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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Chiefly Prelude to Mesoamerica / El alba de Mesoamérica

Clark, John E. 10 April 2018 (has links)
This article explores the beginnings of Mesoamerican civilization (meaning the origins of institutionalized, hereditary inequality, rank societies, and chiefdoms) during the Early Formative period (1900-100 BC). Before one can identify the processes of socio-political evolution it is first necessary to identify concrete examples of societies, and their attributes, which underwent this transformation. I outline data for six Mesoamerican cases of the shift from egalitarian societies to chiefdoms. Four of them are from the Tropical lowlands (Paso de la Amada, San Lorenzo, Puerto Escondido, and Cahal Pech), and two are from the Mexican Highlands (Tlapacoya and San José Mogote). / Este artículo trata acerca de los inicios de la civilización en Mesoamérica, es decir, los orígenes de la complejidad social, las desigualdades hereditarias institucionalizadas, las sociedades diferenciadas por rangos y las jefaturas durante el Periodo Formativo Temprano (c. 1900-100 a.C.). Antes de que se puedan discernir los procesos de evolución sociopolítica, primero es necesario identificar ejemplos concretos de sociedades, y sus atributos correspondientes, que experimentaron esa transformación. Aquí se resaltan los datos de seis casos del cambio de sociedades igualitarias a jefaturas de Mesoamérica: cuatro de tierras bajas tropicales (Paso de la Amada, San Lorenzo, Puerto Escondido y Cahal Pech) y dos de la sierra de México (Tlapacoya y San José Mogote).

New Wide-Band Capacitive Filter Structures in Rectangular Waveguide Technology With Enhanced Out-of-Band Response

Valencia Sullca, Joaquín Francisco 17 January 2022 (has links)
[ES] La presente tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo fundamental desarrollar nuevas estructuras capacitivas de filtrado en guía de ondas rectangular que sean capaces de proporcionar mayores ancho de banda en la banda de paso y, al mismo tiempo, mejorar la respuesta fuera de banda. Estas nuevas estructuras guiadas han sido pensadas para ofrecer nuevas soluciones tecnológicas para los filtros de microondas de alta frecuencia, con una variedad de diferentes funciones de transferencia, abordando específicamente las necesidades de los futuros sistemas de telecomunicaciones para aplicaciones terrestres y espaciales. En este contexto, por lo tanto, discutimos en este documento el estudio, diseño y fabricación de varios tipos de filtros de microondas en guía de ondas rectangular que muestran una mejora significativa con respecto al estado del arte. Las soluciones que discutimos se obtienen introduciendo modificaciones simples en la estructura de los filtros de microondas clásicos. Varias técnicas que emplean iris híbridos, resonadores con salto de impedancia, configuración en escalera y uniones T en plano E con conexiones en cortocircuito o manifold, se utilizan con éxito para cumplir con las exigentes especificaciones de los futuros sistemas para aplicaciones terrestres y espaciales. Además, un desafío actual adicional al que se enfrentan todos los diseñadores de equipos y componentes de microondas es la necesidad de reducir tanto su tamaño físico como su masa (o peso). Para abordar este problema, discutimos en este documento el uso de aperturas resonantes en guías de ondas rectangulares, presentando una nueva familia de filtros que se pueden usar para implementar funciones complejas de transferencia de banda única y banda doble con una reducción significativa de tamaño y masa. En los siguientes capítulos de esta tesis doctoral, cada tema se analiza en detalle, incluyendo las formulaciones teóricas básicas, los procedimientos de diseño, los resultados de las simulaciones electromagnéticas de onda completa, las consideraciones de fabricación y el rendimiento medido de una serie de prototipos. En todos los casos se ha encontrado una excelente concordancia entre las mediciones y las simulaciones realizadas, validando así completamente tanto las estructuras novedosas propuestas como sus procedimientos de diseño. / [CA] La present tesi doctoral té com a objectiu fonamental el desenvolupament de noves estructures capacitives de filtrat en guia d'ones rectangular que siguen capaços de proporcionar major ample de banda en la banda de pas i millorar, al mateix temps, la resposta fora de banda. Aquestes noves estructures guiades han sigut pensades per a oferir noves solucions tecnològiques per a filtres de microones d'alta freqüència, amb una varietat de diferents funcions de transferència, abordant específicament les necessitats dels futurs sistemes de telecomunicacions per a aplicacions terrestres i espacials. En aquest context, per tant, discutim en aquest document l'estudi, disseny i fabricació de diversos tipus de filtres de microones en guia d'ones rectangular que mostren una millora significativa respecte a l'estat de l'art. Les solucions que discutim s'obtenen introduint modificacions simples en l'estructura dels filtres de microones clàssics. Diverses tècniques que fan ús d'iris híbrids, ressonadors amb salt d'impedància, configuració en escala i unions T en plànol E amb connexions en curtcircuit o col·lector, s'utilitzen amb èxit per a complir amb les exigents especificacions dels sistemes futurs per a aplicacions terrestres i espacials. A més, un desafiament actual addicional al qual s'enfronten tots els dissenyadors d'equips i components de microones és la necessitat de reduir tant la seua grandària física com la seua massa (o pes). Per a abordar aquest problema, discutim en aquest document l'ús d'obertures ressonants en guies d'ones rectangulars, presentant una nova família de filtres que es poden usar per a implementar funcions complexes de transferència de banda única i doble banda amb una reducció significativa de grandària i massa. En els següents capítols d'aquesta tesi doctoral, cada tema s'analitza detalladament, incloent les formulacions teòriques bàsiques, els procediments de disseny, els resultats de les simulacions electromagnètiques d'ona completa, les consideracions de fabricació i el rendiment mesurat d'una sèrie de prototips. En tots els casos s'ha trobat una excel·lent concordança entre el mesurament i les simulacions realitzades, validant així completament tant les estructures noves propostes com els seus procediments de disseny. / [EN] The main objective of this doctoral thesis is the development of new capacitive filtering structures in rectangular waveguide that are able to provide wide bandwidths in the pass-band and improve, at the same time, the out-of-band response. These new guided structures have been developed in order to offer new technological solutions for high-frequency microwave filters, with a variety of different transfer functions, addressing specifically the needs of future telecommunication systems for both ground and space applications. In this context, therefore, we discuss in this document the study, design and manufacture of several types of microwave filter in rectangular waveguide that show a significant improvement with respect to the state-of-the-art. The new solutions that we propose are obtained by introducing simple modifications in the structure of classic microwave filters. Several techniques based on hybrid irises, stepped impedance resonators, staircase configuration and E-plane T-junctions with shorted stubs or manifold connections, are successfully used in order to meet the very demanding specifications of future systems for both ground and space applications. Furthermore, an additional current challenge faced by all designers of microwave components is the need to reduce both their physical size and mass (or weight). To address this issue, we discuss in this document the use of resonant apertures in rectangular waveguide, introducing a new family of filters which can be used to implement complex single and dual-band transfer functions with significant size and mass reduction. In the following chapters of this doctoral thesis, each subject is discussed in detail including the basic theoretical formulations, design procedures, the results of full-wave electromagnetic simulations, manufacturing considerations, and the measured performance of a number of prototypes. Excellent agreement is found in all cases between measurement and simulations, thereby fully validating both the novel structures discussed and their design procedures. / Valencia Sullca, JF. (2021). New Wide-Band Capacitive Filter Structures in Rectangular Waveguide Technology With Enhanced Out-of-Band Response [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/180198

Cuerpo presente : imaginería corporal, representación histórica y textura narrativa en Yo el Supremo (1974), Noticias del Imperio (1987) y el General en su Laberinto (1989)

Vázquez-Medina, Olivia January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Travessias e passagens em espaços urbanos fronteiriços : Brasil, Uruguai e Argentina

Coelho, Karla Nunes de Barros January 2014 (has links)
A Fronteira Internacional é uma área de características ambíguas, pois assim como é o ponto que separa, também é a área de contato constante entre duas nações. Mais especificamente a Fronteira Platina que abrange as fronteiras do Brasil e Uruguai, e Brasil e Argentina, nosso foco de estudo, é um espaço que carrega uma história e uma memória de união, onde as ambiguidades tornam-se mais complexas ao investigarmos as peculiaridades locais, nas cidades gêmeas. Temos o objetivo de investigar o espaço urbano das cidades gêmeas onde as manifestações de fronteira são vivenciadas cotidianamente. As cidades escolhidas para representar a Fronteira Platina foram Santana do Livramento (BR) e Rivera (UY), e Uruguaiana (BR) e Paso de los Libres (AR), em função da dinamicidade e importância regional. Para o estudo, tomamos as articulações teóricas atuais da fronteira e buscamos interação com a teoria do território, da territorialidade, do cotidiano e da memória. Os relatos e mapas mentais de diferentes gerações de moradores da fronteira, a partir de entrevistas não diretivas e histórias de vida, nos permitiram o entendimento das práticas cotidianas locais, suas dimensões simbólicas e materiais como constituidoras desses espaços. A conclusão da tese é de que as áreas de fronteira são áreas de transição, e que as áreas de transição podem ser ainda mais particulares onde acontecem as interseções, os espaços de integração binacional. Mesmo que os espaços urbanos não se toquem literalmente, os espaços de integração binacional são identificados a partir da territorialidade. Depois de tratar do lócus, podemos dizer que a fronteira possui uma área de interseção, seja ela material, contida no espaço urbano, ou simbólica, em função das memórias de vizinhança e territorialidades. Estes espaços chamamos espaços de integração binacional. / The International Border is an area of ambiguous characteristics because it is the point that separates and also the area of constant contact between two nations. More specifically the Platina Border that comprehends the borders of Brazil and Uruguay, and Brazil and Argentina, our focus of study, is a space that carries a history and a memory of union, where the ambiguities became more clear as we investigated the local peculiarities in the twin cities. We have the objective of investigating the urban space of the twin cities where the manifestations of the border are lived everyday. The cities chosen to represent the Platina Border were Santana do Livramento (BR) and Rivera (UY), and Uruguaiana (BR) and Paso de los Libres (AR), due to the dynamics and regional importance. For the study, we took the present theoretical articulations of the border and we looked for interactions with the theory of the land, of the territoriality, the daily life and the memory. The reports and mind maps from different generations of residents of the border, from non-directive interviews and life stories, allowed us to understand the local daily practices, its symbolic and material dimensions as builders of these spaces. The conclusion of the thesis is that bordering areas are transitions areas, and that transition areas can be even more particular where the intersections take place, the space of binational integration. Even if the urban spaces do not meet literally, the spaces of binational integration are identified from the territoriality. After dealing with the locus, we can say that the border has an area of intersection, being material, within the urban space, or symbolic, due to the neighbouring memories and territoriality. We call the spaces binational integration spaces.

Travessias e passagens em espaços urbanos fronteiriços : Brasil, Uruguai e Argentina

Coelho, Karla Nunes de Barros January 2014 (has links)
A Fronteira Internacional é uma área de características ambíguas, pois assim como é o ponto que separa, também é a área de contato constante entre duas nações. Mais especificamente a Fronteira Platina que abrange as fronteiras do Brasil e Uruguai, e Brasil e Argentina, nosso foco de estudo, é um espaço que carrega uma história e uma memória de união, onde as ambiguidades tornam-se mais complexas ao investigarmos as peculiaridades locais, nas cidades gêmeas. Temos o objetivo de investigar o espaço urbano das cidades gêmeas onde as manifestações de fronteira são vivenciadas cotidianamente. As cidades escolhidas para representar a Fronteira Platina foram Santana do Livramento (BR) e Rivera (UY), e Uruguaiana (BR) e Paso de los Libres (AR), em função da dinamicidade e importância regional. Para o estudo, tomamos as articulações teóricas atuais da fronteira e buscamos interação com a teoria do território, da territorialidade, do cotidiano e da memória. Os relatos e mapas mentais de diferentes gerações de moradores da fronteira, a partir de entrevistas não diretivas e histórias de vida, nos permitiram o entendimento das práticas cotidianas locais, suas dimensões simbólicas e materiais como constituidoras desses espaços. A conclusão da tese é de que as áreas de fronteira são áreas de transição, e que as áreas de transição podem ser ainda mais particulares onde acontecem as interseções, os espaços de integração binacional. Mesmo que os espaços urbanos não se toquem literalmente, os espaços de integração binacional são identificados a partir da territorialidade. Depois de tratar do lócus, podemos dizer que a fronteira possui uma área de interseção, seja ela material, contida no espaço urbano, ou simbólica, em função das memórias de vizinhança e territorialidades. Estes espaços chamamos espaços de integração binacional. / The International Border is an area of ambiguous characteristics because it is the point that separates and also the area of constant contact between two nations. More specifically the Platina Border that comprehends the borders of Brazil and Uruguay, and Brazil and Argentina, our focus of study, is a space that carries a history and a memory of union, where the ambiguities became more clear as we investigated the local peculiarities in the twin cities. We have the objective of investigating the urban space of the twin cities where the manifestations of the border are lived everyday. The cities chosen to represent the Platina Border were Santana do Livramento (BR) and Rivera (UY), and Uruguaiana (BR) and Paso de los Libres (AR), due to the dynamics and regional importance. For the study, we took the present theoretical articulations of the border and we looked for interactions with the theory of the land, of the territoriality, the daily life and the memory. The reports and mind maps from different generations of residents of the border, from non-directive interviews and life stories, allowed us to understand the local daily practices, its symbolic and material dimensions as builders of these spaces. The conclusion of the thesis is that bordering areas are transitions areas, and that transition areas can be even more particular where the intersections take place, the space of binational integration. Even if the urban spaces do not meet literally, the spaces of binational integration are identified from the territoriality. After dealing with the locus, we can say that the border has an area of intersection, being material, within the urban space, or symbolic, due to the neighbouring memories and territoriality. We call the spaces binational integration spaces.

Travessias e passagens em espaços urbanos fronteiriços : Brasil, Uruguai e Argentina

Coelho, Karla Nunes de Barros January 2014 (has links)
A Fronteira Internacional é uma área de características ambíguas, pois assim como é o ponto que separa, também é a área de contato constante entre duas nações. Mais especificamente a Fronteira Platina que abrange as fronteiras do Brasil e Uruguai, e Brasil e Argentina, nosso foco de estudo, é um espaço que carrega uma história e uma memória de união, onde as ambiguidades tornam-se mais complexas ao investigarmos as peculiaridades locais, nas cidades gêmeas. Temos o objetivo de investigar o espaço urbano das cidades gêmeas onde as manifestações de fronteira são vivenciadas cotidianamente. As cidades escolhidas para representar a Fronteira Platina foram Santana do Livramento (BR) e Rivera (UY), e Uruguaiana (BR) e Paso de los Libres (AR), em função da dinamicidade e importância regional. Para o estudo, tomamos as articulações teóricas atuais da fronteira e buscamos interação com a teoria do território, da territorialidade, do cotidiano e da memória. Os relatos e mapas mentais de diferentes gerações de moradores da fronteira, a partir de entrevistas não diretivas e histórias de vida, nos permitiram o entendimento das práticas cotidianas locais, suas dimensões simbólicas e materiais como constituidoras desses espaços. A conclusão da tese é de que as áreas de fronteira são áreas de transição, e que as áreas de transição podem ser ainda mais particulares onde acontecem as interseções, os espaços de integração binacional. Mesmo que os espaços urbanos não se toquem literalmente, os espaços de integração binacional são identificados a partir da territorialidade. Depois de tratar do lócus, podemos dizer que a fronteira possui uma área de interseção, seja ela material, contida no espaço urbano, ou simbólica, em função das memórias de vizinhança e territorialidades. Estes espaços chamamos espaços de integração binacional. / The International Border is an area of ambiguous characteristics because it is the point that separates and also the area of constant contact between two nations. More specifically the Platina Border that comprehends the borders of Brazil and Uruguay, and Brazil and Argentina, our focus of study, is a space that carries a history and a memory of union, where the ambiguities became more clear as we investigated the local peculiarities in the twin cities. We have the objective of investigating the urban space of the twin cities where the manifestations of the border are lived everyday. The cities chosen to represent the Platina Border were Santana do Livramento (BR) and Rivera (UY), and Uruguaiana (BR) and Paso de los Libres (AR), due to the dynamics and regional importance. For the study, we took the present theoretical articulations of the border and we looked for interactions with the theory of the land, of the territoriality, the daily life and the memory. The reports and mind maps from different generations of residents of the border, from non-directive interviews and life stories, allowed us to understand the local daily practices, its symbolic and material dimensions as builders of these spaces. The conclusion of the thesis is that bordering areas are transitions areas, and that transition areas can be even more particular where the intersections take place, the space of binational integration. Even if the urban spaces do not meet literally, the spaces of binational integration are identified from the territoriality. After dealing with the locus, we can say that the border has an area of intersection, being material, within the urban space, or symbolic, due to the neighbouring memories and territoriality. We call the spaces binational integration spaces.


Hamilton, Susan Lynne, Maddock, Thomas III January 1993 (has links)
It has been said that watersheds and aquifers ignore political boundaries. This phenomenon is often the reason for extensive regulation of surface -water and ground -water resources which are shared by two or more political entities. Regulation is often the result of years of litigation over who really owns the water, how much is owned, and how much is available for future use. Groundwater models are sometimes used as quantitative tools which aid in the decision making process regarding appropriation and regulation of these scarce, shared, water resources. The following few paragraphs detail the occurrences in the Lower Rio Grande Basin which led to the current ground -water modeling effort. New Mexico, Texas and Mexico have wrestled forever over the rights to the Lower Rio Grande and the aquifers of the Rio Grande Basin (Figure 1). As early as 1867, due to a flood event on the Rio Grande, Texas and Mexico were disputing the new border created by the migrating Rio Grande. During the 1890's, the users upstream from the Mesilla and El Paso Valleys were diverting and applying so much of the Rio Grande that the Mesilla and El Paso valley farmers litigated in order to apportion and guarantee the supply. In the recent past, disputes over who may use the ground -water resources of the region and the effect of surface- water uses on aquifer water levels resulted in litigation between El Paso, Texas, and New Mexico.

Climate Adaptation and Water Conservation Decision-Making in Paso Robles, California Vineyards

Klier, Christopher R 01 August 2021 (has links) (PDF)
This paper examines vineyard perceptions and adoption of climate change adaptation and water conservation measures in the Paso Robles American Viticultural Area (AVA). A survey was distributed to all 220 vineyards and vineyard management companies that operate in the AVA, with a 53.64% response rate. The objective of the survey was to determine vineyard manager and owner attitudes towards climate change and adaptation, as well as their perceptions of how these threats would impact their operation. A second objective was to document the current level of water conservation and climate adaptation while identifying the barriers and opportunities for further adoption of these practices. The third objective was to share a climate projection to assess perceived impacts, attitudes, and perceptions of the projection and capacity to adapt. The final objective was to develop a typology to assist targeted outreach of vineyards. Our results showed that the most important current climate impact is heat, with water regulations and supply being the biggest concern in the future. Vineyards were also found to be relatively unsure about their capability to further implement adaptation measures, with relatively low adoption of most practices already. Decision support tools, like the climate projection, were found to be useful and desired by vineyards for management. Results of our study showed that trust in the information source can be a barrier to use of these tools. We identified further barriers to adoption of practices and identified an outreach strategy using a typology of vineyards, which focused on smaller vineyards and those without wineries. These results can be used to increase efficacy of government and NGO programs that aim to support climate adaptation and water conservation in the region.

Propuesta de implementación del cuarto carril destinado al uso exclusivo del transporte público en la Av. Javier Prado Oeste, para mejorar la operación del corredor complementario Javier Prado empleando el software Vissim 9.0

Arias Dávalos, Luis Diego, Huayaney Marcelo, Henrry Clever 28 May 2021 (has links)
Una de las respuestas ante el caótico problema de la congestión vehicular utilizadas por varias ciudades del mundo es la implementación de sistemas de transporte masivos. Si bien tiene resultados positivos, a veces por una mala implementación del sistema los resultados no son los esperados. Esto no es ajeno a la realidad nacional, en Lima, por ejemplo, uno de los principales Corredores Complementarios (corredor rojo) viene presentando deficiencias en su operación debido a los altos índices de congestión dentro de su recorrido, demostrando que no tiene las condiciones idóneas para un buen funcionamiento. Por ello, en el presente trabajo de investigación se propone una ampliación de la Av. Javier Prado Oeste a través de la implementación de un cuarto carril de uso exclusivo para los buses ubicado a la derecha de la vía recortando el área verde central existente. Para ello se realizó la toma de datos en campo, procesamiento y análisis mediante el modelo de micro simulación en el software Vissim 9.0, el cual fue calibrado y validado mediante el indicador GEH. Se obtuvieron mejoras en la velocidad del Corredor Complementario rojo (incrementándose en 3 veces aproximadamente), longitudes de cola en las intersecciones (disminuyendo un 31% en la intersección Las Palmeras y un 52% en Las Flores) y niveles de servicio (pasando de un nivel de servicio E a D en ambas intersecciones) dentro del tramo delimitado. Esta propuesta debe ser implementada con políticas de movilidad y herramientas tecnológicas de señalización a favor del transporte público. / One of the responses to the chaotic problem of traffic congestion used by various cities around the world is the implementation of mass transportation systems. Although it has positive results, sometimes due to a bad implementation of the system the results are not as expected. This is not alien to the national reality, in Lima, for example, one of the main Complementary Corridors (red corridor) has been presenting deficiencies in its operation due to the high rates of congestion within its route, showing that it does not have the ideal conditions. for good operation. For this reason, in this research work an extension of Av. Javier Prado Oeste is proposed through the implementation of a fourth lane for exclusive use of buses located to the right of the road, cutting the existing central green area. For this, data collection, processing and analysis were carried out in the field using the micro simulation model in Vissim 9.0 software, which was calibrated and validated using the GEH indicator. Improvements were obtained in the speed of the Red Complementary Corridor (increasing by approximately 3 times), queue lengths at the intersections (decreasing by 31% at the Las Palmeras intersection and by 52% at Las Flores) and service levels (going from a service level E to D at both intersections) within the delimited section. This proposal must be implemented with mobility policies and technological signaling tools in favor of public transport. / Tesis

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