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Pour une archéologie de la virginité / For an archaeology of virginitySebbag, Thierry 14 December 2013 (has links)
L’idée de la virginité éveille en nous des sentiments contradictoires. En même temps que le respect, un désir sacrilège de découvrir, de conquérir, de s’emparer, de s’approprier, nous gagne déjà, lorsque « vierge » vient qualifier la nature d’une terre inexplorée, d’une forêt, d’une planète ou un monde antédiluvien. Nous voulons entreprendre un état des lieux à propos de la virginité. Nous souhaitons qu’il contribue à éclairer les causes de sa prégnance sur la culture. Le domaine de notre questionnement est celui des formations de l’inconscient. La démarche sera dirigée sur la recherche d’universaux en mesure d’éclairer notre entreprise. Nous nous appuierons sur la théorie psychanalytique et les apports cliniques de la littérature de la discipline. Des vignettes seront également incluses pour étayer une recherche orientée sur la virginité comme préoccupation manifeste, et la vierge comme objet de désir. Nous mettrons à contribution le vaste champ des sciences humaines (mythologie, philosophie, histoire, anthropologie, sociologie...) et l’histoire. Ces disciplines seront interrogées au titre de sources parce qu’elles fournissent un matériau de contrepoint à la clinique, mais aussi parce qu’elles apportent des points de vue et des positions de recul pour mettre des réponses en suspens et confronter les concepts psychanalytique à d’autres références. Nous examinerons des textes religieux et exégétiques comportant des contenus intéressant notre propos. Une priorité sera accordée aux religions du Livre. Les productions artistiques ainsi que les discours concernant les oeuvres et les processus créatifs pourront également constituer des supports de réflexion.Notre enquête sera également nourrie par des textes pour la plupart empruntés à la littérature française. / The idea of virginity awakens in us contradictory feelings. At the same time as respect, a sacrilegious desire to discover, to conquer, to seize, appeals to us, when « virgin » comes to describe the nature of an unexplored ground, a planet or an old-fashioned world. We will undertake an analysis of the current views of virginity, hoping that it will help clarify the reasons for its dominance in culture. Our questioning will be concerned with the forming of the unconscious. We will be researching universals and using psychoanalytical theory as well as clinical contributions from the literature on the subject.Vignettes will also be included to support a research project about the preoccupation with virginity and the virgin as an object of desire. We will resort to the very broad fields of human sciences (mythology, philosophy, history, sociology, anthropology) and history. These disciplines will be questioned as sources because they act as a counterpoint to clinical practice, but also because they provide distance and hindsight to raise unsettled answers and confront psychoanalytical concepts with other references. We shall examine religious texts and exegetic relevant to our purpose. Priority will be granted to the religions of the Book. The artistic productions as well as the discourses on the works and the creative processes can also fuel our reflection. Our investigation will be also fed by texts which belong to French literature.
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The John Holmes prick paradeBarwick, Emily Moran 01 December 2011 (has links)
John Curtis Holmes (August 8, 1944 - March 13, 1988) better known as "Johnny Wadd" (after the lead character in a series of related films), was one of the most prolific male porn stars of all
time, appearing in about 2,500 adult loops, stag films, and pornographic feature movies in the 1970s and 1980s. Though he has passed on, the most famous part of Holmes is still present in the flesh (or thermal plastic elastomer, as it were). "The Original" is one of hundred of thousand mass-produced Holmes homages marketed all around the world and was molded directly from the legendary star. In response to this "toy", I became fascinated and somewhat disturbed by the implication of ownership and agency implied by the mass marketing and commercialization of an individual's actual body part. Further playing upon this co-opting of identity and commodification of the body, I placed an open call for artists to design their own piece for the John Holmes Prick Parade. The nude female form has long dominated as the artists' subject. The John Holmes Prick Parade hopes to give some visibility to the much neglected male apparatus. This is a move towards balancing gender equality within the anatomical object-ification of the art world. Before you is the grand culmination of this process, which began almost 70 years ago with the birth of a most "gifted" individual.
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Ignatius descending - A psychoanalytical reading of a confederacy of lettersBjertner, Mårten January 2006 (has links)
<p>Walker Percy writes, in the foreword of "A confederacy of dunces", “I hesitate to use the word comedy - though comedy it is - because that implies simply a funny book, and this novel is a great deal more than that …It is also sad. One never quite knows where the sadness comes from.” In this essay I have analyzed where the sadness comes from, through the psychoanalytic theories of Jaqcues Lacan, John Bowlby, Melanie Klein and Erich Fromm, mainly. My standpoint is that no text or utterance is ever completed, and therefore it is not absolute. The text itself is the strongest manifestation of power in the novel. When scrutinizing the text itself, I have treated it as one of the analysands, trying to reveal the suppressed information underneath the surface of the implied story.</p>
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Ignatius descending - A psychoanalytical reading of a confederacy of lettersBjertner, Mårten January 2006 (has links)
Walker Percy writes, in the foreword of "A confederacy of dunces", “I hesitate to use the word comedy - though comedy it is - because that implies simply a funny book, and this novel is a great deal more than that …It is also sad. One never quite knows where the sadness comes from.” In this essay I have analyzed where the sadness comes from, through the psychoanalytic theories of Jaqcues Lacan, John Bowlby, Melanie Klein and Erich Fromm, mainly. My standpoint is that no text or utterance is ever completed, and therefore it is not absolute. The text itself is the strongest manifestation of power in the novel. When scrutinizing the text itself, I have treated it as one of the analysands, trying to reveal the suppressed information underneath the surface of the implied story.
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A maternidade na psicose. / The maternity in psychosisLauro da Silva Barbosa 31 July 2013 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / A partir das considerações teóricas de Sigmund Freud e Jacques Lacan a respeito da maternidade e da psicose, este trabalho busca realizar um estudo sobre a maternidade na psicose através da experiência psicanalítica. Se a falta de referência simbólica ao falo, decorrente da foraclusão do significante Nome-do-Pai, compromete o reconhecimento da diferença sexual, assim como a resposta do sujeito no nível da paternidade e da maternidade, a nossa pesquisa questiona: o que é um filho para uma mãe psicótica? Na neurose, a tese freudiana da equação simbólica falo-filho e a hipótese criada através das fórmulas da sexuação de Lacan segundo a qual a mulher enquanto mãe, localiza-se do lado homem, regido pelo falo, lugar do sujeito do desejo , nos leva a considerar uma estreita relação entre maternidade e atribuição fálica. Entretanto, quando interrogamos como uma psicótica, fora-da-norma-fálica, viveria a maternidade, observamos um dado novo. A investigação convoca a comunidade analítica ao debate de uma outra modalidade de exercício da maternidade, distinta da tese freudiana falo-filho. / From theoretical considerations of Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan about motherhood and psychosis, this research performs a study of the maternity in psychosis, through the psychoanalytic experience. If the fail of symbolic reference to the phallus, due to the foreclosure of the signifier Nom-du-Père, compromises the admission of sexual difference, as well as the response of the subject at the level of fatherhood and motherhood, our research questions: what is a son for a psychotic mother?. In neurosis, the freudian thesis of symbolic equation phallus-child and the hypothesis created through the lacanian recipe of sexuation the woman as mother, is located beside the man, regulated by the phallus, place of the subject of desire - leads us to consider a close relationship between motherhood and assignment phallic. However, when we questioned how a psychotic, out-of-standard-phallic, live motherhood, we observed something new. The investigation invites the analytical community to debate another modality of motherhood, distinct from the Freudian thesis phallus-child.
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O que consome o adolescente?Backes, Carmen January 2011 (has links)
A tese trata da relação dos jovens com o consumo e parte da constatação de que a adolescência surge a partir da metade do século XX, como categoria diferenciada da infância e da idade adulta e simultaneamente como consumidora por excelência, tornando-se alvo principal da mídia e da indústria do marketing. Analisa o lugar que no social se recorta para o adolescente e sua relação particular com os objetos de consumo – entendendo que esse grupo parece estar predominantemente mais ligado ao delivery, ao self-service e à vida nos shopping centers do que a compromissos políticos, culturais e sociais. Parte da equivocidade da expressão “o que consome o adolescente” e centra a discussão naquilo que o consome. Tomando a Psicanálise como base conceitual, o tema foi abordado a partir da relação do sujeito ao objeto, passando pela sua constituição na relação com o Outro originário, em que o conceito do das Ding remete à mais precoce inscrição do objeto na relação ao outro materno. Analisa o papel da sublimação, como um dos destinos das moções pulsionais originariamente dirigidas ao objeto primordial, pois o processo sublimatório é um modo de haver-se com a falta e buscar outros destinos para as pulsões. A frouxidão na operação simbólica da castração dificultaria este processo, produzindo no adolescente a ancoragem numa inibição. Tal dificuldade pode colocar em jogo uma série de artifícios, dentre eles aquele que elege objetos-fetiche para dar conta imaginariamente de algo que não poderia faltar: o falo imaginário. Conclui-se, na tese, que a aderência ao objeto-fetiche pode se oferecer como possibilidade de trânsito em torno da operação de castração, na relação do adolescente ao falo materno, e que os objetos de consumo tomam forma privilegiada no lugar de auxiliares no encobrimento desta hiância. A pesquisa teórica mostra ainda que, na experiência adolescente, algumas modalidades de recusa da ausência do falo materno entram em vigor, denotando certo funcionamento fetichista, imiscuído na neurose, o que parece convocar o adolescente a fazer uma tentativa de positivação do falo, através de objetos de escolha e compartilhamento coletivo. Finalmente, aponta-se que tal forma de positivação estaria numa relação direta com a dificuldade de inscrição simbólica da diferença dos sexos, ou seja, da operação de castração e da aceitação da ausência do falo; aponta-se ainda que o objeto fetiche ocuparia uma função ortopédica que falha na sua intenção, pois necessita ser reiterado sistematicamente, assim como o objeto precisa ser substituído indefinidamente. / The thesis deals with the relation of young people with consumption and comes from the observation that adolescence has its origins in the middle of the twentieth century, as a category different from childhood and from adulthood and simultaneously as consumer by excellence, becoming the media and marketing industry main target. It analyses the place that in the social is reserved for the adolescent and his/her particular relation with the consumption objects – understanding that this group seems to be predominantly more connected with the delivery, with the self-service and with the life in the shopping malls than with political, cultural and social commitments. It comes from the equivocity of the expression “what consumes the adolescent” and focuses the discussion in what consumes him/her. Taking psychoanalysis as conceptual basis, the theme was approached beginning with the relation of the subject with the object, passing through his constitution in relation to the originary Other, in which the concept of das Ding refers to the earliest inscription of the object in the relation with the maternal other. It analyses the role of sublimation, as one of the destinies of the drive motions originally directed towards the primordial object, as the sublimatory process is a means of dealing with the lack and of searching for other destinies to the drives. The looseness in the castration symbolic operation would make this process more difficult, producing in the adolescent the anchorage in an inhibition. Such a difficulty may bring to play a series of artifacts, among them the one that elects fetish objects to imaginarily deal with something that could not lack: the imaginary phallus. It is concluded, in the thesis, that the adherence to the fetish object may be offered as a possibility of going around the castration operation, in the relation between the adolescent and the maternal phallus, and that the objects of consumption assume a privileged form as assistants in covering this lack. The theoretical research still shows that, in the adolescent experience, some modalities of refusal of the absence of the maternal phallus come into force, denoting a certain fetishist functioning, tamped in the neurosis, what seems to invoke the adolescent to make a trial of positivating the phallus, through objects of choice and collective sharing. Finally, it is pointed out that such a way of positivation would be in direct relation with the difficulty of a symbolic inscription of the sexual difference, that is, of the castration operation and the acceptance of the absence of the phallus; it is still pointed out that the fetish object would take an orthopedic function that fails in its intention, as it needs to be systematically reiterated, as well as the object needs to be indefinitely substituted.
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A maternidade na psicose. / The maternity in psychosisLauro da Silva Barbosa 31 July 2013 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / A partir das considerações teóricas de Sigmund Freud e Jacques Lacan a respeito da maternidade e da psicose, este trabalho busca realizar um estudo sobre a maternidade na psicose através da experiência psicanalítica. Se a falta de referência simbólica ao falo, decorrente da foraclusão do significante Nome-do-Pai, compromete o reconhecimento da diferença sexual, assim como a resposta do sujeito no nível da paternidade e da maternidade, a nossa pesquisa questiona: o que é um filho para uma mãe psicótica? Na neurose, a tese freudiana da equação simbólica falo-filho e a hipótese criada através das fórmulas da sexuação de Lacan segundo a qual a mulher enquanto mãe, localiza-se do lado homem, regido pelo falo, lugar do sujeito do desejo , nos leva a considerar uma estreita relação entre maternidade e atribuição fálica. Entretanto, quando interrogamos como uma psicótica, fora-da-norma-fálica, viveria a maternidade, observamos um dado novo. A investigação convoca a comunidade analítica ao debate de uma outra modalidade de exercício da maternidade, distinta da tese freudiana falo-filho. / From theoretical considerations of Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan about motherhood and psychosis, this research performs a study of the maternity in psychosis, through the psychoanalytic experience. If the fail of symbolic reference to the phallus, due to the foreclosure of the signifier Nom-du-Père, compromises the admission of sexual difference, as well as the response of the subject at the level of fatherhood and motherhood, our research questions: what is a son for a psychotic mother?. In neurosis, the freudian thesis of symbolic equation phallus-child and the hypothesis created through the lacanian recipe of sexuation the woman as mother, is located beside the man, regulated by the phallus, place of the subject of desire - leads us to consider a close relationship between motherhood and assignment phallic. However, when we questioned how a psychotic, out-of-standard-phallic, live motherhood, we observed something new. The investigation invites the analytical community to debate another modality of motherhood, distinct from the Freudian thesis phallus-child.
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O que consome o adolescente?Backes, Carmen January 2011 (has links)
A tese trata da relação dos jovens com o consumo e parte da constatação de que a adolescência surge a partir da metade do século XX, como categoria diferenciada da infância e da idade adulta e simultaneamente como consumidora por excelência, tornando-se alvo principal da mídia e da indústria do marketing. Analisa o lugar que no social se recorta para o adolescente e sua relação particular com os objetos de consumo – entendendo que esse grupo parece estar predominantemente mais ligado ao delivery, ao self-service e à vida nos shopping centers do que a compromissos políticos, culturais e sociais. Parte da equivocidade da expressão “o que consome o adolescente” e centra a discussão naquilo que o consome. Tomando a Psicanálise como base conceitual, o tema foi abordado a partir da relação do sujeito ao objeto, passando pela sua constituição na relação com o Outro originário, em que o conceito do das Ding remete à mais precoce inscrição do objeto na relação ao outro materno. Analisa o papel da sublimação, como um dos destinos das moções pulsionais originariamente dirigidas ao objeto primordial, pois o processo sublimatório é um modo de haver-se com a falta e buscar outros destinos para as pulsões. A frouxidão na operação simbólica da castração dificultaria este processo, produzindo no adolescente a ancoragem numa inibição. Tal dificuldade pode colocar em jogo uma série de artifícios, dentre eles aquele que elege objetos-fetiche para dar conta imaginariamente de algo que não poderia faltar: o falo imaginário. Conclui-se, na tese, que a aderência ao objeto-fetiche pode se oferecer como possibilidade de trânsito em torno da operação de castração, na relação do adolescente ao falo materno, e que os objetos de consumo tomam forma privilegiada no lugar de auxiliares no encobrimento desta hiância. A pesquisa teórica mostra ainda que, na experiência adolescente, algumas modalidades de recusa da ausência do falo materno entram em vigor, denotando certo funcionamento fetichista, imiscuído na neurose, o que parece convocar o adolescente a fazer uma tentativa de positivação do falo, através de objetos de escolha e compartilhamento coletivo. Finalmente, aponta-se que tal forma de positivação estaria numa relação direta com a dificuldade de inscrição simbólica da diferença dos sexos, ou seja, da operação de castração e da aceitação da ausência do falo; aponta-se ainda que o objeto fetiche ocuparia uma função ortopédica que falha na sua intenção, pois necessita ser reiterado sistematicamente, assim como o objeto precisa ser substituído indefinidamente. / The thesis deals with the relation of young people with consumption and comes from the observation that adolescence has its origins in the middle of the twentieth century, as a category different from childhood and from adulthood and simultaneously as consumer by excellence, becoming the media and marketing industry main target. It analyses the place that in the social is reserved for the adolescent and his/her particular relation with the consumption objects – understanding that this group seems to be predominantly more connected with the delivery, with the self-service and with the life in the shopping malls than with political, cultural and social commitments. It comes from the equivocity of the expression “what consumes the adolescent” and focuses the discussion in what consumes him/her. Taking psychoanalysis as conceptual basis, the theme was approached beginning with the relation of the subject with the object, passing through his constitution in relation to the originary Other, in which the concept of das Ding refers to the earliest inscription of the object in the relation with the maternal other. It analyses the role of sublimation, as one of the destinies of the drive motions originally directed towards the primordial object, as the sublimatory process is a means of dealing with the lack and of searching for other destinies to the drives. The looseness in the castration symbolic operation would make this process more difficult, producing in the adolescent the anchorage in an inhibition. Such a difficulty may bring to play a series of artifacts, among them the one that elects fetish objects to imaginarily deal with something that could not lack: the imaginary phallus. It is concluded, in the thesis, that the adherence to the fetish object may be offered as a possibility of going around the castration operation, in the relation between the adolescent and the maternal phallus, and that the objects of consumption assume a privileged form as assistants in covering this lack. The theoretical research still shows that, in the adolescent experience, some modalities of refusal of the absence of the maternal phallus come into force, denoting a certain fetishist functioning, tamped in the neurosis, what seems to invoke the adolescent to make a trial of positivating the phallus, through objects of choice and collective sharing. Finally, it is pointed out that such a way of positivation would be in direct relation with the difficulty of a symbolic inscription of the sexual difference, that is, of the castration operation and the acceptance of the absence of the phallus; it is still pointed out that the fetish object would take an orthopedic function that fails in its intention, as it needs to be systematically reiterated, as well as the object needs to be indefinitely substituted.
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O que consome o adolescente?Backes, Carmen January 2011 (has links)
A tese trata da relação dos jovens com o consumo e parte da constatação de que a adolescência surge a partir da metade do século XX, como categoria diferenciada da infância e da idade adulta e simultaneamente como consumidora por excelência, tornando-se alvo principal da mídia e da indústria do marketing. Analisa o lugar que no social se recorta para o adolescente e sua relação particular com os objetos de consumo – entendendo que esse grupo parece estar predominantemente mais ligado ao delivery, ao self-service e à vida nos shopping centers do que a compromissos políticos, culturais e sociais. Parte da equivocidade da expressão “o que consome o adolescente” e centra a discussão naquilo que o consome. Tomando a Psicanálise como base conceitual, o tema foi abordado a partir da relação do sujeito ao objeto, passando pela sua constituição na relação com o Outro originário, em que o conceito do das Ding remete à mais precoce inscrição do objeto na relação ao outro materno. Analisa o papel da sublimação, como um dos destinos das moções pulsionais originariamente dirigidas ao objeto primordial, pois o processo sublimatório é um modo de haver-se com a falta e buscar outros destinos para as pulsões. A frouxidão na operação simbólica da castração dificultaria este processo, produzindo no adolescente a ancoragem numa inibição. Tal dificuldade pode colocar em jogo uma série de artifícios, dentre eles aquele que elege objetos-fetiche para dar conta imaginariamente de algo que não poderia faltar: o falo imaginário. Conclui-se, na tese, que a aderência ao objeto-fetiche pode se oferecer como possibilidade de trânsito em torno da operação de castração, na relação do adolescente ao falo materno, e que os objetos de consumo tomam forma privilegiada no lugar de auxiliares no encobrimento desta hiância. A pesquisa teórica mostra ainda que, na experiência adolescente, algumas modalidades de recusa da ausência do falo materno entram em vigor, denotando certo funcionamento fetichista, imiscuído na neurose, o que parece convocar o adolescente a fazer uma tentativa de positivação do falo, através de objetos de escolha e compartilhamento coletivo. Finalmente, aponta-se que tal forma de positivação estaria numa relação direta com a dificuldade de inscrição simbólica da diferença dos sexos, ou seja, da operação de castração e da aceitação da ausência do falo; aponta-se ainda que o objeto fetiche ocuparia uma função ortopédica que falha na sua intenção, pois necessita ser reiterado sistematicamente, assim como o objeto precisa ser substituído indefinidamente. / The thesis deals with the relation of young people with consumption and comes from the observation that adolescence has its origins in the middle of the twentieth century, as a category different from childhood and from adulthood and simultaneously as consumer by excellence, becoming the media and marketing industry main target. It analyses the place that in the social is reserved for the adolescent and his/her particular relation with the consumption objects – understanding that this group seems to be predominantly more connected with the delivery, with the self-service and with the life in the shopping malls than with political, cultural and social commitments. It comes from the equivocity of the expression “what consumes the adolescent” and focuses the discussion in what consumes him/her. Taking psychoanalysis as conceptual basis, the theme was approached beginning with the relation of the subject with the object, passing through his constitution in relation to the originary Other, in which the concept of das Ding refers to the earliest inscription of the object in the relation with the maternal other. It analyses the role of sublimation, as one of the destinies of the drive motions originally directed towards the primordial object, as the sublimatory process is a means of dealing with the lack and of searching for other destinies to the drives. The looseness in the castration symbolic operation would make this process more difficult, producing in the adolescent the anchorage in an inhibition. Such a difficulty may bring to play a series of artifacts, among them the one that elects fetish objects to imaginarily deal with something that could not lack: the imaginary phallus. It is concluded, in the thesis, that the adherence to the fetish object may be offered as a possibility of going around the castration operation, in the relation between the adolescent and the maternal phallus, and that the objects of consumption assume a privileged form as assistants in covering this lack. The theoretical research still shows that, in the adolescent experience, some modalities of refusal of the absence of the maternal phallus come into force, denoting a certain fetishist functioning, tamped in the neurosis, what seems to invoke the adolescent to make a trial of positivating the phallus, through objects of choice and collective sharing. Finally, it is pointed out that such a way of positivation would be in direct relation with the difficulty of a symbolic inscription of the sexual difference, that is, of the castration operation and the acceptance of the absence of the phallus; it is still pointed out that the fetish object would take an orthopedic function that fails in its intention, as it needs to be systematically reiterated, as well as the object needs to be indefinitely substituted.
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The Power of the Phallus in Kate Chopin's The Awakening: A Contemporary Feminist ReadingBear, Sarah M. 21 August 2007 (has links)
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