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Fotoinativação seletiva dos microorganismos: Escherichia coli e staphylococcus aureus / Selective photoinactivation of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureusMelo, Wanessa de Cássia Martins Antunes de 19 March 2014 (has links)
O aparecimento de uma grande variedade de microrganismos patogênicos resistentes aos antimicrobianos tem resultado no aumento do índice de doenças e mortalidade provocadas por infecções que eram facilmente tratadas no passado. Muitas vezes essa resistência está relacionada à formação de biofilme pelos microrganismos, que produzem substâncias poliméricas extracelulares (EPS) dificultando a penetração de agentes antimicrobianos. A Terapia Fotodinâmica antimicrobiana (aPDT, do inglês antimicrobial photodynamic therapy) é uma alternativa promissora para combater infecções microbianas, principalmente aquelas em que apresentam biofilmes. Basicamente esse mecanismo envolve a combinação sinérgica de um fotossensibilizador (FS), oxigênio molecular e luz visível de comprimento de onda adequado para produzir espécies reativas de oxigênio (EROs) que causam oxidação dos componentes da célula levando-a à morte. Devido à natureza multifacetada e não-específica das EROs produzidos na aPDT, os microrganismos têm menos chance de desenvolver mecanismos de resistência. Apesar destas vantagens, a aPDT tem enfrentando o problema da hidrofobicidade que FSs como hipericina (Hy) e ftalocianina de zinco (FcZn) apresentam. Esta hidrofobicidade promove a agregação do FS em meio biológico, reduzindo a sua atividade fotodinâmica. Diante disso, este estudo teve o objetivo avaliar a ação fotodinâmica da Hy, FcZn e seus derivados hidrossolúveis (hipericina-glucamina - HyG, ftalocianina de zinco tetracarboxilada - FcZnTc e ftalocianina de zinco tetracarboxi-N-metilglucamina - FcZnTcG), para inativar as bactérias Staphylococcus aureus e Escherichia coli, tanto em cultura planctônica como em biofilme. Como a aPDT apresenta também a vantagem de seletividade, foi proposto que as condições para fotoinativação destas bactérias provocassem o mínimo de dano às células hospedeiras. Estudos físico-químicos dos novos FSs mostraram menor agregação dos FSs derivados em meio aquoso que seus compostos de origem, bem como um ligeiro aumento no coeficiente de atividade fotodinâmica. Além disso, a hidrofilicidade dos FSs aumentou a acumulação intracelular dos mesmos nas bactérias de estudo S. aureus e E. coli, tanto na forma de células planctônicas quanto em biofilme. Os ensaios de acumulação intracelular dos FSs determinaram os parâmetros de fotoinativação seletiva dos microrganismos, tanto em células planctônicas como em biofilme. Todos os FSs, com exceção de FcZn, foram capazes de promover a seletividade de S. aureus e E. coli na forma planctônica. Entretanto, devido a maior complexidade morfológica de E. coli, os parâmetros de fotoinativação utilizados para inibir esta bactéria foram cerca de duas vezes maiores que para inativar a mesma concentração celular de S. aureus. Dentre todos os FSs, a FcZnTcG apresentou as melhores condições de seletividade tanto para E. coli quanto para S. aureus, uma vez que inibiu aproximadamente 100% destes microrganismos e no máximo 15% de células epiteliais (Vero). A obtenção das condições de seletividade para os biofilmes bacterianos foi mais difícil, pois a acumulação dos FSs por S. aureus e E. coli foi menor, tornando-se assim necessário aumentar os parâmetros de fotoinativação, ou seja, concentração do FS, tempo de incubação e dose de luz, que consequentemente inibiram mais as células epiteliais. Apesar disso, HyG e FcZnTcG foram capazes de promover a seletividade do biofilme de S. aureus em todas as etapas de formação. Entretanto, a seletividade do biofilme de E. coli foi alcançada apenas nas etapas de adesão reversível e irreversível e somente por FcZnTcG. Isso pode ser justificado pela maior concentração de EPS sintetizado por E. coli que por S. aureus, dificultando a acumulação dos FSs nas últimas etapas do biofilme de E. coli (biofilme maduro e dispersão). Portanto, os resultados desse estudo permitem sugerir que a hidrofilicidade é uma característica importante para os FSs fotoinativarem seletivamente os microrganismos S. aureus e E. coli, mesmo na forma de biofilme. Além disso, foi observado que a ação de aPDT no EPS do biofilme bacteriano desempenha um papel fundamental para inibição tanto de S. aureus quanto de E. coli. / The appearance of a large variety of antimicrobial-resistant pathogenic microorganisms has led to increased rates of disease and mortality caused by infections that were easily treated in the past. It has become clear that the biofilm-grown cells increase the bacteria resistance to antibiotics. Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) is a promising alternative way to fight microbial infections, especially the biofilm ones. This technique, basically, involves the synergistic combination of a photosensitizer, molecular oxygen and visible light of an appropriate wavelength to produce highly reactive oxygen species that lead to the oxidation of several cell components and to cell inactivation. The main advantage of the technique is that, given the existence of multiple targets, there is no development of resistance. The hidrophobicity of photosensitizers (PSs) like hypericin (Hy) and zinc phthalocyanine (ZnPc), reduces their photodynamic activity once they form aggregates in biological media. For this reason, was evaluated the effectivenes of Hy, ZnPc and its water-soluble derivatives (glucamine-hypericin-HyG, zinc tetracarboxylated phthalocyanine-ZnTcPc and zinc tetracarboxy-N-metylglucamine phthalocyanine-ZnTcGPc) to photoinactivate S. aureus and E. coli with minimal damage to a model of host cells. Physicochemical studies showed that hidrophilic PSs suffer less aggregation in aqueous media, as well as present a slight increase in photodynamic activity compared to Hy and ZnPC. Furthermore, the hydrophilicity of PSs increased the PS intracellular accumulation in bacteria, either in planktonic culture or biofilms. The accumulation study allowed to determine the parameters of selective photoinactivation of microorganisms. Due the morphologic complexity of E. coli the photodynamic parameters (incubation time, PS concentration and light dose) were twice that used against S. aureus. As a consequence, some more epithelial cells were affected by the process. Despite that, only the ZnPc could not promote the selective inactivation for planktonic cells. By the other hand, HyG and FcZnTcG were able to seletively photoinactivate the biofilm of S. aureus in all its formation stages. However, the selective inactivation of E. coli biofilm was achieved only in the reversible and irreversible adhesion and just for FcZnTcG. This fact can be explained by the higher concentration of exopolysaccharide (1,9 \'mü\'g/mL) synthesized by E. coli compared with S. aureus, making difficult the accumulation of the PSs in the last stages of the E. coli biofilm formation (mature biofilm and dispersion). So, we can suggest that hidrophilicity is an important characteristic for the PSs, improving the selective photoinactivation of S. aureus and E. coli, even as biofilm. Moreover, the effectiveness of aPDT agains EPS plays a key role for inhibition of bacterial biofilms.
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Contribuição ao desenvolvimento de dispositivos sensores de gás baseados em moléculas organo-metálicas de ftalocianina. / Contribution to the development of gas sensor devices based on phthalocyanine metallorganic molecules.Adriana Barboza Stelet 30 March 2007 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi contribuir para o desenvolvimento de um dispositivo elétrico baseado em moléculas organometálicas sobre substratos de silício poroso visando a sua aplicação no desenvolvimento de sensores de gás. Foi proposto um procedimento de deposição de monocamadas de moléculas de Ftalocianina sobre a superfície da estrutura de silício poroso aproveitando sua elevada superfície específica. As moléculas de Ftalocianina adsorvidas sobre o filme de silício poroso oxidado termicamente não apresentaram processos de reação química preservando suas características elétricas e ópticas. Foi fabricado um dispositivo com eletrodo de Ouro baseado no filme de moléculas de Ftalocianina depositado sobre silício poroso oxidado. A partir das curvas características I x V foi identificado o mecanismo de transporte de portadores através do filme de Ftalocianina e o tipo de junção na região de eletrodo-Ftalocinina. O mecanismo é baseado na corrente limitada por cargas armadilhadas nos níveis altamente localizados no interior da banda proibida entre os níveis HOMO e LUMO das moléculas de Ftalocianina. A resposta I x V do dispositivo mostrou-se sensível à exposição a gases orgânicos mostrando maior sensibilidade para o gás (Metanol) com maior constante dielétrica, sugerindo uma importante contribuição do efeito de blindagem sobre os níveis de armadilha, e como conseqüência a diminuição da profundidade destes níveis. / The aim of this work was to contribute for the development of an electrical device based on organometallic molecules onto porous silicon bulks for the application in the development of gas sensor devices. It was proposed a procedure of deposition of monolayer of Phthalocyanine molecules onto the surface of the porous silicon structure taking advantage of its high specific surface. The Phthalocyanine molecules adsorbed on the porous silicon film thermally oxidized did not show any chemical reaction process preserving their electrical and optical characteristics. A device was fabricated with Gold electrodes based on the Phthalocyanine molecules film deposited onto oxidized porous silicon. From the (I x V) characteristic curves, the carrier transport mechanism through the Phthalocyanine film and the junction type in the Phthalocyanine-electrode region were identified. The mechanism is based on the current limited by the trapped charges in the highly localized levels inside the band gap between the HOMO and LUMO levels of the Phthalocyanine molecules. The I x V response of the device showed to be sensitive to organic gases exposition showing higher sensibility to (Methanol) gas with higher dielectric constant, suggesting an important contribution of the shield effect on the trap levels and as a result decreasing the depth of these levels.
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Contribuição ao desenvolvimento de dispositivos sensores de gás baseados em moléculas organo-metálicas de ftalocianina. / Contribution to the development of gas sensor devices based on phthalocyanine metallorganic molecules.Stelet, Adriana Barboza 30 March 2007 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi contribuir para o desenvolvimento de um dispositivo elétrico baseado em moléculas organometálicas sobre substratos de silício poroso visando a sua aplicação no desenvolvimento de sensores de gás. Foi proposto um procedimento de deposição de monocamadas de moléculas de Ftalocianina sobre a superfície da estrutura de silício poroso aproveitando sua elevada superfície específica. As moléculas de Ftalocianina adsorvidas sobre o filme de silício poroso oxidado termicamente não apresentaram processos de reação química preservando suas características elétricas e ópticas. Foi fabricado um dispositivo com eletrodo de Ouro baseado no filme de moléculas de Ftalocianina depositado sobre silício poroso oxidado. A partir das curvas características I x V foi identificado o mecanismo de transporte de portadores através do filme de Ftalocianina e o tipo de junção na região de eletrodo-Ftalocinina. O mecanismo é baseado na corrente limitada por cargas armadilhadas nos níveis altamente localizados no interior da banda proibida entre os níveis HOMO e LUMO das moléculas de Ftalocianina. A resposta I x V do dispositivo mostrou-se sensível à exposição a gases orgânicos mostrando maior sensibilidade para o gás (Metanol) com maior constante dielétrica, sugerindo uma importante contribuição do efeito de blindagem sobre os níveis de armadilha, e como conseqüência a diminuição da profundidade destes níveis. / The aim of this work was to contribute for the development of an electrical device based on organometallic molecules onto porous silicon bulks for the application in the development of gas sensor devices. It was proposed a procedure of deposition of monolayer of Phthalocyanine molecules onto the surface of the porous silicon structure taking advantage of its high specific surface. The Phthalocyanine molecules adsorbed on the porous silicon film thermally oxidized did not show any chemical reaction process preserving their electrical and optical characteristics. A device was fabricated with Gold electrodes based on the Phthalocyanine molecules film deposited onto oxidized porous silicon. From the (I x V) characteristic curves, the carrier transport mechanism through the Phthalocyanine film and the junction type in the Phthalocyanine-electrode region were identified. The mechanism is based on the current limited by the trapped charges in the highly localized levels inside the band gap between the HOMO and LUMO levels of the Phthalocyanine molecules. The I x V response of the device showed to be sensitive to organic gases exposition showing higher sensibility to (Methanol) gas with higher dielectric constant, suggesting an important contribution of the shield effect on the trap levels and as a result decreasing the depth of these levels.
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Processos fotodinâmicos para bioestimulação tecidual em modelo in vitro de pele humana empregando-se laser de baixa potência e cloro alumínio ftalocianina em nanoemulsão / Photodynamic Process for tissue photostimulation in skin human in vitro model using low potency laser and chloro aluminum phthalocyanine into nanoemulsionLucas Primo, Fernando 11 December 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho de tese de doutorado baseia-se em um desenvolvimento científico amplamente multidisciplinar combinando-se protocolos, técnicas e ensaios experimentais da área de tecnologia farmacêutica, nanotecnologia, engenharia tecidual e fotobiologia. O trabalho foi realizado em duas etapas subsequentes. Primeiramente realizaram-se os estudos de desenvolvimento e caracterização de um sistema de veiculação de fármacos, o qual foi amplamente avaliado a partir de testes físico-químicos e ensaios de citotoxidade in vitro em cultura de fibroblastos humanos. Na sequencia realizaram-se estudos fotobiológicos combinando-se a aplicação de luz laser de baixa potência e fármaco fotossensível nanoestruturado com modelos teciduais, para avaliação da resposta biológica ao fotoestímulo. Para se mimetizar ao máximo as condições in vivo, construiu-se com sucesso um modelo tridimensional in vitro de pele humana, o qual se apresentou como uma ferramenta ideal para se avaliar a resposta fotobiológica após a indução de processos fotodinâmicos. Avaliou-se também o emprego dos equivalentes dermais como sistemas alternativos em testes de permeação e retenção cutânea in vitro. Os resultados obtidos foram promissores, auxiliando na compreensão dos mecanismos de interação dos processos fotodinâmicos com a matriz extracelular em combinação com a engenharia tecidual, mimetizando assim as condições in vivo da pele humana. Foi possível estabelecer também as bases para novos protocolos disponíveis para testes dermatológicos envolvendo produtos do segmento farmacêutico, cosmecêutico e áreas correlatas. / This work of doctorate thesis bases on a scientific development thoroughly multidiscipline combining protocols, techniques and experimental assays of the pharmaceutical technology, nanotechnology, tissue engineering and photobiology. The work was accomplished in three subsequent stages. Firstly were carried out studies and characterization of a drug delivery system with nanotechnology, which was evaluated thoroughly starting from physical-chemical tests and assays of cytotoxicity in human fibroblast culture. In the sequence were carried photobiological studies combining the application of low-intensity laser and nanosized photosensitizers with tissue models, for evaluation of the biological photostimulation. In mimetic conditions it was developed an in vitro three-dimensional human skin model, as tool to evaluate the photobiological response after the induction of the photodynamic processes and also as alternative for in vitro assays of drug permeation/retention. Results were promising, aiding in the understanding of interaction of extracellular matrix with photodynamic processes. Therefore, the work was based in combination of techniques with application in dermatology, pharmaceutical process, cosmetics and correlate areas.
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Caracterização físico-química de filmes finos de ftalocianinas metálicas / Physical-chemical characterization of fine films of metal phthalocyaninesScheidt, Wanessa Fernanda 24 October 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Marilene Donadel (marilene.donadel@unioeste.br) on 2019-03-21T18:49:10Z
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Wanessa_Scheidt_2018.pdf: 2637303 bytes, checksum: fd114adf03634dc5d338b2141788ea64 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-10-24 / The search for new materials with physicochemical properties for use in devices and sensors are reasons for the study of metal phthalocyanines. Phthalocyanines are highly conjugated macrocyclic compounds of blue or green color and high thermal and chemical stability. They are very used in the formation of fine films well ordered by the casting method. Generally, phthalocyanines exhibit ptype semiconductor properties, but substitutions in their peripheral rings may alter this n-type semiconductivity. Fluorinated phthalocyanines have presented films with good molecular organization, attracting attention to study in solar cells. This work deals with the formation of thin films, using the casting technique, of zinc hexadecafluorophthalocyanines (F16ZnPc) and cadmium (F16CdPc), and the investigation of crystallinity in these films. The objectives of the work were: to analyze the solubility of the compounds the solubility of the compounds in volatile organic solvents; prepare thin films on glass substrates coated with fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) and characterize them before and after the heating. Absorption spectroscopy in the ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis.) region, for solutions of these compounds, have shown that the solvent may influence the observation of the monomeric or dimeric forms. The films show spectra with wider bands and formation of type J aggregates. Changes observed after the heat treatment, carried out at 300 oC for 3 h, suggest the reordering of the molecules on the substrates. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) images showed that there was an elongated preferential arrangement in F16CdPc films and some loss of material for F16ZnPc. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) crystallites were observed for F16CdPc, but few changes have been observed for F16ZnPc. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results revealed crystalline films, where rings could have different orientations on the substrate. However, after heating, they may have adopted a single orientation, called face on, where the molecules would be in a horizontal position in relation to the substrate. / A busca por novos materiais com propriedades físico-químicas para uso em dispositivos e sensores são motivos para o estudo de ftalocianinas metálicas. As ftalocianinas são compostos macrocíclicos altamente conjugados de coloração azul ou verde e alta estabilidade térmica e química. São muito utilizadas na formação de filmes finos bem ordenados pelo método casting. Geralmente, as ftalocianinas apresentam propriedades semicondutoras do tipo-p, porém substituições em seus anéis periféricos podem alterar essa semicondutividade para tipo-n. Ftalocianinas fluoradas têm apresentado filmes com boa organização molecular, atraindo atenção para estudo em células solares. Este trabalho aborda a formação de filmes finos, usando a técnica casting, das hexadecafluoroftalocianinas de zinco (F16ZnPc) e cádmio (F16CdPc), e a investigação da cristalinidade nesses filmes. Os objetivos do trabalho foram analisar a solubilidade dos compostos em solventes orgânicos voláteis, preparar filmes finos sobre substratos de vidro recoberto com óxido de estanho dopado com flúor (FTO) e caracterizar os mesmos antes e após aquecimento. Espectroscopia de absorção na região do ultravioleta-visível (UV-Vis.), para soluções desses compostos, mostraram que o solvente pode influenciar na observação das formas monomérica ou dimérica. Os filmes apresentam espectros com bandas mais alargadas e formação de agregados tipo J. Alterações observadas após o tratamento térmico, realizado a 300 oC por 3 h, sugerem reordenamento das moléculas sobre os substratos. As imagens de microscopia de força atômica (AFM) mostraram que houve uma organização preferencial alongada em filmes da F16CdPc e alguma perda de material para a F16ZnPc. Nas imagens de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) foram observados cristalitos para a F16CdPc, porém poucas alterações foram observadas para a F16ZnPc. Resultados de difração de raio X (DRX) revelaram filmes cristalinos, onde anéis apresentariam diferentes orientações sobre o substrato, podendo ter passado para uma única orientação após aquecimento, denominada face on, onde as moléculas estariam em posição horizontal em relação ao substrato.
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The Photochemical and Biological Activity of Novel Nitroxide-Containing PhotosensitisersNicole A Blinco Unknown Date (has links)
This PhD project has explored the use of novel nitroxide annulated porphyrinic macrocycles as photosensitisers (PSs) for photodynamic therapy (PDT). The PSs have been synthesised, structurally, photophysically and photochemically characterised and investigated biologically through cell assays to determine their potential as photoactivated anticancer drugs. Tetra-nitroxide annulated phthalocyanines (Pcs) were initially investigated. Each of these compounds exhibit four annulated nitroxide-containing rings in a rigid, planar arrangement with fixed distance and geometry with respect to the macrocycle core, which is a novel structural motif in Pc chemistry. The presence of the nitroxides purportedly has two effects: to quench fluorescence and to increase photochemical singlet oxygen production by the compound. While nitroxides, as paramagnetic compounds, are non-fluorescent, their reduction to diamagnetic hydroxylamines results in an increased fluorescence yield. In this way, the nitroxide Pcs can potentially be used as probes for metabolic activity in biological systems, where the primary fate of the nitroxide moiety is reduction. Here, the fluorescence properties of the nitroxide-annulated Pcs were investigated through reduction of the nitroxide moieties by biologically significant reductants and calculation of fluorescence quantum yields. The singlet oxygen quantum yields of the Pcs were determined by two methods, the chemical trapping of singlet oxygen and the direct observation of singlet oxygen luminescence. While the quantum yields of the Pcs were promising when compared to clinically relevant PSs, the tetra-nitroxide Pcs did not exhibit increased quantum yields with respect to their nitroxide-free analogues. Additionally, there was minimal photodynamic action in cell assays. Subsequent fluorescence microscopy confirmed that this was most probably due to the fact that the Pcs were not localising within the cells. To improve the photodynamic action of the Pcs, two polymer-based delivery strategies were employed to enhance their delivery in biological environments. Firstly, the nitroxide Pcs were coupled to linear polymers to create polymer Pc hybrids. The second method involved the encapsulation of the nitroxide Pcs within polymer-based micelles. The synthesis of the polymer Pc hybrids was via a fast and efficient Atom Transfer Nitroxide Radical Coupling (ATNRC) reaction. The hybrids were synthesised as Mg, Zn or free-base (2H) Pc complexes, with either hydrophobic or hydrophilic polymer arms. The hybrids displayed high fluorescence quantum yields and reasonable singlet oxygen quantum yields. Again, these attributes this did not extend to any cell growth inhibition, even for the hydrophilic derivatives. Micellisation of the Pcs with a poly(styrene)-poly(acrylic acid) (PSty-PAA) star diblock copolymer afforded micelles with a range of concentrations of Pcs encapsulated within the glassy PSty core. Fluorescence studies showed that the micelles protected the nitroxide moieties from reduction by ascorbate, a result that could find application in EPR imaging and oximetry. During singlet oxygen experiments, the micelles were found to perform as nanoreactors, supramolecular assemblies which provide a reaction volume for other reagents. Pcs in the micelle cores effectively generated singlet oxygen and while this failed to escape the micelles, it was very effective in the oxidation of a hydrophobic model compound. Although there are potential applications for the micelle systems in waste-water remediation, these systems were ineffective in the PDT assays. With the difficulties associated with the biological delivery of the nitroxide Pcs in mind, hydrophilic mono-nitroxide annulated porphyrazine (Pz) macrocycles were designed and synthesised. Pzs exhibit many of the favourable optical properties of the Pcs. Synthesis of these compounds proceeded via Linstead macrocyclisation to give the target MgPz with A3B type substitution. A nitroxide-free A4 Pz was also isolated as a side-product. Transmetallation and/or hydrolysis gave access to Mg and Zn A3B and A4 carboxylate Pzs. These compounds were structurally characterised and their fluorescence characteristics investigated. The 1O2 quantum yields of the Pzs were also studied. Significantly, nitroxide annulation was found to enhance 1O2 generation of the Pzs relative to nitroxide-free analogues. The Zn carboxylate Pzs were shown to effectively inhibit the growth of tumour cell lines in PDT assay and the MgA4 carboxylate displayed strong 2-photon fluorescence within the cytoplasm of NFF cells. Experiments on freshly excised skin showed the carboxylate Pzs to be highly effective 2-photon PSs for PDT. In conclusion, we have identified several carboxylate Pzs which should be tested further in in vivo PDT experiments.
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Synthesis And Characterization Of Fluorescent Zinc Phthalocyanine Pigments And Its Combination Pigment With Mica Titania Pig MentKahya, Sevinc Sevim 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In the present work, zinc phthalocyanine and tetra nitro substituted zinc phthalocyanine were sytnhesized by using phthalic anhydride and nitro phthalic acid precursor respectively under microwave irradiation. Molecular structures of these pigments were confirmed by FT-IR and UV-visible spectroscopy analyses. Furthermore, these pigments were deposited on mica-titania pigment substrate in dimethyl formamide solvent to obtain the combination pigment. FT-IR analysis was conducted to analyze the deposition of pigments onto the mica-titania surfaces. Fluorescence spectroscopy analysis was performed to observe zinc phthalocyanine, tetra nitro zinc phthalocyanine pigments, and their combination pigment with mica- titania pigments. The surface morphologies of zinc phthalocyanines on the mica titania pigments were investigated by scanning electron microscopy. Optimum deposition temperature and deposition time were determined by v depositing varying amounts of zinc phthalocyanines. The paint samples of these combination pigments were prepared by alkyd based paint formulation. L*a*b* values of the paint samples were determined by color measuring spectrophotometry. The optimum deposition temperature was determined as 120 oC and the optimum deposition time was determined as half an hour and effective deposition was obtained at 120 ° / C. It is observed that, with the increasing amount of ZnPc, the interaction between ZnPc particles increases and they desorp the surface of mica-titania pigment. The best result was obtained with 0.08 g ZnPc at 120 oC.
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Synthesis And Characterization Of Copper Phthalocyanine Deposited Mica Titania PigmentTopuz, Burcu Berna 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In the present work, anatase and rutile titanium dioxide (TiO2) coated lustrous mica pigments were prepared by heterogeneous nucleation method. Anatase-rutile phase transformation of the TiO2 on mica substrate was achieved by coating very thin layers of tin (IV) oxide on mica surfaces prior to TiO2 deposition. Muscovite mica, which was used in the experiments was sieved, pre-treated with sodium bicarbonate and decantated before coating process. The surface morphology of mica titania pigments and anatase-rutile phase transformation were investigated by SEM and XRD analyse, respectively. Also, microwave-assisted synthesis of copper phthalocyanine and tetracarboxamide copper phthalocyanine pigments were carried out with phthalic anhydride and trimellitic anhydride precursors, respectively. Molecular structures of these pigments were confirmed by FT-IR and UV-visible spectroscopy analyse. Furthermore, combination pigments were obtained by the process of deposition of copper phthalocyanine pigments on mica-titania pigment substrate in dimethyl formamide solvent. FT-IR analysis and XRD analyse were performed to observe the transformations in the crystal forms of copper phthalocyanines on the substrate. The surface morphologies of copper phthalocyanines on the mica titania pigments were investigated by SEM analysis. Varying amounts of copper phthalocyanines were deposited on the mica surfaces, and nitrogen elemental analysis was performed to determine the amount of copper phthalocyanines. The resulting pigments were incorporated into alkyd based resin to prepare paint samples. L*a*b* values, gloss property, and hardness of the paint samples were determined by color measuring device, gloss meter and hardness measuring device, respectively.
The resulting combination pigments obtained in this study showed improved luster, hue, and color intensity. Furthermore, in literature it was reported that these pigments have very high bleed resistance. This can be attributed to large macromolecular structure of copper phthalocyanine on the surface of mica titania pigment that prevents bleeding of the pigment from the paint. Moreover, the paint samples obtained from combination pigments showed higher hardness with respect to the paint sample of the mica titania pigment.
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Electronic, Geometric and Functional-Group Effects in the Adsorption of Organic Molecules: STM and STS of Ultra-Thin Layers of Phthalocyanines and Naphthalocyanines on Graphite (0001)Gopakumar, Thiruvancheril Gopalakrishnan 08 August 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Aus der riesigen Vielfalt organischer Materialien sind gerade die Phthalocyanine dafür bekannt geworden, auf verschiedenen kristallinen Substraten geordnete Strukturen auszubilden. Außerdem dienen diese Moleküle als Modellsysteme für grundlegende Untersuchungen zur Einstellung elektronischer und struktureller Eigenschaften durch gezielten Einbau eines Metallatoms in den zentralen Hohlraum. Die Strukturen der Adsorptionsschichten von verschiedenen Metallphthalocyaninen, funktionalisierten Phthalocyaninen und Naphthalocyaninen auf der Basaldebene des Graphits werden verglichen, um die Adsorptionsstruktur der einzelnen Moleküle innerhalb der Adsorptionsschicht zu verstehen. Das erlaubt uns die Untersuchung der Molekül-Molekül- und Molekül-Substrat-Wechselwirkungen in Abhängigkeit von Molekularadsorption des zentralen Metallatoms, der Geometrie, einzelner funktionellen Gruppen oder ähnlichem am Molekül.
Der Vergleich der Adsorptionsstrukturen von Phthalocyaninen wie PdPc und PtPc, welche d8-Metalle enthalten, dient dem Verständnis für den Effekt des Metallatoms, speziell bei großen Ordnungszahlen. Während beide Moleküle ähnliche Arten von Adsorptionsstrukturen ausbilden weist die PtPc-Adsorptionsschicht eine außergewöhnlich hohe thermische Stabilität auf. Das wurde auf die stark Molekül-Molekül-Wechselwirkung zurückgeführt, die durch die Metallatome in der Adsorptionsschicht vermittelt wird. Der Effekt langer molekularer ‚Flügel’ wird durch den Vergleich der Adsorptionsstrukturen ebener Naphthalocyanine mit denen von ebenen Metallphthalocyaninen demonstriert. Naphthalocyanine bilden viel lockerer gepackte Adsorptionsschichten als Phthalocyanine, was von der stärkeren sterischen Abstoßung zwischen den Wasserstoffatomen in benachbarten molekularen ‚Flügeln’ herrührt. Cyano-funktionalisierte metallfreie Phthalocyanine zeigen als Adsorptionsschicht eine poröse Netzwerkstruktur. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass durch die Sondenspitze hervorgerufene Störungen dieser Struktur durch die elektrostatische Wechselwirkung zwischen den Molekülen in der Adsorptionsschicht bald weider ausheilen. Schließlich ist durch den Vergleich von Adsorptionsstrukturen ebener Naphthalocyanine und nichtebener Zinn-Naphthalocyanine auch der Geometrieeffekt untersucht worden. Abweichend von allen anderen untersuchten ebenen Molekülen haben Zinn-Naphthalocyanine eine Adsorptionstruktur, die der des Graphits ähnlich ist (hexagonal). Deshalb überwiegt in diesem Fall die Wechselwirkung zwischen Molekül und Substrat, und die Adsorptionsstruktur folgt der Geometrie des Graphitsubstates.
Darüberhinaus sind mit der Tunnelspektroskopie in Abhängigkeit vom Abstand zwischen der Spitze und der Probe die elektronischen Eigenschaften der Molekül-Substrat-Grenzfläche für Naphthalocyanin und Zinn-Naphthalocyanin untersucht worden.
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Synthesis Of Porphyrin Containing Molecular Dyads For Radical-Cation GenerationHernandez-Alvarado, Edgardo Manuel January 2014 (has links)
The overall efficiency of photovoltaics is dictated by processes occurring within it. These processes include exciton formation, diffusion, dissociation and charge collection. This dissertation will focus around the fundamental issue of charge collection. In organic photovoltaics (OPVs) the rate of charge injection is dominated by the interaction between dissimilar materials, usually organic compound interacting with inorganic ones. In order to improve this rate of injection and, by direct consequence the efficiency of this process, fundamental knowledge of this organic-inorganic interface must be gained. In this work the focus will reside solely on creating molecules capable of probing the interface between the indium tin oxide (ITO) and the donor layer. At this interface, the usual charge transfer being transferred is the hole. Chapters 2 and 3 detail the synthesis and photophysical characterization of porphyrin-perylene diimide (Por-PDI) and porphyrin-fullerene (Por-C₆₀) molecular dyads. The idea behind these moieties is that covalent attachment of these species to ITO should lead to a robust ohmic contact. Since these molecular dyads are capable of producing charge-separated states after photoexcitation, they should have the capacity to produce a radical-cation in close proximity to the ITO. This will translate to a capacity for probing the dynamics of the hole injection at this interface. Studies performed demonstrate that in fact these dyads are capable of producing a charge-separated state upon photo-excitation. The lifetimes of these states were determine to be 35 ps and 3 ns for the Por-PDI and Por-C₆₀ respectively. Chapter 4 takes a different turn. It is focused on the application and extension of a solvent-free synthesis of metallated phthalocyanines (Pcs). Shown in chapter 4 is the synthesis of a series of metallated Pcs using various transition metals and group 3 elements. Photophysical and electrochemical investigation of these materials shows that they have near-infrared absorption and relative high HOMO levels making them potential candidates for OPV applications. In addition, they displayed non-linear optical behavior due to their highly polarizable pi-systems and the presence of axial susbtituents. Finally Chapter 5 describes the synthesis and characterization of porphyrin possessing rigid linkers. This chapter also shows the further directions in which the various ideas presented in this work could be driven.
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