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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Grounded Theory of the Factors Affecting Employee Vision Inspiration

Luarca, Luis 01 January 2017 (has links)
Inspired, motivated employees are essential to organizational success. Research findings indicate a strong relationship between vision, leader charisma, organizational factors, and the extent to which employees feel motivated to achieve organizational goals based on the vision, known as employee vision inspiration (EVI). However, little is known about how employees personalize organizational visions and why this affects their performance. The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore in-depth the organizational and employee-related factors that affect EVI using the constant comparative method and grounded theory methodology, and how EVI manifests itself in employee behaviors directed toward the achievement of a company's vision. Interviews with a purposeful sample of 14 employees, chosen because they were inspired by their organization's vision, provided the data needed to answer the research questions and enable the development of a grounded theory of EVI. According to this theory, having an organization with a strong culture of two-way communication and a positive work environment fostered by a leader committed to an achievable vision positively affects EVI. The theory further indicates that such an organization acts as a motivator that enhances employee satisfaction and commitment, and elevates pride in the organization, thus positively affecting EVI. The significance to social change of this study is that it may enable leaders to understand how to inspire employees to be more creative and more committed to the success of the organization, thereby fostering a more fulfilling and satisfying organizational environment.

Viljan att stanna på arbetsplatsen : En kvantitativ studie om de sociala relationernas betydelse / Willingness to stay in the workplace : A quantitative study on the importance of social relations

Rylander, Ebba, Miss, Jennifer January 2023 (has links)
This is a quantitative study examining the importance of social relations for organizations. The aim of the study is to examine the social relationships between management and employees, but also between co-workers, to see which has the greatest impact in terms of staying in the organization. The two hypotheses of this study involve a negative relationship. The negative relationship implies a lower probability of seeking another job if the social relations are good. With that said, employees would rather stay in their workplaces when the social relations are good. The study carries out analyses using SPSS, using two existing data sets called Opinions on jobs and working life. The data sets from the years 2005 and 2015 have been used for comparison. The results are based on crosstabs and regression analyses. Finally, the results of the study are discussed to answer the research questions, but it also suggests further research on the field. The results that emerged support the two hypotheses of the study. That is, good social relations in a workplace make employees more likely stay in the organization. It was also found that people in 2005 were more likely to stay compared to 2015.

Societal culture and managerial decision making: The Brazilians and the English. An international comparison of the making and implementing of strategic decisions in organizations.

Oliveira, Carlos Alberto Arruda de January 1992 (has links)
Many features of the making of major managerial decisions have been covered by research - complexity, politicality, innovations, and so forth. Yet one - to which all others may be subject - remains almost untouched by research. It is the effects of societal culture on the way managers from different nations make, and implement, such decisions. This study compares the effects of a New World Latin dominated culture with those of an Old World Anglo-Saxon dominated culture, namely in Brazil and England respectively. It arises from the proposition that decision making, as well as other managerial practices, must be shaped by the cultures of the societies of which senior executives are part, in ways of which they themselves may be unaware. Methodologically, in response to the criticisms of earlier research which often attributed managerial and organizational differences to culture without direct evidence for that, this study began by composing portrayals of both cultures. The purpose of the portraits was to enable predictions of culturally affected elements in decision making, prior to empirical investigation. Data was collected by interview on twenty Brazilian and twenty English decisions in sixteen Brazilian and seventeen English organizations, ranging through a variety of manufacturing and service industries as well as universities. The examination of the results confirmed most of the predicted cultural characteristics. Differences although small on each variable were remarkably consistent across all variables. Brazilian strategic decision making was found to be dominated by a clique around the chief executive, who make fast decisions in a process strongly based on the social relationships between the participants. This style of decision making leads, in Brazil, to very informal processes, with little or no delays and, relatively speaking, less search for information. English decisions were found to be more consultative with more interests being involved in different stages of the process. Decisions in this country were characterized by caution and conservatism with some tendency to postpone decisions. Methodologically, the value of the prior conceptualization and description of societal culture is demonstrated since this gives meaning to the extensive differences found in all aspects of decision making. Theoretically, an attempt is made to elucidate the interconnectedness of societal culture and managerial behaviour.

"Nu får jag göra det jag är här för" : En fallstudie av en kompetensväxlings effekter och styrning inom Region Norrbotten / "Now I get to do what I am here for" : A case study on the effects and management of task-shifting within Region Norrbotten

Holmberg, Johanna, Lindholm, Kevin January 2017 (has links)
Syfte – Studiens syfte har varit att öka förståelsen för de effekter som kan uppstå genom en kompetensväxling när detta sker genom en fördelning och omfördelning av arbetsuppgifter till en ny yrkeskategori. Syftet har också varit att undersöka vilken roll styrning har i att påverka dessa effekter. För att undersöka syftet har följande forskningsfrågor adresserats; (1) Vilken påverkan har en kompetensväxling på de professioner vilka möts av ett sådant koncept? (2) Hur kan styrmedel förstärka positiv och lindra negativ påverkan av en kompetensväxling? Metod – Multipel fallstudiedesign av en kvalitativ art med en kombinerad induktiv och deduktiv ansats. Insamling av data har skett genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med undersköterskor, sjuksköterskor och ledning inom Region Norrbotten. Den insamlade datan har analyserats med hjälp av tematisk analys.  Resultat – Resultatet visar att en kompetensväxling, när detta sker genom en fördelning och omfördelning av arbetsuppgifter till en ny yrkeskategori, påverkar professioner både arbetsmässigt såsom personligt. Fem teman kopplade till påverkan har identifierats: rädsla för övertalighet, minskad stress i arbetet, arbetsglädje, skepsis mot servicepersonalens vårdkännedom samt effektivitet. Resultatet visar även att styrmedel kan ha en betydande roll för hur denna påverkan tar sitt uttryck och att ledningen därmed har en stor roll här att spela.  Teoretiska implikationer – Studien bidrar med en djupare förståelse kring kompetensväxling när detta sker genom en fördelning och omfördelning av arbetsuppgifter till en ny yrkeskategori. Studien bidrar även med insikter gällande en sådan kompetensväxlings påverkan på yrkesverksamma vilka möts av ett sådant koncept. Ett annat teoretiskt bidrag är en belysning av en sådan organisationsförändring i kombination med styrning.  Praktiska implikationer – Vårt resultat antyder att styrmedel kan ha en betydande roll för utfallen av en kompetensväxling. Vi ser därför att vårt resultat kan fungera som ett stöd för personer inom en ledningsposition vilka står inför utmaningen att införa ett liknande koncept inom sin organisation. Vi ser också att studien kan fungera som ett beslutsunderlag för chefer och högre beslutsfattare vilka utforskar möjligheterna att hantera en hög arbetsbelastning och personalbrist. / Purpose – The purpose of this study has been to increase the understanding of the effects that can emerge through task-shifting when it occurs through an allocation and distribution of work assignments to a new occupation. The purpose has also been to examine the management control systems role in affecting these effects. To investigate this purpose, following research questions have been addressed; (1) What effect does task-shifting have on the professions that face such a concept? (2) How can management control systems increase positive and alleviate negative effects of task-shifting?  Method – Multiple case study of a qualitative character with a combined inductive and deductive approach. Collection of data has occurred through semi-structured interviews with orderlies, nurses and management within Region Norrbotten. The collected data has been analyzed through thematic analysis.   Result – The result shows that task-shifting, when this occurs through an allocation and distribution of work assignments to a new occupation, affects professions both operationally as well as personally. Five themes linked to effects have been identified: fear of redundancy, reduced stress at work, job satisfaction, skepticism towards the service personnel’s understanding of healthcare and efficiency. The result also indicates that management control systems can have a considerable role in how this effect is manifested and that management therefore has a big part to play.  Theoretical implications – This study contributes with a deeper understanding regarding task-shifting when this occurs through an allocation and distribution of work assignments to a new occupation. This study also contributes with insights regarding such a concepts effect on professionals that face such a concept. Another theoretical contribution is the illumination of such an organizational change in combination with management control systems.  Practical implications – Our result indicates that management control systems can have a significant role in the outcomes of task-shifting. Therefore our result can function as support for individuals within a management position who face the challenge of implementing a similar concept within their organization. Furthermore we also see the study’s potential of being a basis for managers and higher-ups decision making who are exploring different opportunities of managing a high workload and staff shortages.

Comunicação Organizacional e Governança Corporativa: uma intersecção possível? / Comunicação Organizacional e Governança Corporativa: uma intersecção possível?

Sabbatini, Juliana Fedak 15 September 2010 (has links)
Esta tese investiga uma possível correlação entre as políticas de comunicação organizacional e as práticas de governança corporativa no universo empresarial, tendo como pano de fundo as profundas transformações no ambiente econômico, político, social e cultural a partir da segunda metade do século XX. Utilizando-se de extensa revisão bibliográfica como principal ferramenta metodológica e de uma pesquisa de campo com 22 empresas (que representam mais de 50% do valor de mercado de todas as empresas de capital aberto do Brasil), buscou-se construir a trajetória tanto da comunicação organizacional e seu corpus teórico, como da governança corporativa; tentando assim, observar os elos de intersecção existentes entre elas, tanto do ponto de vista teórico, como do ponto de vista de testes estatísticos. O estudo defende a tese de que processos de comunicação mais transparentes, colaborativos e integrados, além de heterogêneos no atendimento das diferentes demandas dos diversos stakeholders presentes na organização, são determinantes na construção de boas práticas de governança corporativa; ou seja, a intersecção positiva aqui identificada pode contribuir de forma decisiva para uma melhor capacitação e adaptação das empresas às profundas transformações presentes no cenário competitivo do capitalismo contemporâneo. / This thesis investigates a possible correlation between the organizational communication policies and the practices of corporate governance in the entrepreneurial sphere, using as a backdrop the profound transformations in the economic, political, social and cultural ambit from the second half of mid twentieth century onwards. With an extensive bibliographical review as the main methodological tool and a field research with 22 firms (which represent 50% of the market value of all the public companies in Brazil), I sought to build a trajectory of organizational communication and its theoretical corpus as well as corporate governance in an attempt to observe the existing intersecting links between them, both from a theoretical point of view and from the perspective of statistical tests. The study defends the thesis that more transparent, collaborative and integrated communication processes, besides being heterogeneous in addressing the different demands of diverse stakeholders present in the organization, are determinants in the construction of good practices in corporate governance. In other words, the positive intersection identified here may contribute decisively to a better empowerment and adaptation of the companies to the profound transformations present in the competitive scenario of contemporary capitalism.

Sistema Lean Production como mecanismo de alcance para Manufatura de Classe Mundial nas agroindústrias processadoras do filé de tilápia do estado de São Paulo /

Goes, Gustavo Antiqueira January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Eduardo Guilherme Satolo / Coorientador: Timóteo Ramos Queiroz / Banca: Robisom Damasceno Calado / Banca: Wagner Luiz Lourenzani / Resumo: O segmento de piscicultura e aquicultura possui um importante papel na contribuição do desenvolvimento econômico do Brasil. Destaca-se, sobretudo, o estado de São Paulo que realiza 70% do beneficiamento das tilápias produzidas em seus frigoríficos. Neste processo ocorre o beneficiamento dos peixes que são repassados aos supermercados na forma de filés. Estas organizações, denominadas de agroindústrias processadoras de filé de peixes, competem entre si, na busca por uma gestão de produção eficiente no que tange à redução de custos e à eliminação de desperdícios, gerando dessa forma desenvolvimento e acesso a outros mercados. Diante da carência de estudos verificados, a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo geral analisar como as organizações agroindustriais que processam o filé de tilápia do estado de São Paulo estão trabalhando as questões envolvidas ao sistema Lean Production para alcance da Manufatura de Classe Mundial. O método World Class Manufacturing e o sistema Lean Production denotam ser favorecedores das organizações que buscam atingir a competitividade a nível global, podendo gerar padrões eficientes quando bem utilizados. Para atender ao objetivo da pesquisa, empregou-se como método de pesquisa o estudo de caso do tipo múltiplo, com a condução de visitas in loco, a solicitação de documentos e aplicação em três Unidades de Pesquisa de questionário de modo a caracterizar as organizações, verificar as ações dos níveis organizacionais e relatar os benefícios, dificuldade... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The fish farming and aquaculture segment is very important for the contribution of Brazil's economic development. Of particular note is the state of São Paulo, which produces 70% of the tilapia production in its slaughterhouses. In this process the beneficiation of the fish that are transferred to supermarkets in the form of fillets takes place. These organizations, called fish fillet processing industries, compete with each other in the search for an efficient production management in terms of cost reduction and waste elimination, thus generating development and access to other markets. Given the lack of verified studies, the present research has as general objective to analyze how the agroindustries processing the fillet of tilapia of the state of São Paulo are working the issues involved to the Lean Production system for reach of the World-Class Manufacturing. The World Class Manufacturing method and the Lean Production system are great proponents of organizations that seek to achieve global competitiveness and can generate efficient standards when well used. In order to meet the research objective, a multiple-case study was conducted as a research method, with the conduction of on-site visits, request of documents and application in three questionnaires in order to characterize the organizations, To verify the actions of the organizational levels and to report the benefits, difficulties and critical factors for the success when in the execution of improvements in its manu... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

The Learning Experiences of Nontraditional Students Enrolled in Organizational Management and Business Administration Cohort- and Study-group Programs

Westerman, Janyce R. 01 August 1998 (has links)
The primary purpose of the study was to examine the learning experiences of nontraditional students enrolled in organizational management and business administration cohort- and study-group programs at four, small, private, church-related, arts-based colleges in Virginia, Tennessee, and Georgia. The objective of the study was to examine how cohorts and study groups were implemented at four colleges. In addition, the study explored ways that cohorts and study groups contributed to students' satisfaction and academic performance levels, interpersonal relations, and leadership skills. Three hundred forty-five informants and respondents participated in this study. The subjects included 286 students enrolled in organizational management and business administration programs at four small, private, church-related, arts-based colleges (referred to as A, B, C, and D) that were located in southeastern United States. Using a qualitative research design, the researcher also gathered information by interviewing one pilot focus group, consisting of 5 participants, and four official focus groups, consisting of 25 participants. Through the use of content analysis, information was codified into a questionnaire used to explore students' perceptions of cohorts and study groups. Student questionnaires were hand delivered; thus, 286 students responded, and an 88% return rate resulted. Additionally, information about the effectiveness of cohorts and study groups and structural design and variables of cohorts and study groups was collected through four individual student interviews, In addition, 25 surveys were sent to instructors, and 17 (68%) responded. Four program directors and four employers of students responded to questionnaires, for a return rate of 100%. Based on students' responses, this study reveals that cohorts and study groups increase satisfaction, raise academic performance levels, strengthen interpersonal relations, and enhance leadership skills. Data collected from program directors, instructors, and employers supported the results of the student self-reports. Recommendations were made for a refinement of the instrument, which would request additional quantitative data, and replication of the study at other colleges nationwide. Further recommendations included a more thorough study of employers' attitudes, a comparison of mandatory and voluntary study groups, an investigation of cohort-student dropouts, the benefits of mentoring, the effectiveness of class representatives, use of personality tests to determine study-group membership, and attitudes of college administrators and their support offices and boards toward nontraditional programs.

Electronic Medical Records in Acute Care Hospitals: Correlates, Efficiency, and Quality

Swanson, Abby Jo 01 January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to examine the organizational and environmental correlates of hospital EMR use and to examine the relationship between hospital EMR use and performance. Using a theoretical framework that combines resource dependence theory with Donabedian's structure, process, outcome model, a conceptual model is created. To test the hypotheses of this model, logistic regression and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) are used. The data included in this analysis come from the AHA, HIMSS, CMS, ARF, and HQA. In the analysis of hospitals correlates of EMR use, three hypotheses were supported, and one was partially supported. Hospital system affiliation, bed size, and environmental uncertainty were found to be positively associated with hospital EMR use. Hospital rurality was found to be associated with EMR use for all categories except one; at every other level of rurality, as the hospital moves on a continuum from least rural to most urban, the likelihood of hospital EMR use also increases. Hospital EMR use was not found to be associated with teaching status, environmental munificence, competition, operating margin, ownership, or public payer mix. In the hospital performance analyses, one hypothesis was supported, and one was partially supported. Regarding quality, hospitals with EMRs were found to provide higher quality than those without EMRs. In efficiency performance, only small hospitals with EMRs were found to be more efficient than hospitals without EMRs. No support was found that hospitals with EMRs improve their efficiency over time more than hospitals without EMRs. Hospital EMR use does vary by certain organizational and environmental characteristics. For this reason, hospitals and policy makers must take action that enables and encourages all hospitals to implement and use EMRs because some hospitals do not have the motivation or resources to begin using EMRs on their own. Hospital EMR use is positively associated with high quality care, thus justifying the practice. Hospital efficiency was not found to be associated with EMR use in medium or large hospitals, but it was found to be associated with EMR use in small hospitals. Interestingly, larger hospitals are more likely to use EMRs than small hospitals. It is possible that the efficiency gains of EMR use in hospitals will not be realized until a standardized, fully interoperable system is developed, allowing health care provides to quickly and easily share the medical charts of their patients.

La comunicación interpersonal y la gestión organizacional en los trabajadores de la Compañía Americana de Conservas Pisco – Perú 2018

Núñez Rodríguez, Manuel Antonio, Rubianes Hermitaño, Luis Enrique 01 July 2019 (has links)
En la investigación “La comunicación interpersonal y la gestión organizacional en los trabajadores de la Compañía Americana de Conservas Pisco – Perú 2018”, Se ha elegido este tema puesto que la comunicación interpersonal es de suma importancia para los intereses de la empresa en el marco de expansión y crecimiento, considerando realizar este estudio puesto que serviría de buen sustento para implementar acciones de mejora con las miras futuras, el área de RRHH ha diagnosticado que es un aspecto en debilidad y que necesita ser abordado con mayor contundencia para poder brindar a los trabajadores mayor bienestar y tranquilidad respecto a la transparencia de la comunicación interpersonal y brindar a los trabajadores una mayor cercanía entre todos los puestos y mandos de la organización. El presente estudio se basó en el FODA institucional desarrollado por los investigadores La presente investigación presenta el siguiente problema de estudio, ¿De qué manera se relaciona la variable comunicación interpersonal y la variable gestión organizacional en los trabajadores de la compañía Americana de conservas Pisco – Perú 2018?, siendo su objetivo, Describir cómo se relaciona la variable comunicación interpersonal y la variable gestión organizacional en los trabajadores de la compañía Americana de conservas Pisco – Perú 2018 y su hipótesis , La variable comunicación interpersonal se relaciona significativamente con la variable gestión organizacional en los trabajadores de la compañía Americana de conservas Pisco – Perú 2018. La metodología planteada tiene su base en un Paradigma Positivista, cuyo enfoque es Cuantitativa y su estadística es no paramétrica, su tipo es aplicada, su diseño es correlacional y presenta un corte de criterio transversal, su método es hipotético – deductivo, la población y muestra 73 y 62 trabajadores de la empresa en estudio. Se utilizo el SPSS 25, Microsoft excell y la opción del Gmail – Form que son encuestas en línea los mismo que fueron remitidos a sus móviles y cuentas de correo Gmail para que presenten o remitan las respuestas del instrumento validado planteado en la investigación. Podemos llegar a la conclusión estadística que se comprobaron las hipótesis planteadas por el investigador “La variable comunicación interpersonal se relaciona significativamente con la variable gestión organizacional en los trabajadores de la compañía Americana de conservas Pisco – Perú 2018” Podemos afirmar que el aporte del presente estudio servirá para concientizar a los líderes de gestión la suma importancia de la comunicación interpersonal en la organización para que el personal pueda tener mayor recepción y entendimiento de aspectos relevantes de la empresa. Asimismo, para invertir en la colocación de hitos comunicacionales en la organización que garanticen la efectividad: Murales, Altavoces, Televisores, etc. Para alinear estrategias en las diferentes gestiones interdepartamentales que permitan trabajar la comunicación entre los colaboradores. Elaborar un plan de formación para resaltar la importancia de la comunicación y el correcto uso de los medios de comunicación interno. / In the research "Interpersonal communication and organizational management in the workers of the American Company of Conserves Pisco - Peru 2018", this topic has been chosen since interpersonal communication is of great importance for the interests of the company within the framework of expansion and growth, considering this study as it would serve as a good support to implement improvement actions with future goals, the HR area has diagnosed that it is an aspect in weakness and that needs to be addressed with greater force in order to provide workers greater well-being and tranquility regarding the transparency of interpersonal communication and providing workers with greater proximity between all the positions and commands of the organization. The present study was based on the institutional SWOT developed by the researchers The present research presents the following study problem: How is the variable interpersonal communication and the organizational management variable related to the workers of the American company Pisco - Perú 2018 ?, being its objective, Describing how the variable is related interpersonal communication and the organizational management variable in the workers of the American company of preserves Pisco - Peru 2018 and its hypothesis, The interpersonal communication variable is significantly related to the organizational management variable in the workers of the American company of preserves Pisco - Peru 2018. The proposed methodology is based on a Positivist Paradigm, whose approach is Quantitative and its statistics is non-parametric, its type is applied, its design is correlational and presents a cut of transversal criteria, its method is hypothetical - deductive, the population and sample 73 and 62 workers of the company in e studio We used the SPSS 25, Microsoft excell and the option of Gmail - Form which are online surveys the same ones that were sent to their mobile and Gmail email accounts to present or send the answers of the validated instrument proposed in the investigation. We can reach the statistical conclusion that the hypotheses raised by the researcher were verified "The interpersonal communication variable is significantly related to the organizational management variable in the workers of the American company of preserves Pisco - Peru 2018" We can affirm that the contribution of this study will serve to make management leaders aware of the importance of interpersonal communication in the organization so that staff can have greater reception and understanding of relevant aspects of the company. Also, to invest in the placement of communicational milestones in the organization that guarantee effectiveness: Murals, Speakers, Televisions, etc. To align strategies in the different interdepartmental managements that allow communication between collaborators to work. Develop a training plan to highlight the importance of communication and the proper use of interpersonal media. / Tesis

OrIAs : uma infraestrutura de nível micro-organizacional baseada em artefatos para sistemas multiagentes / OrIAs : an artifact-based micro-organizational level infrastruture for multiagent systems

Thomasi, Camila Dasso January 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentada uma infraestrutura de nível micro-organizacional para sistemas multiagentes. A infraestrutura permite definir e gerenciar papéis e grupos de papéis organizacionais, que caracterizam o nível micro-organizacional das sociedades de agentes, em termos de quatro dimensões organizacionais: estrutural, funcional, dialógica e normativa. As principais características micro-organizacionais suportadas pela infraestrutura são: definição de papéis em termos de objetivos de realização (achievement goals) e objetivos de manutenção (maintenance goals), e seus respectivos planos; definição de normas organizacionais e um mecanismo para imposição das normas (norm enforcement); relações de dependências organizacionais entre papéis e grupos de papéis; mecanismo de reputação para auxiliar os agentes na busca de parceiros para seus objetivos individuais e selecionar parceiros para atingir metas coletivas; processo de reorganização não institucionalizado realizado por iniciativa dos agentes. A infraestrutura é baseada no metamodelo de agentes e artefatos e no conceito de organizações incorporadas (embodied organizations). Como resultado deste trabalho é disponibilizada uma infraestrutura de gerenciamento organizacional, independente de modelo organizacional, desenvolvida utilizando a plataforma CArtAgO que permite tornar a organização acessível aos agentes. / In this work, we present an artifact-based micro-organizational level infrastructure for multi-agent systems. It provides a way to define and manage the organizational roles and groups of roles that characterize the micro-organizational level of agent societies, in terms of the four organizational dimensions: structural, functional, dialogical and normative. The main micro-organizational features supported by the infrastructure are: definition of roles in terms of achievement and maintenance goals, and their corresponding plans; organizational norms and corresponding sanction-based mechanism of norm enforcement; organizational protocols to support the achievement of role goals; relations of organizational dependences between roles and groups of roles; reputation mechanism to help agents to find partners for their individual goals and to select partners to achieve collective goals; reorganization process not institutionalized performed by the initiative of agents. The infrastructure is based on the A & A meta-model and in the concept of embodied organizations. As a result of this work, we provide an organizational management infrastructure, independent of organizational model, developed using the CArtAgO platform that makes the organization accessible to agents.

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