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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

E-crimes and e-authentication - a legal perspective

Njotini, Mzukisi Niven 27 October 2016 (has links)
E-crimes continue to generate grave challenges to the ICT regulatory agenda. Because e-crimes involve a wrongful appropriation of information online, it is enquired whether information is property which is capable of being stolen. This then requires an investigation to be made of the law of property. The basis for this scrutiny is to establish if information is property for purposes of the law. Following a study of the Roman-Dutch law approach to property, it is argued that the emergence of an information society makes real rights in information possible. This is the position because information is one of the indispensable assets of an information society. Given the fact that information can be the object of property, its position in the law of theft is investigated. This study is followed by an examination of the conventional risks that ICTs generate. For example, a risk exists that ICTs may be used as the object of e-crimes. Furthermore, there is a risk that ICTs may become a tool in order to appropriate information unlawfully. Accordingly, the scale and impact of e-crimes is more than those of the offline crimes, for example theft or fraud. The severe challenges that ICTs pose to an information society are likely to continue if clarity is not sought regarding: whether ICTs can be regulated or not, if ICTs can be regulated, how should an ICT regulatory framework be structured? A study of the law and regulation for regulatory purposes reveals that ICTs are spheres where regulations apply or should apply. However, better regulations are appropriate in dealing with the dynamics of these technologies. Smart-regulations, meta-regulations or reflexive regulations, self-regulations and co-regulations are concepts that support better regulations. Better regulations enjoin the regulatory industries, for example the state, businesses and computer users to be involved in establishing ICT regulations. These ICT regulations should specifically be in keeping with the existing e-authentication measures. Furthermore, the codes-based theory, the Danger or Artificial Immune Systems (the AIS) theory, the Systems theory and the Good Regulator Theorem ought to inform ICT regulations. The basis for all this should be to establish a holistic approach to e-authentication. This approach must conform to the Precautionary Approach to E-Authentication or PAEA. PAEA accepts the importance of legal rules in the ICT regulatory agenda. However, it argues that flexible regulations could provide a suitable framework within which ICTs and the ICT risks are controlled. In addition, PAEA submit that a state should not be the single role-player in ICT regulations. Social norms, the market and nature or architecture of the technology to be regulated are also fundamental to the ICT regulatory agenda. / Jurisprudence / LL. D.

Bezpečnostní rizika sociálních sítí a jejich prevence / Security risks of social networks and their prevention

Nguyen, Sao Linh January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of security risks and threats of social networks. The work includes basic information about the most popular online social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The work analyzes the development and use of the above mentioned networks. In addition, there are the risks and dangers of communicating on social networks and recommendations for safe use.

Personality Traits and Resistance to Online Trust Exploitation

Vaishnavi Mahindra (16642734) 07 August 2023 (has links)
<p>Social engineering attacks, especially trust exploitation, have become a focus of attention</p> <p>for cybercriminals attempting to manipulate or deceive users to take actions that further</p> <p>expose their vulnerabilities. This has also become a budding field for researchers as these</p> <p>interactions are based on complex social equations that are constantly taken advantage of.</p> <p>Identifying the "weakest link" is a popular method of identifying how these exploits take</p> <p>place, generally by observing when individuals fall for a social engineering attack. However,</p> <p>valuable insights may be used to harden security by observing patterns in users resistant</p> <p>or vigilant to these attacks. Primarily, this trend may be discovered in resistant users’</p> <p>personality traits. This has been found to be a more accurate indicator of behavior than</p> <p>self-reported intentions. Survey responses (n=120) indicate correlations between high test</p> <p>scores in trust exploitation exercises and Conscientiousness in the Big 5 Personality Model</p> <p>(p<0.001). No significant correlation was seen between self-reported cybersecurity habits</p> <p>and actual security behavior.</p>

Students’ Perception of Cyber Threat Severity : Investigating Alignment with Actual Risk Levels

Erfani Torbaghani, Ramtin January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to investigate the alignment between students’ perception of cyber threats and their actual risk levels. A mixed-method approach was used, where data was collected from Swedish university students through questionnaires, capturing their perception, familiarity, experience, and protective behaviors. Information regarding the actual risk levels of cyber attacks was obtained from interviews with cyber security professionals and other expert sources, such as cyber security reports. The results showed that students perceive malware, ransomware, phishing, and insecure passwords as the most dangerous threats to society, while denial of service (DoS) attacks and packet sniffing were considered less severe. These findings align somewhat with the suggested threat levels. However, notable proportions of students perceived these threats as moderately dangerous or less severe, suggesting room for improvement in their understanding. The results also showed that protective behaviors among students are generally low, particularly in regards to IoT security. Future work should therefore explore the public’s perception, protective behavior and knowledge of IoT security, but also attacks that are common against such devices. / Denna studie jämför universitetsstudenters uppfattning om hur farliga olika cyberhot är med de faktiska risknivåerna för dessa hot. Data på studenternas uppfattning, bekantskap, erfarenhet och beteenden samlades in genom frågeformulär, medans information om cyberhotens faktiska risknivåer inhämtades från intervjuer med cybersäkerhetsproffs och andra experskällor som cybersäkerhetsrapporter och artiklar. Resultaten visade att studenterna uppfattar malware, ransomware, phishing och osäkra lösenord som de farligaste hoten mot samhället, medan denial of service (DoS)-attacker och packet sniffing ansågs vara mindre allvarliga. Dessa fynd överensstämde något med de föreslagna risknivåerna. Dock ansåg en anmärkningsvärd andel av studenterna dessa hot som måttligt farliga eller mindre allvarliga, vilket tyder på utrymme för förbättringar i deras förståelse. Resultaten visade också att skyddande beteenden bland studenter generellt är låga, särskilt när det gäller IoT-säkerhet. Framtida studier bör därför utforska allmänhetens uppfattning, skyddsbeteende och kunskap om IoT-säkerhet, men även attacker som är vanliga mot sådana enheter.

An Investigation of People’s Perception of Digital Threats / Formalisering av inneslutningstrategier i ett ramverk för probabilistisk hotmodellering

Rabbani, Wasila January 2024 (has links)
This project examines cyber threats and their impact on individuals and organizations. The thesis focuses on a thorough literature review and uses surveys for primary data collection. The quantitative method was chosen to gather numeric data on these threats. The methodology classifies digital threats and analyzes survey results about these threats. It also gathers data on the perceived difficulty of these threats and compares general beliefs with expert opinions and statistical data from literature. Surveys targeted individuals aged 20-45 with a university degree, obtaining 86 responses. Interviews with five security professionals followed a standardized format, aiding in a comparative analysis with the survey data. The questions addressed several cyber threats, including phishing, ransomware, insecure passwords, malware, traffic sniffing, and denial of service. Notably, many respondents lacked a clear understanding of the significance of insecure passwords and traffic sniffing. By using quantitative methods and integrating survey results with expert opinions and literature findings, this study deepens the understanding of cyber threats. The results spotlight misconceptions and knowledge gaps about cyber threats, underscoring the need for better cybersecurity awareness and education. / Detta projekt undersöker cyberhot och deras påverkan på individer och organisationer. Avhandlingen fokuserar på en grundlig litteraturgranskning och använder enkäter för primär datainsamling. Den kvantitativa metoden valdes för att samla numeriska data om dessa hot. Metodiken klassificerar digitala hot och analyserar enkätresultat om dessa hot. Den samlar också in data om den upplevda svårigheten av dessa hot och jämför allmänna uppfattningar med expertåsikter och statistiska data från litteratur. Enkäter riktade sig till individer i åldern 20-45 med en universitetsexamen, och gav 86 svar. Intervjuer med fem säkerhetsprofessionella följde ett standardiserat format, vilket underlättade en jämförande analys med enkätdata. Frågorna behandlade flera cyberhot, inklusive phishing, ransomware, osäkra lösenord, skadlig programvara, trafikavlyssning och denial of service. Framför allt saknade många svarande en tydlig förståelse för betydelsen av osäkra lösenord och trafikavlyssning. Genom att använda kvantitativa metoder och integrera enkätresultat med expertutlåtanden och litteraturfynd fördjupar denna studie förståelsen för cyberhot. Resultaten belyser missuppfattningar och kunskapsluckor om cyberhot, vilket understryker behovet av bättre medvetenhet och utbildning inom cybersäkerhet.

Hur arbetar IT-leverantörer med att skydda deras kommunikationsvägar? / How do IT-suppliers protect their communication paths?

Jonsson, Rasmus January 2024 (has links)
Kommunikationsvägar i business-to-business-kommunikation (B2B-kommunikation), så som e-post och telefoni, är idag utsatta för ett ökande hot från cyberattacker. Tidigare forskning har visat att många vanliga kommunikationsvägar är sårbara för hot, inklusive social manipulation och ransomware.  Studien undersökte hur IT-leverantörer arbetar för att säkerställa att deras B2Bkommunikationsvägar är säkrade, vilka sårbarheter de ser i sin befintliga miljö och vilka metoder de använder för att förhindra attacker. För att besvara frågorna genomfördes en kvalitativ fallstudie med en IT-leverantör. Semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes för att ta reda på respondenternas åsikter och erfarenheter i relation till kommunikationsvägarna. Totalt 19 frågor inom olika kategorier ställdes till respondenterna.  Resultaten och analysen av intervjuerna indikerar att e-post och telefoni är de primära kommunikationssätten hos den IT-leverantör som deltog i fallstudien. Det skiljer sig också åt hur olika avdelningar föredrar att kommunicera. Resultaten visar även en oro över den växande hotbilden inom IT-sektorn. Som en följd är respondenterna medvetna om relevanta cyberattacker, så som ransomware eller andra attacker som involverar social manipulation. Respondenterna delar också hur de arbetar för att skydda sina kommunikationsvägar, samt identifierar områden för förbättring i en nära framtid. Slutligen kräver lagar och regler att IT-leverantören förbättrar och stärker sin IT-säkerhet, med framträdande exempel som GDPR och NIS-2-direktiven. / Communication paths in business-to-business communication (B2B-communication), such as email and telephony, are today exposed by an increasing threat of cyber attacks. Previous research has demonstrated that many common communication paths are vulnerable to threats, including social engineering and ransomware.  The study examined how IT-suppliers work to ensure that their B2B-communication paths are secured, what vulnerabilities in their existing environment do they see and what mitigation techniques they are using to prevent attacks. To answer the questions a qualitative case study was conducted with an IT-supplier. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to find out the respondents’ opinions and experiences in relation to the communication paths. A total of 19 questions across various categories were posed to the respondents.  The results and analysis of the interviews indicate that email and telephony are the primary modes of communication at the IT-supplier involved in the case study. It also differs in how different departments prefer to communicate. The results also indicate a concern about the growing threat landscape in the IT sector. As a result, the respondents are aware of relevant cyber attacks, such as ransomware or other attacks involving social engineering. The respondents also share how they work to protect their communication paths, as well as identify areas for improvement in the near future. Finally, laws and regulations requiere the IT-supplier to enhance and improve their IT-security, with prominent examples being GDPR and the NIS-2 directives.

Skyddsåtgärder på sociala medier : En kvalitativ studie om hur individer kan skydda sig mot cyberattacker och varför de inte tillämpar skyddsåtgärder på sociala medier

Shi, Amy, Sellman, Hanna January 2024 (has links)
Digitala plattformars integration i samhället har omformat hur vi människor kommunicerar, arbetar och lever på. Sociala medier har bidragit till en central del i denna omvandling, samtidigt som det även har ökat risken för individers sårbarheter för cyberattacker. Individer lämnar digitala fotavtryck genom aktiviteter online som kan hota deras integritet och säkerhet. Trots detta saknar många medvetenhet om riskerna och kunskap om hur de kan skydda sig. Syftet med studien är att utforska vilka skyddsåtgärder som kan minska individers sårbarheter för cyberattacker på sociala medier. Dessutom syftar studien till att utforska varför de avstår från att använda dessa skyddsåtgärder. Genom att granska tidigare forskning och analysera de mänskliga faktorer som påverkar säkerhetsmedvetenhet, strävar studien efter att undersöka dessa beteenden. En kvalitativ forskningsansats antogs och datainsamlingen gemfördes med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Analysen utfördes med en tematisk analysmetod där tre teman identifierades som är: skyddsåtgärder, sociala medier och attityder och användarbeteende. Slutsatsen är att individer kan tillämpa skyddsåtgärder som starka lösenord, undvika delning av lösenord, tvåfaktorsautentisering och att vara misstänksam mot okända meddelanden för att skydda sig mot cyberattacker. Individer använder inte dessa åtgärder på grund av en naiv attityd kring cyberattacker och upplevd omständighet med att implementera skyddsåtgärder. Trots att vissa blivit offer för cyberattacker fortsätter de att inte tillämpa skyddsåtgärder på grund av bristande förståelse för risker och konsekvenser. / The integration of digital platforms into society has transformed how we communicate, work, and live. Social media has played a central role in this transformation, while also increasing individuals' vulnerabilities to cyberattacks. People leave digital footprints through online activities that can threaten their privacy and security. Despite this, many lack awareness of the risks and knowledge of how to protect themselves. The aim of this study is to explore protective measures that can reduce individuals' vulnerabilities to cyberattacks on social media. Additionally, the study seeks to understand why individuals refrain from using these protective measures. By reviewing previous research and analyzing the human factors affecting security awareness, the study aims to investigate these behaviors. A qualitative research approach was adopted, and data was collected through semi-structured interviews. The analysis was conducted using a thematic analysis method, identifying three themes: protective measures, social media, and attitudes and user behavior. The conclusion is that individuals can apply protective measures such as strong passwords, avoiding password sharing, two-factor authentication, and being suspicious of unknown messages to protect themselves against cyberattacks. Individuals do not use these measures due to a naive attitude towards cyberattacks and the perceived inconvenience of implementing protective measures. Despite some having been victims of cyberattacks, they continue not to apply protective measures due to a lack of understanding of risks and consequences.

The human element in information security : an analysis of social engineering attacks in the greater Tshwane area of Gauteng, South Africa

Van Rensburg, Kim Shandre Jansen 06 1900 (has links)
Criminology and Security Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Criminology)

Malicious Intent Detection Framework for Social Networks

Fausak, Andrew Raymond 05 1900 (has links)
Many, if not all people have online social accounts (OSAs) on an online community (OC) such as Facebook (Meta), Twitter (X), Instagram (Meta), Mastodon, Nostr. OCs enable quick and easy interaction with friends, family, and even online communities to share information about. There is also a dark side to Ocs, where users with malicious intent join OC platforms with the purpose of criminal activities such as spreading fake news/information, cyberbullying, propaganda, phishing, stealing, and unjust enrichment. These criminal activities are especially concerning when harming minors. Detection and mitigation are needed to protect and help OCs and stop these criminals from harming others. Many solutions exist; however, they are typically focused on a single category of malicious intent detection rather than an all-encompassing solution. To answer this challenge, we propose the first steps of a framework for analyzing and identifying malicious intent in OCs that we refer to as malicious mntent detection framework (MIDF). MIDF is an extensible proof-of-concept that uses machine learning techniques to enable detection and mitigation. The framework will first be used to detect malicious users using solely relationships and then can be leveraged to create a suite of malicious intent vector detection models, including phishing, propaganda, scams, cyberbullying, racism, spam, and bots for open-source online social networks, such as Mastodon, and Nostr.

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