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A feasibility study on pairinga smartwatch and a mobile devicethrough multi-modal gesturesBernardi, Dario January 2019 (has links)
Pairing is the process of establishing an association between two personal devices. Although such a process is intuitively very simple, achieving a straightforward and secure association is challenging due to several possible attacks and usability-related issues. Indeed, malicious attackers might want to spoof the communication between devices in order to gather sensitive information or harm them. Moreover, offering users simple and usable schemes which attain a high level of security remains a major issue. In addition, due to the great diversity of pairing scenarios and equipment, achieving a single, usable, secure association for all possible devices and use cases is simply not possible.In this thesis, we study the feasibility of a novel pairing scheme based on multi-modal gestures, namely, gestures involving drawing supported by accelerometer data. In particular, a user can pair a smart-watch on his wrist and a mobile device (e.g., a smart-phone) by simply drawing with a finger on the screen at the device.To this purpose, we developed mobile applications for smart-watch and smart-phone to sample and process sensed data in support of a secure commitment-based protocol. Furthermore, we performed experiments to verify whether encoded matching-movements have a clear similarity compared to non-matching movements.The results proved that it is feasible to implement such a scheme which also offers users a natural way to perform secure pairing. This innovative scheme may be adopted by a large number of mobile devices (e.g., smart-watches, smart-phones, tablets, etc.) in different scenarios. / Parkoppling är processen för att etablera en anslutning mellan två personliga enheter. Även om den processen rent intuitivt verkar väldigt enkel så är det en utmaning att göra det säkert på grund av en uppsjö olika attackvektorer och användbarhets-relaterade problem. Faktum är att angripare kanske vill spionera på kommunikationen mellan enheterna för att samla information, eller skada enheten. Dessutom kvarstår problemet att erbjuda användaren ett simpelt och användarvänligt sätt att parkoppla enheter som håller en hög nivå av säkerhet. På grund av mängden av olika enheter och parkopplingsscenarier är det helt enkelt inte möjligt att skapa ett enskilt säkert sätt att parkoppla enheter på.I den här uppsatsen studerar vi genomförbarheten av ett nytt parkopplingsschema baserat på kombinerade rörelser, nämligen en målande rörelse supportat av data från accelerometern. I synnerhet kan en användare parkoppla en smart klocka på sin handled med en mobiltelefon genom att måla med sitt finger på mobiltelefonens skärm. För ändamålet utvecklar vi en mobilapplikation för smarta klocka och mobiltelefoner för att testa och processa inhämtad data som support för ett säkert engagemangsbaserat protokoll. Utöver det genomförde vi ett antal experiment för att verifiera om synkroniserade rörelser har tydliga liknelser i jämförelse med icke synkroniserade rörelser.Resultatet visade att det är genomförbart att implementera ett sådant system vilket också erbjuder användaren ett naturligt sätt att genomföra en säker parkoppling. Detta innovativa system kan komma att användas av ett stort antal mobila enheter (t.ex. smarta klockor, mobiltelefoner, surfplattor etc) i olika scenarion.
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A Self-Consistent "Realistic" Pairing Theory with Applications to Two-Nucleon Transfer ReactionsGriffin, Robin Edward 12 1900 (has links)
Scope and Contents: A generalized pairing theory has been developed which diagonalizes matrix elements of the effective nucleon-nucleon interaction in a space of one, two and three-pair excitations from a Skyrme Hartree-Fock solution for deformed rotational nuclei. The "pairing" excitation energy for the configurations of time-reversed pairs of particles is obtained from the Hartree-Fock approximation as opposed to the conventional (BCS) residual interaction point of view. The effects of the finite-range character of the effective nucleon-nucleon interaction are studied in the single-particle structure they induce in the pairing matrix elements. Microscopic form factors for (p,t) and (t, p) reactions between states of the rotational bands built on the K^π=0^+ pairing solution band-head states are constructed in the cylindrical Harmonic-Oscillator basis in which the Hartree-Fock solution is expanded. These form factors are used in DWBA calculations for the differential cross-sections. Preliminary calculations for (p,t) and (t,p) transitions between states in 172Yb and 174Yb were performed. The calculations emphasize the effects of structure in the pairing matrix elements, and the necessity for a self-consistent calculation of the diagonal pairing matrix elements sing the Hartree-Fock equations. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Some Effects of The Atomicity of a Metal On Its Dielectric Response and Its Superconducting StateIngleby, Michael 05 1900 (has links)
<p> Although the electronic pairing hypothesis of Bardeen, Cooper and Schrieffer is verified by experiment, the lattice polarisation mechanism for over-screening the repulsion between mates in a pair need not be the sole mechanism. </p>
<p> Alternatives to the lattice polarisation mechanism are discussed and a new approach to electronic polarisation is developed. Propagator formalism is reworked using a charge density propagator to avoid the Dyson equation for the screened potential. The fermi liquid approach to electrons in a metal is avoided, too, because it misses the correlations which give a solid its atomicity. An atomic picture is contrived instead and used to predict what observable features of a superconductor are influenced by atomic correlations. </p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Konstruktion av avgassystem till MC i syfte att förbättra dess motorkaraktär / Construction of exhaust system for MC in order to improve its engines characteristicsVesterberg, Mats January 2020 (has links)
Detta kandidatexamensarbete behandlar design och konstruktion av ett nytt avgassystem för en motorcykel. Utvecklingen grundar sig på resultat från en körning i bromsbänk av motorcykeln utrustad med original avgassystem, där det visar sig att det finns en påtaglig dipp i vridmoment mellan 4000 och 6500 rpm. Samt på resonemang kring avgassystemets geometri och dess inverkan på motorns egenskaper. Dessa resonemang grundar sig i sin tur på fysikaliska principer. Målet med projektet är att utveckla ett avgassystem som påverkar motorn på det sätt att vridet i motorns mellanregister ökar för att utradera den påvisade dippen i mellanregistret samtidigt som det fortfarande ska uppfylla de krav svensk lagstiftning ställer på motorcyklar angående ljudnivå. Resonemangen på vilka avgassystemet utformas behandlar cylinderspolning, lågtryckspulser, avgasernas hastighet, avgassystemskonfiguration och cylinderparning. Det beslutas att systemet ska utformas på så sätt att avståndet till kollektorer blir så långt som möjligt i tillgängligt utrymme, att avgassystemet ska vara av 4-2-1 konfiguration och att cylinder 4 och 1 respektive 2 och 3 ska paras ihop. Avgassystemet tillverkas med enbart handverktyg och består till största del av standarddelar. Efter konstruktion så testas det nya systemet med en körning i bromsbänk och en ljudmätning. Den resulterade grafen från körningen i bromsbänken visar att dippen i vridmoment mellan 4000 och 6500 varv utraderades samtidigt som momentet ökade lite genom hela registret. Maximala vridmoment ökade från 103,7 Nm (Newtonmeter) med original avgassystem till 106,6 Nm med det nya. Toppeffekten ökade från 115,7 hk (hästkrafter) till 122,5 hk. På grund av att tillgång till verkstad försvann i och med pandemiutbrottet våren 2020 så beslutades att inte tillverka någon ljuddämpare, istället inhandlades och monterades en standardiserad fullflödesljuddämpare. Ljudmätningar visar att målet med ljudnivån inte uppnåtts. För att vara lagligt så får den maximala ljudnivån vid 5200 rpm inte överstiga 93 dB (decibel). Det nya systemet uppmättes till 109,4 dB vid 5200 rpm och klarar därmed inte ljudnivåkravet. Projektet visar att det är möjligt att markant påverka motorkaraktären med ändringar i avgassystemets geometri och konfiguration. Detta projekt visar dock bara på vad summan av förändringarna åstadkommer och kan inte ge specifika svar på vilka ändringar som står för vilken del av resultatet. / This bachelor's thesis deals with the design and construction of a new exhaust system for a motorcycle. The development is based on the results on a dyno run of the motorcycle equipped with the original exhaust system as well on reasonings regarding the exhaust system geometry and its impact on engine characteristics. These reasonings, in turn, are based on physical principles. The dyno run with the original exhaust system showed a significant dip in torque between 4000 and 6500 rpm. The aim of the project is to develop an exhaust system that affects the engines performance in a way that results in the increase of the engines midrange torque in order to erase the detected dip in the midrange while still fulfilling the requirements Swedish legislation imposes on motorcycles regarding noise pollution. The reasoning on which the exhaust system is designed deals with cylinder scavenging, low pressure pulses, exhaust speed, exhaust system configuration and cylinder pairing. It is decided that the system shall be designed in such a way that the distance to collectors is as far as possible in the available space, that the exhaust system shall be of 4-2-1 configuration and that cylinders 4 and 1 and 2 and 3 shall be paired. The exhaust system is manufactured using hand tools only and consists mostly of standardized parts. After construction, the new system is validated with a dyno run and sound level measurements. The resulting graph from the dyno run of the motorcycle equipped with the new exhaust system shows that the dip in torque between 4000 and 6500 rpm was erased while the overall torque increased slightly throughout the register. Maximum torque increased from 103.7 Nm with the original exhaust to 106.6 Nm with the new. The peak power increased from 115.7 hp to 122.5 hp. Sound measurements indicate that the aim for the sound level has not been achieved. To be legal, the maximum noise level at 5200 rpm must not exceed 93 dB. The new system was measured at 109.4 dB at 5200 rpm and thus does not meet the sound level requirement. The project shows that it is possible to significantly influence the engine character with changes in the geometry and configuration of the exhaust system. However, this project only shows what the sum of the changes achieves and cannot provide specific answers as to which changes account for what part of the result.
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Impacts of group selection harvest openings on the reproductive success of the Solitary Vireo (Vireo solitarius alticola)Meehan, Amy L. 01 October 2008 (has links)
Solitary Vireos (Vireo solitarius alticola) were studied on an extensive mature forest landscape in 1994 and on three sites harvested using the group selection method in 1995. Pairing success was 88% on the unharvested site in 1994, however it was lower on the harvested sites in 1995 (53.8%). Low reproductive success was observed in both years (12% and 22% respectively). In 1995, the amount of opening within a 200 meter radius of the first observation point of a male was positively related to pairing success (p<0.05). This suggests that females may be cueing in on the increased number of shrubs in and around openings. / Master of Science
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Problèmes autour de courbes élliptiques et modulaires / Topics in elliptic and modular curvesSha, Min 27 September 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse se divise en deux parties. La première est consacrée aux points entiers sur les courbes modulaires, et l'autre se concentre sur les courbes elliptiques à couplages.Dans la première partie, nous donnons quelques majorations effectives de la hauteur des j-invariants des points entiers sur les courbes modulaires quelconques associées aux sous-groupes de congruence sur les corps de nombres quelconques en supposant que le nombre des pointes est au moins 3. De plus, dans le cas d'un groupe de Cartan non-déployé nous fournissons de meilleures bornes. Comme application, nous obtenons des résultats similaires pour certaines courbes modulaires avec moins de 3 pointes.Dans la deuxième partie, nous donnons une nouvelle majoration du nombre de classes d'isogénie de courbes elliptiques ordinaires à couplages. Nous analysons également la méthode de Cocks-Pinch pour confirmer certaines de ses propriétés communément conjecturées. Par ailleurs, nous présentons la première analyse heuristique connue qui suggère que toute construction efficace de courbes elliptiques à couplages peut engendrer efficacement de telles courbes sur tout corps à couplages. Enfin, quelques données numériques allant dans ce sens sont données. / This thesis is divided into two parts. One is devoted to integral points on modular curves, and the other concerns pairing-friendly elliptic curves. In the first part, we give some effective upper bounds for the $j$-invariant of integral points on arbitrary modular curves corresponding to congruence subgroups over arbitrary number fields assuming that the number of cusps is not less than 3. Especially, in the non-split Cartan case we provide much better bounds. As an application, we get similar results for certain modular curves with less than three cusps. In the second part, a new heuristic upper bound for the number of isogeny classes of ordinary pairing-friendly elliptic curves is given. We also heuristically analyze the Cocks-Pinch method to confirm some of its general consensuses. Especially, we present the first known heuristic which suggests that any efficient construction of pairing-friendly elliptic curves can efficiently generate such curves over pairing-friendly fields. Finally, some numerical evidence is given.
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Quelques Algorithmes pour des problèmes de plus court chemin et d'opérations aériennes / Algorithms for shortest path and airline problemsParmentier, Axel 10 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse développe des algorithmes pour les problèmes de plus court chemin sous cont-rain-tes de ressources, et les applique à l'optimisation des rotations des avions et des équipages d'une compagnie aérienne dans le cadre d'approches par génération de colonnes.Les problèmes de plus court chemin sous contraintes de ressources sont généralement résolus grâce à une énumération intelligente de tous les chemins non dominés. Les approches récentes utilisent des bornes sur les ressources des chemins pour éliminer des solutions partielles. L'efficacité de la méthode est conditionnée par la qualité des bornes utilisées. Notre principale contribution au domaine est l'introduction d'une procédure générique pour calculer des bornes qui s'applique à la plupart des problèmes de chemins sous contraintes, et en particulier les problèmes stochastiques. A cette fin, nous introduisons une généralisation du problème de plus court chemin sous contraintes dans laquelle les ressources des chemins appartiennent à un monoïde ordonné comme un treillis. La ressource d'un chemin est la somme des ressources de ses arcs, le terme somme désignant l'opérateur du monoïde. Le problème consiste à trouver parmi les chemins qui satisfont une contrainte donnée celui dont la ressource minimise une fonction de coût croissante de la ressource des chemins. Nous généralisons les algorithmes d'énumération à ce nouveau problème. La théorie des treillis nous permet de construire une procédure polynomiale pour trouver des bornes de qualité. L'efficacité pratique de la méthode est évaluée au travers d'une étude numérique détaillée sur des problèmes de chemins déterministes et stochastiques. Les procédures de calcul des bornes peuvent être interprétées comme des généralisations aux monoïdes ordonnés comme des treillis d'algorithmes de la littérature définis pour résoudre un problème de chemin pour lequel les ressources des chemins prennent leur valeur dans un semi-anneau.Nos algorithmes de chemins ont été appliqués avec succès au problème de crew pairing. Étant donné un ensemble de vols opérés par une compagnie aérienne, les problèmes d'aircraft routing et de crew pairing construisent respectivement les séquences de vols opérées par les avions et par les équipages de manière à couvrir tous les vols à moindre coût. Comme certaines séquences de vols ne peuvent être réalisées par un équipage que s'il reste dans le même avion, les deux problèmes sont liés. La pratique actuelle dans l'industrie aéronautique est de résoudre tout d'abord le problème d'aircraft routing, puis le problème de crew pairing, ce qui aboutit à une solution non-optimale. Des méthodes de résolution pour le problème intégré ont été développées ces dix dernières années. Nous proposons une méthode de résolution pour le problème intégré reposant sur deux nouveaux ingrédients : un programme linéaire en nombre entier compact pour le problème d'aircraft routing, ainsi que de nouveaux pour le problème esclave de l'approche usuelle par génération de colonnes du problème de crew pairing. Ces algorithmes pour le problème esclave sont une application de nos algorithmes pour le problème de plus court chemin sous contraintes. Nous généralisons ensuite cette approche de manière à prendre en compte des contraintes de probabilités sur la propagation du retard. Ces algorithmes permettent de résoudre quasiment à l'optimum les instances industrielles d'Air France / This thesis develops algorithms for resource constrained shortest path problems, and uses them to solve the pricing subproblems of column generation approaches to some airline operations problems.Resource constrained shortest path problems are usually solved using a smart enumeration of the non-dominated paths. Recent improvements of these enumeration algorithms rely on the use of bounds on path resources to discard partial solutions. The quality of the bounds determines the performance of the algorithm. Our main contribution to the topic is to introduce a standard procedure to generate bounds on paths resources in a general setting which covers most resource constrained shortest path problems, among which stochastic versions. In that purpose, we introduce a generalization of the resource constrained shortest path problem where the resources are taken in a lattice ordered monoid. The resource of a path is the monoid sum of the resources of its arcs. The problem consists in finding a path whose resource minimizes a non-decreasing cost function of the path resource among the paths that satisfy a given constraint. Enumeration algorithms are generalized to this framework. We use lattice theory to provide polynomial procedures to find good quality bounds. The efficiency of the approach is proved through an extensive numerical study on deterministic and stochastic path problems. Interestingly, the bounding procedures can be seen as generalizations to lattice ordered monoids of some algebraic path problem algorithms which initially work with resources in a semiring.Given a set of flight legs operated by an airline, the aircraft routing and the crew pairing problem build respectively the sequences of flight legs operated by airplanes and crews at minimum cost. As some sequences of flight legs can be operated by crews only if they stay in the same aircraft, the two problems are linked. The current practice in the industry is to solve first the aircraft routing, and then the crew pairing problem, leading to a non-optimal solution. During the last decade, solution schemes for the integrated problem have been developed. We propose a solution scheme for the integrated problem based on two new ingredients: a compact integer program approach to the aircraft routing problem, and a new algorithm for the pricing subproblem of the usual column generation approach to the crew pairing problem, which is based on our resource constrained shortest path framework. We then generalize the algorithm to take into account delay propagation through probabilistic constraints. The algorithms enable to solve to near optimality Air France industrial instances
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Airline crew pairing optimization problems and capacitated vehicle routing problemsQiu, Shengli 11 April 2012 (has links)
Crew pairing and vehicle routing are combinatorial optimization problems that have been studied for many years by researchers worldwide. The aim of this research work is to investigate effective methods for solving large scale crew pairing problems and vehicle routing problems. In the airline industry, to address the complex nature of crew pairing problems, we propose a duty tree method followed by a primal-dual subproblem simplex method. The duty tree approach captures the constraints that apply to crew pairings and generate candidate pairings taking advantage of various proposed strategies. A huge number of legal pairings are stored in the duty tree and can be enumerated. A set partitioning formulation is then constructed, and the problem is solved using a primal-dual subproblem simplex method tailored to the duty tree approach. Computational experiments are conducted to show the effectiveness of the methods. We also present our efforts addressing the capacitated vehicle routing problem (CVRP) that is the basic version of many other variants of the problem. We do not attempt to solve the CVRP instances that have been solved to optimality. Instead, we focus on investigating good solutions for large CVRP instances, with particular emphasis on those benchmark problems from the public online library that have not yet been solved to optimality by other researchers and determine whether we can find new best-known solutions. In this research, we propose a route network that can store a huge number of routes with all routes being legal, a set partitioning formulation that can handle many columns, and the primal-dual subproblem simplex method to find a solution. The computational results show that our proposed methods can achieve better solutions than the existing best-known solutions for some difficult instances. Upon convergence of the primal-dual subproblem simplex method on the giant-tour based networks, we use the near optimal primal and dual solution as well as solve the elementary shortest path problem with resource constraints to achieve the linear programming relaxation global optimal solution.
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FPGA Implementations of Elliptic Curve Cryptography and Tate Pairing over Binary FieldHuang, Jian 08 1900 (has links)
Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is an alternative to traditional techniques for public key cryptography. It offers smaller key size without sacrificing security level. Tate pairing is a bilinear map used in identity based cryptography schemes. In a typical elliptic curve cryptosystem, elliptic curve point multiplication is the most computationally expensive component. Similarly, Tate pairing is also quite computationally expensive. Therefore, it is more attractive to implement the ECC and Tate pairing using hardware than using software. The bases of both ECC and Tate pairing are Galois field arithmetic units. In this thesis, I propose the FPGA implementations of the elliptic curve point multiplication in GF (2283) as well as Tate pairing computation on supersingular elliptic curve in GF (2283). I have designed and synthesized the elliptic curve point multiplication and Tate pairing module using Xilinx's FPGA, as well as synthesized all the Galois arithmetic units used in the designs. Experimental results demonstrate that the FPGA implementation can speedup the elliptic curve point multiplication by 31.6 times compared to software based implementation. The results also demonstrate that the FPGA implementation can speedup the Tate pairing computation by 152 times compared to software based implementation.
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The Measurement and Enhancement of Rapport Between Behavioral Therapists and Children with AutismLapin, Carly Ilyse 12 1900 (has links)
Rapport has been acknowledged as an important variable in therapeutic contexts. The current evaluation defined and assessed rapport quality between children with autism and behavioral therapists based on behavioral correlates. In addition, the author evaluated the effects of an operant discrimination training procedure to enhance rapport levels for therapists with low levels of rapport. More specifically, the current study evaluated: (a) if the discrimination training procedure would establish therapists’ social interactions as a discriminative stimulus and (b) if social interaction would function as a conditioned reinforcer for novel responses. Results suggest that the discrimination training procedure was successful in conditioning social interaction as a reinforcer for all child participants, and as a result, rapport increased.
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