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Advanced cellulose composites, preparation and properties / Advanced cellulose composites; preparation and propertiesAbouzeid, Ragab 27 September 2012 (has links)
L'accumulation de déchets agricoles tels que la bagasse et le développement d’alternatives aux polymères issus de la pétrochimie ont reçu une attention croissante au cours des deux dernières décennies, due à l'augmentation de la population et à la préoccupation croissante pour la préservation de l'environnement. Cette étude tente de résoudre ces problèmes à l’aide de deux approches principales.La première est liée à des composites à base de papier et de liant naturel et la seconde est associée à la préparation et à la caractérisation de dérivés cellulosiques présentant des propriétés cristaux liquides. En ce qui concerne les composites à base de papier et de liant naturel, la modification par dénaturation d’isolat de protéines de soja (SPI), l'ajout d'acrylamide et le changement de pH améliorent certaines propriétés et rendent les SPI plus utiles et acceptables dans diverses applications. Des expériences préliminaires ont été menées pour déterminer la concentration optimale de SPI permettant d’obtenir des propriétés mécaniques et physiques maximales. Des concentrations de 0,5%, 2,5%, et 5% ont été utilisées et 2.5% correspond à la concentration optimale. Pour augmenter les propriétés adhésives du SPI, l’acrylamide a été utilisé comme un modificateur supplémentaire dans des proportions 1,5%, 2,5% et 5%. L’addition nucléophile de l'acrylamide aux chaînes de protéines en milieu alcalin améliore les propriétés de solubilité du SPI et augmente ses propriétés adhésives. L'effet supplémentaire de l'acrylamide sur le SPI est prononcé sur les propriétés mécaniques et physiques. Comme la charge nette du SPI peut être modifiée en faisant varier le pH du milieu aqueux, la corrélation entre les propriétés mécaniques et physiques des feuilles de papier et le pH du SPI a été étudiée. Les pH utilisés ont été 3, 5, 7 et 10, où le pH 5 est le point isoélectrique (IEP) du SPI.A ce pH, le nombre de charges positives et négatives est pratiquement identique. La seconde approche a consisté à préparer et caractériser une série de dérivés cellulosiques 4 - alkyoxybenzoyloxypropyl (ABPC-n). Ces dérivés ont été synthétisés par estérification d'hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC) avec un DS 3 par l'acide 4- alkoxybenzoic portant 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12 et 14 atomes de carbone dans la chaîne latérale. D'autre part, de la pâte debagasse a été préparée et caractérisée à partir bagasse égyptienne. L’Hydroxypropylation a ensuite été menée sur la cellulose obtenue et de l’HPC partiellement substituée a été obtenue. En outre, l'estérification de ce dernier avec des acides 4-alkyloxybenzoic portant 2, 10 et 12 atomes de carbone dans la chaîne latérale a été réalisée et les dérivés ont été désignés (ABPC-m). La structure moléculaire du HPC partiellement substitué et des deux esters (ABPC-n et-m ABPC) a été confirmée par spectroscopies infrarouge à transformée de Fourier (FT-IR) et 1H RMN. Les phases cristal liquide (LC) et les transitions de phases ont été étudiées par microscopie en lumière polarisée (PLM) et calorimétrie différentielle à balayage (DSC), respectivement. Pour étudier les propriétés lyotropiques, différentes concentrations de ces échantillons ont été dissous dans le diméthylacétamide (DMA) (20, 30, 40, 50 et 60% en poids) et la concentration critique a été déterminée par réfractométrie en mesurant l'indice de réfraction des solutions dans le DMA et en traçant l’évolution des indices de réfraction en fonction des concentrations. Pour ABPC-n, nous avons observé que les températures de transition vitreuse (Tg) et de compensation (Tc) diminuent avec la longueur de la chaîne alkoxy et que la gamme mésomorphique (Tm-Tc) diminue avec la longueur de la chaîne alkoxy. / The present study deals with utilization of Egyptian bagasse in both conventional and non-conventional fields. The conventional application is devoted to papermaking, where bagasse pulp is the most appropriate pulp for this purpose due to the suitability of fiber length and high cellulose and hemicellulose contents. The non-conventional application is dedicated to the preparation of cellulosic derivatives having liquid crystalline properties.The first approach deals with using modified soy protein isolate (SPI) as binder for cellulosic fibers in paper composites. Modification of SPI was carried out through i) denaturation with urea and NaOH. ii) addition of acrylamide to the denatured SPI. iii) changing pH of SPI. These types of modification were used to improve the adhesion properties of SPI. Pronounced mechanical and physical properties of paper sheets filled with 0.5, 2.5 or 5% denatured SPI was obtained upon using 2.5%. The optimum condition of SPI addition was used in ii and iii modifications. The additional effect of acrylamide on SPI was pronounced where the mechanical and physical properties were enhanced. Correlation between the mechanical and physical properties of paper sheets with the pH of SPI was studied. The used pHs were 3, 5, 7 and 10.The results showed that the maximum breaking length was obtainedAbstract - xix -at the isoelectric point of SPI at pH 5 (at the isoelectric point (IEP) the number of positive and negative charges on the polyion is the same, giving a net charge of zero) and it began to decrease when the pH is increased to pH 10. Both the burst index and the tear index showed parallel trends.In the second approach, a series of 4- alkyoxybenzoyloxypropyl cellulose (ABPC-n) samples were synthesized via the esterification of hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) with 4-alkoxybenzoic acid bearing alkoxy chain with different lengths. On the other hand, cellulose was isolated in pure form from Egyptian bagasse pulp. Hydroxypropylation was then conducted on the isolated cellulose. 4-alkyoxybenzoyloxypropyl cellulose (ABPC-m) samples were synthesized via the esterification of the latter product with the same acid, bearing 2, 10 and 12 carbon atoms in the side chain and characterized.The molecular structure of both esters (ABPC-n and ABPC-m) was confirmed by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) and 1H NMR spectroscopy. The liquid crystalline (LC) phases and transition behaviors were investigated using polarized light microscopy (PLM), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), respectively. The lyotropic behavior of the derivatives was investigated in DMA solutions using PLM andAbstract - xx -the critical concentration was firstly determined via refractive index measurements.
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Investigation of Nanopore Confinement Effects on Convective and Diffusive Multicomponent Multiphase Fluid Transport in Shale using In-House Simulation ModelsDu, Fengshuang 28 September 2020 (has links)
Extremely small pore size, low porosity, and ultra-low permeability are among the characteristics of shale rocks. In tight shale reservoirs, the nano-confinement effects that include large gas-oil capillary pressure and critical property shifts could alter the phase behaviors, thereby affecting the oil or gas production. In this research, two in-house simulation models, i.e., a compositionally extended black-oil model and a fully composition model are developed to examine the nano-pore confinement effects on convective and diffusive multicomponent multiphase fluid transport. Meanwhile, the effect of nano-confinement and rock intrinsic properties (porosity and tortuosity factor) on predicting effective diffusion coefficient are investigated.
First, a previously developed compositionally extended black-oil simulation approach is modified, and extended, to include the effect of large gas-oil capillary pressure for modeling first contact miscible (FCM), and immiscible gas injection. The simulation methodology is applied to gas flooding in both high and very low permeability reservoirs. For a high permeability conventional reservoir, simulations use a five-spot pattern with different reservoir pressures to mimic both FCM and immiscible displacements. For a tight oil-rich reservoir, primary depletion and huff-n-puff gas injection are simulated including the effect of large gas-oil capillary pressure in flow and in flash calculation on recovery estimations. A dynamic gas-oil relative permeability correlation that accounts for the compositional changes owing to the produced gas injection is introduced and applied to correct for changes in interfacial tension (IFT), and its effect on oil recovery is examined. The results show that the simple modified black-oil approach can model well both immiscible and miscible floods, as long as the minimum miscibility pressure (MMP) is matched. It provides a fast and robust alternative for large-scale reservoir simulation with the purpose of flaring/venting reduction through reinjecting the produced gas into the reservoir for EOR.
Molecular diffusion plays an important role in oil and gas migration in tight shale formations. However, there are insufficient reference data in the literature to specify the diffusion coefficients within porous media. Another objective of this research is to estimate the diffusion coefficients of shale gas, shale condensate, and shale oil at reservoir conditions with CO2 injection for EOR/EGR. The large nano-confinement effects including large gas-oil capillary pressure and critical property shifts could alter the phase behaviors. This study estimates the diffusivities of shale fluids in nanometer-scale shale rock from two perspectives: 1) examining the shift of diffusivity caused by nanopore confinement effects from phase change (phase composition and fluid property) perspective, and 2) calculating the effective diffusion coefficient in porous media by incorporating rock intrinsic properties (porosity and tortuosity factor). The tortuosity is obtained by using tortuosity-porosity relations as well as the measured tortuosity of shale from 3D imaging techniques. The results indicated that nano-confinement effects could affect the diffusion coefficient through altering the phase properties, such as phase compositions and densities. Compared to bulk phase diffusivity, the effective diffusion coefficient in porous shale rock is reduced by 102 to 104 times as porosity decreases from 0.1 to 0.03.
Finally, a fully compositional model is developed, which enables us to process multi-component multi-phase fluid flow in shale nano-porous media. The validation results for primary depletion, water injection, and gas injection show a good match with the results of a commercial software (CMG, GEM). The nano-confinement effects (capillary pressure effect and critical property shifts) are incorporated in the flash calculation and flow equations, and their effects on Bakken oil production and Marcellus shale gas production are examined. The results show that including oil-gas capillary pressure effect could increase the oil production but decrease the gas production. Inclusion of critical property shift could increase the oil production but decrease the gas production very slightly. The effect of molecular diffusion on Bakken oil and Marcellus shale gas production are also examined. The effect of diffusion coefficient calculated by using Sigmund correlation is negligible on the production from both Bakken oil and Marcellus shale gas huff-n-puff. Noticeable increase in oil and gas production happens only after the diffusion coefficient is multiplied by 10 or 100 times. / Doctor of Philosophy / Shale reservoir is one type of unconventional reservoir and it has extremely small pore size, low porosity, and ultra-low permeability. In tight shale reservoirs, the pore size is in nanometer scale and the oil-gas capillary pressure reaches hundreds of psi. In addition, the critical properties (such as critical pressure and critical temperature) of hydrocarbon components will be altered in those nano-sized pores. In this research, two in-house reservoir simulation models, i.e., a compositionally extended black-oil model and a fully composition model are developed to examine the nano-pore confinement effects on convective and diffusive multicomponent multiphase fluid transport. The large nano-confinement effects (large gas-oil capillary pressure and critical property shifts) on oil or gas production behaviors will be investigated. Meanwhile, the nano-confinement effects and rock intrinsic properties (porosity and tortuosity factor) on predicting effective diffusion coefficient are also studied.
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Phase Behaviour in Crystalline Solids : Exploring the Structure Guiding Factors Via Polymorphism, Phase Transitions and Charge Density StudiesThomas, Sajesh P January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The thesis entitled "Phase Behaviour in Crystalline Solids: Exploring the Structure Guiding Factors via Polymorphism, Phase Transitions and Charge Density Studies"
consists of five chapters divided into two parts. A basic introductory section describes the topics relevant to the work and the methods and techniques utilized. Part A contains two chapters that discuss the structural aspects related to polymorphism, solvatomorphism, conformational preferences and phase transitions exhibited by active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). It also discusses the structure-property correlations in API crystal forms and the possible utility of second harmonic generation (SHG) for their bulk characterization. Part B has three chapters that discuss experimental and theoretical charge density analyses of intra-and intermolecular interactions that play structure guiding roles in some of the APIs discussed in Part A. The main focus of the present work is to characterize the interaction patterns devoid of strong classical hydrogen bonds. The case studies include multifurcated C - H …O hydrogen bonds, the “carbon bonding” and chalcogen interactions involving Se and S atoms. In addition to charge density studies, in situcryocrystallography and molecular complexation experiments have been employed to examine structural consequences of chalcogen bonding. Further, Appendices 1 and 2 describe phase transition studies on the inorganic mineral kröhnkite and its high temperature phase transitions leading to novel inorganic structural types.
Part A: Polymorphism and phase behaviour in Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs)
Chapter 1 discusses case studies of polymorphism, supramolecular preference sand phase transitions exhibited by active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). Section 1.1 deals with the polymorphism of an anti-oxidant drug candidate ebselen and its hydroxyl derivative. The potential of organoselenium compounds to form a Se…O chalcogen bonded supramolecular recognition unit (synthon) has been established in these polymorphs and its generality is substantiated with the help of a Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) analysis. Section 1.2 demonstrates the utility of the ‘chalcogen bonded supramolecularsynthon’ in generating molecular complexes of APIs. A series of salts and co-crystals of the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis drug Riluzole have been synthesized in order to evaluate the structure directing role of S…O chalcogen bonded synthon in their crystal structures. Section 1.3adescribes the generation of polymorphs and solvatomorphs of the antidepressant drug candidate fenobamand associated phase transitions. The tautomeric preference in this molecule has been rationalized from the crystal structure analysis and abinitioenergy calculations. Further, section 1.3b utilizes chemical derivatization as a means to experimentally simulate thetautomeric preference and molecular conformations in several derivatives of fenobam and thiofenobam. Section 1.4 describes the issue of solvatomorphism and the generation of the fifth solvatomorph of gallic acid, its structural complexity and temperature induced phase transitions. The ability of solvent water molecules to drive structural diversity, by forming ‘hydration synthons’,is demonstrated in this case. Chapter 2 presents a novel methodology for the detection of polymorphic impurities in APIs based on second harmonic generation (SHG).The SHG based method has been employed to polymorphic mixtures of fenobam, hydrochlorothiazide, pyrazinamide, tolbutamide, curcumin, febuxostat and nimesulide.The conventional methods such as powder X-ray diffraction (profile fitting analysis), FT-IR, Raman spectroscopy and thermal analysesto detect the presence of polymorphic impuritiesin bulk API samples are employed on the mixtures of these API samples and the impurity detection limits are compared with the proposed SHG methodology. The APIs used in these case studies were screened for their SHG efficiency using quantum chemical calculations of hyperpolarizability and HOMO-LUMO charge redistribution behaviour. Further, a correlation with the crystal symmetry, relative packing arrangement of molecules and the observed SHG efficiency have been discussed in of some of these cases.
Part B: Exploring the nature and structural consequences of nonbonding interactions in molecular crystals
Chapter 3 discusses the electron density features of quasi-trifurcated CH…Cl/CH…O interaction motifs leading to ‘carbon bonding’ and a trifurcated CH…O hydrogen bond motif. Section 3.1 describes the experimental and theoretical charge density analyses of quasi-trifurcated CH…Cl and CH…O motifsand investigates the existence of “carbon bonding” in solid state. The experimental charge density evidence for “carbon bonding” have been analyzed in cases of fenobam and dimethylamine: 4-hydroxybenzoic acid complex. The existence of this unconventional interaction, which roughly mimics the transition state geometry of SN2 (bimolecular nucleophilic substitution) reaction, is further established by a CSD analysis. Section 3.2 describes the experimental and theoretical charge density analyses of ferulic acid and compares the topological features associated with a trifurcated CH…O hydrogen bond motif, with corresponding strong classical OH…O hydrogen bonds. The study demonstrates the “Gulliver effect” of weak interactions in charge density terms. Charge density based interaction energy calculations via EPMM and EML methods have been utilized in this context to evaluate the relative strength of such interactions. Chapter 4 discusses the charge density features of intermolecular chalcogen bonding interactions involving selenium and sulphur atoms.Section 4.1 describes the experimental and theoretical charge density analyses of ebselen and its hydroxyl derivative. The charge density characterization of the conserved chalcogen bond synthon (discussed in chapter 1, section 1.1) has been carried out and electronic nature and geometric dependence of Se…O interactions have been explored. The mechanism of drug action of ebselen has been correlated with the experimentally observed charge density distribution around the intramolecular SeC and SeN bonds. Section 4.2 explores the homochalcogen interactions such as S…SandSe…Se in phenol analogues. In situ cryocrystallographic studies on thiophenol, selenophenol and their solid solutions are described. Veggard’s law-like behaviour observed in these solid solutions have been rationalized and the S…S and Se…Sehomochalcogen interactions have been evaluated in these liquid systems which are devoid of any other packing forces such as strong hydrogen bonds. Chapter 5 discusses the conformation locking potential of intramolecular S…O chalcogen bonding in sulfadrugs. Section 5.1 discusses conformation locking in the antibioticdrugsulfamethizole. A two pronged approach has been adopted in the study; a) generation of cocrystals and salts of sulfamethizole for the ‘experimental simulation’ of the molecular conformation, b) evaluation of charge density distribution around the intramolecular S…O interaction region in sulfamethizole. Section 5.2 describes the effect of ‘simple hybridized orbital geometry’ in the formation of intramolecular S…O chalcogen bonding. The experimental charge density analysis of the carbonic anhydrase inhibitor drug acetazolamide has been carried out and the two different intramolecular S…O geometries have been compared in terms of the charge density topology. The analysis highlights the advantage of “orbital geometry” consideration over the conventional distance-angle criteria in assessing nonbonded interactions.
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Application of Computer Simulation in the Investigation of Photoelectric MaterialsYang, Hsiao-ching 25 July 2004 (has links)
In this thesis, we investigated several photoelectric material systems consisted of conjugated polymers by means of computer simulation. We combined several theory and simulation methods to meodeling different subjects from atomic to mesoscopic scale. We dealt with the problems such as quantum efficiency, structure characteristic, and the phase behavior in material. We hope to have better understanding of the relationship between structure characteristic and functional property in material. It will help an engineering designer to adjust the variables that optimize characteristics linking the synthesis of advanced materials with desired physical properties. This work can be divided into three parts.
Long side chain substituted PPV polymers applied in light-emitting diode material : Molecular dynamics simulations were employed to investigate structure features and segment orientation of four poly(phenylene vinylene) (PPV)-like conjugated polymers with long flexible side chains at room temperature. In the simulations, the main chains of the polymers were found to be semi-rigid and to exhibit a tendency to coil into ellipsoidal helices or form zigzag conformations of only limited regularity. It was shown that continuous segments of a chain which are quasi-coplanar along the backbone are in a range of 2~4 repeat units. This implies that long-range electron transfer along same backbones of these polymers may not happen but may be mediated by interchain interactions. The ordered orientation and coupling distance of interchain aromatic rings are found to correlate with important optical properties of materials. Then we combined molecular dynamics simulation and density matrix methods modeling of amorphous light-emitting polymers. A simplified method combining molecular dynamics (MD) simulation and density matrix (DM) theory was developed for the prediction of optical properties of long side chain substituted poly(phenylene vinylene) (PPV) polymers. This MD+DM method takes account of the complexity of molecular packing of polymer chains. The method has been tested to simulate the absorption spectra of four model systems. The wavelengths of absorption maxima of the calculated spectra of these four conjugated polymers are in reasonable agreement with experimental data. The simulation also demonstrated that the importance of including interchain interactions in the calculation.
Ion-conducting polymer sPBI-PS(Li+): To understand the mechanism of ionic migration in the amorphous matrixes of polymer electrolytes is crucial for their applications in modern technologies. Here, molecular dynamics (MD) simulation was carried out to investigate the ionic conduction mechanism of a particular conjugated rigid-rod polymer, sPBI-PS(Li+). The backbone of this polymer is poly[(1, 7- dihydrobenzo[1, 2-d:4,5-d¡¦]diimidazole- 2,6-diyl)-2-(2-sulfo)-p-phenylene]. The polymer has pendants of propane sulfonate Li+ ionomer. The MD simulations showed that the main chains of sPBI-PS(Li+) are in layer-like structure. The further detailed structure analysis suggested that the £k-electron of this polymer is not delocalized among aromatic rings. This agrees with the experimental result that sPBI-PS(Li+) shows no electronic conductivity and the conductivity of this polymer is mainly ionic. The calculated migration channels of lithium ions and electrostatic potential distributions indicated clearly that the polymer matrix is anisotropic for the migrations of ions. The migration of lithium ions along the longitudinal direction is more preferable than that along the transverse direction. The relaxations of the polymer host were found to play important roles in the transfer process of lithium ions. The hopping of lithium ion from one -SO3-1 group to another is correlated strongly with characteristic motions of -SO3-1 group on a time scale of about 10-13 s.
Self-assembly functional material. Dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) simulations were carried out to investigate mixed ionic and non-ionic molecules, sodium tetradecyl sulfate (STS) and tetradecyl triethoxylated ether (C14E3) aqueous system. Different types of mixed micelles are formed depending on the concentrations of STS and C14E3. Our results are in good agreement to the early NMR measurements. From the investigation of surfactant aggregation, we understand the self-assembly mechanism and classical phase behavior in general diblock copolymer. Further, we investigated the self-assembly process on a particular mushroom-shaped supramolecular film material from molecular character to phase behavior. The miniaturized rod-coil triblock copolymers (PS-PI-RCBC) HEMME had been found to self-assemble into well-ordered nanostructures and unusual head to tail multilayer structure. The purpose of our study is to obtain fundamental understanding the connection of the inherent morphological characterization of single molecule and the mechanism of phase behavior of this polar self-assembly system. Dissipative particle dynamics simulation was carried out to study the mechanism of phase behavior of the solvent-copolymers system. We found that the solvent-induced polar effect under different temperature is important in the process of self-assembly of block copolymers. In different temperature the solvent induces hybrid structure aggregation. Our results are consistent with experimental observations and give evidence for a special mechanism governing the unusual phase behavior in thin films of modulated phases. The sizes and stabilization energies of mushroom-shaped supramolecular clusters were predicted by molecular modeling method. Clusters of sizes from 16 to 90 molecules were found to be stable. In combination of classical and simple quantum mechanical calculations, the band gaps of HEMME clusters with various sizes were estimated. The band gap was converged at 2.45 eV for cluster contains 90 molecules. Nonlinear optical properties of the material were investigated by the semi-empirical quantum mechanical calculations of molecular dipole moment and hyperpolarizabilities. Significant second-order nonlinear optical properties were shown from these calculated properties.
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Development of a four-phase thermal-chemical reservoir simulator for heavy oilLashgari, Hamid Reza 16 February 2015 (has links)
Thermal and chemical recovery processes are important EOR methods used often by the oil and gas industry to improve recovery of heavy oil and high viscous oil reservoirs. Knowledge of underlying mechanisms and their modeling in numerical simulation are crucial for a comprehensive study as well as for an evaluation of field treatment. EOS-compositional, thermal, and blackoil reservoir simulators can handle gas (or steam)/oil/water equilibrium for a compressible multiphase flow. Also, a few three-phase chemical flooding reservoir simulators that have been recently developed can model the oil/water/microemulsion equilibrium state. However, an accurate phase behavior and fluid flow formulations are absent in the literature for the thermal chemical processes to capture four-phase equilibrium. On the other hand, numerical simulation of such four-phase model with complex phase behavior in the equilibrium condition between coexisting phases (oil/water/microemulsion/gas or steam) is challenging. Inter-phase mass transfer between coexisting phases and adsorption of components on rock should properly be modeled at the different pressure and temperature to conserve volume balance (e.g. vaporization), mass balance (e.g. condensation), and energy balance (e.g. latent heat). Therefore, efforts to study and understand the performance of these EOR processes using numerical simulation treatments are quite necessary and of utmost importance in the petroleum industry. This research focuses on the development of a robust four-phase reservoir simulator with coupled phase behaviors and modeling of different mechanisms pertaining to thermal and chemical recovery methods. Development and implementation of a four-phase thermal-chemical reservoir simulator is quite important in the study as well as the evaluation of an individual or hybrid EOR methods. In this dissertation, a mathematical formulation of multi (pseudo) component, four-phase fluid flow in porous media is developed for mass conservation equation. Subsequently, a new volume balance equation is obtained for pressure of compressible real mixtures. Hence, the pressure equation is derived by extending a black oil model to a pseudo-compositional model for a wide range of components (water, oil, surfactant, polymer, anion, cation, alcohol, and gas). Mass balance equations are then solved for each component in order to compute volumetric concentrations. In this formulation, we consider interphase mass transfer between oil and gas (steam and water) as well as microemulsion and gas (microemulsion and steam). These formulations are derived at reservoir conditions. These new formulations are a set of coupled, nonlinear partial differential equations. The equations are approximated by finite difference methods implemented in a chemical flooding reservoir simulator (UTCHEM), which was a three-phase slightly compressible simulator, using an implicit pressure and an explicit concentration method. In our flow model, a comprehensive phase behavior is required for considering interphase mass transfer and phase tracking. Therefore, a four-phase behavior model is developed for gas (or steam)/ oil/water /microemulsion coexisting at equilibrium. This model represents coupling of the solution gas or steam table methods with Hand’s rule. Hand’s rule is used to capture the equilibrium between surfactant, oil, and water components as a function of salinity and concentrations for oil/water/microemulsion phases. Therefore, interphase mass transfer between gas/oil or steam/water in the presence of the microemulsion phase and the equilibrium between phases are calculated accurately. In this research, the conservation of energy equation is derived from the first law of thermodynamics based on a few assumptions and simplifications for a four-phase fluid flow model. This energy balance equation considers latent heat effect in solving for temperature due to phase change between water and steam. Accordingly, this equation is linearized and then a sequential implicit scheme is used for calculation of temperature. We also implemented the electrical Joule-heating process, where a heavy oil reservoir is heated in-situ by dissipation of electrical energy to reduce the viscosity of oil. In order to model the electrical Joule-heating in the presence of a four-phase fluid flow, Maxwell classical electromagnetism equations are used in this development. The equations are simplified and assumed for low frequency electric field to obtain the conservation of electrical current equation and the Ohm's law. The conservation of electrical current and the Ohm's law are implemented using a finite difference method in a four-phase chemical flooding reservoir simulator (UTCHEM). The Joule heating rate due to dissipation of electrical energy is calculated and added to the energy equation as a source term. Finally, we applied the developed model for solving different case studies. Our simulation results reveal that our models can accurately and successfully model the hybrid thermal chemical processes in comparison to existing models and simulators. / text
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Sistemas de P(3HB) e P(3HB-co-3HV) com policaprolactona-triol: comportamento de fase, reologia, propriedades mecânicas e processabilidadeWessler, Katiusca 27 February 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-02-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In the past two decades, polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) have been the focus of extensive research considering their potential application as biocompatible and biodegradable thermoplastics, due to their hydrolyzability in the human body as well as in natural circumstances. Aiming the development of new ductile and biodegradable materials, systems of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate), P(3HB) and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate), P(3HV-co-3HV) with poly(e-caprolactone) triol (PCL-T, 900 and 300 g.mol-1) with addition of 0 to 30 % of PCL-T (w/w), were obtained by casting or injection molding. The thermal behavior, the morphology and the crystallinity of these mixtures were studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TG), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR). The rheology and the melt processing of P(3HB)/PCL-T systems were also studied. The crystallinity degree of casted P(3HB) decreased from 68 to 49% with addition of 5% of PCL-T 900, and from 68% to 54% with 5% of PCL-T 300 content. The TG analysis showed that the PCL-T did not change the thermal stability of P(3HB). It was also observed by DSC that the Tm of PCL-T did not change in all compositions, while the Tm of P(3HB) decreased when PCL-T content was increased. It was also noticed that the Tg of P(3HB) increased from 2.75 to -2ºC with the increase of PCL-T 900 content. The Tg of P(3HB) change from 2.75 to -10ºC with the PCL-T 300 content. Indeed, FTIR analyses did not show evidences of hydrogen bonds between the polymers, while SEM analysis revealed porous films. A similar behavior was observed for P(3HB-co-3HV)/PCL-T 900 systems, while no change in the cristallinity degree was observed for P(3HB-co-3HV)/PCL-T 300 systems. For blends with P(3HB-co-3HV), DSC analyses revealed that the Tg of P(3HB-co-3HV) decreased from 2ºC to ca. -10ºC with the addition of 15wt% of PCL-T 900 or PCL-T 300. It is also noticed that the Tm of P(3HB-co- 3HV) and PCL-T decreases gradually as the PCL-T content is increased. Rheological analyses showed a pseudoplastic behavior for all the samples and a very significant decrease in the viscosity when the PCL-T content was increased. The P(3HB-co-3HV)/PCL-T 300 systems with 20 and 30% of PCL-T 300 contents showed a behavior look likes a Newtonian. Tensile tests of injected specimens showed an increase of 67% in the elongation at break with 5% of PCL-T, while the Young modulus decreased 7.5%. A higher PCL-T content (10%), however, decreases the modulus more significantly (50% in relation to P(3HB)). The crystallinity degree of P(3HB), obtained from XRD analyses, decreases with the addition of PCL-T (from 59 to 50% with 10% of PCL-T) and is in agreement with tensile tests and SEM results, that presented a higher ductility for the mixtures with PCL-T. TG analyses showed that the onset temperature does not vary significantly with the PCL-T content. FTIR spectra present interesting changes with PCL-T addition that are possibly related to interactions between the polymers. The better processing behavior of the PHAs with the addition of PCL-T suggests that the latter acts both as a plasticizer and a flow auxiliary, providing new, more flexible biodegradable materials. / Nas últimas duas décadas, os polihidroxialcanoatos (PHAs) foram o foco de pesquisas extensivas considerando suas potenciais aplicações como termoplásticos biocompatíveis e biodegradáveis, devido a sua hidrolisidade no corpo humano bem como em circunstâncias naturais. Objetivando o desenvolvimento de novos materiais dúcteis e biodegradáveis, sistemas de poli(3-hidroxibutirato), P(3HB) e poli(3-hidroxibutirato-co-3-hidroxivalerato), P(3HB-co-3HV) com poli(å-caprolactona) triol, PCL-T (300 e 900g.mol-1) com adição de 0 a 30% de PCL-T (m/m), foram obtidos por casting ou moldagem por injeção. O comportamento térmico, a morfologia e a cristalinidade destas misturas foram estudados, para isso foram utilizadas as seguintes técnicas: calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC), análise termogravimétrica (TG), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (SEM), difração de raios-X (XRD) e espectroscopia no infravermelho por transformada de Fourier (FTIR). A reologia e o processamento dos sistemas de P(3HB) /PCL-T também foram estudados. O grau de cristalinidade do P(3HB) caiu de 68 para 49% com adição de 5% de PCL-T 900, e de 68 para 54% com adição de PCL-T 300. A análise de TG mostrou que a PCL-T não interfere na estabilidade térmica do P(3HB). Foi também observado por DSC que a Tm da PCL-T não mudou em todas as composições, enquanto que a Tm do P(3HB) decresceu quando o teor de PCL-T aumentou. Notou-se também que a Tg do P(3HB) diminuiu de 2,75 para -2ºC com o aumento da PCL-T 900. A Tg do P(3HB) mudou de 2,75 para -10ºC com o aumento do teor de PCL-T 300. De fato, as análises de FTIR não mostraram evidencias de ligações de hidrogênio entre os polímeros, enquanto as análises de SEM revelaram filmes porosos. Um comportamento similar foi observado para o sistema de P(3HB-co-3HV)/PCL-T 900, enquanto nenhuma mudança no grau de cristalinidade do sistema de P(3HB-co-3HV)/PCL-T 300 foi observada. Para blendas com P(3HB-co-3HV), as análises de DSC revelaram que a Tg do P(3HB-co-3HV) diminuiu de 2ºC para ca. -10ºC com adição de 15% de PCL-T 900 PCL-T 300. Notou-se também que a Tm do P(3HB-co-3HV) e da PCL-T diminuíram ou gradualmente com o aumento do teor de PCL-T. A análise reologica mostrou um comportamento pseudoplastico para todas as amostras e um decréscimo muito significativo na viscosidade quando a PCL-T e adicionada. Os sistemas de P(3HB-co-3HV)/PCL-T 300 nas composições 80/20 e 85/15 mostraram um comportamento muito próximo do Newtoniano. Os
testes de resistência à tração das espécies injetadas mostraram um aumento de 67% no alongamento com 5% de PCL-T, enquanto que o modulo de elasticidade diminuiu cerca de 7,5%. Uma alta quantidade de PCL-T (10%), entretanto, diminuiu o modulo mais significativamente (50% em relação ao P(3HB)). O grau de cristalinidade do P(3HB), obtido por XRD, diminuiu com adição de PCL-T 900 (de 58 para 51% com 10% de PCL-T 900) concordando com os testes de resistência a tração e resultados de SEM, que apresentaram uma alta ductilidade para as misturas contendo PCL-T. Análises de TG mostraram que a temperatura inicial de degradação não variou significativamente com a quantidade de PCL-T. Os espectros de FTIR apresentaram mudanças interessantes com adição de PCL-T que sugerem a existência de interações entre os polímeros. O melhor comportamento durante o processamento dos PHA com adição de PCL-T sugere que a PCL-Ts atuam como platificantes e auxiliares de fluxo, conferindo maior flexibilidade aos materiais biodegradáveis.
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Interfacial Tension and Phase Behavior of Oil/Aqueous Systems with Applications to Enhanced Oil RecoveryJaeyub Chung (9511022) 16 December 2020 (has links)
Chemical enhanced oil recovery (cEOR) aims to increase the oil recovery of mature oil fields, using aqueous solutions of surfactants and polymers, to mobilize trapped oil and maintain production. The interfacial tensions (IFTs) between the injected aqueous solution, the oil droplets in reservoirs, and other possible phases formed (e.g., a “middle phase” microemulsion) are important for designing and assessing a chemical formulation. Ultralow IFTs, less than 10<sup>-2</sup> mN·m<sup>-1</sup>, are needed to increase the capillary number and help mobilize trapped oil droplets. Despite this fact, phase behavior tests have received more attention than IFTs for designing and evaluating surfactant formulations that result in high oil recovery efficiencies, because incorporating reliable IFTs into such evaluation process is avoided due to difficulties in obtaining reliable values. Hence, the main thrusts of this dissertation are to: (a) develop robust IFT measurement protocols for obtaining reliable IFTs regardless of the complexity of water and oil phase constituents and (b) improve the existing surfactant polymer formulation evaluation and screening processes by successfully incorporating the IFT as one of the critical parameters.<br>First, two robust tensiometry protocols using the known emerging bubble method (EBM) and the spinning bubble method (SBM) were demonstrated, for determining accurately equilibrium surface tensions (ESTs) and equilibrium IFTs (EIFTs). The protocols are used for measuring the dynamic surface tensions (DSTs), determining the steady state values, and establishing the stability of the steady state values by applying small surface area perturbations by monitoring the ST or IFT relaxation behavior. The perturbations were applied by abruptly expanding or compressing surface areas by changing the bubble sizes with an automated dispenser for the EBM, and by altering the rotation frequency of the spinning tube for the SBM. Such robust tension measurement protocols were applied for Triton X-100 aqueous solutions at a fixed concentration above its critical micelle concentration (CMC). The EST value of the model solution was 31.5 ± 0.1 mN·m<sup>-1</sup> with the EBM and 30.8 ± 0.2 mN·m<sup>-1</sup> with the SBM. These protocols provide robust criteria for establishing the EST values.<br>Second, the EIFTs of a commercial single chain anionic surfactant solution in a synthetic brine against a crude oil from an active reservoir were determined with the new protocol described earlier. The commercial surfactant used here has an oligopropoxy group between a hydrophobic chain and a sulfate head group. The synthetic brine has 9,700 ppm of total dissolved salts, which are a mixture of sodium chloride (NaCl), potassium chloride (KCl), manganese (II) chloride tetrahydrate (MnCl<sub>2</sub>·4H<sub>2</sub>O), magnesium (II) chloride hexahydrate (MgCl<sub>2</sub>·6H<sub>2</sub>O), barium chloride dihydrate (BaCl<sub>2</sub>·2H<sub>2</sub>O), sodium sulfate decahydrate (Na<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub>·10H<sub>2</sub>O), sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO<sub>3</sub>), and calcium chloride dihydrate (CaCl<sub>2</sub>·2H<sub>2</sub>O). The DSTs curves of the surfactant concentrations from 0.1 ppm to 10,000 ppm by weight had a simple adsorption/desorption equilibrium at air/water surface with surfactant diffusion from bulk aqueous phase. Such a mechanism was also observed from the tension relaxation behavior after area perturbations for the oil/water interfaces while DIFT measurements. The CMC of the commercial surfactant was determined to be 12 ppm in water and 1 ppm in the synthetic brine used. From the initial tension reduction curves from DST and DIFT measurements, the equilibrium timescales were shorter with brine than with water, because the adsorbed surfactant on the oil/water interfaces were partitioned into oil phases. For both DST and DIFT results suggest that the adsorbed surfactant layer at interfaces were typical adsorbed soluble monolayers.<br>Third, the phase and rheological behavior of a commercial anionic surfactant in water and in brine are important for large scale applications. A phase map of the surfactant at 25 °C at full range of surfactant concentration was obtained. The supramolecular structures of the various phases were characterized by dynamic light scattering (DLS), cryogenic transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM), conductimetry, densitometry, and x-ray scattering. The identified phases evolved as the surfactant concentration was increased; they were a micellar solution phase, a hexagonal liquid crystalline phase, and a lamellar liquid crystalline phase. In addition, the characterization results provided detailed information about supramolecular structure parameters such as micellar sizes and their aggregation numbers, and liquid crystal spacings. The phase and rheological behavior trends identified here were of great importance because the trend was similar to that of single chain monoisomeric surfactant. Thus, this study provides a potential universality of phase behavior trends of surfactant-water systems despite of the multicomponent nature of surfactants.<br>Fourth, the EIFTs of the pre-equilibrated mixtures of surfactant, brine, and oil were determined and compared to the EIFTs prior to pre-equilibration, in order to systematically identify the most relevant IFT for oil recovery. The EIFT between surfactant solutions and oil without any pre-equilibration prior to tension measurements is defined as the un-pre-equilibrated EIFT (EIFT<sub>up</sub>). The EIFT between oil and water phases after the pre-equilibration of surfactant, brine, and oil is defined as pre-equilibrated EIFT (EIFT<sub>p</sub>). The EIFT<sub>p</sub>’s were generally higher than EIFT<sub>up</sub>’s. In addition, the effects of three mixing methods and the water-to-oil volume ratio (WOR) on the EIFT<sub>p</sub> were evaluated. Out of three mixing methods, (A) mild mixing, (B) magnetic stirring, and (C) shaking vigorously by hand, method C produced mixtures which are the closest to the equilibrium state. The mixtures produced by method C had the largest decrease of the surfactant concentration during pre-equilibration due to the surfactant partitioning into oil phases. Moreover, the WOR affects the EIFT<sub>p</sub> significantly due to the preferential partitioning of surfactant components into oil phases. More specifically, the WOR and the EIFT<sub>p</sub> were found to be inversely correlated, because the amount of partitioned surfactant increased as the oil volume fraction increased. The EIFT<sub>p</sub>’s were different from the EIFT<sub>up</sub>’s at the same total surfactant concentrations in the aqueous layer evidently because of preferential partitioning of the various surfactant components.<br>Finally, the effect of surfactant losses due to adsorption into the rock surface on the pre-equilibrated EIFT (EIFT<sub>p</sub>) were evaluated to improve surfactant formulation protocols. Here, five types of EIFTs were identified, along with robust protocols for determining them. These are: (I) the un-pre-equilibrated equilibrium IFT (EIFT<sub>up</sub>); (II) the un-pre-equilibrated EIFTs in the presence of rock (EIFT<sub>up,rock</sub>); (III) the pre-equilibrated EIFTs (EIFT<sub>p</sub>) in the presence of oil; (IV) the pre-equilibrated EIFT in the presence of rock and oil (EIFT<sub>p,rock</sub>); and (V) the effluent EIFT (EIFT<sub>eff</sub>). The EIFT<sub>up</sub> is the EIFT of the aqueous surfactant/brine solution against an oil drop without any pre-equilibration. The EIFT<sub>up,rock</sub> is the EIFT between an oil drop and the surfactant solution after pre-equilibration with a rock sample to account for adsorption losses. The EIFT<sub>p</sub> is the EIFT between the pre-equilibrated water and the oil phases from surfactant/brine/oil mixtures. The EIFT<sub>p,rock</sub> is the EIFT between the pre-equilibrated water and the oil phases from surfactant/brine/oil/rock mixtures. The EIFT<sub>eff</sub> is the EIFT from an effluent sample mixture of a laboratory-scale core flood test. Among the five types of EIFTs, the EIFT<sub>p,rock</sub> was found to be the most important for the highest oil recovery performance in core flood tests, because it captures the most important surfactant partition processes, the partitioning to the oil phase and the partitioning by adsorption on the rock surface. Among three surfactant formulations tested with core flood experiments, the one with the lowest EIFT<sub>p,rock</sub> (~0.01 mN·m<sup>-1</sup>) had the highest oil recovery ratio (78%), and the one with the highest EIFT<sub>p,rock</sub> (~0.2 mN·m<sup>-1</sup>) had the lowest oil recovery ratio (55%). The other EIFTs correlated less with the oil recovery performance. Identifying surfactant formulations that have low or ultralow EIFTs, especially ultralow EIFT<sub>p,rock</sub>’s, are critical for screening formulations appropriate for core flood tests and target field applications, and for predicting oil recovery performance. These works are a significant contribution for improving (a) the surfactant formulation evaluation protocols, and (b) the utilization of reliable IFTs and phase behavior test protocols for oil recovery and many other surfactant and colloid sciences applications.<br>
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Comprendre l’imperméabilité cutanée : étude spectroscopique de mélanges modèles de la phase lipidique du stratum corneumPaz Ramos, Adrian 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigations on CPI Centric Worst Case Execution Time AnalysisRavindar, Archana January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Estimating program worst case execution time (WCET) is an important problem in the domain of real-time systems and embedded systems that are deadline-centric. If WCET of a program is found to exceed the deadline, it is either recoded or the target architecture is modified to meet the deadline. Predominantly, there exist three broad approaches to estimate WCET- static WCET analysis, hybrid measurement based analysis and statistical WCET analysis. Though measurement based analyzers benefit from knowledge of run-time behavior, amount of instrumentation remains a concern.
This thesis proposes a CPI-centric WCET analyzer that estimates WCET as a product of worst case instruction count (IC) estimated using static analysis and worst case cycles per instruction (CPI) computed using a function of measured CPI. In many programs, it is observed that IC and CPI values are correlated. Five different kinds of correlation are found. This correlation enables us to optimize WCET from the product of worst case IC and worst case CPI to a product of worst case IC and corresponding CPI. A prime advantage of viewing time in terms of CPI, enables us to make use of program phase behavior. In many programs, CPI varies in phases during execution. Within each phase, the variation is homogeneous and lies within a few percent of the mean. Coefficient of variation of CPI across phases is much greater than within a phase. Using this observation, we estimate program WCET in terms of its phases. Due to the nature of variation of CPI within a phase in such programs, we can use a simple probabilistic inequality- Chebyshev inequality, to compute bounds of CPI within a desired probability. In some programs that execute many paths depending on if-conditions, CPI variation is observed to be high. The thesis proposes a PC signature that is a low cost way of profiling path information which is used to isolate points of high CPI variation and divides a phase into smaller sub-phases of lower CPI variation. Chebyshev inequality is applied to sub-phases resulting in much tighter bounds. Provision to divide a phase into smaller sub-phases based on allowable variance of CPI within a sub-phase also exists.
The proposed technique is implemented on simulators and on a native platform. Other advantages of phases in the context of timing analysis are also presented that include parallelized WCET analysis and estimation of remaining worst case execution time for a particular program run.
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Caractérisation physique et chimique des substances à activité thérapeutique : application aux études de profil de stabilité et de préformulation / Physical and chemical characterization of active pharmaceutical ingredients in the framework of preformulation and stability studiesGana, Inès 21 May 2015 (has links)
Le développement d’un médicament pour une cible thérapeutique donnée passe par plusieurs étapes qui se résument en une étape de criblage, une phase préclinique et plusieurs phases cliniques. Ces étapes permettent de sélectionner une substance active et de démontrer son efficacité thérapeutique et sa sécurité toxicologique. Ces deux critères définissent la qualité du médicament qui, une fois démontrée, doit être garantie pendant toute sa durée de validité. La qualité est évaluée au moyen d’études de stabilité qui sont réalisées d’abord sur la matière première de la substance active au cours de la phase de pré-développement du médicament, ensuite sur le produit fini. La stabilité intrinsèque de la substance active concerne à la fois ses propriétés chimiques et ses propriétés physiques qui sont liées à la nature de la substance. L’étude de stabilité repose d’abord sur la caractérisation de ces propriétés, et ensuite sur l’étude de la sensibilité de la substance à l’égard des facteurs environnementaux pouvant modifier les propriétés intrinsèques de la substance. L’approche adoptée dans ce travail repose d’une part sur l’évaluation de la stabilité chimique c’est à dire de la réactivité chimique des substances à usage pharmaceutique au travers des études de pureté chimique et des études de dégradation forcée de ces substances en solution, et d’autre part, sur l’évaluation de la stabilité physique. Dans ce cadre, l’étude du polymorphisme cristallin revêt une grande importance, tout comme l’aptitude à la formation d’hydrates ou de solvates. Cette étude, basée sur la thermodynamique, consiste pour l’essentiel à construire un diagramme de phases pression-température permettant de définir les domaines de stabilité relative des différentes formes cristallines. Cinq substances actives, existant à l’état solide et entrant dans la composition de médicaments administrés par voie orale, ont été étudiées dans le cadre de ce travail. L’analyse chimique du tienoxolol, présentant un effet anti-hypertenseur, a montré qu’il est très sensible à l’hydrolyse et à l’oxydation. Sept produits de dégradation ont été identifiés pour ce produit dont un schéma probable de fragmentation a été établi. Des diagrammes de phases pression-température ont été construits pour le bicalutamide et le finastéride, médicaments du cancer de prostate, en utilisant une approche topologique basée simplement sur les données disponibles dans la littérature. Cette étude a montré que la relation thermodynamique (énantiotropie ou monotropie) entre les formes cristallines sous conditions ordinaires peut être modifiée en fonction de la température et de la pression. Ce résultat est important pour la production des médicaments car il montre comment une telle information peut être obtenue par des mesures simples et accessibles aux laboratoires de recherche industrielle, sans que ces derniers soient contraints d’expérimenter sous pression. La méthode topologique de construction de diagramme de phases a été validée ensuite en la comparant à une méthode expérimentale consistant à suivre, par analyse thermique, des transitions de phases en fonction de la pression. La méthode expérimentale a été appliquée à deux composés, la benzocaine, anesthésique local, et le chlorhydrate de cystéamine, médicament utilisé pour les cystinoses. Les deux formes étudiées de benzocaine présentent une relation énantiotrope qui se transforme en relation monotrope à haute pression. Une nouvelle forme cristalline (forme III) du chlorhydrate de cystéamine a été découverte au cours de ce travail. La relation thermodynamique entre cette forme III et la forme I est énantiotrope dans tout le domaine de température et de pression. De plus, le chlorhydrate de cystéamine, classé hygroscopique, a fait l’objet d’une étude quantitative de sa sensibilité à l’eau, montrant qu’il devient déliquescent sans formation préalable d’hydrate (...) / The development of a drug for a given therapeutic target requires several steps, which can be summarized by drug screening, a preclinical phase and a number of clinical phases. These steps allow the selection of an active substance and a verification of its therapeutic efficacy and toxicological safety. The latter two criteria define the quality of the drug, which once demonstrated, must be guaranteed throughout its shelf life. Quality is assessed through stability studies that are carried out with the raw material of the active substance (preformulation phase) and with the final product. The intrinsic stability of the active substance depends on its chemical and physical properties and their characterization is the core of the stability studies, which in addition consists of sensitivity studies of the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) for environmental factors that can modify the intrinsic properties of the substance. The approach presented in this work is based on the one hand on the assessment of the chemical stability, i.e. the reactivity of APIs through chemical purity studies and forced degradation in solution, and on the other hand on the assessment of the physical stability. For the latter, crystalline polymorphism is of great importance, as is the ability of the API to form hydrates or solvates. The study of crystalline polymorphism is based on the construction of pressure-temperature phase diagrams in accordance with thermodynamic requirements leading to the stability condition domains of the different crystalline forms. The stability behavior of five APIs used or meant for oral applications has been studied as part of this work. The chemical analysis of tienoxolol, an antihypertensive drug, has demonstrated its sensitivity for hydrolysis and oxidation. Seven degradation products were identified and patterns of fragmentation have been established. Pressure-temperature phase diagrams have been constructed for bicalutamide and finasteride, drugs against prostate cancer, using a topological approach based on data available in the literature. The study demonstrates that the thermodynamic relationship (enantiotropy or monotropy) between crystalline forms under ordinary conditions can change depending on the pressure. This is important for drug development as it demonstrates how stability information can be obtained by standard laboratory measurements accessible to industrial research laboratories without the necessity to carry out experiments under pressure. The topological approach for the construction of phase diagrams has subsequently been validated by measuring transition temperatures as a function of pressure. Experiments have been carried out with benzocaine, a local anesthetic, and with cysteamine hydrochloride, a drug used against cystinosis. Two crystalline forms were observed in the case of benzocaine. They exhibit an enantiotropic relationship that becomes monotropic at high pressure. For cysteamine hydrochloride, a new crystalline form (form III) was discovered. The thermodynamic relationship between the new form III and the known form I is enantiotropic for the entire temperature and pressure range. Cysteamine hydrochloride’s sensitivity to water has been studied, as it is hygroscopic. It has been demonstrated that it becomes deliquescent in the presence of water and no trace of a hydrate has been found. Finally, a study combining thermal and chromatographic methods showed that, under the effect of temperature, cysteamine hydrochloride turns into cystamine in the solid as well as in the liquid state, The latter is known to be an important impurity of cysteamine hydrochloride. In conclusion, the approach developed in this work allowed to characterize the stability properties of a number of APIs and to determine the factors that may change these properties and influence the intrinsic stability (...)
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