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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Helminth endoparasites of the bobwhite quail, Colinus virginianus, in northern Indiana

Bauman, Malcolm J. 03 June 2011 (has links)
AbstractA study of 187 bobwhite, taken from the Salamonie Reservoir and surrounding farmlands in Northern Indiana during November through May, revealed the presence of three species of nematodes:Dispharynx spiralis, Heterakis gallinae, and Subulura,sp. The bobwhite collected showed 37 per cent infestation. The highest rate of incidence was with the Dispharynx spiralis, while Heterakis gallinae was the second most abundant species with 7 per cent infestation. The Subulura species is not identical to any Subulura species reported from bobwhite. Therefore, it is believed that this is the first report of this species from bobwhite.Results regarding food, age, and location revealed little correlation to parasitism in this study.Ball State UniversityMuncie, IN 47306

A survey of mourning dove (Zenaida macroura) blood parasites at a Delaware County, Indiana site

Harrison, Jeffrey L. 03 June 2011 (has links)
Ball State University LibrariesLibrary services and resources for knowledge buildingMasters ThesesThere is no abstract available for this thesis.

Wastewater use in Agriculture in Andhra Pradesh, India : An evaluation of irrigation water quality in reference to associated health risks and agricultural suitability

Hofstedt, Charlotta January 2005 (has links)
Användandet av obehandlat avloppsvatten inom jordbruket är en växande företeelse i många delar av världen. Speciellt i vattenfattiga områden där avloppsvattnet ses som en värdefull och pålitlig resurs. Det höga näringsinnehållet minskar behovet av konstgödsel och detta ökar böndernas inkomster. Men med användandet av avloppsvattnet följer vissa hälsorisker. Bland annat har man sett en högre förekomst av inälvsmaskar hos bönder som använder orenat avloppsvatten jämfört med de som använder rent vatten. Den här vattenkvalitetstudien har utförts längs floden Musi i Andhra Pradesh, Indien. Musi rinner igenom staden Hyderabad och mycket av stadens avloppsvatten dumpas i floden. Nedströms Hyderabad används detta vatten för bevattning. Längs med floden är dammar byggda, för att avleda vattnet i bevattningskanaler. Reservoirer bildas då flödeshastigheten minskar. Studieområdet sträcker sig från Hyderabad och 28.7 km nedströms. Hypotesen var att reservoirerna fungerar som biodammar och syftet var att kvantifiera dammarnas inverkan på vattenkvaliteten och utvärdera dess lämplighet utifrån ett hälso- och jordbruksperspektiv. Inom studieområdet är reningen med avseende på BOD, Nematoder och E coli 86,9%, 99,9% respektive 99,9%. Trots att reningen är så hög överstiger Nematod- och E coli-koncentrationerna Världshälsoorganisationens riktlinjer och utgör en hälsorisk för bönder och konsumenter. Syre- och salthalt ökar nedströms och den höga salthalten kan ha negativ inverkan på jordbrukets avkastning. Genom att titta på reningsmönster och förändring av olika vattenkvalitetsparametrar är en av slutsatserna av detta arbete att reningen i dammarna motsvarar den rening som sker i de anaeroba bassängerna i ett biodammsystem. / The use of untreated domestic sewage in agriculture is a growing practice in many parts of the world. It is being looked upon as a valuable and reliable resource in water scarce communities. Wastewater is usually rich in nutrients and the use results in high yields without the need for artificial fertilisers. But with the use of untreated wastewater follows a number of associated health risks, e.g. a higher prevalence of helminth infections has been seen among wastewater users compared to non-users. This water quality study was performed along the River Musi in Andhra Pradesh, India. The Musi River flows through the city of Hyderabad carrying the most of the town’s wastewater. Downstream of Hyderabad the wastewater is used by farmers for irrigation. Along the river weirs are constructed which diverts the irrigation water into canals and reservoirs are formed where the flow velocity slows down. The study area stretches from Hyderabad and 28.7 km downstream. The hypothesis was that the existing irrigation infrastructure acts like Wastewater Stabilisation Ponds and the aim was to quantify the impact of the weirs on water quality and to evaluate the irrigation water quality in reference to associated health risks and agricultural suitability. Within the study area the BOD, E coli and Nematode removals were 86.9%, 99.9% and 99.9% respectively. Despite the high removal the E coli and Nematodes, the concentrations exceed WHO guidelines for unrestricted and restricted irrigation, and there exists an excess risk of intestinal nematode- and enteric infections for farmers. Dissolved oxygen and salinity increases downstream and due to the high salinity farmers could experience reduced crop yields. By looking at removal patterns, and the change in water quality parameters, the conclusion can be made that the reservoirs act like anaerobic ponds in a Wastewater Stabilisation Pond system.

Riskbaserat provtagningsprogram för mikroorganismer i Gäddviks vattentäkt

Lundqvist, Carolina January 2011 (has links)
Risk-based sampling program of microorganisms in the water source in northern Sweden After several disease outbreaks caused by parasites in the drinking water during the last years, it is more essential than ever to insure that the water supply companies have enough barriers to counteract the presence of microorganisms in the outgoing water. It is also discussed whether climate changes such as increased precipitation can have a connection to the increased cases of parasites in water sources. The water source at Gäddvik is Luleå municipality’s largest and provides drinking water to 64 500 of Luleå’s 74 000 inhabitants. The investigation of microorganisms in the water source, especially in the Lule River has not been as prioritized as the sampling of chemical parameters. Therefore a risk-based sampling program of microorganisms has been established. After analyzing former tests both on the Lule River and the wells at the water supply companies, and observing the precipitation variability over the last 40 years, a sampling program was developed. Analyzes of the chemical parameters from the river have not revealed any significant changes during the sampling time. The precipitation has shown an increasing trend over the past 40 years. The sampling program was divided into three groups containing the parasites Cryptosporidium and Giardia, some indicator organisms (Escherichia coli, coliforms and Clostridium perfringens) and phytoplankton. The infiltration time during the artificial recharge is too short and therefore it is necessary to expand the Standard control for microorganism in the wells (from 12 to 24 samples). The sampling frequency for parasites should be higher during days with heavily rainfall and during the spring flood.

Surveillance for chronic wasting disease and other infectious agents in mule deer (<i>Odocoileus hemionus</i>) and white-tailed deer (<i>Odocoileus virginianus</i>) in southern Saskatchewan

Fernando, Champika 25 February 2011 (has links)
Chronic wasting disease (CWD) was detected in Saskatchewan wild deer populations in 2000 which prompted disease management actions consisting of population reduction. Little is known about population structure, health status, interactions or movement patterns of deer in Saskatchewan and these factors are important in designing a management program for CWD. As part of an ongoing study on deer movement patterns of wild deer in southern Saskatchewan, a survey was conducted to: 1) determine prevalence of CWD and selected infectious agents in mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) and white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), and 2) identify infectious agents which could be used as a surrogate measure of the effectiveness of the adopted CWD management strategies. Tonsil biopsies, feces and blood were collected from 254 mule deer and 43 white-tailed deer during winters of 2006, 2007 and 2008. Immunohistochemical staining of tonsil biopsies for CWD revealed a prevalence of 2.4% (6/249) in mule deer and 0% (0/43) in white-tailed deer. Parasitological investigation of 253 fecal samples from mule deer identified eggs of nematodes in the superfamily Trichostrongyloidea (29.2%); and parasitic stages of the following genera: Nematodirus (7.1%), Skrjabinema (14.3%), Trichuris (0.8%), Moniezia (16.2%), Thysanosoma (12.2%), Orthostrongylus (35.2%), Eimeria (13.4%) and Giardia (0%, 0/137). A similar investigation of 42 white-tailed deer fecal samples identified parasitic stages of nematodes in the super family Trichostrongyloidea (4.8%) and in genera of Orthostrongylus (2.4%), Moniezia (2.4%) and Eimeria (2.4%). Dorsal-spined larvae were detected in 2.4% of the white-tailed deer fecal samples. In serum samples from 253 mule deer, antibodies (Ab) were detected against bovine herpesvirus1 (BoHV-1) (34.8%), parainfluenza-3 (PI-3) (56.5%), bovine virus diarrhoea virus (BVDV-1) (30.8%) and Neospora caninum (15.4%, 36/245). In serum samples from 40 white-tailed deer, Ab to BoHV-1(32.5%), PI-3 (35%), BVD-1 (12.5%) and Neospora caninum (20.5%, 8/39) was detected. Based on relative host specificity, moderate prevalence and horizontal routes of transmission, herpesvirus, parainfluenza 3, Eimeria and Skrjabinema were identified as infectious agents which could potentially be used to evaluate the effectiveness of disease management strategies, which may in turn predict the response of CWD to these same strategies. Using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) a herpesvirus was detected, in 42.1% (40/95) of retropharyngeal lymph nodes from hunter-submitted mule deer and white-tailed deer heads from Saskatchewan in 2007. DNA sequences of the partial DNA polymerase gene from this virus were 98 - 100% identical to mule deer lymphotropic herpesvirus (mule deer-LHV). A 3.6 kb contiguous sequence of mule deer-LHV genome was generated by genome walking (GenBank Accession number: HM014314). Use of a mule deer-LHV-specific PCR on buffy coat samples collected during winters of 2007 and 2008, detected mule deer-LHV in 42.1% (67/158) of mule deer and 33.3% (8/24) of white-tailed deer. Very little DNA sequence diversity in the partial sequences of glycoprotein B (gB) gene and the intergenic spacer regions between DPOL and gB gene of mule deer-LHV was observed among deer from different wildlife management zones. Mule deer-LHV is also a potential marker for evaluating the effectiveness of disease management activities because of its moderate prevalence, host specificity, ease of sample collection and the availability of a rapid and low-cost method for its detection. A variable region of the mule deer-LHV genome needs to be identified if this virus to be used as an inferential tool for studying host population structure.

Acquisition Of Liver Specific Parasites-bacteria-drugs-diseases-genes Knowledge From Medline

Yildirim, Pinar 01 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Biomedical literature such as MEDLINE articles are rich resources for discovering and tracking disease and drug knowledge. For example, information regarding the drugs that are used with a particular disease or the changes in drug usage over time is valulable. However, this information is buried in thousands of MEDLINE articles. Acquiring knowledge from these articles requires complex processes depending on the biomedical text mining techniques. Today, parasitic and bacterial diseases affect hundreds of millions of people worldwide. They result in significant mortality and devastating social and economic consequences. There are many control and eradication programs conducted in the world. Also, many drugs are developed for diseases caused from parasites and bacteria. In this study, research was conducted of parasites (bacteria affecting the liver) and treatment drugs were tested. Also, relationships between these diseases and genes, along with parasites and bacteria were searched through data and biomedical text mining techniques. This study reveals that the treatment of parasites and bacteria seems to be stable over the last four decades. The methodology introduced in this study also presents a reference model to acquire medical knowledge from the literature.

Heat Shock Protein 70 Of Plasmodium Falciparum: Proteomic Analysis Of Its Complexes And Cellular Functions

Singh, Varsha 10 1900 (has links)
Hest shock protein 70 (Hsp70) class of chaperones is highly conserved and present ubiquitously in all cellular organisms They play important role in folding of nascent polypeptides and translocation of precursor proteins to endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria and chloroplast Hsp70 assists in assembly of proteins complexes as well as in disassembly e g uncoatmg of clathrin coated vesicles Chaperone function of Hsp70 is modulated by cochaperones of DnaJ class, Hip, Hop etc Hsp70 is a component of multi chaperone complex with Hsp90 and helps in maturation of kinases or transcription factors. Plasmodium falciparum is responsible for most severe form of human malaria Plasmodmm in its intraerythrocytic cycle presents an example of a cell with multiple, complex membrane bound structures both inside the parasite as well as m the infected erythrocyte cytosol Parasite deploys proteins in host erythrocyte cytosol, at erythrocyte plasma membrane or traffics them for secretion outside the infected cell in addition to trafficking of proteins to its own organelles like mitochondria, apicoplast, food vacuole, ER etc It is of interest to malaria biologists to understand these trafficking events and role of chaperones in regulating them This study was aimed at understanding the function(s) of Hsp70 in Plasmodium infected erythrocyte in protein maturation and trafficking events We have attempted to study Hsp70 chaperone present in Plasmodium infected erythrocytes We have largely focused on the cytosohc Hsp70, PfHsp70, in the parasite and systematically analyzed its expression, localization, abundance and complexes in the intraerythrocytic cycle To gain insight into its function, we have identified a subset of PfHsp70 interacting proteins, parasite Hsp90, Hsp70-3, Hsp60 and beta tubulin by coimmunoprecipitation experiments in conjunction with proteomic tools like 2DGE and mass spectrometry Parasite Hsp60 is a mitochondria-targeted protein and we have examined the involvement of PfHsp70 in translocation of Hsp60 precursor protein to parasite mitochondrion PfHsp70 and PfHsp90 were found to be present in a complex Geldanarnycm, a drug that affects Hsp70-Hsp90 complex, was used to investigate the role of PfHsp70 in parasite protein trafficking Since there are no known parasite derived chaperones in erythrocyte cytosol compartment, we have examined the possible "involvement of host Hsp70 in supporting transport and assembly of parasite proteins in erythrocyte cytosol Hsp70 in Plasmodium falciparum intraerythrocytic cycle P. falciparum genome codes for five Hsp70 homologs Two of these, pfHsp70-l and PfBiP are expressed in intraerythrocytic stage and have been localized to nucleocytoplasmic and endoplasmic reticulum fraction of the parasite respectively We have focused this study on PfHsp70 of the parasite We show that PfHsp70 is an abundant protein in the cytosol constituting about 2% of the total soluble pool It gets further induced during stress like heat shock and translocates to nuclear fraction indicating that PfHsp70 may be involved in protective function in the parasite nucleus during stress Nuclear translocation of mammalian Hsp70 during stress has been linked to its phosphorylation at Tyr524 We found PfHsp70 to be phosphorylated by in vivo phosphate labeling m the parasite Analysis of PfHsp70 by 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis on narrow gradient IPG strips indicated that it exists in four forms differing in their isoelectnc points (pi) Phosphatase treatment combined with analysis using a phosphorylation prediction tool,Proteomod (http //www biochem use ernet in/proteomod html) suggested that PfHsp70 is phosphorylated at three residues in the parasite The extent of phosphorylation of PfHsp70 may determine substrate specificity or subcellular localization or both Using 2DGE and mass spectrometry approach, we also identified chaperones like Hsp909 BiP, Hsp60, and protein disulphide isomerase (PDI) m P falciparum proteome In summary, PfHsp70 appears to be a highly abundant, cytosohc chaperone It is inducible by stress and multiply phosphorylated and is likely to participate in multiple processes in the parasite. PfHsp70 complexes and interacting proteins in the parasite To gam insight into the functions of Hsp70, we looked for PfHsp70 interacting proteins in the parasite We used gel filtration chromatography to resolve and enrich PfHsp70 complexes and also employed coimmunoprecipitation approach to identify interacting proteins We found parasite Hsp90, Hsp70-3, Hsp60 and beta-tubulin interact with PfHsp70 Fractionation of parasite lysate indicated that PfHsp70 is present in two major complexes of 200 kDa and 450 kDa We find that PfHsp90 interacts with PfHsp70 and both are present in 450 kDa complex Our analysis indicated that 450-kDa complex is like Hsp70-Hsp90 multichaperone complex described in mammalian cells while 200 kDa complex is likely to be an Hsp70-cochaperone complex Smaller complex appears to be a precursor for multichaperone complex Use of an Hsp90 inhibitor, geldanamycin (GA), to study the function of this multi chaperone showed that GA inhibits parasite growth Maturation of four phosphoproteins interacting with PfHsp70 was affected by GA implicating them in regulation of parasite growth GA appeared to mediate its effects by inhibiting H§p^0 phosphorylation Amongst the other three interacting proteins, PfHsp70-3 is amoveJ/Hsp70 homolog that was found at the protein level for the first time in this study PfHsp60 is mitochondria-targeted protein in the parasite and it is likely that cytoshc PfHsp70 helps in translocation of PfHsp60 to mitochondria from cytosol Tubuhn is a cytoskeletal protein and its interaction with PfHsp70 suggests possible role of PfHsp70 in cytoskeleton organization during invasion, growth or cell division In all, we find that Hsp70 in the parasite exist in a multi chaperone complex with Hsp90 which might be responsible for maturation of signaling molecules important for growth The smaller complex of PfHsp70 is a precursor of multi chaperone complex and is likely to be an Hsp70- co chaperone complex Role of Hsp70 in protein translocation and trafficking Cytosolic Hsp70 aids in translocation of precursor proteins from cytosol to mitochondria (or chloroplast) We found a mitochondnal chaperone, PfHsp60, interact with PfHsp70 and we examined the possibility that PfHsp60 translocation is assisted by cytosolic PfHsp70 We found that PfHsp60 had a cleavable, N-thermal targeting sequence Examination of PfHsp60 forms present in mitochondnal and cytosolic fraction of the parasite showed that mitochondnal form was more acidic in pi than cytosolic form as expected after targeting sequence cleavage Cytosolic PfHsp60 interacted with both PfHsp70 and PfHsp90 Interestingly, while mitochondnal PfHsp60 appeared to be in a chaperonm like complex, as expected, cytosolic form was present in smaller ohgomeric complex of about 450 kDa This suggested that PfHsp60 precursor form could be bound to multichperone complex All these experiments together strongly indicated that PfHsp60 precursor interacts with cytosolic Hsp70 and Hsp90 before former's translocation into mitochondria This interaction might be required to keep the precursor in the transport competent state P falciparum lives inside a vacuole in the infected cells but it deploys a number of proteins to host cell cytosol and to the plasma membrane To examine the involvement of multichaperone complex in trafficking, we studied the effect of GA on targeting of two parasite proteins, knob associated histidme-rich protein (KAHRP) and glycogen synthase kinase (GSK) KAHRP is indispensable for the formation of cytoadherence complexes called knobs at erythrocyte plasma membrane We found that KAHRP transport to erythrocyte plasma membrane was blocked in GA-treated parasites and it appeared all over the infected cell Further analysis showed that GA caused block in KAHRP transport at some step beyond its exit from parasite ER The targeting of GSK to membranous inclusions in the infected RBC cytosol was not severely affected m the GA-treated parasites suggesting that GSK transport may not be regulated by multi chaperone complex It also indicated that parasite may be using different pathways for trafficking of proteins to the host compartment In summary, PfHsp70 and PfHsp90 interact with PfHsp60 precursor in the cytosol They probably help keep the precursor in transport competent form before arrival at the translocase complex of mitochondria The multi chaperone complex may also be important for trafficking of at least one parasite protein, KAHRP, to the host cell compartment Analysis of erythrocyte Hsp70 in Plasmodium falciparum infected cells The remodeled plasma membrane of parasite-infected erythrocytes is important for the cytoadherence property of the infected cells Knobs, supramolecular complexes on the infected cell surface, formed by parasite proteins, PfEMPl, KAHRP, and PfEMP3 are responsible for cytoadherence of infected cells to vascular endothehum or placenta KAHRP transport is BFA-sensitive inside the parasite while PfEMP proteins undergo vesicle mediated trafficking in the erythrocyte cytosol The involvement of molecular chaperones has been implicated in the trafficking and assembly of knob components in the erythrocyte cytosol There is no evidence for the presence of bona fide parasite derived chaperones in the host compartment The chaperones of the erythrocyte origin, Hsp70, Hsp90, Hip and Hop were readily detected in the host cytosol, on the other hand By analyzing localization, abundance and biochemical characteristics of the host chaperones of erythrocyte origin, we examined if host chaperones are being utilized by the parasite for its functions Localization experiment showed that while PfHsp70, PfHsp90 and PfBiP were present in the parasite compartment, host-Hsp70 was present in erythrocyte cytosol fraction Host~Hsp70 was about 60% as abundant as PfHsp70 and was potentially capable of facilitating chaperone function in the erythrocyte cytosol Though host-Hsp70 was soluble in unmfected cells, it was present in membrane bound, triton-insoluble complexes, containing KAHRP, in infected cells Since knobs are triton-insoluble complexes at the erythrocyte plasma membrane, we isolated erythrocyte ghost (plasma membrane) fraction and could detect both Hsp70 and KAHRP Hsp70 association with erythrocyte plasma membrane was specific as it could be crosshnked to KAHRP in ghost fraction of infected cells Host-hsp70 was present in purified cytoskeleton fraction containing knobs from infected cells along with cochaperone Hop All these evidences suggest that parasite may be exploiting host-Hsp70 in erythrocyte cytosol compartment Summary This study gives insight into some functions performed by PfHsp70 in mtraerythrocytic cycle of malarial parasite PfHsp70 is an abundant cytosohc chaperone in the parasite It gets induced during stress and translocates to the nucleus It is also phosphorylated at three sites Analysis of Pfhsp70 complexes shows that it is present in bimodal complexes (450 kDa and 200 kDa), which are in equilibrium PfHsp70 and PfHsp90 interact and are part of 450 kDa multichaperone complex This multichaperone complex appears to regulate trafficking of one parasite protein to host cytosol compartment In addition, PfHsp70 and PfHsp90 are also bound to mitochondria-targeted PfHsp60 precursor in the cytosol probably keeping them m a transport competent state In addition to PfHsp90 and PfHsp60, PfHsp70 interacts with a novel Hsp70 homolog of the parasite, PfHsp70-3, and cytoskeletal protein, beta-tubuhn Examination of chaperones available in erythrocyte cytosol, showed that parasite chaperones were absent while host chaperone (Hsp70) was present and exhibited altered properties during parasite infection It was associated with membrane-bound, triton-insoluble complexes on the infected cell plasma membrane suggesting that host-Hsp70 might be involved in trafficking and/or assembly of parasite proteins In all, PfHsp70, as part of multichaperone complex, appears to be regulating translocation and trafficking of parasite proteins to organellar locations or outside the parasite Host-Hsp70, in erythrocyte cytosol, might also be engaged in specific chaperone function upon infection


Paris, Iria 28 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Dans les applications, on rencontre fréquemment des structures minces de géométrie<br />complexe qui nécessitent l'utilisation de maillages surfaciques comportant des éléments<br />triangulaires. Il faut donc trouver des éléments finis triangulaires de coque qui<br />soient robustes vis-à-vis du verrouillage numérique, mais aussi au défaut de consistance.<br />Nous avons formulé un test numérique qui permet de détecter le verrouillage<br />membranaire, et également l'existence de modes parasites de membrane. L'élément<br />MITC6a (Bathe et Lee) apparaî t comme le meilleur élément à six noeuds, mais il<br />exhibe des modes parasites de membrane qui peuvent considérablement détériorer la<br />solution numérique. Nous proposons une technique de filtrage qui consiste à ajouter<br />un terme de stabilisation de cisaillement non réduit et nous avons défini l'élément<br />MITC6rs avec une interpolation plus riche pour le cisaillement. Après une évaluation<br />numérique détaillée, nous recommandons l'usage de l'élément MITC6a stabilisé.

Identification, polymorphisme et évolution moléculaire de gènes du pouvoir pathogène chez le nématode à kyste de la pomme de terre Globodera pallida

Blanchard, Alexandra 19 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Les nématodes à kyste du genre Globodera sont des vers microscopiques, hétérotrophes qui parasitent les racines des plantes essentiellement de la famille des Solanacées. Ces organismes sont des endoparasites obligatoires qui établissent une relation très étroite avec leur plante hôte. Ils peuvent ainsi se nourrir par le biais d'un site nourricier très élaboré. Celui-ci est mis en place grâce à des protéines sécrétées par le nématode, directement injectées dans les cellules végétales grâce à leur stylet (organe de la partie antérieure assimilable à une aiguille creuse). La fonction des protéines du pouvoir pathogènes identifiées est très souvent inconnue. Nous avons étudié la variabilité des gènes codant ces protéines au sein de la famille des nématodes à kyste ainsi que leur mode évolutif. Les gènes du pouvoir pathogène semblent avoir des tempos d'évolution nettement plus rapide que les gènes de ménage et semblent être soumis à des pressions de sélection diversificatrices.

Rôle et évolution de facteurs de virulence impliqués dans une interaction hôte-parasitoïde

Serbielle, Céline Drezen, Jean-Michel Huguet, Elisabeth January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Thèse de doctorat : Sciences de la vie et de la santé : Tours : 2008. / Titre provenant de l'écran-titre.

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