers cohoba and psilocybe mushrooms were, and for the most part still are, essential and closely knit into their cultural fabric. Coming from a background where the written word is placed high above the spoken one, and Nature is seen as separate to us, it is important to acknowledge that much rich understanding of the world is beyond pen and paper, even beyond words. / Graduate / 0727 / gabriela@uvic.ca

Un autre aspect de la francophonie, la littérature comorienne : société, histoire, culture et création / Another facet of Francophonie : Comorian literature, society, history, culture and creation

Djoumbé, Thoueïbat 04 February 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse interroge les origines, les interférences et la production de la littérature comorienne d’expression française. Au confluent entre critique littéraire, historiographie anthropologique des sources et analyse des thématiques dans la création, elle questionne aussi la notion de réception dans un contexte éditorial minimaliste et où langue d’écriture et langue vernaculaire s’interfèrent. En près de 30 ans, les quelques 160 ouvrages publiés de 1985 à nos jours, laissent percer des débuts lents et difficiles. Une réalité qui sera contredite à la fin des années 90 où des maisons d’éditions, même éphémères, naissent avec pour mot d’ordre, promouvoir la littérature comorienne. Va alors s’amorcer une dynamique nouvelle inscrite par le nombre et la variété des genres édités, la multiplicité des thématiques abordées et par l’orientation des revendications littéraires d’ordre esthétique en écho à des revendications identitaires. Parallèlement, transparaît une forme de tâtonnement textuel qui laisse apparaître une dualité narrative sous-tendue dans l’organisation fictionnelle et narratologique des œuvres et mettant en place un type de personnage-pensée à l’origine d’une hybridité textuelle. Par conséquent, cette thèse procède à une forme de bilan de ces trente années d’écriture suivant deux axes d’analyse. Un axe chronologique qui fait coïncider des éléments liés à l’histoire du peuplement avec l’établissement d’une écriture pour les îles afin d’appréhender le contexte originel de production ; un axe analytique et herméneutique recoupant faits historiques et sociaux en rapport avec les objets ou motifs de production et révélant la source des interrogations des écrivains comoriens francophones. / This thesis questions the origins, interferences and the production of French-speaking Comorian literature. At the junction of literary criticism, anthropologic historiography of the source documents and thematic analysis within the creation, it also investigates the notion of reception in a minimalist editorial context where the written and the vernacular languages interfere with each other. For the past 30 years, the 160 publications that have been published, since 1985 to date, have shown slow and difficult beginnings. A trend that would be reversed from the late 1990s, where many publishing houses have emerged, even if it was quite briefly for some of them, with a shared goal: to promote Comorian literature. A new trend will then begin as proven by the number and variety of genres being published, the diversity of the themes discussed, and the direction of the literary assertions of an aesthetic angle in response to identity assertions. At the same time, a form of textual hesitation transpired, shedding a light on a narrative duality, from a narratologic and fictional organisation of the publications, highlighting a type of character-thought creating a form of literal hybridity. Therefore, As a consequence, this thesis proceeds a kind of statement from thirty years of writing according to two axis of analysis. A chronological axis matches elements which are linked to the peopling History with the establishment of a writing for the islands in order to grasp the original context of production; an analytic and hermeneutic axis matching historical and social facts related to subjects or sources of production and revealing the sources of French-speaking Comorian writers’ questionings

Les structures corrélatives isomorphes: étude des propriétés sémantiques, morphologiques et (micro-/macro-) syntaxiques des corrélatives isomorphes en "autant", "ni", "plus", "soit", "tantôt" et "tel" / Isomorphic correlative structures: study of semantic, morphologic and (micro-/macro-) syntactic properties of French isomorphic correlatives in "autant", "ni", "plus", "soit", "tantôt" et "tel"

Roig, Audrey 23 October 2013 (has links)
Français :<br /><p><br /><p>Cette étude porte sur les structures françaises dites "corrélatives", construites en "autant.autant", "ni.ni", "soit.soit", "plus.plus", "tantôt.tantôt" et "tel.tel", soit des corrélatives "isomorphes". Si ces structures mettent toutes en relation deux termes ou structures, nous montrons ici, par le biais de descriptions sémantique, morphologique et syntaxique, que chacune de ces constructions est également très différente. À partir d’exemples tirés de corpus (français oral et écrit), ce travail ambitionne donc de mettre en évidence les propriétés des structures corrélatives isomorphes, de dresser le bilan des caractéristiques qui les unissent et les distinguent les unes des autres. Il a pour second objectif de questionner la place de la corrélation dans la typologie des modes de liaisons de prédications – c’est-à-dire la possibilité ou non d’assimiler les corrélatives françaises à de la subordination, de la coordination ou encore de la juxtaposition. Une tierce finalité, davantage méthodologico-épistémologique, a trait à l’examen de la façon dont les structures corrélatives isomorphes sont prises en compte respectivement en syntaxe traditionnelle, dans les approches graduelles et en macrosyntaxe (aixoise et fribourgeoise) ;il poursuit consécutivement un objectif plus général, celui de trouver une porte de sortie à l’impasse actuelle en syntaxe, née de l’apparente inconciliabilité des trois approches. <br /><p><br /><p>La réponse à ces trois objectifs nécessite une étude en deux étapes. Dans un premier temps, ce travail s'attarde ainsi sur chacune des six structures corrélatives, mettant en évidence leurs ressemblances et dissemblances tant sémantiques que formelles. Cette première étape offre alors la possibilité d’inscrire le phénomène de la corrélation isomorphe dans le cadre général des liaisons de prédications et de confronter plus spécifiquement les propriétés des structures dites "corrélatives" avec celles de ces autres modes de liaisons dans une les modèles 1) binaires ou ternaires des modes de jonctions propositionnelles (approche traditionnelle), 2) graduels (Foley & Van Valin, Rebuschi, Lehmann) et 3) macrosyntaxiques (écoles d'Aix et de Fribourg).<p><p><br /><p><br /><p><br /><p><p>English :<br /><p><br /><p>This project focuses on the study of so-called “correlative” structures in French that use "autant.autant", "ni.ni", "soit.soit", "plus.plus", "tantôt.tantôt" et "tel.tel", that is to say "isomorphic" correlatives. While all these constructions serve to connect two terms or structures, we shall show, through morphological, syntactic and semantic descriptions, that they each possess distinctive features. Using examples drawn from a corpus (French, oral and written), this project thus aims to establish the properties of isomorphic correlative structures, and to identify the characteristics they share and those that distinguish them from one another. The second aim of this project consists in (re-)examining the place of correlation in the typology of predication linking structures in an effort to determine whether or not French correlatives may be considered as a type of subordination, coordination or even juxtaposition. The third objective, which is methodological and epistemological in nature, will consist in studying how traditional syntax, gradual models and macrosyntax have respectively accounted for isomorphic correlative structures. In this way, we shall attempt to break the current deadlock resulting from the apparent incompatibility of the three approaches.<br /><p><br /><p>To reach these three goals, the study will be organized in two phases. First, the various correlative structures will be scrutinized in order to highlight semantic and formal similarities and dissimilarities. This will allow us to position the phenomenon of isomorphic correlation within the general framework of predication linking, and thereby compare the properties of so-called “correlative” structures with those of other linking structures. In the second phase, we will re-examine the place of correlative structures in the models advanced by traditional syntax, by gradual approaches (Foley & Van Valin, Rebuschi, Lehmann) and macrosyntax (Aix and Fribourg).<p> / Doctorat en Langues et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

East African Literature: Essays on Written and Oral Traditions. Ed. by J.K.S. Makokha, Egara Kabaji and Dominica Dipio. Berlin: Logos Verlag, 2011, 513 pp. ISBN 978-3-8325-2816-4: Review

Gromov, Mikhail D. 06 March 2013 (has links)
Book review of the collection titled ´East African literature: Essays on Written and Oral Tradition´ edited by J.K.S. Makokha, Egara Kabaji and Dominica Dipio

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