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Estudo hidrogeoquímico, sedimentológicos e dos foraminíferos de áreas submetidas a esgotos domésticos e petroquímicos do canal de São Sebastião, SPAndreia Cristiane Teodoro 12 September 2011 (has links)
O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar a influência da disposição oceânica de esgotos domésticos e petroquímicos na coluna d\'água, nos sedimentos e nas associações de foraminíferos bentônicos. Para atingir tal objetivo foram coletadas amostras próximo aos emissários do Araçá, do Saco da Capela e do Terminal Petrolífero Almirante Barroso (TEBAR), em 2005 e 2006. Coletou-se também 10 amostras ao longo do Canal de São Sebastião, SP, em 2008. Em cada ponto amostral foram obtidos dados físico-químicos da coluna d\'água, sedimentológicos (granulometria, Cot, N, P e S) e das associações de foraminíferos. As biocenoses e tanatocenoses foram estudadas separadamente. Os resultados das análises hidrogeoquímicas não demonstraram alterações de origem antrópica. Os valores de todos os parâmetros analisados estiveram dentro dos limites estabelecidos pelo CONAMA. Os resultados das análises granulométricas e geoquímicas indicaram dois setores distintos no Canal de São Sebastião, um na região norte, com sedimentos arenosos e teores baixos de Cot, N, P e S e outro na região central, com predominância de sedimentos finos e teores elevados Cot, N, P e S. Na região central verificou-se abundância significativa de espécies euribiontes. Segundo os resultados granulométricos e geoquímicos obtidos para a região do Saco da Capela, o estresse ambiental decorrente do esgoto disposto ocorre de forma pontual, i.e. na saída do emissário submarino. As associações de foraminíferos são compostas predominantemente por espécies típicas de ambientes bem oxigenados. O emissário do Araçá está posicionado em região com circulação de fundo oscilando entre moderada e fraca. Os resultados geoquímicos indicaram enriquecimento orgânico, decorrente do efluente disposto, na região nordeste. Nesta região foram obtidas as maiores abundâncias de espécies euribiontes, com declínio de espécies estenobióticas. Pelas tanatocenoses de Setembro de 2006, constatou-se grau elevado de estresse na saída do emissário (estação Ar1), onde ocorreu dominância de foraminíf eros aglutinantes, sendo observados sinais de dissolução em espécimes hialinos. A região circundante ao emissário do TEBAR é a que apresenta maior nível de degradação ambiental. Nesta região os sedimentos são predominantemente lamosos, com elevados teores de Cot, N, P e S. As condições redutoras dos sedimentos de fundo são observadas pelos valores negativos de Eh, pelo valor levemente ácido de pH e pelos valores baixos das razões C/S. As associações de foraminíferos são compostas dominantemente por espécies bioindicadoras de ambientes hipóxicos. Os estudos comparativos (NMDS, MANOVA e teste t) evidenciaram diferenças significativas nas estruturas composicionais quando as biocenoses e tanatocenoses são comparadas entre si, bem como quando as biocenoses são comparadas com as tanatocenoses. Pelos resultados obtidos verificou-se que as interpretações seriam diferentes das obtidas, caso os estudos de avaliação ambiental fossem realizados com a associação total de foraminíferos (vivos + mortos). Palavras-chave: emissário submarino, esgotos domésticos, esgotos petroquímico / The influence of oceanic disposal of domestic and petrochemical effluents on physicochemical parameters of the water column, geochemistry of sediments and foraminiferal assemblages was assessed in this study. Water and sediment samples were collected near Araçá, Saco da Capela and Almirante Barroso Terminal Petroliferous (TEBAR) outfalls, in the São Sebastião Channel, São Paulo, Brazil, in 2005 and 2006. Ten other samples distributed along the channel were collected in 2008. For each water sample physicochemistry analyses were carried out. In the sediments, grain size, geochemistry (TOC, N, P and S) and foraminiferal co mposition were analyzed. Live and dead benthic foraminiferal composition and distribution were studied separately. The water column analyses did not demonstrate human-induced changes. The values of almost all parameters were within the National Environmental Council (CONAMA) limits. Grain size analysis and geochemistry results indicated two different morphosedimentary sectors in the São Sebastião Channel, one in the north with sandy sediments and low TOC, N, P and S, and the other in the central region wit h predominantly fine sediments, significant nutrient, TOC and S values. The Saco da Capela submarine outfall is positioned in high hydrodynamic environment. Geochemical results indicated that the environmental stress occurs only at the outfall end (station Ar1). The foraminiferal assemblage is composed of species typical of well-oxygenated bottom waters and low organic content. The Araçá submarine outfall is located in an area with moderate to weak bottom circulation. Organic enrichment due the domestic effluent disposal was observed in the southeast and northeast area, mainly by P and S and, to a lesser extent, by TOC values. In these regions opportunistic foraminiferal species dominate and stenobiotic species are absent or present in diminished values. The highest level of environmental degradation was registered in September, 2006, when dominance of agglutinated shells and signals of dissolution in hyaline shells were observed in the thanatocenosis. The area around TEBAR diffusers presents high levels of environmental stress. In this area, characterized by muddy sediments, the highest TOC, N, P and S contents were registered in all the periods were found. Reducing conditions in the region are demonstrated by values of Eh, acid pH and low C/S ratios. In the foraminiferal assemblage, environmental degradation was inferred by the dominance hypoxic species. Comparative studies (NMDS, MANOVA and t test) indicated significant differences in foraminiferal composition among biocenosis, among thanatocenosis and between biocenosis and thanatocenosis. These results demonstrate that biocenosis and thanatocenosis must be studied separately.
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進口救濟機制-以石化業為例 / Import Relief - Petrochemical Industry方啟興, Fang, Chi Sing Unknown Date (has links)
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跨國專案管理經營策略之研究-以某煉油石化工程公司為例 / Operating strategy study on "transnational project management"楊文輝 Unknown Date (has links)
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Protective Liberalization : the state and the Mexican petrochemical industry 1958-2000Vila Freyer, Ana Beatriz 12 1900 (has links)
This thesis follows and analyses the involvement of both social actors and the state in the industrial transformation of Mexico. While these actors have been key associates in the development of the Mexican economy for decades, with the 1982 debt crisis, and especially after the promotion of a structural reform in 1986, the patterns of their involvement changed. However, this change was more limited than expected, and the state did not abandon its participation in some key industrial sectors. This thesis will demonstrate that the role of the state remained important during the process of change towards an Export-Oriented developmental paradigm, although the state continued to participate in fashioning social relations, it did so in new ways that can be termed “protective liberalization.” / Cette thèse évalue et analyse la participation des acteurs sociaux et de l'État dans la transformation industrielle du Mexique. Alors que durant plusieurs décennies ces acteurs on été des partenaires stratégiques dans le développement de l’économie mexicaine, avec la crise de la dette de 1982 et spécialement suite à la réforme structurelle de 1986, le modèle de leur participation a changé. Néanmoins, ce changement a été plus limité que prévu et l‘État n‘a pas abandonné sa participation dans certains secteurs industrielles clés. Cette thèse démontre que le rôle de l’État n’a pas perdu de son importance pendant le transfert vers un paradigme du développement orienté vers l’exportation et que même si l ́État a continué à participer dans la structuration des relations sociales, cela c’est fait d’une nouvelle manière que l'on pourrait dénommer “libéralisation protective”.
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Maintenance improvement in the petrochemical industry / O.I. OluwasinaOluwasina, Oluremi Isaac January 2011 (has links)
Technology is the answer to most of our human needs but every technology is often
accompanied by other challenges which often lead to the evolvement of another technology.
One of the technologies that have greatly impacted our world is that of energy development
out of which the petro–chemical industry is an important one.
The petro–chemical industry remains the main energy hub for our world today through ranges
of products coming from its ambit but not without its own challenges too. One of which is the
issue of breakdown or shut down which always require maintenance. Shutdown, many a
times, may be planned (annual, quarterly, condition–based, time–based, preventive and so on)
or unplanned (run–to–failure).
In any case, maintenance personnel (mechanical, electrical and instrument) must perform their
duties to fix it. In the process of fixing the equipment several factors affect the effectiveness
of the personnel. To improve maintenance activities, factors affecting its effectiveness should
be addressed. Some of the factors that are already been considered are; Overall Equipment
Effectiveness(OEE), Precision maintenance, Maintainability, Computerized Maintenance
Management System (CMMS), Work Order management, Equipment, Logistics, Process
optimization, Supply chain management, Maintenance strategies, Continuous Improvement
Hours and so on. (Taylor, 2000; Siemens.com, 2010)
Of those factors, many people hardly think of ergonomics as a factor of reckoning with
maintenance activities. Ergonomics is mostly thought of in relation to operators and office
According to National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in U.S.A (2009),
ergonomic injuries are the most common cause of workplace illness and injury in the United
States. Back injuries and cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs) such as carpal tunnel
syndrome, tendinitis, bursitis and epicondylitis form the majority of non–fatal occupational
injuries and illnesses, costing employers more than 12 billion dollars per year in lost work
time, workers compensation payments and medical expenses.
Of the cost implication of ergonomics ailment reported above, how much of it is related to
maintenance activities? Is there any relationship between maintenance activities andergonomics? In what direction is the relationship? positive or negative? How much is the
impact in either direction? If it is negative, how can we mitigate it? Finally, what are the
benefits, if any? These are some of the vital questions this dissertation is set to answer in
relation to: physical, somatic, medical, overhead cost, production down–time and personnel
To achieve the afore–mentioned, several research instruments were employed which include;
case studies, questionnaires, physical observations, interviews, literature reviews, internet
resources, journals and other sources (industry experts and professionals).
Relevant keywords and concepts were thoroughly researched in the literature review which
serves as a base for the dissertation.
Two hundred technical personnel (maintenance) serve as the population sample and
questionnaires were administered to them. Technical personnel with appreciable number of
years of experience occupying managerial positions were also interviewed. The outcomes of
all the interviews, observations and questionnaires were analysed and interpreted accordingly
to verify how ergonomics impact maintenance.
This dissertation based on findings, was able to establish that ergonomics impact the activities
of maintenance personnel culminated in proposing an E4M (Ergonomics for Maintenance)
assessor. The assessor alongside utilization guidelines and a training matrix will help to
effectively mitigate the impact of ergonomics on maintenance activities. There is room for
further development of the tool into a computer based package for real–time assessment and
The assessor and its instruments cannot work alone without the commitment of stake–holders
in the industry. That is why recommendations were included for effective application of the
The dissertation did not overlook the good works the industry has been doing in the area of
creating awareness about repetitive stress injuries among its workforce but only complement
its efforts in areas they might not look into. That is in a bid to improve the effectiveness of its
workforce which will directly increase productivity, profit and stakeholders confidence. On the other hand, it will reduce their indirect losses through; production down–time, medical
cost and over–head costs.
However, the application of the E4M assessor is not limited to the petro–chemical industry
only but finds its applicability in other industries like; manufacturing, aviation, automobile
and any other field where maintenance activities take place particularly in third world
countries. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Development and Management Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Maintenance improvement in the petrochemical industry / O.I. OluwasinaOluwasina, Oluremi Isaac January 2011 (has links)
Technology is the answer to most of our human needs but every technology is often
accompanied by other challenges which often lead to the evolvement of another technology.
One of the technologies that have greatly impacted our world is that of energy development
out of which the petro–chemical industry is an important one.
The petro–chemical industry remains the main energy hub for our world today through ranges
of products coming from its ambit but not without its own challenges too. One of which is the
issue of breakdown or shut down which always require maintenance. Shutdown, many a
times, may be planned (annual, quarterly, condition–based, time–based, preventive and so on)
or unplanned (run–to–failure).
In any case, maintenance personnel (mechanical, electrical and instrument) must perform their
duties to fix it. In the process of fixing the equipment several factors affect the effectiveness
of the personnel. To improve maintenance activities, factors affecting its effectiveness should
be addressed. Some of the factors that are already been considered are; Overall Equipment
Effectiveness(OEE), Precision maintenance, Maintainability, Computerized Maintenance
Management System (CMMS), Work Order management, Equipment, Logistics, Process
optimization, Supply chain management, Maintenance strategies, Continuous Improvement
Hours and so on. (Taylor, 2000; Siemens.com, 2010)
Of those factors, many people hardly think of ergonomics as a factor of reckoning with
maintenance activities. Ergonomics is mostly thought of in relation to operators and office
According to National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health in U.S.A (2009),
ergonomic injuries are the most common cause of workplace illness and injury in the United
States. Back injuries and cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs) such as carpal tunnel
syndrome, tendinitis, bursitis and epicondylitis form the majority of non–fatal occupational
injuries and illnesses, costing employers more than 12 billion dollars per year in lost work
time, workers compensation payments and medical expenses.
Of the cost implication of ergonomics ailment reported above, how much of it is related to
maintenance activities? Is there any relationship between maintenance activities andergonomics? In what direction is the relationship? positive or negative? How much is the
impact in either direction? If it is negative, how can we mitigate it? Finally, what are the
benefits, if any? These are some of the vital questions this dissertation is set to answer in
relation to: physical, somatic, medical, overhead cost, production down–time and personnel
To achieve the afore–mentioned, several research instruments were employed which include;
case studies, questionnaires, physical observations, interviews, literature reviews, internet
resources, journals and other sources (industry experts and professionals).
Relevant keywords and concepts were thoroughly researched in the literature review which
serves as a base for the dissertation.
Two hundred technical personnel (maintenance) serve as the population sample and
questionnaires were administered to them. Technical personnel with appreciable number of
years of experience occupying managerial positions were also interviewed. The outcomes of
all the interviews, observations and questionnaires were analysed and interpreted accordingly
to verify how ergonomics impact maintenance.
This dissertation based on findings, was able to establish that ergonomics impact the activities
of maintenance personnel culminated in proposing an E4M (Ergonomics for Maintenance)
assessor. The assessor alongside utilization guidelines and a training matrix will help to
effectively mitigate the impact of ergonomics on maintenance activities. There is room for
further development of the tool into a computer based package for real–time assessment and
The assessor and its instruments cannot work alone without the commitment of stake–holders
in the industry. That is why recommendations were included for effective application of the
The dissertation did not overlook the good works the industry has been doing in the area of
creating awareness about repetitive stress injuries among its workforce but only complement
its efforts in areas they might not look into. That is in a bid to improve the effectiveness of its
workforce which will directly increase productivity, profit and stakeholders confidence. On the other hand, it will reduce their indirect losses through; production down–time, medical
cost and over–head costs.
However, the application of the E4M assessor is not limited to the petro–chemical industry
only but finds its applicability in other industries like; manufacturing, aviation, automobile
and any other field where maintenance activities take place particularly in third world
countries. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Development and Management Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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As mudanças na relação cliente-fornecedor pósfusão copene-braskem em uma empresa da segunda geração petroquímica sob a perspectiva da economia dos custos de transaçãoPaes, Camila Miranda de Oliveira Maia January 2008 (has links)
p. 1 - 113 / Submitted by Santiago Fabio (fabio.ssantiago@hotmail.com) on 2013-01-22T19:13:04Z
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7777777.pdf: 1232092 bytes, checksum: 7b9e08ab715c4b3409549aedd67d5395 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-01-22T19:13:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
7777777.pdf: 1232092 bytes, checksum: 7b9e08ab715c4b3409549aedd67d5395 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2008 / As mudanças ocorridas no mercado econômico do Brasil e do mundo fizeram com que as
empresas buscassem posicionamentos diferenciados perante seus concorrentes. A indústria
petroquímica brasileira nos últimos oito anos começou a seguir a tendência mundial do setor
de buscar a integração da cadeia produtiva. O presente trabalho tem como finalidade analisar
os efeitos da fusão Copene-Braskem na relação de fornecimento de matéria-prima às
empresas petroquímicas de segunda geração sob a perspectiva da teoria dos Custos de
Transação. Porém torna-se necessário, para o entendimento do presente trabalho, trazer
informações sobre o Ato de Concentração, seus pareceres, notas técnicas e objeções, bem
como um breve apanhado da evolução da industria petroquímica brasileira e dos principais
motivos que levam empresas à integração vertical. A metodologia aplicada foi exploratória,
com procedimentos de estudo de caso e abordagens qualitativas e quantitativas. Os
procedimentos desenvolvidos demonstraram que a empresa pesquisada no estudo de caso
apresentou dados relevantes para explicar os resultados alcançados. Dentro do referido
contexto, foi explicitado, através de modelos estatísticos, o comportamento dos preços de
propeno, eteno e tolueno que acompanham a variação de preço de suas fontes de fabricação
bem como da tarifa de energia elétrica média industrial. Comprovou-se também o aumento de
custo dessas matérias-primas após o ano de 2004 e concluiu-se que ocorreu aumento do custo
de transação para a empresa estudada pós fusão da Copene com a Braskem. / Salvador
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Étude du rôle d’adsorbants alumino-silicatés dans un procédé d’ozonation d’eaux usées pétrochimiques / Study of the alumino-silicate adsorbents role in a petrochemical wastewater ozonation processAboussaoud, Wael 17 July 2014 (has links)
Les eaux usées issues de l’industrie pétrochimique contiennent des composés organiques peu ou pas biodégradables dont le traitement nécessite de faire appel à des nouvelles techniques de traitement sophistiquées. L’objectif de ce travail est d’étudier le rôle d’adsorbants alumino-silicatés dans un procédé d’oxydation avancée associant, dans un même réacteur, adsorption et oxydation à l’ozone pour le traitement de ce type d’effluents. Dans un premier temps, l’étude s’est centrée sur l’évaluation des performances du procédé pour l’élimination d’une molécule modèle, le 2,4-diméthylphénol, dans un réacteur agité semi-batch. Avant de coupler l’ozonation et l’adsorption, chacun des phénomènes mis en jeu a été étudié indépendamment, ce qui a permis la compréhension des mécanismes qui régissent le couplage. Deux modes de couplage ont été testés, un traitement simultané ozonation/adsorption et un traitement séquentiel ozonation puis adsorption. Dans les deux configurations, l’ajout des matériaux alumino-silicatés a eu un effet très limité sur la cinétique globale de dégradation de la molécule modèle. Par contre, l’ajout des matériaux a un effet très marqué sur la cinétique d’élimination du COT, principalement dû à un effet d’adsorption de sous-produits d’oxydation spécifiques. Il a aussi été démontré que la restauration des propriétés du solide est possible, permettant ainsi sa réutilisation. Dans un second temps, le procédé a été appliqué au traitement d’un effluent réel rejeté par une usine pétrochimique chinoise, en suivant la même démarche que celle adoptée lors de l’étude réalisée sur la molécule modèle et en utilisant un réacteur à lit fluidisé semi-batch. Les mêmes phénomènes ont été observés, confirmant l’efficacité de ce procédé pour le traitement des eaux usées pétrochimiques. / Petrochemical wastewaters often contain hardly biodegradable organic compounds requiring the use of sophisticated treatment techniques to be eliminated. The aim of this work is to study the role of alumino-silica adsorbents in an advanced oxidation process combining, in the same reactor, adsorption and ozonation for the treatment of such effluents. Initially, the study focused on the evaluation of process performance for the removal of a target molecule, 2,4-dimethylphenol, in a stirred semi-batch reactor. Before coupling adsorption and ozonation, each of these techniques has been studied independently, which allowed the well understanding of the mechanisms taking place during the combined process. Two process configurations were tested; a simultaneous ozonation/adsorption process and a sequential process including a first ozonation step followed by an adsorption step. In both cases, the addition of alumino-silica materials had a very limited effect on the overall kinetics of degradation of the target molecule. However, the use of the materials had a beneficial effect on TOC removal, mainly due to an adsorption effect of specific oxidation by-products. It was also shown that the restoration of the material properties is possible, allowing its reuse. In a second time, the process has been applied to the treatment of a real effluent discharged by a Chinese petrochemical plant, following the same approach adopted in the study of the target molecule and using a semi-batch fluidized bed reactor. Similar phenomena were observed, thus confirming the efficiency of the process on petrochemical wastewater treatment.
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Estudo da viabilidade de um novo produto para o transporte de resinas petroquímicasRibeiro, Danilo Souza 14 September 2009 (has links)
As profundas transformações que estão ocorrendo em todas as áreas da atividade social, cultural, política econômica e empresarial, causadas pelo uso cada vez mais intenso da tecnologia da informação e da globalização dos mercados, têm mudado as bases de competição, forçando as organizações a se adequarem pela busca constante de novas formas de planejar e realizar negócios. Tendo em vista tais transformações, as organizações não podem mais contar com procedimentos que não produzem efeitos imediatos. Uma organização deve estar preparada para buscar novas idéias, produtos, mercados, formas de realizar suas tarefas, criando um ambiente que favoreça os novos desenvolvimentos e possibilite que idéias e conceitos transformem-se em negócios futuros. No que se refere distribuição de resinas petroquímicas na modalidade a granel no Brasil, percebe-se a necessidade de verificar a possibilidade de novas alternativas que visem otimizar os processos, e, conseqüentemente, a competitividade das empresas do setor. Sendo assim, este trabalho tem por objetivo verificar a viabilidade da utilização de um novo produto na distribuição de resinas petroquímicas na modalidade a granel no Brasil. Para dar embasamento teórico ao estudo discutiram-se questões sobre competitividade e logística. A pesquisa quanto à natureza foi quali-quantitativa, do ponto de vista dos objetivos foi do tipo exploratória, o estudo foi realizado em duas etapas: na primeira etapa realizou-se uma pesquisa mercadológica através de entrevistas com os responsáveis pela logística das empresas que fizeram parte da pesquisa e na segunda etapa procedeu-se o cálculo dos indicadores econômicos e financeiros para a implantação do projeto de construção de um novo produto para o transporte de resinas petroquímicas para uma empresa, localizada em Caxias do Sul. Assim, pode-se concluir que através da pesquisa mercadológica e do cálculo da viabilidade econômica-financeira para a empresa Alfa, que é viável a implantação do projeto de construção de um novo produto para o transporte de resinas petroquímicas. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-05-29T16:04:59Z
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Dissertacao Danilo Souza Ribeiro.pdf: 280476 bytes, checksum: c64d5666a9f76023c1d416c4e77a641b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-05-29T16:04:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertacao Danilo Souza Ribeiro.pdf: 280476 bytes, checksum: c64d5666a9f76023c1d416c4e77a641b (MD5) / The changes that are occurring in all areas of social, cultural, political, economic and business activity caused by the increasing use of intensive information technology as well as the globalization of markets, have changed the basis of competition, forcing organizations to fit the constant search for new ways to plan and conduct business. In view of these changes, organizations can no longer rely on procedures that do not produce immediate effects. An organization must be prepared to pursue new ideas, products, markets, and ways of accomplishing tasks, creating an environment that encourages new developments and allows ideas and concepts that might turn into future business. As for distribution of petrochemical resins in bulk form in Brazil, we see the need to check the possibility of new alternatives for optimizing the processes, and therefore the competitiveness of companies. Thus, this study aims to verify the feasibility of using aluminum containers in the distribution of petrochemical resins in bulk form in Brazil. Issues on competitiveness logistics and project. The research was based on qualitative and quantitative by its nature, the point of view of the objectives was exploratory. The study was carried out in two steps: the first one a market research was performed through interviews with those responsible for logistics companies that took part in the research, and the second step consisted of the calculation of economic and financial indicators for the implementation of the project to build containers for an aluminum company located in Caxias do Sul. Thus, we can conclude that through market research and the calculation of the economic and financial viability for the Alfa. It is feasible to implement the project of manufacturing of aluminum container.
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Estudo da viabilidade de um novo produto para o transporte de resinas petroquímicasRibeiro, Danilo Souza 14 September 2009 (has links)
As profundas transformações que estão ocorrendo em todas as áreas da atividade social, cultural, política econômica e empresarial, causadas pelo uso cada vez mais intenso da tecnologia da informação e da globalização dos mercados, têm mudado as bases de competição, forçando as organizações a se adequarem pela busca constante de novas formas de planejar e realizar negócios. Tendo em vista tais transformações, as organizações não podem mais contar com procedimentos que não produzem efeitos imediatos. Uma organização deve estar preparada para buscar novas idéias, produtos, mercados, formas de realizar suas tarefas, criando um ambiente que favoreça os novos desenvolvimentos e possibilite que idéias e conceitos transformem-se em negócios futuros. No que se refere distribuição de resinas petroquímicas na modalidade a granel no Brasil, percebe-se a necessidade de verificar a possibilidade de novas alternativas que visem otimizar os processos, e, conseqüentemente, a competitividade das empresas do setor. Sendo assim, este trabalho tem por objetivo verificar a viabilidade da utilização de um novo produto na distribuição de resinas petroquímicas na modalidade a granel no Brasil. Para dar embasamento teórico ao estudo discutiram-se questões sobre competitividade e logística. A pesquisa quanto à natureza foi quali-quantitativa, do ponto de vista dos objetivos foi do tipo exploratória, o estudo foi realizado em duas etapas: na primeira etapa realizou-se uma pesquisa mercadológica através de entrevistas com os responsáveis pela logística das empresas que fizeram parte da pesquisa e na segunda etapa procedeu-se o cálculo dos indicadores econômicos e financeiros para a implantação do projeto de construção de um novo produto para o transporte de resinas petroquímicas para uma empresa, localizada em Caxias do Sul. Assim, pode-se concluir que através da pesquisa mercadológica e do cálculo da viabilidade econômica-financeira para a empresa Alfa, que é viável a implantação do projeto de construção de um novo produto para o transporte de resinas petroquímicas. / The changes that are occurring in all areas of social, cultural, political, economic and business activity caused by the increasing use of intensive information technology as well as the globalization of markets, have changed the basis of competition, forcing organizations to fit the constant search for new ways to plan and conduct business. In view of these changes, organizations can no longer rely on procedures that do not produce immediate effects. An organization must be prepared to pursue new ideas, products, markets, and ways of accomplishing tasks, creating an environment that encourages new developments and allows ideas and concepts that might turn into future business. As for distribution of petrochemical resins in bulk form in Brazil, we see the need to check the possibility of new alternatives for optimizing the processes, and therefore the competitiveness of companies. Thus, this study aims to verify the feasibility of using aluminum containers in the distribution of petrochemical resins in bulk form in Brazil. Issues on competitiveness logistics and project. The research was based on qualitative and quantitative by its nature, the point of view of the objectives was exploratory. The study was carried out in two steps: the first one a market research was performed through interviews with those responsible for logistics companies that took part in the research, and the second step consisted of the calculation of economic and financial indicators for the implementation of the project to build containers for an aluminum company located in Caxias do Sul. Thus, we can conclude that through market research and the calculation of the economic and financial viability for the Alfa. It is feasible to implement the project of manufacturing of aluminum container.
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