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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Permission-based Email Marketing for Customer Engagement : A qualitative study on how email marketing and relational factors influence consumers' non-purchase behaviors

Mannelqvist, Anna, Mårtensson, Isak January 2022 (has links)
Email marketing is not a new concept within marketing, it has been used by companies as a cost-effective way to incentives purchases for decades. However, during the past few years, there was a shift in the way email can be used. Today, it is also a way for companies to directly communicate with customers and through it create more long-term customer relationships. Previous research within the subject has had a focus on examining the effect of email marketing on purchases. However, with the new additional email practices, which have emerged in recent years, there is the need for studying email marketing from the perspective of the consumer. Since there are several conceptualizations of email marketing, this study adopts the definition where consumers’ consent to receiving the emails is a must, in other words permission-based email marketing. In addition, the study examines the influence of permission-based email marketing on consumers’ behaviors that go beyond purchases, namely the non-purchase behaviors. Thus, the purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of how permission-based email marketing and relational factors influence consumers’ non-purchase behaviors. Moreover, the study aims to answer to the following research question: How does permission-based email marketing, aided by relational factors, influence consumers’ non-purchase behaviors? In order to answer the research question, a qualitative method was used, more specifically semi-structured interviews were conducted with young millennial consumers between the ages of 25 to 34. The results showed that different identified aspects of permission-based email marketing influence certain relational factors and ultimately the consumers’ engagement. However, a key factor is the consumer's own perception regarding what the emails from clothing retailers should contain in order to be relevant. Whether the email’s content is general or personalized, if the consumers perceive it as valuable and relevant, it will lead to increased customer satisfaction, perceived value, perceived brand competence, trust, commitment and loyalty. These relational factors can facilitate consumers’ non-purchase behaviors such as opening, reading, clicking on links and spreading positive word-of-mouth. However, the results also indicate factors, which contribute to less and more negative non-purchase behaviors. If consumers do not perceive to have given permission for receiving emails from a clothing retailer, they will respond by unsubscribing. Moreover, if consumers perceive to be receiving an excessive amount of emails, or if they deem the content irrelevant, they are more likely to delete, unsubscribe and spread negative word-of-mouth. The study resulted in a conceptual model, which illustrates the factors of both permission-based email marketing and relational factors and their influence on consumers’ non-purchase behaviors.

Vad som engagerar användare på Facebook : Vad gillar du och varför? En undersökning om användarnas krav på innehåll samt vad företag kan förvänta sig av sin marknadsföring i sociala medier. / What does engage users on Facebook

Aronsson, Linda January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att ge företag och organisationer kunskaper i hur de skapar relevant innehåll som intresserar deras kunder och hur de ska arbeta med sin marknadsföring på Facebook.  Metoder som används är en kvalitativ studie bestående av enskilda intervjuer med experter inom området för marknadsföring i sociala medier. Därtill har en kvantitativ studie genomförts för att mäta interaktionen på tre kommersiella Facebooksidor. Resultatet visar att det är viktigt att tänka efter vad som är målet och vilken utgång som marknadsföringen på Facebook kommer generera. Vidare är det inte ett ändamål i sig att få högt engagemang. Det krävs en kontinuerlig närvaro samt att företaget visar ett intresse och ger kunderna uppmärksamhet. Idag är användarna på Facebook mer anonyma än tidigare och det har blivit ovanligare att följa sidor. Att skapa innehåll som inbjuder till att samskapa och möjligheten att träffas utanför sociala medier visar på högt engagemang hos följarna i studiens kvantitativa undersökning. Implikationen är därför att användarna har blivit vana vid att innehållet riktas direkt till dem samt att det har hög kvalité och relevans. Innehåll utformas efter en specifik målgrupp som når dem vid rätt tidpunkt för att ge den ett så relevant innehåll som möjligt. Studien är begränsad till det sociala mediet Facebook och deras användare. Studien omfattar marknadsföring på Facebook via företagssidor. / Purpose – The purpose of this study is to give companies and organization's knowledge on how to create relevant content that interests their customers and how they can work with their marketing on Facebook.  Method – Methods used in this study are a qualitative study including interviews with experts in the field of marketing in social media. Furthermore, a quantitative study was made through measuring the interaction on three business sites on Facebook. Findings – Findings show that it is important to focus on the purpose and goal for the marketing, and what it will result in. Furthermore, it is not a goal itself to have high engagement. Today, the Facebook users are more anonymous online than earlier, and it has become unusual for them to follow a business site. Creating content that invites the users to co-create and to meet outside social media results in high interaction among the followers in the quantitative study. Lastly, continuous presence is required along with a genuine interest towards the costumers, and that the company gives their customer's attention. Implications – The implication is therefore that users have become more used to that content is directed directly towards them with a high quality and relevance. The content is designed for a specific target group that reaches them at the right time to give them as relevant content as possible. Limitations – The study is limited to the social media Facebook and its users. Furthermore, the study is focused towards marketing on Facebook for business sites.

非都市土地農牧用地變更審議制度之研究-以竹科宜蘭城南基地與清華大學宜蘭園區為例 / Study on examination institution in agricultural land conversion of non-urban land – cases of Yilan Science Park's Chengnan base and National Tsing Hua University's I-Lan campus

李漢煒 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來為配合重大建設之開發如設置科學園區、國立大學分部設校計畫等土地開發,政府機關多按區域計畫法第15條之2規定以申請開發許可方式辦理農地之變更使用。於是大批農地變更為建築用地、工業用地或特定目的事業用地使用之情形屢見不鮮。如此大型之開發案雖經整體規劃,但規劃過程中僅考量開發案基地內本身之條件,卻忽視對週遭之環境或相關計畫之協調與整合,以致於不僅造成農地大量流失外,亦對整體環境品質之維護造成嚴重影響。 目前非都市土地開發管理在實務操作的面向上,似呈現開發許可制度並未考慮區域計畫精神、制度設計未考慮層級、各層級計畫之間的指導或承接關係普遍存在欠缺適當的聯繫機制、個案變更審議過程中未與國土規劃相連結且易受到政治影響、涉及變更農地使用時僅針對個案審議未考量是否影響周邊環境、農業主管機關對於優良農地保護及審查機制不足、開發方式太縱容個案開發許可、僅有量之需求但無質之要求、民眾事先參與之管道欠缺等之缺點,均有待探討謀求解決之道。 本文以土地使用計畫審議之合理性為主軸,應用永續發展中環境、經濟和公平(environment, economy, and equity)三個E之概念與區域計畫法第15條之2於國土利用係屬適當而合理之原則,探討開發許可中,農牧用地變更審議之規範與執行情形及民眾參與之方式,並藉由對專家學者、當地居民、公部門與相關組織之深入訪談及個案綜合分析結果,加以檢視與研討,確認目前非都市土地農牧用地變更審議執行上遭遇之課題,最後針對各課題研提改善策略與配套措施,以供政府未來執行非都市土地農牧用地變更審議政策之參考,期能達到農地環境資源合理利用之目標。 / In recent years, for co-operating the development of significant construction, like establishment of science parks, the national university branch and so on, the Government applies for the development permission to change the farmland use according to article 15-2 in Regional Plan Act. Large quantities of farmland are often changed to construction land, industry land or special-purpose land. So large-scale land development cases are planned comprehensively, and conditions of developed land base are considered in the planning process. Actually, the coordination and conformity to the environment or related plan are neglected. This not only causes the massive lost farmland, but also influences maintenance of the overall environment quality seriously. At present, in the non-urban land development management in the practice operation, the spirit of regional plan is not considered in the development permission institution. The Government do not considered the levels in the institution design. It is short of the suitable link mechanism in the instruction or continuation between plans in various levels. In the examination process of land-change cases, the cases are not linked to the national land planning, and easily influenced by the political power. When involving the farmland conversion, only the case itself is examined, but the effects on the peripheral environment are not considered. The agricultural agency lacks the superior farmland protection and examination mechanism. In the development way, the Government too tolerates the case development permission, and only has demand of the quantity without request for the quality. Besides, public participation prior to examination process is lacked. Above shortcomings should be discussed and solved. This article takes the rationality of land use plan examination as the main axle. It applies the concepts of three Es including environment, economy, and equity in the sustainable development, and adopts the principle of suitable and reasonable national land use in article 15-2 in Regional Plan Act. It discusses the standards and the situations of examination in agricultural land conversion, and the way of public participation in development permission. According to the in-depth Interviews of experts, local residents, the government agency and related organization and the results of cases study, it inspects and confirms present layout problems of examination in agricultural land conversion of non-urban land. Finally, it proposes the improvement strategies and the coordinated measures for various problems to offer references to the governmental policy in the future for achieving the goal of the reasonable use of farmland environment resources.

混合雲之帳號與檔案內容權限管理與同步系統之實作-以Google Docs及Hadoop為例 / Developing account and file synchronization in hybrid cloud platform-on example of google docs, hadoop and local hosts

翁雋傑 Unknown Date (has links)
繼網際網路蓬勃發展後,人們的工作與生活更為便利。雲端運算問世之後,更多企業與個人將雲端運算做資料備份與發佈的平台。企業使用雲端的方式有以下三種:即公有雲、私有雲及混合雲。企業使用公有雲(Public Cloud)將服務與資料儲存交由雲端提供商託管,例如使用Google Docs、G-mail,以減少企業內部的成本。企業亦可建置私有雲(Private Cloud),以提供檔案備援與內部服務。另外,企業可結合公有雲與私有雲以構成混合雲(Hybrid Cloud),即使用公有雲儲存敏感度不高之資料並將敏感度較高的資料存至私有雲或本地端。 本研究將探討企業在使用混合雲時遇到的帳號以及檔案內容與授權問題,實作上公有雲應用服務以Google Docs為例、私有雲以Hadoop為例、本地端則以Linux-base電腦為例。本研究使用開放標準OpenID 與O’Auth達到對公有雲的帳號認證、檔案授權,以開發出一個跨本地端電腦或私有雲與公有雲帳號與檔案內容權限之管理與同步系統。本系統可解決在公有雲、私有雲與企業內部系統多重帳號的困擾與企業人員外部存取與內部存取時的權限不足或檔案版本不同的問題。 / Drawing on the rapidly growing Internet technology, people now work and live in a more convenient way. Due to the progress of cloud computing, more and more companies as well as people are using cloud computing as a platform in order to backup and publish data. There are three ways that how enterprises deploy cloud computing: public cloud, private cloud and hybrid cloud. In order to reduce costs, enterprises now days store their data using public cloud and entrust to the public cloud providers, such as using Google Docs, G-mail. Enterprises can also build private clouds to provide files and internal services backup. In addition, enterprises are able to combine public cloud and private cloud into hybrid cloud. We are used to store less sensitive data on the public cloud, while using private cloud or local storage to store highly sensitive data. This study aims to design a system that can solve the problems regarding authentication, file content synchronization and authorization, while enterprises benefit by using hybrid cloud storage. System is designed by taking Google Docs as an example for the public cloud, Hadoop as the example for private cloud, and Linux-base computer as an example for local storage. This research addresses the open standard, namely: “OpenID” and “O’Auth”, in order to solve data content and non-consistency permission between public cloud, private cloud and local hosts.

Obligation of negotiation and facultative arbitration as part of constitutional law content on collective negotiation / El deber de negociar y el arbitraje potestativo como parte del contenido del derecho constitucional de negociación colectiva

Boza Pró, Guillermo, Aguinaga Meza, Ernesto 10 April 2018 (has links)
This work studies constitutional bases of two essential institutions of Collective Labor Law: employer’s obligation to negotiate collectively and facultative arbitration. In relation to the first one, using tools provided bythe Theory of Law, it is argued that the section 28º of Peruvian Constitution establishes a collective negotiation concept as claim (not as permission) so, employers legal obligation of collective negotiation is constitutional. In theother hand, regarding facultative arbitration, it has constitutional support on state’s obligation to promote pacific ways to labor conflicts; even though, it is questioned that a «sub constitutional» rule has restrictively regulated this institution. / En este trabajo se estudian las bases constitucionales de dos instituciones centrales del derecho colectivo del trabajo: la obligación patronal de negociar colectivamente y el arbitraje potestativo. En lo que se refiere a la primera, utilizando las herramientas que proporciona la teoría del derecho, se sostiene que el artículo 28 de la Constitución consagra una concepción de la negociación colectiva como pretensión (y no como permiso), y por tanto, que es constitucional el deber legal de los empleadores de negociar colectivamente. En cuanto al segundo, se afirma que este encuentra sustento constitucional en la obligación estatal de promover formas pacíficas de solución de los conflictos laborales, aunque se cuestiona que la normativa infraconstitucional haya regulado esta institución de forma restrictiva.

Management kvality stavebního díla / Quality management of construction

Černý, Jaroslav January 2018 (has links)
Master thesis describes the basic concepts and principles of planning of the quality of the contruction project. The theoretical part describes the general quality management and quality management in the construction company. In the practical part is created an inspection and test plan for construction of the family house Skalice.

Právní aspekty realizace developerského projektu z pozice investora / Legal Aspects of a Residential Project Construction from the Point of View of an Investor

Vlk, Vojtěch January 2020 (has links)
Real estate development is an intersectoral discipline not only itself, but also in the field of law, because within it both public and private legal relationships are established. The aim of this work is to analyze the construction process of a residential project consisting of ten solitary family houses and related technical and transport infrastructure from a legal point of view. The emphasis will be placed on the analysis of legal risks that can arise for the investor in the various stages of realization of the construction project. The chapters will be sorted chronologically as the realization of the construction project takes place, from the selection of a suitable site to the issuance of the occupancy permit. The first part of the work is devoted to a legal audit of the land on which the construction project is to be carried out. Particular attention is paid to a public law restrictions, such as zoning or buffer zones, as well as risks arising from acquisition of ownership from a specific seller, such as the risk of unenforceability of a sales contract due to bankruptcy of the seller or voidability of the sales contract due to execution proceedings. The next chapters are devoted to the actual realization of the project. In third chapter I analyze the specifics of the developer's preliminary...

Řízení staveb z pohledu investora / Construction management from the investor's point of view

Gregorová, Lucie January 2022 (has links)
The main aim of the thesis is to introduce the reader to the issues of preparation and management of buildings from the perspective of the investor. The task of the thesis is to describe the course of individual phases of the project life cycle from the perspective of the investor and creat the relevant documentation for project management. The output of the thesis is a practical demostration of the above-mentioned issues on a real project for a specific client and an analysis of the planned and actual costs needed to ipmplement the project.

Secular Moral Reasoning and Consensus: Uncertainty or Nihilism?

Hluch, Aric January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Support consumers' rights in DRM : a secure and fair solution to digital license reselling over the Internet

Gaber, Tarek January 2012 (has links)
Consumers of digital contents are empowered with numerous technologies allowing them to produce perfect copies of these contents and distribute them around the world with little or no cost. To prevent illegal copying and distribution, a technology called Digital Rights Management (DRM) is developed. With this technology, consumers are allowed to access digital contents only if they have purchased the corresponding licenses from license issuers. The problem, however, is that those consumers are not allowed to resell their own licenses- a restriction that goes against the first-sale doctrine. Enabling a consumer to buy a digital license directly from another consumer and allowing the two consumers to fairly exchange the license for a payment are still an open issue in DRM research area. This thesis investigates existing security solutions for achieving digital license reselling and analyses their strengths and weaknesses. The thesis then proposes a novel Reselling Deal Signing (RDS) protocol to achieve fairness in a license reselling. The idea of the protocol is to integrate the features of the concurrent signature scheme with functionalities of a License Issuer (LI). The security properties of this protocol is informally analysed and then formally verified using ATL logic and the model checker MOCHA. To assess its performance, a prototype of the RDS protocol has been developed and a comparison with related protocols has been conducted. The thesis also introduces two novel digital tokens a Reselling Permission (RP) token and a Multiple Reselling Permission (MRP) token. The RP and MRP tokens are used to show whether a given license is single and multiple resalable, respectively. Moreover, the thesis proposes two novel methods supporting fair and secure digital license reselling. The first method is the Reselling Deal (RD) method which allows a license to be resold once. This method makes use of the existing distribution infrastructure, RP, License Revocation List (LRL), and three protocols: RDS protocol RD Activation (RDA) protocol, and RD Completion (RDC) protocol. The second method is a Multiple License Reselling (MLR) method enabling one license to be resold N times by N consumers. The thesis presents two variants of the MLR method: RRP-MR (Repeated RP-based Multi-Reselling) and HC-MR (Hash Chain-based Multi-Reselling). The RRP-MR method is designed such that a buyer can choose to either continue or stop a multi-reselling of a license. Like the RD method, the RRP-MR method makes use of RP, LI, LRL, and the RDS, RDA, and RDC protocols to achieve fair and secure reselling. The HC-MR method allows multiple resellings while keeping the overhead on LI at a minimum level and enable a buyer to check how many times a license can be further resold. To do so, the HC-MR utilises MRP and the hash chain cryptographic primitive along with LRL, LI and the RDS, RDA and RDC protocols. The analysis and the evaluation of these three methods have been conducted. While supporting the license reselling, the two methods are designed to prevent a reseller from (1) continuing using a resold license, (2) reselling a non-resalable license, and (3) reselling one license a unauthorised number of times. In addition, they enable content owners of resold contents to trace a buyer who has violated any of the usage rights of a license bought from a reseller. Moreover, the methods enable a buyer to verify whether a license he is about to buy is legitimate for re-sale. Furthermore, the two methods support market power where a reseller can maximise his profit and a buyer can minimise his cost in a reselling process. In comparison with related works, our solution does not make use of any trusted hardware device, thus it is more cost-effective, while satisfying the interests of both resellers and buyers, and protecting the content owner's rights.

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