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Změny rodinného chování mladých lidí po roce 1989 / Changes in family behavior of young people since 1989Hladíková, Petra January 2014 (has links)
The main subject of this thesis is examining the current state of marital behavior of young people in the Czech Republic and it's development after 1989, focusing on the growing number of single households and the related phenomenon singles. The work is based on the first part of the empirical data, particularly demographic data on family behavior. It highlights the impact of the second demographic transition on the current state of family life of young people and indicates a historical development of nuptality and fertility. In the practical part the focus is mainly on the analysis of the fundamental characteristics of family behavior after 1989. An integral part of my work is the research on the topic.
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Excavations at Huaca Cortada, Caballo Muerto Complex, Moche Valley: A Preliminary Report / Excavaciones en Huaca Cortada, complejo de Caballo Muerto, valle de Moche: un informe preliminarNesbitt, Jason, Gutiérrez, Belkys, Vásquez, Segundo 10 April 2018 (has links)
In this article, we present the preliminary results of the first season of excavations at Huaca Cortada, Caballo Muerto Complex, lower Moche Valley. While Huaca Cortada is one of the largest mounds at Caballo Muerto, there is little known about its occupation. Our research focused on various aspects of the site’s occupation including a more detailed understanding of its construction and chronology. We have determined that Huaca Cortada was first constructed around 1500 cal BC. However, the presence of pottery associated with later architectural phases indicates a longer and more complex occupational history. Furthermore, the excavations showed that Huaca Cortada was built in multiple construction phases to increase its size through time. This fact challenges previous conclusions that Huaca Cortada was built in a single construction episode, which was directed by a centralized political authority. Interestingly, several of the building phases of the mound have sedimentary deposits formed by strong rains associated with the El Niño phenomenon. / En este artículo se presentan los resultados preliminares de la primera temporada de excavaciones en Huaca Cortada, complejo de Caballo Muerto, valle bajo de Moche. A pesar de que es uno de los edificios más grandes de dicho conjunto, hay poca información sobre su ocupación. El actual estudio, enfocado en varios aspectos de este tema, ofrece una comprensión más detallada de las fases de construcción y de su cronología. Se determinó que Huaca Cortada fue erigida alrededor de 1500 a.C. (calib.); sin embargo, la presencia de cerámica asociada a fases de una ocupación más tardía sugiere una historia más larga y compleja. Además, las excavaciones demuestran que el montículo fue construido en múltiples fases y con el objeto de aumentar sus dimensiones. Más aún, algunas fases tienen depósitos con sedimentos producidos por las fuertes lluvias asociadas al fenómeno de El Niño. Estas conclusiones desafían las afirmaciones previas, que indicaban que Huaca Cortada había sido levantada en una sola fase y bajo la dirección de una autoridad centralizada.
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Les Nouvelles Traversées Alpines : Entre co-spatialité de systèmes nationaux et recherche d'interspatialité, une géopolitique circulatoire / New Alpine Crossings : Between cospatiality of national systems and research of interspatialities, geopolitics of a circulationSutton, Kevin 02 December 2011 (has links)
L'approche moderne des Traversées Alpines s'est fondée sur un postulat de corrélation de trois dynamiques : l'accélération, la concentration et l'extériorisation. Il convient aujourd'hui de le réinterroger. Les cadres d'étude récents des phénomènes de Traversées Alpines ont enfermé ce champs dans des approches spatiales segmentées (corridor, axe ; découpage courant Alpes occidentales/centrales/orientales). Ce contexte épistémologique révèle la prédominance du versant nord comme prisme de considération du phénomène. Il renforce le paradoxe animant le fond des Traversées Alpines : alors que l'Italie est le dénominateur commun à tous les axes de franchissement, ce pays est le plus absent tant dans la littérature que dans la menée politique des conditions d'exercice des flux. Le contexte géopolitique explique pour partie cette situation. Le jeu politique des Traversées témoigne d'une forme de « complexe de centralité » animant l'Autriche et plus encore la Suisse. Ce paradoxe remet en cause un premier postulat moderne, la course à l'extériorisation. Si les nœuds associés au franchissement se retrouvent aujourd'hui jusqu'à Mannheim voire Rotterdam, le cadre politique n'est, lui, pas dépassé. Le cadre technique, caractérisé par une recherche de continuités réticulaires (libéralisations, interopérabilités, tunnels de base), se concrétise au contact du cadre politique par l'émergence d'un mouvement nodal contraire. L'ouverture des tunnels de base comme la mise en place des réseaux de production des nouveaux acteurs sur le marché ferroviaire inventent et réactivent des nœuds à l'intérieur du massif. Cette nodogenèse interroge ainsi le présupposé répandu d'effacement, corollaire de cette ère affirmée des Nouvelles Traversées Alpines. L'accélération portée par les tunnels de base ne produit alors pas uniquement, à l'échelle des territoires alpins, une dynamique d'extériorisation ; il en va de même en ce qui concerne la concentration. L'itinéraire nouvellement ouvert n'efface pas les itinéraires précédents. Le tunnel de base du Lötschberg est exploité de concert avec la ligne de faîte. Il en sera de même avec le Gothard ou le Brenner. Si bien que la question de l'agencement vertical des logiques de franchissement se pose dans ce contexte d'éclatement des linéaires. Réintériorisation, éclatement, accélération apparaît comme le nouveau tryptique à l'œuvre autour des Traversées Alpines. L'enjeu de la nouveauté est de remettre en cause les acquis d'une lecture moderniste et de questionner la profondeur du tournant actuel. Tout ne change pas : la dimension nationale reste prédominante, l'Italie reste en retrait. Les Traversées Alpines restent un ensemble de systèmes nationaux cospatiaux, en recherche d'interspatialités entre eux et avec les territoires traversés. Une configuration territoriale émerge, la basse vallée, comme espace de conflictualités en mal de médiations. La basse vallée accueille la nodogenèse, est le théâtre des oppositions aux projets actuels comme dans le Val de Suse, porte la majeure partie des chantiers des tunnels de base… Cet espace, hier considéré comme intermédiaire, réinvente la notion de piedmont en se posant en potentielle intermédiation entre des dimensions verticales toujours plus centrifuges. La « nouveauté » est ainsi à chercher dans cette nouvelle donne spatiale. / The modern approach of Alpine Crossing was based on the correlation between three processes: acceleration, concentration and exteriorization. It can be interrogated once again at present time. The recent spatial studies of the phenomenon have enclosed it into an addition of partial considerations. This epistemological context reveals the importance of the northern part of Alps. It reinforces the paradox animating the intellectual ground of the Alpine Crossings system: Italy is the spatial common reference of the entire axis but this country is quite not concerned in the scientific literature and the political invention of the technical conditions. The geopolitical context explains partly this situation. Political frame testifies systemof centrality animating Austria and moreover Switzerland. This paradox takes issue to the first pillar of the modern intellectual approach of the phenomenon, exteriorization. If nodal points associated to the crossing can be identified from Mannheim to Rotterdam, this study focus into the borders of the alpine states. The technical ground and the research of reticular continuities, takes sense in a special political frame characterized by a movement of reinteriozation. Basis tunnels and transport liberalization into alpine area give new functionalities to former crossing nodal points. This new nodogenesis interrogates the idea of cancellation encpsuled in “New Alpine Crossings” era. Acceleration brought by the basis tunnels doesn't product exteriorization and concentration. New itinerary doesn't cancel the former ones. Lötschberg basis tunnel is managed together with the mountain line. It should be the same with Gothard and Brenner axis. Basically, the question of the vertical organization of crossing logics is asserted in a context of itineraries' split. Reinteriozation, itineraries' split, acceleration appears as the new tryptic of the Alpine Crossings. Novelty issue is to question the modern inherited meaning. First of all, Alpine Crossings remain an addition of national systems going to interspatiality increasing performance. Intermediation appears as a new territorial configuration, which could be illustrated by Italian lower valleys. This area was considered as an in-between space, but reinvents now the notion of piedmont. Novelty maybe found into this new territorial context.
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[pt] A presente dissertação aborda o fenômeno retrô nos jogos eletrônicos e como o jogador se relaciona com os jogos desse estilo. Um levantamento de como os jogos eletrônicos evoluíram foi realizado, levando-se em consideração elementos fundamentais como jogabilidade, narrativa, linguagem gráfica e áudio, com a intenção de se estabelecer uma base histórica que servisse de referência para o estudo dos jogos retrô. Uma breve análise de como o fenômeno retrô surgiu em outras esferas da sociedade foi conduzida, com o intuito de situar o retrô nos jogos eletrônicos em relação a outras manifestações sociais e artísticas. Para isso, autores como Forty, Guffey e Baudrillard foram estudados. Os motivos que levaram ao surgimento desse fenômeno nos jogos eletrônicos foram analisados, considerando-se a percepção dos jogadores. Alguns jogos foram analisados e uma categorização foi elaborada, considerando-se os elementos que compõem um jogo eletrônico e como eles se comportam e se diferenciam num jogo retrô. Com base na análise de imagens em movimento de Diana Rose, uma metodologia para as análises dos jogos foi desenvolvida. Entrevistas qualitativas com o público alvo de jogadores tradicionais foram realizadas, para se compreender as relações dos jogadores com os jogos eletrônicos. O método utilizado para conduzir as entrevistas foi o Método de Explicitação do Discurso Subjacente, de Nicolaci-da-Costa. A partir do resultado das entrevistas, foi traçado um perfil detalhado do jogador. O ponto de vista do Game Designer foi utilizado ao longo da pesquisa, pois é ele quem cria o jogo tendo a experiência do jogador como seu foco principal. A pesquisa revela, para os interessados no desenvolvimento de novos jogos, informações sobre os elementos que os jogadores valorizam ao selecionar um jogo. Considerações finais são apresentadas, acerca dos motivos que levaram ao fenômeno retrô dos últimos cinco anos nos jogos eletrônicos. / [en] This dissertation discusses, in the context of games, the retro phenomenon, and the players relationship with games of this style. Authors as Forty, Guffey and Baudrillard support an overview of the context. A research on how video games have evolved was performed, using as parameters fundamental elements such as gameplay, storytelling, graphics and audio. The goal was to build a historical reference that would support the study of retro games. A brief overview of how the retro emerged in other spheres of society is presented, in order to establish the place of retrogaming in relation to other social and artistic expressions. The reasons that led to this phenomenon in video games were analyzed, considering the players perceptions. Based on Diana Rose s qualitative method of content analysis in moving images, some games were analyzed and categories were created considering the elements of those games, the way they behave and how they differentiate into a retro game. Qualitative interviews with a target audience of traditional players were performed, in order to understand their relationship with video games. The Method of Explicitness of the Subjacent Discourse, of Nicolaci-da-Costa, was used in the interviews. The whole research was guided from a Game Designer point of view, since he is who creates the game, having as main focus the player s experience. The Game Designer centralizes and coordinates all efforts for the creation of various elements of the game, exploring a convergent approach, with focus on the experience that the player will have when playing a certain game. The research reveals, for those interested in game development, information on the elements that the players take into consideration when choosing a game. Concluding remarks are made concerning the reasons that, in the last five years, led a retro phenomenon to the video games scene.
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Analytické metody solárních panelů a systémů / Analytic method of solar panel and systemsKopunec, Vít January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the diploma work is to introduce analytical methods concerning solar panels and systems. Firstly, the attention is drawn to a principle of photovoltaic conversion including an explanation of photoelectric phenomenon as well as the issue of P-N junction considered to be the fundamental building block of a solar cell. With respect to the fact that the diploma work is to be focused on testing of solar panels and the identification of defects in solar cells, the work describes individual solar cells, solar panels as well as individual methods of defect identification. Secondly, the work includes sections dealing with the assessment of the measurement performed by using electroluminescence method as well as the measurement method of volt-ampere parameters. The last section of the work includes the assessment of solar panel aging after one-year performance using the electroluminescence measurement method.
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Ustálený chod a zkratové poměry v síti 110 kV E.ON při provozu nového zdroje 120 MVA pracujícího do R 110 kV Prostějov / Steady state and short-circuit conditions within E.ON 110 kV power network at operation of new 120 MVA source connected to 110 kV Prostějov substationKolář, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
Electrical power system is an essential technical system intended to power supply. The power drain is still increasing and it is possible to suppose rising trend in the future. Because of this fact there are installed new power sources into the system, so it is important to know manners and parameters of the electricity supply system as well as the new power sources which we are connecting to the grid. Due to these reasons, the electricity supply system is being simplified and described as the steady state operation with different numerical methods. To dimension a connection of the new power source to the grid, it has to be determined short-circuit conditions too.
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Analýza ferorezonančního přepětí v elektrických sítích / Analysis of Ferroresonance Overvoltage in Electrical NetBátora, Branislav January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the ferroresonance phenomenon and ferroresonance overvoltage in electric networks. That’s why the introduction part explains the theoretical basis of ferroresonance and its consequences in the power system. The work then focuses on the power system as a non-linear dynamic system and describes various analytical methods for solving these systems. These methods are further applied to diagnose specific systems. There are a number of various power system configurations susceptible to ferroresonance. The most frequent one is theoretically analyzed in this thesis and a number of recommendations are offered for reducing the ferroresonance phenomenon. The thesis further deals with the selection of suitable software for this computationally chal-lenging task. A number of different tools are considered and efficiently reduced to Matlab Sim-ulink and PSCAD software. Matlab Simulink and its SimPowerSystem Toolbox are used to ana-lyze the effect of hysteresis of the magnetic core of the transformer on the emergence and course of the ferroresonance phenomenon. Using PSCAD, various configurations of the power systems are compared in terms of possible emergence and course of ferroresonance and also to find the limiting conditions that increase the probability of this phenomenon. The possibility of using arti-ficial neural networks for ferroresonance diagnosis is also mentioned in this thesis. The final part provides a number of recommendations for design and operation of both new and existing power systems.
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Frekvenční analýza optickým systémem / Frequency analysis with using optical systemChlebounová, Klára January 2016 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to create a methodology for measuring vibration on the aircraft construction with using optical system and perform basic frequency analysis. Work shortly discusses the theoretical foundations of aeroelastic phenomenon and methods of solving its own deflection shapes and frequencies. In the practical part is measurement methodology designed for simple vibration of clamped rods and then is applied to a frequency analysis of the wing.
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Influence de la trajectoire de vie du propriétaire dirigeant sur la représentation de son rapport à l'entreprise et de sa relation à la réussite / Influence of the owner's life trajectory on the representation of his relationship to the company and its relationship to successRenon, François 04 March 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse à l’influence de la trajectoire de vie du propriétaire dirigeant sur la représentation de son rapport à l’entreprise et de sa relation à la réussite. Produire une connaissance sur ces éléments est essentiel tant au niveau socio-économique qu’au niveau académique. La représentation du rapport que le propriétaire dirigeant entretient avec son entreprise est mal connue. La réussite est bien souvent appréhendée sous un angle économique et financier. Cette recherche n’aborde pas la réussite sous le seul angle de la performance de l’entreprise mais davantage dans ce qu’elle représente pour le propriétaire dirigeant. Cette recherche qualitative s’est construite autour de 44 entretiens semi-directifs de propriétaires dirigeants de la région bordelaise. L’étude du matériau collecté a été réalisée au moyen de trois analyses complémentaires. La première a été conduite en suivant la méthodologie développée par Gioia et al (2012). Ensuite, une analyse lexicale a été menée à l’aide du logiciel Alceste. Enfin, cette recherche se voulant d’orientation psychodynamique,une analyse par écoute flottante a été menée pour repérer ce qui caractérise le phénomène étudié et qui n’est pas dit explicitement par les répondants. L’ensemble des interprétations réalisé à partir de ces trois analyses a ensuite été proposé à 15 d’entre eux. Les résultats mettent en évidence l’impact des expériences subjectives antérieures des propriétaires dirigeants sur la naissance de leur désir de création et sur la formation de leur désir de réussite. Le processus d’élaboration puis de création d’une entreprise est considéré comme une grossesse et une naissance symbolique. Cela conditionne le rapport que les propriétaires dirigeants développent avec leur entreprise. Leurs expériences antérieures les ont conduits à tenter de développer leur idéal d’entreprise, ce qui a été rapproché du mythe de pygmalion. Il existe donc un lien fort entre le rapport que les propriétaires dirigeants développent avec leur entreprise et leurs représentations de leur relation à la réussite. Leurs ambitions et leurs désirs de réussite sont projetés sur l’entreprise afin de lui permettre de se développer. Sans une nécessaire distanciation, ce rapport devient aliénant ce qui freine les perspectives de croissance de l’entreprise. / Research in the entrepreneurial field has been conducted with the ambition of discovering the determinants of entrepreneurial success (Schmitt, 2015). In the champion of the science of management, the representation to the previous of Cognitivists. This orientation is definitive as the building construction.The psychodynamic approach proposes a different meaning of representations. It postulates that are psychic constructions on a relation to the represented object. In this way, the influence of the life trajectory of the actors is fully recognized.This research highlights the impact of the subjective experiences of entrepreneurs on the birth of the desire for creation and autonomy. Thus, we were led to identify with models, then we would have differentiated to finally be able to individuate.Nevertheless, in order to succeed in entrepreneurial action, the owner-managers must become aware of this desire for creation and autonomy. This research shows that such an awareness marks the entry of the owner-managers into the phenomenon of entrepreneurial emergence. The use of the psychodynamic approach makes it possible to shed different light on the successive stages of entrepreneurial emergence. In this orientation, it is considered similar to a symbolic pregnancy. The owner-manager becomes aware of his desire to undertake a phase of incorporation. Then in a retention phase, he is led to develop a vision and analyze the resources at his disposal. Finally, the expulsion phase corresponds to the symbolic birth of an organization or a business project. The owner-manager then attempts to materialize his business ideal which has been brought closer to the pygmalion complex. This well-known mechanism of psychoanalytic theory and particularly at work in artists' populations especially among sculptors.Verstraete (2003) has highlighted the existence of a relationship between the entrepreneur and the company within the entrepreneurial phenomenon. This research confirms this relationship and the contribution of psychoanalytic theory provides explanations of its nature. By fostering the desire to create an ideal business, the owner-manager is also led to project his own desires for success. This projection of the entrepreneur's ambitions on his company favors its development. This mechanism is similar to the pygmalion effect discovered by Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968), which postulates that the success of children depends on the desire of their parents to project on them.This conjunction of the dual desire of the owner to give life to its creation and to promote its chances of success has been named the phenomenon of entrepreneurial pygmalion. This phenomenon influences representations of the relationship to the success of owner-managers in the sense that it expresses the ambitions projected on the organization. The company then becomes a means to materialize their personal aspirations. It is for this reason that they have a singular relationship with this creation.Finally the extreme involvement of the owner-manager in his business sometimes leads him to abandon his personal life. These works demonstrate their ambition to find a balance between the life of the company and their personal life.
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Factors that contribute to the street children phenomenon in Thohoyandou Town at the Vhembe District in Limpopo provinceMatodzi, A. N. 18 September 2017 (has links)
MPM / Department of Public and Development Administration / See the attached abstract below
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