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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uticaj dodatnog programa fizičkog vežbanja na morfološki i motorički status predškolske dece / The impact of additional program of physical exercise on morphological and motor status of preschool children

Pelemiš Vladan 07 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Istraživanje je sprovedeno sa ciljem da se primenom eksperimentalne metode naučno utvrdi da li dodatni &scaron;estomesečni program figičkog vežbanja u redovnim uslovima rada pred&scaron;kolske ustanove može regultirati gnačajnim promenama u morfolo&scaron;kim karakteristikama i motoričkim sposobnostima kod dece pred&scaron;kolskog ugrasta prosečne starosti 6,21&plusmn;0,56 decimalnih godina. Obuhvaćeno je ukupno 211 dece od toga devojčica (n=103) i dečaka (n=108) koji su na početku istraživanja (01. septembar 2014. godine) bili polaznici pred&scaron;kolskih grupa u Pred&scaron;kolskoj ustanovi &quot;Čukarica&quot; u Beogradu. Prema kriterijumu primene &scaron;estomesečnog figičkog vežbanja ispitanici su bili podeljeni u tri homogene grupe i to: eksperimentalnu (E) koju je činilo 36 dečaka i 28 devojčica, prvu kontrolnu (K1) sastavljenu od 31 dečaka i 37 devojčica i drugu kontrolnu grupu (K2) sačinjenu od 41 dečaka i 38 devojčica. E grupa je imala dodatni koncept programa koji je bio gasnovan na sadržajima visoke složenosti, sproveden kao figičko vaspitanje, a usmeren na razvoj biotičkih motoričkih gnanja. K1 grupa je takoe imala dodatni ali diferenciran program, usmeren kao trenažne sekvence, ga dečake polistrukturalnoaciklične aktivnosti, a ga devojčice estetskokonvencione aktivnosti. Dok K2 grupa pored redovnih aktivnosti ig figičkog vaspitanja nije bila podvrgnuta nijednom obliku dodatnog figičkog vežbanja. Koristio se kvagi&ndash; eksperimentalni nacrta istraživanja, tačnije nacrt sa neekvivalentnim grupama i pretestposttestom. Ugorak morfolo&scaron;kih mernih instrumenata bio je sačinjen po redukovanom modelu (Viskić, 1972; Kurelić i sar., 1975) preuget ig istraživanja Bale (1980). Motorički&nbsp;merni instrumenti proiglage takoe ig redukovanog teoretskog modela (Kurelića i sar., 1975; Gredelja i sar., 1975) preuzetog iz istraživanja Bale i Popovića (2007). Rezultati istraživanja ukaguju da je program dodatnog figičkog vežbanja E grupe dao dobre regultate u redukciji potkožnog masnog tkiva i volumena i mase tela kod dece. Najbolje rezultate dao je u pogledu mehanizma za strukturiranje kretanja. Deca iz K1 grupe, takoe su redukovala potkožno masno tkivo i volumen i masu tela, ali u pogledu motoričkih sposobnosti nije bilo pomaka u mehanizmu za strukturiranje kretanja. Kod dece u K2 grupi do&scaron;lo je do povećanja potkožnog masnog tkiva, volumena i mase tela kao i pada pojedinih motoričkih sposobnosti. U sve tri grupe izolovana su dva hipotetska morfolo&scaron;ka faktora koje je bolje interpretirati kao jedan Faktor mekog tkiva, i dva motorička koji se mogu interpretirati kao Generalni motorički Paktor. Kvalitativne promene u strukturi oba ekstrahovana faktora uočene su samo u K1 grupi u motoričkom prostoru, &scaron;to je posledica diferenciranog programa figičkog vežbanja. Regultati su ukagali da redovan program figičkog vaspitanja u pred&scaron;kolskim ustanovama nije dovoljan za pripremnu pred&scaron;kolsku grupu, kao i da se dodatnim programiranim figičkim vežbanjem postižu bolji rezultati pogotovo ako je usmeren ka razvoju biotičkih motoričkih znanja.</p> / <p>The research was conducted with the aim of applying experimental methods scientifically determine whether an additional six-month program of physical exercise in normal conditions of preschool institution may result in significant changes in the morphological characteristics and motor abilities in preschool children with mean age 6.21 &plusmn; 0.56 decimal years. A total of 211 children from that of girls (n=103) and boys (n=108) who were in the moment of research (01. September 2014) participants were preschool groups in preschool institution &quot;Čukarica&quot; in Belgrade. According to the criteria of application of the six-month physical exercise participants were divided into three homogeneous groups: experimental (E) which consisted of 36 boys and 28 girls, the first control (K1) made up of 31 boys and 37 girls, and another control group (K2) as made of 41 boys and 38 girls. E group had additional program concept which was based on the contents of higher complexity, implemented as physical education, which is focused on the development of biotic motor skills. K1 group also had additional or differentiated program, focused as the training sequence, for boys extracurricular- acyclic activities, and for girls estheticconventional activities. While K2 group in addition to the regular activities of physical education was&nbsp;not subjected to any form of additional physical exercise. It was used a quasi-experimental research designs, namely The draft with unequivalent groups and pretest-posttest. Morphological sample of measuring instruments was made through a reduced model (Viskić, 1972; Kurelić et al., 1975), taken from the research (Bala 1980). The motor measuring instruments derived also from the reduced theoretical model (Kurelić et al., 1975; Gredelj et al., 1975), taken from the research (Bala, &amp; Popovic 2007). The research results indicate that the program is additional physical exercise group E gave good results in the reduction of subcutaneous fat volume and body mass in children. The best results in terms of mechanisms for structuring movements. Children from the K1 group, also reduce the subcutaneous adipose tissue and the volume and mass of the body, but in terms of motor skills were no developments in the mechanism for structuring movements. Children the K2 group there was an increase in subcutaneous adipose tissue volume and body mass as well as the decline of some motor skills. In all three groups were isolated two hypothetical morphological factors that is better interpreted as a Factor of soft tissue, and two motor that can be interpreted as General motor factor. Qualitative changes in the structure of the two extracted factors were observed only in the K1 group in the motor area, which is the result of a differentiated program of physical exercise. The results have shown that regular physical education curriculum in preschool institutions is insufficient for the preparatory preschool group, as well as to further programmed physical exercise leads to better results especially if it is directed at the development of biotic motor skills.</p>

Exercício físico aeróbico de intensidade moderada reduz a velocidade de crescimento e modula o metabolismo energético tumoral em modelo experimental de câncer de mama triplo-negativo / Moderate-intensity aerobic physical exercise reduces tumor growth velocity and modulates tumor energy metabolism in the experimental model of triple-negative breast cancer

Vulczak, Anderson 12 December 2018 (has links)
O câncer de mama ocupa o primeiro lugar em mortalidade dentre todos os tipos de câncer. O subtipo triplo-negativo (triple-negative breast cancer - TNBC) representa 15-20% de todos os tipos de câncer de mama com alta prevalência em mulheres pré-menopausa e destaca-se pelo seu grande tamanho tumoral e agressividade no estabelecimento de metástases, com impacto direto na redução da sobrevida dos pacientes. Apesar das evidências sobre os efeitos anti-tumorigênicos do exercício físico, tanto na prevenção como durante a carcinogênese, é comum que pacientes alterem sua rotina após o diagnóstico de câncer, frequentemente reduzindo as atividades físicas durante e após o tratamento. Em adição, os mecanismos pelos quais o exercício físico exerce papel anti-tumoral são pouco compreendidos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do exercício físico aeróbico moderado em modelo experimental de câncer de mama de tipo triplo-negativo, com ênfase na modulação do metabolismo energético tumoral. Foram utilizados camundongos fêmeas BALB/c em desenho experimental de 12 semanas, cuja inoculação de 1x104 células 4T1 foi realizada após 8 semanas de treinamento. Após protocolo de exercício aeróbico moderado em esteira, foram realizadas análises do metabolismo mitocondrial tumoral, composição lipídica e expressão de genes relacionados à bioenergética e proliferação celular. Os resultados mostraram que o exercício aeróbico moderado reduziu 54,5% do volume e 42% da massa tumoral de animais que foram treinados antes e após a inoculação tumoral. Animais treinados apresentaram fosforilação oxidativa mais próxima ao seu limite máximo respiratório e menor respiração mitocondrial no tecido tumoral quando comparados ao grupo sedentário. O treinamento ocasionou redução no conteúdo de ácido fosfatídico e fosfatidilcolina. Enquanto a análise de expressão relativa de mRNA demonstrou aumento na expressão de genes relacionados à via metabólica glicolítica, como Hif1a, Glut-1, HKII, Ldha e Pdk, além dos supressores tumorais p53 e Lats2. Nossos resultados sugerem que a redução na velocidade de crescimento tumoral proporcionada pelo exercício físico aeróbico de carga moderada seja devida, pelo menos em parte, à modulação do metabolismo energético tumoral. Em conjunto, os dados do nosso estudo abrem novas perspectivas para a identificação de vias metabólicas sensíveis ao exercício físico, permitindo o melhor o entendimento de seus efeitos antitumorigênicos / Breast cancer ranks first in mortality among all types of cancer. The triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) accounts for 15-20% of all types of breast cancer with a high prevalence in premenopausal women and is notable for its large tumor size and aggressiveness in the establishment of metastasis, with a direct impact on the reduction of patients\' survival. Altough evidence highlight the anti-tumorigenic effects of physical exercise both on the prevention as well as during carcinogenesis, patients commonly change their routine after cancer diagnostic, usually reducing physical activity during and after treatment. Moreover, the mechanisms underlying the anti-tumor role of physical exercise remain poorly understood. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of moderate aerobic physical exercise in an experimental model of triple-negative breast cancer, with emphasis on the modulation of tumor energy metabolism. Female BALB / c mice were used in a 12-week experimental design, whose inoculation of 1x104 4T1 cells was performed after 8 weeks of training. After the protocol of moderate aerobic exercise was carried out on the treadmill, analyzes of mitochondrial tumor metabolism, lipid content and qPCR of genes related to bioenergetics and tumorigenic process were performed. The results showed that moderate aerobic exercise reduced 54.5% of the volume and 42% the tumor mass of animals trained before and after tumor inoculation. Trained animals showed oxidative phosphorylation closest to the maximum respiratory limit and lower mitochondrial respiration in tumor tissue when compared to the sedentary group. The training resulted in a reduction in the content of phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylcholine. In the trained group, relative mRNA quantification analysis showed increased expression of genes related to the glycolytic metabolic pathway, such as Hif1a, Glut-1, HKII, Ldha, and Pdk, as well as of the tumor suppressors p53 and Lats2. Our results suggest that the reduction in tumor growth velocity provided by moderate-intensity aerobic physical exercise is due, at least in part, to the modulation of tumor energy metabolism. Together, data from our study open new perspectives for the identification of metabolic pathways sensitive to exercise, allowing better understanding of its anti-tumorigenic effects

Träning på arbetstid - när möjlighet finns men vilja saknas. Träningsupplevelsens betydelse

de Bachtin Johansson, Eva January 2008 (has links)
<p>Mot bakgrund av den dokumenterat goda effekt träning har på psykisk och fysisk ohälsa och möjlighet till träning på arbetstid som många arbetsgivare erbjuder sina anställda, syftade denna kvalitativa studie till att få förståelse för vad som styr anställdas vilja att delta i erbjudna träningsmöjligheter. Datamaterialet tolkades med induktiv tematisk analys och baserades på halvstrukturerade intervjuer med sex personer. Resultatet visade att attityden till träning var betydelsefull för intervjupersonernas beslut att delta i erbjudna aktiviteter. Attityden kunde i sin tur kopplas till personernas självförtroende och self-efficacy. Företagets friskvårdspolicy och anställdas tillgång till aktivt stöd av friskvårdspersonal, såväl som utbudet av träningsaktiviteter upplevdes ha betydelse för viljan att engagera sig i träning. Lustkänsla och gemenskap motiverade till fortsatt träning. Resultatet stöds av tidigare forskning som behandlat motivation till träningsengagemang.</p>

Träning på arbetstid - när möjlighet finns men vilja saknas. Träningsupplevelsens betydelse

de Bachtin Johansson, Eva January 2008 (has links)
Mot bakgrund av den dokumenterat goda effekt träning har på psykisk och fysisk ohälsa och möjlighet till träning på arbetstid som många arbetsgivare erbjuder sina anställda, syftade denna kvalitativa studie till att få förståelse för vad som styr anställdas vilja att delta i erbjudna träningsmöjligheter. Datamaterialet tolkades med induktiv tematisk analys och baserades på halvstrukturerade intervjuer med sex personer. Resultatet visade att attityden till träning var betydelsefull för intervjupersonernas beslut att delta i erbjudna aktiviteter. Attityden kunde i sin tur kopplas till personernas självförtroende och self-efficacy. Företagets friskvårdspolicy och anställdas tillgång till aktivt stöd av friskvårdspersonal, såväl som utbudet av träningsaktiviteter upplevdes ha betydelse för viljan att engagera sig i träning. Lustkänsla och gemenskap motiverade till fortsatt träning. Resultatet stöds av tidigare forskning som behandlat motivation till träningsengagemang.

The effects on depression of Internet-administered behavioural activation and physical exercise with treatment rationale and relapse prevention : study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Carlbring, Per, Lindner, Philip, Martell, Christopher, Hassmén, Peter, Forsberg, Lars, Ström, Lars, Andersson, Gerhard January 2013 (has links)
Background: Despite their potential as low-threshold, low-cost and high-flexibility treatments of depression, behavioural activation and physical exercise have not yet been directly compared. This study will examine the effects of these interventions, administered via the Internet. The added effect of providing a treatment rationale will also be studied, as well as a relapse prevention program featuring cognitive behavioural therapy components. Methods/Design: This randomised controlled trial will include 500 participants meeting the diagnostic criteria for major depression, recruited in multiple cycles and randomised to either a waiting list control group with delayed treatment, or one of the four treatment groups: (1) physical exercise without a clear treatment rationale; (2) physical exercise with treatment rationale; (3) behavioural activation with treatment rationale; or (4) behavioural activation without a clear treatment rationale. Post treatment, half of the participants will be offered a relapse prevention program. Primary outcome measure will be the Patient Health Questionnaire 9-item. Secondary measures include diagnostic criteria for depression, as well as self-reported anxiety, physical activity and quality of life. Measurements done via telephone and the Internet -will be collected pre-treatment, weekly during treatment period, immediately post treatment and then monthly during a 24-month follow-up period. Discussion: The results of this study will constitute an important contribution to the body of knowledge of the respective interventions. Limitations are discussed.

The Relationship between Insulin Sensitivity and Weight Reduction in Simple Obese and Obese Diabetic Patients

No description available.

Fysisk träning för ordningspoliser : Har fysisk träning någon betydelse för den stillasittande polisen?

Näsström, Fredrik January 2012 (has links)
Research shows that policing is mostly sedentary but physically and mentally demanding tasks occur and that policing includes factors like police inherent stress which may impair the health of police officers. Research has also found that physical exercise can play an important part for coping with these negative elements associated with policing. The overall purpose of this study is to contribute knowledge about the importance of physical exercise for policemen. The study is based on five semi-structured interviews with police officer’s working with emergency response. The result shows that physical exercise had importance for the tasks performed during emergency responses, the police officer’s health as well as short- and longterm mental factors like reduced stress. The result also showed that the demands of policing had impacts on the officer’s exercise and it also demonstrated that the policemen didn’t exercise during work hours mostly due to regulations and organizational barriers.

The Effects of Exercise Modality on State Body Image

Hubbard, Elizabeth Anne 01 January 2013 (has links)
Previous research has shown that chronic exercise positively impacts body image in women. Research defining the modality that yields the best results following an acute session of exercise has yet to be determined. This research attempted to show the psychological benefits that exercise could have on female body image after only one bout of exercise. PURPOSE: The purpose of the current study was to examine the effects of three different modalities of acute exercise on state body image in women. This study aimed to determine which modality, if any, is more effective in increasing state body image. METHODS: Twenty-five female participants (20.2 ± 2.2 years; 23.6 ± 4.0 BMI, 25.5 ± 6.0 body fat percent) attended laboratory sessions on six different occasions; the initial informed consent, risk stratification, and descriptive data session, the familiarization session, the three exercise sessions, and the control session. During the familiarization session, each participant was acquainted with each exercise modality. The aerobic (AE) session consisted of a five-minute warm-up, 30 minutes of treadmill exercise, and a five-minute cool-down. The interval circuit (IC) session involved a five-minute warm-up, two circuits containing five bodyweight exercises each, and five minutes of cool-down stretching. The resistance (RE) session included a five-minute warm-up, three sets of eight repetitions of the bench press, bent-over row, overhead press, squat, deadlift, and lunge exercises, and five-minutes of cool-down stretching. The control session included 40 minutes of quiet reading. Ratings of perceived exertion and heart rate were monitored and recorded during each trial. State body image, positive mood, and negative mood were measured immediately before and after each experimental session. RESULTS: Following the AE and RE sessions, state body image significantly improved from pre- to post-session (AE: 5.2 ± 1.2 to 5.7 ± 1.0; RE: 5.4 ± 1.4 to 5.9 ± 1.2; p < 0.05). Only the RE post-session state body image (5.4 ± 1.4) was significantly different from the CO post-session state body image (5.4 ± 1.1; p < 0.05). The AE and RE sessions significantly increased positive mood and decreased negative mood from pre- to post-session (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Participation in the aerobic and resistance sessions significantly improved body image from pre- to post-exercise. Resistance exercise was the only research modality that yielded significantly higher post-exercise state body image as compared to the control session. Thus, a single resistance exercise session may help individuals to improve their state body image.

Fizinių pratimų įtaka 5-7 metų vaikų laikysenai / The influence of physical exercise on the carrriage of 5-7 year-old children

Šapokaitė, Jūratė 18 June 2008 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas. Specialių fizinių pratimų poveikis laikysenai ir „X” kojų deformacijai. Tyrimo subjektas. 5-7metų amžiaus lankantys ikimokyklinę įstaigą ir turintys laikysenos sutrikimų bei kojų „X” deformaciją vaikai. Tyrimo problema. Vaikų su ydinga kūno laikysena ikimokykliniame amžiuje daugėja. Tai aktuali šių dienų problema. Žaidimas kompiuteriu, mažas fizinis aktyvumas turi įtakos raumenų silpnumui, asimetriškumui vystytis, o susilpnėjus raumenims vystosi laikysenos pokyčiai. Ydinga laikysena nagrinėjama daugelyje darbų, o vaikų kojų deformacijai skiriamas menkas dėmesys. Vaikams iki 5 metų pasitaikančios deformacijos yra trumpalaikės, 90 proc. atvejų praeina savaime, o 10 proc. atvejų liga gali progresuoti, deformacijos sunkėti, prognozė blogėti, ypač tai pastebima brendimo laikotarpiu.( Paukštys ir Vasiliauskienė, 2006). Todėl svarbi ankstyva laikysenos diagnostika ir sutrikimų profilaktika. Hipotezė. Vaikams dėl laikysenos sutrikimų ir „X”, kojų deformacijos tikslinga taikyti specialius fizinius pratimus. Tyrimo tikslas: įvertinti ar ugdymas specialiais fiziniais pratimais turi įtakos laikysenos sutrikimų ir „X“ kojų deformacijos korekcijai. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1) Tyrimo pradžioje įvertinti 5-7 metų vaikų lankančių Kauno Panemunės (pagrindinė grupė) ir „Žiedelis” (kontrolinė grupė) laikysenos sutrikimus ir „X” kojų deformacijas. 2) Įvertinti pagrindinės grupės vaikų laikysenos sutrikimų ir „X” kojų deformacijos pokyčius po penkių mėnesių. 3) Įvertinti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of research. The influence of special physical exercise on the carriage and „X” leg deformation. The subject of research. 5-7 year-old preschool children with carriage disorders and „X” leg deformation attending preschool institution. The problem surrounding this investigation. The number of preschool children with carriage disorder are increasing. Nowadays it is an urgent problem. Playing with computer, lack of physical activities result in the weekness of muscles and as development of asymmetry which, in turn, cause changes in the carriage. The carriage disorder has been investigated in many works while the problem of „X” leg deformation is not so widely discussed. Children up to 5 years old have short-term deformations and in 90% cases they disappear without treatment, but in 10% cases the illness may develop, deformation and prognosis become worse, especially in maturation period. ( Paukštys & Vasiliauskienė, 2006). Hypothesis. Special physical exercise should be applied for children with carriage disorders and „X” leg deformation. The aim of research. To evaluate the influence of training children with special physical exercise on the correction of carriage disorders and „X” leg deformation. The tasks of research: 1. To evaluate the carriage disorders and „X” leg deformation 5-7 year-old children in Kaunas Panemunė (main group) and „Žiedelis“ (control group) kindergartens at the beginning of the research. 2. To evaluate the changes in carriage disorders and... [to full text]


Sabourin, Brigitte Colette 10 August 2012 (has links)
Anxiety sensitivity (AS; fear of anxiety-related bodily sensations) is a risk factor for anxiety and related psychological disorders. Preliminary evidence also associates high AS with reduced levels of physical exercise and fitness. The primary objectives of the five studies comprising this dissertation were 1) to further explore the relationships between AS levels and exercise/fitness levels, and 2) to evaluate outcomes and processes of a brief group cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) that included a novel exercise-based interoceptive exposure (IE; exposure to feared anxiety-related sensations) component of running, with female undergraduate students. High AS female undergraduate participants endorsed more barriers to exercise than low AS participants, and these accounted for the inverse relationships between AS group and exercise/fitness levels (Study 1). The brief CBT/IE led to decreases in AS levels (Studies 2 and 4) and in symptoms of stress, depression, and anxiety (Study 4) for high AS participants. Processes involved in the brief CBT’s therapeutic effects were explored by examining cognitive (i.e., catastrophic thoughts), affective (i.e., feelings of anxiety), and somatic (i.e., physical sensations) reactions to the running IE component with an existing measure, the hyperventilation questionnaire (HVQ; Study 2), and a brief version of the measure, the HVQ-B, developed and validated in Study 3 (Study 5). Changes in cognitive and affective reactions to running were most closely associated with the brief CBT/IE’s therapeutic benefits, underlying the importance of changing the meaning of and emotional reaction to physiological arousal. Surprisingly, a health education control (HEC) intervention consisting of an interactive discussion on exercise, nutrition and sleep for health, including problem-solving barriers to health behaviours, also led to decreases in AS levels and in symptoms of depression and anxiety (Study 4). Physical exercise, the common link between the two interventions, may be partially driving the interventions’ therapeutic benefits. More specifically, perhaps both interventions addressed barriers to exercise, either by altering the meaning of and emotional reaction to exercise (CBT/IE), or through problem-solving (HEC). Encouraging physical exercise in high AS individuals by acknowledging and addressing barriers to exercise might help decrease these individuals’ AS levels and improve their overall mental health

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