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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur uppfattar pedagoger att elever upplever rörelseglädje i skolverksamheten och fritidshemmet? / How do educators perceive that students experience the joy of movement in school activities and after-school activities?

Sadiku Murseli, Mirela, Taletovic, Almir January 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Lärares syn på bildstöd i fritidshemmet / Teachers' perspectives on visual support in after-schoolcare.

Back, Pontus January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka hur lärare använder sig av bildstöd i fritidshemmet. Studien grundar sig ur en kvalitativ forskningsmetod där semistrukturerade intervjuer använts för att samla in empiri från fem informanter. Samtliga informanter är utbildade lärare och jobbar inom det svenska fritidshemmet. För att analysera intervjuerna har studerats utgått från ett relationellt och ett kategoriskt perspektiv. Resultatet av studierna visar att samtliga lärare ser bildstöd som ett bra verktyg för att hjälpa elever. Samtliga lärare har en vilja att arbeta med bildstöd men det är endast tre av lärare som använder verktyg i fritidshemmet. En anledning till avsaknaden kan bero på bristande kompetens för hur och varför bildstöd ska användas. Fyra av fem lärare anser att lärarutbildningen borde lägga ett större fokus på utbildning för hur bildstöd kan användas.

Samspelet mellan praxeologi, digitala verktyg och elevers matematikförståelse / The Interaction between Praxeology, Digital Tools and Students’ Mathematical Understanding

Kristell Wergeni, Nina, Svensson, Sofie January 2024 (has links)
No description available.

Rektorers yrkesskicklighet : Förståelsen av begreppet rektorers yrkesskicklighet ur ett huvudmannaperspektiv. / Principals' professional skills : The understanding of the concept principal's professional skills from the accountable authority's perspective.

Jenny, Dahlin January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to describe and analyze the concept of principals' professional skills from the accountable authority’s perspecitive and to identify which leadership ideals that emerge. The empirical evidence consists of 85 recruitment advertisements and of five cognitive maps from the same number of interviews with superintendents. The theoretical framework used in the study is made up of five leadership ideals. I have used qualitative content analysis linked to the study of recruitment advertisements and I have been inspired by phenomenographic analysis of my cognitive maps. In the selected recruitment advertisements, education and experience, mainly appear linked to being a professionally skilled principal. The leadership actions that stand out most clearly are abilities such as collaboration, having a communicative ability and being able to enthuse staff. Among the interviewed superintendents, no education or experience appears at all linked to the concept of a professionally qualified principal. Instead, superintendents highlight knowledge and abilities to a greater degree and that a professionally skilled principal needs to have a widened perspective. The leadership actions that appear most clearly in the superintendent's descriptions are the ability to cooperate/collaborate and the characteristic of being safe and trusting. The leadership ideal that is primarily expressed in the recruitment advertisements and the superintendent’s interviews is the postheroic leadership. In addition, it seems that over time there has been a shift from the heroic leadership ideals towards a more postheroic leadership with changes in laws, governing documents and with changes in society in general. / Undersökningens syfte var att beskriva och analysera begreppet rektorers yrkesskicklighet ur ett huvudmannaperspektiv samt att identifiera vilka ledarskapsideal som framträder. Empirin består av 85 rekryteringsannonser och av fem föreställningskartor från lika många intervjuer med skolchefer. Det teoretiska ramverket som används i studien är uppbyggt av fem olika ledarskapsideal. Jag har använt mig av kvalitativ innehållsanalys kopplat till studien av rekryteringsannonser och jag har inspirerats av fenomenografisk analys av mina föreställningskartor. I de utvalda rekryteringsannonserna framträder främst utbildning och erfarenhet kopplat till att vara yrkesskicklig. De ledarskapshandlingar som tydligast framträder är förmågor såsom att samarbeta, ha en kommunikativ förmåga samt att kunna entusiasmera personalen. Bland de intervjuade skolcheferna framträder inte utbildning eller erfarenhet alls kopplat till begreppet yrkesskicklig rektor. Skolcheferna lyfter i stället i högre grad fram kunskaper och förmågor samt att en yrkesskicklig rektor behöver ha ett vidgat perspektiv. De ledarskapshandlingar som framträder tydligast i skolchefernas beskrivningar är förmågan att samverka/samarbeta samt egenskapen att vara trygg och ha tillit. Det ledarskapsideal som framför allt kommer till uttryck i rekryteringsannonserna och skolchefernas intervjuer är det verksamhetsorienterade ledarskapet. Dessutom ter det sig som att det över tid har skett en förskjutning från de heroiska ledarskapsidealen mot ett mer verksamhetsinriktat ledarskap med förändring av lagar, styrdokument och med förändringar i samhället i stort.

Implementering av inkluderande undervisning i skolämnet idrott och hälsa : En kvalitativ studie om hur idrottslärare använder sig av inkludering / Implementation of inclusive education in the school subject of physical education and health. : A qualitative study on how physical education teachers implement inclusion

Eliasson, Daniel, Sätre Isberg, Henrik January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att utforska förståelsen och implementeringen av inkluderande undervisning inom idrott och hälsa på högstadienivå i Sverige. Forskningen undersöker de förutsättningar som krävs för att idrottslärare framgångsrikt ska kunna skapa en inkluderande lärmiljö och undersöker hur de praktiskt tillämpar inkluderande undervisningsmetoder. Fokus ligger på inkluderande metoder för att alla elever på högstadiet ska känna sig inkluderade.  I denna studie utforskades synpunkter och erfarenheter från lärare inom idrott och hälsa angående utbildningsinsatser för att främja inkluderande undervisning. Lärarna framhöll vikten av att anpassa undervisningen till olika lärstilar och kulturella bakgrunder för att skapa en inkluderande miljö som tar hänsyn till elevernas olikheter. Vidare uttryckte de en stark önskan om ökat samarbete och kommunikation med andra lärare och stödpersonal för att främja inkluderande praxis. Utmaningar relaterade till bristande samarbete underströk vikten av att etablera strukturer för intern dialog och en enhetlig strategi för inkluderande utbildning. Slutligen betonades behovet av en plattform för att dela erfarenheter och bästa metoder, vilket skulle underlätta regelbunden reflektion och diskussion kring inkluderingsutmaningar och framgångar. Slutsats Studien belyser både utmaningar och möjligheter kopplade till inkluderande idrottsundervisning på högstadiet i svenska skolor. Forskningen ger värdefulla insikter som kan vägleda framtida utbildningspraxis och bidra till att förbättra lärmiljön för alla elever. Forskningen betonar behovet av att fortsätta utforska och stödja inkluderande undervisning inom idrott och hälsa på högstadienivå, och belyser de faktorer som är avgörande för att skapa en miljö där varje elev ges möjlighet att lyckas och utvecklas. / This study aims to explore the understanding and implementation of inclusive teaching in physical education and health at the middle school level in Sweden. The research examines the prerequisites necessary for physical education teachers to successfully create an inclusive learning environment and investigates how they practically apply inclusive teaching methods. The focus is on inclusive methods to ensure that all middle school students feel included.    In this study, perspectives and experiences of physical education and health teachers regarding educational efforts to promote inclusive teaching were explored. Teachers emphasized the importance of adapting instruction to different learning styles and cultural backgrounds to create an inclusive environment that respects students' differences. Furthermore, they expressed a strong desire for increased collaboration and communication with other teachers and support staff to promote inclusive practices. Challenges related to lack of collaboration underscored the importance of establishing structures for internal dialogue and a unified strategy for inclusive education. Finally, the need for a platform to share experiences and best practices was emphasized, which would facilitate regular reflection and discussion on inclusion challenges and successes.    Conclusion The study highlights both challenges and opportunities associated with inclusive physical education at the middle school level in Swedish schools. The research provides valuable insights that can guide future educational practices and contribute to improving the learning environment for all students. The research emphasizes the need to continue exploring and supporting inclusive teaching in physical education and health at the high school level, and highlights the factors crucial for creating an environment where every student is given the opportunity to succeed and thrive.

“Får man lov att döda på fritids?” : En studie om bordsrollspel som pedagogiskt verktyg. / “Can I kill in the leisure time center?” : A study about tabletop roleplaying as a pedagogical tool.

Perslow, Nicklas, Andersson, Sebastian January 2024 (has links)
The purpose with this thesis is to explore pedagogical opportunities of tabletop roleplaying inSwedish leisure time centers. To test this, we created our own tabletop roleplaying game,inspired by existing games such as Dungeons and Dragons. We played the game with pupilsfrom the second grade, containing two different groups deferring between four and sixparticipants. As a theoretical base we used situated learning where we foremost work with theconcepts; communities of practice, adaptations and legitimate peripheral participation. The results show that the game can be played with a positive outcome for the participants.Particularly with group development, moral discussions, character growth and foremost beinga fun experience for the children. However, we also discuss the many challenges of such anactivity. Such as the moral problems of “killing” creatures in a fantasy game. Moreover, thegame poses a great pedagogical challenge for the teacher that demands time, patience andengagement with the players. The study shows that the game proves to be relevant and engagingeven for younger pupils with some alterations from the original Dungeons and Dragons

Digitala verktyg i modersmålsundervisningen:lärares och elevers perspektiv / Digital tools in mother tongue education:Teachers and Students Perspectives

Nikezic, Teuta January 2024 (has links)
Denna syfte till att undersöka elevernas och lärarens perspektiv på användning av digitala verktyg i modersmålsundervinsningen och hur dessa perspektiv relateras i praktiken i skolverksamheten.genom kvaliatativa intervjuer med både elever och lärare fokuserar studien på att utforska hur digitala verktyg integreras och används i modersmålsundervisning.Resulataten av dessa intervjuer avslöjar överaskande likheter och skillnader mellan elevernas och lärarnas synpunkter, vilket ger en djupare förståelse för dynamiken och utmaningar i användningen av digitala verktyg i modersmålsundervisningen.Studien utgår från den sociokulturella teorin om lärande, mediering och zonen för proximal utveckling(ZPD).Metoden består av kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra lärare och fem elever i form av fokus grupper, vilket syftar till att skapa en djupare förståelse för ämnet samt deras synpunkter.Studiens resulatat visar att båda elever och lärare ser fördelar med användning av digitala verktyg i modersmålsundervisnigen,såsom möjligheten till interaktivitet och tillgång till olika resurser för språkinlärning.Samtidigt identifieras utmaningar relaterade till bristande tekniksk kompetens och kontroll över elevernas aktiviteter.denna insikt ger väsenlig förståelse för behoven och utmaningar för att integrera digitala verktyg i modersmålsundervisningen.

Övergången mellan förskola och anpassad grundskola för barn med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning : En kvalititativ intervjustudie / Transition between pre-school and compulsory school for children with intellectual disabilities : A qualitative interview study

Johansson, Kim, Van den Berg, Erika January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this study is to highlight meaningful factors that are important for how the transition between pre-school and compulsory school for students with intellectual disabilities is performed. To highlight these factors, we use three resaearch questions; How is the transition between pre-school and compulsory school for students with intellectual disabilities organized according to the representatives of the professional groups involved in this process? Which success factors do these professional groups describe as central to the transition between pre-school and compulsory school for students with intellectual disabilities? What dilemmmas do the professional groups describe as hindering in the transistion between pre-school and compulsory school for students with intellectual disabilities? The study has its starting point in a qualitative approach and the analysis tools used in the study are thematic analysis and Bromfenbrenner`s system theory. To answer the questions, focus group interviews with professional groups from pre-school and compulsory school for students with intellectual disabilities have been used as a method. Through focus gruop interviews we have highlighted the interview participants`experiences regarding the transition process and its success factors as well as dilemmas. The study shows that in many cases there is a lack of resources in the form of time and qualified staff to carry out the activities required for a successful transition. This is reflected upon that the preparations that is needed for a positive transition is not possible to carry through. During interviews, the professional groups expresses that every transition is unique and that every student needs differ, which shows on the great importance that time and resources are given to create possibilities for a successful transition.

An exploratory study investigating the factors which explain Abu Dhabi Education Council's (Adec) English curriculum choice in grade 10/11 public high schools and the challenges its implementation poses for teachers

Stockwell, Rose Ann January 2015 (has links)
This study focuses on the factors which explain Abu Dhabi Education Council’s (Adec) English curriculum choice in grade ten and eleven public high schools in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It investigates the challenges its implementation poses for teachers personally and professionally. The study is exploratory and interpretive and is based on the perceptions of 12 male teachers; 6 Arab teachers of English and 6 “native” English speaking teachers at 3 boys’ public high schools in the Abu Dhabi emirate. Data were gathered through lengthy semi-structured interviews with teachers, analysis of Adec curriculum and assessment documentation as well as open, non-participant classroom observations. The findings show the current curriculum, modelled on that used in NSW mainstream schools in Australia up until the end of 2014 is an inappropriate choice for students learning English as a foreign/second language in a school environment where all other subjects are taught in Arabic. This in turn provides a range of challenges for teachers who are unable to implement the course content as it was intended or the learner / learning-centred pedagogical approaches promoted by the curriculum and assessment documentation. The study recommends a realistic assessment of students’ language needs be undertaken as a top priority and, based on these findings, English classes streamed according to students’ language proficiency; with curriculum and assessment designed to reflect the various stages of learning. Ability grouping would enable specialist teachers to target areas of strength and weakness, thus countering the boredom and frustration currently experienced by many students. The study also recommends future stakeholder consultation, an in-depth orientation for newly hired teachers and professional development for incumbent teachers in scaffolded language instruction.

Subject matter knowledge and teaching competence

Turner-Bisset, Rosemary Anne January 1996 (has links)
Recent research literature on learning to teach has several important strands: the role of subject matter; the extent to which pedagogical knowledge and procedural routines are significant; concepts of learning and teaching; and the role of reflection in learning to teach. The present study adds both to the debate on the links between subject knowledge and pedagogy, and to the case law on learning to teach. A two-year longitudinal comparative case study was carried out on four postgraduate student-teachers. Data sets included: biographical data; details of course content and structure; diaries kept by the students on courses and teaching experiences; tests at entry to the course and exit on subject knowledge in maths, science, music and English; tests on iesson planning (pedagogical content knowledge); questionnaires on beliefs about teaching; lesson observation transcripts and notes on the two teaching practices; prelesson planning questionnaires; post-lesson interviews and general interviews with students and staff; and similar lesson observation and interview data for the first year of teaching. The student-teachers were selected on the basis of a number of criteria, including specialism within the course of maths, music or science; performance in subject knowledge tests; participation in the follow-up study during the first year of teaching; the quantity and quality of diary evidence foreach student; and the initial assessment of lesson quality made by the trained observers. A major part of the research involved the analysis of discourse in lessons for evidence of subject matter knowledge and teaching competences. This part of the analysis was underpinned by theoretical models of teacher knowledge and teaching competence. From these detailed analyses a fine-grained evaluation was made of a sample of each student-teacher's lessons. The case studies were written so as to present data chronologically and from a number of different viewpoints.The analysis of the various data sets and comparison of the sample students has revealed patterns about the relationship of subject knowledge and teaching performance. These have implications for teacher education, especially for the relationship between university-based training and schoolbased work.

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