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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hydrological shifts and the role of debris-covered glaciers in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru

Mateo, Emilio Ian 09 December 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Evaluation of Physicochemical Parameters in Two Different Ecosystems

Brekoski, Anna M. 12 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Economic Assimilation for Immigrants in Chile: An Employment Convergence Analysis

Long, Emily C 01 January 2016 (has links)
Blending migration studies and labor economics, this thesis explores the economic implications of immigrant assimilation in Chile by using probit models to test for employment convergence and labor market convergence between immigrant groups and native Chileans. Using census data from 1992 and 2002, we find significant differences in the employment and labor force participation rates for these demographic groups, affected by the immigrants’ gender, decade of arrival, and country of origin. We see evidence of the nascent care industry in Chile, as well as the implications of the Chilean visa system and employment contracts. Additionally, we see employment probabilities fall for all immigrants prior to the 1993-2002 cohort, due to differences in demographic characteristics and potentially due to labor market discrimination as well. Therefore, we recommend reevaluating and updating the existing Chilean migration legislation to adapt to changing trends, as well as further exploring the immigrant experience and their economic integration in Latin American countries specifically.

Svět amazonských čarodějů v próze Césara Calva / The world of the Amazonian magicians in the prose

Kovandová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
This work will consist of an analysis of the book The Three Halves of Ino Moxo and other wizards of the Amazon (Tres mitades de Ino Moxo y otros brujos amazónicos) written by the Peruvian writer César Calvo. It will mainly focus on the author's attempt to understand the different and wrongfully underestimated spiritual world of the Amazonian Indians. Firstly, it will briefly introduce the author and mention the situation in Peruvian literature of the time. It will then look at the context in Latin American literature and will point out the common aspects of the book with novels of the jungle, with indigenist literature, and with the novels of magic realism and marvelous real. The core of the work will lie in the interpretation of the text. It will try to answer the question on the genre of the book and will then define its composition. Of particular importance will be the chapter on style, which will analyse in details the lyrical character of this prose. It will give evidence of the frequent use of poetic figures in the book by presenting examples thereof. It will look at the way of creating time and space. The thematic analysis will capture particular topics from the viewpoint of the world of the Amazonian Indians by looking at the conception of its typical characters. The work will lead to an...

Desarrollo de un modelo de gestión de planeamiento y control de producción para las Mypes del sector hotelero de 2 y 3 estrellas de Lima Metropolitana

Chumbile Delgado, Carla Fiorella Milagros, Dill’erva Monroe, Marcos Glen 25 April 2019 (has links)
El presente proyecto de investigación se encuentra delimitado en el estudio de las Micro y pequeñas empresas limeñas dedicadas al servicio de alojamiento dentro de la categoría de Hoteles de 2 y 3 estrellas. Para ello se ha estudiado el contexto social y económico del estado Peruano, las micro empresas y el sector dedicado a actividades de alojamiento, a fin de entender la evolución del mercado hotelero en aspectos económicos, de formalidad, tiempo de vida, entre otros. La información obtenida por medio de papers, libros, revisas, así como entrevistas a profundidad realizada a los empresarios fue empleada para el diseño de un modelo de Gestión que permita formalizar y optimizar los procesos relacionados al Planeamiento y control de la producción que realizan estas empresas. Al tratarse de una empresa dedicada a brindar un bien intangible se entiende como Planeamiento y control de la producción al conjunto de actividades que se dan para obtener y aprovechar los recursos necesarios para brindar un óptimo servicio de alojamiento a los clientes. El proyecto esta conformado por cinco capítulos. El primero, abarca la mención de distintos estudios realizados por diversos autores con relación al mercado peruano, la gestión por procesos, micro y pequeñas empresas y el sector alojamiento ; así como la mención de casos de éxito de Modelos de gestión de procesos y Planeamiento y control de la producción implementados en otras empresas. En el segundo capítulo se investigó acerca de la situación actual del Perú, las micro y pequeñas empresas y el sector alojamiento y los cambios que han surgido en los últimos cinco años ; además, se evaluaron los resultados de las entrevistas a profundidad realizadas a los empresarios. En el tercero se diseño el Modelo de Gestión de Planeamiento y Control de la Producción de acuerdo a las necesidades encontradas en la investigación. En el cuarto capítulo se muestran las validaciones de cada capítulo así como las calificaciones y aportes que dieron disintos especialistas al Proyecto de Investigación. Por último, en el quinto capítulo se incluyeron a las conclusiones y recomendaciones más relevantes relacionadas a la investigación y al modelo propuesto. / The present research project is delimited in the study of the micro and small Lima companies dedicated to the accommodation service within the category of 2 and 3 star hotels. For this purpose, the social and economic context of the Peruvian state, micro enterprises and the sector dedicated to housing activities has been studied, in order to understand the evolution of the hotel market in economic aspects, of formality, life time, among others. The information obtained through papers, books, reviews, as well as in-depth interviews with businessmen was used to design a management model to formalize and optimize the processes related to Planning and control carried out by these companies. These companies are dedicated to providing an intangible for this reason the Planning and production control are the set of activities that are maken to obtain and take advantage of the resources necessary to provide an optimal hosting service to customers. The project is made up of five chapters. The first includes the mention of different studies carried out by different authors in relation to the Peruvian market, process management, micro and small companies and the housing sector; as well as the mention of successful cases of Process Management Models and Production Planning and Control implemented in other companies. The second chapter is about the current situation of Peru, micro and small enterprises and the housing sector and the changes that have arisen in this sector the last five years; In addition, the results of the in-depth interviews with businessmen were evaluated. In the third one, the Management Model of Production Planning and Control was designed according to the needs found in the investigation. In the fourth chapter the validations of each chapter as well as the qualifications and contributions that gave different specialists to the Research Project are shown. Finally, the fifth chapter included the most relevant conclusions and recommendations related to the research and the proposed model. / Tesis

Derechos reproductivos de las adolescentes en el Perú : Políticas públicas de planificación familiar, durante el gobierno de Alejandro Toledo,(2001-2006) / Sexual and reproductive rights of Peruvian adolescents in family planning : Policies during the government of Alejandro Toledo, 2001-2006

Andersson, Ivette Margarita January 2019 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this qualitative research has been to reflect on the public policies of reproductive health carried out in Peru during the government of Alejandro Toledo. The issue has also been analyzed from the feminist jurisprudence perspective in the context of how these political actions have fostered discrimination against women, especially adolescent girls. This study argues that of the Reproductive policies in Peru have lacked solidity and have been exposed to constant changes in orientation, whether influenced by the pressure of actors such as the Catholic Church, civilian organizations or through international treaties.   Keywords Reproductive health rights, Peruvian adolescents, public policies, family planning.

Uso tradicional de \"Potsotaroki\" (Trichilia pallida) e a confecção de artesanato em uma Comunidade Indígena Asháninka, nas Áreas Protegidas de Vilcabamba, Peru / Traditional use of \"Potsotaroki\" and handcraft making in the Asháninka Indigenous Community within Protected Areas of Vilcabamba, Peru

Cruzado, Giselle Melendez 23 March 2007 (has links)
No ano de 2003 formou-se na Amazônia peruana um sistema de Áreas Naturais Protegidas (ANP) constituído pelo Parque Nacional Otishi e as Reservas Comunais Indígenas Asháninka e Matsiguenga. A legalização desse sistema tem por finalidade tanto a conservação da diversidade de espécies de flora e fauna, quanto a conservação do patrimônio cultural presente no âmbito da Cordilheira de Vilcabamba. Selecionou-se para esse estudo a comunidade Camantavishi do grupo Asháninka pertencente à família etnolinguistica Arawak pré-andino, cuja terra localiza-se na parte baixa da Cordilheira, na área de amortecimento das ANP. Conseqüentemente as decisões tomadas nesta parte terão repercussão direta sobre as partes altas de Vilcabamba. Com a formação das ANP as Comunidades Indígenas encontram-se sobe a influência de inúmeros fatores que geram impactos que podem ser considerados positivos ou negativos. O primeiro capítulo descreve o nível de participação dos povos indígenas na gestão das ANP, verificando-se que existe o envolvimento por parte das autoridades representantes das comunidades. Como indicador dos impactos culturais que ocorrem no interior da unidade produtiva fez-se uso da caracterização das variações na produção artesanal decorrentes da inserção ao mercado. No segundo capítulo, aprofunda-se sobre as técnicas de aproveitamento e o manejo tradicional da espécie florestal Trichilia pallida e suas mudanças provenientes do contato com múltiplos fatores exógenos à cultura Asháninka. São apresentadas as principais características da espécie, obtidas através de dados secundários bem como de informações obtidas junto à Comunidade escolhida. Esse capítulo apresenta também resultados advindos do levantamento qualitativo com técnicas de observação participante e entrevistas parcialmente estruturadas realizadas junto a 30 mulheres e 11 homens que moram no núcleo de Camantavishi e 13 mulheres e 13 homens do centro Shima. / In the year 2003, a system of Protected Natural Areas was formed in the Peruvian Amazon (ANP) constituted by the National Park Otishi and the Indigenous Communal Reserves of two ethnic groups, Asháninka and Matsiguenga. The beginning of this system had the purpose of conserving the diversity of flora and fauna species, as well as the conservation of the living cultural patrimony in the area of Vilcabamba Mountain. The Asháninka group was selected for this study belonging to the Preandino Arawak etnolinguistic family. The land of this group is situated in the low region of the Mountain forming the buffer zone of ANP; consequently the exploitation of resources in these areas will have direct effect on the high lands of the Mountain. As a result of ANP formation, the Indigenous Communities have now the influence of a variety of factors that generate impacts that can be considered positive or negative. The first chapter describes the participation level of the Indigenous people in the ANP management, trying to check if there is an involvement of the representative authorities of the communities. As an indicator of cultural impacts that occur in the core of the productive unit, it was used the characterization of the variations in the handcrafts from the new processes that come from the contact with the market. In the second chapter describes deeply in the techniques of exploitation and the traditional handling of the forest species, Trichilia pallida and its changes preceding the contact with multiple exogenous factors from Asháninka culture. The main characteristics of the species are presented here, from secondary data as well as information from the Camantavishi Community. This chapter also presents results from the qualitative survey with techniques of participatory observation and partially structured interviews done with 30 women and 11 men who live in the nucleus of Camantavishi Community and 13 women and 13 men of the Shima center.

Avaliação dos sistemas de cultivos tradicionais de três etnias indígenas: Asháninka, Shipibo Conibo e Cashibo Cacataibo localizadas ao longo dos rios Purus, Ucayali e Aguaytía, região Ucayali - Peru / Of traditional cropping systems evaluation of three indigenous groups, Asháninka, Shipibo Conibo and Cashibo Cacataibo, located along the river Purus, Ucayali and Aguaytía, Ucayali region - Peru

Gálvez, Víctor Alán Ríos 16 May 2016 (has links)
O avanço dos sistemas agrícolas moderno-industriais sobre as áreas indígenas, a desvalorização dos sistemas de produção tradicionais e a descaracterização cultural das sociedades indígenas propicia a necessidade de conhecer as atividades agrícolas de etnias que ainda mantém sistemas tradicional de trabalho. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi descrever os sistemas de produção tradicionais indígenas de três etnias: Asháninka, Shipibo Conibo e Cashibo Cacataibo, localizadas na bacia do rio Purus, Ucayali e Aguaytía, pertencente à Amazônia peruana estado de Ucayali, Peru. Para avaliar os sistemas tradicionais de cultivo das três etnias e seus modos de vida e inter-relações, foi utilizada a metodologia de Diagnóstico e Desenho, desenvolvida pelo International Centre of Reserach on Agroforestry (ICRAF). Foi verificado que os sistemas tradicionais de cultivo são adaptados às condições locais, sendo praticados sob o regime hídrico natural de enchente e vazante (agricultura de várzea), assim como também a agricultura itinerante de derrubada e queima. Entre os principais cultivos no período de verão, época de menor precipitação (abril a setembro) quando ocorre a vazante dos rios, destacam-se o feijão, amendoim e melancia, enquanto banana, milho, mandioca, batata-doce, arroz e abacaxi são cultivados no período de inverno, época das chuvas (outubro a março). Além da agricultura, a atividade de caça, pesca artesanal e colheita de frutas nativas também são praticadas como um modo de subsistência. Foi concluído que, assim como os aspectos culturais, as atividades agrícolas também são distintas entre as etnias indígenas e portanto, o conhecimento tradicional deve ser valorizado de forma particular a cada etnia. / Due to the advance of the modern industrial agricultural systems over indigenous areas, to the devaluation of the traditional farming systems and to the cultural mischaracterization of indigenous communities, it is made necessary to know and to propose improvements to their agricultural practices. In that sense, this work describes the traditional indigenous farming systems of three ethnicities: Asháninka, Shipibo Konibo and Cashibo Cacataibo, placed at the basin of the rivers Purús, Ucayali and Aguaytía, which belong to the Peruvian Amazon in the state of Ucayali, Peru Republic. Besides the studied ethnicities, many others also live in the area. For the evaluation of the traditional farming systems of these ethnicities, the method employed has been the one developed by the International Centre of Research on Agroforestry (ICRAF) of Diagnose and Drawing. The traditional farming methods are adapted to the local conditions, are practiced under the natural water regime of flood and ebb (lowland agriculture), as well as deslocating agriculture. Among the cultivations of summer - season with less rain (between April and September) -, during the rivers ebb, the highlights are beans, peanuts and watermelon, while banana, corn, manioc, sweet potato, rice and pineapple are grown in winter time - rain season (from October to March). Besides agriculture, hunting activities, fishing and native fruits picking are also seen as survival skills in the forest. It was concluded that, as well as cultural aspects, agricultural activities are also distinct from the indigenous ethnic groups and therefore traditional knowledge should be valued in a particular way every ethnicity.

Uma contribuição ao estudo de acidentes fatais por queda de rochas: o caso da mineração peruana. / A contribuition to the study of fatal accidents by rocks falls: the case of peruvian mining.

Collantes Candia, Renan 26 July 2011 (has links)
A dependência de países em vias de desenvolvimento com relação às indústrias primárias como a mineração é evidente. Na economia peruana, aproximadamente, 6% do PIB e mais de 50% das exportações são provenientes desta atividade econômica, destacando sua posição competitiva no cenário mundial. A importância desta atividade aparece, também, quando o assunto em questão é a segurança do trabalho. Assim, embora nos últimos anos tenha-se percebido uma diminuição no número de acidentes na mineração peruana, a taxa de mortalidade ainda é alta quando comparada com outros países de tradição mineira, especialmente os mais desenvolvidos. No Peru, oficialmente, as causas fundamentais para a ocorrência de acidentes são atribuídas aos fatores pessoais e de trabalho, assim como às condições e aos atos inseguros. Nesse contexto, a identificação dessas causas, visando à proposta de soluções efetivas para melhor gerenciar os sistemas de segurança e de saúde na indústria da mineração, é muito importante. Esta tese estuda os acidentes por queda de rochas em minas subterrâneas do Peru. Para tal foi utilizado como fonte de informação primária o registro de acidentes fatais de 2007 em minas de médio e grande porte. Esse registro foi concedido pela Oficina de Fiscalización Minera del Organismo Superior de la Inversión en Energía y Minería del Peru (OSINERGMIN), órgão pertencente ao Ministério de Energía y Minas del Perú (MEM). O estudo mostra que a maioria dos acidentes fatais são provocados pela queda de rochas em escavações subterrâneas; assim, no período em estudo, este tipo de acidente representou 29,41% dos eventos. O estudo das características pessoais das vítimas mostra ainda que trabalhadores que desenvolvem funções de perfuração, preparação e instalação de suporte pós-desmonte tanto em frentes de lavra de produção quanto em escavações de desenvolvimento morrem por causa de traumatismos múltiplos e encefalo-cranianos severos. A maioria das vítimas pertencia a empresas mineiras terceirizadas. A partir do estudo das características pessoais das vítimas e utilizando os Métodos de Regressão Logística (MRL), propõe-se um modelo matemático para determinar a chance de se sofrer acidente por queda de rochas, em relação a outros tipos de acidentes. Os resultados mostram que trabalhadores que desempenham a função de ajudante, bem como trabalhadores com experiência de mais de três anos têm menos chance de sofrer acidentes por queda de rochas. Finalmente, foram identificados as causas fundamentais e imediatas dos acidentes estudados. Entre os fatores pessoais e de trabalho destacam-se o excesso de confiança e a supervisão deficiente como sendo as principais causas deste tipo de acidente. O estudo mostra também que o descumprimento de procedimentos operacionais e a presença de rochas soltas nas escavações constituem os principais tipos de atos e condições inseguras, respectivamente. / There are several evidences that developing countries depend on primary industries like mining. In fact about 6% of the Peruvian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 50% of exports are provided by mining. As well as in economy, mining has been strongly affecting the statistics concerning the safety in the workplace. Thus, although in recent years there was a decrease in the number of mining accidents in Peruvian mining, the fatality rate is still high compared to other traditional mining countries, especially the developed ones. In Peru, according to official statements, the primary causes of the accidents are attributed to personal and work factors, as well as unsafe conditions and acts. Based on this information, the identification of these causes, aiming the proposal of effective solutions to enhance safety and health management systems in mining becomes a very important issue. This thesis has studied the accidents caused by the fall of rocks in Peruvian underground mines, using as the main source of information about the fatalities occurred in 2007 in medium and large mines. This information was provided by the Oficina de Fiscalización Minera del Organismo Superior de la Inversión en Energía y Minería del Perú (OSINERGMIN), an agency under administration of the Ministry of Energy and Mines of Peru (MEM). The study shows that the majority of fatal accidents are caused by rock falls in underground excavations, and also that rock falls have accounted for 29.41% of all events during the studied period. Studying the personal characteristics of the victims also showed that the main victims are workers when they were developing drilling and preparation and installation of rock support activities in development areas as well as in production and excavations areas. The data showed that the majority died by severe multiple and cranial traumas and most of them were third part workers. From the study of the personal characteristics of victims and using the Methods of Logistic Regression (MLR), this research proposes a mathematical model to determine the chance of suffering an accident by rocks falls compared to other types of accidents. Also, the selected model showed that, from the statistical point of view, the experience in mining is the most representative variable and those workers having most of three years of experience have lower probability to suffer injuries by rock falls. Finally, the root and immediate causes of accidents were identified. Among personal and working factors the overconfidence and lack of supervision were respectively highlighted. The study also showed that non-complying operational procedures and the presence of loose rocks during the excavations are respectively the main types of unsafe acts and conditions.

Social route : Peruvian psychiatrists and the politics of mental health reform

Claux, Juan Alberto January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is about the prospect of change in the Peruvian mental health services system as seen through the lens of public psychiatry. It is based on the depiction of the work of psychiatrists in two of Lima's mental hospitals -Hospital Valdizán and Instituto Noguchi- and the projects of mental health services reform that I found in both of these institutions and an advocacy group sponsored by the Pan American Health Organisation. Ethnographic fieldwork was conducted from April 2012 to July 2013. I portray the current paradigm of care that dominates the public psychiatric sphere by describing the practice of specialists in outpatient consultations and hospitalisation wards. What I call the empirical model of psychiatry is an objectivistic, pharmaceuticalized, and top-down practice that finds its most augmented version in the wards. It loses sight of such therapeutic mandates as cultivating rapport, giving voice, and providing social support, elements that can be encountered in alternative paradigms of care that hold a marginal position in today's mental health system, such as the community mental health model that was developed in the 1980s at Instituto Noguchi and has progressively faded into near oblivion. The multiple inadequacies of treatment reviewed in this thesis, which are fuelled by a historical relegation of mental health policy in the country, speak of a psychiatry that is far from effectively improving the lives of service users. This was the greatest blind spot revealed by the mental health reform agenda; the need to improve psychiatry as a therapeutic practice was largely absent from reform discourse. Another important issue encountered was the failure of initiatives focused on training primary healthcare professionals in detecting and treating mental health problems (task-sharing). I argue that sustainable task-sharing strategies, added to comprehensive and locally-sensitive models of mental health services, should be explored. Finally, there is a paradox to be solved in relation to mental health governance in Peru. Psychiatry has hegemony; it owns the national institute of mental health and presides over the national mental health direction at the Ministry of Health. However, as a profession it has remained alienated from public health matters, absorbed in the daily practice of public hospitals and private practices. Mental health governance, then, needs to be balanced with the contribution of other professions and this is where the social route of the mental health system gains significance: anthropology has great potential to help develop a richer understanding of people's mental health and craft effective services in socially unequal and multicultural societies.

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