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Vysokorychlostní komunikační linka pro akvizici dat / High performance data acquisition communication lineHadámek, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is the acquisition of data from the AD converter and it’s transfer via the JESD204B interface to FPGA with the following transformation and transfer to PC through 100G Ethernet or PCI Express interface. The first part of the thesis is focused on the introduction to used technologies and hardware and analysis of the solution of this project. Second part of the thesis describes solution and it’s functionality. I created HDL design which allows to transfer data from AD converter using both of the interfaces mentioned above. I also created software application for OS Linux which allows to receive and store incoming data in PC. In the end, the results of the measurement using the converter board are presented and discussed.
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Software pro řízení experimentů na biomechanickém testovacím zařízení. / The Software for Experiments Control on Biomechanical Machine.Hejč, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
The main aim of this masters thesis is the design and the realization of graphical user interface for constructionally-advanced prototype of biochemical device, which was realized in terms of the cooperation of ISMMB (Institute of Solid Mechanics, Mechatronics and Biomechanics) and IAI (Institute of Automation and Computer Science). The NI LabVIEW developing suite has been used as the main design tool of this software. This experimental device is used to investigate characteristics of spinal vertebra. The main aim of this thesis is to realize the control software, which is able to plan, initialize and record the long-term experiments on this device. This thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. First part is focused on the description of the experimental device and sums all apointed requirements. This part also includes characterization of software tools, that has been used to realization in NI LabVIEW 8.6 development suite. The practical part deals with the design and successive realization of the developed application used for planning and controlling experiments, and also describes performed long-term tests. The solutions of a few fundamental problems, which were shown during these tests, are also included.
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Návrh a implementace komponenty pro komunikaci s PCI rozhraním / Design and Implementation of the Component for Comunication with PCI InterfaceJanoušek, Michal January 2011 (has links)
This masters thesis deals with design of the component facilitating communication between PCI bus and user component. Designed component is simplifying the communication protocol between designed and user components, while advanced functions of PCI bus are preserved. Target platform is COMBO6-PTM card containing FPGA with Spartan 3 technology. Communication with PCI bus is mediated by PLX component. Thesis also contains design of simplified communication protocol.
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Personers upplevelser efter PCI- behandling : - En litteraturstudieTjärdalen, Cecilia, Ejdervik, Victoria January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Agil Regelefterlevnad : Agila tankesätt för Compliance & PCI DSSBergström, Karl Viktor January 2019 (has links)
Regulatory compliance is an important and growing topic that requires companies to adapt to rules and regulations. All organizations that want to be active in the business market must follow and adapt to these rules regardless of company size and capital. The consequences of not following the regulations are to a large extent fines or increased transaction costs. This study focuses on the usefulness of agile approaches in compliance and specifically PCI DSS regulations. PCI DSS is a framework that regulates the credit card payment system used by an organization. All security involving customer data during a card payment is also included in this ruleset. To execute the research on how agile methods function within compliance, a qualitative research strategy has been implemented. Empirical material has been collected through interviews with the company CGI. The respondents in this inquiry work in the compliance sector and have great knowledge of the subject. The result of the study show that respondents view agile methods within compliance projects in a positive light. That the obstacles experienced in these projects can be alleviated with the help of agile tools such as morning meetings and structured responsibilities. / Regulatorisk efterlevnad är ett växande och viktigt ämne i den moderna affärsvärlden. Eftersom företag behöver anpassa sig efter regler och ramverk i sitt dagliga arbete. Alla organisationer som vill samverka på arbetsmarknaden måste följa och anpassa sig efter regler oberoende på företagsstorlek och kapital. Konsekvenserna av att inte följa de uppsatta ramverken är till stor del böter eller förhöjda kostnader. Denna studie fokuserar på användbarheten av agila tankesätt inom compliance och specifikt compliance inom regelverket PCI DSS. PCI DSS är ett ramverk som reglerar kortbetalning system som används av en organisation. All säkerhet som involverar kunders data under en kortbetalning inkluderas också under detta verk. För att utföra denna studie över hur agila metoder fungerar inom compliance har en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi genomförts. Empiriskt material har samlats in genom intervjuer med företaget CGI. Respondenterna i studien arbetar inom compliance sektorn och besitter stor kunskap om ämnet. Resultatet av studien visar att respondenterna ser ljust på agila metoder inom compliance projekt. Att de hinder som upplevs i dessa projekt kan lindras med hjälp av agila verktyg som morgonmöten och strukturerade ansvarsområden.
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One of the most important attribute a cloud service provider (CSP) offers their customers through their cloud services is scalability. Scalability gives customers the ability to vary the amount of capacity when required. A cloud service can be divided in three service layers, Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as- a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). Scalability of a certain service depends on software licenses on these layers. When a customer wants to increase the capacity it will be determined by the CSP's licenses bought from its suppliers in advance. If a CSP scales up more than what was agreed on, then there is a risk that the CSP needs to pay a penalty fee to the supplier. If the CSP invests in too many licenses that does not get utilized, then it will be an investment loss. A second challenge with software licensing is when a customer outsources their applications to the CSP’s platform. As each application comes with a set of licenses, there is a certain level of scalability that cannot be exceeded. If a customer wants the CSP scale up more than usual for an application then the customer need to inform the vendors. However, a common misunderstanding is that the customer expects the CSP to notify the vendor. Then there is a risk that the vendor never gets notified and the customer is in danger of paying a penalty fee. This in turn hurts the CSP’s relationship with the customer. The recommendation to the CSP under study is to create a successful customer relationship management (CRM) and a supplier relationship management (SRM). By creating a CRM with the customer will minimize the occurring misunderstandings and highlight the responsibilities when a customer outsources an application to the CSP. By creating a SRM with the supplier will help the CSP to maintain a flexible paying method that they have with a certain supplier. Furthermore, it will set an example to the remaining suppliers to change their inflexible paying method. By achieving a flexible payment method with the suppliers will make it easier for the CSP to find equilibrium between scalability and licenses.
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Modelo y arquitectura para la provisión en la nube de servicios y aplicaciones heterogéneasAlbentosa Mora, José Luis 25 September 2017 (has links)
En un mundo donde la transformación digital avanza a un ritmo veloz y aparecen de forma exponencial nuevas soluciones y capacidades tecnológicas, las grandes compañías necesitan sacar más y mejores productos al mercado. Sin embargo, sus pesadas arquitecturas tecnológicas legadas y sus capacidades de integración y escalabilidad no les permiten llegar al mercado en el tiempo y forma deseado. En este contexto, la investigación se centra en la creación de una arquitectura en la nube que permita habilitar, implantar, desarrollar e integrar servicios, soluciones y sistemas transaccionales de distinta naturaleza de forma segura, escalable, resiliente y ágil. La validación de la misma con el desarrollo de 3 patentes en explotación que implementan casos prácticos, ofrece veracidad al modelo propuesto para resolver el problema.
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Physical Cell ID Allocation in Cellular NetworksNyberg, Sofia January 2016 (has links)
In LTE networks, there are several properties that need to be carefully planned for thenetwork to be well performing. As the networks’ traffic increases and the networks aregetting denser, this planning gets even more important. The Physical Cell Id (PCI) is theidentifier of a network cell in the physical layer. This property is limited to 504 values, andtherefore needs to be reused in the network. If the PCI assignment is poorly planned, therisk for network conflicts is high. In this work, the aim is to develop a distributed approach where the planning is performedby the cells involved in the specific conflict. Initially, the PCI allocation problem isformulated mathematically and is proven to be NP-complete by a reduction to the vertexcolouring problem. Two optimisation models are developed which are minimising thenumber of PCI changes and the number of PCIs used within the network respectively. An approach is developed which enlargers the traditional decision basis for a distributedapproach by letting the confused cell request neighbour information from its confusioncausingneighbours. The approach is complemented with several decision rules for theconfused cell to be able to make an as good decision as possible and by that mimic the behaviourof the optimisation models. Three different algorithms are implemented using theapproach as a basis. For evaluation purpose, two additional algorithms are implemented,one which is applicable to today’s standard and one inspired by the work by Amirijoo et al. The algorithms were tested against three different test scenarios where the PCI rangewas narrowed, the number of cells was increased and the network was extended. Thealgorithms were also tested on a small world network. The testing showed promisingresults for the approach, especially for larger and denser networks.
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Langzeitverlauf bei ST-Strecken-Hebungsinfarkt und später Vorstellung nach Symptombeginn mit und ohne ThrombusaspirationSchock, Sandra 04 January 2022 (has links)
Ziel der Arbeit war es, den Langzeitverlauf von Patienten mit STEMI bei Vorstellung nach 12 bis 48 Stunden nach Symptombeginn in Abhängigkeit der Revaskularisierung mit oder ohne TA zu beurteilen.
Es wurden hierfür insgesamt 144 Patienten mit Symptombeginn nach 12 bis 48 Stunden in einer 1:1 Randomisierung auf die zwei zu vergleichenden Gruppen PCI mit oder ohne TA verteilt. Der durch die MRT ermittelte primäre Endpunkt MVO konnte durch die TA nicht verringert werden. Der klinische Langzeitverlauf wurde vier Jahre nach Randomisierung des letzten Patienten erhoben. Hierbei wurde ein strukturiertes, telefonisches Interview durchgeführt. Dies umfasste die klinischen Ereignisse Tod, rezidivierender Herzinfarkt, erneute koronare Revaskularisierung, Stentthrombose und Schlaganfall. Anhand des EuroQol-5D-3L Fragebogens wurde die Lebensqualität bewertet.
Die Gesamtmortalität betrug nach vier Jahren 18%. Es stellte sich kein signifikanter Unterschied zwischen beiden Gruppen für die Mortalität heraus. Selbiges gilt für MACE, zusammengesetzt aus Tod, myokardialer Reinfarkt und Zielgefäßrevaskularisierung.
Mit Hilfe einer multivariaten Cox-Regressions-Analyse konnten die GFR nach Aufnahme, LVEF per MRT und kardiogener Schock als unabhängige Prädiktoren für die Langzeitmortalität ermittelt werden.
Zusammenfassend ergibt sich daraus, dass die TA im Vergleich zur Standard-PCI bei STEMI-Patienten, welche sich spät nach Auftreten der Symptome vorstellten, keinen signifikanten Unterschied in Bezug auf langfristige klinische Ereignisse hervorruft.:I. BIBLIOGRAFISCHE BESCHREIBUNG
1.1 Epidemiologie
1.2 Definitionen und Pathophysiologie
1.3 Klinik und Diagnostik des ST-Strecken-Hebungsinfarktes
1.4 Reperfusionstherapie
1.4.1 Perkutane Koronarintervention
1.4.2 Manuelle Thrombusaspiration
1.5 Klinische Studien zu Thrombusaspiration bei subakutem STEMI
3.1 Studiendesign
3.2 Definition klinischer Ereignisse
3.3 Follow-Up
3.4 Statistische Analyse
4.1 Basischarakteristika
4.2 Angiografische und prozedurale Merkmale
4.3 Klinische Ereignisse im Langzeitverlauf
4.4 Lebensqualität nach subakutem ST-Strecken-Hebungsinfarkt
4.5 Prädiktoren der Langzeitmortalität
5.1 Langzeitverlauf bei subakutem Herzinfarkt
5.1.1 Einfluss der Zeitdauer zwischen Symptombeginn und Reperfusion auf die Infarktgröße und die myokardiale Rettung
5.1.2 Einfluss der Zeitdauer zwischen Symptombeginn und Reperfusion auf die Mortalität und klinischen Ereignisse im Langzeitverlauf
5.2 Die Rolle der Thrombusaspiration bei subakutem Myokardinfarkt
5.3 Grenzen der Arbeit
5.4 Schlussfolgerung und Ausblick
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Jednotka pro řízení protokolu PCI Express / PCI Express BridgeKorček, Pavol January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to design and implement PCI Express Bridge. The main purpose of this unit is to help application engineers who develop various FPGA based accelerators. The implemented unit transforms complex PCI Express based system bus interface to more common and scalable interface of internal bus for on-chip components interconnection. This allows engineers to focus on the development of their target applications, not on a complicated communication protocol. The unit was implemented in the VHDL language, synthesized for Virtex-5 based FPGAs as well as completely tested on ML555 and COMBOv2 cards. The acquired results show that the component reaches the throughput of 7 Gb/s, which is the theoretical limitation of underlying protocols.
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