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Depressive symptoms in relation to oral health and related factors in a middle-aged population:analytical approachAnttila née Vimpari, S. (Sirpa) 28 May 2003 (has links)
The most common mental disorder, depression, is internationally acknowledged as a considerable public health problem, major depression being one of the leading causes of premature mortality and disability in the world (Murray & Lopez 1996).
Besides its associations with disturbances in psychological and social functioning, depression is also associated with various biological alterations. Accordingly, extensive research has been conducted to link depression with several somatic diseases. The relationship between depression and oral health is still obscure, however.
This study was carried out to investigate the relationship of depressive symptoms with oral health and related factors in 55-year-old inhabitants of Oulu, 780 of whom participated. Depressive symptoms were measured with the Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale (ZSDS). A high rate of depressive symptoms was associated with symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD), the subjective sensation of dry mouth, and high counts of salivary lactobacilli. An uncertain association was demonstrated between depressive symptoms and abundant growth of salivary mutans streptococci and the presence of yeasts in saliva. Depressive symptoms were associated with edentulousness in a subgroup of men who had never smoked. The dentate women with high rates of depressive symptoms did not consider it equally important to preserve their natural teeth as did the dentate women with fewer depressive symptoms. They also consumed sweets, snacks, and soft drinks more often, and a longer time had elapsed since their last visit to a dentist. No associations between depressive symptoms and periodontal pocketing or dental caries could be demonstrated in this cross-sectional study.
It is suggested that depression should be considered as a possible underlying factor when treating patients with TMD symptoms and complaints of oral dryness. Furthermore, considering the discovered association between depressive symptoms and microbial growth, the possibility of an increased risk for impaired oral health among depressed persons is emphasized.
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Unga vuxnas uppfattning kring munhygienvanor och kostvanor vid distansundervisning under covid-19-pandemin : En fenomenografisk intervjustudie / Young adults' perception of oral hygiene habits and dietary habits during distance education in the course of the covid-19-pandemic : A phenomenographic interview studyKyriakideli, Zoi, Hoang, Thi Thanh Xuan Hoang January 2022 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva 19-24 åringars uppfattning kring munhygienvanor och kostvanor vid distansundervisningen under covid-19-pandemin. Metod: Totalt intervjuades sex högskolestudenter i åldrarna 19-24 år. Studenterna valdes ut genom strategiskt och bekvämlighetsurval från olika fakulteter och högskolor i Sverige. Material bearbetades och analyserades genom fenomenografisk ansats. Resultat: Fenomenet som framkom var att distansundervisningen till följd av covid-19-pandemin medförde social distansering. Detta hade inverkan på informanternas psykiska hälsa, vilken påverkade deras kostvanor i en mer ohälsosam riktning medan förändringar gällande munhygienvanor inte uppfattades vara överlag betydande. Studiens huvudresultat beskrevs i fyra beskrivningskategorier. Kategorin uppfattning av skapad social distansering omfattade uppfattningar av social distansering till följd av distansundervisning under covid-19-pandemin. Kategorin uppfattning av skapad psykisk ohälsa innefattade uppfattningar av den psykiska hälsan och hur den påverkades av social distansering. Kategorin uppfattning av social distansering och kostvanorna berörde uppfattningar av kostvanor och hur dessa påverkades av informanternas psykiska mående till följd av social distansering. Kategorin uppfattning av social distansering och munhygienvanor innehöll uppfattningar av munhygienvanor och hur dessa påverkades av informanternas psykiska mående till följd av social distansering. / Aim: To describe 19-24 year old young adults’ perception of oral hygiene and dietary habits during distance education in the course of the covid-19 pandemic. Method: A total of six university students aged between 19-24 years old selected through strategic and convenience selection from various faculties and universities in Sweden were interviewed. The acquired material was processed and analyzed using a phenomenographic approach. Results: The phenomenon that emerged was that distance education due to the covid-19-pandemic led to social distancing. This had an impact on the informants' mental health, which affected their dietary habits in an unhealthy direction, while changes in oral hygiene habits were not perceived to be generally important. The results were described in four categories; perception of created social distancing included perceptions of social distancing due to distance education during the covid-19 pandemic; perceptions of created mental di-sease included perceptions of how mental health was affected by social distancing; perception of social distancing and dietary habits contained perceptions of how dietary habits were affected by mental state due to social distancing; perception of social distancing and oral hygiene habits encompassed perceptions of how oral hygiene habit were influenced by mental state because of social distancing.
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Innebörden av ett upplevt förbättrat munhälsobeteende sett utifrån ett patientperspektiv - En fenomenologisk deskriptiv intervjustudieÖstergård, Gun-Britt January 2013 (has links)
För individer med parodontal sjukdom är egenvården betydelsefull för en bättre prognos. Förebyggande åtgärder kan behöva ses i ett större sammanhang om det ska vara möjligt att främja tandhälsa eller förhindra fortsatt tandsjukdom. En insikt i patientens upplevelser och syn på sin förbättrade egenvård kan vara värdefull för att bättre förstå vad som behöver hända för att det ska ske en förflyttning mot en bättre hälsa. Syftet var att beskriva innebörden av ett upplevt förbättrat munhälso¬relaterat beteende sett utifrån ett patientperspektiv. Studiepopulation & metod: Deskriptiv fenomenologisk metod (Giorgi) valdes för insamling och analys av data. Det gjordes ett urval från patienter på en privat praktik för allmäntandvård.Resultatet visade fenomenets generella struktur med dess åtta inbördes bestånds-delar som i korthet är: a) förändring som en successiv ökning, b) förändrad syn på egenvård, c) detaljerad förståelse, automatisk rutin, och förbättring, d) uppmaningar och feedback upplevs förstärkande, e) goda tankar och tillfredställande känsla över sin egen förmåga, f) medverkan och tilltro till expert samt stimulans och upprätthållande, g) negativa erfarenheter och begränsningar, h) relatera sig själv till dåtid, nutid, framtid och andra.Diskussion: Ett salutogent patientcentrerat perspektiv framträdde. Det visade ett komplext samspel mellan förstärkande inre och yttre faktorer som slutligen resulterade i ett förbättrat munhälsorelaterat välbefinnande samt en egenvårdsrutin som upplevs som väl integrerad i vardagen. Resultatet tyder på att en förbättrad egenvård ger en ökad munhälsorealterad livskvalitet som kan behöva undersökas närmre. / For individuals with parodontal disease self-care is important for the prognosis. To be able to prevent progression of oral diseases health promotion and preventive interventions should be seen in a larger context. An insight in the patient´s experiences of her improved self-care could be valuable for a better understanding of what it´s like to move towards the direction of a better health.The aim was to describe the meaning of a perceived improved oral health related behavior from the patients´ perspective.Study population & method: Descriptive phenomenological method (Giorgi) was chosen for collection and analysis of data. A selection from patients in a private dental practice was made.The result showed the general structure and its eight constituents: a) change as a successive increase, b) a changed view on self-care, c) a detailed understanding, an automatic routine, and improvement, d) motivating challenges and feedback are perceived as strengthening, e) good thoughts and a satisfying feeling over own capacity, f) complicity and credence to an expert, and stimulation and maintenance, g) negative experiences and limitations, h) relating yourself to past time, present time, future and other people.Discussion: A salutogenic patient-centered perspective appeared. It showed a complex interaction between strengthening internal and external factors which finally resulted in improved oral health related wellbeing and a self-care routine which was experienced as well integrated in the everyday life. The result indicates that improved self-care results in increased oral health related quality of life which needs further investigation.
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