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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Social media framework for the destination Usedom : <em>How to create awareness and dialogue by using social media for the destination Usedom taking into account the new Usedom WelcomeVisitor Centre</em> / : <em> </em>

Stuebs, Susanne Stuebs January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Purpose –</strong> Target of this study is to develop a social media framework, the essential “ingredient” for a social media concept for the destination Usedom. The following question is in the centre of this investigations attention:  How to create awareness and dialogue by using Social Media for the destination Usedom taking into account the new Usedom Welcome Visitor Centre that will be open 2011?</p><p><strong>Methodology/approach</strong> – Mainly, an observational approach as research method is used to answer the research question, collecting empirical data not by questioning respondents, but by observing different forms of activity. Writing about social media, to use the Internet for observational research is natural and can be further enhanced due to the accessibility and retrieval of information and cross-validation of the information available from several sources.</p><p><strong>Findings</strong> – Social media marketing eliminates the middlemen and provides destinations with the unique opportunity to have a direct relationship with their customers. In today’s knowledge-society where</p><ul><li>people want to engage – want to be active – want to create content on their own </li><li>people talk: online and offline - positive or negative – with or without the destination</li></ul><p>NOT participating is NO option. In case of the isle of Usedom, the Social media concept should be of listening and outreach character. As a holistic marketing approach where “everything matters” is needed for destinations, online and offline activities need each other. In addition to social media marketing even search engine optimisation, ad words and target mails are important tools for a successful online strategy.</p><p><strong>Research limitations/implications – </strong>Most important is the time limitation. The validity period is limited. A Social Media framework of today is not the social media framework of the future. Social media is changing rapidly. New channels appear - others disappear. Moreover, another limitation is the subjectivity: the author of this study observes the Internet in accordance to the research question and allocates a sample pursuant to her knowledge and experience.</p><p><strong>Practical implications</strong> – Aside from the destinations’ website being adapted by social media elements, Facebook serves as ideal tool to nurture relationships between the customer and the destination by being creative, honest and assessing competitors as partners. As one of the easiest and most versatile social networks for professionals today, Facebook is a profile and presence aggregator, channelling all online activity through one main hub and combining almost every online social tool that can be used.</p><p><strong>Originality/value –</strong> Targeting the destination Usedom, but also being applicable for other German tourist destinations, this study provides both: a theoretical and with ideas filled framework to create awareness and dialogue by using social media as complement to traditional marketing activities. Being the first investigation that has been done for the destination Usedom in the field of social media, this study aims to inspire other tourist destinations as well as students to learn about social media and to further investigate in this field.<strong> </strong></p><p> </p>

Samverkan mellan kommun och landsting : gällande permission inom rättspsykiatrisk vård

Hansson, Therese, Nirholt, Eva January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur samverkan ser ut mellan kommun och landsting vad</p><p>avser personer som vårdas enligt lag (1991:1129) om rättspsykiatrisk vård (LRV) och skall</p><p>permitteras till hemkommunen. Studiens frågeställningar är: (1) Hur sker samverkan mellan</p><p>kommun och landsting innan permissionen verkställs?</p><p>(2) Hur sker samverkan mellan kommun och landsting under tiden en person är permitterad?</p><p>(3) Vilka möjligheter och hinder finns vad avser samverkan mellan kommun och landsting gällande personer som permitterats?</p><p>Metodvalet är kvalitativt och författarna har genomfört fem intervjuer med nyckelpersoner</p><p>inom landsting och samverkande kommuner. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten är Danermarks</p><p>tre primära samverkansbegrepp: organisation, kunskap och regelverk. Resultatet visar att</p><p>landstinget har ansvar för vård och behandling och att kommunen har ansvar för boende och</p><p>sysselsättning. Respondenterna inom landstinget upplever att deras samverkan fungerar bra</p><p>och uttrycker att det är vikigt med en god kommunikation samt att personkännedom</p><p>underlättar samverkan. I dagsläget saknas det skriftliga samverkansavtal som är förankrade i</p><p>verksamheterna, det saknas även en klar målsättning för samverkan. Detta är något som</p><p>studiens tidigare forskning rekommenderar för en förbättrad samverkan. Respondenterna i en</p><p>av kommunerna upplever att de får för lite bakgrundshistorik om brukarna och anser att viss</p><p>rädsla kan finnas på grund av detta. De anser även att den handledning de idag får ifrån</p><p>landstingets personal inte är tillräcklig. En respondent ifrån landstinget tycker dock att de ger</p><p>lagom mycket information och att rädslan skulle kunna öka bland kommunens personal om de</p><p>gav mer information.</p> / <p>The aim of this study is to research how the collaboration between municipality and county</p><p>council works, about persons who are in forensic psychiatric care and are going on</p><p>community leave. The studied issues are: (1) How does the collaboration work, between the</p><p>municipality and county council, before the community leave is carried out? (2) How does the</p><p>collaboration work, between the municipality and county council, during the community</p><p>leave? (3) Witch possibilities and obstacles can be found in the collaboration between the</p><p>municipality and county council, about persons who are on community leave?</p><p>The method in the study is qualitative and the authors have accomplished five interviews with</p><p>key figures within county council and collaborating municipalities. The theoretical starting</p><p>point is Danermarks three collaboration concepts: organization, knowledge and rules. The</p><p>result shows that the county council has the responsibility of medical care and treatment and</p><p>that the municipality has the responsibility of the housing and occupation. The county council</p><p>respondents experience that the collaboration is good and they also express that it is important</p><p>to have an open communication, and that good knowledge of the persons involved facilitates</p><p>the collaboration. Today there is a lack of written collaboration agreements that have gained</p><p>approval within the organizations. Also, there is no common aim with the collaboration. A</p><p>written agreement with a clear aim for the collaboration is something that is recommended by</p><p>earlier research to improve the collaboration. The respondents in one municipality would like</p><p>to get more background history about the persons who are on community leave, the lack of</p><p>information could cause fear among the employees. They would also like some more</p><p>guidance from the county council staff. One county council employee thinks that more</p><p>information would cause more fear amongst the municipality staff.</p>

Fallstudie i Järbo : En utredning av förutsättningarna för återstart av ett nedlagt småskaligt vattenkraftverk / Case study in Järbo : An investigation of the prerequisites for restart of a discontinued, smallscale hydropower plant

Karlsson, Lars January 2009 (has links)
<p>Utsikterna att kunna genomföra en återstart av de två små vattenkraftverk som behandlas i denna rapport år goda. Förutsättningarna är gynnsamma i så måtto att planerna för återstarten ligger väl i linje med praxis som etablerats genom avgöranden i de högre rättsliga instanserna gällande liknande fall. Ägaren planerar att driva verksamheten i stort sett så som den ursprungligen bedrevs, vilket visat sig betydelsefullt för att få återupptag av nedlagd vattenkraftverksamhet godkänt Dessa kraftverk är små, väldigt små. Detta betyder att investeringskostnaderna måste minimeras om det skall finns någon chans att uppnå en acceptabel återbetalningstid för investeringen. Några kostnader kan inte påverkas alls, till exempel anslutningen till elnätet. Vissa, såsom de för nya tuber, intagsgaller, samt kabel och utrustning till kraftverken, kan påverkas i någon mån genom att omsorgsfullt välja leverantörerna av utrustningen, samt välja de mest kostnadseffektiva (ofta liktydigt med de enklaste men ändå fungerande) lösningarna. Några få komponenter, såsom generatorn, kan gå att få tag på som begagnade, vilket hjälper till att hålla nere kostnaderna. Slutligen bör inte de pengar som finns att spara på att göra så mycket som möjligt av arbetet själv underskattas.</p> / <p>The prospects of achieving a restart of the two small hydropower plants studied in this report are good. The basic conditions are favourable in the sense that the plans for a restart are well in line with accepted procedures such as established by decisions in the highest courts regarding similar cases. The owner plans to run the operation in essentially the same way it was originally run, a circumstance which has proven to be important when seeking to get restart of discontinued hydropower activities approved. These power plants are small, very small. This means that investment costs has to be minimized if there is to be any chance of achieving an acceptable pay-off time for the investment. Some can't be affected at all, such as the cost for getting connected to the power network. Some, such as those of new tubes, intake bars and electrical wiring and equipment for the plants, can be affected to some extent by carefully choosing the suppliers of the equipment and choosing the most cost-efficient (in most cases synonymous with the simplest but yet functional) solutions. A few components, such as the generator, can possibly be obtained as used equipment, which helps keeping the costs down. Lastly, the potential of saving money by doing as much as possible of the work yourself should not be underestimated.</p>

Samverkan mellan kommun och landsting : gällande permission inom rättspsykiatrisk vård

Hansson, Therese, Nirholt, Eva January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur samverkan ser ut mellan kommun och landsting vad avser personer som vårdas enligt lag (1991:1129) om rättspsykiatrisk vård (LRV) och skall permitteras till hemkommunen. Studiens frågeställningar är: (1) Hur sker samverkan mellan kommun och landsting innan permissionen verkställs? (2) Hur sker samverkan mellan kommun och landsting under tiden en person är permitterad? (3) Vilka möjligheter och hinder finns vad avser samverkan mellan kommun och landsting gällande personer som permitterats? Metodvalet är kvalitativt och författarna har genomfört fem intervjuer med nyckelpersoner inom landsting och samverkande kommuner. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten är Danermarks tre primära samverkansbegrepp: organisation, kunskap och regelverk. Resultatet visar att landstinget har ansvar för vård och behandling och att kommunen har ansvar för boende och sysselsättning. Respondenterna inom landstinget upplever att deras samverkan fungerar bra och uttrycker att det är vikigt med en god kommunikation samt att personkännedom underlättar samverkan. I dagsläget saknas det skriftliga samverkansavtal som är förankrade i verksamheterna, det saknas även en klar målsättning för samverkan. Detta är något som studiens tidigare forskning rekommenderar för en förbättrad samverkan. Respondenterna i en av kommunerna upplever att de får för lite bakgrundshistorik om brukarna och anser att viss rädsla kan finnas på grund av detta. De anser även att den handledning de idag får ifrån landstingets personal inte är tillräcklig. En respondent ifrån landstinget tycker dock att de ger lagom mycket information och att rädslan skulle kunna öka bland kommunens personal om de gav mer information. / The aim of this study is to research how the collaboration between municipality and county council works, about persons who are in forensic psychiatric care and are going on community leave. The studied issues are: (1) How does the collaboration work, between the municipality and county council, before the community leave is carried out? (2) How does the collaboration work, between the municipality and county council, during the community leave? (3) Witch possibilities and obstacles can be found in the collaboration between the municipality and county council, about persons who are on community leave? The method in the study is qualitative and the authors have accomplished five interviews with key figures within county council and collaborating municipalities. The theoretical starting point is Danermarks three collaboration concepts: organization, knowledge and rules. The result shows that the county council has the responsibility of medical care and treatment and that the municipality has the responsibility of the housing and occupation. The county council respondents experience that the collaboration is good and they also express that it is important to have an open communication, and that good knowledge of the persons involved facilitates the collaboration. Today there is a lack of written collaboration agreements that have gained approval within the organizations. Also, there is no common aim with the collaboration. A written agreement with a clear aim for the collaboration is something that is recommended by earlier research to improve the collaboration. The respondents in one municipality would like to get more background history about the persons who are on community leave, the lack of information could cause fear among the employees. They would also like some more guidance from the county council staff. One county council employee thinks that more information would cause more fear amongst the municipality staff.

En överfull brevlåda : En undersökning om direktreklamens utvecklingsmöjligheter

Alsamaraie, Dureid, Lejonqvist, Emil January 2011 (has links)
Syfte Syftet med uppsatsen är att vi ska identifiera nya potentiella utvecklingsmöjligheter med direktreklam. Vilken betydelse har DR för företagen? Metod Den här uppsatsen har vi valt att genomföra utifrån en deduktiv ansats med en kvalitativ karaktär. Det här valet gjorde vi därför att vår strävan har varit att kunna besvara vårt forskningsproblem. Vi har genomfört sex intervjuer, för att ha kunnat samla in våra empiriska data, med personer i ledande positioner på företag som arbetar eller är i kontakt med direktreklam. Tre av dessa har varit personliga intervjuer, två telefonintervjuer och en via e-post. Slutsatser Vi har kommit fram till att direktreklam är en mycket stark och fortfarande mycket aktuell marknadsföringskanal. Trots den stämpel som direktreklamen har fått, av att vara skräppost och junkmail, så har kanalen ändå något alldeles extra att tillföra konsumenterna tycker vi. Direktreklamens fysiska attribut skapar en speciell känsla bland mottagarna av den. Direktreklamen har flera positivt utmärkande egenskaper då vi anser att den både kan driva försäljning och bygga varumärken så länge som dess budskap är relevant för konsumenten. För att relevansen skall finnas med i meddelandet måste företag hantera konsumenternas integritet med respekt. Den integriteten kan företagen respektera genom att ha en tillräckligt nära kommunikation med kunden, vilket på sikt även stärker relationen. Kommunikationen mellan företagen och kunderna sker genom den adresserade direktreklamen som därför har kommit att bli aktuell för oss att utveckla. Utvecklingsmöjligheterna ligger därför i att konsumenterna ska kunna, via internet, välja vilken reklam som de själva vill ha i brevlådan. Det här samtycket bidrar till att kunderna blir sedda, vilket på sikt kan leda till att deras lojalitet inför både företaget och dess varumärke kan stärkas. När kunderna blir lojala så kommer också företagens träffsäkerhet med utskicken att bli bättre. Konsekvensen av det kan bli att den totala volymen av direktreklam minskar, vilket i sin tur leder till en bättre miljö, samtidigt som företagens distributionskostnader reduceras. När andelen av nöjda kunder växer så ökar också lönsamheten för företagen. Därför anser vi att det här förslaget är något som både företagen och kunderna tjänar på i längden, då modellen bidrar till en win - win situation där båda parterna till slut blir vinnare. / Purpose The purpose of this essay is to identify new development opportunities for direct mail. What impact has direct mail on the companies? Method This essay we have chosen to implement is based on a deductive approach with a qualitative nature. We made this choice to be able to answer our research problem. We have conducted six interviews, to collect our empirical data, with managers in companies that are working or in contact with direct mail. Three of these were personal interviews, two telephone interviews and one was made by e-mail. Conclusions We have found that direct mail is still a very strong and very current marketing channel. Despite the stigma that direct mail has been received to be spam and junk mail it has something special to bring to the customers. Direct mail´s physical attributes creates a special feeling among consumers. Direct mail has several positive features, since we believe that it can both drive sales and build brands as long as its message is relevant to the consumer. For the relevance to be included in the message, companies have to deal with consumer privacy with respect. Companies can conform to consumer´s integrity by having a sufficiently close communication with the customer, which in time also strengthens the relationship. Companies communicate with customers through the addressed direct mail, which therefore has to be defined for us to develop. The potential is therefore in that the consumer can by using an internet based technology choose the advertising that they want in their mailbox. This permission marketing based solution helps companies to have a better look on their clients, which also could ultimately lead to strength consumer´s loyalty. As customers become more loyal so will the companies' success rates by mailing to be better. The total volume of direct mail will be reduced which leads to a better environment conditions, while companies distribution costs will be also decreased. When the percentage of satisfied customers grows, the profitability of companies will increase. Therefore, we believe that this proposal is something that both businesses and customers benefit from in the long run as the model contributes to a win - win situation where both parties end up being winners.

Social media framework for the destination Usedom : How to create awareness and dialogue by using social media for the destination Usedom taking into account the new Usedom WelcomeVisitor Centre / :

Stuebs, Susanne Stuebs January 2010 (has links)
Purpose – Target of this study is to develop a social media framework, the essential “ingredient” for a social media concept for the destination Usedom. The following question is in the centre of this investigations attention:  How to create awareness and dialogue by using Social Media for the destination Usedom taking into account the new Usedom Welcome Visitor Centre that will be open 2011? Methodology/approach – Mainly, an observational approach as research method is used to answer the research question, collecting empirical data not by questioning respondents, but by observing different forms of activity. Writing about social media, to use the Internet for observational research is natural and can be further enhanced due to the accessibility and retrieval of information and cross-validation of the information available from several sources. Findings – Social media marketing eliminates the middlemen and provides destinations with the unique opportunity to have a direct relationship with their customers. In today’s knowledge-society where people want to engage – want to be active – want to create content on their own people talk: online and offline - positive or negative – with or without the destination NOT participating is NO option. In case of the isle of Usedom, the Social media concept should be of listening and outreach character. As a holistic marketing approach where “everything matters” is needed for destinations, online and offline activities need each other. In addition to social media marketing even search engine optimisation, ad words and target mails are important tools for a successful online strategy. Research limitations/implications – Most important is the time limitation. The validity period is limited. A Social Media framework of today is not the social media framework of the future. Social media is changing rapidly. New channels appear - others disappear. Moreover, another limitation is the subjectivity: the author of this study observes the Internet in accordance to the research question and allocates a sample pursuant to her knowledge and experience. Practical implications – Aside from the destinations’ website being adapted by social media elements, Facebook serves as ideal tool to nurture relationships between the customer and the destination by being creative, honest and assessing competitors as partners. As one of the easiest and most versatile social networks for professionals today, Facebook is a profile and presence aggregator, channelling all online activity through one main hub and combining almost every online social tool that can be used. Originality/value – Targeting the destination Usedom, but also being applicable for other German tourist destinations, this study provides both: a theoretical and with ideas filled framework to create awareness and dialogue by using social media as complement to traditional marketing activities. Being the first investigation that has been done for the destination Usedom in the field of social media, this study aims to inspire other tourist destinations as well as students to learn about social media and to further investigate in this field.

Vilniaus rajono apylinkės teismo praktikos nagrinėjant bylas dėl teismo leidimų išdavimo ir faktų patvirtinimo analizė / The analysis of practice of dealing with the pleas for bestowal of court permissions and pleas for confirmation of facts in the court of Vilnius precinct

Leleckaitė, Lina 10 March 2006 (has links)
Baigiamasis darbas skirtas išanalizuoti prašymu del teismo leidimu išdavimo ir faktu patvirtinimo nagrinejimo Vilniaus rajono apylinkes teisme praktika. Autorius, analizuodamas teismo bylas, kartu aptare ir teorinius klausimus. Prašymai del teismo leidimu išdavimo priskiriami prie ypatingosios teisenos bylu, kurios nagrinejamos supaprastinto proceso tvarka. Autorius analizavo kriterijus, pagal kuriuos nustatoma, kokiam konkreciai teismui teismingi šie prašymai. Kartu autorius aptare procesiniu dokumentu samprata, kurie skirstomi I byloje dalyvaujanciu asmenu ir teismo procesinius dokumentus. Darbe analizuojami šiu pareiškimu nagrinejimo tvarkos ypatumai bei terminai. Remiantis Vilniaus rajono apylinkes teismo bylomis, išskirtos pagrindines atsisakymu išduoti teismo leidimus priežastys. Taip pat aptarta teismo procesinio dokumento – nutarties, kuriuo užbaigiamas šiu bylu nagrinejimas, turinys ir jai budingi požymiai. Analizuodamas Vilniaus rajono apylinkes teismo bylas del teismo leidimu išdavimo, autorius pastebejo, kad teismas ne visada tinkamai taiko teisminguma reglamentuojancias teises normas. Taip pat pastebeta, kad teismas, nagrinedamas prašymus žodinio proceso tvarka, pažeidžia suteikta penkiu dienu termina šiems prašymams išnagrineti. Kalbant apie prašymus del faktu patvirtinimo, Vilniaus rajono apylinkes teisme buvo tik kelios tokios bylos, todel baigiamajame darbe atlikta tik keleto tokio pobudžio bylu analize. / The final work is dedicated to analyse the practice of dealing with the pleas for bestowal of court permissions and pleas for confirmations of facts in the court of Vilnius precinct. The author also talked over the theory by analysing court cases. Pleas for bestowal of court permissions are in the category of cases of special proceedings and they are dealt with in the simplified trial. The author analysed criteria’s determining which court should deal with the pleas. The author described the definitions of aforesaid processial documents, which are of two different kinds: documents of court participants and processial documents of the court. The final work described the singleness and terms of dealing with the pleas for bestowal of court permissions and pleas for confirmation of facts. Having analysed the cases the author singled out the main refusal reasons to bestowal the court permission. The definition and content of the final document in the court proceedings was also given in this work. Having analysed the cases in the court of Vilnius precinct there were found some wrong applications of law rules regarding the courts work. The court sometimes doesn’t abide the five days term after receiving aforesaid pleas to make a final decision in the case. It is also important to mention that the court received just a couple of pleas for confirmation of facts over few years.

Fallstudie i Järbo : En utredning av förutsättningarna för återstart av ett nedlagt småskaligt vattenkraftverk / Case study in Järbo : An investigation of the prerequisites for restart of a discontinued, smallscale hydropower plant

Karlsson, Lars January 2009 (has links)
Utsikterna att kunna genomföra en återstart av de två små vattenkraftverk som behandlas i denna rapport år goda. Förutsättningarna är gynnsamma i så måtto att planerna för återstarten ligger väl i linje med praxis som etablerats genom avgöranden i de högre rättsliga instanserna gällande liknande fall. Ägaren planerar att driva verksamheten i stort sett så som den ursprungligen bedrevs, vilket visat sig betydelsefullt för att få återupptag av nedlagd vattenkraftverksamhet godkänt Dessa kraftverk är små, väldigt små. Detta betyder att investeringskostnaderna måste minimeras om det skall finns någon chans att uppnå en acceptabel återbetalningstid för investeringen. Några kostnader kan inte påverkas alls, till exempel anslutningen till elnätet. Vissa, såsom de för nya tuber, intagsgaller, samt kabel och utrustning till kraftverken, kan påverkas i någon mån genom att omsorgsfullt välja leverantörerna av utrustningen, samt välja de mest kostnadseffektiva (ofta liktydigt med de enklaste men ändå fungerande) lösningarna. Några få komponenter, såsom generatorn, kan gå att få tag på som begagnade, vilket hjälper till att hålla nere kostnaderna. Slutligen bör inte de pengar som finns att spara på att göra så mycket som möjligt av arbetet själv underskattas. / The prospects of achieving a restart of the two small hydropower plants studied in this report are good. The basic conditions are favourable in the sense that the plans for a restart are well in line with accepted procedures such as established by decisions in the highest courts regarding similar cases. The owner plans to run the operation in essentially the same way it was originally run, a circumstance which has proven to be important when seeking to get restart of discontinued hydropower activities approved. These power plants are small, very small. This means that investment costs has to be minimized if there is to be any chance of achieving an acceptable pay-off time for the investment. Some can't be affected at all, such as the cost for getting connected to the power network. Some, such as those of new tubes, intake bars and electrical wiring and equipment for the plants, can be affected to some extent by carefully choosing the suppliers of the equipment and choosing the most cost-efficient (in most cases synonymous with the simplest but yet functional) solutions. A few components, such as the generator, can possibly be obtained as used equipment, which helps keeping the costs down. Lastly, the potential of saving money by doing as much as possible of the work yourself should not be underestimated.

Sécurisation des entrepôts de données : de la conception à l’exploitation / Securing data warehouses : from design to exploitation

Triki, Salah 24 December 2013 (has links)
Les entrepôts des données centralisent des données critiques et sensibles qui sont nécessaires pour l'analyse et la prise de décisions. La centralisation permet une gestion efficace et une administration aisée, par contre de point de vu sécurité, centraliser les données critiques dans un seul endroit ; l'entrepôt de données, attire la convoitise des pirates. En 2011 par exemple, les entreprises SONY et RSA, ont été victime d'attaques qui ont engendré des pertes considérables. En plus, les entreprises sont de plus en plus dépendantes des entrepôts des données du faite qu'ils génèrent de plus en plus de données. Le cabinet d'analyse IDC indique que les quantités des données générées par les entreprise sont en train d'exploser et que en 2015, la quantité des données atteindra 8 billion TB. La sécurisation des entrepôts de données est donc primordiale. Dans ce contexte, nos travaux de thèse consiste a proposer une architecture pour la sécurisation des entrepôts de données de la conception à l'exploitation. Au niveau conceptuel, nous proposons un profil UML pour la définition des autorisations et les niveaux de sensibilités des données, une méthode pour la prévention des inférences, et des règles pour analyser la cohérence des autorisations. Au niveau exploitation, une méthode pour renforcer les autorisations définis au niveau conception, une méthode pour la prévention des inférences, une méthode pour respecter les contraintes d'additivités.Afin de valider l'architecture que nous proposons et montrer son applicabilité, nous l'avons tester le benchmark Star Schema Benchmark. / Companies have to make strategic decisions that involve competitive advantages. In the context of decision making, the data warehouse concept has emerged in the nineties. A data warehouse is a special kind of database that consolidates and historizes data from the operational information system of a company. Moreover, a company's data are proprietary and sensitive and should not be sold without controls. Indeed, some data are personal and may harm their owners when they are disclosed, for example, medical data, religious or ideological beliefs. Thus, many governments have enacted laws to protect the private lives of their citizens. Faced with these laws, organizations are, therefore, forced to implement strict security measures to comply with these laws. Our work takes place in the context of secure data warehouses that can be addressed at two levels: (i) design that aims to develop a secure data storage level, and (ii) operating level, which aims to strengthen the rights access / user entitlements, and any malicious data to infer prohibited from data it has access to user banned. For securing the design level, we have made three contributions. The first contribution is a specification language for secure storage. This language is a UML profile called SECDW+, which is an extended version of SECDW for consideration of conflicts of interest in design level. SECDW is a UML profile for specifying some concepts of security in a data warehouse by adopting the standard models of RBAC security and MAC. Although SECDW allows the designer to specify what role has access to any part of the data warehouse, it does not take into account conflicts of interest. Thus, through stereotypes and tagged values , we extended SECDW to allow the definition of conflict of interest for the various elements of a multidimensional model. Our second contribution, at this level, is an approach to detect potential inferences from conception. Our approach is based on the class diagram of the power sources to detect inferences conceptual level. Note that prevention inferences at this level reduces the cost of administering the OLAP server used to manage access to a data warehouse. Finally, our third contribution to the design of a secure warehouse consists of rules for analyzing the consistency of authorizations modeled. As for safety operating level, we proposed: an architecture for enhancing the permissions for configuration, a method for the prevention of inferences, and a method to meet the constraints of additive measures. The proposed architecture adds to system access control, typically present in any secure DBMS, a module to prevent inferences. This takes our security methods against inferences and respect for additivity constraints. Our method of preventing inferences operates for both types of inferences: precise and partial. For accurate inferences, our method is based on Bayesian networks. It builds Bayesian networks corresponding to user queries using the MAX and MIN functions, and prohibits those that are likely to generate inferences. We proposed a set of definitions to translate the result of a query in Bayesian networks. Based on these definitions, we have developed algorithms for constructing Bayesian networks to prohibit those that are likely to generate inferences. In addition, to provide a reasonable response time needed to deal with the prevention treatment, we proposed a technique for predicting potential applications to prohibit. The technique is based on the frequency of inheritance queries to determine the most common query that could follow a request being processed. In addition to specific inferences (performed through queries using the MIN and MAX functions), our method is also facing partial inferences made through queries using the SUM function. Inspired by statistical techniques, our method relies on the distribution of data in the warehouse to decide to prohibit or allow the execution of queries ....

Insolvenční správce a jeho role v insolvenčním řízení / Insolvency administrator and his position in insolvency proceedings

Karcolová, Kornélia January 2011 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is an analysis of the insolvent administrator of the Institute in accordance with current legislation. The work is divided into 6 chapters: The first chapter with the name of the Institute of the insolvent person/Administrator- discussed sources of legislation and the conditions for the exercise of the functions of the insolvency administrator. The second chapter discussed of the performance of the insolvency administrator, primarily focuses on the provisions of the function. The third chapter defines the concepts of preliminary, separate the insolvent the administrator and guest. The core of the work - the fourth chapter is devoted to the rights and obligations of the insolvent the administrator in the performance of the function, first, in General, then, according to a specific solution. The fifth chapter is named the responsibility of the administrator, which is discussed in the chapter. The final, the sixth chapter is devoted to the remuneration and reimbursement of expenses of the insolvency administrator finished. In the focus is also on the comparison of the new legislation with the regulations referred to in ZKV.

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