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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Åtgärder som skapar samsyn vid vindkraftsetableringar : Kommunikation och dialog med lokalbefolkningen / How to create public acceptance for wind power projects : Communication and dialogue with the public

Rudolfsson, Elin January 2015 (has links)
Sveriges regering har tagit fram en nationell planeringsram för vindkraft som inkluderar 30 TWh installerad effekt år 2020. Negativa attityder mot vindkraft kan dock bromsa upp och hindra specifika vindkraftsprojekt, vilket skapar en utmaning för att uppnå målen. En problematik för vindkrafts­projektörer i Sverige är att även om majoriteten av lokalbefolkningen är positivt inställda till en etablering, kan det vara tillräckligt att en person agerar rättsligt för att ett projekt ska fördröjas eller hindras. Motstånd mot vindkraft baseras ofta på subjektiva uppfattningar, vilket innebär att det är svårt att hitta en generell lösning för att öka acceptansen bland lokalbefolkningen. Ibland baseras motståndet på den lokala påverkan en vindkraftsanläggning förväntas medföra medan det i andra fall snarare är ett motstånd mot de som driver ett projekt eller det sätt projektet genomförs på. Denna studie syftar till att kvalitativt undersöka hur lokalbefolkningens acceptans till vindkraftsprojekt påverkas av kommunikationen i planerings- och prövningsprocessen, samt identifiera åtgärder som kan öka acceptansen för nyetableringar av vindkraft. Detta har utförts med hjälp av intervjuer med projektörer, myndigheter och konsulter som delgivit sina tidigare erfarenheter från olika vindkrafts­projekt. Informationen har sammanställts och kopplats till teorier kring attityder och kommunikation för att sedan resultera i en rekommendation för projektörers framtida arbete. Studien har resulterat i bland annat ett antal faktorer som kan påverka acceptansnivån och attityderna hos lokalbefolkningen, som därmed är viktiga för projektören att ta hänsyn till i kommunikationen med de närboende. En vindkraftsetablering innebär för många en förändring av närområdet och kan skapa en känsla av oro för hur etableringen ska påverka människor och miljö. En etablering kan även skapa en känsla hos de närboende av att de inte har kontroll och bestämmanderätt över sin närmaste omgivning och livssituation. Oro samt känslan av att sakna kontroll kan skapa negativa attityder och bör därför fokuseras på under projektet. Ett sätt att erbjuda lokalbefolkningen kontroll är att involvera dem i projektet samt förklara samråds- och tillståndsprocessen. Ett sätt att stilla oro är att delge de närboende saklig och korrekt information kontinuerligt under hela projektet. Det är viktigt att involvera lokalbefolkningen för att de inte ska känna sig åsidosatta, men om lokalbefolkningen involveras är det viktigt att deras åsikter har en reell effekt på etableringen. Människor litar på information de får från en tillitsfull person. Därför är det viktigt att projektören inger förtroende och vinner tillit från lokalbefolkningen. Detta kan fås genom att ha en ärlig, öppen och respektfull kommunikation. Det är även viktigt att projektörer visar att de tar hänsyn till och lyssnar på lokalbefolkningens åsikter och oro, oavsett om dessa är relevanta för tillståndsprövningen eller inte. Det är viktigt med en tidig och proaktiv kommunikation då studiens resultat påvisat att det är svårt att förändra negativa attityder. Om människor bygger en negativ attityd på felaktig information, rykten eller spekulationer är det svårt att ändra dessa attityder i efterhand. Därför är det viktigt att aktivt informera människor tidigt i processen. Projektören bör tidigt i processen kartlägga intressenter och deras eventuella oro i syfte att sammanställa en kommunikationsplan. Resultaten visar tydligt att ett utställningssamråd har större förutsättningar att skapa en lokal förankring för ett projekt än ett presentationssamråd. Vid ett presentationssamråd är det svårt för alla människor att komma till tals och ställa sina frågor eller lämna synpunkter. Vid en utställning sker en dialog mellan projektörer och närboende, vilket innebär att samtalet kan fokusera på den enskilde individens oro. Risken för feltolkningar och missförstånd minskar då projektören kan anpassa dialogen till den närboende. Övriga åtgärder som kan öka acceptansen för vindkraftsprojekt är bland annat ekonomisk ersättning och fältbesök. Ekonomisk ersättning kan ge en individuell tillfredställelse. Fältbesök och liknande åtgärder kan ge de närboende nya erfarenheter av vindkraft, vilka kan stilla lokalbefolkningens oro och därmed påverka attityden mot specifika vindkraftsetableringar positivt. / The Swedish government has established a national planning framework for wind power, including a goal of 30 TWh of installed capacity by 2020. It has however been proven difficult to reach these goals since negative attitudes towards wind power projects can hinder the development. One main issue is that even though the majority of the local community is positive to a wind power establishment, it can be enough that one person take legal action against it for the project to be interrupted. Resistance towards wind power is often subjective which means that it is difficult to find a general solution to increase the acceptance among the local community. People often resist the local impact wind turbines might cause, but the resistance could also be towards those who carry out the project or how the project is conducted. This study aims to qualitatively investigate how communication throughout the planning- and permission process affect the level of acceptance among the local community, as well as to identify measures which can raise the acceptance for wind power projects. Interviews have been conducted with project planners, authorities and consultants in order to gather their experiences from previous projects. This information has been related to theories regarding attitudes and communication and has resulted in a recommendation of how future projects should be conducted in order to raise the local acceptance. The study results in several factors that affect the level of acceptance and the attitudes among the local community. These factors are important for the project planner to take into account when communicating with the public. A wind power establishment is for many people a huge change in the surroundings, and can create a feeling of worry and anxiety related to how the establishment will affect humans and the environment. A project might also cause a feeling of not being in control. These two feelings can create negative attitudes towards a project. One way to create a feeling of control is to involve the local community in the project and to explain for them the process of planning a project and applying for permission. In order to ease worries, the project planner should share objective and accurate information. People tend to trust the information they receive from a person they consider trustworthy. Therefore it is important for the project planner to act in a trustworthy manner, for example by being honest and to use a transparent and respectful communication. It is also important that the project planner listen to the public’s opinions and worries, even though they are not relevant for the permission process. The study proves the difficulty of changing already negative attitudes, which emphasise the importance of an early and proactive communication. If people create a negative attitude based on false information, rumours or speculations, it is hard to change their attitudes afterwards. Therefore it is important to map actors in the community and their potential worries, with the purpose to construct a communication plan. The results clearly indicate that a consultation meeting in the shape of an exhibition instead of a presentation has a higher potential for creating a local acceptance towards a project. With only a presentation not everyone will have their saying. An exhibition enables a dialogue between the project planner and individual inhabitants where opinions and questions can be more easily communicated between the parties. The project planner can also easily adapt the dialogue to decrease the risk of misperceptions and confusions. Other measures that can increase the level of acceptance are economical compensation as well as field trips, where the inhabitants can create their own opinion of the impact from wind turbines. It can ease worries and thereby create positive attitudes towards wind power projects.

You´ve Got Mail! : A quantitative study on Permission-based email marketingsimpact on brand attitudes

Jonsson, David, Tufvesson, Måns January 2023 (has links)
The study introduces the concept of attitudes and its fundamentals, as well as how it revolvesaround the given attitude object, in this instance brands. Furthermore, it introduces thephenomena of email marketing and how it has evolved its consensual form that is mostcommon today, referred to as PEM (Permission-based email marketing) in this study.Conclusively explaining the important influences between these two as well as the researchgap in this given context. The final purpose of the paper is to explain the impact thatpermission-based email marketing has on brand attitude. The methodology of the study itselfutilized a cross-sectional approach with a self-completion questionnaire via a conveniencesampling through a web-based survey. The final sample consisted of 108 respondents thatwere deemed acceptable. The study concluded that entertaining content and informativecontent seemingly affects brand attitude positively, whereas the impact of frequency couldnot definitively be explained. Finally theoretical and practical implications of the results arediscussed, as well as limitations of the study and recommended future research.

Jordförvärvslagen : Förutsättningar för förvärvstillstånd till juridiska personer vid förvärv av lantbruksegendom / The Land Acquisition Act : Conditions for Acquisition Permits for Legal Persons in Connection with Acquisition of Agricultural Property

Henriksson, Beata January 2022 (has links)
Lantbruket har sedan länge haft stor betydelse för Sverige. För att kunna kontrollera vem som förvärvar mark taxerad som lantbruksegendom har lagar sedan 1900-talet satts i kraft. Lagen har sedan början vilat på ett syfte vilket består i att bevara ägarbalansen mellan olika ägarkategorier, speciellt juridiska och fysiska personer. Sedan första lagen stiftades har lagstiftningen har juridiska personers möjligheter till förvärv varit mycket begränsad. Syftet med denna uppsats är att redogöra under vilka förutsättningar och villkor juridiska personer kan lämnas förvärvstillstånd vid förvärv av lantbruksegendom. För att kunna genomföra arbetet har en rättsdogmatisk metod använts i kombination med en rättsanalytisk metod. Materialet som använts är gällande och tidigare lagstiftning, praxis från Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen och Högsta domstolen, underrättspraxis från kammarrätten samt förarbeten tillhörande Jordförvärvslagen (SFS 1979:230). Uppsatsen kan konstatera att det i gällande lagstiftning föreligger fyra villkor då juridisk person kan lämnas förvärvstillstånd när lantbruksegendom förvärvats från fysisk person. Det sker under två förutsättningar, antingen lämnas kompensationsmark eller så sker förvärvet kompensationsfritt. Lämnas kompensationsmark till fysisk person eller staten för naturvårdsändamål inom fem år eller kan komma att lämnas inom fem år kan juridisk person lämnas förvärvstillstånd. Sker förvärvet kompensationsfritt kan tillstånd lämnas om den förvärvade egendomen skall ändra ändamål. Detta måste vara fastställt innan förvärvet sker genom t.ex detaljplan. Ett tredje fall där juridisk person kan lämnas förvärvstillstånd är om förvärvet avser skogsmark och förvärven bedriver sådan industriell verksamhet i vilken egendomens virkesavkastning behövs, som appliceras på mindre träförädlande företag med koppling till orten förvärvet sker från. Sista villkoret som förvärvstillstånd kan lämnas juridisk person är om det föreligger särskilda skäl. En bedömning görs i varje enskilt fall utifrån intresset att bevara ägarbalansen och de skäl som förvärvet innebär. Det allmänna intresset kan även komma att beaktas. I förarbeten tas som exempel att sådana skäl kan vara om den förvärvade egendomen är kapitalkrävande. Lagstiftningen gällande juridiska personers förvärv av lantbruksmark är fortsatt väldigt strikt men vissa undantag görs. Utgångspunkten är dock att förvärvstillstånd inte ska lämnas och bedömning blir därav väldigt restriktiv. / Agriculture has been of great importance to Sweden. To be able to control who acquires land taxed as agricultural property, laws have been enacted since the 20th century. From the beginning, the law has rested on one purpose, which is to preserve the balance of ownership between different categories of owners, especially legal and natural persons. Since the first law was enacted, legislation regarding the acquisition of legal entities has been very limited.  The purpose of this thesis is to explain the conditions under which legal persons can be granted an acquisition permit when acquiring agricultural property. To be able to carry out the work, a legal dogmatic method has been used in combination with a legal analytical method. This essay is based on current and previous legislation, case law from the Supreme Administrative Court and the Supreme Court, lower court case law from the Court of Appeal and preparatory work and SOU belonging to the Land Acquisition Act (SFS 1979: 230).  What can be stated with the thesis is that there are four conditions in current legislation when a legal person can be granted an acquisition permit when agricultural property has been acquired from a natural person. This takes place under two conditions, either compensation land is provided, or the acquisition takes place without compensation. If compensation land is provided to a natural person or the state for nature conservation purposes within five years or may be provided within five years, a legal person may be granted an acquisition permit. If the acquisition takes place without compensation, permission can be granted if the acquired property is to change purpose, this must be determined before the acquisition takes place through, for example, a detailed plan. A third case where a legal person can be granted an acquisition permit is if the acquisition relates to forest land and the acquisitions conduct such industrial activities in which the property's timber yield is needed, which is applied to smaller wood processing companies in connection with the locality from which the acquisition takes place. The last condition on which an acquisition permit can be granted to a legal entity is if there are special circumstances. An assessment is made in each individual case based on the interest in maintaining the ownership balance and the reasons that the acquisition entails. The public interest may also be considered.  The legislation regarding legal persons acquisition of agricultural land remains very strict, but certain exceptions are made. The starting point, however, is that an acquisition permit should not be issued and that the assessment of this will be very restrictive.

Network Formation and Economic Applications

Chakrabarti, Subhadip 29 September 2004 (has links)
Networks, generically, refer to any application of graph theory in economics. Consider an undirected graph where nodes represent players and links represent relationships between them. Players can both form and delete links by which we mean that they can both form new relationships and terminate existing ones. A stable network is one in which no incentives exist to change the network structure. There can be various forms of stability depending on how many links players are allowed to form or delete at a time. Under strong pairwise stability, each player is allowed to delete any number of links at a time while any pair of players can form one link at a time. We introduce a network-value function, which assigns to each possible network a certain value. The value is allocated according to the component-wise egalitarian allocation rule, which divides the value generated by a component equally among members of the component (where a component refers to a maximally connected subgraph). An efficient network is one that maximizes the network value function. We show that there is an underlying conflict between strong pairwise stability and efficiency. Efficient networks are not necessarily strongly pairwise stable. This conflict can be resolved only if value functions satisfy a certain property called "middlemen-security". We further find that there is a broad class of networks called "middlemen-free networks" for which the above condition is automatically satisfied under all possible value functions. We also look at three network applications. A peering contract is an arrangement between Internet Service Providers under which they exchange traffic with one another free of cost. We analyze incentives for peering contracts among Internet service providers using the notion of pairwise stability. A hierarchy is a directed graph with an explicit top-down structure where each pair of linked agents have a superior-subordinate relationship with each other. We apply the notion of conjunctive permission value to demonstrate the formation of hierarchical firms in a competitive labor market. Comparative or targeted advertising is defined as any form of advertising where a firm directly or indirectly names a competitor. We also examine a model of targeted advertising between oligopolistic firms using non-cooperative game theoretic tools. / Ph. D.

Designing Practical Software Bug Detectors Using Commodity Hardware and Common Programming Patterns

Zhang, Tong 13 January 2020 (has links)
Software bugs can cost millions and affect people's daily lives. However, many bug detection tools are not always practical in reality, which hinders their wide adoption. There are three main concerns regarding existing bug detectors: 1) run-time overhead in dynamic bug detectors, 2) space overhead in dynamic bug detectors, and 3) scalability and precision issues in static bug detectors. With those in mind, we propose to: 1) leverage commodity hardware to reduce run-time overhead, 2) reuse metadata maintained by one bug detector to detect other types of bugs, reducing space overhead, and 3) apply programming idioms to static analyses, improving scalability and precision. We demonstrate the effectiveness of three approaches using data race bugs, memory safety bugs, and permission check bugs, respectively. First, we leverage the commodity hardware transactional memory (HTM) selectively to use the dynamic data race detector only if necessary, thereby reducing the overhead from 11.68x to 4.65x. We then present a production-ready data race detector, which only incurs a 2.6% run-time overhead, by using performance monitoring units (PMUs) for online memory access sampling and offline unsampled memory access reconstruction. Second, for memory safety bugs, which are more common than data races, we provide practical temporal memory safety on top of the spatial memory safety of the Intel MPX in a memory-efficient manner without additional hardware support. We achieve this by reusing the existing metadata and checks already available in the Intel MPX-instrumented applications, thereby offering full memory safety at only 36% memory overhead. Finally, we design a scalable and precise function pointer analysis tool leveraging indirect call usage patterns in the Linux kernel. We applied the tool to the detection of permission check bugs; the detector found 14 previously unknown bugs within a limited time budget. / Doctor of Philosophy / Software bugs have caused many real-world problems, e.g., the 2003 Northeast blackout and the Facebook stock price mismatch. Finding bugs is critical to solving those problems. Unfortunately, many existing bug detectors suffer from high run-time and space overheads as well as scalability and precision issues. In this dissertation, we address the limitations of bug detectors by leveraging commodity hardware and common programming patterns. Particularly, we focus on improving the run-time overhead of dynamic data race detectors, the space overhead of a memory safety bug detector, and the scalability and precision of the Linux kernel permission check bug detector. We first present a data race detector built upon commodity hardware transactional memory that can achieve 7x overhead reduction compared to the state-of-the-art solution (Google's TSAN). We then present a very lightweight sampling-based data race detector which re-purposes performance monitoring hardware features for lightweight sampling and uses a novel offline analysis for better race detection capability. Our result highlights very low overhead (2.6%) with 27.5% detection probability with a sampling period of 10,000. Next, we present a space-efficient temporal memory safety bug detector for a hardware spatial memory safety bug detector, without additional hardware support. According to experimental results, our full memory safety solution incurs only a 36% memory overhead with a 60% run-time overhead. Finally, we present a permission check bug detector for the Linux kernel. This bug detector leverages indirect call usage patterns in the Linux kernel for scalable and precise analysis. As a result, within a limited time budget (scalable), the detector discovered 14 previously unknown bugs (precise).

Android Application Install-time Permission Validation and Run-time Malicious Pattern Detection

Ma, Zhongmin 31 January 2014 (has links)
The open source structure of Android applications introduces security vulnerabilities that can be readily exploited by third-party applications. We address certain vulnerabilities at both installation and runtime using machine learning. Effective classification techniques with neural networks can be used to verify the application categories on installation. We devise a novel application category verification methodology that involves machine learning the application permissions and estimating the likelihoods of different categories. To detect malicious patterns in runtime, we present a Hidden Markov Model (HMM) method to analyze the activity usage by tracking Intent log information. After applying our technique to nearly 1,700 popular third-party Android applications and malware, we report that a major portion of the category declarations were judged correctly. This demonstrates the effectiveness of neural network decision engines in validating Android application categories. The approach, using HMM to analyze the Intent log for the detection of malicious runtime behavior, is new. The test results show promise with a limited input dataset (69.7% accuracy). To improve the performance, further work will be carried out to: increase the dataset size by adding game applications, to optimize Baum-Welch algorithm parameters, and to balance the size of the Intent sequence. To better emulate the participant's usage, some popular applications can be selected in advance, and the remainder can be randomly chosen. / Master of Science

Právní postavení sousedů v procesech územního rozhodování / Legal standing of neighbours in the procedures to grant planning permission

Jílková, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
Legal standing of neighbours in the procedures to grant planning permission The Diploma Thesis Zuzana Jílková Abstract The Diploma Thesis entitled "Legal standing of neighbours in the procedures to grant planning permission" presents an analysis of the concept of the "neighbour" in the individual procedures to grant a planning permission under the Building Act, namely the planning permission proceedings, the summary planning permission proceedings, the planning consent issuance, the conclusion of a public contract and the regulatory plan issuance. Procedural rights of the neighbour are analysed in detail. The neighbour, in its capacity as an interested person, may actively use these rights and thereby influence the course and outcome of the proceedings. The thesis focuses primarily on the planning permission proceedings and objections which neighbours may raise against the construction project under the conditions set out in the Building Act. The aim of the thesis is to create an image of the neighbour by means of an analysis of the various procedures and to outline the problematic aspects of the current legislation regarding in particular the defence before the administrative courts in the simplified procedures. The utilized sources were legislation, literature, case law and official opinions of the...

Problematika staveb na cizích pozemcích / The issue of constructions on the land of another

Novotná, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with the issue of constructions on the land of another. At first the thesis focuses on definition of basic terms, i.e. the construction and the building plot. In the following text is concerned about permission to build. Attention is focused on three types of titles of use - lease, easement and of peripheral importance, loan of land, which is not given a full explanation, but only focusing on issues related to the topic of work. To the previous issues link two institutes which deal with third and fourth chapter - authorized and unauthorized construction. Authorized construction is current problem in the future and therefore it is very noticeable lack of explicit rules that must be compensated for general rules of unjust enrichment. The chapter on unauthorized construction is divided into sections according to the character of each "type", i.e. whether the construction is movable thing or realty and whether the authorization to construction lacked from outset or dropped out after the construction was built. Last but not least the work deals with public-law issues and also the role of public law in the formation of conditions for the rise of construction - in the chapter devoted to building plot, and also issues permission to build as a public-law act, which makes possible to...

Oprávnění stavět a stavby na cizích pozemcích / Building licence and structures on the land of another

Borošová, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is focused on ways of formation of permissions to build and the possibilities of settlement of authorized and unauthorized structures, which are established on extraneous grounds. It also defined important terms such as the concept of land, construction or the principle of superficies non solo cedit. Part of the thesis include historical development of the ownership of land and buildings located on them. Essential part of the thesis deals with changes that will bring the effectiveness of a new Civil Code.

Účastníci správního řízení s důrazem na účastenství v řízeních vedených dle stavebního zákona / Participants in administrative proceedings with emphasis on participation in proceedings conducted according to the Building Act

Matysová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
Participants in administrative proceedings with emphasis on participation in proceedings conducted according to the Building Act The Master thesis deals with a topic of participants of administrative proceedings, in which participation in proceedings conducted according to the Building Act is strongly emphasized. The author chose this topic because the participants in proceedings are irreplaceable procedural parties of every administrative proceedings without their existence no administrative proceedings could be conducted, and therefore they form an integral part of administrative proceedings next to administrative authority. The meaning of statutory legal regulation is to guarantee participants in proceedings mutually equal position and rights to prove a claim sufficient in administrative proceedings. The thesis introduces contemporary interpretative and application conclusions altogether with their gradual development and it evaluates in which way these conclusions brought about solutions and in which way conversely there were disputable questions in consequence of these conclusions. The Master thesis is divided into two basic parts dealing with definition of the circle of participants in proceedings according to the Administrative Act and participation in administrative proceedings conducted...

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