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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

South latitude and household economic control by Peruvian women / Latitud sur y control económico del hogar por la mujer peruana

León, Federico 25 September 2017 (has links)
Southern women’s greater autonomy versus northern women’s more traditional submission to the husband were hypothesized in 1984 to explain variations in Peruvian women’s fertility desires. An analysis of data from Peru 2004-2008 Continuous Demographic and Family Health Survey supports this hypothesis by showing a significant north-to-south growth of women’s control upon husband’s income and, less consistently, household purchasing decisions. These relationships are not explained by variables also correlated with meridionality, such as aboriginal ethnicity, women’s material/informational power, age difference with the husband’s, or working for cash. Findings suggest new hypotheses, concerning the distribution of assertiveness and warmth in the Peruvian territory. / Mayor autonomía de la mujer sureña versus mayor sometimiento tradicional al marido por la norteña fueron conjeturados en 1984 para explicar variaciones en el deseo fecundatorio de las mujeres peruanas. Un análisis de datos de la Encuesta Demográfica y de Salud Familiar Continua Perú 2004-2008 apoya esta hipótesis al revelar un crecimiento significativo de norte a sur del control de la mujer sobre el ingreso del cónyuge y, menos consistentemente, las decisiones adquisitivas hogareñas. Estas relaciones no son explicadas por variables correlacionadas, como la etnicidad indígena, poder material/informacional de la mujer, diferencia de edad con el marido, o que trabaje por dinero. Los hallazgos sugieren nuevas hipótesis, sobre la distribución de la asertividad y la calidez en el territorio peruano.

Estudos de conservação de mandioquinha-salsa (Arracacia xanthorrhiza Bancroft.): efeitos da embalagem, radiação gama e temperatura de armazenamento / Conservation studies of peruvian carrot(Arracacia xanthorrhiza Bancroft.): effects of packaging, gamma radiation and storage temperature

Helena Pontes Chiebáo 09 December 2008 (has links)
A mandioquinha-salsa (Arracacia xanthorriza Bancroft.) é uma raiz tuberosa que apresenta um curto período de conservação pós-colheita, de 3 a 5 dias, devido a uma fitopatologia conhecida como apodrecimento-mole ou mela, causada por bactérias do gênero Erwinia. Essas bactérias liberam enzimas que degradam a pectina da parede celular, fazendo com que o tecido perca a sua rigidez característica. Atualmente, vários métodos de conservação têm sido estudados na tentativa de prolongar a conservação pós-colheita, porém, a combinação de processos parece ser a melhor alternativa. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a interação entre processos de conservação (refrigeração, embalagem a vácuo e irradiação) para estender o período pós-colheita das raízes. Foram estudadas a combinação de duas temperaturas (25°C e 4°C), duas embalagens (caixas e vácuo) e três doses de irradiação gama obtendo um total de 16 grupos. Estes foram analisados diariamente, por um período de 30 dias, utilizando parâmetros de textura (energia de penetração), microbiologia e atividade de enzimas pectinolíticas (pectato liase, poligalacturonase e pectinesterase). A exposição às doses de 2 e 3kGy, com as amostras conservadas a 4°C a vácuo, prolongaram o período de conservação de 5 para 28 dias, ocorrendo uma diminuição da população microbiana, porém havendo uma diminuição da rigidez das raízes (p<0,05). Os tratamentos afetaram o perfil de atividade das enzimas pectinolíticas, porém a grande dispersão dos resultados e o pequeno número de raízes analisadas por dia, além da complexidade dos fatores que afetam a atividade das enzimas e as múltiplas origens possíveis - endógenas, bacterianas ou fungicidas - limitam a discussão mais aprofundada dos resultados. / Peruvian carrot (Arracacia xanthorriza Bancroft.) is a tuber root that presents a short post-harvest period of conservation, 3 to 5 days, due to a phytopathology known as soft rot or \"mela\", caused by bacteria of the genus Erwinia. This bacteria release enzymes that decay the cellular wall, causing the lost of the characteristic rigidity. At present, many conservation methods have been studied in the attempt of prolonging the post harvest conservation, but the combination of processes seems to be the best alternative. The aim of this work was to study the interaction between the conservation processes (refrigeration, vacuum packaging and irradiation) to extend the post-harvest period of the roots. It was studied the combination of two temperatures (25°C e 4°C), with two packages (boxes and vacuum) and three gamma irradiation doses (1, 2 e 3kGy), obtaining a total of 16 sample groups. The samples were daily analized, for a 30 day period, using texture parameters (penetration energy), microbiology and pectinolitic enzymes activities (pectate lyase, polygalactunoronase and pectin methyl esterase). The samples irradiated in doses of 2 and 3kGy, vacuum packed and conserved at 4°C extend the post-harvest period of 5 to 28 days, with a decrease of the microbiologic population, but with decreased in the rigidity of the roots (p<0.05). The treatments affected the pectinolitic enzymes profile, however the amplitude of the results and the low number of analysed samples per day, besides the complexity of factors affecting the enzyme activity and the multiple possible sources(endogenous, bacterial or fungous), limits the carefully discussion of the results.

La función del cartel digital como medio de artivismo en la lucha feminista peruana del 2016 al 2020 / The function of the digital poster as a means of artivism in the Peruvian feminist struggle from 2016 to 2020

Ramírez Barrera, Rebeca Mihaela 09 July 2021 (has links)
La siguiente investigación tiene como objetivo estudiar la función del cartel digital como medio de artivismo en la lucha feminista peruana del 2016 al 2020. En consecuencia, la hipótesis sostiene que el cartel digital feminista tiene la responsabilidad social de informar y denunciar a través del diseño artivista que utiliza ciertos códigos y características como ilustración, color, tipografía, entre otros elementos gráficos representativos del movimiento.   La investigación se centró en el estudio cualitativo de catorce carteles oficiales escogidos en asambleas por colectivos feministas peruanos, utilizados en tres fechas representativas del movimiento feminista que se reiteran cada año; el 8 de marzo, día Internacional de la Mujer, en el mes de agosto la marcha Ni Una Menos y el 25 de noviembre, día Internacional de la Eliminación de la Violencia Contra la Mujer. Asimismo, los resultados obtenidos en el análisis visual fueron complementados con la realización de entrevistas a especialistas, y un cuestionario dirigido a mujeres segmentadas por ser el público objetivo de los colectivos feministas. Entre los principales resultados podemos encontrar que la representación de la mujer cumple un rol de suma importancia en el cartel, con el objetivo de conectar con las mujeres peruanas, además, existe una búsqueda consciente de representación sin importar la edad, etnia o sexualidad. También se logró evidenciar que el mensaje en los carteles tiene relación con el contexto político peruano que acontecen cerca de las fechas de las manifestaciones. Por último, se logró concluir que la función del cartel digital feminista no solo cumple con la responsabilidad social de informar y denunciar injusticias, sino también crear códigos visuales que consolidan y crean una identidad para el movimiento. / The following research aims to study the function of the digital poster as a means of artivism in the Peruvian feminist struggle from 2016 to 2020. Consequently, the hypothesis maintains that the feminist digital poster has the social responsibility to inform and denounce through artivist design that uses certain codes and characteristics such as illustration, color, typography, among other graphic elements representative of the movement. The research focused on the qualitative study of the category of official posters chosen in assemblies by Peruvian feminist collectives, used on three representative dates of the feminist movement that are repeated each year; on March 8, International Women's Day, in August the Ni Una Menos march and on November 25, International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Likewise, the results obtained in the visual analysis were complemented by conducting interviews with specialists, and a questionnaire directed at women who were segmented because they were the target audience of feminist groups. Among the main results we can find that the representation of women plays a very important role in the poster, with the aim of connecting with Peruvian women, in addition, there is a conscious search for representation regardless of age, ethnicity or sexuality. It was also possible to show that the message on the posters is related to the Peruvian political context that takes place near the dates of the demonstrations. Finally, it was concluded that the function of the feminist digital poster not only fulfills the social responsibility of informing and denouncing injustices, but also creating visual codes that consolidate and create an identity for the movement. / Trabajo de investigación

Influencia de la prensa escrita (Depor y El Bocón) en la construcción de la imagen de un futbolista. Caso: Paolo Guerrero / Influence of the written press in the construction of the image of a soccer player. Case: Paolo Guerrero

Castaños Sarmiento, María Milagros 28 November 2019 (has links)
Esta investigación tiene un doble propósito: por un lado, investigar y analizar la construcción de la imagen de Paolo Guerrero, actual capitán de la Selección Peruana de Fútbol, mediante el discurso periodístico de la prensa deportiva (Depor y El Bocón) durante el proceso de las Eliminatorias Rusia 2018. Y, por otro, la influencia de esta construcción mediática en los hinchas peruanos. Para ello, se tomaron como ejemplo tres partidos representativos en los cuales el delantero peruano logra anotar (Chile, Argentina y Colombia). Se proyecta que el discurso deportivo de la prensa escrita ha contribuido, positivamente, en la construcción de la imagen pública del futbolista. Lo que se intenta demostrar en este trabajo, es cuáles han sido los recursos discursivos para informar acerca de los goles de Paolo Guerrero y así, de la mano, cómo estas portadas y artículos han influido en la población para crear una imagen positiva del jugador. / This research has a double purpose: on the one hand, to investigate and analyze the construction of the image of Paolo Guerrero, current captain of the Peruvian National Soccer Team, through the journalistic discourse of the sports press (Depor and El Bocon) during the process of the Russia 2018 Qualifiers. And, on the other, the influence of this media construction on Peruvian fans. For this, three representative parties were taken as an example in which the Peruvian striker manages to score (Chile, Argentina and Colombia). It is projected that the sports discourse of the written press has contributed positively to the construction of the public image of the soccer player. What we try to demonstrate in this work, is what have been the discursive resources to inform about the goals of Paolo Guerrero and thus, hand in hand, how these covers and articles have influenced the population to create a positive image of the player. / Tesis

The Peruvian minstrel: an analysis of the representations of blackness in the performance of <em>El Negro Mama</em> from 1995 to 2016

Mosquera Rosado, Ana Lucía 22 March 2019 (has links)
Peruvian mass media has failed in addressing and representing the cultural and ethnic diversity of its country, as the presence and representation of ethnic minorities (indigenous and Afro-Peruvian) are almost exclusively reduced to the reproduction of stereotypes in comedy shows, in which they are often racialized and the target of offenses directly related with their ethnic identities. The analysis will focus on the figure of El Negro Mama, a very popular character in Peruvian television thought to be a portrait of the Afro-Peruvian population. Through the use of textual analysis, the paper will explore of this character in order to determine the performativity of blackness in national television and the use of racist discourses in the national media and their direct relation with the reproduction of stereotypes and racist language. The research, then, seeks to provide an analysis of the transformation of the discourses that this character produced to show the variations of the racist discourse affecting this ethnic group and the transformation of the portrayals and interactions of the character when publicly rejected by the Afro-Peruvian civil society.

Comparación de valores de C/R mínimo de la Norma Peruana E.030 para el Diseño Sismorresistente de edificios altos y su propuesta de modificación con sistema estructural núcleo rígido mediante análisis tiempo-historia en la ciudad de Lima

Quezada Ramos, Eder Nel, Serrano Arone, Yaneth 03 August 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación propone un procedimiento alternativo de análisis para edificios altos sobre la base de los requerimientos de la Norma Peruana E.030. Primero, se definen las configuraciones estructurales de los edificios a desarrollar, se delimita el número de edificios y la cantidad de niveles, así como el sistema estructural predominante. Luego, se precisan las características de los materiales, las cargas y las combinaciones. Los casos de estudio que se desarrollan se basan en edificaciones altas peruanas existentes como el Hotel Westin Libertador y el Banco de la Nación. Para la configuración estructural se utilizó el sistema estructural de núcleo rígido debido a su gran versatilidad y funcionalidad. Después, se describen los métodos de análisis de estructuras altas y se procede con el análisis de la verificación de derivas y realizar una comparación de la cortante en la base mediante el análisis estático, análisis dinámico modal espectral y análisis lineal tiempo historia. Para el análisis tiempo historia se emplearon cinco registros sísmicos peruanos, mientras que para el diseño de las placas de concreto armado se usó el análisis modal espectral. Asimismo, se analizaron los valores de los ratios de la cortante basal. Finalmente, se propuso un valor de C/R para cada tipo de edificación. / The present investigation proposes an alternative analysis procedure for tall buildings based on the requirements of Peruvian Standard E.030. First, the structural configurations of the buildings to be developed are defined, the number of buildings and the number of levels are delimited, as well as the predominant structural system. Then, the characteristics of the materials, loads and combinations are specified. The case studies that are carried out are based on existing Peruvian tall buildings such as the Westin Libertador Hotel and the Banco de la Nación. For the structural configuration, the rigid core structural system was used due to its great versatility and functionality. Afterwards, the methods of analysis of tall structures are described and we proceed with the analysis of the verification of drifts and make a comparison of the shear at the base using static analysis, dynamic spectral modal analysis and linear time history analysis. For the time-history analysis, five Peruvian seismic records were used, while the spectral modal analysis was used to design the reinforced concrete plates. Likewise, the values of the basal shear ratios were analyzed. Finally, a C / R value was proposed for each type of building. / Tesis

Proyecto Berthana Moda Sostenible / Project Berthana sustainable fashion

Berrocal Paredes, Karolay Franceska, Carreño Castillo, Meylin Silvana, Sanchez Bautista, Norka Rouskaya, Vasquez Rivas, Andrea Aymee, Zorrilla Huerta, Carmen Celeste 08 July 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación abarca distintos temas relacionados a cómo se llevará a cabo la formulación e implementación de la marca de moda sostenible, Berthana, que ofrece prendas de vestir exclusivas y elaboradas en base a materiales ecoamigables como el poliéster reciclado y el algodón orgánico en el mercado de Lima, Perú. El objetivo de este proyecto es presentar un modelo de negocio rentable que ofrezca a posibles inversionistas un plan de negocio sostenible. El trabajo de investigación comenzó con el proceso de ideación del proyecto, donde se describe el modelo de negocio. Luego, se realizó la validación del problema a través del desarrollo de experimentos. Posteriormente, se definió los segmentos de clientes, así como el tamaño de mercado frente a la solución propuesta. Después, se realizó el diseño y desarrollo del plan concierge que permitió elaborar la proyección de ventas, junto a otras variables, para los tres años que dura el proyecto. Con base en los resultados proyectados, se elaboró el Plan Estratégico, Plan de Operaciones, Plan de Recursos Humanos, Plan de Marketing y Plan de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial para el proyecto. Finalmente, la elaboración del Plan Financiero permitió conocer la factibilidad del proyecto a través del reconocimiento de las ventas proyectadas, inversión, costos, gastos y capital de trabajo. Fue fundamental, además, el apoyo en diferentes indicadores financieros y ratios para medir la efectividad de la administración de la empresa, para controlar los costos y gastos y, de esta manera, convertir ventas en ganancias para los accionistas. / This research work covers different topics related to how the formulation and implementation of the sustainable fashion brand, Berthana, will be carried out, offering exclusive clothing made from eco-friendly materials such as recycled polyester and organic cotton in Lima, Peru. The objective of this project is to present a profitable business model that offers to potential investors a sustainable business plan. The research work began with the project ideation process, where the business model was described. Then, the validation of the problem was carried out through the development of experiments. Subsequently, the customer segments were defined, as well as the size of the market compared to the proposed solution. Then it was made the design and development of the janitor plan that analyzed the preparation of sales projections, along with other variables, for the three years that the project lasts. Based on the projected results, it was prepared the Strategic Plan, Operations Plan, Human Resources Plan, Marketing Plan and Corporate Social Responsibility Plan for the project. Finally, the preparation of the Financial Plan would detect the feasibility of the project through the recognition of projected sales, investment, costs, expenses and working capital. In addition, we rely on different financial indicators and ratios to measure the transformation of the company's administration, to control costs and expenses and, in this way, convert sales into profits for shareholders. / Trabajo de investigación

Peruvian Pinnipeds as Archivists of ENSO Effects

Edwards, Mickie Rae 07 December 2018 (has links)
Environmental fluctuations in the eastern Pacific Ocean are reflected in the tissues of some of its most vulnerable apex predators, the Peruvian fur seal (PFS) Arctocephalus australis ssp.and the South American sea lion (SASL) Otaria byronia.These large pinnipeds live in sympatry along the Pacific coastline of South America and forage within the neritic waters over the continental shelf. The coastal waters off Peru are a region of great environmental fluctuations due to periodic, oscillating El Niño- La Niña- Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events, which result in ecosystem-wide food web changes. Pinniped vibrissae (whiskers) are continuously growing keratinous tissues and reflect the incorporation of prey from the region. Fine resolution sampling along their length provided trophic information on a weekly to monthly time scale over several years. Vibrissae were obtained from 2010-2016 from female (n=47), male (n=17) and newborn pup (n=6) fur seals and male (n=6) sea lions collected during pinniped rookery health assessments. Stable isotope ratios (δ13C and δ15N) in vibrissae infer temporal primary production and dietary variations in individuals. ENSO conditions were dictated by the sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) recordings from the Niño 1+2 Index region over 12 years. Fluctuations in vibrissae δ15N were correlated to varying SSTA readings (p15N (p15N signatures (p13C revealed minor fluctuations ranging from -18.13 to -13.17‰over the 12-year period, δ13C did reveal a significant depletion and enrichment oscillation during specific points in time, such as the 2014-2016 El Niño event, which ranged from -15.09 to -13.83‰(p=0.040). Stable isotope signatures varied between genders, but not by species. Female fur seal stable isotope signatures were significantly more depleted in both δ13C and δ15N than males (p13C and δ15N were inversely correlated to each other from 2014 to 2016; this was during the strongest El Nino-Southern Oscillation event on record (p=0.002). As δ13Csignatures became more enriched, δ15N signatures depleted from 2014 until 2016. This suggests that when ENSO warm phase conditions occur, the environments resources change in historic foraging grounds, possibly forcing pinnipeds to travel farther distances offshoreto forage or altering what they feed on throughout these stressful conditions.This study serves to help understand of the impact of oceanographic influences on these pinnipeds.ENSO conditions influence the trophic dynamics and resultant survival adaptations in both of these vulnerable Peruvian marine mammals.

El arte textil y la participación de la mujer tejedora

Molina Perez, Johana del Pilar 17 August 2021 (has links)
Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo principal analizar la participación de la mujer tejedora en el proceso de producción de arte textil en el Perú. Asimismo, busca analizar el contexto en el que se desarrolla esta labor, y por último comparar la contribución de los centros de emprendimiento y difusión entre Bolivia y el Perú, países con mayor actividad textil y contextos similares, y posteriormente, entre los principales departamentos del Perú con mayor cantidad de artesanos textiles. Para ello, se utilizaron métodos de investigación cuantitativos y cualitativos. En el primero, se recopiló información de tesis, diarios, e informes de instituciones públicas. Y, en el segundo, se realizó un análisis de manera descriptiva y evaluativa, a un grupo de tejedoras perteneciente a una ONG “Ayllu Ruwasunchis”, ubicada en Pachacámac, a través de una investigación de campo. Por último, se encontró que, en el Perú, las tejedoras se muestran como una incógnita para el consumidor final debido a la presencia de intermediarios. Estos se aprovechan de sus carencias y les proponen precios bajos para luego difundirlos en espacios lujosos, a un consumidor de nivel socioeconómico “A” a precios elevados. Por otro lado, los espacios para promover su emprendimiento y venta están centralizados en las regiones de Cusco y Puno, debido al su gran alcance de materia prima, artesanos textiles, y alto flujo turístico. Sin embargo, Huancavelica, el tercer departamento con mayor cantidad de artesanos, no cuenta con espacios emprendimiento permanentes para la promoción y desarrollo de sus capacidades, y tiene casi en su totalidad espacios de venta informales, y los que son formales se alejan del trato directo entre tejedora y consumidor final. / The main focus of this research is to analyze the participation of women weavers in the textile art production process in Peru. It also seeks to analyze the context in which this work is developed, and finally to compare the contribution of the centers of entrepreneurship and diffusion between Bolivia and Peru, countries with greater textile activity and similar contexts,and later, between the main departments of Peru with the greatest number of textile artisans. As well, quantitative, and qualitative research methods were used. At first, information was gathered from theses, newspapers, and reports from public institutions. And then, a descriptive and evaluative analysis was made of a group of weavers belonging to an NGO "Ayllu Ruwasunchis", located in Pachacámac, through field research. Finally, it was found that, in Peru, weavers are an unknown quantity for the final consumer due to the presence of intermediaries. These people take advantage of their shortcomings and propose low prices and then sell them in luxurious spaces to a consumer of socioeconomic level "A" at high prices. On the other hand, the spaces to promote their entrepreneurship and sale are centralized in Cusco and Puno, due to their large supply of raw materials, textile artisans, and high tourist flow. However, Huancavelica is the third department with the largest number of artisans and doesn’t have permanent spaces for the promotion and development of their skills, and only has informal sales spaces. / Trabajo de investigación

Perú, Ecuador y Bolivia : literatura anticlerical

Tucker, Mary Christine January 1976 (has links)
No description available.

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