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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pedagogų konfliktai ir jų sprendimo ypatumai / Pedagogical conflicts and their solution

Kalpokaitė, Ieva 27 June 2006 (has links)
Conflicts are the main category of manage. Every day we’re solving problems and sometimes just trying to avoid them. The main thing, that all of us perceive conflict like a negative phenomenon. There are some cases when conflict can get some good wind for the organization, like object’s and organization politic changing. To solve the conflict we use some of our known solution strategies. But sometimes they just can get the things worthier that they are. Teachers clash with conflict the same as members of other occupation. But they need to be respectable in school where they working. Everyday they contact with other teachers, pupils and children’s parents. In all that contacts they are expecting judges, jealousy, and competition. The purpose of our work was - to find the main reasons why the conflicts arise between colleagues, between teachers and principal and with pupils. Also analyze conflicts solution strategies and how pedagogue can aim their knowledge’s about problems solution of course if they had them. Did they take part in conflicts solution teaching programs and it was very important to us to know if that study was productive. The main hypothesis was formed on the background of performed research, that essential conflicts solution is limited by conflicts solution strategies ignoranc.

Pradinio ugdymo pakopos pedagogo kompetencijų struktūra (lyginamoji analizė) / The structure of competences of pedagogue in the stage of primary teaching (comparative analysis)

Klusaitė, Sigita 12 June 2006 (has links)
The structure of competences of pedagogue in the stage of primary teaching (comparative analysis) The goal of research: to prove the structure of competences of pedagogue in the stage of primary teaching theoretically and empirically. The objectives of repair research: 1. To reveal the conception of competence and discuss them various models of it suggested in scientific literature. 2. To analyse the kinds of professional competences. 3. To compare the models of competences and the educational programs of different countries in respect of professional competences. 4. To reseach teachers competences and their attitude to ward competences. The methods of research: 1. The analysis of scientific literature. 2. The analysis of documents. 3. Questionnaires. 4. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of questionnaires. Having analysed scientific literature the following four models of competences were distinquished: basic, semantic, pedagogic and humanistic. Having analysed scientific literature the following five kinds of competences were singled out: common cultural, general pedagogic, informative, social, communicative. In the period of research it was desired to clear up the teachers opinion of competences and available competences of teachers themselves. The teachers describe the conception of competence as seeking for innovation, its application and teaching ability. According to teachers the pedagogue of the first stage must have the following competences: general... [to full text]

Regioninių ir universitetinių švietimo centrų lektorių veiklos ypatumai / Peciuliarities of Lectors‘ Work at Regional and Universities‘ Education Centres

Korenkienė, Ramunė 28 June 2006 (has links)
Changes in contemporary world raised new challenges for Lithuanian education, required new attitudes towards many fields of education. New role of the teacher, need and necessity for the teachers to acquire new competencies demand also qualitatively new attitude towards teacher education, including organizing teachers‘ in-service training. Significant role falls on the lector, as the provider of in-service training services. Problems of professional development, reforms in this area are investigated both by foreign as well as Lithuanian scientists. Though, lectors, who participate in the process of teacher‘s in-service education, was not properly explored. In this master thesis peculiarities of the lectors‘ work at regional and universities‘ Educational Centres is tackled. The object of the investigation: Work of lectors, who take part in teacher in-service at regional and universities‘ Educational Centres. The aims of the investigation: Describe and analyse work peculiarities of lectors, as in-service training service providers, at regional and universities‘ Educational Centres. The goals of the investigation: 1. Analyze scientific literature dealing with problems of in-service; documents, defining the strategies for in-service in the contemporary stage of the Education Reform. 2. Analyse requirements for lector‘s competence and data on evaluation of lectors‘ work in research on the state of education in the period of 2000-2004. 3. Single out peculiarities of lectors‘ work... [to full text]

Pedagogų pagalba vaikams, patyrusiems mokymosi nesėkmes / Teachers render assistance to students who experienced learning failure

Suboč, Violeta 08 June 2005 (has links)
The data of the research shows that the idea of continual and uninterrupted education has not been put into practice yet due to a great number of truants, the students remaining for the second year in the same class and those who have experienced learning failures. Because of these reasons, the necessity arises to turn help conveyed by teachers to students into more effective one. The aim of the work is to reveal specific features of pedagogic activity related to work with students who experienced learning failures. It was tried to investigate the point of view of students, who experienced learning failures, towards teachers’ help. The analysis of the research data showed, that truants usually complain of a big homework load, the students facing learning failures speak about difficulties to understand and memorize teachers’ explanations; the truants mention problems connected with reading and writing. The students who unwillingly attend school in comparison with other students, who were investigated, stress the importance of communication for a successful learning process. The data research proved that most often class and subject teachers help to overcome learning failures. Social pedagogues, psychologists, speech therapists not so often render their assistance to students with learning problems. The research states that students playing truants get all necessary help from teachers more often that other participants of the research.

Utenos miesto ikimokyklinių įstaigų pedagogų tęstinis mokymasis: pobūdis, motyvacija ir problemos / The motivation and problems of succeeding learning of pedagogues from pre-school institutions of Utena region

Meškuotienė, Asta 07 June 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this work was to clear the aspect, the motivation and problems of succeeding learning of pedagogues from pre-school institutions of Utena region. To this end was formed the questionnaire according to it were evaluated the mentioned aspects. 100 pedagogues of pre-school institutions of Utena region took part in the survey, all are women. It was determined, that the bigger part of pedagogues understands the succeeding learning as the raising qualification in the seminars and studies on correspondence in the University. But it emerged few opinions, that the succeeding studies are also the occupations of educators in methodical groups and the cooperation with the parents of pupils. Not all pedagogues perceive what this succeeding learning means. It was cleared, that the most important factors of luck in pedagogue’s work is his knowledge, abilities and attitude towards the worth. The less importance, on the opinion of pedagogues, has the cooperation with parents and the succeeding learning. However, many pedagogues during the last five years were learning, the most important form was improving qualification. Very few pedagogues retrained, more continued their studies in higher level. The main motivation of learning and studying together was the desire to be professional and not to be behind. It especially was characteristic for the young specialists. Whereas the fear to loose a job was not a very actual aspect, it was more typical for the senior pedagogues, as... [to full text]

Utenos rajono ikimokyklinio ir priešmokyklinio ugdymo pedagogų kompetencijų raiška švietimo kaitos kontekste / Expression of the competences of to-school and pre-school pedagogues of Utena region in the context of education change

Žilėnienė, Jadvyga 07 June 2006 (has links)
The problem of survey is determined by the fact, that in Lithuania it is discussing a lot about the education change, the competences of pedagogues, but it was not analyzed how the pedagogues of to-school and pre-school educational institutions understand the professional competences, how they evaluate them, what is self-reflection of their professional competences. In the theoretical point of view this work will encourage to go deeper to the expression of the professional competences of to-school and pre-school education pedagogues and the needs and possibilities of their perfection. The purpose of work – is through the opening of the comprehension of the professional competences of to-school and pre-school pedagogues of educational institutions to highlight their structure and alternation in the context of educational change. 135 to-school and pre-school education pedagogues took part in the survey. The results of the survey represented, that the analysis of the opinions of to-school and pre-school education pedagogues about the importance of professional competences showed, that their role in the educational practice is not of equal value. As the most important competences were noted these of methodical, organising and planning. The results of different empirical investigation showed, that there is a relation between the point of view of the pedagogues about the importance of competence and their self-reflection. In the context of educational change is emerging... [to full text]

Socialinių pedagogų profesinių kompetencijų tobulinimas tęstinių studijų metu / Development of social pedagogues’ professional competencies during continuous studies

Zajančkauskienė, Zita 07 June 2006 (has links)
Today the ideas of long life learning are not theories anymore. The changing needs of a society force many of people acquire new competencies and professional qualifications. Education is not provided for once and ever but becomes the result of a permanent learning that lasts for the rest of one’s life. The issues of professional development are solved in the context of long life learning and continuous education. Research highlights that a big impact is made on the knowledge and value formation of a social pedagogue by the new university study programmes enabling to continue studies and update one’s knowledge, update qualification and master new technologies. The graduates of the social pedagogue’s non-university study programmes are provided with the possibility to continue their studies at Vilnius Pedagogical University. The results of the research carried out for the first time to identify the needs and possibilities of the development of professional competencies could be used for constant update and improvement of study programs, it creates the prerequisites to train social pedagogues as highly qualified professionals who would meet the needs of labour market and society by being of high professional competencies. The object of the final thesis is the development of social pedagogues’ professional competencies during continuous studies. The aim of the research is to discuss the peculiarities of professional competence development and to analyse the development of... [to full text]

Konfliktai ir agresija mokykloje: mokinių ir pedagogų požiūris / Conflicts and Agggression at School: the Standpoint of Schoolteachers and Students

Lindinaitė, Rita 08 June 2006 (has links)
Conflicts and aggression at school : the standpoint of schoolteachers and students Rita Lindinaitė Summary One of the most concerning and urgent social problems of today is the increasing number of aggressive children and teenagers. Lot’s of children use physical and verbal aggression, violence, solving conflicated situations. Often they don’t even think about the consequences. According to the press, it is usual at school for students and even schoolteachers to act aggressively. That’s the social urgency of this work. It is discussing about the conception of conflict and aggression, the reasons of them, solutions of conflicts and the ways of changing aggressive behaviour in this work, also the expression of conflicts and aggressive behaviour between young children and teenagers, the specific features of schoolchildren with mental disorder. The purpose of this research was to disclose the standpoint to the conflicts and aggression at school of schoolchildren with mental disorder, special teachers and high school teachers. The hypothesis of this work says that there are conflicts and aggression between schoolchildren themselves and between schoolchildren and teachers. There where used the questionnaire of twenty five schoolchildren with mental disorder, fifty special teachers and fifty high school teachers. The results of this questionnaire affirm, that the schoolchildren often get in conflict with other students or with schoolteachers – physical and... [to full text]

Ikimokyklinio ugdymo programų kūrimą sąlygojantys veiksniai / Factors influencing creation of preschool child curriculum

Žaliukienė, Dalitė 24 September 2008 (has links)
Nuolat besikeičiančioje ir tobulinamoje Lietuvos švietimo sistemoje daug dėmesio skiriama kokybiško ugdymo klausimams, todėl aktualus tapo ir ikimokyklinio ugdymo programų atnaujinimo procesas. Magistro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjami ikimokyklinio ugdymo programų kūrimą sąlygojantys veiksniai: Lietuvoje vykdoma švietimo reforma, ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigų bendruomenės (pedagogų, tėvų, vaikų) poreikiai, pedagogų kompetencija, pedagogų motyvacija, laiko veiksnys ir kt. Magistro baigiamajame darbe tiriama pedagogų ir tėvų nuomonė apie ikimokyklinio ugdymo programų kūrimą įtakojusius veiksnius. Šio darbo tikslas: išnagrinėti ikimokyklinio ugdymo programų kūrimą įtakojusius veiksnius. / In today’s changing and constantly improved Lithuanian system of education a significant part of attention is being devoted to the quality of child development, and therefore importance of the process of creation of preschool curriculum arose. This Master thesis analyses factors influencing creation of preschool child curriculum: Lithuanian education reform, needs of preschool development institutions’ societies (pedagogues, parents, children), pedagogues competence, motivation of pedagogues, time factor and other. Master thesis emphasises the opinion of pedagogues, parents with regards to the factors influencing creation of preschool child curriculum. The aim of this master paper: to analyse main factors influencing creation of preschool child curriculum.

Pedagogų IKT kompetencija ir jos raiška profesinėje veikloje / Teachers' ICT competence and it's identification in teacher professional activities

Česonytė, Jurgita 30 May 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo problema: Lietuvoje nepakankamai ištirta kokių žinių ir gebėjimų pedagogai turi turėti siekiant taikyti IKT ugdymo procese: parengiant savarankiškai besimokantį ugdytinį, gebantį tirti atvirus švietimo išteklius, vertinti jų patikimumą, taikyti IKT formalaus ugdymo procese. IKT kompetencija pedagogo profesinėje veikloje nėra apibrėžta, o pedagogo profesijos kompetencijos apraše pateiktas IKT kompetencijų apibrėžimas neatitinka šiuolaikinių IKT kompetencijų tarptautinių aprašų bei pedagogo veiklai keliamų reikalavimų švietimo reformos kontekste. Tyrimo objektas – pedagogų IKT kompetencija. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti pedagogų IKT kompetencijos sandarą ir jos raišką profesinėje veikloje. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Aptarti pedagogo profesines kompetencijas Mokytojo profesijos kompetencijos aprašo kontekste. 2. Apibrėžti pedagogo IKT kompetenciją. 3. Apžvelgti Lietuvoje atliktus IKT kompetencijos raiškos tyrimus pedagogo profesinėje veikloje. 4. Ištirti pedagogų IKT kompetencijos raišką profesinėje veikloje. Tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros analizė, duomenų analizei naudota aprašomoji statistinė analizė (naudojant SPSS Statistics 19 programą). Duomenų rinkimui naudota internetinė apklausa ir struktūruotas interviu. Pagrindinės išvados: 1. Kompetencijos sąvokos vienaskaitos ir daugiskaitos formos panaudojimas „Mokytojo profesijos kompetencijos apraše“ (2007) yra painus ir nelogiškas – mokytojų profesinę kompetenciją sudaro aštuonios kompetencijos. 2. Pedagogo IKT... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research issue: In Lithuania has not been sufficiently explored yet, which specific knowledge and skills the teacher should have in order to use ICT tools in the educational process under certain conditions: developing self-learners among children who are able to explore open educational resources, to value their validation, to apply and to use ICT in formal educational process. ICT application competencies are not described and ICT competence definition in teacher's professional competence schedule does not meet the definition of modern ICT competencies in the international schedule and the requirements of teachers' activities in context of education reform. Research subject – teachers' ICT competence. Research aim – to determine the contents of teacher ICT competence and it's identification in teacher professional activities. Research goals: 1. To discuss teacher ICT competencies in the context of teacher professional competence schedule in Lithuania. 2. To define teacher ICT competence. 3. To review ICT competence identification researches in teachers’ professional activities in Lithuania. 4. To explore teachers' ICT competence identification. Research methods – analysis of scientific literature, data analysis was performed using descriptive statistical analysis (using SPSS Statistics 19 program). Data collected using an online survey and structured interviews. The main conclusions: 1. The use of the singular and plural forms of ‘Competence’ term in “Teachers... [to full text]

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