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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Beroendet av temperatur, läge och inkapsling på RSS och PER i ett radiokommunikationssystem som används i ugnar

Oskar, Broo January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie har undersökt möjligheten att implementera ett trådlöst kommunikationssystem i en ugnsmiljö. Den trådlösa kommunikationstekniken som har använts är av standarden IEEE 802.15.4. För denna undersökning har ett trådlöst mätsystem för temperatur konstruerats. För att hålla nere temperaturen på detta mätsystem har kapslingsmaterialen keramik och glasull använts. Resultatet av mätningarna visar att kvalitén på radiokommunikationen kan förväntas vara god för de testade förhållande med kapsling och en temperatur upp till 200 grader. För de testade förhållandena i ugnsmiljön visar mätresultat att positionering är av större betydelse än värmeutvecklingen och kapslingen. / This study has explored the possibility to implement a wireless communication system in an ovenenvironment. For this exploration a wireless measurement system for temperature have beenconstructed. The technology of use is a radio communication system with the standard IEEE 802.15.4. The high temperature in the oven environment is kept down at the electronic by using anenclosure. The enclosure material that have been examined is a ceramic layer and a fibreglasslayer. The result of this study shows that the quality of the radio communication for the tested enclosureis expected to be good for temperatures up to 200 degrees. For the test cases the relation betweenthe radio module’s positioning is more important than the increase of temperature and the use ofan enclosure.


GUADAGNI, LORENZO 13 April 2010 (has links)
Il tema affrontato nella tesi è rappresentato dall’attribuzione della funzione gestoria nella società a responsabilità limitata. Nello specifico, l’indagine muove, in primo luogo, dall’individuazione della disciplina legale dei procedimenti di nomina e di revoca degli amministratori, per poi verificare i margini di operatività lasciati, in materia, all’autonomia privata. Nello sviluppo del primo capitolo, delimitato il campo dell’indagine, viene sviluppata l’analisi del dato normativo; evidenziati i profili di criti-cità della disciplina positiva (antinomia fra li artt. 2475 c.c. e 2479 c.c. e mancanza del-la disciplina della revoca), vengono riportate le varie ricostruzioni dottrinali che hanno affrontato le citate questioni. Nel corso del secondo capitolo viene affrontata la proble-matica relativa alla disciplina residuale della nomina e della revoca degli amministrato-ri. In tale contesto, l’indagine è finalizzata a verificare quale sistema organizzativo (“per uffici” o “per persone”) caratterizza, a livello legale, la s.r.l.; tale operazione, nella pro-spettiva del candidato, si sostanzia nella individuazione del “valore” (quale “parte mate-riale” o “meramente formale”) della nomina dei primi amministratori contenuta nell’atto costitutivo. Dopo aver analizzato i sistemi di amministrazione negli altri tipi sociali, il candidato vede nell’”amministrazione per uffici” il sistema organizzativo residuale della s.r.l. Il terzo capito si suddivide in due distinte parti: una prima, volta ad enucleare i pro-fili disciplinari (con particolare riguardo a quelli operativi) delle operazioni di nomina e revoca degli amministratori; una seconda dedicata all’analisi dell’autonomia statutaria. In questo contesto vengono affrontati i seguenti temi: (i) la legittimità di clausole che, in relazione alle decisioni di nomina e revoca degli amministratori, prevedono quorum co-stitutivi e/o deliberativi superiori a quelli legali (legittimità ammessa unicamente nell’ipotesi di adozione del sistema amministrativo “per persone”); (ii) la possibilità di privare la compagine sociale del potere di nomina degli amministratori con contestuale devoluzione del medesimo ad un organo terzo o ad un socio; (iii) la possibilità di intro-durre il sistema amministrativo “per persone”; (iv) gli strumenti attraverso i quale intro-durre tale sistema (viene espressamente escluso il ricorso alla figura dei diritti particola-ri di cui all’art. 2468 c.c.); (v) la ricostruzione del sistema di revoca degli amministratori in caso di nomina non assembleare (nomina, cioè, affidata ad un organo terzo o ad uno o più soci, in virtù del riconoscimento di un diritto particolare ex art. 2468 c.c.); (vi) la possibilità di attribuire all’assemblea la funzione amministrativa (opzione esclusa alla luce della funzione di “filtro”, strumentale alla tutela del ceto creditorio, esercitata dagli amministratori nell’esecuzione delle decisioni assembleari a carattere gestorio). / The subject of the work is the “appointment and removal of the directors in the Italian S.r.l.” The analysis begins from the reconstruction of the default regulation of this procedures and then moves to the study of the limits of the freedom of contract, as far as the appointment and removal of directors are concerned. The first part of Chapter one is dedicated to the analysis of the civil code norms and their critical profiles; in the second part of chapter one the legal scholar’s theory regarding the appointment and the removal of the directors are shown. The second Chapter deals with the problem of the reconstruction of the default regulation of the procedures of appointment and removal of directors. In this perspective the core problem is to understand and individuate the nature of the organizational architecture (“per persone” or “per uffici”) of the s.r.l.: the solution of this issue involves the comprehension of the value of the appointment of the first directors written down in company (s.r.l.)‘s bylaws. After an analysis of the system of election and discharge of the managers in the other types of companies, and partnerships, the system “per uffici” is considered to be the legal organization set up of the S.r.l. In the third chapter the profile liked to the freedom of contract are developed. In this contest the most relevant topics are: 1) the possibility of increase of the decisional quorum, in matters concerning the appointment and removal of directors; (ii) the possibility to entitle a third organ or a single person of the power of appointment and removal of directors; (iii) the possibility to create, through specific disposition of the by-laws, the organizational system “per persone”; (iv) the possibility to eliminate the boards of directors and to entitle the general shareholder’s meeting of the management of the company.

Προσαρμοστική ισοστάθμιση ανά τόνο σε xDSL συστήματα / Adaptive per tone equalization in xDSL systems

Πουλόπουλος, Παναγιώτης 01 October 2008 (has links)
Στα πλαίσια της συγκεκριμένης μεταπτυχιακής εργασίας εξετάζονται διάφορες τεχνικές βελτίωσης των modems που χρησιμοποιούνται στους δέκτες των xDSL συστημάτων, προκειμένου να επιτευχθεί μεγιστοποίηση της ταχύτητας μετάδοσης. Τα xDSL συστήματα είναι συστήματα που χρησιμοποιούν διαμόρφωση πολλαπλών φερουσών (Discrete Multitone – DMT). Η συμβατική μορφή ισοστάθμισης που απαντάται στα συστήματα αυτά, αποτελείται από έναν ισοσταθμιστή Τ-συντελεστών (Τ-tap) που ενεργεί στο πεδίο του χρόνου (TEQ) ακολουθούμενο από Ν ισοσταθμιστές 1-tap που δρουν στο πεδίο της συχνότητας (FEQ) σε κάθε τόνο ξεχωριστά. Η πρόταση που εξετάζεται σε αυτή τη διπλωματική εργασία είναι η μεταφορά του ισοσταθμιστή από το πεδίο του χρόνου στο πεδίο της συχνότητας και ο κατάλληλος συνδυασμός του με τον FEQ. Επομένως, θα προκύψει ένα σύστημα που θα αποτελείται από Ν παράλληλους ισοσταθμιστές T-tap ο κάθε ένας από τους οποίους θα λειτουργεί σε κάθε τόνο ξεχωριστά (Ισοστάθμιση ανά τόνο – PTEQ) . Με τον τρόπο αυτό επιτυγχάνεται η μεγιστοποίηση του ρυθμού μετάδοσης και ελαττώνεται η ευαισθησία του δέκτη στις παραμέτρους του καναλιού. Τα δύο προαναφερθέντα μοντέλα ισοστάθμισης, ο βέλτιστος PTEQ (MMSE PTEQ) και ο συνδυασμός ΤΕQ/FEQ συγκρίνονται μεταξύ τους. Ο βέλτιστος PTEQ παρουσιάζει μεγάλη πολυπλοκότητα κατά τον υπολογισμό των συντελεστών του. Για να γίνει αποδοτικά η αξιοποίηση των θετικών του στοιχείων, εξετάζονται διάφοροι προσαρμοστικοί τρόποι υπολογισμού του, με χρήση των αλγορίθμων RLS και LMS κατάλληλα ενταγμένων στο MMSE σύστημα. / This postgraduate thesis is about improvement techniques for modems which are used at the xDSL systems’ receivers, in order to maximize bit rate. xDSL systems are using multiple carrier modulation (Discrete Multitone – DMT). The conventional equalization scheme for these systems consists of one T-taps time domain equalizer (TEQ) followed by N 1-tap frequency domain equalizers (FEQ) per tone. In this thesis is proposed a modified scheme where the time domain equalizer is replaced by a frequency domain one, properly combined with the 1-tap FEQs. The resulting structure consists of N T-taps frequency domain equalizers per tone (Per Tone Equalizer – PTEQ). The outcome is a larger bit rate while the per tone receiver has reduced sensitivity to the channel’s parameters. The aforesaid equalization models, the optimal PTEQ (MMSE PTEQ) and the combined TEQ/FEQ, are compared. The optimal PTEQ structure presents great complexity during the calculation of its coefficients. In order to efficiently exploit its advantages, adaptive methods, using RLS and LMS algorithms properly imported at the MMSE system, are examined.

Reikšmingos įtakos konkurencijai ir prekybai sąlyga. Mažareikšmių susitarimų problematika / An appreciable effect on competition and trade provision. The problems of agreements of minor importance

Puksas, Andrius 25 September 2014 (has links)
Ši disertacija – pirmas tyrimas Lietuvoje, kuriame kompleksiškai nagrinėjamos reikšmingos įtakos konkurencijai ir reikšmingos įtakos prekybai sąlygos bei de minimis išimties taikymo praktika. Disertaciniame darbe nagrinėjamos ES bei atskirų valstybių narių teisės aktų nuostatos, už rinkos priežiūrą ir sąžiningos konkurencijos apsaugą atsakingų institucijų praktika, pateikiami pasiūlymai dėl esamo teisinio reglamentavimo tobulinimo. Disertacinio darbo rėmuose buvo atlikta ES valstybių narių teisės aktų ir jų suponuotos praktikos (kartais ir atvirkščiai) lyginamoji analizė. Ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas su EK, Teisingumo Teismo praktika nesutapmančiai besiformuojančiai nacionalinei praktikai (pvz., de minimis išimties, kurios turinys toliau atskleidžiamas disertaciniame darbe, taikymas susitarimams, turintiems sunkių apribojimų). / This dissertation is the first study in Lithuania, which includes complex analysis of conditions of appreciable effect on competition and trade; as well as the practice of applying de minimis exemption. The doctoral dissertation analyzes legal regulations of the EU and Member States, the practice of institutions responsible for monitoring the market and fair protecting fair competition; it includes suggestions for the improvement of existing legal framework. Within the framework of doctoral dissertation, a comparative analysis of the EU Member States’ legislation and practice which is based on it (and vice versa) has been conducted. A particular attention has been paid to national practice which is incompatible with the practice of the EC, or the Court of Justice (e.g. application of de minimis exemption, which is explained in depth further in the doctoral dissertation, for agreements containing hardcore restraints).

Convergência do crescimento econômico no Estado de Roraima

Mendoza, Salma Said Rezek January 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa analisa a convergência da renda per capita dos municípios do Estado de Roraima, no período compreendido entre os anos de 1999 a 2004. Para determinar a hipótese de convergência, aplicou-se os testes de β - convergência e σ -convergência e utilizou-se o método de estimação de Barro e Sala-i-Martin (1991,1992). Para este método é aplicado um modelo linear simples de mínimos quadrados ordinários da taxa de crescimento da renda per capita em relação ao logaritmo da renda per capita inicial. Os resultados denotam a existência de β -convergência absoluta entre os municípios, o que indica que as economias menos desenvolvidas cresceram mais que as mais desenvolvidas, de forma que reduziu as disparidades entre os municípios neste período. Relacionada a β -convergência condicional, foi obtido o crescimento com redução das disparidades, contudo é apresentada uma diferença ínfima em relação à β - convergência absoluta, em que a variável de controle educação, representada pela taxa de matrícula, não influenciou de forma intensa. Concernente a β - convergência, os resultados demonstraram a ocorrência de redução da dispersão da renda per capita, indicando a mesma tendência da β -convergência absoluta. / This research examines the convergence of per capita income of the municipalities of the State of Roraima, in the period between the years 1999 to 2004. To determine the possibility of convergence, was applied, the tests of β - convergence and σ -convergence and using the method of estimation of Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1991, 1992). This method is applied to a simple linear model of ordinary least squares of the growth rate of per capita income on the logarithm of initial income per capita. The results show the existence of absolute β - convergence between the municipalities, which indicates that the less developed economies grew more than the most developed, so that reduced the disparities between municipalities in this period. Related to the conditional β -convergence, the growth was achieved with reduction of disparities, however is a small difference with respect to absolute convergence, where the control variable of education, represented by the rate of registration, not influenced so intense. Concerning the β -convergence, the results demonstrated the occurrence of reduction of the dispersion of per capita income, indicating the same trend of absolute β - convergence.

Estudio de la relación entre el crecimiento económico y pobreza en el Perú durante el periodo 2001 -2016 / Study of the relationship between economic growth and poverty in Perú in the period 2001 -2016

Meneses Valdez, Sergio Roberto 12 1900 (has links)
The present study defines the concepts of Economic Growth and Poverty. The main objective of the study is to identify the relationship between these macroeconomic variables in Peru during the period 2001-2016. During the process of analysis of the variables, the evolution of Economic Growth and Poverty is described. The methodology used is descriptive and correlational, the source of data for the study was obtained from the INEI, the variables used were PBI. PBI pc and Poverty. Product of the study carried out determines the significant link that economic growth has in the reduction of poverty. Finally, it is determined that sustained economic growth in the country is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the eradication of poverty.

Convergência do crescimento econômico no Estado de Roraima

Mendoza, Salma Said Rezek January 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa analisa a convergência da renda per capita dos municípios do Estado de Roraima, no período compreendido entre os anos de 1999 a 2004. Para determinar a hipótese de convergência, aplicou-se os testes de β - convergência e σ -convergência e utilizou-se o método de estimação de Barro e Sala-i-Martin (1991,1992). Para este método é aplicado um modelo linear simples de mínimos quadrados ordinários da taxa de crescimento da renda per capita em relação ao logaritmo da renda per capita inicial. Os resultados denotam a existência de β -convergência absoluta entre os municípios, o que indica que as economias menos desenvolvidas cresceram mais que as mais desenvolvidas, de forma que reduziu as disparidades entre os municípios neste período. Relacionada a β -convergência condicional, foi obtido o crescimento com redução das disparidades, contudo é apresentada uma diferença ínfima em relação à β - convergência absoluta, em que a variável de controle educação, representada pela taxa de matrícula, não influenciou de forma intensa. Concernente a β - convergência, os resultados demonstraram a ocorrência de redução da dispersão da renda per capita, indicando a mesma tendência da β -convergência absoluta. / This research examines the convergence of per capita income of the municipalities of the State of Roraima, in the period between the years 1999 to 2004. To determine the possibility of convergence, was applied, the tests of β - convergence and σ -convergence and using the method of estimation of Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1991, 1992). This method is applied to a simple linear model of ordinary least squares of the growth rate of per capita income on the logarithm of initial income per capita. The results show the existence of absolute β - convergence between the municipalities, which indicates that the less developed economies grew more than the most developed, so that reduced the disparities between municipalities in this period. Related to the conditional β -convergence, the growth was achieved with reduction of disparities, however is a small difference with respect to absolute convergence, where the control variable of education, represented by the rate of registration, not influenced so intense. Concerning the β -convergence, the results demonstrated the occurrence of reduction of the dispersion of per capita income, indicating the same trend of absolute β - convergence.

Convergência do crescimento econômico no Estado de Roraima

Mendoza, Salma Said Rezek January 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa analisa a convergência da renda per capita dos municípios do Estado de Roraima, no período compreendido entre os anos de 1999 a 2004. Para determinar a hipótese de convergência, aplicou-se os testes de β - convergência e σ -convergência e utilizou-se o método de estimação de Barro e Sala-i-Martin (1991,1992). Para este método é aplicado um modelo linear simples de mínimos quadrados ordinários da taxa de crescimento da renda per capita em relação ao logaritmo da renda per capita inicial. Os resultados denotam a existência de β -convergência absoluta entre os municípios, o que indica que as economias menos desenvolvidas cresceram mais que as mais desenvolvidas, de forma que reduziu as disparidades entre os municípios neste período. Relacionada a β -convergência condicional, foi obtido o crescimento com redução das disparidades, contudo é apresentada uma diferença ínfima em relação à β - convergência absoluta, em que a variável de controle educação, representada pela taxa de matrícula, não influenciou de forma intensa. Concernente a β - convergência, os resultados demonstraram a ocorrência de redução da dispersão da renda per capita, indicando a mesma tendência da β -convergência absoluta. / This research examines the convergence of per capita income of the municipalities of the State of Roraima, in the period between the years 1999 to 2004. To determine the possibility of convergence, was applied, the tests of β - convergence and σ -convergence and using the method of estimation of Barro and Sala-i-Martin (1991, 1992). This method is applied to a simple linear model of ordinary least squares of the growth rate of per capita income on the logarithm of initial income per capita. The results show the existence of absolute β - convergence between the municipalities, which indicates that the less developed economies grew more than the most developed, so that reduced the disparities between municipalities in this period. Related to the conditional β -convergence, the growth was achieved with reduction of disparities, however is a small difference with respect to absolute convergence, where the control variable of education, represented by the rate of registration, not influenced so intense. Concerning the β -convergence, the results demonstrated the occurrence of reduction of the dispersion of per capita income, indicating the same trend of absolute β - convergence.

Caracterização física dos resíduos sólidos urbanos produzidos na cidade de Parintins

Picanço, Sueny Ferreira 23 October 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-13T12:17:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sueny Ferreira Picanco.pdf: 1251281 bytes, checksum: 00bc4d7aad91e1189d49cbc2edf37ff4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-10-23 / CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Nowadays, the city of Parintins follows the model of garbage destination like most Brazilian cities, where the solid waste is deposited in an open-air dump. Thus, as the waste management is an essential activity for any city, this study is focused on the characterization of municipal solid waste in the city of Parintins, as well as the rate of per capita generation of solid waste in the urban population, creating thus, a foundation to support the development of the Integrated Management Plan for Urban Solid Waste of the City. We identified six different routes, which include the whole urban area of the city of Parintins. The routes are: Route 01 Bairro do Palmares and São Vicente; Route 02 Downtown and São Banedito; Route 03 Santa Rita and Castanheira ; Route 04 Santa Clara, Emilio Moreira , São Francisco and Itaguatinga; Route 05 Itauna 1 and 2, União, Paschal Allagio, João Novo 1 and 2; Route 06 Paulo Correa and Djard Vieira. The sample was taken from day and night roadmaps, with daily frequency. After collecting the waste in neighborhoods, we proceeded to the analysis, open-air, where garbage is deposited in the city. Then, the quartering was performed according to Andrade et al. (2004). The route which had the highest average amount of waste was the route three, composed of Santa Rita and Castanheira with 42.48 kg of waste, and the lowest was the route two, held at Downtown and in São Benedito. It was observed that the largest fraction was organic matter (50.97 %), followed by plastic (23.94 %), paper and cardboard (13.85%), other components (cloth, burlap, glass, stone, leather and rubber) with 9.42 %, and metals (1.79 %) . The apparent specific weight produced in the city of Parintins was 179.27 kg/m3 and moisture content in the solid waste produced in the city of Parintins was 15.75%. The determination of per capita generation of solid waste was 1.56 kg/person/day in the urban area of the city. Through the results obtained in the survey we found the need of developing effective and permanent environmental education programs, with proposals to change the consumption patterns of the population , seeking minimization of waste, better use of products and assets acquired, and collaboration of people with selective collection, aiming to educate citizens committed to the quality of the environment and the management of waste in the city. / Atualmente, a cidade de Parintins segue o modelo de destino de lixo como a maioria das cidades brasileiras, onde os resíduos sólidos são depositados em um lixão a céu aberto. Dessa forma, como a gestão de resíduos é uma atividade essencial para qualquer Município, este estudo está voltado para a caracterização dos resíduos sólidos urbanos do Município de Parintins, assim como a taxa da geração per capita dos resíduos sólidos da população urbana da cidade, criando-se assim, um alicerce para subsidiar a elaboração do Plano de Gerenciamento Integrado dos Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos do Município. Foram identificadas seis rotas diferentes, as quais contemplam toda a zona urbana da cidade de Parintins. As rotas foram: Rota 01 - Bairro do Palmares e São Vicente; Rota 02 -Centro e São Benedito; Rota 03 - Santa Rita e Castanheira; Rota 04 - Santa Clara, Emilio Moreira, São Francisco e Itaguatinga; Rota 05 - Itauna 1 e 2, União, Paschal Allagio, João Novo 1 e 2; Rota 06 - Paulo Correa, Djard Vieira. Foi retirada a amostra dos roteiros diurnos e noturnos, com frequência diária. Após a coleta dos resíduos nos bairros procedeu-se a análise, a céu aberto, no local onde é depositado o lixo da cidade. Em seguida, o quarteamento foi realizado segundo Andrade et al. (2004). A rota que obteve a maior média de quantidade de lixo foi a rota três composta dos Bairros Santa Rita e Castanheira com 42,48 Kg de resíduos e a menor foi a rota dois realizada no Centro e no Bairro São Benedito. Foi constatada a maior fração para matéria orgânica (50,97%) seguida do plástico (23,94%), papel e papelão (13,85%), outros componentes (pano, estopa, vidro, pedra, couro e borracha) com 9,42% e a dos metais (1,79%). O peso específico aparente produzido na cidade de Parintins foi de 179,27 Kg/m3 e o teor de umidade nos resíduos sólidos produzido na cidade de Parintins foi de 15,75%. A determinação da geração per capita dos resíduos sólidos foi de 1,56 kg/hab/dia na zona urbana do Município. Por meio dos resultados obtidos na pesquisa constatou-se a necessidade de elaboração de programas de educação ambiental efetivos e de caráter permanente, com propostas que visem à mudança nos padrões de consumo da população, buscando a minimização dos resíduos, o melhor aproveitamento dos produtos e bens adquiridos e a colaboração dos habitantes com a coleta seletiva objetivando formar cidadãos comprometidos com a qualidade do meio ambiente e com o gerenciamento dos resíduos do Município.

A Robot for Learning Drum-Rhythms : An instruction tool for beginners — keeping drum rhythms accurate with real-time feedback / Inlärning av trumrytmer, utlärd av en robot : Ett instruerande verktyg för nybörjare — att genomföra korrekta trumrytmer med realtidsfeedback

Kahlert, Joas, Nilsson, Johan January 2022 (has links)
Accurate rhythmic pace-keeping is an ability achieved only by a lot of practice. However, finding the opportunity to practice can be difficult when availability of teachers is insufficient. This thesis aims to construct a prototype that teaches its users basic rhythm keeping, specifically rhythms produced on drums. To reproduce the behavior of a drumstick hitting a surface, a device was constructed, able to perform three different rhythms mechanically at the speeds of 100, 150 and, 200 BPM, using a drumstick attached to a servo. By adding a sound sensor, the device was also able to methodically track drumming inputs. By integrating a microcontroller and programming it accordingly, the user can practice rhythmic pace-keeping visually and audibly and receives real-time feedback on their performance through an LED interface. Furthermore, the device’s actual rhythmic abilities were measured and compared to its theoretical values, which showed very small to no deviations. A study showing that combining visual and auditory channels facilitate rhythmic learning abilities gave substantiation for a conclusion estimating the drum-bots utility as a satisfactory educative tool. In future work, the demand for this product could be quantified and studied. / Noggrann rytmisk takthållning är en egenskap som uppnås endast genom mycket övning. Att finna möjligheten att öva kan dock vara svårt vid tillfällen då tillgängligheten av lärare inte räcker till. Detta examensarbete syftar mot att konstruera en prototyp av en apparat som lär användaren grundläggande rytmhållning, mer specifikt trumrytmer. En apparat kunstruerades som kunde utföra tre olika rytmer mekaniskt genom att använda sig av en trumstock som var fastmonterad i en servo. Hastigheter var 100, 150 och 200 Beats per minute (BPM). Genom att sedan programmera mikrokontrollern har användaren möjlighet att träna rytmisk takthållning visuellt och hörbart samt erhåller realtidsfeedback på prestandan via ett LED-gränssnitt. Dessutom mättes enhetens faktiskt rytmiska förmågor separat och jämfördes med de teoretiska värdena, vilket resulterade i mycket små eller inga avvikelser i prestandan. En studie som uppvisar att kombinationen av visuella och auditiva sinnen främjer den rhythmiska inlärningsförmågan, gav substans för en slutsats vilken uppsakttar trum-botens funktion att vara tillfredställande som ett inlärningsverktyg. I ett framtida arbete, skulle efterfrågan i en sådan produkt kunna kvantifieras och studeras.

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