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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Validation of the DRACO Particle-in-Cell Code using Busek 200W Hall Thruster Experimental Data

Spicer, Randy Lee 30 August 2007 (has links)
This thesis discusses the recent developments to the electric propulsion plume code DRACO as well as a validation and sensitivity analysis of the code using data from an AFRL experiment using a Busek 200 W Hall Thruster. DRACO is a PIC code that models particles kinematically while using finite differences schemes to solve the electric potential and field. The DRACO code has been recently modified to improve simulation results, functionality and performance. A particle source has been added that uses the Hall Thruster device code HPHall as input for a source to model Hall Thrusters. The code is now also capable of using a non-uniform mesh that uses any combination of uniform, linear and exponential stretching schemes in any of the three directions. A stretched mesh can be used to refine simulation results in certain areas, such as the exit of a thruster, or improve performance by reducing the number of cells in a mesh. Finally, DRACO now has the capability of using a DSMC collision scheme as well as performing recombination collisions. A sensitivity analysis of the newly upgraded DRACO code was performed to test the new functionalities of the code as well as validate the code using experimental data gathered at AFRL using a Busek 200 W Hall Thruster. A simulation was created that attempts to numerically recreate the AFRL experiment and the validation is performed by comparing the plasma potential, polytropic temperature, ion number density of the thruster plume as well as Faraday and ExB probe results. The study compares the newly developed HPHall source with older source models and also compares the variations of the HPHall source. The field solver and collision model used are also compared to determine how to achieve the best results using the DRACO code. Finally, both uniform and non-uniform meshes are tested to determine if a non-uniform mesh can be properly implemented to improve simulation results and performance. The results from the validation and sensitivity study show that the DRACO code can be used to recreate a vacuum chamber simulation using a Hall Thruster. The best results occur when the newly developed HPHall source is used with a MCC collision scheme using a projected background neutral density and CEX collision tracking. A stretched mesh was tested and proved results that are as accurate as a uniform mesh, if not more accurate in locations of high mesh refinement. / Master of Science

Synthèse et caractérisation de nanomatériaux fonctionnels siliciques structurés à l'aide de micelles complexes de copolymères séquencés doublement hydrophiles / Synthesis and characterisation of functional silica nanomaterials prepared with complex micelles of double hydrophilic block copolymers

Warnant, Jérôme 13 December 2010 (has links)
Ce travail s'est intéressé à la conception et à l'élaboration de nouveaux agents structurants de silice constitués d'assemblages induits et réversibles de copolymères originaux : les copolymères séquencés doublement hydrophiles (DHBC). Un des systèmes étudiés est constitué d'un DHBC neutre-anionique PAPEO-b-PAA ou poly(acrylate methoxy poly(oxyde d'éthylène))-b-poly(acide acrylique). La séquence PAA est un polyacide faible dont le degré d'ionisation dépend du pH. En solution aqueuse et pour un pH bien choisi, l'association de ce copolymère à une polybase faible, de charge opposée à celle du PAA, (typiquement un oligochitosane) conduit à la formation de micelles complexes de polyions (PIC) sphériques de type cur/couronne. Ces micelles peuvent dans un premier temps conduire à la formation de matériaux mésostructurés hybrides hautement organisés. Dans un second temps, en jouant notamment sur les conditions de pH et de force ionique, il est possible de « contrôler » le taux d'extraction des espèces organiques pour obtenir des matériaux poreux fonctionnels capables de piéger des espèces de charge opposée à la fonctionnalité. Si des matériaux hybrides organisés sont obtenus, c'est parce que les équilibres des interactions mises en jeu entre les espèces organiques et inorganiques y sont favorables. Si une interaction polyamine/silice s'exerce aux dépens de l'interaction polyamine/DHBC, elle peut limiter le processus de mésostructuration par les micelles. Lorsqu'un DHBC neutre-cationique PEO-b-PDMAEMA ou poly(oxyde d'éthylène)-b-poly(méthacrylate de 2-(diméthylamine)éthyle) est utilisé en présence d'un polymère anionique tel que le PVS ou poly(acide sulfonique de vinyle), il joue un double rôle dans la synthèse des matériaux siliciques : une partie gère la croissance des particules de silice en interagissant avec les silicates et l'autre partie qui est complexée par des PVS joue le rôle d'agent structurant en apportant une mésostructuration au matériau. Enfin, une approche très prometteuse a permis d'encapsuler des principes actifs hydrosolubles chargés dans un matériau en les utilisant comme agent complexant du DHBC. / This study focused on the design and development of new structuring agents of silica constituted of induced and reversible assemblies of original copolymers, the double hydrophilic block copolymers (DHBC). The first system studied consists of a neutral-anionic DHBC PAPEO-b-PAA ou poly(acrylate methoxy poly (ethylene oxide))-b-poly (acrylic acid). The PAA block is a weak polyacid with a degree of ionization depending on the pH. In aqueous solution and in a right pH range, the association of this copolymer with a weak polybase, an oppositely charged polyamine, such as an oligochitosan, leads to the formation of polyion complex micelles (PIC) with a core/corona structure. These micelles can direct the structure of highly organized inorganic materials with different types of mesostructures. In a second step, by adjusting the conditions of pH, ionic strength, it is possible to "control" the extraction of organic species to get functional porous materials able to trap species of charge opposite to the functionality. Organized materials are obtained because of a favourable balance of the interactions between organic and inorganic species. If a polyamine/silica interaction occurs at the expense of the interaction polyamine/DHBC, the mesostructuring process by the micelles is limited. A neutral-cationic DHBC PEO-b-PDMAEMA poly(ethylene oxide)-b-poly(2-(dimethylamine)ethyl) associated with an anionic PVS poly(vinyl sulfonic acid) polymer can play a dual role in the synthesis of silica materials: firstly managing the growth of silica particles by interacting with the silicates and secondly acting as a structuring agent in association with PVS, confering a mesostructuration to the material. Finally, a very promising approach allowed to encapsulate water-soluble and charged drugs in a material by using as silica complexing agent a complex between the drug and a DHBC.

Etude du plasma secondaire créé dans le neutraliseur d'ITER pour la formation de neutres rapides / Study of the secondary plasma created in the ITER neutralizer for neutral beam injection

Duré, Franck 21 December 2011 (has links)
Pour réaliser les conditions des réactions de fusion thermonucléaire dans le tokamak ITER, des moyens additionnels de chauffage sont requis. L'une des principales méthodes pour chauffer les ions du plasma de coeur sera l'injection de neutres D0 énergétiques. Le neutraliseur est l'étape de l'injecteur de neutres d'ITER où le faisceau de deutérium prend ses propriétés en termes de taux de neutres D0 et de direction de propagation. L'interaction entre le faisceau à 1MeV et le gaz D2 neutralisant (~0.1Pa) crée un plasma secondaire. Les phénomènes physiques en jeu sont présentés à travers l'analyse des résultats du code OBI-2. OBI-2 est un code PIC-MCC (Particle In Cell Monte Carlo Collision) en géométrie cylindrique (2D3V) développé au LPGP qui permet de suivre la propagation du faisceau et les particules du plasma le long du neutraliseur.L'injection de lithium comme cible neutralisante a été étudiée et comparée au deutérium. Une étude paramétrique sur le neutraliseur basé sur le lithium a été réalisée dans la mesure où la longueur et/ou la densité de Li injectée peuvent être modifiées. Le profil de densité de Li a été estimé par le code Monte-Carlo 3D MC-OLIJET développé au LPGP. Le profil résultatnt a été implémenté en entrée du code PIC-MCC. Les résultats montrent la faisabilité du neutraliseur basé sur le lithium, gardant la convergence correcte du faisceau et avec de meilleures performances en termes de durée de vie des cryompompes avant régénération, de neutralisation du faisceau, d'effet de rétrodiffusion des ions positifs. / To achieve thermonuclear fusion reactions in the ITER tokamak, additional heating is required. One of the main method to heat the core plasma ions will be the injection of energetic D0 neutrals. The neutralizer is the stage of the Neutral Beam Injector of ITER where the deuterium beam gets its properties in terms of neutral rate D0 and direction of propagation. The interaction between the 1MeV beam and the D2 neutralizing gas (~0.1Pa) creates a secondary plasma. These physical phenomena involved are presented through the analysis of the OBI-2 code results. OBI-2 is a PIC-MCC (Particle In Cell Monte-Carlo Collision) code in cylindrical geometry (2D3V) developed in the LPGP which allows to follow beam propagation and plasma particles along the neutralizer.The injection of lithium neutralizing target has been investigated and compared to deuterium one. Parametric study of the Li based neutralizer has been performed since the length and/or density of Li injected can be modified. The Li density profile has been estimated through the Monte-Carlo 3D code MC-OLIJET developed in the LPGP. The resulted profile has been implemented as an imput of the PIC-MCC code. Results show the feasibility of a lithium based neutralizer, keeping correct beam focusing and with better performance in terms of cryompump lifetime before regeneration, beam neutralization, positive ion backstreaming effect.

Determinação das propriedades fotofísicas da pseudoisocianina no microdomínio hidrotrópico e de alginato e em outros meios / Determination of photophysical properties of the pseudoisocyanine in the hydrotropic medium and hydrophobic microdomains in alginate

Menegussi, Lukese Rosa 23 January 2012 (has links)
O meio hidrotrópico tem sido intensamente explorado pela indústria a fim de melhorar a solubilização de substâncias pouco solúveis em água. Os hidrótropos são compostos anfifílicos, como os surfactantes, mas os microdomínios formados não têm estruturas bem organizadas como as micelas. O mecanismo de solubilização hidrotrópica não está completamente elucidado. Muitos esforços têm sido feitos nesse sentido tanto em nosso grupo quanto por outros pesquisadores. Os alginatos também formam microdomínios em solução e tem sido bastante estudados devido a suas aplicações na agricultura, farmácia, medicina, dentre outras. Sabe-se que as propriedades fotofísicas de corantes são sensíveis ao meio no qual eles se encontram. Neste trabalho as propriedades fotofísicas do corante pseudoisocianina (PIC) foram determinadas em soluções hidrotrópicas de toluenossulfonato de sódio (TSS) e estirenossulfonato de sódio (ESS), em soluções de metanol, etanol, butanol e etilenoglicol, bem como em solução aquosa de alginato de sódio. Estes estudos também agregam informações para a compreensão do comportamento dos hidrótropos em solução aquosa, usando-se o corante PIC como sonda fotofísica. / Hydrotropic media have been intensively explored by industry to improve the solubilization of poorly water-soluble substances. Hydrotropes are amphiphilic compounds, such as surfactants, that form microdomains that are not as wellorganized as micelles. The mechanism of hydrotropic solubilization is not completely elucidated. Much effort has been done towards this end, in our group and by other researchers. Alginates also form microdomains in solution and have been largely studied due to their applications in agriculture, pharmacy, medicine, among others. It is well-known that the photophysical properties of dyes depend on the environment in which they are placed. In this work, photophysical properties of the dye pseudoisocyanine (PIC) have been determined in hydrotropic solutions of sodium toluenesulphonate (TSS) and sodium styrenesulphonate (ESS), in solutions of methanol, ethanol, butanol and etileneglycol, as well as in sodium alginate aqueous solution. This study also adds information to the understanding of hydrotrope behaviour in aqueous solution by using PIC as a photophysical probe.

Determinação das propriedades fotofísicas da pseudoisocianina no microdomínio hidrotrópico e de alginato e em outros meios / Determination of photophysical properties of the pseudoisocyanine in the hydrotropic medium and hydrophobic microdomains in alginate

Lukese Rosa Menegussi 23 January 2012 (has links)
O meio hidrotrópico tem sido intensamente explorado pela indústria a fim de melhorar a solubilização de substâncias pouco solúveis em água. Os hidrótropos são compostos anfifílicos, como os surfactantes, mas os microdomínios formados não têm estruturas bem organizadas como as micelas. O mecanismo de solubilização hidrotrópica não está completamente elucidado. Muitos esforços têm sido feitos nesse sentido tanto em nosso grupo quanto por outros pesquisadores. Os alginatos também formam microdomínios em solução e tem sido bastante estudados devido a suas aplicações na agricultura, farmácia, medicina, dentre outras. Sabe-se que as propriedades fotofísicas de corantes são sensíveis ao meio no qual eles se encontram. Neste trabalho as propriedades fotofísicas do corante pseudoisocianina (PIC) foram determinadas em soluções hidrotrópicas de toluenossulfonato de sódio (TSS) e estirenossulfonato de sódio (ESS), em soluções de metanol, etanol, butanol e etilenoglicol, bem como em solução aquosa de alginato de sódio. Estes estudos também agregam informações para a compreensão do comportamento dos hidrótropos em solução aquosa, usando-se o corante PIC como sonda fotofísica. / Hydrotropic media have been intensively explored by industry to improve the solubilization of poorly water-soluble substances. Hydrotropes are amphiphilic compounds, such as surfactants, that form microdomains that are not as wellorganized as micelles. The mechanism of hydrotropic solubilization is not completely elucidated. Much effort has been done towards this end, in our group and by other researchers. Alginates also form microdomains in solution and have been largely studied due to their applications in agriculture, pharmacy, medicine, among others. It is well-known that the photophysical properties of dyes depend on the environment in which they are placed. In this work, photophysical properties of the dye pseudoisocyanine (PIC) have been determined in hydrotropic solutions of sodium toluenesulphonate (TSS) and sodium styrenesulphonate (ESS), in solutions of methanol, ethanol, butanol and etileneglycol, as well as in sodium alginate aqueous solution. This study also adds information to the understanding of hydrotrope behaviour in aqueous solution by using PIC as a photophysical probe.

Konstruktion av kontroller för högspänningsswitchning / Design of Controller for High Voltage Switching

Jambor, Filip January 2014 (has links)
I det här examensarbetet har hårdvara och mjukvara för att styra switchningen av en högspänning till en röntgendetektor utvecklats. Examensarbetet har utförts på uppdrag av företaget XCounter som utvecklar avancerade röntgendetektorer. Resultatet av arbetet är ett kretskort som monteras i en av företagets röntgendetektorer. Kretskortet och mjukvarans funktionalitet är att switcha en högspänning samt reglera fem dioder enligt ett mönster som är ställbart i mjukvaran. Mönstret ställs utifrån en synksignal som kommer från detektorn. Timingen av händelserna är kritisk. Denna rapport beskriver utvecklingen av detta kretskort och den tillhörande mjukvaran. Från planering av komponenter till simulering av konstruktionen till själva utvecklingen. / In this thesis the hardware and software has been developed for controlling the switching of a high voltage to an X-ray detector. This thesis has been done on the behalf of the company XCounter that develops advanced X-ray detectors. The result of this work is a circuit board that is mounted in one of XCounters X-ray detectors. The circuit board and software functionality is to switch the high voltage and regulate the five diodes according to a pattern that is adjustable in the software. The pattern is adjustable in relation to a sync signal coming from the detector. The timing of the events is critical. This report describes the development of this circuit board and associated software. From the planning of components to the simulation of the design to the actual development.

Prototyputveckling av digitalt styrsystem för torkskåp

Hermansson, Lena, Pettersson, Christian January 2005 (has links)
<p>Nimo Verken AB is the leading producer in the Scandinavia of drying cabinets. The construction has, with small changes, been the same since the 70s with a thermostat and a timer as controlling system. There was a wish to develop a modern cabinet which showed remaining time on a display and with energy saving functions.</p><p>In this report we go through how it is possible to implement a digital controlling system, where remaining time is shown on a display and where it is possible to choose a preset “program”.</p><p>The report first presents the fundamental theory for a PIC, where we describe the different registers, how interrupts are handled, the internal clock function and how data is sent to control the different parts of the construction.</p><p>Next the report presents and describes the new hardware that is needed, such as the encoder, the temperature sensor and the display.</p><p>After the theory we describe how the program in the PIC may be drafted. Last in the report we have the result of the tests of the temperature variations and the accuracy of the time.</p>

Using PIC Method to Predict Transport Processes Near a Surface in Contact with Plasma

Lin, Li-Ling 14 August 2007 (has links)
This study uses the PIC (Particle-in-cell) method to simulate unsteady three-dimensional dynamics of particles in argon plasma under low pressure, high density, and weak ionization between two planar electrodes subject to a sudden biased voltage. Plasma has been widely used in materials processing, film manufacturing, nuclear fusion, lamps, etc. Properties of plasmas are also becoming important area for research. This work includes elastic collisions between electrons and neutrals, ions and neutrals, and inelastic collisions resulting in ionization from impacting neutrals by electrons, and charge exchange between ions and neutrals, and Coulomb collisions between electrons and ions. The model ignores magnetic field, secondary electron emission, recombination between ions and electrons, and assumes uniform distribution of the neutrals having velocity of Maxwellian distribution. The computed results show the effects of elastic and inelastic collisions on the characteristics of plasma and sheath (space charge region) in front of the workpiece surface. Unsteady mass, momentum and energy transport from the bulk plasma through sheath to the workpiece is confirmatively and exploratorily studied after successful comparison between PIC prediction and experimental data has been made.

HomeBT : För ett intelligentare hem

Wärja, David, Pettersson, Joakim January 2002 (has links)
Frysar som känner av om dörren står öppen och spisar som registrerar värmeplattornas temperatur och inkopplingstid och vid fara larmar bostadsinnehavaren. De så kallade intelligenta konsumentprodukterna kommer i en snar framtid ersätta många av dagens ”dumma” apparater. Intelligensen skulle emellertid enkelt kunna kopplas till befintlig apparatur utan att något ingrepp i hårdvaran behöver göras. Baserat på en patentsökt idé av Niclas Fock på Combitech Systems har ett system konstruerats, som på ett snabbt, enkelt och kostnadseffektivt sätt möjliggör smarta produkter redan idag. / Cabinet freezers that can sense if the frontdooris unproperly closed and stoves registering temperature and usage time of the plates, alerting the house owner when danger occurs. These so called intelligent consumer products will in a nearby future replace many of todays ”dumb” devices. But intelligence could be applied on existing apparatus without changing its hardware. Based on a idea (pending patent) by Niclas Fock at Combitech Systems a system is designed. This system will in a rapidly, simple and cost effectively manner realise smart products already today.

La répartition spatiale des coupes forestières et ses effets sur la distribution et le comportement alimentaire des oiseaux excavateurs en forêt boréale

Gagné, Caroline 10 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Les coupes agglomérées et en mosaïque constituent deux stratégies d'aménagement qui diffèrent grandement de par la quantité ainsi que la configuration des habitats résiduels à l'échelle du paysage. Par ailleurs, des différences dans la configuration de la forêt résiduelle engendrent, entre autres, la création de bordures d'origine anthropique, celles-ci pouvant affecter la qualité des peuplements forestiers ainsi que le comportement des espèces animales associées aux forêts mûres et surannées. Le premier chapitre de ce mémoire a pour objectif de documenter de quelle manière le groupe fonctionnel des excavateurs primaires de cavités répond (1) à la quantité de forêts résiduelles à l'échelle du paysage, (2) à la configuration des peuplements forestiers résiduels à l'échelle du paysage et (3) à la rétention d'attributs de structure caractérisant les forêts surannées (arbres vivants de grand diamètre, chicots et débris ligneux) dans les peuplements résiduels des patrons de coupes agglomérées et en mosaïque. Le deuxième chapitre de ce mémoire vise quant à lui (1) à déterminer quelles sont les caractéristiques des arbres utilisés pour l'alimentation du Pic à dos rayé (Picoides dorsalis), (2) à déterminer si les pics s'alimentent en fonction de la disponibilité des bons substrats d'alimentation dans les bordures de coupes et (3) à caractériser le patron de déplacement des pics lors de leur quête alimentaire à proximité des lisières. L'aire d'étude se situe dans la zone de la pessière noire à mousses, dans la région du Nord-du-Québec (49° 12' à 50° 09' de latitude nord et 75°09' à 76° 37' de longitude ouest). Dans le cadre du premier chapitre, nous avons échantillonné neuf espèces d'oiseaux excavateurs de cavités dans 160 stations réparties également entre les peuplements résiduels des coupes agglomérées et en mosaïque. L'échantillonnage a été réalisé avec les méthodes des points d'écoute et des points d'appel dans le but de détecter le plus grand nombre d'individus possible. Les attributs de structure ainsi que les variables du paysage ont également été caractérisés pour chacune des stations. En ce qui concerne le deuxième chapitre, nous avons réalisé des suivis focaux de pics à dos rayé à l'intérieur de 18 bordures de coupes. Un inventaire des arbres morts sur pied et au sol a également été réalisé dans les lisières où des suivis focaux ont été préalablement réalisés. Nos résultats montrent que le Pic à dos rayé et la Mésange à tête brune (Poecile hudsonicus) avaient une occurrence plus forte dans les habitats résiduels des coupes en mosaïque alors que le Pic Flamboyant (Colaptes auratus) était plus abondant dans les habitats linéaires des coupes agglomérées. De plus, autant les variables locales que celles du paysage étaient importantes pour les espèces à l'étude. D'autre part, bien que les bons substrats d'alimentation pour le Pic à dos rayé étaient plus abondants à proximité des lisières, les pics évitaient tout de même de s'alimenter à cet endroit. Finalement, bien que les habitats linéaires des coupes agglomérées sont susceptibles de représenter des habitats sub-optimaux, ils sont néanmoins utilisés par la majorité des espèces à l'étude. Ainsi, la rétention, de façon permanente, de ces habitats linéaires ainsi que de massifs forestiers de plus grande superficie pourrait améliorer les conditions forestières et ainsi faire en sorte de maintenir ce groupe important d'espèces en zones aménagées. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : excavateurs primaires de cavités, pics, coupes en mosaïque, coupes agglomérées

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