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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimization of the hairy-root transformation in soybean to facilitate bioassays with the root pathogen Phytophthora sojae

Parthasarathy, Sangeeta 20 October 2023 (has links)
Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 2 octobre 2023) / Le soya (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) est une culture de plusieurs milliards de dollars principalement utilisée pour l'industrie de l'élevage, l'alimentation humaine et aussi le biocarburant. Le Canada se classe au quatrième rang en termes de superficie, et cette dernière augmente chaque année. Avec l'augmentation de la superficie cultivée, les problèmes de ravageurs et de maladies ont également augmenté. Le pourridié phytophthoréen (PRR) est l'une des maladies les plus importantes du soya. L'oomycète Phytophthora sojae est l'agent pathogène responsable du PRR et représente chaque année un milliard de dollars de pertes pour l'industrie nord-américaine du soya. Ce pathogène attaque la plante à tous ses stades de croissance, entraînant souvent le besoin de semer de nouveau et même la perte complète de la récolte. Le moyen le plus efficace de réduire les pertes économiques causées par le PRR est d'utiliser des cultivars résistants à P. sojae. Ces cultivars possèdent des gènes de résistance (Rps) et, jusqu'à ce jour, 33 gènes Rps ont été répertoriés grâce à l'utilisation de marqueurs génétiques. Toutefois, seul le gène Rps11 a été cloné et identifié. Récemment, notre laboratoire a identifié des gènes candidat qui seraient possiblement des gènes Rps. Pour confirmer la fonction de ces gènes, il faut être en mesure de les exprimer par une plante sensible via la transformation génétique. Différentes méthodes telles que la transformation médiée par Agrobacterium ou la transformation biolistique génèrent des plants de soya génétiquement modifiés à partir de cals ou d'autres explants. Pourtant, ces techniques demandent beaucoup de main-d'œuvre et de temps, avec un faible taux d'efficacité. Lors de l'étude des gènes exprimés dans les systèmes racinaires, la technique de transformation par Rhizobium rhizogenes est idéale. Cet organisme, par le transfert d'un ADN aux cellules de la plante, cause une prolifération de fines racines « hairy root ». Cette méthode de transformation génétique a été régulièrement appliquée pour étudier la biologie des racines ou bien pour la production de métabolites secondaires, mais rarement pour étudier les interactions hôte-pathogène. Dans ce travail, la technique de transformation hairy-root a été optimisée pour caractériser la fonctionnalité des gènes candidats Rps contre P. sojae par des essais biologiques dans des systèmes hydroponiques. Dans un premier temps, nous avons testé plusieurs souches de Rhizobium rhizogenes et différentes méthodes d'inoculation pour optimiser le procédé qui donnerait le nombre maximum de racines transformées. En tant que gène rapporteur, RUBY a été sélectionné pour ses propriétés non destructives et son expression facilement identifiable dans les racines transformées. Afin d'optimiser la cassette d'expression pour les gènes candidat, la fonction de six promoteurs de soya a également été validée. Cinq promoteurs sur six ont présenté une expression du gène rapporteur dsRed2 supérieure au promoteur le plus couramment utilisé soit le CaMV35S. Pour les besoins de ces travaux, le promoteur du gène de l'ubiquitine a été choisi pour la conception de la cassette d'expression servant à héberger les gènes candidat Rps. À la suite de l'expression de ces gènes candidats dans les racines transformées, il devenait alors possible de tester la fonction de ces derniers par bioessai hydroponique. / Soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) is a multi-billion-dollar crop primarily used to produce animal feed, food, and fuel. Soybean ranks fourth in terms of area, and the area under its cultivation is increasing every year. With the increase in cultivated areas, pest and disease problems have also increased. Phytophthora root rot (PRR) is one of the most important diseases of soybeans. The oomycete Phytophthora sojae is the pathogen responsible for the disease and accounts forbillion in losses annually for the North American soybean industry. This pathogen attacks the plant at all stages of growth, often leading to replanting or complete loss of the crop. The most effective way to reduce the economic losses caused by PRR is to use cultivars resistant to P. sojae (Rps) genes. Approximately 33 Rps genes has been identified. Many of these 33 Rps genes are linked to genetic markers, but only Rps11 has been identified and cloned. Our laboratory has identified putative sequences of Rps genes, and the functional characterization of these sequences must go through the transformation of soybeans. Different methods, such as Agrobacterium-mediated transformation or biolistic transformation, generate genetically modified soybean plants from callus or other explants. Yet, these techniques are labor-intensive and time-consuming, with a low efficiency rate. When studying genes expressed in root systems, the Rhizobium rhizogenes-mediated hairy root transformation technique is ideal. Hairy root transformation has been regularly applied to study root biology or secondary metabolite production, but rarely to study host-pathogen interactions. In this work, the hairy root transformation technique was optimized to characterize the functionality of candidate Rps genes against P. sojae by bioassays in hydroponic systems. First, we tested several strains of Rhizobium rhizogenes and different inoculation methods to identify the procedure that would yield the maximum number of transformed roots. As a reporter gene, RUBY was selected for its non-destructive properties and easily identified expression in transformed roots. We also validated the function of six soybean promoters using the optimized hairy root transformation system. Five of six promoters expressed the dsRed2 reporter gene better than the positive control CaMV35S promoter. Finally, the best promoter was used to design an expression cassette for candidate Rps gene from previously identified sequences, which can be used for functional characterization by hydroponic phenotyping. In conclusion, this optimized hairy root transformation will provide a rapid and reliable method to validate the function of putative Rps genes in the soybean- P. sojae interaction.

Effets du silicium dans la réduction du stress biotique causé par Phytophthora sojae chez le soya évalué grâce à une nouvelle méthode d'inoculation par zoospores

Guérin, Valérie 20 April 2018 (has links)
L'objectif de ce projet visait à déterminer si le silicium (Si), reconnu pour son effet prophylactique contre les agents biotrophes, pouvait protéger le soja contre Phytophthora sojae, un oomycète hemi-biotrophe. Le défi initial consistait à développer une méthode d'inoculation qui reproduisait le processus d'infection naturelle tout en permettant aux plants d'absorber le Si. Dans un premier temps, l'inoculation de zoospores dans une solution hydroponique a permis de générer des infections reproductibles conséquentes avec les réponses phénotypiques attendues. Dans un deuxième temps, l'ajout de Si a permis de réduire significativement l'incidence de la maladie tout en augmentant le rendement des plants. Cet effet était surtout manifeste sur les cultivars possédant un niveau de résistance contre P. sojae ou sur ceux absorbant plus de Si. Nous proposons ainsi une nouvelle méthode d'inoculation de P. sojae représentative de l'infection naturelle et démontrons que le Si peut servir pour la lutte contre cet oomycète.

Sensibilité du feuillage de six espèces d'arbres de l'Est canadien au Phytophtora ramorum

Jinek, Andréa 17 April 2018 (has links)
Pour mieux apprécier le risque que pose le Phytophthora ramorum pour l'Est nord-américain, la sensibilité du feuillage au P. ramorum et sa sporulation sur le feuillage ont été évaluées chez six espèces d'arbres communes de l'Est canadien. Chez les feuilles détachées, la nécrose était plus prononcée chez le Betula alleghaniensis (Ba), le Fraxinus americana (Fa) et le rhododendron (Rh; témoin positif) comparativement à celle observée chez l'Acer saccharum et le Quercus rubra (Qr). Suivant le trempage après blessure, une nécrose importante fut observée chez le Ba, le Fa, le Qr et le Rh. Chez les conifères, la nécrose était plus importante chez les aiguilles détachées d'Abies balsamea (Ab) que chez le Larix lancina. La sporulation sur le feuillage détaché était plus intense chez le Rh et les deux conifères alors que suite aux essais de trempage, elle était plus prononcée chez le Ba, le Fa, le Rh et l'Ab.

Évaluation de la résistance de cultivars de soya à plusieurs races de Phytophthora sojae

Lebreton, Amandine 23 April 2018 (has links)
La pourriture phytophthoréenne causée par Phytophthora sojae est une des principales maladies affectant la culture du soya au Canada. Les moyens de lutte actuellement utilisés sont le traitement des semences à l’aide de fongicides et l’utilisation de cultivars possédant une résistance partielle multigénique ou un gène majeur de résistance (Rps). Dans ce contexte, les semenciers souhaitent pouvoir caractériser leurs lignées quant à leur niveau de résistance/susceptibilité face aux différentes races de P. sojae. Ce projet avait ainsi pour objectif d'exploiter une méthode d'inoculation permettant de discriminer de façon claire, rapide et reproductible, la réponse des lignées à P. sojae en lien avec la virulence des races. Nos résultats ont démontré qu'une infection par zoospores dans un système de culture hydroponique présentait plusieurs avantages par rapport à d’autres techniques d’inoculation utilisées. Cette méthode permet non seulement d’identifier les cultivars porteurs de gènes de résistance Rps, mais aussi potentiellement de mettre en évidence les cultivars à résistance racinaire.

Estudo químico de extratos de plantas da família Solanaceae com atividade a fungos fitopatogênicos / Chemical study of the Solanaceae plant extracts with activity to pathogenic fungi

Corrêa, Joze Aparecida Marciano 26 February 2015 (has links)
A biodiversidade brasileira é conhecida devido a sua riqueza de espécies, sendo considerada uma fonte promissora de produtos naturais. Dentre as plantas vasculares, a família Solanaceae A. Juss. (Solanaceae) é considerada uma das maiores, apresentando distribuição em todas as regiões tropicais e temperadas do mundo. A família Solanaceae apresenta alta diversidade de espécies de importância econômica como fonte de alimentos, propriedades medicinais e ornamentais. Plantas desta família são fontes de metabólitos secundários de diversas classes químicas com as mais diversas aplicações. Fungos fitopatogênicos são responsáveis por causar diversas doenças e consideráveis perdas na agricultura. O controle das doenças é realizado através de métodos químicos, físicos e biológicos, porém o uso excessivo e ininterrupto de produtos químicos pode resultar na seleção de micro-organismos resistentes. Além disto, muitos fungicidas apresentam toxicidade alta e a sua utilização indiscriminada pode causar efeitos indesejáveis sobre outros organismos no ambiente. O objetivo deste estudo é explorar o potencial biológico e químico de metabólitos secundários produzidos por plantas da família Solanaceae com potencial fungitóxico a fitopatógenos. Foram selecionadas 15 espécies de plantas da família Solanaceae que tiveram os extratos de suas folhas avaliados em ensaios biológicos in vitro sobre o crescimento micelial de 6 fitopatógenos de importância na agricultura. Dentre estas, três foram selecionadas para uma investigação mais aprofundada, as espécies Solanum americanum, Acnistus arborescens e Physalis peruviana. No estudo da planta S. americanum, foram identificados compostos bioativos pertencentes à classe dos glicoalcalóides, que inibiram o crescimento micelial do fitopatógeno Moniliophthora perniciosa. No estudo de A. arborescens foi identificado a presença de um composto ativo pertencente à classe dos vitanolidos, provavelmente o 7β-acetoxivitanolido D, e sua ação antifúngica está sendo relatada pela primeira vez. No estudo da planta P. peruviana a fração semipura bioativa indicou a presença de um composto pertencente à classe dos vitanolidos. Esses resultados evidenciaram que os compostos presentes nas plantas, apresentam bioatividade que inibem o crescimento micelial dos fungos fitopatogênicos Moniliophthora perniciosa e Phytophthora cinnamomi, podendo ser uma nova opção coadjuvante no controle de fitopatógenos. / The Brazilian biodiversity is known due to its richness of species, and is considered a promising source of natural products. Among the vascular plants, the family Solanaceae A. Juss. (Solanaceae) is considered one of the largest, with distribution in all tropical and temperate regions of the world. The Solanaceae family has a high diversity of species of economic importance as a source of food, medicinal and ornamental properties. Plants of this family are sources of secondary metabolites from different chemical classes with many different applications. Plant fungi are responsible for causing various diseases and considerable losses in agriculture. The disease control is accomplished through chemical, physical and biological methods, but the excessive and continuous use of chemical products, may result in selection of resistant micro-organisms, in addition, many fungicides have a high toxicity and its indiscriminate use can cause undesirable effects on other organisms in the environment. The objective of this study is to explore the biological and chemical potential of secondary metabolites produced by plants of the Solanaceae family with potential fungitoxic the pathogens. We selected 15 species of Solanaceae plants that had the extracts of its leaves evaluated in vitro biological assays on the mycelial growth of 6 plant pathogens of importance in agriculture. Among these, three were selected for further investigation, the species Solanum americanum, Physalis peruviana and Acnistus arborescens. In the study of plant S. americanum, it was identified bioactive compounds belonging to the class of glycoalkaloids that inhibited the mycelial growth of the pathogen M. perniciosa. In the study of A. arborescens it was identified the presence of the active compound belonging to the class of withanolides, probably the 7β-acetoxywithanolide D, and its antifungal activity is being reported for the first time. In the study of plant P. peruviana semipure bioactive fraction indicated the presence of the compound belonging to the class of withanolides. These results showed that the compounds present in plants, have bioactivity that inhibit the mycelial growth of pathogenic fungi M. perniciosa and P. cinnamomi and may be a new option in the adjuvant control pathogens.

Bioprospecção de actinobactérias associadas à esponja marinha Aplysina fulva: isolamento, caracterização e produção de compostos bioativos / Bioprospecting of actinobacteria associated with marine sponge Aplysina fulva: isolation, characterization and production of bioactive compounds

Silva, Fábio Sérgio Paulino da 03 November 2015 (has links)
Este estudo descreve a diversidade de actinobactérias isoladas da esponja marinha Aplysina fulva e o potencial destes microorganismos como produtores de metabólitos bioativos com propriedades fungicidas e herbicidas. Actinobactérias são prolíficas produtoras de compostos farmacologicamente importantes, pois cerca de 70% dos antibióticos naturalmente derivados que estão atualmente em uso clínico são produzidos por estes microorganismos. Entretanto este valor é ainda inexpressivo na indústria agrícola. Agroquímicos sintéticos ainda são dominantes no mercado apesar de estarem menos efetivos contra plantas daninhas e patógenos cada vez mais resistentes. Neste trabalho, um total de 21 actinobactérias foram isoladas com a utilização de meios seletivos. Análises filogenéticas baseadas no sequenciamento parcial do gene que codifica para o rRNA 16S mostrou que estes microorganismos pertencem a oito gêneros do filo Actinobacteria: Kocuria; Citricoccus; Terrabacter; Gordonia; Agrococcus; Tsukamurella; Brevibacterium e Streptomyces. Os extratos de todos os isolados foram testados para verificar a produção de metabólitos secundários com propriedades fungicidas contra os fungos fitopagênicos de importância agrícola: Pythium aphanidermatum; Phytophthora capsici e Magnaporthe grisea. O extrato bruto de 43% dos isolados mostrou atividade fungicida para ao menos um dos patógenos. O perfil químico do extrato dos isolados com bioatividade positiva foram similares mesmo entre gêneros diferentes. Os metabólitos do Streptomyces ASPSP 103 foram mais eficientes devido à forte inibição contra todos os patógenos testados. Portanto este isolado foi selecionado e testado para atividade herbicida por meio de screening que teve início com testes de atividade algicida contra a microalga Selenastrum capricornutum. Acreditamos que actinobactérias associadas a esponjas marinhas desempenham um papel de defesa química contra microalgas que possam obstruir os porócitos asfixiando o animal, e que estes compostos algicidas possivelmente tenham ação herbicida. Foi verificada atividade do extrato bruto do Streptomyces ASPSP 103 contra S. capricornutum, e a atividade herbicida pré-emergência com um efeito fraco em Lactuca sativa (dicotiledônea) e uma forte inibição em Agrostis stolonifera (monocotiledônea). A purificação do extrato bruto para isolamento do composto bioativo foi guiado por bioensaio contra Pythium aphanidermatum, um oomiceto de rápido crescimento e sensível aos metabólitos de ASPSP 103 previamente testados. Foi identificado o composto da classe butenolida com atividade herbicida préemergência contra Agrostis stolonifera (IC50 33.43 μg/mL). Este é o primeiro relato da atividade de butenolida para atividade herbicida. Estudos aprofundados em taxonomia mostraram que as características filogenéticas, morfológicas e químicas do isolado ASPSP 103 são consistentes com o gênero Streptomyces. Portanto devido algumas diferenças em parâmetros taxonômicos, ASPSP 103T foi proposto como linhagem tipo para uma nova espécie de Streptomyces, para qual o nome Streptomyces atlanticus sp. nov. foi sugerido. Estes resultados enfatizam o potencial de Streptomyces marinhos para produzir compostos bioativos com potencial de aplicação em agrobiotecnologia. / Actinobacteria are producers of important pharmacological compounds. About 70% of natural antibiotics are derived from these microorganisms. However, the use of natural compounds are still limited in the agricultural industry, even considering that synthetic pesticides are less effective against pathogens and weed plants. This study describes the diversity of actinobacteria associated with the marine sponge Aplysina fulva and their potential as producers of bioactive compounds with fungicidal and herbicidal properties. In this study, a total of 21 actinomycetes were isolated with the use of selective media. Phylogenetic analyzes based on partial sequencing of the gene encoding for 16S rRNA showed that these microorganisms belong to eight Actinobacteria genera, including Kocuria, Citricoccus, Terrabacter, Gordonia, Agrococcus, Tsukamurella, Brevibacterium and Streptomyces. The extracts of all isolates were tested for the production of secondary metabolites with fungicidal properties against the following phytopathogenic fungi: of Pythium aphanidermatum, Phytophthora capsici and Magnaporthe grisea. The crude extract of 43% of the isolates showed fungicidal activity for at least one of the pathogens. The chemical profiles of the actinobacteria extracts with positive bioactivity were similar even among different genus. The metabolites of Streptomyces ASPSP 103 were more efficient because of the strong inhibition against all tested pathogens. So, the isolate ASPSP 103 was selected and tested for herbicide activity through screening for algaecide activity towards microalgae Selenastrum capricornutum. We believe that actinobacteria associated with marine sponges play a role in chemical defense against algae that can obstruct the pores, choking the animal. These algaecides compounds possibly have herbicide action. Activity of the Streptomyces ASPSP 103 crude extract against S. capricornutum was observed. In addition, it was observed a weak pre-emergence herbicide activity on Lactuca sativa (dicot) and a strong inhibition in Agrostis stolonifera (monocot). The purification of the crude extract to isolate the bioactive compound was guided by bioassay against Pythium aphanidermatum, a fast growing oomycete and sensitive to metabolites from ASPSP 103 previously tested. The butenolide compound was identified with pre-emergence herbicidal activity against Agrostis stolonifera (IC50 33.43 μg/mL). This is the first report of butenolide activity with herbicide activity. Taxonomy studies showed that the phylogenetic, morphological and chemical characteristics of the isolated ASPSP 103 are consistent with the Streptomyces genus. Then, considering some differences in taxonomic parameters, ASPSP 103T was proposed as line type for a new species of Streptomyces, for which the name Streptomyces atlanticus sp. nov. was suggested. These results emphasize the potential of marine Streptomyces to produce bioactive compounds with potential biotechnological application in agricultural industry.

Bioprospecção de actinobactérias associadas à esponja marinha Aplysina fulva: isolamento, caracterização e produção de compostos bioativos / Bioprospecting of actinobacteria associated with marine sponge Aplysina fulva: isolation, characterization and production of bioactive compounds

Fábio Sérgio Paulino da Silva 03 November 2015 (has links)
Este estudo descreve a diversidade de actinobactérias isoladas da esponja marinha Aplysina fulva e o potencial destes microorganismos como produtores de metabólitos bioativos com propriedades fungicidas e herbicidas. Actinobactérias são prolíficas produtoras de compostos farmacologicamente importantes, pois cerca de 70% dos antibióticos naturalmente derivados que estão atualmente em uso clínico são produzidos por estes microorganismos. Entretanto este valor é ainda inexpressivo na indústria agrícola. Agroquímicos sintéticos ainda são dominantes no mercado apesar de estarem menos efetivos contra plantas daninhas e patógenos cada vez mais resistentes. Neste trabalho, um total de 21 actinobactérias foram isoladas com a utilização de meios seletivos. Análises filogenéticas baseadas no sequenciamento parcial do gene que codifica para o rRNA 16S mostrou que estes microorganismos pertencem a oito gêneros do filo Actinobacteria: Kocuria; Citricoccus; Terrabacter; Gordonia; Agrococcus; Tsukamurella; Brevibacterium e Streptomyces. Os extratos de todos os isolados foram testados para verificar a produção de metabólitos secundários com propriedades fungicidas contra os fungos fitopagênicos de importância agrícola: Pythium aphanidermatum; Phytophthora capsici e Magnaporthe grisea. O extrato bruto de 43% dos isolados mostrou atividade fungicida para ao menos um dos patógenos. O perfil químico do extrato dos isolados com bioatividade positiva foram similares mesmo entre gêneros diferentes. Os metabólitos do Streptomyces ASPSP 103 foram mais eficientes devido à forte inibição contra todos os patógenos testados. Portanto este isolado foi selecionado e testado para atividade herbicida por meio de screening que teve início com testes de atividade algicida contra a microalga Selenastrum capricornutum. Acreditamos que actinobactérias associadas a esponjas marinhas desempenham um papel de defesa química contra microalgas que possam obstruir os porócitos asfixiando o animal, e que estes compostos algicidas possivelmente tenham ação herbicida. Foi verificada atividade do extrato bruto do Streptomyces ASPSP 103 contra S. capricornutum, e a atividade herbicida pré-emergência com um efeito fraco em Lactuca sativa (dicotiledônea) e uma forte inibição em Agrostis stolonifera (monocotiledônea). A purificação do extrato bruto para isolamento do composto bioativo foi guiado por bioensaio contra Pythium aphanidermatum, um oomiceto de rápido crescimento e sensível aos metabólitos de ASPSP 103 previamente testados. Foi identificado o composto da classe butenolida com atividade herbicida préemergência contra Agrostis stolonifera (IC50 33.43 μg/mL). Este é o primeiro relato da atividade de butenolida para atividade herbicida. Estudos aprofundados em taxonomia mostraram que as características filogenéticas, morfológicas e químicas do isolado ASPSP 103 são consistentes com o gênero Streptomyces. Portanto devido algumas diferenças em parâmetros taxonômicos, ASPSP 103T foi proposto como linhagem tipo para uma nova espécie de Streptomyces, para qual o nome Streptomyces atlanticus sp. nov. foi sugerido. Estes resultados enfatizam o potencial de Streptomyces marinhos para produzir compostos bioativos com potencial de aplicação em agrobiotecnologia. / Actinobacteria are producers of important pharmacological compounds. About 70% of natural antibiotics are derived from these microorganisms. However, the use of natural compounds are still limited in the agricultural industry, even considering that synthetic pesticides are less effective against pathogens and weed plants. This study describes the diversity of actinobacteria associated with the marine sponge Aplysina fulva and their potential as producers of bioactive compounds with fungicidal and herbicidal properties. In this study, a total of 21 actinomycetes were isolated with the use of selective media. Phylogenetic analyzes based on partial sequencing of the gene encoding for 16S rRNA showed that these microorganisms belong to eight Actinobacteria genera, including Kocuria, Citricoccus, Terrabacter, Gordonia, Agrococcus, Tsukamurella, Brevibacterium and Streptomyces. The extracts of all isolates were tested for the production of secondary metabolites with fungicidal properties against the following phytopathogenic fungi: of Pythium aphanidermatum, Phytophthora capsici and Magnaporthe grisea. The crude extract of 43% of the isolates showed fungicidal activity for at least one of the pathogens. The chemical profiles of the actinobacteria extracts with positive bioactivity were similar even among different genus. The metabolites of Streptomyces ASPSP 103 were more efficient because of the strong inhibition against all tested pathogens. So, the isolate ASPSP 103 was selected and tested for herbicide activity through screening for algaecide activity towards microalgae Selenastrum capricornutum. We believe that actinobacteria associated with marine sponges play a role in chemical defense against algae that can obstruct the pores, choking the animal. These algaecides compounds possibly have herbicide action. Activity of the Streptomyces ASPSP 103 crude extract against S. capricornutum was observed. In addition, it was observed a weak pre-emergence herbicide activity on Lactuca sativa (dicot) and a strong inhibition in Agrostis stolonifera (monocot). The purification of the crude extract to isolate the bioactive compound was guided by bioassay against Pythium aphanidermatum, a fast growing oomycete and sensitive to metabolites from ASPSP 103 previously tested. The butenolide compound was identified with pre-emergence herbicidal activity against Agrostis stolonifera (IC50 33.43 μg/mL). This is the first report of butenolide activity with herbicide activity. Taxonomy studies showed that the phylogenetic, morphological and chemical characteristics of the isolated ASPSP 103 are consistent with the Streptomyces genus. Then, considering some differences in taxonomic parameters, ASPSP 103T was proposed as line type for a new species of Streptomyces, for which the name Streptomyces atlanticus sp. nov. was suggested. These results emphasize the potential of marine Streptomyces to produce bioactive compounds with potential biotechnological application in agricultural industry.

Estudo químico de extratos de plantas da família Solanaceae com atividade a fungos fitopatogênicos / Chemical study of the Solanaceae plant extracts with activity to pathogenic fungi

Joze Aparecida Marciano Corrêa 26 February 2015 (has links)
A biodiversidade brasileira é conhecida devido a sua riqueza de espécies, sendo considerada uma fonte promissora de produtos naturais. Dentre as plantas vasculares, a família Solanaceae A. Juss. (Solanaceae) é considerada uma das maiores, apresentando distribuição em todas as regiões tropicais e temperadas do mundo. A família Solanaceae apresenta alta diversidade de espécies de importância econômica como fonte de alimentos, propriedades medicinais e ornamentais. Plantas desta família são fontes de metabólitos secundários de diversas classes químicas com as mais diversas aplicações. Fungos fitopatogênicos são responsáveis por causar diversas doenças e consideráveis perdas na agricultura. O controle das doenças é realizado através de métodos químicos, físicos e biológicos, porém o uso excessivo e ininterrupto de produtos químicos pode resultar na seleção de micro-organismos resistentes. Além disto, muitos fungicidas apresentam toxicidade alta e a sua utilização indiscriminada pode causar efeitos indesejáveis sobre outros organismos no ambiente. O objetivo deste estudo é explorar o potencial biológico e químico de metabólitos secundários produzidos por plantas da família Solanaceae com potencial fungitóxico a fitopatógenos. Foram selecionadas 15 espécies de plantas da família Solanaceae que tiveram os extratos de suas folhas avaliados em ensaios biológicos in vitro sobre o crescimento micelial de 6 fitopatógenos de importância na agricultura. Dentre estas, três foram selecionadas para uma investigação mais aprofundada, as espécies Solanum americanum, Acnistus arborescens e Physalis peruviana. No estudo da planta S. americanum, foram identificados compostos bioativos pertencentes à classe dos glicoalcalóides, que inibiram o crescimento micelial do fitopatógeno Moniliophthora perniciosa. No estudo de A. arborescens foi identificado a presença de um composto ativo pertencente à classe dos vitanolidos, provavelmente o 7β-acetoxivitanolido D, e sua ação antifúngica está sendo relatada pela primeira vez. No estudo da planta P. peruviana a fração semipura bioativa indicou a presença de um composto pertencente à classe dos vitanolidos. Esses resultados evidenciaram que os compostos presentes nas plantas, apresentam bioatividade que inibem o crescimento micelial dos fungos fitopatogênicos Moniliophthora perniciosa e Phytophthora cinnamomi, podendo ser uma nova opção coadjuvante no controle de fitopatógenos. / The Brazilian biodiversity is known due to its richness of species, and is considered a promising source of natural products. Among the vascular plants, the family Solanaceae A. Juss. (Solanaceae) is considered one of the largest, with distribution in all tropical and temperate regions of the world. The Solanaceae family has a high diversity of species of economic importance as a source of food, medicinal and ornamental properties. Plants of this family are sources of secondary metabolites from different chemical classes with many different applications. Plant fungi are responsible for causing various diseases and considerable losses in agriculture. The disease control is accomplished through chemical, physical and biological methods, but the excessive and continuous use of chemical products, may result in selection of resistant micro-organisms, in addition, many fungicides have a high toxicity and its indiscriminate use can cause undesirable effects on other organisms in the environment. The objective of this study is to explore the biological and chemical potential of secondary metabolites produced by plants of the Solanaceae family with potential fungitoxic the pathogens. We selected 15 species of Solanaceae plants that had the extracts of its leaves evaluated in vitro biological assays on the mycelial growth of 6 plant pathogens of importance in agriculture. Among these, three were selected for further investigation, the species Solanum americanum, Physalis peruviana and Acnistus arborescens. In the study of plant S. americanum, it was identified bioactive compounds belonging to the class of glycoalkaloids that inhibited the mycelial growth of the pathogen M. perniciosa. In the study of A. arborescens it was identified the presence of the active compound belonging to the class of withanolides, probably the 7β-acetoxywithanolide D, and its antifungal activity is being reported for the first time. In the study of plant P. peruviana semipure bioactive fraction indicated the presence of the compound belonging to the class of withanolides. These results showed that the compounds present in plants, have bioactivity that inhibit the mycelial growth of pathogenic fungi M. perniciosa and P. cinnamomi and may be a new option in the adjuvant control pathogens.

Pré-melhoramento visando resistência à requeima em tomateiro / Pre-breeding for resistance to late blight in tomato

Laurindo, Bruno Soares 17 July 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:39:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 425667 bytes, checksum: 1f8c842faf40449adebf9de5ae50ad48 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-07-17 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The tomato production is considered a high risk economic activity, and of great agronomic complexity mainly because of the high number of pathogens that causes diseases in the culture. Among the pathogens of greatest importance, there is the oomycete Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary, causing late blight, which is considered the most destructive disease of tomato. There are no commercial tomato cultivars resistant and the control of this disease is highly dependent on the use of fungicides. Considering that the tomato is one of the most studied crop in genetic terms, the lack of resistant cultivars in the market reflects the difficulty in working this trait in breeding programs. The objectives with this present study was to select sources of resistance to late blight among accessions of Solanum lycopersicum, and estimate the overall and specific ability of combining six tomato accessions of Solanum lycopersicum selected for resistance to late blight, aiming at the selection of potential genitors for pre-breeding for resistance to this disease. Two experiments were carried out. In the first, twelve accessions of S. lycopersicum, from the Vegetable Germplasm Bank of the Federal University of Viçosa - BGH - UFV (BGH-973, BGH-1025, BGH- 2017, BGH-2093, BGH-2095, BGH-2102, BGH-2117, BGH-2127, BGH-2130, BGH- 2332, BGH-2333 and BGH-2343) were evaluated in a randomized block design with three replications. For the evaluation of the resistance, the plants were inoculated with a mixture of sporangia of P. infestans, in the concentration of 5x103 sporangia mL-1 , collected in different regions of the Zona da Mata Mineira. It was evaluated the percentage of plant tissue affected by the disease, or the percentage of severity, evaluated in the form of area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC). The accessions BGH-2102, BGH-2117, BGH-2127, BGH-2130, BGH-2332 and BGH-2343 obtained average values of AUDPC lower than the resistant controls, and were selected as a source of resistance to late blight. The selected accessions as resistant to late blight were used in a second experiment, where a balanced diallel of half table were realized, and fifteen F1 s hybrids were obtained. The six accessions of S. lycopersicum, BGH- 2102, BGH-2117, BGH-2127, BGH-2130, BGH-2332 and BGH-2343 together with the fifteen F1 s hybrid were evaluated in a randomized block design with three replications. For the evaluation of the resistance, the plants were inoculated with a mixture of sporangia of P. infestans, in the concentration of 5x103 sporangia mL-1 collected in different regions of the Zona da Mata Mineira. The percentage of plant tissue affected by the disease, or the percentage of severity, presented in the form of area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) were evaluated. The diallelic analysis was carried out according to the model of GRIFFING (1956). Observed existence of additive genetic variability between the genitors and the predominance of additive gene effects involved in determining the AUDPC, besides the existence of bidirectional dominance deviations in the control of the character. The diallel analysis was efficient in selecting genitors aimed at a pre-breeding of resistance to late blight, highlighting the accessions BGH- 2117, BGH-2127 and BGH-2343 with the greatest frequency of favorable alleles and divergent, thus they can be included in crossings aiming the pre-breeding for resistance to late blight. / A tomaticultura é considerada uma atividade de elevado risco econômico e grande complexidade agronômica, principalmente pelo elevado número de patógenos que causam doenças na cultura. Entre os patógenos de maior importância, destaca-se o oomiceto Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary, causador da requeima ou mela, considerada a doença mais destrutiva do tomateiro. Não existem cultivares comerciais de tomate resistentes, e o controle da doença é altamente dependente do uso de fungicidas de caráter preventivo e/ou curativo. Considerando que o tomateiro é uma das plantas cultivadas mais bem estudadas em termos genéticos, a inexistência de cultivares resistentes no mercado reflete a dificuldade em se trabalhar essa característica nos programas de melhoramento. Os objetivos com o presente estudo foram selecionar fontes de resistência à requeima entre acessos de Solanum lycopersicum, e estimar as capacidades geral e específica de combinação dos acessos de S. lycopersicum selecionados quanto a resistência à requeima, visando selecionar potenciais genitores para o pré-melhoramento da resistência a esta doença. Foram realizados dois experimentos. No primeiro avaliou-se doze acessos de S. lycopersicum, do Banco de Germoplasma de Hortaliças da Universidade Federal de Viçosa BGH UFV (BGH- 973, BGH-1025, BGH-2017, BGH-2093, BGH-2095, BGH-2102, BGH-2117, BGH- 2127, BGH-2130, BGH-2332, BGH-2333 e BGH-2343) no delineamento em blocos casualizados, com três repetições. Para a avaliação da resistência, as plantas foram inoculadas com uma mistura de esporângios de P. infestans, na concentração de 5x103 esporângios mL-1, coletados em diferentes regiões da Zona da Mata Mineira. Avaliou-se a porcentagem do tecido vegetal afetado pela doença, ou seja, a porcentagem de severidade, avaliada sob a forma de área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença (AACPD). Os acessos BGH-2102, BGH-2117, BGH-2127, BGH-2130, BGH-2332 e BGH-2343 obtiveram valores médios de AACPD inferiores aos das testemunhas resistentes, sendo selecionados como fonte de resistência à requeima. Os acessos selecionados como resistentes à requeima foram utilizados em um segundo experimento, onde foi realizado um dialelo balanceado de meia tabela, e obtidos quinze híbridos F1 s. Os seis acessos de S. lycopersicum, BGH-2102, BGH-2117, BGH-2127, BGH-2130, BGH-2332 e BGH-2343 juntamente com os quinze híbridos F1 s foram avaliados em delineamento em blocos casualizados, com três repetições. Para a avaliação da resistência, as plantas foram inoculadas com uma mistura de esporângios de P. infestans, na concentração de 5x103 esporângios mL-1, coletados em diferentes regiões da Zona da Mata Mineira. Avaliou-se a porcentagem do tecido vegetal afetado pela doença, ou seja, a porcentagem de severidade, avaliada sob a forma de área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença (AACPD). Procedeu-se a análise dialélica de acordo com o modelo de GRIFFING (1956). Observou-se existência de variabilidade genética aditiva entre os genitores e predominância de efeitos gênicos aditivos envolvidos na determinação da AACPD, além da existência de desvios de dominância bidirecional no controle do caráter em questão. A análise dialélica foi eficiente na seleção de genitores visando o pré-melhoramento da resistência à requeima, destacando os acessos BGH- 2117, BGH-2127 e BGH-2343 como os de maior frequência de alelos favoráveis e divergentes, por isso devem ser incluídos em cruzamentos visando o pré-melhoramento da resistência à requeima.

Population structure of Phytophthora infestans in selected central, Eastern and Southern African countries

Pule, Boitumelo Bronwen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans on potato and tomato causes major economic losses worldwide. Until the 1980s, P. infestans populations outside its centre of origin (either central Mexico or the Andean region) only consisted of one mating type (A1), which prevented the pathogen from reproducing sexually. Pathogen populations outside the centre of origin most likely only consisted of a few genotypes prior to the 1980’s. Pan globally, these genotypes probably first consisted of genotype/s that had mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotype Ia, which was subsequently replaced by a mtDNA haplotype Ib genotype known as the US-1 lineage. This relative simple population structure of the pathogen changed almost worldwide in the late 1970s and early 1980s, when a second set of migrations took place from the centre of origin. These populations contained both A1 and A2 mating type isolates that consisted of several different genotypes, which were more virulent than the pre-1970s genotypes and resulted in the displacement of these genotypes almost worldwide. Some of the new genotypes were also resistant to metalaxyl, the fungicide that was most effective in controlling late blight. In Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), the characteristics of P. infestans populations are not well documented in most countries except South Africa, Kenya and Uganda. Previous studies in SSA showed that populations were dominated by the US-1 lineage and its variants. The exceptions were reports of the presence of a few mtDNA haplotype Ia isolates in Rwanda and Ethiopia. The current study aimed to determine the population structure of P. infestans in eight selected SSA countries (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi, Mozambique and South Africa), mainly on potato and on a limited scale on tomato and petunia, using ‘old’ markers (mating type determination, glucose-6-phosphate isomerase [Gpi] genotyping, mtDNA haplotyping, DNA fingerprinting with probe RG-57 and metalaxyl sensitivity). Populations were further also genotyped using seven recently published Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) markers. This information would help to define the population structure of P. infestans in SSA for the first time on a regional basis, and will also determine whether new migrations have taken place since the last characterization studies took place in 2001. A survey in the eight SSA countries yielded a total of 281 P. infestans isolates, mainly obtained from potato fields (Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Malawi and South Africa), but also from tomato (Malawi, Mozambique and South Africa) and Petunia ´ hybrida (South Africa) that were characterized. Characterization of subsets of the isolates with the ‘old’ markers (176 isolates for mating type, 281 isolates for mtDNA, 70 isolates for [Gpi] and 49 isolates with restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis with probe RG-57), showed that most of the isolates belonged to the US-1 genotype or its variants (US-1.10 and US-1.11). The exception were isolates that belonged to genotype KE-1 (A1 mating type, mtDNA haplotype Ia, Gpi 90/100 and unique RG-57 genotype) that was identified in two fields in Kenya. Genotype KE-1, based on the ‘old’ marker data, is related to genotypes (RW-1 and RW-2) previously identified in Rwanda, and several Ecuadorean and European genotypes. Metalaxyl sensitivity testing of 64 isolates showed that metalaxyl resistant potato isolates were present in all the countries except Malawi, whereas all the tomato isolates were sensitive. Genotyping of 176 isolates with seven recently published simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers revealed a high number (79) of multi-locus genotypes (MLGs) in SSA. However, when locus D13, which was difficult to score, was excluded only 35 MLGs were identified. When locus D13 was excluded from analyses of molecular variance (AMOVA), (i) there was no significant genetic differentiation between populations from central-east Africa (Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda), south-east Africa (Malawi and Mozambique) and South Africa, (ii) the KE-1 population was genetically differentiated (Fst = 0.33; P = 0.001) from the US-1 and US-1.10 populations and (iii) genetic differentiation between populations from potato and tomato was low (Fst = 0.07; P = 0.004). The study has expanded the worldwide genotypic database of P. infestans for SSA. Previously, no populations were characterized from Burundi, Malawi and Mozambique. The characterization work showed that migrations seem unlikely to have taken place in SSA, or if these did occur, it was on a very limited scale. The more severe epidemics in some SSA countries could be due to the presence of metalaxyl resistance. Furthermore, the occurrence of mutations or mitotic recombination might have resulted in more aggressive and/or better adapted genotypes, for example the US-1.10 lineage that was only detected in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. The significance of the discovery of the KE-1 genotype in Kenya needs further investigation since it might (i) be an asexual descendent of genotypes (RW-1 and RW-2) that were previously reported in Rwanda in the 1980s, (ii) previously have gone undetected due to the small surveys that were conducted in SSA, (iii) be a new migrant from countries other than SSA or (iv) have been introduced in the very first introductions into Kenya prior to the 1970s. The SSR results from the survey will allow comparison of the SSA late blight populations with other populations worldwide through the EucaBlight database in future studies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Laatroes, veroorsaak deur Phytophthora infestans op aartappel en tamatie, veroorsaak groot ekonomiese verliese wêreldwyd. Phytophthora infestans populasies buite hul kern van oorsprong (óf sentraal Meksiko óf die Andes area), het tot die 1980’s slegs uit een paringstipe (A1) bestaan, wat verhoed het dat die patogeen geslagtelik vermeerder. Patogeenpopulasies buite die kern van oorsprong, het heel moontlik vóór die 1980’s slegs uit ‘n paar genotipes bestaan. Wêreldwyd, het hierdie genotipes moontlik aanvanklik uit genotipe(s) bestaan wat mitokondriale DNS (mtDNS) haplotipe Ia bevat het, wat later met ‘n mtDNS haplotipe Ib genotipe, bekend as die US-1 genotipe, vervang is. Hierdie relatiewe eenvoudige populasiestruktuur van die patogeen, het omtrent wêreldwyd in die láát 1970’s en vroeë 1980’s verander, toe ‘n tweede stel migrasies vanaf die patogeen se kern van oorsprong plaasgevind het. Hierdie populasies het beide A1 en A2 paringstipe isolate ingesluit, wat uit verskeie verskillende genotipes bestaan het, wat meer virulent as die vóór-1970’s genotipes was, en wat die verskuiwing van hierdie genotipes omtrent wêrelwyd tot gevolg gehad het. Sommige van die nuwe genotipes was ook weerstandbiedend teen metalaksiel, die fungisied wat mees effektief in die beheer van laatroes was. Die kenmerke van P. infestans populasies is nie goed in die meeste lande in Sub- Sahara Afrika (SSA) gedokumenteer nie, behalwe vir Suid-Afrika, Kenia en Uganda. Vorige studies in SSA het aangedui dat populasies deur die US-1 genotipe en sy variante gedomineer word. Die uitsonderings was aantekeninge oor die teenwoordigheid van ‘n paar mtDNS haplotipe Ia isolate in Rwanda en Etiopië. Die huidige studie was daarop gemik om die populasiestruktuur van P. infestans in agt geselekteerde SSA lande (Burundi, Kenia, Rwanda, Tanzanië, Uganda, Malawi, Mosambiek en Suid-Afrika), hoofsaaklik op aartappel en op ‘n beperkte skaal op tamatie en petunia, vas te stel, deur die gebruik van ‘ou’ merkers (paringstipe-bepaling, glukose-6-fosfaat isomerase [Gpi] genotipering, mtDNS haplotipering, DNS fingerafdrukke met RG-57 en metalaksielsensitiwiteit). Die genotipe van populasies is verder ook bepaal deur gebruik te maak van sewe onlangs-gepubliseerde “Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs)” merkers. Hierdie inligting sal help om die populasiestruktuur van P. infestans in SSA vir die eerste keer op ‘n streeksbasis vas te stel, en sal ook bepaal of nuwe migrasies sedert die laaste karakteriseringstudies wat in 2001 uitgevoer is, plaasgevind het. ‘n Opname in die agt SSA lande, het ‘n totaal van 281 P. infestans isolate opgelewer, hoofsaaklik vanaf aartappellande (Tanzanië, Kenia, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Malawi en Suid-Afrika), maar ook vanaf tamatie (Malawi, Mosambiek en Suid- Afrika) en Petunia ´ hybrida (Suid-Afrika) wat gekarakteriseer is. Karakterisering van geselekteerde isolate met die ‘ou’ merkers (176 isolate vir paringstipe, 281 isolate vir mtDNS, 70 isolate vir Gpi en 49 isolate met restriksiefragment-lengte-polimorfismeanalise met RG-57), het aangetoon dat die meeste van die isolate aan die US-1 genotipe of sy variante (US-1.10 en US-1.11) behoort het. Die uitsondering was isolate wat tot die genotipe KE-1 behoort het (A1 paringstipe, mtDNS haplotipe Ia, Gpi 90/100 en unieke RG-57 genotipe) wat in twee velde in Kenia geïdentifiseer is. Genotipe KE-1, gebaseer op die ‘ou’ merkerdata, is aan genotipes (RW-1 en RW-2) verwant, wat voorheen in Rwanda, en verskeie Ekwadoreaanse en Europese lande geïdentifiseer is. Metalaksielsensitiwiteitstoetsing van 64 isolate het aangetoon dat metalaksiel-weerstandbiedende aartappel-isolate in al die lande teenwoordig was, behalwe vir Malawi, terwyl al die tamatie-isolate sensitief was. Genotipering van 176 isolate met sewe onlangs gepubliseerde “Simple Sequence Repeat” (SSR) merkers, het ‘n hoë aantal (79) multilokus genotipes (MLGs) in SSA aangedui. Met die uitsluiting van lokus D13, wat moeilik was om te evalueer, is slegs 35 MLGs egter geïdentifiseer. Met die uitsluiting van lokus D13 uit die analise van molekulêre variansie (AMOVA), was (i) daar geen betekenisvolle genetiese differensiasie tussen populasies van sentraal-oos Afrika (Burundi, Kenia, Rwanda, Tanzanië en Uganda), suid-oos Afrika (Malawi en Mosambiek) en Suid-Afrika nie, (ii) die KE-1 populasie geneties (Fst = 0.33; P = 0.001) van die US-1 en US-1.10 populasies gedifferensieerd en (iii) genetiese differensiasie tussen populasies vanaf aartappel en tamatie laag (Fst = 0.07; P = 0.004). Die studie het die wêreldwye genotipe-databasis van P. infestans vir SSA uitgebrei. Voorheen is geen populasies vanuit Burundi, Malawi en Mosambiek gekarakteriseer nie. Die karakteriseringswerk het aangetoon dat die waarskynlikheid klein is dat migrasies in SSA plaasgevind het, of indien dit wel plaasgevind het, dit op ‘n baie beperkte skaal plaasgevind. Die meer ernstige epidemies in sommige SSA lande kan die gevolg wees van die teenwoordigheid van metalaksiel-weerstand. Die voorkoms van mutasies of mitotiese rekombinasie kon verder meer aggressiewe en/of beter aangepaste genotipes tot gevolg gehad het, byvoorbeeld die US-1.10 genotipe wat slegs in die Westelike Kaapprovinsie van Suid-Afrika waargeneem is. Die betekenis van die ontdekking van die KE-1 genotipe in Kenia benodig verdere ondersoek aangesien dit (i) ‘n ongeslagtelike afstammeling van genotipes (RW-1 en RW-2) mag wees wat voorheen in die 1980’s in Rwanda aangeteken is, (ii) voorheen nie waargeneem is nie weens die klein opnames wat in SSA uitgevoer is, (iii) ‘n nuwe genotipe van lande buite die SSA kan wees of (iv) ingebring is tydens die heel eerste inkoms in Kenia vóór die 1970’s. Die SSR resultate van die opname sal vergelykings tussen die SSA laatroespopulasies en ander populasies wêreldwyd toelaat, deur gebruik te maak van die EucaBlight databasis in toekomstige studies.

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