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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ilgalaikių kineziterapinių procedūrų efektyvumas koreguojant ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų plokščiapadystę, plokščiapadystės sąsajos su laikysena / Efficiency of long-term exercise training procedures designed for the treatment of flatfoot of pre-school children and influence of flatfoot to posture

Žygienė, Vilija 17 May 2005 (has links)
Flatfoot is one of the most common conditions seen in pediatric podiatry practice. Flatfoot is a term used to describe a recognizable clinical deformity created by malalignment at several adjacent joints. Clinically, a flatfoot is one that has a low or absent longitudinal arch. There enough many studies designed to assess the flatfoot and body posture of young schoolchildren but it is difficult to find out the data concerning the preschool children. The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficiency of long-term exercise training procedures designed for the treatment of flatfoot of pre-school children and influence of flatfoot to posture. Subject in this study was 61 pre-school children. To 32 of them was set the diagnosis of flatfoot and during three years the exercise training procedures was applied. The results obtained during the study has showed that for 44 percent of these children has not any deformations of foots, so the designed exercise training procedures were effective. The other task of this study was to assess the influence of flatfoot to posture. Children who has a foot deformations has more frequent postural problems in comparison to healthy foot children. The higher influence to body posture has a asymmetry in flatfoot than the degree or value of flatfoot. On the other hand the employed computer program “Autocad” was suitable for evaluation of postural peculiarities of children and allowed to perform a precise measurements and analysis of obtained... [to full text]

Kineziterapijos veiksmingumas koreguojant 8-10 metų vaikų netaisyklingą laikyseną / The effectiveness of physical therapy treating 8-10 year old children's faulty posture

Girdzijauskaitė, Rita 18 May 2005 (has links)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of physical exercises treating 8-10 year old children’s faulty posture. In order to realize the subjective state of health, physical activity of theese children, the questionnaire was presented for their parents to complete. The research was performed during the period the third of November to the third of April in a health and fitness center „Sveikieji Baltai“. Thirty 8-10 year old children became a part of this research. These children were tested twice – before applying the complex of physical exercises and after it – after 5 months. The strength of trunk muscles was measured in the course of these testings. 15 of these children had to perform the complex of physical exercises in a health and fitness center under control of physical therapist 3 times a week, every session took 45 minutes. Another 15 children had to perform the complex of physical exercises at home under control of their parents. Parents of these children were instructed about the technique of these exercises. Children who had to perform exercises at home had to perform them analogous to children who exercised in a health and fitness center (3 times a week, every session‘s duration – 45 minutes). Having made the analysis of received data, the research demonstrated that the strength of trunk muscles increased in both groups of children. But the strength of trunk muscles of children who exercised in a health and fitness center increased more than in a... [to full text]

11-12 metų vaikų laikysenos vertinimas ir ryšio tarp atskirų kūno dalių padėties nustatymas / Evaluation of children‘s posture between the ages of 11-12 and determination of its relation with separate body parts‘ posture

Timofėjeva, Laura 10 May 2006 (has links)
Summary Study object: Posture of children between the ages of 11-12. Study problem: Not only in Lithuania but also in the entire world asymmetrical children‘s posture is a current and relevant problem because incorrect vertical posture is an important factor, having impact on the formation of disorders in muscular balance of skeleton and performance of other organs. Purpose of the Paper: Evaluate the posture of 11-12 year-old children and determine a possible relation with separate body parts’ posture. Objectives: Evaluate the frequency of disorders in separate body parts’ posture among the children between the ages of 11-12; Compare the position of separate body part segments in respect to the sex of the child; Determine the correlation among the positions of segments. Hypothesis: It can be assumed that asymmetrical position of one body segment has impact on asymmetrical position of other body segments. Study Methodology: 1987 W. W. K. Hoeger subjective children’s posture evaluation model, where the deviation from the norm was defined by score, was chosen to use for evaluation. Separate body segments were examined in frontal and sagittal plane. Separate body parts were evaluated by scores: GOOD – 5, SATISFACTORY – 3, BAD – 1. The analysis of the gathered study data was processed by SPSS 10.0 computer program for Windows. Conclusions: 1. Most disorders for children between the ages of 11-12 appear in the following body segments: shoulder position (in frontal plane), trunk... [to full text]

Kineziterapijos įtaka ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų laikysenos formavimuisi / The influence of physiotherapy on formation posture of the pre-school age children

Niparavičienė, Eugenija 11 May 2006 (has links)
The normal motor development, according to the chronological age of the child, especially during the first years of their life, is one of the most important indicators, informing about the health of the child, which depends on their life conditions, routine, economic conditions of the family, nurture, psychological factors and active movement. Movement is one of the most important factors for development of the child motion and motor formation in pre-school age. The lack of investigation exploring the improvement of development of children motions and formation of posture and its relation with physiotherapy shows that these questions are still important. As well as there is no studies of evaluation of the posture f the pre-school children in Tauragė area. We designed a study and directed our investigation to the following research hypothesis: incorrect posture of the pre-school age children is related to disorders or delay of psychomotor development; early systematic physiotherapy session has a positive effect on correction of the incorrect posture. The following object of research was chosen: the posture of the pre-school age children. The aim of this research was to evaluate the influence of applied different physiotherapy methods and to find out the factors, influencing the formation of incorrect posture of children. The goals of the study: 1) to assess the posture of pre-school age children in the town of Tauragė; 2) to find out the meaning of peculiarities in the child’s... [to full text]

Sveikų ir protinę negalią turinčių vaikų netaisyklingos laikysenos koregavimo efektyvumas / Healthy and mentally disabled childrens bad posture correctionefficiency

Bartkienė, Asta 17 May 2005 (has links)
Thanks to physical and intellectual activity, ability to orient and adapt forms in the person. This ability helps to adjust to ambient environment, maintaining inner balance. This work analyses if the posture of healthy children differs from mentally disabled ones, it also analyses the means of physicaltherapy and their efficiency correcting bad posture.131 schoolchildren’s of Alytus secondary schools body posture was examined. Examination was carried out from 1st September 2004 to 28th February 2005. Aim of research: Healthy and mentally disabled children’s posture assessment and correction. Tasks of exploratory work: to assess healthy children’s (7-9 years old and 11-13 years old) posture before and after physicaltherapy; to assess mentally disabled children’s (7-9 years old and 11-13 years old) posture before and after physicaltherapy; to set the efficiency of physicaltherapy for healthy and mentally disabled children. Assessment of learners’ body posture according to W.W. K. Hoeger’s method (questionnaires are being filled in) before and after physicaltherapy. For five months three times a week there has been physicaltherapy for schoolchildren, who have posture disorders, considering the type of posture and applying special exercises. Exploratory groups have been assessed before and after physicaltherapy. Standard statistical methods have been applied: reliability of average was defined according to Student’s t criterion. Conclusions: Healthy children’s (7-9 and 11-13... [to full text]

11–12 metų vaikų laikysenos įvertinimas sagitalioje ir frontalioje plokštumoje bei jos pokyčiai taikant kineziterapiją / Posture evaluation of 11–12 years old children in sagittal and frontal planes and effects of physical therapy

Augutienė, Viktorija 18 May 2005 (has links)
Correct posture is the basis for normal development and function of chest box, extremities and internal organs. Irregular posture is one of the most widespread disorders of musculoskeletal system, which might be caused by the low level of culture and lack of education. It has an influence on children‘s health, physical and psychological well-being. Lack of assessment and delay of treatment might worsen situation and progress into complicated forms of disorders. Aim of the work: to evaluate posture of 11–12 years old children in sagittal and frontal planes and effects of physical therapy. Contingent: 96 11–12 years old children were participated in the first assessment: 59 girls and 37 boys. 64 children were participated in the second assessment: 33 girls and 31 boys. Methods: inspection, palpation, cirtometry, scoliometry, SPSS software. Results: Distribution of curves of column in frontal and sagittal planes after physical therapy were the same among boys and girls as well as children of 1’st and 2’nd group. Analyzing data of first and second assessments we can say, that physical therapy had no influence on boy’s kyphosis and lordosis, but it had a statistically significant positive effects on girl’s parameters of kyphosis and lordosis. Conclusions: posture disorders in frontal and sagittal planes are still widespread among schoolchildren. Physical therapy is very important for the correction of schoolchildren’s posture. Special physical exercises had to be used under... [to full text]

Eksperimentinių judesio korekcijos pratybų poveikis vaikų kūno laikysenai / Effect of experimentalpractice of movement correction on children's body posture

Janušaitė, Kristina 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė taisyklingos kūno laikysenos sampratos, laikysenos sutrikimų paplitimo, priežasčių, pasekmių, korekcinių priemonių analizė. Iškelta hipotezė, kad sistemingas pratimų su terapiniais kamuoliais integravimas į judesio korekcijos pratybas 5-6 metų vaikams, turintiems laikysenos sutrikimų, daro teigiamą poveikį jų kūno laikysenai. Pratimų su terapiniais kamuoliais taikymas laikysenos sutrikimų profilaktikoje ir korekcijoje yra efektyvesnis nei tradiciniai fiziniai pratimai. Buvo atliktas eksperimentas, kurio tikslas - nustatyti ir įvertinti pratimų su terapiniais kamuoliais poveikį 5-6 metų vaikų laikysenai. Atlikta statistinė (aprašomoji dažnių, vidurkių, Mann’o ir Whitney U-testo, Wilcoxon’o teso, Spirmeno koreliacijos koeficiento) duomenų analizė. Tyrime dalyvavo Šiaulių rajono Kairių lopšelio-darželio ,,Spindulėlis” ir Šiaulių lopšelio-darželio ,,Varpelis” 5-6 metų vaikai, turintys laikysenos sutrikimų. Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjami 5-6 metų vaikų laikysenos ypatumai, analizuojami laikysenos, kaulų ir raumenų funkcinės būklės pokyčiai. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad judesio korekcijos pratybos taikant pratimus su terapiniais kamuoliais turėjo teigiamą poveikį 5-6 metų vaikų kūno laikysenai. Eksperimentinės grupės tiriamųjų kūno laikysena patikimai (p≤0,05) pagerėjo po eksperimento ir statistiškai reikšmingai skyrėsi nuo kontrolinės grupės tiriamųjų kūno laikysenos (p≤0,05). 2. Visų tiriamųjų kaulų ir raumenų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the present master’s thesis, there is performed theoretical analysis of the concept of correct body posture disorders, their reasons, consequences and corrective means. In the thesis, there was raised a hypothesis that systematic integration of exercises with therapeutic balls into practice of movement correction to 5-6 years aged children with posture disorders makes positive effect on their body posture. Application of exercises with therapeutic balls in prophylaxis and correction of posture disorders is more efficient than conventional physical exercises. An experiment was performed. The purpose of the experiment was to determine and assess the effect to the exercises with therapeutic balls on the posture of 5-6 years aged children. A statistical analysis (descriptive of frequencies, averages, Mann and Whitney’s U-test, Wilcoxon’s test, Spirmen’s correlation coefficient) of data was performed. 5-6 years aged children with posture disorders from Kairiai kindergarten “Spindulėlis” and from Šiauliai kindergarten “Varpelis” participated in the research. Peculiarities of posture of 5-6 years aged children are considered in the empiric part of the thesis. There are also analysed changes of functional condition of posture, bones and muscles. The main conclusions of the empiric research are the following: 1. The results of the research demonstrated that practice of movement correction applying exercises with therapeutic balls had positive effect on posture of 5-6 years old... [to full text]

Bendrosios motorikos (judesio ir padėties) įtaka kalbinei motorikai (artikuliacijai) ikimokykliniame amžiuje / Influence of general motoric on linguistic motoric at pre-school age / Einfluß der allgemeinen Motorik für die Sprechmotorik im Vorschulalter

Baranauskienė, Jurgita 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe analizuota bendrosios motorikos (judesio ir padėties) atskirų komponentų, tokių kaip kūno laikysena, koordinacinių funkcijų, kūno judesių įtaka ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų, su kalbos neišlavėjimu dėl dizartrijos ir alalijos, tokiems kalbinės motorikos komponentams kaip artikuliacinio aparato būklei, artikuliacinio aparato judesių koordinacijai ir garsų bei žodžių artikuliacijai. Iškelta hipotezė, kad ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikams, turintiems kalbos sutrikimų, tokie bendrosios motorikos (judesio ir padėties) komponentai kaip kūno laikysena, kūno judesių funkcijos ir koordinacija gali įtakoti artikuliacinio aparato būseną, jo judesių koordinuotumą ir kalbinę artikuliaciją. Testavimo metodu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas - nustatyti bendrosios motorikos (judesio ir padėties) ir kalbinės motorikos (artikuliacijos) išlavėjimą ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų su kalbos neišlavėjimu dėl dizartrijos ir alalijos, ir atlikus koreliacinę analizę nustatyti bendrosios motorikos (judesio ir padėties) atskirų komponentų įtaką kalbinės motorikos (artikuliacijos) atskiriems komponentams. Tyrime dalyvavo 100 ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų nuo 4 iki 7 metų, turinčių kalbos neišlavėjimą dėl dizartrijos ir alalijos. Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjami koreliaciniai ryšiai tarp kūno laikysenos, koordinacinių ir kūno judesių funkcijų, artikuliacinio aparato būklės, jo judesių koordinacijos, artikuliacijos ir amžiaus. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Įvertinus ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The influence of separate components of general motoric such as carriage of the body, coordinational functions, movements of the body on such components of linguistic motoric as the state of articulatory apparatus, coordination of movements of articulatory apparatus and articulation of sounds and words of pre-school age children with language misdevelopment due to disartry and alalija is analysed in this work. The hypothesis that such components of general motoric as carriage of the body, functions of movements of the body and coordination can influence the state of articulatory apparatus, coordination of its movements and linguistic articulation of children of pre-school age with language disturbances is raised. By the method of testing the research which goal is to establish the development of general motoric and linguistic motoric (articulation) of children of pre-school age with language misdevelopment due to disartry and alalija and after the correlation analysis has been carried out to ascertain the influence of separate components of general motoric on separate components of linguistic motoric. 100 children of pre-school age from 4 to 7 years old having language misdevelopment due to disartry and alalija took part in the research. In the empirical part the correlational connections between the carriage of the body, coordinational functions and functions of the movements of the body, state of articulatory apparatus, coordination of its movements, articulation and... [to full text] / In dieser Arbeit wurde der Einfluß solcher einzelnen Komponenten der allgemeinen Motorik wie Körperhaltung, Koordinationsfunktionen und Körperbewegungen der Kinder im Vorschulalter mit Sprachstörungen wegen Dysarthrie und Alalie für solche Komponente der Sprechmotorik wie Zustand des Artikulationsapparates, Bewegungskoordination des Artikulationsapparates und die Artikulation von Lauten und Wörtern analysiert . Es wurde die Hypothese herausgehoben, daß für die vorschulaltrige Kinder, die Sprachstörungen haben, solche Komponenten der allgemeinen Motorik wie Körperhaltung, Funktionen der Körperbewegung und Koordination auf den Zustand des Artikulationsapparates, auf die Koordination seiner Bewegungen und auf die Sprechartikulation Einfluß haben können. Es wurde eine Untersuchung gemäß der Testmethoden gemacht, Ziel dieser Untersuchung – die Entwicklung der allgemeinen Motorik und der Sprechmotorik (Artikulation) der vorschulaltrigen Kinder mit Sprachstörungen wegen der Dysarthrie und Alalie festzustellen, und nach der Korrelationsanalyse den Einfluß der einzelnen Komponenten der allgemeinen Motorik für die einzelnen Komponente der Sprechmotorik festzustellen. An der Untersuchung haben 100 vorschulaltrigen Kinder von 4 bis 7 Jahren teilgenommen, die die Sprechstörungen wegen Dysarthrie und Alalie haben. Im empirischen Teil analysiert man Korrelationsverbindungen zwischen der Körperhaltung, den Koordinationsfunktionen und den Funktionen der Körperhaltung, dem Zustand des... [der volle Text, siehe weiter]

Nugaros skausmo, stuburo paslankumo, laikysenos, liemens raumenų ištvermės kitimas taikant kineziterapiją vandenyje / Aquatic therapy effects on back pain, back mobility, posture, trunk muscle endurance

Krivoščenkaitė, Ieva 18 June 2008 (has links)
Nugaros skausmas yra plačiai paplitęs, tai – didžiulė socialinė, psichologinė ir ekonominė problema. 15 – 20% suaugusiųjų nugaros skausmą patiria bent kartą per metus, o 70 – 80% bent kartą gyvenime. Iš visų žmonių, kenčiančių nugaros skausmą, 5 – 10% jaučia lėtinį skausmą. Ši problema kamuoja apie 40% visų dirbančių žmonių ir tai yra viena iš dažniausių nedarbingumo priežasčių. Kineziterapija vandenyje yra efektyvus skausmo ir judamojo – atramos aparato kontrolės metodas. Darbo tikslas yra nustatyti nugaros skausmo, stuburo paslankumo, laikysenos ir liemens raumenų ištvermės kitimą taikant kineziterapiją vandenyje. Tikslui pasiekti buvo iškelti uždaviniai: nustatyti skausmo, laikysenos, stuburo paslankumo, pilvo, nugaros ir šoninių liemens raumenų ištvermės kitimą taikant kineziterapiją vandenyje, bei nustatyti ir įvertinti tiriamųjų gyvenseną. Iškėlėme hipotezę, kad po kineziterapijos vandenyje sumažės nugaros skausmas, padidės stuburo paslankumas ir liemens raumenų ištvermė, bei pagerės laikysena. Tyrime dalyvavo 14 nugaros skausmus patiriančių žmonių: 5 vyrai ir 9 moterys (amžiaus vidurkis 32±6,9 m.). Kineziterapijos vandenyje užsiėmimai vyko LKKA baseine, 2 kartus per savaitę. Vieno užsiėmimo trukmė – 45 min. Buvo registruojamas skausmas (po kiekvieno užsiėmimo), vertinama laikysena (2 kartus); stuburo paslankumas ir liemens raumenų ištvermė buvo matuojami tyrimo pradžioje ir kas 10 savaičių (4 kartus). Gauti duomenys parodė, kad daugiau kaip pusė tiriamųjų laisvalaikį... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Back pain is a common problem and one of enormous social, psychologic, and economic burden. 15 – 20% of adult population experience back pain at least once in a year, and 70 – 80% experience back pain at least once in the lifetime. Meanwhile 5 – 10% suffers from chronic back pain. Back pain afflicts about 40% of working population and is a major cause of disability in the adult working population. Aquatic therapy is an effective way for controling back pain and muscle – sceletal features. The objective of this research is to define the effects of aquatic therapy on back pain, back mobility, posture and trunk muscle endurance. In order to obtain the objective we came up with the next targets: to measure the variation of posture, back mobility, trunk muscle, back pain when applying aquatic therapy and to estimate and assess the lifestyle of the participants. We hypothesized that aquatic therapy will reduce back pain, increase back mobility, trunk muscle endurance and improve posture. 14 people with back pain participated in the research (5 men and 9 women) with the average age of 32±6,9 years. Aquatic therapy sessions were held twice a week in the swimming pool of Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education. It took 45 minutes for a session. The next measures have been taken: pain (after each session), posture evaluation (2 times), back mobility and trunk muscle endurance have been measured in the beginning of the research and every 10 weeks (4 times). Data analysis identified... [to full text]

Fizinių pratimų įtaka 5-7 metų vaikų laikysenai / The influence of physical exercise on the carrriage of 5-7 year-old children

Šapokaitė, Jūratė 18 June 2008 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas. Specialių fizinių pratimų poveikis laikysenai ir „X” kojų deformacijai. Tyrimo subjektas. 5-7metų amžiaus lankantys ikimokyklinę įstaigą ir turintys laikysenos sutrikimų bei kojų „X” deformaciją vaikai. Tyrimo problema. Vaikų su ydinga kūno laikysena ikimokykliniame amžiuje daugėja. Tai aktuali šių dienų problema. Žaidimas kompiuteriu, mažas fizinis aktyvumas turi įtakos raumenų silpnumui, asimetriškumui vystytis, o susilpnėjus raumenims vystosi laikysenos pokyčiai. Ydinga laikysena nagrinėjama daugelyje darbų, o vaikų kojų deformacijai skiriamas menkas dėmesys. Vaikams iki 5 metų pasitaikančios deformacijos yra trumpalaikės, 90 proc. atvejų praeina savaime, o 10 proc. atvejų liga gali progresuoti, deformacijos sunkėti, prognozė blogėti, ypač tai pastebima brendimo laikotarpiu.( Paukštys ir Vasiliauskienė, 2006). Todėl svarbi ankstyva laikysenos diagnostika ir sutrikimų profilaktika. Hipotezė. Vaikams dėl laikysenos sutrikimų ir „X”, kojų deformacijos tikslinga taikyti specialius fizinius pratimus. Tyrimo tikslas: įvertinti ar ugdymas specialiais fiziniais pratimais turi įtakos laikysenos sutrikimų ir „X“ kojų deformacijos korekcijai. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1) Tyrimo pradžioje įvertinti 5-7 metų vaikų lankančių Kauno Panemunės (pagrindinė grupė) ir „Žiedelis” (kontrolinė grupė) laikysenos sutrikimus ir „X” kojų deformacijas. 2) Įvertinti pagrindinės grupės vaikų laikysenos sutrikimų ir „X” kojų deformacijos pokyčius po penkių mėnesių. 3) Įvertinti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of research. The influence of special physical exercise on the carriage and „X” leg deformation. The subject of research. 5-7 year-old preschool children with carriage disorders and „X” leg deformation attending preschool institution. The problem surrounding this investigation. The number of preschool children with carriage disorder are increasing. Nowadays it is an urgent problem. Playing with computer, lack of physical activities result in the weekness of muscles and as development of asymmetry which, in turn, cause changes in the carriage. The carriage disorder has been investigated in many works while the problem of „X” leg deformation is not so widely discussed. Children up to 5 years old have short-term deformations and in 90% cases they disappear without treatment, but in 10% cases the illness may develop, deformation and prognosis become worse, especially in maturation period. ( Paukštys & Vasiliauskienė, 2006). Hypothesis. Special physical exercise should be applied for children with carriage disorders and „X” leg deformation. The aim of research. To evaluate the influence of training children with special physical exercise on the correction of carriage disorders and „X” leg deformation. The tasks of research: 1. To evaluate the carriage disorders and „X” leg deformation 5-7 year-old children in Kaunas Panemunė (main group) and „Žiedelis“ (control group) kindergartens at the beginning of the research. 2. To evaluate the changes in carriage disorders and... [to full text]

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