Spelling suggestions: "subject:"peculiar""
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Compensação financeira pela exploração de recursos minerais: regra matriz de incidência / Royalty mineral resourcesHernandez, Fernanda Guimarães 08 June 2010 (has links)
Os recursos minerais são considerados bens públicos dominicais por serem estes os únicos passíveis de exploração econômica para geração de receitas pelo Estado, em razão de não estarem afetados a uma destinação específica do Estado e, tampouco, poderem ser livremente utilizados pela coletividade. A Constituição Federal autoriza a concessão da lavra dos recursos minerais, incidindo sobre o faturamento líquido advindo da exploração destes bens a denominada Compensação Financeira pela Exploração de Recursos Minerais (CFEM), receita originária patrimonial da União, cujo regime jurídico encontra-se delimitado pela Constituição Federal, nos seus artigos 5o, II; 20, IX, e § 1o; 176; 37; 155, X, b e 225, § 2o. A competência para legislar sobre a CFEM é privativa da União Federal. Tem-se como inconstitucionais, em consequência, leis de Estados e do Distrito Federal que disponham sobre a CFEM, por não se incluírem nos casos de exercício da competência concorrente. É do DNPM a competência para fiscalização e arrecadação da CFEM e é da Procuradoria Federal junto à autarquia, a inscrição do débito em dívida ativa e o ajuizamento da competente execução. São dedutíveis, para efeito de apuração da base de cálculo da CFEM, todas as despesas pagas ou incorridas pelo minerador, relativas ao transporte e ao seguro, desde a extração da substância mineral até a entrega do produto mineral comercializado, bem como o valor integral do ICMS destacado nas notas fiscais (incidido), e não apenas do montante recolhido ao Estado (apurado e pago); e o IOF, devido em razão das vendas da mencionada substância mineral como ativo financeiro. No caso de mora no pagamento da CFEM são devidos os juros, na forma estabelecida no artigo 406 do Código Civil, no período em que inexistente lei específica acerca do assunto. Entre julho de 2000 e janeiro de 2001, os juros são aqueles fixados em lei especial a respeito do tema: a Lei nº 9.993/00. E, no pertinente a fatos geradores ocorridos após o início da vigência e eficácia da Lei nº 11.941/09, deve ser observada a legislação aplicável aos tributos federais, qual seja, a Lei nº 9.430/96, que determina a incidência da taxa SELIC, acrescido o percentual de 1% no mês do efetivo recolhimento. Tem-se como legítima a inscrição do devedor de CFEM no CADIN, contanto que este cadastro seja visto como veículo meramente informativo e não constitua sanção política a compelir o particular ao pagamento de importâncias, não podendo caracterizar-se como modo indireto de cobrança, à margem do devido processo legal. O prazo de decadência para que o DNPM constituía créditos de CFEM é de cinco anos. Em que pese a CFEM constituir obrigação pecuniária de natureza não tributária, sua cobrança obedecerá ao rito estabelecido na Lei nº 6.830/80, por se tratar de receita financeira de autarquia federal DNPM. / Mineral resources are considered to be assets belonging to the public domain, once they are the only ones that may be economically exploited by the State to obtain revenues, since they are not affected by a specific destination given by the State, nor may they be freely used by society. The Federal Constitution allows the granting of mining permits, exacting the so-called Financial Compensation for the Exploitation of Mineral Resources (CFEM, local acronym) which is levied over the net revenues obtained from the exploitation of these assets. This income is paid into the coffers of the Federal Union, the legal regime whereof has been delimited by the Federal Constitution (articles 5, II, 20, IX, and § 1, 176, 37, 155, X, b and 225, § 2). The competence to enact laws regarding the CFEM pecuniary obligation befalls exclusively upon the Federal Union. As result, any laws enacted by the individual States, by the Federal District and the Districts regarding said CFEM are construed to be unconstitutional, since they cannot be handled by competing supplementary competence. The DNPM has the necessary competence to inspect and collect the CFEM pecuniary obligation, while the Attorney Generals Office, responsible for controlling said quasi-government company, must post the debt into the active debts roster, as well as bringing suit the appropriate lawsuit to collect it. In order to compute the CFEM, all expenses paid or incurred into by the mining concern pertaining to transportation and freight, from the extraction to the delivery of the product, are deductible from the basis of calculation of the CFEM. This deduction also includes the full amount of the ICMS which is highlighted on the invoices and not of the amount determined and paid to the individual State. There is also the IOF tax which falls due as result of the sale of gold since they are considered to be financial assets. In case of arrears in the payment of the CFEM, arrears interest is charged pursuant to article 406 of the Civil Code, covering the period when no specific laws governing the matter were in effect. Between July, 2000 and January, 2001, interest rates were established by special law governing the matter (Law 9.993/00). And, as regards the tax triggering events that took place after the enactment and the effectiveness of Law 11.941/09, the legislation applying to federal taxes became the supervening law (Law 9.430/96) which determines the usage of the SELIC rate, accreted of a percentage of 1% per month, dunned until the date of its effective payment. The enrollment of the CFEM debtor in the CADIN roster is considered to be legitimate, provided this roster is used for informative purposes only and provided it is not used as a political sanction to compel the company to pay. The CFEM may not be characterized as a kind of indirect dunning of the contribution which falls out of due process. The timeframe of prescription for the DNPM to include the CFEM in the debtors roster is of five years. Since said CFEM is a pecuniary obligation that does not have the characteristics of a tax, its exaction is to comply with the rite set forth in Law 6.830/80 since it constitutes financial revenues of a quasi-government owned company (DNPM).
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Občanskoprávní odpovědnost při poskytování zdravotních služeb / Civil-law liability arises upon the provision of health servicesZykánová, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
1 Civil-law liability arises upon the provision of health services Abstract This diploma thesis aims to analyze in detail the civil-law liability arising out of the provision of health services; special focus is drawn to non-pecuniary damage to health and life of the patient and non-pecuniary damage of the close persons during the provision of health services by the breach of duties of the doctor, including ways and extent of compensation sustained harm. The thesis explains the current legal framework within which civil-law liability for the provision of health sevices is assessed, with individual references to the previous legal acts (i.e. the 1964 Civil Code and the Decree on compensation of non-pecuniary damage). The changes and weaknesses of the current legal framework are pointed out. The thesis comprises of an introduction, five main chapters and a conclusion. First and second chapters delimitate the issue at hand, introduce elementary terms important for the field [of civil-law liability for the provision of health services], and sources of law and shed light onto the relationship between the two key legal acts governing the provision of health services, that being the Civil Code and the Act on Provision of Helath Services. The substance of human life and health as two individual personal rights is...
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Občanskoprávní odpovědnost při poskytování zdravotních služeb / Civil-law liability arises upon the provision of health servicesZykánová, Lenka January 2019 (has links)
1 Civil-law liability arises upon the provision of health services Abstract This diploma thesis aims to analyze in detail the civil-law liability arising out of the provision of health services; special focus is drawn to non-pecuniary damage to health and life of the patient and non-pecuniary damage of the close persons during the provision of health services by the breach of duties of the doctor, including ways and extent of compensation sustained harm. The thesis explains the current legal framework within which civil-law liability for the provision of health sevices is assessed, with individual references to the previous legal acts (i.e. the 1964 Civil Code and the Decree on compensation of non-pecuniary damage). The changes and weaknesses of the current legal framework are pointed out. The thesis comprises of an introduction, five main chapters and a conclusion. First and second chapters delimitate the issue at hand, introduce elementary terms important for the field [of civil-law liability for the provision of health services], and sources of law and shed light onto the relationship between the two key legal acts governing the provision of health services, that being the Civil Code and the Act on Provision of Helath Services. The substance of human life and health as two individual personal rights is...
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Juridinio asmens dalykinės reputacijos apsauga / Protection of corporate reputationNarijauskaitė, Milda 05 July 2011 (has links)
Šiame darbe atskleistas juridinio asmens dalykinės reputacijos apsaugos reglamentavimas, praktinis įgyvendinimas bei pagrindinės jo problemos. Pirmojoje darbo dalyje buvo siekiama atskleisti juridinio asmens dalykinės reputacijos sąvoką, analizuojant ne tik teisės, bet ir kitų socialinių mokslų kontekste. Buvo prieita prie išvados, kad Lietuvos teisėje juridinio asmens dalykinė reputacija yra siejama su nematerialiuoju turtu ir ieškovai, norėdami sėkmingai apginti savo dalykinę reputaciją, turi įrodyti realų faktinį jos sumenkėjimą. Antroji darbo dalis buvo skirta išanalizuoti visas galimas dalykinės reputacijos gynimo procedūras ir būdus. Jų yra įvairių, todėl juridiniai asmenys gali pasirinkti jiems priimtiniausią ir efektyviausią gynybos būdą. Trečiojoje dalyje buvo nagrinėjamas juridinio asmens dalykinės reputacijos ir saviraiškos laisvės santykis. Buvo siekiama atskleisti problemas ir galimus sprendimus ieškant šių vertybių balanso. Ketvirtoji dalis skirta išanalizuoti neturtinės žalos kompensavimo galimybę pažeidus juridinio asmens dalykinę reputaciją ir kylančias problemas. Šiame darbe buvo analizuojamas juridinio asmens dalykinės reputacijos ir teisės į jos apsaugą reglamentavimas ir detaliai nagrinėjamas praktinis įgyvendinimas. / This paper analyses protection of corporate reputation and it‘s regulation, practical implementation and the main problems. In the first part it is discussed the concept of corporate reputation in law as well as other social sciences. The conclusion is that corporate reputation is an intangible property and if the claimants want to succeed in defending their corporate reputation, the real factual harm must be proven. In the second part it is analysed all the possible procedures and ways to defend corporate reputation. The are various possibilities to protect corporate reputation and legal entities may choose the most reasonable and effective one. In the third part it was discussed the relation between corporate reputation and freedom of self-expression. The aim was to reveal problems and possible solutions to find the balance between them. In the last part it was analysed possibilities to compensate non-pecuniary damages when corporate reputation is damaged. It was also revealed the main problems. This paper thoroughly analysed regulation of protection of corporate reputation as well as implementation in practise.
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Sanções não pecuniárias no Direito Tributário em razão do descumprimento de obrigação principal:análise crítica da doutrina e da jurisprudência acerca das denominadas sanções políticas / Non-pecuniary sanctions in Tax Law in order to punish the nonpayment of the main tax obligation:a critical analyzes of the doctrine and court precedents about the called political sanctionsMarcos Bueno Brandão da Penha 09 June 2015 (has links)
Em que pese o papel fundamental da tributação no âmbito de um Estado Democrático de Direito (Estado Fiscal), no qual o dever de pagar tributos é considerado um dever fundamental, persistem na doutrina e jurisprudência nacionais posicionamentos que associam aos tributos um caráter odioso. Essa repulsa aos tributos decorre de uma ideologia ultraliberal que não se justifica à luz do sistema de direitos e garantias desenhado em nossa Constituição. Essa disseminada postura ideológica influencia de forma equivocada a interpretação e a aplicação de inúmeros institutos e normas tributárias, como ocorre em relação às sanções administrativas não pecuniárias (restritivas de direitos) utilizadas para punir o inadimplemento de uma obrigação tributária principal, denominadas de sanções políticas, morais ou indiretas. A presente dissertação busca analisar de forma crítica como a doutrina nacional e a jurisprudência histórica e atual dos nossos tribunais superiores vêm se posicionando acerca da constitucionalidade dessas sanções, de modo a apontar a inconsistência teórica do entendimento ainda prevalecente, seja à luz da teoria da sanção, seja à luz do neoconstitucionalismo, demonstrando ser juridicamente injustificável considerar inconstitucional de plano uma sanção tributária pelo só fato de ser não pecuniária, já que esse juízo demanda uma análise específica da proporcionalidade em cada caso, atentando-se para os princípios e circunstâncias envolvidos. Além de importantes julgados sobre o tema e posições de renomados autores, são analisadas separadamente as ADIs n. 5.135 e 5.161, que tratam, respectivamente, das polêmicas questões do protesto das Certidões da Dívida Ativa e da vedação da distribuição de lucros e bonificações em empresas com débito em aberto junto à União Federal.
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Sanções não pecuniárias no Direito Tributário em razão do descumprimento de obrigação principal:análise crítica da doutrina e da jurisprudência acerca das denominadas sanções políticas / Non-pecuniary sanctions in Tax Law in order to punish the nonpayment of the main tax obligation:a critical analyzes of the doctrine and court precedents about the called political sanctionsMarcos Bueno Brandão da Penha 09 June 2015 (has links)
Em que pese o papel fundamental da tributação no âmbito de um Estado Democrático de Direito (Estado Fiscal), no qual o dever de pagar tributos é considerado um dever fundamental, persistem na doutrina e jurisprudência nacionais posicionamentos que associam aos tributos um caráter odioso. Essa repulsa aos tributos decorre de uma ideologia ultraliberal que não se justifica à luz do sistema de direitos e garantias desenhado em nossa Constituição. Essa disseminada postura ideológica influencia de forma equivocada a interpretação e a aplicação de inúmeros institutos e normas tributárias, como ocorre em relação às sanções administrativas não pecuniárias (restritivas de direitos) utilizadas para punir o inadimplemento de uma obrigação tributária principal, denominadas de sanções políticas, morais ou indiretas. A presente dissertação busca analisar de forma crítica como a doutrina nacional e a jurisprudência histórica e atual dos nossos tribunais superiores vêm se posicionando acerca da constitucionalidade dessas sanções, de modo a apontar a inconsistência teórica do entendimento ainda prevalecente, seja à luz da teoria da sanção, seja à luz do neoconstitucionalismo, demonstrando ser juridicamente injustificável considerar inconstitucional de plano uma sanção tributária pelo só fato de ser não pecuniária, já que esse juízo demanda uma análise específica da proporcionalidade em cada caso, atentando-se para os princípios e circunstâncias envolvidos. Além de importantes julgados sobre o tema e posições de renomados autores, são analisadas separadamente as ADIs n. 5.135 e 5.161, que tratam, respectivamente, das polêmicas questões do protesto das Certidões da Dívida Ativa e da vedação da distribuição de lucros e bonificações em empresas com débito em aberto junto à União Federal.
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Compensação financeira pela exploração de recursos minerais: regra matriz de incidência / Royalty mineral resourcesFernanda Guimarães Hernandez 08 June 2010 (has links)
Os recursos minerais são considerados bens públicos dominicais por serem estes os únicos passíveis de exploração econômica para geração de receitas pelo Estado, em razão de não estarem afetados a uma destinação específica do Estado e, tampouco, poderem ser livremente utilizados pela coletividade. A Constituição Federal autoriza a concessão da lavra dos recursos minerais, incidindo sobre o faturamento líquido advindo da exploração destes bens a denominada Compensação Financeira pela Exploração de Recursos Minerais (CFEM), receita originária patrimonial da União, cujo regime jurídico encontra-se delimitado pela Constituição Federal, nos seus artigos 5o, II; 20, IX, e § 1o; 176; 37; 155, X, b e 225, § 2o. A competência para legislar sobre a CFEM é privativa da União Federal. Tem-se como inconstitucionais, em consequência, leis de Estados e do Distrito Federal que disponham sobre a CFEM, por não se incluírem nos casos de exercício da competência concorrente. É do DNPM a competência para fiscalização e arrecadação da CFEM e é da Procuradoria Federal junto à autarquia, a inscrição do débito em dívida ativa e o ajuizamento da competente execução. São dedutíveis, para efeito de apuração da base de cálculo da CFEM, todas as despesas pagas ou incorridas pelo minerador, relativas ao transporte e ao seguro, desde a extração da substância mineral até a entrega do produto mineral comercializado, bem como o valor integral do ICMS destacado nas notas fiscais (incidido), e não apenas do montante recolhido ao Estado (apurado e pago); e o IOF, devido em razão das vendas da mencionada substância mineral como ativo financeiro. No caso de mora no pagamento da CFEM são devidos os juros, na forma estabelecida no artigo 406 do Código Civil, no período em que inexistente lei específica acerca do assunto. Entre julho de 2000 e janeiro de 2001, os juros são aqueles fixados em lei especial a respeito do tema: a Lei nº 9.993/00. E, no pertinente a fatos geradores ocorridos após o início da vigência e eficácia da Lei nº 11.941/09, deve ser observada a legislação aplicável aos tributos federais, qual seja, a Lei nº 9.430/96, que determina a incidência da taxa SELIC, acrescido o percentual de 1% no mês do efetivo recolhimento. Tem-se como legítima a inscrição do devedor de CFEM no CADIN, contanto que este cadastro seja visto como veículo meramente informativo e não constitua sanção política a compelir o particular ao pagamento de importâncias, não podendo caracterizar-se como modo indireto de cobrança, à margem do devido processo legal. O prazo de decadência para que o DNPM constituía créditos de CFEM é de cinco anos. Em que pese a CFEM constituir obrigação pecuniária de natureza não tributária, sua cobrança obedecerá ao rito estabelecido na Lei nº 6.830/80, por se tratar de receita financeira de autarquia federal DNPM. / Mineral resources are considered to be assets belonging to the public domain, once they are the only ones that may be economically exploited by the State to obtain revenues, since they are not affected by a specific destination given by the State, nor may they be freely used by society. The Federal Constitution allows the granting of mining permits, exacting the so-called Financial Compensation for the Exploitation of Mineral Resources (CFEM, local acronym) which is levied over the net revenues obtained from the exploitation of these assets. This income is paid into the coffers of the Federal Union, the legal regime whereof has been delimited by the Federal Constitution (articles 5, II, 20, IX, and § 1, 176, 37, 155, X, b and 225, § 2). The competence to enact laws regarding the CFEM pecuniary obligation befalls exclusively upon the Federal Union. As result, any laws enacted by the individual States, by the Federal District and the Districts regarding said CFEM are construed to be unconstitutional, since they cannot be handled by competing supplementary competence. The DNPM has the necessary competence to inspect and collect the CFEM pecuniary obligation, while the Attorney Generals Office, responsible for controlling said quasi-government company, must post the debt into the active debts roster, as well as bringing suit the appropriate lawsuit to collect it. In order to compute the CFEM, all expenses paid or incurred into by the mining concern pertaining to transportation and freight, from the extraction to the delivery of the product, are deductible from the basis of calculation of the CFEM. This deduction also includes the full amount of the ICMS which is highlighted on the invoices and not of the amount determined and paid to the individual State. There is also the IOF tax which falls due as result of the sale of gold since they are considered to be financial assets. In case of arrears in the payment of the CFEM, arrears interest is charged pursuant to article 406 of the Civil Code, covering the period when no specific laws governing the matter were in effect. Between July, 2000 and January, 2001, interest rates were established by special law governing the matter (Law 9.993/00). And, as regards the tax triggering events that took place after the enactment and the effectiveness of Law 11.941/09, the legislation applying to federal taxes became the supervening law (Law 9.430/96) which determines the usage of the SELIC rate, accreted of a percentage of 1% per month, dunned until the date of its effective payment. The enrollment of the CFEM debtor in the CADIN roster is considered to be legitimate, provided this roster is used for informative purposes only and provided it is not used as a political sanction to compel the company to pay. The CFEM may not be characterized as a kind of indirect dunning of the contribution which falls out of due process. The timeframe of prescription for the DNPM to include the CFEM in the debtors roster is of five years. Since said CFEM is a pecuniary obligation that does not have the characteristics of a tax, its exaction is to comply with the rite set forth in Law 6.830/80 since it constitutes financial revenues of a quasi-government owned company (DNPM).
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What does it cost to be green? : An empirical investigation of the European green bond marketSöderström, Gustaf, Pettersson, Anton January 2020 (has links)
The green bond market offers investors the opportunity to take an explicit focus on sustainable investment projects. However, it is yet to be determined whether this novel asset class offers attractive yields compared to non-green bonds. To address this question, we study European green bonds and how they diverge from conventional bonds in terms of yields. Using a dataset of 88 matched pairs of European green bonds between 2015 and 2019, we document a significant negative green bond premium of -12 bps on average in the secondary market. The green bond premium is defined as the yield differential between a green and a conventional bond while controlling for liquidity. The results suggest that European investors accept a lower financial return in exchange for receiving non-pecuniary benefits and thus challenging the assumptions of classical asset pricing models. Furthermore, we use a matching method and two-step regression to control for liquidity and identify the determinants of the green bond premium. The results show that the negative green bond premium is less pronounced for lower-rated bonds. Moreover, we find support for variations in the green bond premium across different business sectors. Government-related green bonds experience a greater negative green bond premium than green bonds related to financials and industrial corporates.
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Přiměřené zadostiučinění jako nekalosoutěžní nárok / Just satisfaction as an unfair-competition claimJakoubek, Michal January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the question of an adequate satisfaction as a claim resulting from violator's unfair competition conduct. The thesis is divided into three parts. The aim of the first part is to define general presumptions for the commencement of claim of the adequate satisfaction such as unlawfulness consisting in prohibited unfair competition conduct, injured party's non-pecuniary harm, causal link between violator's unlawful conduct and injured party's non-pecuniary harm and violator's fault. The second part defines persons entitled to claim the adequate satisfaction and persons obliged to meet such a claim. The third part deals with ways in which the adequate satisfaction can be provided and criterions substantial for assessment of the amount of the adequate satisfaction in money. Particular attention is paid to the question of function and purpose of the adequate satisfaction in the unfair competition law framework in particular the question of whether the unfair competition could be designated as a preventive and punitive instrument beside its main purpose of satisfaction of non- material harm suffered by the injured party and whether the function of prevention a sanction could be taken into account in deciding about the amount of the adequate satisfaction in money. The thesis...
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Éthique et gouvernance : les règles qui régissent la prévention et la sanction des conflits d'intérêts chez les élus municipauxRoy, Alain R. 01 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire fait l’étude du régime de prévention et de sanction des conflits possibles entre les intérêts de la municipalité d’une part et de ceux de ses élus de l’autre. L’objet de recherche est abordé selon une approche historique et éthique basée sur le régime juridique actuel. Le mémoire est divisé en 3 chapitres : (1) la notion de conflit d’intérêts ; (2) le cadre juridique à la base du régime de sanction des conflits d’intérêts et (3) celui sur le régime de prévention des conflits d’intérêts dans le domaine municipal.
Le chapitre préliminaire situe l’objet de recherche à l’intérieur des grandes tendances de la recherche juridique sur la question et présente un cadre de réflexion sur la notion de conflit d’intérêts. L’examen des conflits d’intérêts repose avant tout sur un questionnement et sur un jugement de nature subjective : ce qui a été considéré comme un conflit d’intérêts autrefois ne l’est pas nécessairement de nos jours et ce, en dépit du fait que le cadre juridique évolue aussi dans le temps. On ne peut donc pas dégager avec exactitude et pour toujours ce qui constitue un conflit d’intérêts de ce qui n’en constitue pas un.
Le chapitre premier est divisé en 4 sections. On y traite notamment de la règle relative à l’interdiction pour un élu municipal de contracter avec la municipalité. On y démontre que l’origine de cette règle remonte aux premières lois municipales du XIXe siècle et que cette dernière a subi assez peu de modifications au fil des ans. La troisième section porte sur les cas de malversation, d’abus de confiance et les autres inconduites prohibées par la Loi sur les élections et référendums dans les municipalités (L.R.Q. c. E-2.2). Une quatrième section sur les accusations criminelles d’abus de confiance et de corruption vient clore le premier chapitre. Chacune de ces sections est abordée notamment en faisant l’historique des dispositions législatives en cause ainsi qu’en faisant certains parallèles avec la législation des autres provinces canadiennes.
Le chapitre 2 sur le régime de prévention des conflits d’intérêts est divisé en 4 parties. La première section porte sur l’obligation pour un élu de déclarer annuellement ses intérêts pécuniaires. Cette obligation n’est pas unique au Québec puisqu’elle est présente dans quelques législations provinciales canadiennes. La deuxième section porte sur l’obligation pour cet élu de dénoncer verbalement son intérêt dans une question abordée par le conseil municipal réuni en séance ou en comité. Là encore, l’origine de cette approche préventive est fort ancienne et a longtemps été considéré comme le seul moyen de dénoncer son intérêt sans subir les sanctions prévues par la loi. Une troisième section s’intéresse au cadre juridique entourant les soumissions publiques et qui vise à éliminer toute situation possible de favoritisme ou de patronage. Une quatrième section aborde la question des codes d’éthique et de leur utilité ainsi que les développements récents sur cette question avec le dépôt en 2009 du rapport du Groupe de travail sur l’éthique dans le milieu municipal.
Une conclusion vient clore le mémoire en présentant une synthèse de l’étude assortie de commentaires personnels sur les conclusions du Groupe de travail précité. / ENGLISH SUMMARY
The objective of this master’s paper is to review the system of prevention and sanctions in the area of possible conflicts between, on the one part, the interests of the municipality and on the other, that of the elected officials. The research approach to the subject is both historical and ethical and is based on the existing legal system. The study is divided into three (3) chapters: (1) the concept of conflict of interest (2) the legal basis of the system of sanctions for conflicts of interest (3) the system of prevention of conflicts of interest in the municipal field.
The preliminary chapter sets the research subject within the broader field of legal research on the question and presents a framework of thought on the notion of conflicts of interest. The examination of the concept of conflicts of interests begins by the questioning and making of subjective judgments: what has in the past been considered as a conflict of interest is no longer seen the same way today and this despite the fact that the legal system also evolves with the times. We cannot therefore identify permanently and with precision that which constitutes a conflict of interest and that which does not. It depends on the facts and the circumstances in each case.
Chapter 1 is divided into 4 sections. We will review in particular the rules relating to the prohibition against an elected official contracting with the municipality. We will show that the rule takes its origin in the first legislation relating to municipalities dating back to the 19th century and that these rules have not been greatly modified since. The third section deals with misappropriation breach of trust and other misconduct prohibited by la An Act respecting Elections and Referendums in Municipalities (L.R.Q. c. E-2.2). A fourth section dealing with criminal charges for breach of trust and corruption brings the first chapter to an end. In each one of these sections we review the history of the legislation in question and by making certain comparisons with legislation in other provinces.
Chapter 2 dealing with the system of prevention of conflicts of interest is divided into four (4) parts. The first section deals with the elected official’s obligation to make an annual declaration of pecuniary interests. This obligation is not unique to Quebec; it is also found in legislation in other Canadian provinces. The second section covers the obligation of an elected official to declare his or her interest in any question that is under study by council either in full session or in committee. Here again the origin of this preventative approach is quite ancient and has long been considered as the only means of declaring one’s interest without having to face the consequences provided at law. A third section deals with the legal system covering public tenders. This system is not only meant to insure healthy competition but also to eliminate any possible situation of favouritism or patronage that an elected official might be tempted to pass on to a supporter. A fourth section explores the matter of Codes of Ethics and their usefulness as well as recent developments in the area following on the tabling of the report in 2009 of the Groupe de travail sur l’éthique dans le milieu municipal.
The conclusion presents a summary of the study including personal comments on the conclusions of the said study group.
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