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Concentração, especialização e dinamismo da Indústria Petroquímica Brasileira no período de 1995 a 2005Costa, Fábio Heleno Mourão da 27 February 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-02-27 / FAPEAM - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas / The petrochemical industry occupies a special position in the national industry in face of his importance for the economical and productive development of the country and of the
areas where it settles. The reflections of this dissertation are centered in the analysis of the concentration process, specialization and dynamism on Brazilian petrochemical industry in the period of 1995 and 2005. The adopted methods were the normalized concentration index, location quotient and the shift-share. To test those empiric models the base of personal computer-data of RAIS it was used. The results indicate the areas that hold the Brazilian main petrochemicals poles (Camaçari-BA, ABC-SP and Triunfo-RS) presented
high agglomeration levels and specialization with tendency for geographical decentralization in the indicators. Tendency to the gathering and specialization of activities petrochemicals in other areas (especially Alagoas, Manaus and Rio de Janeiro), forming
local systems of production, due to the production of the basic raw material and of effects in chain originated by the specific economical activities of each area. It was also verified
that there was a slow dynamism of the petrochemical industry national, due to the combination of the structural and differential effects unfavorable, carting in competitive disadvantage. / A indústria petroquímica ocupa uma posição especial na indústria nacional em face de sua importância para o desenvolvimento econômico e produtivo do país e das regiões onde se instala. As reflexões desta dissertação se centram na análise do processo de concentração, especialização e dinamismo da indústria petroquímica brasileira no período de 1995 e 2005. Foram adotados os métodos do índice de concentração normalizado, quociente locacional e
o shift-share. Para testar esses modelos empíricos foi utilizada a base de micro-dados da RAIS. Os resultados indicam que as regiões que comportam os principais pólos petroquímicos do país (Camaçari-BA, ABC-SP e Triunfo-RS), apresentaram elevados
níveis de concentração e especialização com tendência para desconcentração geográfica nos indicadores. Tendência à aglomeração e especialização de atividades petroquímicas em
outras regiões (especialmente Alagoas, Manaus e Rio de Janeiro), formando sistemas locais de produção, por conta da produção da matéria-prima básica e de efeitos em cadeia
originados pelas atividades econômicas específicas de cada região. Verificou-se também que houve um lento dinamismo da indústria petroquímica nacional, por conta da combinação dos efeitos estrutural e diferencial desfavoráveis, acarretando em desvantagem competitiva.
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Integração vertical e incerteza: um estudo empírico com a indústria petroquímica nacional. / Vertical integration and uncertaintyMaria Margarete da Rocha 21 August 2002 (has links)
O objetivo principal da presente tese é realizar um estudo empírico acerca do efeito da incerteza sobre a forma de organização econômica da indústria petroquímica brasileira, que se caracteriza pela forte presença de integração vertical. Para tal, adotou-se como referencial teórico a Economia dos Custos de Transação (ECT). Inicialmente, foram desenvolvidos alguns conceitos e temas que seriam úteis à posterior construção de variáveis e ao próprio formato do exercício empírico. Desta forma, abordaram-se as principais visões da literatura para os conceitos de integração vertical e incerteza, assim como se apresentaram os principais pontos da ECT. O exercício empírico elaborado consistiu na realização de cross sections que visavam captar um retrato do desenho organizacional da indústria em tela em dois instantes: 1989 e 1999. O primeiro corresponde ao momento imediatamente anterior ao início de diversas transformações que iriam modificar o ambiente institucional no qual as empresas petroquímicas nacionais atuavam. Estes acontecimentos foram a abertura comercial do governo Collor, a privatização do setor e o Plano Real. O pressuposto assumido é que estas mudanças representaram um aumento permanente do grau de incerteza a que as empresas petroquímicas nacionais estavam sujeitas. A segunda cross section refere-se ao ano de 1999, dez anos após. As várias amostras constituídas foram compostas por transações envolvendo produtos petroquímicos. Dois grupos de transações foram construídos. O primeiro com transações entre petroquímicos de 1a geração e petroquímicos de 2a geração. O segundo com transações entre petroquímicos de forma geral, sem referência à posição exata na cadeia produtiva. O principal resultado obtido refere-se aos coeficientes estimados para variável representativa da incerteza. A despeito de todas as dificuldades relacionadas à mensuração deste conceito, a variável apresentou o comportamento previsto. Nas estatísticas descritivas, verificou-se um incremento da incerteza em 1999 relativamente a 1989. Nas regressões, os coeficientes estimados foram na maioria das vezes significantes e apresentaram o sinal esperado. Com relação aos demais resultados, observou-se que aqueles referentes a cross section de 1989 foram mais consistentes do que os da cross section de 1999, o que reforça o argumento de que o setor petroquímico nacional atravessa mudanças ainda não concluídas, razão pela qual não permitiram que um novo desenho de organização econômica fosse claramente estabelecido. / The main purpose of the present thesis is to perform an experimental study about the effect caused by uncertainty on the economic organization of the Brazilian petrochemical industry, which is characterized by a strong presence of vertical integration. For that, the Economy of Transaction Costs (ECT) was adopted as theoretical reference. Initially, some concepts and essays, that would be useful to the posterior variable construction and to the form of the experimental exercise, were developed. Thus, the main viewpoints in literature for the concepts of vertical integration and uncertainty, as the main topics of ECT presented, were discussed. The elaborated experimental exercise consisted in performing cross sections that aimed getting a picture of the organizational design of the industry in question in two different moments: 1989 and 1999. The first one corresponds to the moment immediately before the start of several changes that would alter the institutional environment in which the national petrochemical companies actuated. These happenings were the commercial opening of the Collor government, the privatization of this sector and the Real Plan. The assumed conjecture is that those changes represented a permanent increase of the uncertainty level to which the petrochemical industries were subject. The second cross section is related to 1999, ten years later. The several samples were composed by transactions involving petrochemical products. Two transaction groups were constituted. The first one comprises transactions between 1st and 2nd generation petrochemicals. The second one comprises transactions between general petrochemicals, with no reference to the exact position in the productive chain. The main result obtained refers to the estimated rate for the variable that represents uncertainty. In spite of all difficulties related to measuring this concept, the variable presented the foreseen behavior. In the descriptive statistics, it could be verified an increase of uncertainty in 1999 relatively to 1989. In the regressions, the estimated rates were most of the times significant and presented the expected sign. As for the further results, it was observed that those related to the cross section of 1989 were denser than those of the cross section of 1999, which reinforces the argument that the national petrochemical sector is going through changes not yet concluded, reason why a new design of economic organization has not been clearly established.
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Treatment Technology for VOC Emissions from Oil Refineries : Case study of measures taken to minimize VOC emissions at Swedish petrochemical companies to be appiled at Chineses RefineriesOdén, Hanna January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to give suggestions on what measures to take to improve the VOC emission situation in refineries in Tianjin, China, through existing technologies in refineries in Sweden. This has been done by identifying the main places of leakage in oil refineries in Sweden, identifying what VOC compounds are emitted from the plants and the amounts emitted, mapping out different measures taken by oil refineries in Sweden to minimize VOC emissions, evaluating the different measures and suggesting how to move forward with VOC control in Tianjin. Six case studies have been done in Sweden; at Preemraff Lysekil, Shell refinery in Gothenburg, Berg depot Statoil Sweden situated in Nacka, Nynas refinery situated in Nynäshamn, Scandinavian Tank Storage situated in Torshamnen and Oxelösund harbor. Two case studies at Chinese refineries were made, PetroChina Dagang Petrohemical Company and China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, Sinopec, Tianjin Branch, both situated in Tianjin Binhai New Area. Since the data retrieved from the Chinese refineries is insufficient to make a qualitative evaluation of the state of their VOC treatment it is not possible to propose measures for these two refineries. Instead this evaluation is focused on general problems and solutions at refineries and gives an idea of what can be done to improve the VOC emission situation at refineries. The report contains an evaluation of internal measures and technical solutions at Swedish refineries and other petrochemical companies. The evaluation is focused as much as possible on the Chinese situation. The technologies have been evaluated from an environmental, technical and economical point of view. This has resulted in recommendations for refineries that wish to enhance their VOC control. / Detta examensarbete har gjorts som en avslutande del i utbildningen Civilingenjör i Kemiteknik vid Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, Stockholm. Idén för arbetet introducerades av Östen Ekengren, IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet, och har utförts vid IVL:s kontor i Stockholm. Den har handletts från Institutionen för Industriell Ekologi, KTH. Oljeraffinaderier släpper ut stora mängder VOC. På grund av den stora produktionsskalan och fabriksområdets omfattning är det svårt att veta hur mycket och vad som släpps ut. Lättflyktiga organiska ämnen (Volatile organic compounds, VOC) är organiska föreningar som har ett tillräckligt högt ångtrycker för att förångas under normala förhållanden. Stora mängder VOC läcker från oljeraffinaderier varje år. Tianjin är en industristad med stora investeringar. På grund av den stora industriella aktiviteten i området är VOC-problemen stora. En av de stora utsläppsbovarna är den petrokemiska industrin. Tianjin Academy of Environmental Science (TAES) har frågat efter Svensk teknik att minimera VOC-utsläpp från petrokemisk industri. Målet med detta examensarbete är att ge förslag på vilka åtgärder som kan tas för att förbättra VOC-utsläppssituationen i raffinaderier i Kina genom befintlig teknik på Svenska raffinaderier. Detta har gjorts genom följande steg: Identifiera de största utsläppsområdena på oljeraffinaderier i Sverige Identifiera vilka VOC-föreningar som emitteras från raffinaderierna samt i vilken mängd. Kartlägga olika åtgärder vid oljeraffinaderier i Sverige och i Tianjin, Kina för VOC-utsläpp. Utvärdera de olika åtgärderna och föreslå hur man kan gå vidare med VOC-kontroll i Kina. Sex fallstudier har genomförts i Sverige; Preemraff Lysekil, Shell raffinaderi i Göteborg, Bergs depot Statoil Sweden i Nacka, Nynas refinery i Nynäshamn, Scandinavian Tank Storage i Torshmnen och Oxelösunds hamn, Oxelösund. Två fallstudier har genomförts vid Kinesiska raffinaderier; PetroChina Dagang Petrochemical Comapany och China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation, Sinopec, Tianjin Branch, båda placerade i Tianjin Binhai New Area. Eftersom otillräcklig data från de Kinesiska raffinaderierna har gjort det svårt att göra en kvalitativ utvärdering av hur långt de kommit i VOC-arbetet har det inte varit möjligt att föreslå åtgärder för dessa två raffinaderier specifikt. Istället har utvärderingen fokuserats på generella problem och lösningar vid raffinaderier och att ge en ide om vad som kan göras för att förbättra VOC-utsläppssituationen vid raffinaderier. VOC från oljeraffinaderier med traditionell aktivitet består i huvudsak av alkaner, alkener och aromater där alkaner utgör den största delen. Alla dessa tre grupper förekommer naturligt i råolja. Vilka föreningar som förekommer i VOC-plymen från en fabriksanläggning beror på vilken råolja som används, hur processen ser ut och vilka produkter som produceras. Sammansättningen av VOC-plymen varierar därför från raffinaderi till raffinaderi. De största emissionskällorna vid raffinaderier som producerar i första hand bensin och diesel är tankparkerna, speciellt under fyllning. Tankparker som innehåller råolja utgör den största emissionspunkten vid dessa raffinaderier. Den näst största källan är processområdet. Detta medför att tankparker och processområde är de områden där störst fokus på minimering skall ligga för raffinaderier med samma typ av verksamhet. Produktionen vid Nynas Refinery kräver en annan råolja Här är det processen som utgör den största utsläppskällan tillsammans med vattenrening. Uppvärmda bitumencisterner utan rening utgör också en stor utsläppspunkt. Eftersom processområdet och tankparkerna har många potentiella läckpunkter är det primära sättet att minimera VOC-utsläpp tätning och underhåll på hela fabriksområdet. Införandet av rutiner för detta har visat sig mycket effektivt speciellt vid Shell raffinaderi. En annan idé skulle kunna vara att inkludera VOC-utsläppsmätning i on-line system för produktkvalitet. Detta skulle medföra ett inbyggt VOC-kontrollsysem. Detta har inte gjorts än men det kan vara värt att ta en närmare titt på. Kina har stort fokus på luktkontroll. Detta är bara en liten del av VOC-problemet. Metan utgör en stor del av utsläppen från råoljecisterner, vilka är vanliga luktbovar. För att eliminera lukt är adsorbtion med aktivt kol effektivt. Filtret fångar däremot inte kortare kolkedjor som metan och etan. För att eliminera dessa är förbränning den enda lösningen. Ingen luktsanerningsmetod som presenteras i denna rapport genererar någon vinst för företagen. Gasåterföringsanläggningar (VRU) har visats vara en gynnsam metod för att behandla emissioner vid tankning. En snabb överslagsräkning baserat på den återförda mängden bensin och diesel vid Preemraff Lysekil 2008 ger en vinst på 0,9 – 1,3 miljoner Euro/år. En stor andel VOC förbränns i fackla på raffinaderier. Denna gas skulle kunna användas som bränngas eller för energiåtervinning. Penningvärdet på energin i gasen som facklas är stor. Genom att installera en kompressor kan gas som skulle facklas användas som bränngas i raffinaderierna istället. Båda de studerade raffinaderierna i Kina angav fackling som den primära VOC-åtgärden. Man kan därmed anta att stora mängder gas facklas där. Detta visar att det finns mycket att tjäna på att hitta alternativa sätt att använda gasen. Flyktiga utsläpp är en stor del av VOC-källorna vid oljeraffinaderier. Utsläppunkterna beror på typ av råolja, process och produkter. Varje raffinaderi ar unikt och måste därför mäta sin a utsläpp. Vid mätning av ett helt fabriksområde med Solar Occulation Flux-metoden, som är en on-lineteknik som mäter VOC-utsläpp i from av alkaner, fås en bild av totala utsläppen från hela fabriken. Detta är till stor hjälp vid identifiering av problemområden och behandling av dessa. När VOC-behandling skall påbörjas vid ett raffinaderi rekommenderas följande: Mätning av VOC över hela raffinaderiområdetAnvända on-lineteknik, så som SOF Identifiera sammansättning av plymen genom kanisterprov etc. Läcksökning / Underhåll Om följande tekniska lösningar går att applicera vid raffinaderiet föreslås det att de prioriteras. Införa VRU-anläggning Energiåtervinning (minimerad fackling) Införa kommunicerande kärl För fortsatt arbete rekommenderas följande. Undersöka om det finns intresse och möjlighet att införa on-line VOC-konrollsystem eller on-line konstrollsystem för produktkvalitet. Är det tekniskt möjligt och ekonomiskt hållbart? För att kunna utvärdera miljöpåverkan av NMVOC från oljeraffinaderier har en studie av effekterna från emissionerna från Preemraff Lysekil och Shell Göteborg gjorts genom att använda karakteriseringsdata från databaserna CLM2001 och EDIP97. Detta resulterade i ett värde som ger hur många gånger fler de två raffinaderierna per ton satsad råolja bidrar till ozonformationspotentialen och globala uppvärmningspotentialen i förhållande till årspersonsekvivalenten (vad en normalperson bidrar med per år). Det visade sig att de bidrar med mycket mindre än årspersonsekvialenten per ton råolja, 0,03 gåner för Preemraff och 0,02 gånger för Shell. Men med antalet ton råolja som processas per år i åtanke så blir oljeraffinaderierna en stor källa till miljöpåverkan. Toxicitetsvärdena visade att Shell hade mycket större andel toxiska utsläpp än Preemraff. I förbränning, som fackling, så förbränns VOC till CO2. Detta medför att VOC har en sekundär GWP. Om hänsyn tas till detta kan man se att den totala GWP av VOC främst utgörs av den sekundära effekten genom fackling. Denna utvärdering visar att miljöpåverkan är olika för olika raffinaderier, även de med samma typ av verksamhet.
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Organic acid coated magnetic nanparticles as adsorbent for organic pollutants in aqueous solution.Masuku, Makhosazana Nancy 03 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Chemistry Department, Faculty of Applied and Computer Sciences) Vaal University of Technology. / Benzene, toluene and xylene (BTX) are water pollutants that appear very often in chemical and petrochemical wastewaters due to gasoline leakage from storage tanks and pipelines. These BTX compounds can cause adverse health effects on humans even at very low concentrations. Amongst the available pollutant removal methods from wastewater, adsorption has been used due to its ease of operation, simplicity and cost-effectiveness. Different adsorbents have been used for BTX removal, however the use of Magnetite-organic acid composites as an adsorbent seems to offer a much cheaper alternative. This work seeks to develop a one-step microwave synthesis and optimization of magnetite-oleic (MNP-OA) and magnetite-palmitic (MNP-PA) acid) composites.
Response surface methodology was used to optimize the magnetite-organic acid composites. The optimum conditions estimated for MNP-OA acid composite were 78.3 % Fe content, 1561.9 S/cm conductivity, 82.2, 84.1, 85.3 mg/g for BTX adsorption capacity. The MNP-PA composite were 75.6 % Fe content, 1325.66 S/cm conductivity, 60.55, 64.47, 63.06 mg/g for BTX adsorption capacity. The materials were characterized, and the adsorption process was optimized for BTX removal from aqueous solution. X-ray analysis confirmed the formation of magnetite by the presence of both ferric and ferrous ion states on the surface. It was noted that after modification, the magnetite-organic acids characteristics peaks became broad and the height of the peaks decreased indicating that surface modification with organic acid controls the crystallinity of the material. The average cystalline size of MNP, MNP-OA, and MNP-PA composites were 19.7, 17.1 and 17.9 nm. FTIR analysis confirmed the target materials were produced and also to determine if the organic acids were imobilised on the surface of the magnetite. TEM images presented that the MNP, MNP-OA, and MNP-PA composites were spherical in shape with particle average sizes of 18.4 ± 0.5, 15.6 ± 0.5 and 16.5 ± 0.5 nm. The magnetite-organic acids show the particles with better isolated as compared to that of the MNP. The BET isotherms of the materials were described by a type IV characteristic related to uniform mesoporous materials. The magnetic saturation value for MNP, MNP-OA, and MNP-PA composites were 62.9, 59.0 and 51.0 emu/g. The decrease in magnetization was explained by the presence of the non-magnetic layer on magnetite surface. The pHpzc of MNP, MNP-OA, and MNP-PA composites were 6.9, 6.4 and 6.1. The decrease in pHpzc aftern modification was due to the charging acid-base interaction mechanism of metal oxide nanoparticles.
The optimum pH for the adsorption of BTX onto MNP, MNP-OA, and MNP-PA composites was determined to be pH 7 for benzene, pH 8 for toluene and xylene. Among the three pollutants, xylene had the highest adsorption capacity followed by toluene and benzene. The optimum adsorbent dose for the adsorbents for the adsorption process was 0.1 g/dm3. The effect of time on the uptake of BTX onto MNP, MNP-OA, and MNP-PA composites show that initial adsorption of BTX occured between 0 and 3 min of contact time. The effect of initial concentration results shows the initial concentration of BTX increases from 100 to 350 mg/dm3 with an increase in adsorption capacity. The results suggest that the adsorption process is controlled by concentration driving force. The experimental data was fitted to the pseudo-first and pseudo-second-order kinetic models for all adsorbents and all pollutants. The pseudo-second-order models showed good correlation as compared to the first-pseudo model. Desorption studies for benzene, toluene and xylene using the pure magnetite, magnetite-palmitic and magnetite oleic acid composites indicate adsorption mrchanism can be explained in relation to acid–base chemistry. Electron donation from the phenyl ring of each benzene, toluene and xylene compound to surface iron atoms of magnetite has been suggested. The CH3OH and H2O desorbing agents were used and regeneration using five cycles show that the percentage desorption decreses from Benzene < Toluene < Xylene. The reduction in adsorption capacity after the cycles are attributed to decomposition of the adsorbents active sites and mass loss of the sample.
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Advanced supply chain planning processes and decision support systems for large-scale petrochemical companiesLouw, Johannes Jacobus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Logistics))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Conventional supply chain integration concepts focus primarily on the internal and external integration of individual supply chains (can be viewed as intra-supply chain integration). Due to the highly integrated nature of petrochemical value chains, related supply chains should also be integrated by taking account of enterprise/industry-wide synergies and interdependencies (can be viewed as inter-supply chain integration). Inter-supply chain integration can typically develop along three dimensions:
- Upstream feed clusters (upstream in the chemical value chain)
- Downstream product clusters (downstream in the chemical value chain)
- Macro logistics network clusters (within and across related logistics networks for liquid bulk, dry bulk, packaged goods and gases)
This dissertation presents a generic framework of applicable intra- and inter-supply chain planning processes that supports related long- (strategic), medium- (tactical) and short-term (operational) supply chain decisions for large-scale petrochemical companies. This type of companies has to manage relative complex supply chains. Highly complex supply chains (due to an extensive product portfolio, supplier base, customer base, manufacturing processes, transportation, and management processes and systems) require far more advanced planning processes than simple supply chains. Advanced supply chain planning processes cover an extended supply chain scope, deal with longer time horizons, and utilize more sophisticated analytical techniques and decision support systems.
An extensive literature study, supplemented by empirical research in the South African petrochemical industry, provided the foundation for the advanced supply chain planning framework concluded in this dissertation. Semi-structured interviews and a questionnaire presented to an informed audience constitute the empirical research conducted. The related best practices, concepts, approaches followed, and level of advancement in three supply chain planning dimensions were derived.
To guide petrochemical companies along the planning advancement journey, the roadmap developed can be utilized for the application and implementation of the advanced supply chain planning framework. This roadmap articulates the advancement stages, dimensions, characteristics, and triggers to advance. Typical characteristics associated with the advancement stages and dimensions provide the means for a company to assess their level of progression. The essential mechanisms that can enable interventions are also articulated.
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A study on the listing of state owned enterprises as H share companies on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange with a case study on Shanghai Petrochemical.January 1998 (has links)
by Chu Chui Kuen, Leung Chi Ming Ludwig. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1998. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 138-141). / ABSTRACT --- p.ii / TABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.iii / LIST OF FIGURES --- p.viii / LIST OF TABLES --- p.ix / INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / Background --- p.1 / Objectives --- p.2 / Methodology --- p.3 / Chapter I --- THE PROBLEM OF STATE OWNED ENTERPRISES (SOES) --- p.4 / THE SOE REFORM --- p.6 / "First Stage, 1983" --- p.6 / "Second Stage, 1988" --- p.6 / Contract Responsibility System --- p.6 / Shareholding System --- p.7 / Relationship between Contract Responsibility System and Shareholding System --- p.9 / "Third Stage, 1989" --- p.10 / Mr. Deng visited the Southern part of China --- p.10 / The 15th Party Congress --- p.12 / Chapter II --- STOCK MARKET BACKGROUND --- p.14 / Chapter III --- LISTING CONSIDERATIONS --- p.16 / Advantages of the Listing Status --- p.16 / Benefits to the PRC Government- A strong support for the SOE Reform in PRC --- p.16 / Sources of Capital for State Development --- p.16 / Reduce the dependence of the SOEs on Government subsidies --- p.16 / Reduce the risk of bankruptcy of the SOEs --- p.17 / Better preservation of the state-owned assets --- p.17 / A means to cash in the share-holding of the state --- p.17 / The Benefits to the SOEs --- p.17 / Capital for initial business development --- p.18 / Channel for continuous fund-raising --- p.18 / Pressure for profitability --- p.18 / A channel for merger and acquisition --- p.18 / Publicity and credibility --- p.18 / The Choice of Stock Market --- p.19 / Domestic Markets- SHSE and SZSE --- p.19 / The Problems of Domestic Market --- p.20 / Problems with A-shares listing --- p.20 / Problems with B-shares listing --- p.27 / Low market capitalization --- p.27 / Low liquidity --- p.27 / Quota system --- p.27 / Inconvenient and time-consuming transactions --- p.28 / Poor information access --- p.28 / Poor market infrastructure --- p.28 / Overseas Market - N-shares and H-shares --- p.28 / Large market capitalization and High liquidity --- p.29 / Multiple channels for investors --- p.29 / High degree of internationalization --- p.29 / Strict listing requirement and highly regulated Environment --- p.29 / Widen sources of financing --- p.30 / Tax and other benefit --- p.30 / Hong Kong Market (H-shares) --- p.31 / International funds --- p.31 / "High liquidity, high trading volume and efficiency" --- p.32 / An efficient and well-regulated Market --- p.32 / Common cultural background --- p.32 / Chapter IV --- THE PROCEDURE FOR H-SHARE LISTING --- p.33 / Chapter V --- RESTRUCTURING --- p.36 / Formation of Company Limited for Listing --- p.36 / Restructuring --- p.36 / The Objectives --- p.36 / Clarify ownership structure --- p.36 / Organize related business --- p.37 / Improve management structure --- p.37 / Improve financial management --- p.37 / International alignment --- p.37 / The Process --- p.38 / Forms of Restructuring --- p.38 / Type I. The Single Enterprise Structure --- p.39 / Case Example: Chengdu Telecommunications Cable Co. Ltd --- p.40 / Type II. The Transformation Structure --- p.41 / Type III. The Group Holding Structure --- p.42 / Case Example: Beijing North Star --- p.44 / Type IV. The Spin Off Structure --- p.46 / Case Example: Guangzhou Shipyard International --- p.47 / The Structure After Listing --- p.48 / Employee share --- p.49 / The Central Issues in Restructuring --- p.51 / The Role of Supervisory Government Department /the Parent Holding Company --- p.52 / Under Central Economic in planning --- p.52 / After the Restructuring --- p.52 / The Role of SOEs as the Social Welfare Agents --- p.53 / Roles of the Communist Party and Employee Organizations --- p.54 / in the listed company --- p.54 / Entangled relationship with potential conflicts of interest (power) --- p.54 / Chapter VI --- ISSUES AND DIFFICULTIS IN LISTING --- p.57 / Quota System --- p.57 / Answering the Questions of HKSE --- p.58 / Restructuring --- p.58 / Unclear Company Structure and Ownership --- p.58 / Dependence on Parent Company --- p.58 / Selection of Business To Avoid Competition with the Parent Company --- p.59 / Social Burden --- p.59 / Handling of Debt --- p.59 / Accounting System --- p.60 / Fixed Asset --- p.60 / Cost of Inventory --- p.60 / Bad Debt Allowances --- p.60 / Triangle Debt --- p.61 / Legal Matters --- p.62 / Pricing of IPO --- p.62 / Setting the IPO Price --- p.62 / Business Nature of the Enterprise --- p.63 / Chapter VII --- AGENCY COST --- p.64 / The Presence of Agency Cost --- p.64 / Traditional Agency Cost before listing as H share --- p.65 / The improvement of H share in supervisory --- p.68 / "Representative of the shareholders, the board of directors" --- p.68 / and the supervisors committee --- p.68 / Responsibility of the board of directors to monitor the enterprise --- p.72 / Incentive system --- p.72 / "The ""A"" - shares" --- p.73 / The non-monetary benefit --- p.74 / Monitoring the management --- p.75 / The Independent non-executive directors --- p.76 / The supervisory committee --- p.77 / Social burden --- p.77 / Other benefit --- p.77 / Connected transaction --- p.78 / Further control on the agent --- p.79 / Chapter VIII --- TRANSACTION COST --- p.83 / Financing Means --- p.83 / Bank Loan --- p.83 / Listing as H share --- p.86 / Cost of listing --- p.86 / Other Cost for Listing --- p.89 / First time listing fee and Listing maintenance fee --- p.89 / "Auditing fee, printing charge and distribution of annual report " --- p.90 / Public Relation --- p.90 / Other charges --- p.91 / Chapter IX --- UNCERTAINTY --- p.92 / Uncertainty reduced --- p.92 / Source of Financing - Equity Financing --- p.92 / More Efficient and Effective Management --- p.92 / Preservation and Growth of State Assets --- p.93 / Reputation --- p.93 / Liquidity of Stock --- p.94 / Interest of Investors --- p.94 / Higher Autonomy --- p.94 / Uncertainty Not Reduced --- p.95 / Reliance on Parent Company --- p.95 / Foreign Currency --- p.95 / Separation of Government from the Enterprise --- p.95 / Appointment of Managers --- p.96 / Political and Economic Risk --- p.96 / New Uncertainty Introduced --- p.96 / Greater Exposure to Speculations of the Market --- p.96 / The Social Burden's Return --- p.97 / Chapter X --- CASE : SHANGHAI PETROCHEMICAL COMPANY LIMITED --- p.98 / Introduction --- p.98 / Background --- p.99 / The Ownership --- p.99 / State Control and Subsidies --- p.99 / Raw Materials Supplies --- p.100 / Sales and Marketing --- p.101 / Import and Foreign Exchange Restriction --- p.101 / "The ""Little Society´ح " --- p.102 / Financing History --- p.102 / Indebtedness --- p.104 / The Economic Reform --- p.105 / The Fundamental Changes --- p.105 / Restructuring --- p.105 / Solutions to Traditional Burdens --- p.108 / Financing --- p.112 / Share-issuing --- p.112 / Capital Structure --- p.113 / Corporate Management --- p.114 / Financial Performances --- p.114 / Tax Benefit --- p.115 / Corporate Strategy --- p.115 / Market-orientation - away from the planned economy --- p.115 / Management --- p.116 / Market Sensitivity --- p.116 / Cost Control --- p.118 / Debt Management --- p.118 / Business Development --- p.120 / The People --- p.121 / The Management --- p.121 / Employees --- p.124 / Issues Open to Questions --- p.126 / The Government as the Majority Shareholder --- p.126 / Complications in Ownership Relationship-The Majority Shareholder --- p.126 / Jinshan and the Company --- p.126 / The Role Conflicts --- p.128 / CONCLUSIONS --- p.131 / APPENDIXI THE BACKGROUND OF THE BEIJING NORTH STAR COMPANY LIMITED --- p.136 / BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.138
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Atenuação de hidrocarbonetos totais de petróleo e óleo presentes em borra de petróleo usando aglomerantes à base de cimento e argila organofílica. / Attenuation of total oil and oil hydrocarbons present in petroleum sludge using cement-based binders and organophilic clay.BANDEIRA, Adna de Alcântara e Souza. 15 October 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-10-15T23:53:48Z
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ADNA DE ALCÂNTARA E SOUZA BANDEIRA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEQ 2010..pdf: 10337833 bytes, checksum: 8e5aa72a95f83ae8223a787549af0b73 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-15T23:53:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
ADNA DE ALCÂNTARA E SOUZA BANDEIRA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEQ 2010..pdf: 10337833 bytes, checksum: 8e5aa72a95f83ae8223a787549af0b73 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010-11-30 / A indústria petrolífera tem se desenvolvido muito rapidamente nos últimos anos devido
aos avanços na descoberta e perfuração de poços cada vez mais profundos. Os resíduos
dessas indústrias são classificados pela Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas ABNT
(2004) como perigosos (Classe I). A Estabilização por Solidificação tem se
mostrado uma tecnologia eficiente e bastante utilizada para atenuar e tratar resíduos
perigosos além realizar o pré-tratamento dos resíduos antes da disposição em aterro
industrial. O objetivo principal desse trabalho foi atenuar Hidrocarbonetos Totais de
Petróleo e Óleos e Graxas presentes na borra oleosa de petróleo usando Estabilização
por Solidificação. Este trabalho foi realizado no Laboratório de Gestão Ambiental e
Tratamento de Resíduos que pertence à Unidade Acadêmica de Engenharia Química da
Universidade Federal de Campina Grande. Foi dividido em quatro etapas. Na primeira
etapa foi realizado o planejamento experimental. Foi utilizado o fatorial 22 com três
pontos centrais. Os fatores adotados foram percentual de borra (10, 15 e 20%) e
temperatura de cura (0, 20 e 40°C). Na segunda etapa foi feita a caracterização e
classificação da borra de petróleo. Na terceira etapa foi realizada a avaliação dos
materiais submetidos à estabilização por solidificação, utilizando uma mistura de
cimento Portland simples e argila organofílica como aglomerantes, usando critérios de
integridade/durabilidade e imobilização dos contaminantes. Na quarta etapa foi
realizada a análise estatística e o balanço de massa do processo. Com esse trabalho, foi
possível verificar que a capacidade de absorção de água nos corpos de prova influencia
na sua resistência à compressão e, posteriormente, na lixiviação. O teor de óleos e
graxas na borra de petróleo é um indicativo de contaminação. Com o tratamento,
conseguiu-se uma redução de 86,7% no teor de óleos e graxas, mostrando que a
Estabilização por Solidificação pode ser aplicada como pré-tratamento de resíduos
perigosos antes de serem dispostos adequadamente em aterros sanitários industriais e/ou como forma de efetuar a atenuação dos contaminantes. Observou-se também que a
temperatura não influenciou no processo e que apenas a percentagem de borra pode
influenciar nos resultados de óleos e graxas. / The oil industry has developed very rapidly in recent years due to advances in the
discovery and drilling wells deeper and deeper. Waste is classified by the Brazilian
Association of Technical Standards (ABNT, 2004) as hazardous (Class I). The
stabilization by solidification technology has proved an effective and widely used to
alleviate and treat hazardous waste in addition carry out pre-treat waste before disposal
in landfill. The main objective of this study was to soften Total Petroleum
Hydrocarbons and oils/greases present in oily sludge using oil stabilization by
solidification. This work was performed at the Laboratory of Environmental
Management and Waste belonging to the Academic Department of Chemical
Engineering, Federal University of Campina Grande. It was divided into four stages. In
the first stage we carried out the experimental design. We used the 2 factorial with
three central points. The factors used were the percentage of sludge (10, 15 and 20%)
and curing temperature (0, 20 and 40 0 C). The second step was the characterization and
classification of oil sludge. The third step was performed to evaluate the materials
submitted to the stabilization by solidification using a simple mixture of Portland
cement and organoclay as binders, using criteria of integrity/durability and
immobilization of contaminants. The fourth stage was performed statistical analysis and
mass balance of the process. With this work, we observed that the capacity of water
absorption in the specimens influences the compressive strength and the later leaching.
The content of oils and greases in the oil sludge is an indicator of contamination. With
treatment, achieved a reduction of 86.7% in the concentration of oils and greases,
showing that the stabilization by solidification can be applied as a pretreatment of
hazardous waste before being appropriately disposed of in landfills and industrial and/or
as how to make the attenuation of contaminants. We also observed that the temperature
did not influence the process and that only the percentage of sludge can influence the
results of oils and greases.
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Prix des matières premières dans le domaine automobile : une analyse économétrique de la dynamique du prix des plastiques / Feedstock prices in the automotive industry : an econometric analysis of plastic price dynamicsCremaschi, Damien 20 November 2012
Le secteur automobile est de plus en plus dépendant aux matières plastiques dont le niveau et la volatilité des prix ont fortement augmenté au cours des dix dernières années, sous l’effet supposé des variations du prix du pétrole qui est le principal input nécessaire à leur fabrication. La thèse vise à fournir des outils économétriques permettant d’analyser et gérer le risque de variations des prix des principales matières plastiques utilisées dans l’industrie automobile. À l’aide des méthodologies de cointégration, nous montrons que les relations d’équilibre de long terme et les dynamiques de court terme mettent en évidence un mécanisme de transmission des variations des coûts de production sur le prix des plastiques situés en aval du processus productif. L’existence de relations de cointégration significatives entre les prix pétrochimiques et pétroliers justifie l’élaboration de stratégies de couverture contre les variations des coûts de production et l’estimation de modèles à correction d’erreur qui permettent d’affiner les prévisions des prix. / The automotive industry is increasingly dependent on plastic materials whose price level and volatility have risen sharply over the past decade due to the assumed effect of fluctuations in crude oil prices, which is the key feedstock in the production of final products such as plastics. This thesis aims to provide econometric tools to analyze, understand, and manage the risk of price volatility of major plastics materials consumed in the automotive industry. Using the cointegration methodology, we show that long-term equilibrium relationship and short-term dynamics reveal the transmission mechanism of input prices changes from the upstream market to the prices of plastics materials on the downstream market. The significant cointegration relationships between petrochemical and crude oil prices justify the development of hedging strategies against inputs prices fluctuation and the estimation of error correction models that should produce better prices forecast.
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Optimalizace tvaru háků v pecích petrochemického průmyslu / Optimalization of hanger design in petrochemical industryHorsák, Libor January 2010 (has links)
Master’s thesis, „Optimization of hanger design in petrochemical industry heaters”, describes a procedure and means, leading to better hanger design in various cases. The thesis describes several problems which are necessary to be solved in hanger design. Technical expertise is executed on hangers of various designs. The procedure of optimization is shown on one chosen hanger design.
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Influência de efluentes domésticos e petroquímicos em sedimentos e carapaças de foraminíferos do Canal de São Sebastião, SP / Influence of domestic and petrochemical sewage in tests of foraminifera and sediments of the São Sebastião Channel, SPGubitoso, Silas 23 April 2010 (has links)
O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a influência de esgotos domésticos e petroquímicos, dispostos por via de emissário submarino, nas composições físico-químicas e microbiológicas da coluna dágua e na geoquímica dos sedimentos, bem como investigar uma possível relação entre o meio e a composição química das carapaças do foraminífero Ammonia tepida. Para atingir tal objetivo foram coletadas 10 amostras de água e de sedimento superficial, no entorno dos emissários do Araçá e do Terminal Petrolífero Almirante Barroso (TEBAR), além de um ponto controle, no canal de São Sebastião, SP, em março e abril de 2007. Em cada amostra de água foram realizadas análises físico-químicas e microbiológicas. Nos sedimentos, foram realizadas análises granulométricas e geoquímicas (macronutrientes, elementos maiores e traços). Do sedimento, carapaças coradas (indivíduos vivos) e não coradas (mortos) de A. tepida foram triadas e analisadas em espectrômetros de energia dispersiva (MEV-EDS) e de emissão atômica (ICP-OES) para análise química dos elementostraços. Os resultados das análises físico-químicas e microbiológicas da água, indicaram que a coluna dágua não estava contaminada, no momento da amostragem, pois todos os valores obtidos estavam dentro dos limites exigidos pela resolução do CONAMA, nº 357/2005. Os resultados granulométricos mostraram que o sedimento é litoclástico e mais psamítico no Araçá, e mais pelítico, no TEBAR. Já os dados geoquímicos de carbono orgânico, nitrogênio, enxofre e fósforo revelaram que ambas as regiões são propícias ao enriquecimento desses elementos. A concentração de elementos-traço, na maioria dos pontos estudados, nas duas áreas, quando comparada aos valores guia de causaefeito, não foi considerada tóxica para a biota marinha. Contudo, foi observado enriquecimento significativo de cádmio, em certas áreas no Araçá, e de bário, no TEBAR. A concentração deste último elemento, provavelmente, está relacionada à água de produção do terminal. Os elementos-traço das carapaças de A. tepida coradas, em ambos os emissários, apresentaram maior número de correlações significativas com o sedimento, sugerindo que carapaças de foraminíferos mortos estão mais susceptíveis ao viés dos processos diagenéticos. No TEBAR, foram observadas correlações significativas positivas entre os teores de Co, Cr, Mn e Pb nos sedimentos e os elementos-traço das carapaças coradas. Já no Araçá, somente os teores de Cr correlacionaram-se positiva e significativamente aos teores encontrados nas carapaças coradas. Isto corrobora com a influência da composição do sedimento nas reações intracelulares dos foraminíferos, refletidas na construção do exoesqueleto. Diante do exposto, os resultados deste estudo trouxeram luz a novas questões que permitiram inferir que a auto-depuração da água do mar, em ambas as regiões, e a estação de tratamento de efluentes, no TEBAR, não se revelaram eficientes na diluição e/ou remoção do conteúdo de nutrientes, matéria orgânica e elementos maiores e traço. / The goal of this study was to evaluate the influence of domestic and petrochemical sewage, discharged through a submarine sewage outfall, on the physicochemical and microbiological composition of the water column and the geochemistry of sediments. As well as to investigate a possible relationship between the environment and the chemical composition of Ammonia tepida foraminifer\'s tests. The area where this study was focused on two sewage emissaries: Araçá and Almirante Barroso Petroliferous Terminal (TEBAR), both located in São Sebastião Channel, São Paulo, Brazil. To achieve this goal, 10 water and bottom sediments samples in in March and April of 2007 were collected form each outfall. A background sample also collected as a control. For each water sample physicochemical and microbiological analyses were carried out and, in the sediments, grainsize and geochemical (macronutrients, major and trace elements) were analyzed. Trace elements found in the tests of stained (live) and unstained (dead) Ammonia tepida were identified by scanning electron microscopy using energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) and by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The analysis of the water samples showed that the water column was not contaminated. All the concentrations obtained were in accordance with the National Environmental Council (CONAMA) limits. Grain size analysis, demonstrated that the sediments are of terriginous origin, being mainly psamitic in Araçá and mainly pelitic in TEBAR. The geochemical data of organic Carbon, Nitrogen, Sulphur and Phosphorus revealed that both regions are susceptible to enrichment in these elements. In both areas, the concentration of trace elements, when compared to quality guideline values, was not considered toxic for marine life. However, significative enrichment in Cadmium in certain areas of Araçá and Barium in TEBAR. The latter is probably related to the terminal\'s water production. In both outfalls, it was observed a significant correlation between the trace elements in the live A. tepida\'s tests and the sediment, which suggests that the dead foraminifera are more susceptible to diagenical bias. In TEBAR the correlations observed were significative and positive among the elements Co, Cr, Mn and Pb present in the sediments and the trace elements of the stained tests. In the Araçá outfall, only the Cr levels correlate significative and positively with the levels found in the tinged tests. This shows that sediment composition influences the intracelular reactions in the forminifera, which reflected in the exoskeleton\'s building. Given the above, the results of this study brought up new questions that allowed to infer that sea water depuration at both outfalls, as well as at sewage treatment plant, in TEBAR was not sufficient to dilute and/or remove the nutrient content, the organic matter and major and trace elements of the sewage.
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