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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação da função executiva de crianças e adolescentes: desempenho e tempo na To Torre de Hanói.

Ferreira, Larissa de Oliveira e 08 November 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T14:20:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LARISSA DE OLIVEIRA E FERREIRA.pdf: 1804099 bytes, checksum: d2b4dba42341c787eb8c9b6b9ba6a815 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-11-08 / Neuropsychology in recent years has increased the number of research on executive function function. The increase in research was necessary because it is a subject that covers . functions directly linked to cognitive processes necessary for good per performance in daily ormance activities activities, and tasks that require a more elaborat , elaborate reasoning e reasoning. But most research, found . found, has as its object of study groups of children and adolescents with neuropsychi neuropsychiatric atric disorders or dysfunctions dysfunctions. In Brazil there are few standardized ba batte ttery to assess ry executive function. One of the instruments used is the Tower of Hanoi, but there is no consensus on how to apply and which components of this instrumen instrument assesses t executive function function. From this perspective we chose to study the Tower of Hanoi in the assessment of executive function with group of children with normal development . This study tested 55 children and adolescents between 10 and 16 years, with the aim to evaluate the relationship between time and performance in the Tower of Hanoi to assess executive function function. As convergent validity was used to scale . the implementation of WISC III III, which is a w , widely studied intelligence test idely test, which evaluates all components , of executive function and that has to count time as a key factor in the fi final s nal score of all core subtests subtests. The results provide data that seem to show that the number of movements . and me measure the execution time in ToH asure ToH, with children 10 , - 16 years o old, has no ld, discriminative power power, the comparison between the groups 10 , 10-13 years and 14 -16 year years and between genders s genders. We conclude that the ToH unlike many studies showed . that it is not an effective tool in the assessment of executive function in children 10 10-16 years. The measurement of time in carrying out the ToH is not necessary since no significa significant correlation in any of the comparisons made in this study. nt / Em neuropsicologia neuropsicologia, nos últimos anos tem aumentado o número de pesq pesquisas sobre a uisas função executiva. O aumento das pesquisas fez fez-se necessário por tratar tratar-se de um assunto que abrange funções diretamente ligadas a processos cognitivos necessário necessários para o bom desempenho em atividades cotidianas, e em tarefas que exij exijam um am raciocínio mais elaborado. No entanto, a maioria das pesquisas encontrada encontradas tem como s objeto de estudo grupos de crianças e adolescentes com disfunções ou transtornos neuropsiquiátr neuropsiquiátricos, icos, o que não permite esclarecer o que seria o desenvolvimento e o funcionamento da função executiva em grupos sem comprometimentos. No Brasil Brasil, existe existem poucas bateria baterias padronizadas para avaliar a função executiva. Um dos instrumentos muito usado é a Torr Torre de Hanói e (TOH) TOH), porém porém, não existe consenso quanto a forma de aplicação e quais componentes da função ex executiva esse ecutiva instrumento avalia. Com essa perspectiva perspectiva, optou optou-se por estudar a Torre de Hanói na avaliação da função executiva com grupo de crianças com desenvolvimento normal. Foram testadas 55 crianças e adolescentes, entre 10 e 16 anos, com o objetivo de avaliar a relação entre tempo e o d desempenho na Torre de Hanói para a esempenho avaliação da função executiva. Como medida de correlação usou usou-se a escala de ex execução do Wisc ecução III III. Os resultados fornecem dados que parecem demonstrar que o número de movimentos e a medida do tempo na execução na ToH, com crianças de 10 a 16 anos, não tem poder discriminativo, na comparação do desempenho do número e do tempo de execu execução ção ent entre os grupos de 10 a 13 anos, re de 14 a 16 anos e entre os gêneros. Conclu Conclui-se que a medida do tempo na realização da ToH ToH, de acordo com os , dados levantados e em grupos de crianças e adolescentes da 10 a 16 anos não se faz necessária necessária, uma vez que não apre apresentou correlação significativa. sentou

漢唐宰相制度 V.3

周道濟, ZHOU, DAO-JI Unknown Date (has links)
本文所論述者、厥為漢唐宰相制度。全文除緒論、結論、及附錄外,計分前後兩編: 前編論述漢代宰相制度,凡七章,第一章為「丞相制度的由來與漢代宰相名稱的遞變 」,第二章為「漢代宰相機關」,第三章為「漢代宰相的秩位尊榮與職責」,第四章 為「漢代宰相的權力(從權力行使之方式看)」,第五章為「漢代宰相的權力(從權 力所及之事項看)」,第六章為「漢代宰相實權的分析」,第七章為「漢代宰相的任 免人選及其下場」。後編論述唐代宰相制度,亦包括七章,第一章為「三省制度的由 來與唐代宰相名稱的遞變」,第二章為「唐代宰相機關」,第三章為「唐代宰相的品 秩尊榮與職責」,第四章為「唐代宰相的權力(從權力行使之方式看)」,第五章為 「唐代宰相的權力(從權力所及之事項看)」,第六章為「唐代宰相實權的分析」, 第七章為「唐代宰相的任免人選及其下場」。全文都七十餘萬言。

漢唐宰相制度 V.2

周道濟, ZHOU, DAO-JI Unknown Date (has links)
本文所論述者、厥為漢唐宰相制度。全文除緒論、結論、及附錄外,計分前後兩編: 前編論述漢代宰相制度,凡七章,第一章為「丞相制度的由來與漢代宰相名稱的遞變 」,第二章為「漢代宰相機關」,第三章為「漢代宰相的秩位尊榮與職責」,第四章 為「漢代宰相的權力(從權力行使之方式看)」,第五章為「漢代宰相的權力(從權 力所及之事項看)」,第六章為「漢代宰相實權的分析」,第七章為「漢代宰相的任 免人選及其下場」。後編論述唐代宰相制度,亦包括七章,第一章為「三省制度的由 來與唐代宰相名稱的遞變」,第二章為「唐代宰相機關」,第三章為「唐代宰相的品 秩尊榮與職責」,第四章為「唐代宰相的權力(從權力行使之方式看)」,第五章為 「唐代宰相的權力(從權力所及之事項看)」,第六章為「唐代宰相實權的分析」, 第七章為「唐代宰相的任免人選及其下場」。全文都七十餘萬言。

漢唐宰相制度 V.1

周道濟, ZHOU, DAO-JI Unknown Date (has links)
本文所論述者、厥為漢唐宰相制度。全文除緒論、結論、及附錄外,計分前後兩編: 前編論述漢代宰相制度,凡七章,第一章為「丞相制度的由來與漢代宰相名稱的遞變 」,第二章為「漢代宰相機關」,第三章為「漢代宰相的秩位尊榮與職責」,第四章 為「漢代宰相的權力(從權力行使之方式看)」,第五章為「漢代宰相的權力(從權 力所及之事項看)」,第六章為「漢代宰相實權的分析」,第七章為「漢代宰相的任 免人選及其下場」。後編論述唐代宰相制度,亦包括七章,第一章為「三省制度的由 來與唐代宰相名稱的遞變」,第二章為「唐代宰相機關」,第三章為「唐代宰相的品 秩尊榮與職責」,第四章為「唐代宰相的權力(從權力行使之方式看)」,第五章為 「唐代宰相的權力(從權力所及之事項看)」,第六章為「唐代宰相實權的分析」, 第七章為「唐代宰相的任免人選及其下場」。全文都七十餘萬言。


胡健國, HU, JIAN-GUO Unknown Date (has links)
本論文之所為作,旨在探討有清一代滿漢政治勢力之消長,述其演變軌跡,究其因果 關係。 本文近二十萬言,計分六章。 第一章緒論。 第二章政治權力之掌握。分三節述之,首由靜態著眼,論列在統治機構中,清廷如何 佈署族人;再自動態觀察,分析實際現象中,重要職官內,滿漢勢力消長之情形;最 後則試從各種角度,解析清廷之欲滿人掌握武力優勢,採行何種措施,效果如何。 第三章政治權力之運用。清廷之視滿漢,親疏有別,故於滿漢人才之運用,分別適用 不同之標準,本章就資格出身、文官與武官、內官與外官三方面,探究其政策命意及 演變結果。 第四章政治權力之分配。首先,盱衡全局,點明整個制度設計中,權力結構所顯示的 建置精神;復由時間序列,比較不同期間滿漢政治權力之比重;而咸同之際,地方權 力大張,任事者多漢人,故於中央與地方力量之推移,特列一節以述之,始可見漢人 政治勢力所具之份量。 第五章清末最後之集權。清廷有感於外重內輕,乘立憲之便,大行中央集權,然親貴 用事,益令國人不滿。其間復有化除滿漢畛域一事,未能圓滿解決,遂致清室覆亡。 第六章為結論。滿人以少數民族君臨華夏,享國二百餘年,如何維持本身之勢力,確 有傑出之治術,本章盱衡全局,評其得失,並論其終於漸趨文弱,不但政治勢力不免 衰退,且族之本身亦形不保之原因。 /

Interactions entre végétation des habitats semi-naturels, pratiques agricoles et contrôle biologique des ravageurs des cultures - Optimisation de l'approche bande fleurie / Interactions between species composition of field margin vegetation, landscape structure, land use and pest control – An optimisation of the wildfl ower strip approach

Pollier, Anna 14 December 2016 (has links)
La dégradation des éléments semi-naturels du paysage agricoleet l’intensifi cation des pratiques agricoles ont conduit à l’altérationdes services écosystémiques. Une meilleure compréhensiondes mécanismes de la régulation des bioagresseurs permet ledéveloppement de systèmes agricoles économes en produitsphytosanitaires. Les espèces végétales des habitats semi-naturels,notamment des bordures de parcelles, peuvent constituerdes refuges et proposer des ressources pour les insectes inféodésaux cultures. La thèse vise à expliciter le rôle de la végétationdes bords de champ pour alimenter l’ingénierie agroécologique.Les analyses s’appuient sur des relevés botaniques et entomologiques,sur des enquêtes agronomiques, sur des relevésd’occupation des sols dans le paysage, ainsi que sur la mise enplace de mélanges d’espèces tests le long des cultures.Nous avons mis en évidence l’importance de la végétation spontanéede bordures et surtout du couvert des plantes entomophiles enfl eurs dans la régulation des ravageurs. En comparaison avec lepaysage entourant les parcelles, les facteurs locaux (pratiquesagricoles, fl ore des bordures) ont une plus grande infl uence surles populations des ravageurs. La mise en place d’une nouvelleméthode de marquage du nectar au 13C nous a permis de suivrel’alimentation et le déplacement de parasitoïdes. Les bandesfl euries optimisées pour la production des ressources fl oralesaméliorent la régulation des ravageurs. Les résultats obtenusdans ce travail permettent de formuler de nouvelles pistes degestion de l / The degradation of semi-natural habitats and land use intensifi cationhave resulted in a loss of ecosystem services. A better understandingof the mechanisms of crop herbivore regulation is neededto improve plant protection and to reduce insecticide treatments.Plant species of semi-natural habitats such as herbaceous fi eldmargins, provide shelter and food resources for crop insects. Thethesis aims to evaluate the role of the fi eld margin vegetation toimprove our knowledge on interaction with crop herbivores and naturalenemies and to optimise ecological engineering approaches.The studies are based on botanical and entomological surveys, onquestionnaire information (land use) and on landscape mapping.In one experiment we manipulated fi eld margin vegetation, to compareeffects of vegetation rich in fl oral resources with control treatments(spontaneous vegetaion, grass strips).We demonstrated theimportance of spontaneous vegetation, particularly the abundanceof fl owering entomophilous plants in regulating crop herbivores.Local factors such as land use intensity and fi eld margin vegetationhad a stronger infl uence on crop herbivores and natural enemiesthan landscape features. A new method of labelling soruce plantnectar with 13C sugar was tested to analyse nectar uptake andthe movements of parasitoids between fi eld margin and crop. Marginvegetation optimised for fl oral resource provisioning improvedregulation service. The results are discussed in terms of managementrecommendations for agri-envrionment schemes

Analyse statistique de processus stochastiques : application sur des données d’orages / Inference for some stochastic processes : with application on thunderstorm data

Do, Van-Cuong 19 April 2019 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse concernent l'analyse statistique de cas particuliers du processus de Cox. Dans une première partie, nous proposons une synthèse des résultats existants sur le processus power-law (processus d'intensité puissance), synthèse qui ne peut être exhaustive étant donné la popularité de ce processus. Nous considérons une approche bayésienne pour l'inférence des paramètres de ce processus qui nous conduit à introduire et à étudier en détails une distribution que nous appelons loi H-B. Cette loi est une loi conjuguée. Nous proposons des stratégies d'élicitation des hyperparamètres et étudions le comportement des estimateurs de Bayes par des simulations. Dans un deuxième temps, nous étendons ces travaux au cas du processus d’intensité exponentielle (exponential-law process). De la même façon, nous définissons et étudions une loi conjuguée pour l'analyse bayésienne de ce dernier. Dans la dernière partie de la thèse, nous considérons un processus auto-excité qui intègre une covariable. Ce travail est motivé, à l'origine, par un problème de fiabilité qui concerne des données de défaillances de matériels exposés à des environnements sévères. Les résultats sont illustrés par des applications sur des données d'activités orageuses collectées dans deux départements français. Enfin, nous donnons quelques directions de travail et perspectives de futurs développements de l'ensemble de nos travaux. / The work presented in this PhD dissertation concerns the statistical analysis of some particular cases of the Cox process. In a first part, we study the power-law process (PLP). Since the literature for the PLP is abundant, we suggest a state-of-art for the process. We consider the classical approach and recall some important properties of the maximum likelihood estimators. Then we investigate a Bayesian approach with noninformative priors and conjugate priors considering different parametrizations and scenarios of prior guesses. That leads us to define a family of distributions that we name H-B distribution as the natural conjugate priors for the PLP. Bayesian analysis with the conjugate priors are conducted via a simulation study and an application on real data. In a second part, we study the exponential-law process (ELP). We review the maximum likelihood techniques. For Bayesian analysis of the ELP, we define conjugate priors: the modified- Gumbel distribution and Gamma-modified-Gumbel distribution. We conduct a simulation study to compare maximum likelihood estimates and Bayesian estimates. In the third part, we investigate self-exciting point processes and we integrate a power-law covariate model to this intensity of this process. A maximum likelihood procedure for the model is proposed and the Bayesian approach is suggested. Lastly, we present an application on thunderstorm data collected in two French regions. We consider a strategy to define a thunderstorm as a temporal process associated with the charges in a particular location. Some selected thunderstorms are analyzed. We propose a reduced maximum likelihood procedure to estimate the parameters of the Hawkes process. Then we fit some thunderstorms to the power-law covariate self-exciting point process taking into account the associated charges. In conclusion, we give some perspectives for further work.

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