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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A programme to improve gross motor and selected visual perception skills of children who show signs of developmental coordination disorder

Markgraaff, Christine 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Sport Sc (Sport Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of participation in a small group-based perceptual-motor training programme on the gross motor and visual-motor integration skills of children who show signs of Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). Two physical education teachers selected 22 children for assessment as potential participants for this study. The Movement ABC (M-ABC) was then administered to this group and the eight children who scored the lowest were invited to volunteer for this study. These children all volunteered and then completed the assessment of their visual-motor integration skills as measured by the Developmental Test of Visual Perception (DTVP-2). The study followed an evaluative case study design in which changes in the gross motor and visual-motor integration skills of each participant were reported and interpreted individually. The six-week intervention programme was focused on developing the perceptual-motor link between throwing, catching and balancing skills with challenges to visual skills development, especially eye-hand coordination. A comparison of pre-test, post-test and retention test scores in the M-ABC revealed that the programme had a positive effect on six of the children. The results for the seventh child were inconsistent on each test occasion, leading to the conclusion that he may have a co-morbid disorder related to attention. Improvements in static balance were noted and some children also experienced improvements in their ball skills (aiming and coincident timing) which brings the researcher to the conclusion that the programme was effective for gross motor development. DTVP-2 results showed improvements in eye-hand coordination in five of the seven children. According to the VMI quotient score, only one child improved, one deteriorated and the rest showed no change which brings the researcher to the conclusion that the intervention programme was not effective for visual-motor integration. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om die impak te bepaal van deelname in „n klein-groep gebaseerde perseptueel-motoriese oefenprogram op die groot motoriese en visueel-motoriese integrasievaardighede van kinders met tekens van die Ontwikkelingskoördinasie-afwyking (DCD). Twee Lewensoriëntering-onderwysers het 22 kinders geïdentifiseer vir assessering as potensiële deelnemers aan die studie. Hierdie groep het die Beweging-ABC toets (M-ABC) ondergaan en die agt deelnemers met die laagste uitslae is uitgenooi om aan die studie deel te neem. Hierdie agt kinders het ingestem en daarna is die assessering voltooi deur hulle visueel-motoriese integrasievaardighede te meet deur middel van die Ontwikkelingstoets vir Visuele Persepsie (DTVP-2). Die studie het „n evaluerende gevallestudie-ontwerp gevolg waarin die veranderings tussen die groot motoriese en visueel-motoriese integrasievaardighede van elke deelnemer individueel geïnterpreteer en gerapporteer is. Die ses week-intervensieprogram het gefokus op die ontwikkeling van die perseptueel-motoriese skakel tussen gooi-, vang- en balans-vaardighede met uitdagings vir die ontwikkeling van visuele vaardighede, veral oog-hand koördinasie. „n Vergelyking tussen die voor-, na- en opvolgtoetse van die M-ABC se toetstellings het getoon dat die program „n positiewe effek op ses van die kinders se groot motoriese vaardighede gehad het. Die uitslag van die sewende kind was teenstrydig tydens elke toetsgeleentheid en dit het gelei tot die gevolgtrekking dat hy moontlik aan „n addisionele afwyking mag ly wat verband hou met „n aandagprobleem. Verbeterings in statiese balans is waargeneem en sommige kinders het ook „n verbetering in balvaardighede getoon (akkuraatheid en reaksietyd). Volgens die DTVP-2 resultate was daar verbeterings in oog-hand koördinasie by vyf van die sewe kinders. Volgens die VMI-kwosiënttelling het slegs een kind verbeter, een het versleg en die ander vyf het geen verandering getoon nie. Die navorser kom dus tot die gevolgtrekking dat die intervensieprogram nie effektief is vir visueel-motoriese integrasie nie.

The effect of a perceptual-motor training programme on the coincident anticipation timing and batting performance of club cricket players

Van Velden, Grant David 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Sport Sc (Sport Science)-- University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a perceptual-motor training programme on the coincident anticipation timing and batting performance of university club cricket players. The intervention programme focused on developing players‟ visual attention and concentration. Vickers‟ (2007) Three-Step Decision Training Model was used to structure the training sessions. The study followed a repeated measures experimental design with three groups (experimental, placebo, and control) formed by volunteers from a university club cricket team. The independent variable was a four-week training programme. The dependent variables were coincident anticipation timing and performance on a cricket batting test. Subjects were pre- and post-tested with retention tests occurring after a set period of “no training” following the post-tests. Differences between groups were compared using Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA by Ranks Tests. Differences within each group were compared using multiple Mann-Whitney U-Tests. No significant improvements were observed in the experimental group‟s coincident anticipation timing and batting performance. Although neither coincident anticipation timing nor batting performance significantly improved, further research into the use of Vickers‟ (2007) Model to enhance sport performance is recommended. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die uitwerking van ʼn perseptueel-motoriese opleidingsprogram op die samevallende vooruittydsberekening (“coincident anticipation timing”) en kolfprestasie van universiteitsklubkrieketspelers te bepaal. Die klem van die intervensieprogram het op die ontwikkeling van spelers se visuele aandag en konsentrasie geval. Die opleidingsessies is volgens Vickers (2007) se drieledige model vir besluitnemingsopleiding saamgestel. Die studie het ʼn eksperimentele ontwerp van herhaalde metings op drie groepe (eksperimenteel, plasebo en kontrole) van ʼn universiteitsklubkrieketspan toegepas. Die onafhanklike veranderlike was ʼn vier weke lange opleidingsprogram. Die afhanklike veranderlikes was samevallende vooruittydsberekening, en prestasie in ʼn krieketkolftoets. Proefpersone het voor en net ná die opleiding toetse ondergaan, sowel as behoudtoetse drie weke ná die na-opleidingstoetse. Verskille tussen groepe is met behulp van rangtoetse uit Kruskal-Wallis se variansie-analisemodel (ANOVA) bepaal, terwyl verskille binne groepe met veelvuldige Mann-Whitney-U-toetse vergelyk is. Geen beduidende verbetering is in die eksperimentele groep se samevallende vooruittydsberekening of kolfprestasie waargeneem nie. Hoewel nóg samevallende vooruittydsberekening nóg kolfprestasie aansienlik verbeter het, word verdere navorsing oor die gebruik van Vickers (2007) se model vir die verbetering van sportprestasie aanbeveel.

Habilidades viso-perceptuais e motoras na Síndrome de Asperger / VISUAL-PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR ABILITIES IN THE SYNDROME OF ASPERGER

Rodrigues, Ida Janete 23 June 2010 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo verificar a existência de alterações visopercepto- motoras em pacientes com a síndrome de Asperger ou T.I.D. (Transtorno Invasivo do Desenvolvimento). Para tal, foi desenhado um estudo com dois grupos de trinta sujeitos do sexo masculino entre 12 e 30 anos. Trinta desses sujeitos com a síndrome de Asperger, diagnosticados através dos critérios do DSM-IV-TR, Escala de Traços Autístiscos (ATA), apresentando QS maior ou igual a 70 através das Escalas de Comportamento Adaptativo de Vineland. Os desempenhos nas escalas foram estatisticamente estudados e comparados com os resultados dos trinta sujeitos com desenvolvimento normal. Ambos os grupos foram submetidos às provas de Imitação de Gestos de Bèrges & Lèzine, Piaget-Head, Bender, prova de Cubos das escalas Wechsler e Escala social de Pelotas. Todos os sujeitos foram submetidos aos testes relacionados de maneira padronizada. A escolha dos sujeitos e aplicação dos testes foi efetuada em escolas e centros clínicos especializados. As análises dos resultados demonstram diferenças significantes e déficit na organização perceptivo viso motora dos sujeitos com a síndrome de Asperger. A análise estatística por meio do t-independente, entre os dois grupos aponta para repostas discrepantes no grupo dos Aspergers com nível de significância (p0,05/0.05) evidenciando assim, melhor desempenho global em todas as escalas aplicadas nos sujeitos do grupo controle. A complexidade que envolve as noções de percepção espacial, motricidade e ação, bem como a lateralidade mostraram-se marcantes dificuldades na população estudada, sendo necessários novos estudos, prevenção, tratamento e orientações à família e escola / This study aimed to verify the existence of visual-perceptual-motor function changes in patients with Asperger syndrome or PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder). To that objective, a study was developed with two groups of thirty male between 12 and 30 years old. Thirty of these people with Asperger\'s syndrome, were diagnosed by the DSM-IV-TR, Autistics Stroke Scale (ATA), with QS greater than or equal to 70 through the Adaptive Behavior Scales Vineland. The performance scales were statistically analyzed and compared with the results of thirty people with normal development. Both groups were tested for Imitation of gestures Bèrges & Lèzine, Piaget-Head, Bender, Cubes proof of Wechsler scales and Pelotas social scale. All people were tested in a standardized way. The choice of the people and tests application had been performed in specialized schools and clinical centers. Analyses of results showed significant differences and deficits in visual motor perceptual organization of individuals with Asperger syndrome.Statistical analysis by T-independent between the two groups points to the differing responses of the Aspergers group with significance (p 0.05 / 0.05), thus emphasizing the better overall performance on all scales applied in the control group.The complexities surrounding the notions of spatial perception and motor action as well as the handedness proved remarkable difficulties in the population studied, being necessary new studies, prevention, treatment and guidance to family and school

Traversée d'intersection et évitement de collision en conduite automobile : identification du support perceptif et des marqueurs du couplage information-mouvement / Intersection crossing and collision avoidance in driving : identification of perceptual substrate and markers of an information-movement coupling

Mathieu, Julie 14 December 2017 (has links)
L’objectif principal de ce travail de thèse était d’étudier les mécanismes perceptivomoteurs qui sous-tendent la réalisation d’une tâche d’approche et de traversée d’intersection en conduite automobile. Dans la première partie de ce manuscrit les enjeux humains, économiques et sociétaux liés à la réussite d’une telle tâche sont évoqués. Les principaux résultats obtenus dans les études ayant porté sur l’identification des risques associés à la réalisation de ce type de manœuvre sont présentés. La plupart des travaux réalisés s’étant focalisés sur les processus de haut niveau (e.g., jugement d’un temps d’arrivée), nous avons souhaité durant cette thèse centrer notre attention sur les processus de bas-niveau mis en œuvre. Ce travail de thèse est adossé à l’approche Ecologique de la Perception et de l’Action qui nous a semblé proposer un cadre théorique pertinent pour étudier cette tâche complexe. La deuxième partie est consacrée aux expériences réalisées au cours de ce travail de thèse. Pour réaliser nos trois expériences, un simulateur de conduite à base fixe a été utilisé. Ce travail a permis (i) d’acquérir une meilleure compréhension du support perceptif impliqué dans la réalisation d’une tâche de traversée d’intersection et (ii) d’identifier différents marqueurs du couplage information-mouvement. Les résultats ont révélé que le support perceptif utilisé pour réaliser une tâche perceptive n’était pas le même que celui utilisé pour réaliser une tâche perceptivo-motrice. Les résultats ont également permis d’étayer la thèse selon laquelle le contrôle de la tâche d’approche et de traversée d’intersection reposerait sur un couplage information-mouvement. / This Ph.D. project aims at studying the perceptual-motor mechanisms implicated in intersection crossing task. The first part of this manuscript explains the human, economic and societal challenges associated with the successfully complete the intersection crossing task. The main results of the former studies that have examined the identification of risks associated with this type of maneuver at an intersection are developed. These former studies mainly focused on high-level processes (e.g., discrete judgment or decision tasks), we have decided to focus our attention on low-level processes (e.g., visual guidance) during this Ph.D. project. For this to happen, the Ecological Approach to Perception and Action seems to be a relevant theoretical framework for studying this complex task. Indeed, it preserves the natural link between information and movement. The second part of this manuscript is devoted to the experiments completed during this research. In order to carry out our three experiments, virtual reality fixed-base driving simulator was used. This work contributes to better understand the perceptual substrate involved in intersection crossing task. Also, this work identifies different markers of control based on information-movement coupling. Firstly, our results revealed that the perceptual substrate underlying judgments of arrival time of a vehicle moving towards an intersection is distinct from the perceptual substrate underlying the active control of one’s own approach to the same intersection. Secondly, the results have also strengthened the assumption that the control of approach and intersection crossing task is based on information-movement coupling.

Segmentação de movimento por fluxo ótico

Kuiaski, José Rosa 24 August 2012 (has links)
A percepção de movimento é uma característica essencial à sobrevivência de diversas espécies. Na natureza, é através do movimento que uma presa percebe a chegada de um predador e decide em que direção deve fugir, bem como o predador detecta a presença de uma presa e decide para onde atacar. O Sistema Visual Humano é mais sensível a movimento do que a imagens estáticas, sendo capaz de separar as informações de movimento originadas pela movimentação própria das informações de movimento de objetos animados no ambiente. A Teoria Ecológica de Gibson (1979) provê uma base para o entendimento de como esse processo de percepção ocorre e estende-se com o conceito do que chamamos de campo vetorial de Fluxo Ótico, através do qual se representa computacionalmente o movimento. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é procurar reproduzir computacionalmente esse comportamento, para possíveis aplicações em navegação autônoma e processamento de vídeo com movimentação desconhecida. Para isso, vale-se das técnicas de estimação de Fluxo Ótico presentes na literatura, tais como as propostas por Lucas e Kanade (1981) e Farneback (1994). Em primeiro momento, avalia-se a possibilidade de utilização de uma técnica estatística de separação cega de fontes, a chamada Análise de Componentes Independentes, tomando como base o trabalho de Bell e Sejnowski (1997), na qual se mostra que tal análise aplicada em imagens fornece filtros de bordas. Depois, avalia-se a utilização do Foco de Expansão para movimentos translacionais. Resultados experimentais demonstram uma maior viabilidade da abordagem por Foco de Expansão. / Motion Perception is an essential feature for the survival of several species. In nature, it is through motion that a prey perceives the predator and is able to decide which direction to escape, and the predator detects the presence of a prey and decides where to attack. The Human Visual System is more sensitive to motion than to static imagery, and it is able to separate motion information due to egomotion from that due to an animated object in the environment. The Ecological Theory of Gibson (1979) provides a basis for understanding how this processes of perception occurs, and leads to the concept of what we call the vector field of Optical Flow, through which computational motion is represented. The main objective of this work is to try to reproduce computationally this behaviour, for possible applications in autonomous navigation and video processing with unknown self-motion. For this, we use some Optical Flow estimation techniques, as those proposed by Lucas and Kanade (1981) and Farneback (1994). At first, we assess the possibility of using a statistical technique of blind source separation, the so-called Independent Component Analysis, based on the work of Bell and Sejnowski (1997), which demonstrates that this technique, when applied to imagery, provides edge filters. Then, we assess the use of the Focus of Expansion to translational motion. Experimental results show the second approach, using the Focus of Expansion, is more viable than through Independent Component Analysis.

Segmentação de movimento por fluxo ótico

Kuiaski, José Rosa 24 August 2012 (has links)
A percepção de movimento é uma característica essencial à sobrevivência de diversas espécies. Na natureza, é através do movimento que uma presa percebe a chegada de um predador e decide em que direção deve fugir, bem como o predador detecta a presença de uma presa e decide para onde atacar. O Sistema Visual Humano é mais sensível a movimento do que a imagens estáticas, sendo capaz de separar as informações de movimento originadas pela movimentação própria das informações de movimento de objetos animados no ambiente. A Teoria Ecológica de Gibson (1979) provê uma base para o entendimento de como esse processo de percepção ocorre e estende-se com o conceito do que chamamos de campo vetorial de Fluxo Ótico, através do qual se representa computacionalmente o movimento. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é procurar reproduzir computacionalmente esse comportamento, para possíveis aplicações em navegação autônoma e processamento de vídeo com movimentação desconhecida. Para isso, vale-se das técnicas de estimação de Fluxo Ótico presentes na literatura, tais como as propostas por Lucas e Kanade (1981) e Farneback (1994). Em primeiro momento, avalia-se a possibilidade de utilização de uma técnica estatística de separação cega de fontes, a chamada Análise de Componentes Independentes, tomando como base o trabalho de Bell e Sejnowski (1997), na qual se mostra que tal análise aplicada em imagens fornece filtros de bordas. Depois, avalia-se a utilização do Foco de Expansão para movimentos translacionais. Resultados experimentais demonstram uma maior viabilidade da abordagem por Foco de Expansão. / Motion Perception is an essential feature for the survival of several species. In nature, it is through motion that a prey perceives the predator and is able to decide which direction to escape, and the predator detects the presence of a prey and decides where to attack. The Human Visual System is more sensitive to motion than to static imagery, and it is able to separate motion information due to egomotion from that due to an animated object in the environment. The Ecological Theory of Gibson (1979) provides a basis for understanding how this processes of perception occurs, and leads to the concept of what we call the vector field of Optical Flow, through which computational motion is represented. The main objective of this work is to try to reproduce computationally this behaviour, for possible applications in autonomous navigation and video processing with unknown self-motion. For this, we use some Optical Flow estimation techniques, as those proposed by Lucas and Kanade (1981) and Farneback (1994). At first, we assess the possibility of using a statistical technique of blind source separation, the so-called Independent Component Analysis, based on the work of Bell and Sejnowski (1997), which demonstrates that this technique, when applied to imagery, provides edge filters. Then, we assess the use of the Focus of Expansion to translational motion. Experimental results show the second approach, using the Focus of Expansion, is more viable than through Independent Component Analysis.

Habilidades viso-perceptuais e motoras na Síndrome de Asperger / VISUAL-PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR ABILITIES IN THE SYNDROME OF ASPERGER

Ida Janete Rodrigues 23 June 2010 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo verificar a existência de alterações visopercepto- motoras em pacientes com a síndrome de Asperger ou T.I.D. (Transtorno Invasivo do Desenvolvimento). Para tal, foi desenhado um estudo com dois grupos de trinta sujeitos do sexo masculino entre 12 e 30 anos. Trinta desses sujeitos com a síndrome de Asperger, diagnosticados através dos critérios do DSM-IV-TR, Escala de Traços Autístiscos (ATA), apresentando QS maior ou igual a 70 através das Escalas de Comportamento Adaptativo de Vineland. Os desempenhos nas escalas foram estatisticamente estudados e comparados com os resultados dos trinta sujeitos com desenvolvimento normal. Ambos os grupos foram submetidos às provas de Imitação de Gestos de Bèrges & Lèzine, Piaget-Head, Bender, prova de Cubos das escalas Wechsler e Escala social de Pelotas. Todos os sujeitos foram submetidos aos testes relacionados de maneira padronizada. A escolha dos sujeitos e aplicação dos testes foi efetuada em escolas e centros clínicos especializados. As análises dos resultados demonstram diferenças significantes e déficit na organização perceptivo viso motora dos sujeitos com a síndrome de Asperger. A análise estatística por meio do t-independente, entre os dois grupos aponta para repostas discrepantes no grupo dos Aspergers com nível de significância (p0,05/0.05) evidenciando assim, melhor desempenho global em todas as escalas aplicadas nos sujeitos do grupo controle. A complexidade que envolve as noções de percepção espacial, motricidade e ação, bem como a lateralidade mostraram-se marcantes dificuldades na população estudada, sendo necessários novos estudos, prevenção, tratamento e orientações à família e escola / This study aimed to verify the existence of visual-perceptual-motor function changes in patients with Asperger syndrome or PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder). To that objective, a study was developed with two groups of thirty male between 12 and 30 years old. Thirty of these people with Asperger\'s syndrome, were diagnosed by the DSM-IV-TR, Autistics Stroke Scale (ATA), with QS greater than or equal to 70 through the Adaptive Behavior Scales Vineland. The performance scales were statistically analyzed and compared with the results of thirty people with normal development. Both groups were tested for Imitation of gestures Bèrges & Lèzine, Piaget-Head, Bender, Cubes proof of Wechsler scales and Pelotas social scale. All people were tested in a standardized way. The choice of the people and tests application had been performed in specialized schools and clinical centers. Analyses of results showed significant differences and deficits in visual motor perceptual organization of individuals with Asperger syndrome.Statistical analysis by T-independent between the two groups points to the differing responses of the Aspergers group with significance (p 0.05 / 0.05), thus emphasizing the better overall performance on all scales applied in the control group.The complexities surrounding the notions of spatial perception and motor action as well as the handedness proved remarkable difficulties in the population studied, being necessary new studies, prevention, treatment and guidance to family and school

Motoriese koördinasie en die ontlokte potensiaal van die brein by kinders

Van der Merwe, Maleen 16 February 2015 (has links)
M.A. / The aim of the study was to investigate whether evoked potential distinguishes between motor coordinated and-uncoordinated African children. Because the brain functions as a unified entity and different brain systems are integrated simultaneously, it was postulated that there is a relationship between the auditory evoked potential of the brain stem on the one hand and motor coordination on the other hand, that is, the sensory and the motor systems are related. Sensory- motor activity is thus perceived to form a unified function within the total framework of human functioning. The relevant literature points to a possible relationship between the auditory evoked potential of the brain stem and motor coordination. Patients with degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis exhibit abnormal evoked potential responses as well as unusual motor behaviour and coordination. Similarly, children with hearing problems also show unusual evoked potential responses of the brain stem as well as motor lethargy(delayed motor responses) and clumsiness. As a result of these tendencies it was postulated that evoked potential would be able to distinguish between motor-coordinated and -uncoordinated subjects. The brain's evoked potential response is a robust phenomenon that provides a record of electrical brain activity, even in trials where overt responses are not usually expected. The present study focuses on the auditory evoked potential of the brain stem (AEP). The evoked potential serves as a measure of the sensory transmission of information in the brain and consequently highlights the neural activity underlying normal sensory experiences. The subjects selected for the study were 46 eight- to twelve-year-old African children attending a farm school. They can be regarded as representative of the population of eight- to twelve-year old African farm children. All the subjects were administered the Quick Neurological Screening Test in order to catagorise them into two groups, namely the motor-coordinated group and the motor-uncoordinated group. Thereafter the auditory evoked potential of the brain stem was recorded from all the subjects in both groups ...

The role of visual skills and its impact on skills performance of cricket players

Campher, Jolene 20 October 2009 (has links)
Sport has become a very competitive business and focus has been placed on reaching ones full potential. Visual involvement in a sport varies according to environmental demands associated with that sport. These environmental demands are matched by a task specific motor response. The primary aim of this study was to determine if visual skills training programmes could produce beneficial performance results for cricket and soccer players. In order to measure the athletic ability of a cricket and soccer player it is important not only to measure the hardware visual skills of the player, but also the player’s hand-eye co-ordination ability and software visual skills. Thus, aspects of the nervous system such as perceptual motor co-ordination, reaction time and anticipation ability should also be measured to get an indication of the player’s performance ability. In this study highly skilled cricket players and highly skilled soccer academy players, who were actively participating at a provincial level of competition, served as subjects. Due to professional reasons, the soccer academy players had to withdraw from this study. The provincial cricket players continued for the duration of the programme. Thus, due to the abovementioned the aim of this study was two fold, to determine whether statistically significant differences exist between the pre and post-training measurements of cricket players on several visual skills tests and secondly to determine whether statistically significant differences exist between the pre-training measurements of cricket and soccer players on the various visual skills measurements. The data of the variables tested were coded in computer format and statistically evaluated. Since the sample is relatively small non-parametric statistics were used to analyse the data. Two different Non-parametric t-tests were used: the Wilcoxon test is the distribution-free analogue of the t-test for related samples and the Mann-Whitney test is the distribution-free alternative to the independent samples t-test and was used for testing the differences between the means of the cricket players and the soccer players. After the initial testing the cricket players participated in an eight-week visual skill and performance skills programme for 60 minutes a day, once a week. The programme included sports vision activities, speed and agility activities and ball skills activities. Hereafter a retest was done. The pre-training and post-training values of the cricket players were recorded and significance of difference was determined by using the Wilcoxon signed-ranks test. The experimental research revealed that the visual skills programme did have a significant influence on most of the tested variables (ball handling skills, co-ordination, visual awareness, eye tracking skills, accuracy, peripheral awareness, pro-action – reaction skills and visual concentration). For some variables that were tested on the experimental group (the cricket players) improvements were found, which indicates that the improvements can be ascribed to the visual skills programme. The results indicated that more than half of the variables tested improved. It can thus be concluded that the hypothesis that was set for this paper has been proven right. Statistics indicated that there was an increase in most of the variables tested (ball handling skills, co-ordination, visual awareness, eye tracking skills, accuracy, peripheral awareness, proaction – reaction skills and visual concentration), which prove then that visual skills training will result in an increase in the players’ visual fields resulting to an increase in the visual skills on and off the cricket fields. Visual skills training programmes are beneficial to competitive sports performance. Copyright / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Biokinetics, Sport and Leisure Sciences / unrestricted

Effek van 'n kleinspier-ontwikkelingsprogram op die motoriese vermoë van ABET-leerders (Afrikaans)

Riekert, Marlene 20 July 2005 (has links)
Dissertation (MA (Human Movement Science))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Biokinetics, Sport and Leisure Sciences / unrestricted

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