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Síntese e caracterização de nanocompósitos de PMMA/NTC para aplicações em células fotovoltaicas orgânicas / Synthesis and characterization of PMMA nanocomposites / NTC for applications in organic photovoltaic cellsCecci, Ricardo Rodrigo Ramos 22 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Júlio Roberto Bartoli, Elizabeth Grillo Fernandes / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Química / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T08:51:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Cecci_RicardoRodrigoRamos_M.pdf: 4182332 bytes, checksum: 4424cc557c439a1602d15a95921a2b25 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: Nanotubos de carbono (NTCs) apresentam características interessantes para aplicações em eletrodos transparentes. Quando dispersos em escala nanométrica são transparentes ao espectro da luz visível e são capazes de conduzir eletricidade após atingirem percolação em matrizes poliméricas isolantes. Neste trabalho, é descrito o uso de nanotubos de carbono de camadas múltiplas (NTCMs) na produção de filmes poliméricos flexíveis transparentes e condutores como alternativa ao uso do óxido de índio dopado com estanho (ITO) em células solares orgânicas. Os nanotubos foram dispersos e purificados em solução aquosa de dodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS) pelos processos de sonicação e centrifugação, e a dispersão monitorada por espectroscopia UV-Vis e potencial ?. Os nanocompósitos foram produzidos via polimerização in situ do monômero metacrilato de metila (MMA) na presença de 0 a 1% p/p NTCs e os filmes depositados através da técnica de revestimento por rotação a alta velocidade (spin coating). A reação de polimerização foi acompanhada pela calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC). Verificou-se que na presença de NTCs, a taxa de conversão do monômero é acelerada. A cinética de degradação térmica foi avaliada pelo método de Broido utilizando a análise termogravimétrica (TGA). Foi observado que os NTCs aumentam a estabilidade térmica do PMMA, retardando a degradação por despolimerização. Estudos por espectroscopia FT-IR mostraram uma banda de absorção em 1601 cm-1, (C=C), a qual não é característica do PMMA, indicando que os NTCs participam da polimerização do PMMA. Para concentrações de até 1% p/p de NTCs, os filmes PMMA/NTC apresentaram excelentes propriedades ópticas. Ou seja, baixo coeficiente de absorção, na ordem de 103 cm-1, altos valores de gap óptico (Eopt), entre 3,2 e 4,14 eV, e alta transparência por todo espectro visível, entre 88 e 93%. Nas mesmas concentrações, foi observada uma diminuição substancial na resistividade elétrica dos filmes em 8 ordens de grandeza (de 1016 para 108 ?/quadrado), comparados ao filme de PMMA puro. Entretanto, a faixa de resistividade alcançada ainda é típica de materiais isolantes. Estudos de otimização poderiam originar filmes PMMA/NTC como uma alternativa promissora para ITO em OPVs / Abstract: Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have interesting features for applications in transparent electrodes. When dispersed at the nanoscale, they become transparent within the visible range and are able to conduct electricity after reaching the percolation threshold in an insulating polymer matrix. In this work, the use of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) is described for the production of flexible transparent conducting polymer films as an alternative to the use of indium-tin oxide (ITO) in organic solar cells. The nanotubes were dispersed and purified in an aqueous solution of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) by the process of sonication and centrifugation, and the dispersion monitored by UV-Vis spectroscopy and ? potential. The nanocomposites were produced via in situ polymerization of the monomer methyl methacrylate (MMA) in the presence of 0 to 1 %wt. of CNTs. The films were deposited by the spin-coating technique. The polymerization reaction was monitored by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). It was found that in the presence of CNTs, the conversion rate of the monomer is accelerated. The kinetics of thermal degradation was measured according to the Broido's method by using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). It was observed that CNTs increase the thermal stability of PMMA, slowing degradation by depolymerization. FT-IR data showed an absorption band at 1601 cm-1 (C = C), which is not characteristic of PMMA, indicating that the CNTs takes place in the polymerization of PMMA. For concentrations up to 1wt% of CNTs, the PMMA/CNT films had excellent optical properties, i.e., a low absorption coefficient in the order of 103 cm-1, wide optical gap (Eopt) between 3.2 and 4.14 eV, and high transparency within the whole visible range, between 88 and 93%. In the same concentrations, the electrical resistivity of the films dropped by 8 orders of magnitude (from 1016 to 108 ?/sqr), compared to the pure PMMA film. Even though this electrical resistivity value is typical of insulating materials, further optimization studies could provide PMMA/CNT films as a promising alternative to ITO in OPV / Mestrado / Ciencia e Tecnologia de Materiais / Mestre em Engenharia Química
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A transição para uma matriz energética limpa : os avanços na tecnologia solar / The transition towards a clean energy matrix : the advances in solar technologySuzigan, Kelly Rosana, 1983- 27 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Ademar Ribeiro Romeiro / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Economia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-27T14:56:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Suzigan_KellyRosana_M.pdf: 3841622 bytes, checksum: f6215a3e1341048e3689f5c380771993 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: As reservas mundiais de petróleo, carvão e gás natural podem acomodar maior crescimento no uso destas fontes de energia sobre as próximas décadas, mas agrava os enormes desafios colocados pelas alterações climáticas. A produção e o consumo energético de energia têm grande impacto na sociedade e na natureza, e o uso dos combustíveis fósseis é claramente insustentável com consequências potencialmente catastróficas. Desta forma, a necessidade de transição para uma matriz energética mais limpa é evidente, podendo ser observada através do redirecionamento da política energética de algumas das nações líderes do mundo. Dentre as tecnologias energéticas limpas, a tecnologia solar tem se destacado no cenário mundial, e por hipótese a energia solar deverá ser a principal fonte para geração de eletricidade no futuro. Esta dissertação pretende contribuir com a investigação acerca do desenvolvimento e perspectivas da energia solar no mundo, trazendo alguma luz à controvérsia sobre a possibilidade de superação do paradigma energético baseado na combustão de fósseis a tempo de se evitar um possível desastre ambiental. O presente trabalho divide-se em três partes. A primeira parte trata da necessidade da transição da matriz energética baseada em uso de combustíveis fósseis para uma baseada em energia limpa, essencial em decorrência das já comprovadas limitações ambientais, que se agravará futuramente diante da expectativa de largo aumento na demanda de energia para acompanhar o crescimento econômico futuro. A segunda parte faz uma breve discussão acerca de algumas questões relativas à construção de um novo paradigma energético e da inovação em tecnologias de energia de baixo carbono, além de salientar especificidades da tecnologia solar. Por fim, na terceira parte traça-se um panorama do cenário atual mundial com relação ao setor de energia solar a partir dos principais países que investem na tecnologia: Estados Unidos, Alemanha, Japão e China. Neste capítulo será analisado o progresso do setor solar em cada país, apontando as políticas de incentivo, desenvolvimento da indústria solar, evolução do mercado e perspectivas futuras da energia solar / Abstract: The world reserves of oil, coal and natural gas can accommodate further growth in energy use over the next few decades, but aggravates the great challenges posed by climate change. The production and consumption of energy have been creating great impact in our society and nature, and the consumption of fossil fuels is clearly unsustainable with potentially catastrophic consequences. Thus, the importance of renewable forms of energy is growing robustly, which can be observed by the energy policies of some of the leading nations in the world. Among the renewable forms of energy, solar power generation is becoming mainstream and by hypothesis is likely to become the world¿s most important source for electricity generation in the future. This thesis aims to contribute on the research concerning the development and prospects of solar energy in the world, bringing some light to the controversy about the possibility of overcoming the energy paradigm based on the combustion of fossil in time to prevent a possible environmental disaster. This paper is divided into three parts. The first one highlight the need for a transition from a fossil fuel-based society to one based on renewable energy, enabling a more sustainable growth. The second part is a brief discussion regarding the construction of a new energy paradigm and the innovations in the in low-carbon energy technologies, highlighting specific characteristics of the solar technology. Finally, the third part makes an overview of the current scenario, especially the one regarding the solar industry in the most advanced countries in the development of solar energy (United States, Germany, Japan and China). In this chapter an analysis is made about the progress of the solar energy in each country, pointing out government subsidies, industry and market development and future prospects of solar energy / Mestrado / Desenvolvimento Economico, Espaço e Meio Ambiente / Mestra em Desenvolvimento Econômico
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Performance analysis of small stand alone photovoltaic system under outdoor conditions in the Vuwani Region of the Limpopo ProvinceRavhengani, Tshifhiwa Solomon 10 January 2014 (has links)
MSc (Physics) / Department of Physics
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Analysis of the peak power of a photovoltaic array system under outdoor conditions at Vuwani Region of Limpopo ProvinceNekhubvi, Vhutshilo 1st Mountaineer 10 January 2014 (has links)
MSc (Physics) / Department of Physics
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Nanostructured Extremely Thin Absorber (ETA) Hybrid Solar Cell Fabrication, Optimization, and CharacterizationLambert, Darcy Erin 01 January 2011 (has links)
Traditional sources of electrical energy are finite and can produce significant pollution. Solar cells produce clean energy from incident sunlight, and will be an important part of our energy future. A new nanostructured extremely thin absorber solar cell with 0.98% power conversion efficiency and maximum external quantum efficiency of 61% at 650 nm has been fabricated and characterized. This solar cell is composed of a fluorine-doped tin oxide base layer, n-type aluminum doped zinc oxide nanowires, a cadmium selenide absorber layer, poly(3-hexylthiophene) as a p-type layer, and thermally evaporated gold as a back contact. Zinc oxide nanowire electrodeposition has been investigated for different electrical environments, and the role of a zinc oxide thin film layer has been established. Cadmium selenide nanoparticles have been produced and optimized in-house and compared to commercially produced nanoparticles. Argon plasma cleaning has been investigated as a method to improve electronic behavior at cadmium selenide interfaces. The thermal anneal process for cadmium selenide nanoparticles has been studied, and a laser anneal process has been investigated. It has been found that the most efficient solar cells in this study are produced with a zinc oxide thin film, zinc oxide nanowires grown under constant -1V bias between the substrate material and the anode, cadmium selenide nanoparticles purchased commercially and annealed for 24 hours in the presence of cadmium chloride, and high molecular weight poly(3-hexylthiophene) spin-coated in a nitrogen environment.
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Measuring the Effect of Vegetated Roofs on the Performance of Photovoltaic Panels in Combined SystemsOgaili, Hamid Hawi Kadham 05 May 2015 (has links)
Recent studies suggest that integration of photovoltaic panels with green roofs may improve the performance of both. While vegetation may provide a benefit by reducing the net radiation load on the underside of the photovoltaic (PV) panels, it may also affect convective cooling of panels, and consequently, panel efficiency. Both effects likely diminish with the height of the PV panel above the roof, although placing PV panels too close to the vegetation increases the risk of the plants growing over the edges of, and shading the PV panel. There is a gap in the literature with respect to evaluating these competing effects. The present study aims to fill this gap.
Experiments were conducted over a two-month period during summer using two identical PV panels within an array of rooftop-mounted panels. These experiments were performed at two heights (18 cm and 24 cm) using three roofing types: white, black and green (vegetated). Results showed that the mean power output of the system in which the PV panel was mounted above a green roof was 1.2% and 0.8% higher than that of the PV-black roof and the PV-white roof at the 18 cm height. At the 24 cm height, the benefit of the green roof was slightly diminished with power output for the PV panel above a green roof being 1.0% and 0.7% higher than the black and white roof experiments, respectively. These power output results were consistent with measured variations in mean panel surface temperatures; the green roof systems were generally cooler by 1.5˚C to 3˚C. The panel surface mean heat transfer coefficients for the PV-green roof were generally 10 to 23% higher than for the white and black roof configurations, suggesting a mixing benefit associated with the roughness of the plant canopy. As expected, the results indicate that the best PV panel performance is obtained by locating the PV panel above a green roof. However, the relative benefits of the roof energy balance diminish with distance between the PV panel and the roof.
Moreover, the results of this study showed that the mean power output of the PV panel above the white roof was 0.7% and 0.44% higher than that of the PV panel above the black roof at 18 cm and 24 cm heights, respectively. The results of the power output differences in all the experiments were statistically significant at the 95% confidence interval (P < 0.01).
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A hierarchical model for photovoltaic system performance analysisMarathe, Hemant Yeshwant January 1985 (has links)
The advent of new technology and ever-escalating fuel prices would make alternative energy sources increasingly important in coming years. This study is aimed to develop the tools required to analyze the feasibility of alternate energy sources. Although the study refers specifically to solar energy, the methodology is good for any alternative energy source.
Four models are used to analyze complete performance of a photovoltaic(PV) system. The SOLAR model estimates the total radiation at a site. The PVPM model calculates the PV output for this total radiation. The PRODCOST and LIFECC models analyze the economic performance of the photovoltaic system.
This works as a complete package which by itself will help to make preliminary analysis of various sites before making a further in-depth study for a selected few. The model is intended to be a part of a larger model, which will be a complete planning tool for power system expansion in developing countries. The efforts towards this direction can be continued further by developing various models, each analyzing a special task. The models can be integrated to form a hierarchical structure which completely models the power system in developing countries. / M.S.
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Electronic and optical characterisations of silicon quantum dots and its applications in solar cellsFangsuwannarak, Thipwan, Photovoltaic & Renewable Energy Engineering, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
In this thesis, the structural, optical and electrical properties of crystalline silicon quantum dots (SiQDs) are examined for application to silicon based tandem cells. The approach has been to concentrate on all silicon devices by taking advantage of quantum confinement in low-dimensional Si. RF magnetron co-sputtering provided the capability of creating superlattice structures in conjunction with high temperature annealing, to form Si nanocrystals in an oxide matrix. Structural techniques, including Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), micro-Raman spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIM) were employed to gather structural information about the SiQD/SiO2 SLs. The result combine presents that the packing density of Si QDs, correlated to the oxygen content of the silicon rich oxide layer can be control independently. The effect of Si nanocrystallite density on Raman scattering is investigated. The preliminary results present that a decrease in the oxygen content (x) results in an increased sharpness of the Strokes-mode peak of nanocrystalline Si, attributed to an increase in the proportion of crystalline Si because of the increased number of SiQDs. However the influence of the surface region on the crystallite core intensity scattering becomes dominant, when SiQD size diameter is very small (less than 3 nm). The present work shows that a decrease in x-content leading to an increase of the SiQD concentration, initially results in the enhancement of the lateral conductivity in the SiQD superlattice material. In this work, the Al contacting scheme, using a prolonged heat treatment technique at elevated temperature less than the eutectic point of Al and Si (577C) has been successfully applied to making Ohmic contacts on both SiQD SLs in oxide and nitride matrices. Activation energy (Ea) of SiQDs, extracted from a linear Arrhenius plot is investigated in the present work in order to expand the understanding of engineering electrical injection in laterally active paths. It is found that a lower barrier height of dielectric matrix influences to the lateral electron transport of the SiQDs in such dielectric matrix. PL results confirm that the band gap of surface oxidized SiQDs widens due to quantum confinement. The present results reveal that the strong peak (Q-peak) due to quantum confinement is more effective in the emission with increasing SiQD concentration. The surface oxide is believed to play an important role in the reduction of SiQD luminescence due to a trapped exiciton. It is concluded that SiQDs surface oxide accompanied by a SiO2 matrix may not provide a good passivation in very small SiQD size. However the energy band gap and conductivity of the SiQDs are tunablity, in the optimum range of SiQD size and concentration. This observation may be important for future nanoelectronics applications.
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Electronic and optical characterisations of silicon quantum dots and its applications in solar cellsFangsuwannarak, Thipwan, Photovoltaic & Renewable Energy Engineering, UNSW January 2007 (has links)
In this thesis, the structural, optical and electrical properties of crystalline silicon quantum dots (SiQDs) are examined for application to silicon based tandem cells. The approach has been to concentrate on all silicon devices by taking advantage of quantum confinement in low-dimensional Si. RF magnetron co-sputtering provided the capability of creating superlattice structures in conjunction with high temperature annealing, to form Si nanocrystals in an oxide matrix. Structural techniques, including Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), micro-Raman spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIM) were employed to gather structural information about the SiQD/SiO2 SLs. The result combine presents that the packing density of Si QDs, correlated to the oxygen content of the silicon rich oxide layer can be control independently. The effect of Si nanocrystallite density on Raman scattering is investigated. The preliminary results present that a decrease in the oxygen content (x) results in an increased sharpness of the Strokes-mode peak of nanocrystalline Si, attributed to an increase in the proportion of crystalline Si because of the increased number of SiQDs. However the influence of the surface region on the crystallite core intensity scattering becomes dominant, when SiQD size diameter is very small (less than 3 nm). The present work shows that a decrease in x-content leading to an increase of the SiQD concentration, initially results in the enhancement of the lateral conductivity in the SiQD superlattice material. In this work, the Al contacting scheme, using a prolonged heat treatment technique at elevated temperature less than the eutectic point of Al and Si (577C) has been successfully applied to making Ohmic contacts on both SiQD SLs in oxide and nitride matrices. Activation energy (Ea) of SiQDs, extracted from a linear Arrhenius plot is investigated in the present work in order to expand the understanding of engineering electrical injection in laterally active paths. It is found that a lower barrier height of dielectric matrix influences to the lateral electron transport of the SiQDs in such dielectric matrix. PL results confirm that the band gap of surface oxidized SiQDs widens due to quantum confinement. The present results reveal that the strong peak (Q-peak) due to quantum confinement is more effective in the emission with increasing SiQD concentration. The surface oxide is believed to play an important role in the reduction of SiQD luminescence due to a trapped exiciton. It is concluded that SiQDs surface oxide accompanied by a SiO2 matrix may not provide a good passivation in very small SiQD size. However the energy band gap and conductivity of the SiQDs are tunablity, in the optimum range of SiQD size and concentration. This observation may be important for future nanoelectronics applications.
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Estudo e desenvolvimento de paralelismo de inversores para aplicação fotovoltaica conectados à rede elétricaSantos, Walter Meneghette dos 15 August 2013 (has links)
Os sistemas fotovoltaicos tem se difundido mundialmente como uma tecnologia de energia limpa que pode ser utilizada na maior parte do planeta Terra. Isto o torna um sistema muito interessante para geração distribuída. A peça fundamental para o aproveitamento da energia fotovoltaica na geração distribuída é o inversor conectado a rede elétrica. Assim o rendimento deste equipamento influencia diretamente no aproveitamento da energia gerada pelos painéis fotovoltaicos e consequentemente no tempo em que o sistema se paga. O comportamento sazonal da geração de energia, onde o inversor trabalha na maior parte do tempo entre 10% e 90% da capacidade, principalmente em sistemas sem rastreamento, não permite que o inversor seja avaliado somente pelo seu rendimento em plena carga, mas pela curva de rendimento completa em toda faixa de operação. O método proposto para a melhora do rendimento do sistema em baixas potências é a utilização de inversores de baixa potência conectados a rede elétrica em paralelo trabalhando de maneira escalonada. Assim, em baixas potências o rendimento é mais elevado que se fosse utilizado um único inversor. Neste trabalho são avaliados também as consequências do paralelismo na taxa de distorção harmônica da corrente e as vantagens de ampliação na vida útil dos equipamentos e o recurso de redundância. Foram implementados 4 inversores de 300W de saída, na topologia ponte completa com frequência de comutação e amostragem de 21,6kHz, controlados cada um por um DSC 56F8014 da Freescale, e um dispositivo para monitoração dos inversores utilizando um microcontrolador PIC18F4520. Todos os dispositivos possuem interface de comunicação UART isolada com protocolo LIN. Os inversores foram testados em operação com modo de compartilhamento de potência contínuo, onde todos os inversores operam com parcelas identicas de potência, e no modo escalonado, onde os inversores entram em operação sob a demanda da potência a ser processada. Os resultados apresentam uma melhora de 3,7% no rendimento entre o sistema de compartilhamento de potência contínuo e escalonado, avaliados pelo rendimento ponderado do sistema (IEC-61836). / Photovoltaic systems have been spreading globally as a clean energy technology that can be used in most of the planet Earth. This makes it a very interesting system for distributed generation. The key to the use of photovoltaics in distributed generation inverter is connected to the power grid. Thus the performance of this equipment directly influences the use of energy generated by the photovoltaic panels and consequently the time that the system pays for itself. The seasonal behavior of power generation, where the drive works most of the time between 10% and 90% of capacity, especially in systems without tracking, does not allow the drive to be evaluated not only by their performance at full load, but the full yield curve throughout the operating range. The proposed method improves the system performance at low power is the use of low power inverters connected in parallel to mains electricity working in installments. Thus, in the low power output is higher than if a single drive were used. This work also evaluated the consequences of parallelism in the rate of harmonic current distortion and benefits of expanding the life of the equipment and the use of redundancy . We implemented four inverters 300W output full bridge topology with switching frequency of 21.6 kHz and sampling, each controlled by a Freescale 56F8014 DSC, and a device for monitoring the inverters using a PIC18F4520 microcontroler. All devices have isolated communication interface UART with LIN protocol. The inverters were tested in operation mode continuous power sharing , where all the inverters operate with identical plots power, and staggered where the inverters come into operation upon the demand of power being processed. The results show an improvement of 3,7% in revenue sharing system between the power and continued staggered valued at weighted yield of the system (IEC-61836). / 5000
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