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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ocorrência de rotaviroses em criações de suínos em diversos estados brasileiros / Occurrence of rotaviruses in swine herds from brasilian several states

Linares, Rita de Cássia 26 April 2012 (has links)
As diarréias neonatais constituem-se em um dos mais importantes fatores econômico e sanitário nas granjas suínas, quer pela mortalidade, quer pelas perdas agregadas ao atraso no desenvolvimento dos leitões, à profilaxia e ao manejo. Os rotavírus ocupam lugar de destaque pela rápida disseminação dentro do plantel, bem como pelo potencial zoonótico, dada a probabilidade de rearranjo ou recombinação genética entre amostras humanas e animais O objetivo deste trabalho foi detectar a presença de rotavírus a partir de 277 amostras fecais de leitões com quadro clínico de diarréia, provenientes dos Estados do Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Santa Catarina (SC), Paraná (PR), Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), Mato Grosso (MT), São Paulo (SP), Rio de Janeiro (RJ) e Minas Gerais (MG) entre os anos de 2009 e 2011 e analisar o perfil eletroforético de migração dos segmentos genômicos bem como diferenças de eletroferótipos nas amostras positivas, pela técnica de eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida (PAGE). Das 277 amostras fecais diarréicas de leitões analisadas, 25 foram positivas (25/277= 9%). De conformidade com os Estados de origem, foram verificadas as frequências de 20% (1/5) no RS, 11,1% (1/9) em SC, 12,5% (1/8) no PR, 15,3% (6/39) em MS, 14,2% (3/21) em MT, 6,7% (5/74) em SP, 0% (0/7) no RJ e 7% (8/114) em MG. Pela análise da migração eletroforética dos segmentos genômicos, todas as 25 amostras positivas apresentaram perfil eletroforético compatível com o RV-A, tal como a amostra padrão NCDV com migração característica em quatro classes ou agregados [4-2-3- 2]. Foram observadas pequenas diferenças na velocidade de migração de um ou mais segmentos dentro da mesma classe. Estes resultados evidenciam a importância da PAGE como metodologia de diagnóstico e de investigações epidemiológicas nas rotaviroses suínas. / The neonatal diarrhea constitute one of the most important economic and health factors in pig farms either by death or by the aggregate losses to the delay in the development of piglets, prophylaxis and management. Rotaviruses have a prominent role by the rapid spread within the herd, as well as the zoonotic potential, given the likelihood of genetic reassortment or recombination between human and animal samples. The objective of this study was to detect the presence of rotavirus from fecal samples from 277 piglets with clinical cases of diarrhea, from the states of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Santa Catarina (SC), Paraná (PR), Mato Grosso do Sul (MS), Mato Grosso (MT), São Paulo (SP), Rio de Janeiro (RJ) e Minas Gerais (MG) between the years 2009 and 2011 and to analyze the electrophoretic migration of genomic segments and electropherotype differences in positive samples, by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) technique. From 277 piglets diarrheal stool samples analyzed, 25 were positive (25/277 = 9%). In accordance with the States of origin, were observed frequencies of 20% (1/5) in the RS, 11.1% (1/9) in SC, 12.5% (1/8) in PR, 15.3 % (6/39) in MS, 14.2% (3/21) in MT, 6.7% (5/74) in SP, 0% (0/7) in Rio de Janeiro and 7% (8/114) in MG. For the analysis of the electrophoretic migration of genome segments, all 25 positive samples showed electrophoretic profile compatible with the RV-A as a standard sample NCDV, showing characteristic fourth class or aggregates [4-2-3-2]. We observed small differences in the migration speed of one or more segments within the same class. These results highlight the importance of PAGE as a method of diagnosis and epidemiological investigations in the porcine rotavirus.

Avaliação de um complexo enzimático na alimentação de porcas / Appraisal of an enzyme complex in sow\'s diet

Pelissari, Paulo Henrique 24 February 2017 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da adição de um complexo multi-enzimático de carboidrolases enriquecido em xilanases e arabinofuranosidases em dietas de porcas gestantes e lactantes e seu efeito na progênie. Utilizaram-se cento e vinte fêmeas T20 (Topigs Norsvin) distribuídas em um delineamento em blocos casualizados, com dois tratamentos: T1, dieta controle; T2, dieta de controle com a adição do complexo multi-enzimático. As dietas experimentais foram formuladas à base de milho e farelo de soja, sendo que o complexo multi-enzimático foi adicionado na ração de forma on top através de pré misturas fornecida às porcas no terço final da gestação e durante o período de lactação. A composição nutricional das dietas experimentais foi igual entre os tratamentos, de modo que não foi considerado o complexo multi-enzimático um valor nutricional. O desmame dos leitões ocorreu aos 21 dias de idade. Os seguintes parâmetros de desempenho avaliados foram: consumo de ração, perda de peso das porcas durante a lactação, número de leitões nascidos vivos, tamanho e peso da leitegada ao nascimento e ao desmame e ganho de peso médio dos leitões. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas pelo teste T de student. Os animais alimentados com o complexo multi-enzimático tiveram maior número de leitões nascidos vivos (14 x 13 leitões; P = 0,0017), peso ao nascimento (19,8 x 17,8 kg; P = 0,0014), ao desmame (69,7 x 64,9 kg; P = 0,0109), e consumo da fêmea em relação ao ganho de peso da leitegada (1,85 x 2,09 kg; P = 0,0339) de animais alimentados com a dieta controle, respectivamente. A adição do complexo carboidrase multi-enzimático na dieta para as porcas, durante o período de gestação e lactação, melhora os parâmetros da progênie no nascimento e desmama aos 21 dias. / This study aimed to evaluate the effect of adding a multi-enzyme complex enriched with xylanases and arabinofuranosidases in diets of pregnant and lactating sows and their effects on the progeny. One-hundred-and-twenty T20 females (Topigs Norsvin) were allotted in a randomized block design with two treatments: T1, control diet; T2, control diet with the addition of the multi-enzyme complex. Diets were based on corn and soybean meal and the addition of enzyme complex was performed on top by the premixes. The experimental diets were offered in the late gestation and throughout lactation. The nutritional composition of the experimental diets was equal between treatments, so that was not considered the nutritional value of multi-enzyme complex. Piglets were weaned at 21 days of age. Feed intake, weight loss of sows during lactation, number of piglets born alive, size and weight of the litter, litter weight at weaning and average weight gain of the piglets were assessed. Data were submitted to analysis of variance and means were compared using the Student t test. The animals fed the multi-enzyme complex diet had higher number of piglets born live (14 x 13 pigles; P = 0,0017), litter weight at birth (19,8 x 17,8 kg; P = 0,0014) and at weaning (69,7 x 64,9 kg; P = 0,0109), and feed intake of female in relation to the litter weight gain (1,85 x 2,06 kg; P = 0,0339) than animals fed control diet, respectively. The addition of dietary multi-enzyme carbohydrolase complex for sows, during the period of gestation and lactation, improves performance traits of progeny, at birth and weaning at 21 days.

Efeito da administração de bactérias ácido-láticas sobre o ganho de peso de leitões na maternidade / Effect of lactic acid bacteria administration on weight gain in suckling piglets

Freitas, Camila Maria de 21 July 2008 (has links)
O experimento foi conduzido nas instalações de gestação e maternidade da Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia da Universidade de São Paulo, em Pirassununga, para avaliar o efeito da administração de bactérias probióticas ácido-láticas sobre o ganho de peso de um determinado grupo de leitões logo após o nascimento e antes da primeira mamada do colostro. Para efeito de comparação, criou-se outro grupo de leitões placebo que receberam água destilada em igual volume e manejo. Todos os animais foram pesados semanalmente desde o nascimento até o desmame ocorrido com 21 dias de idade. Os intervalos de ganho de peso médio diário também foram considerados. O probiótico testado não foi eficiente em alterar significativamente o ganho de peso dos animais (P>0,05), porém os leitões que o receberam, obtiveram numericamente maior ganho de peso médio diário, bastante evidente aos 7 e 14 dias de idade, podendo-se justificar a hipótese da existência de uma economia de nutrientes aproveitados pelo hospedeiro que possuía uma microbiota estável e saudável. / The experiment was carried in the gestation and farrowing environment of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechny at University of Sao Paulo, in Pirassununga, to evaluate the effect of lactic acid probiotic bacteria administration on weight gain of a specific group of piglets just after the birth and before first colostrum suckling. For a better comparison, we designed another group of piglets, placebo, which received distilled water in the same volume and manner as probiotic group. All the animals were weighed weekly since birth until weaning, occurred with 21 days old. The average daily weight gain ranges also were considered. The tested probiotic did not change efficiently the weight gain of the animals (P>0,05), however, probiotic treated animals had greater average daily weight gain counts, mainly obvious at 7 and 14 days old, being able to justify the hypothesis of the nutrients economy existence, used by the host, owner of a stable and healthy microbiota.

Digestibilidade e desempenho produtivo e metabólico de porcas alimentadas com três níveis de fibra bruta durante a gestação / Digestibility and productive and metabolic performance of sows fed with three levels of crude fiber during gestation

Oelke, Carlos Alexandre January 2016 (has links)
Melhorar o peso dos leitões ao nascimento e consequentemente ao desmame é um os principais desafios da suinocultura moderna, uma vez que ao serem melhoradas para produzir uma quantidade maior de leitões ao nascimento, as matrizes hiperprolíficas acabaram desenvolvendo uma característica indesejável, que é a produção de leitegadas com maior desuniformidade, e um número elevado de leitões com baixo peso ao nascimento. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a variação do nível de fibra bruta na dieta fornecida dos 74 aos 114 dias de gestação, sobre a digestibilidade dos nutrientes e da energia na gestação, desempenho produtivo e respostas sanguíneas das fêmeas nos períodos de lactação e gestação. Foram utilizadas 33 porcas distribuídas em um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado. Os níveis de fibra bruta (FB) nos tratamentos (T) foram: 3,3%, 7,0% e 10,1%. Para aumentar o nível de fibra a quirera de arroz e o farelo de soja foram substituídos parcialmente por farelo de arroz desengordurado e casca de soja. O consumo diário de nutrientes e energia foi similar para todo o período de gestação estudado, diferindo apenas o volume de ração consumida, que para o período dos 74 aos 90 dias de gestação foi de 2,10, 2,21 e 2,40 kg/dia, e para 91 a 111 dias de 2,47, 2,65 e 2,85 kg/dia para T1, T2 e T3, respectivamente. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância pelo procedimento MIXED do SAS, e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Fisher (LSD). Análise de regressão foi realizada, utilizando-se a regressão linear ou quadrática conforme o melhor ajuste. Na gestação, o aumento de fibra da dieta proporcionou um decréscimo linear (P<0,05) na energia digestível (ED) e no coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente (CDA) (%) da matéria seca (MS), energia bruta (EB), proteína bruta (PB), carboidratos não fibrosos (CNF) e matéria orgânica (MO). Os níveis sanguíneos, na gestação, de proteína total e globulinas apresentaram um efeito quadrático (P<0,05) ao nível de fibra da dieta, já o colesterol apresentou um efeito linear crescente (P<0,05). Aos 105 dias de gestação e aos 4 dias de lactação os níveis de creatinina (P<0,05) foram maiores nas fêmeas que consumiram 10,1% de FB. O desempenho produtivo e reprodutivo das fêmeas na gestação e lactação, e o peso dos leitões ao nascimento não foram influenciados (P>0,05) pelos T, no entanto, o ganho médio diário das leitegadas apresentou um efeito linear crescente (P<0,05) com o aumento da FB da dieta. Concluindo, o aumento da fibra na dieta causou diminuição na digestibilidade dos nutrientes e energia, sem, contudo afetar o desempenho das matrizes na gestação, lactação e dos leitões ao parto. O uso da fibra na gestação melhorou o ganho de peso dos leitões na lactação. / Improving the weight of piglets at birth and consequently at weaning is one the key challenges of modern pig industry, since by being improved to produce greater amount of piglets at birth, hyperprolific matrices end up by developing an undesirable characteristic, which is the production of littermates with lack of uniformity and high number of piglets with low birth weight. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the variation in crude fiber level in the diet provided at 74 to 114 days of gestation on the digestibility of nutrients and energy in pregnancy, production performance and blood responses of sows in periods of lactation and pregnancy. Thirty-three sows were distributed in a completely randomized design. Crude fiber levels (CF) in treatments (T) were 3.3%, 7.0% and 10.1%. To increase the fiber level, broken rice and soybean meal were partially replaced by defatted rice bran and soybean hulls. The daily intake of nutrients and energy was similar for the entire pregnancy period, differing only in the amount of diet consumed, and for the period from 74 to 90 days of pregnancy, levels were 2.10, 2.21 and 2.40 kg/day and from 91 to 111 days of 2.47, 2.65 and 2.85 kg/day for T1, T2 and T3, respectively. The data were submitted to analysis of variance using the SAS MIXED procedure, and means were compared using the Fisher test (LSD ). Regression analysis was performed using the linear or quadratic regression according better fit. During pregnancy, the increase in dietary fiber provided a linear decrease (P <0.05) in digestible energy (DE) and apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC) (%) of dry matter (DM), crude energy (CE), crude protein (CP), non-fiber carbohydrates (NFC) and organic matter (OM). Blood globulins and total protein levels in pregnancy showed a quadratic effect (P <0.05) to the dietary fiber level, but cholesterol showed an increasing linear effect (P <0.05). At 105 days of pregnancy and after 4 days of lactation, creatinine levels (P <0.05) were higher in females who consumed 10.1% CF. The productive and reproductive performance of females during pregnancy and lactation, and the weight of piglets at birth were not affected (P> 0.05) by T; however, the average daily gain of piglets showed a linear increase (P <0.05) with increasing CF in the diet. In conclusion, increasing fiber in the diet caused a decrease in the digestibility of nutrients and energy, without; however, affecting the performance of matrices during pregnancy, lactation and weight of piglets at birth. The use of fiber during pregnancy improved the weight gain of piglets during lactation.

Parent-offspring conflict and its implications for maternal housing systems in domestic pigs

Pajor, Edmond A. January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

Nujunkytų paršelių šėrimas nenaudojant žuvų miltų / Feeding of weaned piglets without using fish meal

Bieleckaitė, Danguolė 28 June 2008 (has links)
Darbo tikslas buvo nustatyti „HP 300“ sojų proteinų koncentrato įtaką nujunkytų paršelių sveikatingumui, paršelių augimui, pašarų ėdamumui bei jų sąnaudoms ir ekonominiam efektyvumui lyginant su žuvų miltais. Darbui atlikti kėlėme šiuos uždavinius: 1. įvertinti pašarų įtaką paršelių sveikatai; 2. įvertinti paršelių augimo spartą startiniu periodu; 3. įvertinti pašarų ėdamumą; 4. įvertinti pašarų sąnaudas 1 kg priesvorio; 5. paskaičiuoti ekonominį efektą. Atlikus tyrimus su „HP 300“ sojų proteinų koncentratu ir žuvų miltais bei palyginus jų įtaką nujunkytų paršelių sveikatingumui, augimui, pašarų ėdamumui, taip pat jų sąnaudas ir poveikį ekonominiam efektui , galime padaryti sekančias išvadas: 1. Tiriamuoju laikotarpiu abiejų grupių kiaulės buvo sveikos, nebuvo jokių išbrokavimų. Veterinariniai medicininiai preparatai nebuvo naudojami; 2. „HP 300“ sojų koncentrato teigiamas efektas nujunkytų paršelių augimui priklauso nuo amžiaus. Jau pirmojo laikotarpio metu 6,0 proc. didesnis priesvoris lyginant su kontroline grupe, nors čia skirtumai statistiškai nepatikimi. Antrojo laikotarpio metu priesvoriai buvo dar didesni. Skaičiuojant per visą bandymo laikotarpį II grupės paršeliai gavę pašarus su „HP 300“, vidutiniškai priaugo net 18,0 proc. per parą daugiau lyginant su kontrolinės grupės paršeliais. Skirtumai taip pat statistiškai nepatikimi; 3. Pašarai su „HP 300“ sojų koncentratu buvo geriau ėdami. Abiejų bandymo laikotarpių metu bandomosios grupės paršeliai per parą suėsdavo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The productivity of fattening pigs highly depends on composition of starter feed .Therefore, while feeding the weaned piglets, it is very important to have feed of high quality. This feed should be balanced according to all necessary feed ingredients. As well the fodder for weaned piglets must be safe and not make any harm to composition of intestine microflora. Sometimes feed is contaminated with Escherichia coli and Clostridium perfengens pathogens. Therefore it is necessary to find out such material for starter feed production, which would be safe, easy digestible and nutritive. This raw material should act positively on the intestine microflora of piglets. The aim of the work – to establish the influence of „HP 300“ soy protein concentrate for wellness of weaned piglets, for their growth, to compare efficiency of this concentrate and fish meal. Conclusions: 1. The pigs from both groups were healthy; there were no rejects during test period. Veterinary medical preparations were not used; 2. The positive effect of “HP 300” soy concentrate for weaned piglests depends on their age. During the first investigation period the overweight was higher by 6 % comparing with control group. Anyway, the differences are not statistically trustworhty. During the second investgation period the overweights were more higher. Making calculations during all experiment, the daily weight gain of piglets from II group (which got fodder with “HP 300”), was higher appr. by 18 % comparing with the... [to full text]

Pašarų paršeliams pasiūlos ir paklausos Lietuvoje analizė / Supply and demand of piglet feed market analysis in Lithuania

Sabaliauskienė, Giedrė 21 March 2006 (has links)
The supply and demand analysis helps to recognize market and the factors which settled market changes. It allows to prepare more effective plan of activity and protect managers from theirs incorrect decisions. The market of piglet fodders was chosen, seeking to put into practice the theoretical supply and demand factor analysis. Such decision predetermined the fact that the market of pigs foddes although small, however very important and besides that about it very little information. The subject of research: to evaluate the piglets fodders production and consumption tendencies, to analyse the pigs fodders market in Lithuania, main fodders producers, importers and consumers, to find out pigs breeders point of view about supplied fodders. Results:1 Analysed pigs complex in which are bred 55,4 percent of every year bred pigs in Lithuania feed schemes, there is defined, that in all complex are applied early piglets feeding. All of analyzed respondents are using imported prestarter ir starter feeds and at latest pigs age before fattening, are using feeds, which are produced in own feed mills Hence from commerce point of view, the biggest demand from piglets feeds is suitable for prestarters and starters feed. 2.Evaluated criterions in accordance with which respondents are chosen feeds, there is defined, that pigs breeders consider not very important the criterions such are feed form and production technology. Although during research time was cleared up, that those indexes... [to full text]

Clostridium perfringens and the beta2 (CPB2) toxin: Development of a diagnostic ELISA for neonatal piglet enteritis, and distribution of the gene in isolates from selected animal species

Kircanski, Jasmina 13 April 2012 (has links)
The main objective of this work was to develop an antigen-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of beta2-toxin in the intestine of neonatal piglets. The format of the assay comprised of capture antibodies (polyclonal), antigen (beta2-toxin), detecting antibody (labeled monoclonal) and a substrate. The ELISA was optimized using recombinant protein. After intestinal content samples were applied, the test protocol needed to be adjusted because of the presence of high background signal in some samples consistent with intestinal proteases. This was overcome by processing the samples at 4oC and using citrate buffer pH 6.1 containing 5% bovine serum albumin. The second objective was to identify cpb2 in Clostridium perfringens type A isolates from selected animal species and to examine genotype-phenotype corelation. The study concluded that consensus cpb2, if present, was almost always expressed. In contrast, only about three-quarters of atypical cpb2, mostly was present in isolates of non-porcine origin, were expressed. / Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs; The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

Parent-offspring conflict and its implications for maternal housing systems in domestic pigs

Pajor, Edmond A. January 1998 (has links)
This thesis compares growth and behaviour of domestic sows and piglets in confined pens versus get-away pens (where sows could leave their fitters at will), to ask whether parent-offspring conflict occurs, whether it increases with offspring age, whether it involves offspring access to the udder, and whether it affects animal production or welfare. Parent-offspring conflict occurs in domestic pigs: piglets of Confined sows suckled more and ate less solid food but grew at the same rate as piglets from Get-away sows, indicating they obtained more milk. Confined sows lost more weight than Get-away sows and returned to oestrus later, indicating a fitness cost of providing the additional milk. Parent-offspring conflict increased with piglet age: as the fitter aged, Get-away sows spent more time away from their young and the differences between Get-away sows and Confined sows in weight loss and nursing frequency increased. In Get-away sows, the reduction in contact with their young occurred rapidly, but its timing varied greatly among individual sows. Behavioural conflict over access to the udder is a plausible mechanism by which conflict is expressed in swine: piglets from Confined pens spent more time nuzzling the udder than piglets of Get-away sows. Piglets from Get-away sows nuzzled the udder a higher proportion of the time when the sow was present than piglets from Confined sows. Get-away sows terminated more nursings than Confined sows thus limiting the amount of contact piglets had with the udder after nursing. Mowing sows to control maternal provisioning improved productivity: there was a slight benefit of reduced time to the next oestrus for Get-away sows. Piglets from Get-away sows gained more weight and consumed more food after weaning than piglets from Confined sows. There was only slight evidence that get-away pens reduced behavioural indicators of post-weaning stress (e.g., movements, vocalizations, response to playback of vocalizations) for either the pi

Genetic aspects of maternal ability in sows /

Grandinson, Katja, January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2003. / Härtill 3 uppsatser.

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