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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Recherches sur les relatives à pivot interne en japonais : description syntaxique et questions d'interprétation / On Head-Internal Relatives in Japanese : syntactic description and problems of interpretation

Yamamoto, Shiho 14 May 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet l'étude de la syntaxe et de l'interprétation des constructions dites relatives à pivot interne [RPI] en japonais. Le japonais est souvent décrit comme disposant de deux systèmes de relativisation, la relative régulière, prénominale, et la RPI. Reprenant les premiers travaux sur ces constructions, dus à S.-Y. Kuroda, nous montrons que la RPI n'est pas un cas de modification nominale comparable à celui de la relative régulière, mais plutôt un cas de coordination de deux propositions internes à la phrase compète. Nous proposons, sur le plan syntaxique, une analyse de -no comme réalisation phonologique d'un déterminant, D, suivant partiellement les hypothèses générales de Kayne [1994]. Pour l'interprétation de la RPI, nous défendons l'hypothèse selon laquelle elle se comporte comme un topique scénique qui précède les topiques ordinaires, itérables, de Rizzi [1997]. Nous proposons dans un premier temps, la montée en FL de la proposition enchâssée, et dans un second temps, une analyse de la suite de [trace + -no] qui reste in situ comme équivalent du pronom démonstratif sore. / This dissertation is a study of the syntax and semantics of the so-called Head-Internal Relative [HIR] clauses in Japanese. This language is generally describe as possessing two distinct relativisation strategies, the unmarked, prenominal, relatives clauses on the one hand, and the HIRs on the other. Returning to the first descriptions of the latter [cf. S-Y. Kuroda 1974, 1975-76], I demonstrate that, semantically, IHR clauses are not a case of adnominal modification; thus, what appears to be a case of [syntactic] embedding is in fact an unexpected case of coordination of two propositions, corresponding to the IHR clause and the main clause. The syntactic analysis of the HIR relies on the idea that -no is a D, borrowing in part from Kayne's [1994] well-known analysis of relative clauses. However, at the semantic interpretation level, we propose that the contents of the HRI is a proposition which functions like a scenic topic which precedes Rizzi's [1997] iterable topic phrases. We are thus led to suggest that the IHR[or its contents] raises to the left periphery, and that the sequence [trace + -no] left behind functions like the demonstrative pronoun sore when it is used anaphorically rather than deictically.

Development and Testing of A Space-borne GPS Signal Strength Sensor

Lu, Dianhong 13 October 2003 (has links)
The Global Positioning System (GPS) satellite signals provide not only traditional radionavigation service but inexpensive and convenient radio beacons for signal propagation studies on ionosphere and atmosphere. This thesis describes the development and testing of a specialized GPS sensor which measures, plots and records real-time high-resolution L1 (1575.42MHz) GPS signal strength at a data rate of up to 10Hz. The instrument is based on an open architecture GPS receiver development kit that can be modified and rebuilt. The signal strength is defined as mean-square signal strength in the thesis. The coarse/acquisition code (C/A-code) correlation is applied and the raw correlation data from a GPS correlator chip is obtained to calculate the signal strength. The gain variation of the automatic gain control (AGC) in the GPS signal link is considered, and a model is designed and implemented in data post-processing to reduce the AGC distortion to GPS signal strength measurements. Speed limitation of 1,000 knots and height limitation of 60,000 feet are removed so that it can track spacecraft such as low earth orbit (LEO) satellite. Four testing plans are developed and conducted to test the GPS signal strength sensor. A GPS simulator is used and the testing results prove that the space-borne sensor is fully operational and the signal strength resolution can be smaller than 0.05dB. Additionally, a COM-port-to-TCP/IP GPS simulation remote control gateway is designed and implemented for the senor and the GPS simulator to conduct formation flying. A graphic user interface (GUI) program is also built to retrieve data from a commercial high-performance space-borne GPS receiver for comparison. A Red Hat Linux signal strength sensor based on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) PiVoT GPS receiver is achieved by modifications. The NASA PiVoT sensor, working together with the former signal strength sensor and the commercial space-borne GPS receiver, will strengthen our academic research strength in the studies on the ionospheric and atmospheric effects and irregularities which cause GPS signal degradation and scintillations. / Master of Science

Βελτιωμένες αλγοριθμικές τεχνικές επίλυσης συστημάτων μη γραμμικών εξισώσεων

Μαλιχουτσάκη, Ελευθερία 22 December 2009 (has links)
Σε αυτή την εργασία, ασχολούμαστε με το πρόβλημα της επίλυσης συστημάτων μη γραμμικών αλγεβρικών ή/και υπερβατικών εξισώσεων και συγκεκριμένα αναφερόμαστε σε βελτιωμένες αλγοριθμικές τεχνικές επίλυσης τέτοιων συστημάτων. Μη γραμμικά συστήματα υπάρχουν σε πολλούς τομείς της επιστήμης, όπως στη Μηχανική, την Ιατρική, τη Χημεία, τη Ρομποτική, τα Οικονομικά, κ.τ.λ. Υπάρχουν πολλές μέθοδοι για την επίλυση συστημάτων μη γραμμικών εξισώσεων. Ανάμεσά τους η μέθοδος Newton είναι η πιο γνωστή μέθοδος, λόγω της τετραγωνικής της σύγκλισης όταν υπάρχει μια καλή αρχική εκτίμηση και ο Ιακωβιανός πίνακας είναι nonsingular. Η μέθοδος Newton έχει μερικά μειονεκτήματα, όπως τοπική σύγκλιση, αναγκαιότητα υπολογισμού του Ιακωβιανού πίνακα και ακριβής επίλυση του γραμμικού συστήματος σε κάθε επανάληψη. Σε αυτή τη μεταπτυχιακή διπλωματική εργασία αναλύουμε τη μέθοδο Newton και κατηγοριοποιούμε μεθόδους που συμβάλλουν στην αντιμετώπιση των μειονεκτημάτων της μεθόδου Newton, π.χ. Quasi-Newton και Inexact-Newton μεθόδους. Μερικές πιο πρόσφατες μέθοδοι που περιγράφονται σε αυτή την εργασία είναι η μέθοδος MRV και δύο νέες μέθοδοι Newton χωρίς άμεσες συναρτησιακές τιμές, κατάλληλες για προβλήματα με μη ακριβείς συναρτησιακές τιμές ή με μεγάλο υπολογιστικό κόστος. Στο τέλος αυτής της μεταπτυχιακής εργασίας, παρουσιάζουμε τις βασικές αρχές της Ανάλυσης Διαστημάτων και τη Διαστηματική μέθοδο Newton. / In this contribution, we deal with the problem of solving systems of nonlinear algebraic or/and transcendental equations and in particular we are referred to improved algorithmic techniques of such kind of systems. Nonlinear systems arise in many domains of science, such as Mechanics, Medicine, Chemistry, Robotics, Economics, etc. There are several methods for solving systems of nonlinear equations. Among them Newton's method is the most famous, because of its quadratic convergence when a good initial guess exists and the Jacobian matrix is nonsingular. Newton's method has some disadvantages, such as local convergence, necessity of computation of Jacobian matrix and the exact solution of linear system at each iteration. In this master thesis we analyze Newton's method and we categorize methods that contribute to the treatment of drawbacks of Newton's method, e.g. Quasi-Newton and Inexact-Newton methods. Some more recent methods which are described in this thesis are the MRV method and two new Newton's methods without direct function evaluations, ideal for problems with inaccurate function values or high computational cost. At the end of this master thesis, we present the basic principles of Interval Analysis and Interval Newton's method.

Choisir le « bon moment » pour partir à la retraite : analyse des décisions de fin de carrière des générations 1945-1950 / Choosing the ‘right moment’ to retire : an analysis of end of career decisions for the 1945-1950 birth cohort

Aouici, Sabrina 07 January 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse propose d’expliquer le faible taux d’emploi enregistré en France après 55 ans par les risques de fragilité économique, professionnelle, sociale et familiale que révèle le passage à la retraite. Elle repose sur le postulat de la liberté de choix dans la décision de retraite.En 2005, une étude quantitative sur les intentions de départ à la retraite a été menée auprès de 1004 individus en emploi, âgés de 54 à 59 ans. Les trajectoires personnelles comportant leur part d’incertitude et de changements, 31 entretiens semi-directifs ont été réalisés auprès de membres de l’échantillon initial, cinq ans plus tard, afin de permettre un suivi longitudinal. L’articulation des représentations de la retraite, du parcours professionnel et de la trajectoire familiale vise à cerner les écarts entre les projets et les choix adoptés et à déterminer les facteurs-clés impliqués dans la décision.Cette thèse souligne tout d’abord que la majorité des projets initiaux ne sont pas concrétisés. Le déterminisme du contexte professionnel sur la décision de retraite explique en partie ces réajustements : dégradation des conditions de travail, déclassement en fin de carrière, stigmatisation sont autant d’arguments susceptibles d’inciter les individus à partir à la retraite plus tôt que prévu. Mais les itinéraires familiaux pèsent également sur ces choix : « pivots générationnels » entre des parents âgés et des descendants à soutenir, les jeunes retraités doivent faire face à des charges familiales qui influent sur leur décision. Enfin, cette recherche met en évidence la manière dont les jeunes retraités issus du baby-boom, très attachés à leur liberté individuelle tout au long de leur parcours, défendent la préservation d’espaces personnels (individualisation des pratiques), adoptant ainsi des modèles familiaux et une manière de vivre la retraite inédits. / This thesis seeks to explain the low employment rate in France for people aged 55 years and above in terms of the increasing risk of economic, professional, social and family fragility observed in the transition to retirement. The research is based on the postulate of “free choice” in retirement decisions.In 2005, a quantitative study on the intentions of retirement was conducted among 1,004 employed individuals aged 54-59 years. As personal life courses are marked by change and uncertainties, a longitudinal analysis comprising 31 semi-structured interviews was conducted five years later with participants of the initial sample. The combined study of representations of retirement, end of career and family context allows differences to be identified between plans and the final adopted choices, and the key factors involved in the final decision to be determined.First of all, this thesis demonstrates that most of the initial plans are not realised. The determinism of the professional context on the retirement decision partly explains the observed adjustments: a degradation of working conditions, the assignation of under-qualified tasks at the end of a career, and stigmatisation are all factors that encourage people to retire earlier than expected. But the family environment also influences choices: as "generational pivots" between elderly parents and children to support, young retired people have to face family responsibilities that affect their decisions. Finally, this research highlights how young retirees from the baby boom, for whom individual freedom played a central role in their past life course, adopt new family models and a new way of living (the preservation of “individual spaces” and individualised behaviours) during retirement.

Analýza součinnosti spojka - pivot na ME 2008 dorostenců v házené / Qualitative analysis of cooperation of back court player and line player on the 9th Men's European Championship in Brno

Václavek, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
Title: Qualitative analysis of cooperation of back court player and line player on the 9th Men's "18" European Championship in Brno. Objectives: Qualitative analysis of the attacking combinations between back court player and line player on the 9th Men's "18" European Championship 2008 in Brno, finding out the space distribution of these combinations and compare the trend analysis of Men's "18", Men's "20" and Men's European Championship. Methods: Qualitative Analysis of the matches on DVD with using non participating and non structured observing connected with quantitative analysis based on the statistical program Handball Stat. We used own form for recording the observed data. Results: The teams used combination based on passing mostly. The distribution of co-operation probably depended on physical, technical and tactical preparation of the back court players and through that the line player very often co-operated with left and middle back. Key words: handball, combination, co-operation, back court player, line player, qualitative analysis, 9th Men's "18"ECh 2008 Brno

Perdas de nitrôgenio por lixiviação em café fertirrigado no oeste baiano / Nitrogen leaching losses in a coffee crop of west Bahia

Bortolotto, Rafael Pivotto 18 February 2011 (has links)
A cafeicultura possui grande destaque no cenário agrícola nacional e seu cultivo vem avançando para regiões não tradicionais, como o oeste do Estado da Bahia. Esta região apresenta relevo plano, facilmente mecanizável, proporcionando utilização de alta tecnologia, como a fertirrigação via pivô-central. Os cafeeiros desta região apresentam alta produtividade, alcançando a média de 55 sacas ha-1 ano-1. O cafeeiro necessita de água facilmente disponível no solo em sua fase vegetativa, promovendo o crescimento de ramos laterais e em sua fase reprodutiva (floração, granação e maturação dos frutos) para se desenvolver e produzir satisfatoriamente. O balanço hídrico - BH é um dos métodos utilizados para estimar essa demanda hídrica para os diferentes estádios de desenvolvimento das culturas. O BH consiste no somatório das quantidades de água que entram e saem de um elemento de volume de solo e, em dado intervalo de tempo, é a quantidade líquida de água que nele permanece. Através do componente drenagem profunda do BH é possível fazer a estimação da lixiviação de nitrato - NO3 -. Na região de Barreiras-BA não tem sido realizado, com frequência, pesquisa básica em relação ao cultivo do cafeeiro, de tal forma que pouco se sabe em relação à eficiência do uso de dose elevada de nitrogênio - N, que oscila na faixa de 600-800 kg ha-1, bem como sobre a sua possível perda por lixiviação. A uréia é o adubo mais utilizado em fertirrigação devido à sua alta solubilidade, o que facilita muito o preparo das soluções nutritivas, porém, possui o inconveniente de apresentar perdas por lixiviação em situações de altas doses aplicadas e altos volumes de irrigação. O parcelamento e a época de aplicação do adubo nitrogenado constituemse em alternativas para aumentar a eficiência dos adubos e da adubação nitrogenada pelas culturas e mitigar as perdas. As quantidades de NO3 - no perfil, susceptíveis à perda, são muito variáveis, dependendo da quantidade de N adicionado, do tipo de adubo, da taxa de mineralização do N nativo, da remoção pelas colheitas, do tipo de cultura e do volume de água drenada, fatores estes afetados significativamente pelas propriedades do solo (capacidade de troca iônica, pH, textura, estrutura, matéria orgânica, relação C:N, etc.) e pelo clima (principalmente precipitação). O uso de isótopos, na forma de fertilizante marcado com 15N, é uma ferramenta apropriada para avaliar o destino do fertilizante no sistema solo-cafeeiro-atmosfera, podendo-se inferir sobre a lixiviação. Assim sendo, este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar a drenagem profunda, a estimação da lixiviação de NO3 - e de N (15N) do fertilizante através do BH sequencial com a utilização dos modelos de evapotranspiração de Thornthwaite - TH e Penman-Monteith - PM em uma cultura de café fertirrigada por pivô central no oeste baiano. Através dos modelos de evapotranspiração de TH e PM foi possível estimar a drenagem profunda, a lixiviação de NO3 - e de 15N. O modelo de evapotranspiração de TH é menos preciso, porém onde apenas há disponibilidade de dados de temperatura, pode ser usado na elaboração do BH. / The coffee crop is of great importance in the Brazilian scenario and its cultivation is expanding to non traditional growing areas as the west of the state Bahia. This region presents a very flat relief of easy mechanization, allowing for the implementation of high agricultural technology as it is the case of fertigation via central pivot irrigation. Crops of this region reach high productivities, with an average of 55 bags per hectare and per year. The coffee plant requires easily available water in the soil in its vegetative phase to promote the growth of lateral branches, and in its reproductive phase (flowering, fruit filling and maturation) to develop and produce satisfactorily. The water balance - WB is one of the methods used to estimate this water demand during the different growth stages of agricultural crops. It consists of the accounting of the water fluxes into and out of an elemental soil volume of a chosen time interval, resulting the net amount of water that is stored in the soil. Through the deep drainage component of the WB it is possible to estimate the nitrate leaching - NO3 -. In the region of Barreiras-BA very little research has been carried out in relation to the cultivation of coffee, so that not much is known in relation to the efficiency of the use of high N application rates, as those there applied in the range of 600-800 kg ha-1, as well as about the possible leaching losses. Urea is mostly used a N source during fertigation due to its high solubility in water, but that has the inconvenience of allowing leaching losses in case of high N and water applications. Splitting of doses and application times are alternatives to increase absorption efficiencies and minimize losses to the environment. The NO3 - quantities in the soil profile which are susceptible to leaching are very variable, depend on N application rates, type of fertilizer, mineralization rate in the soil, export by harvests, crop type and drainage volume. These factors are significantly affected by soil properties (cation exchange capacity, pH, texture, structure, organic matter, C:N ratio, etc.) and by climate (mainly rainfall). The use of isotopes in the form of 15N labeled fertilizer is an appropriate tool to evaluate the fate of fertilizer N in the soil-coffee plant-atmosphere system, including the estimation of N leaching. Therefore, this study was developed with the objective of evaluating the deep drainage and the leaching of NO3 - and fertilizer (15N) through the sequential water balance, using the evapotranspiration models of Thornthwaite - TH and Penman-Monteith PM, for a fertigated coffee crop under central pivot irrigation, in west Bahia. It was possible to estimate the internal drainage and the leaching of NO3 - and 15N. The TH model is less precise; however for regions where only air temperature data are available, it can be used with success.

Perdas de nitrôgenio por lixiviação em café fertirrigado no oeste baiano / Nitrogen leaching losses in a coffee crop of west Bahia

Rafael Pivotto Bortolotto 18 February 2011 (has links)
A cafeicultura possui grande destaque no cenário agrícola nacional e seu cultivo vem avançando para regiões não tradicionais, como o oeste do Estado da Bahia. Esta região apresenta relevo plano, facilmente mecanizável, proporcionando utilização de alta tecnologia, como a fertirrigação via pivô-central. Os cafeeiros desta região apresentam alta produtividade, alcançando a média de 55 sacas ha-1 ano-1. O cafeeiro necessita de água facilmente disponível no solo em sua fase vegetativa, promovendo o crescimento de ramos laterais e em sua fase reprodutiva (floração, granação e maturação dos frutos) para se desenvolver e produzir satisfatoriamente. O balanço hídrico - BH é um dos métodos utilizados para estimar essa demanda hídrica para os diferentes estádios de desenvolvimento das culturas. O BH consiste no somatório das quantidades de água que entram e saem de um elemento de volume de solo e, em dado intervalo de tempo, é a quantidade líquida de água que nele permanece. Através do componente drenagem profunda do BH é possível fazer a estimação da lixiviação de nitrato - NO3 -. Na região de Barreiras-BA não tem sido realizado, com frequência, pesquisa básica em relação ao cultivo do cafeeiro, de tal forma que pouco se sabe em relação à eficiência do uso de dose elevada de nitrogênio - N, que oscila na faixa de 600-800 kg ha-1, bem como sobre a sua possível perda por lixiviação. A uréia é o adubo mais utilizado em fertirrigação devido à sua alta solubilidade, o que facilita muito o preparo das soluções nutritivas, porém, possui o inconveniente de apresentar perdas por lixiviação em situações de altas doses aplicadas e altos volumes de irrigação. O parcelamento e a época de aplicação do adubo nitrogenado constituemse em alternativas para aumentar a eficiência dos adubos e da adubação nitrogenada pelas culturas e mitigar as perdas. As quantidades de NO3 - no perfil, susceptíveis à perda, são muito variáveis, dependendo da quantidade de N adicionado, do tipo de adubo, da taxa de mineralização do N nativo, da remoção pelas colheitas, do tipo de cultura e do volume de água drenada, fatores estes afetados significativamente pelas propriedades do solo (capacidade de troca iônica, pH, textura, estrutura, matéria orgânica, relação C:N, etc.) e pelo clima (principalmente precipitação). O uso de isótopos, na forma de fertilizante marcado com 15N, é uma ferramenta apropriada para avaliar o destino do fertilizante no sistema solo-cafeeiro-atmosfera, podendo-se inferir sobre a lixiviação. Assim sendo, este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar a drenagem profunda, a estimação da lixiviação de NO3 - e de N (15N) do fertilizante através do BH sequencial com a utilização dos modelos de evapotranspiração de Thornthwaite - TH e Penman-Monteith - PM em uma cultura de café fertirrigada por pivô central no oeste baiano. Através dos modelos de evapotranspiração de TH e PM foi possível estimar a drenagem profunda, a lixiviação de NO3 - e de 15N. O modelo de evapotranspiração de TH é menos preciso, porém onde apenas há disponibilidade de dados de temperatura, pode ser usado na elaboração do BH. / The coffee crop is of great importance in the Brazilian scenario and its cultivation is expanding to non traditional growing areas as the west of the state Bahia. This region presents a very flat relief of easy mechanization, allowing for the implementation of high agricultural technology as it is the case of fertigation via central pivot irrigation. Crops of this region reach high productivities, with an average of 55 bags per hectare and per year. The coffee plant requires easily available water in the soil in its vegetative phase to promote the growth of lateral branches, and in its reproductive phase (flowering, fruit filling and maturation) to develop and produce satisfactorily. The water balance - WB is one of the methods used to estimate this water demand during the different growth stages of agricultural crops. It consists of the accounting of the water fluxes into and out of an elemental soil volume of a chosen time interval, resulting the net amount of water that is stored in the soil. Through the deep drainage component of the WB it is possible to estimate the nitrate leaching - NO3 -. In the region of Barreiras-BA very little research has been carried out in relation to the cultivation of coffee, so that not much is known in relation to the efficiency of the use of high N application rates, as those there applied in the range of 600-800 kg ha-1, as well as about the possible leaching losses. Urea is mostly used a N source during fertigation due to its high solubility in water, but that has the inconvenience of allowing leaching losses in case of high N and water applications. Splitting of doses and application times are alternatives to increase absorption efficiencies and minimize losses to the environment. The NO3 - quantities in the soil profile which are susceptible to leaching are very variable, depend on N application rates, type of fertilizer, mineralization rate in the soil, export by harvests, crop type and drainage volume. These factors are significantly affected by soil properties (cation exchange capacity, pH, texture, structure, organic matter, C:N ratio, etc.) and by climate (mainly rainfall). The use of isotopes in the form of 15N labeled fertilizer is an appropriate tool to evaluate the fate of fertilizer N in the soil-coffee plant-atmosphere system, including the estimation of N leaching. Therefore, this study was developed with the objective of evaluating the deep drainage and the leaching of NO3 - and fertilizer (15N) through the sequential water balance, using the evapotranspiration models of Thornthwaite - TH and Penman-Monteith PM, for a fertigated coffee crop under central pivot irrigation, in west Bahia. It was possible to estimate the internal drainage and the leaching of NO3 - and 15N. The TH model is less precise; however for regions where only air temperature data are available, it can be used with success.

Efeitos de culturas de cobertura na qualidade física do solo sob plantio direto / Effects of cover crops on physical quality of soil under no-tillage

Andrade, Rui da Silva 22 February 2008 (has links)
Submitted by Carla Ferreira (carlaferreira66@gmail.com) on 2014-07-30T15:25:52Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Efeitos_de_culturas_de_cobertura_na_qualidade_fisica_do_solo_sob_plantio_direto.PDF: 481433 bytes, checksum: 95bdb8ab9b60f7aec50abbdf26baae09 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-30T15:25:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Efeitos_de_culturas_de_cobertura_na_qualidade_fisica_do_solo_sob_plantio_direto.PDF: 481433 bytes, checksum: 95bdb8ab9b60f7aec50abbdf26baae09 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-02-22 / The objective of this study was to verify the suitability of S index in the diagnostic of physical quality of Cerrado soils and, based upon it, to determine the effect of cover crop mulches on physical quality of a Dystrophic Red Latosol (Oxisol) under no-tillage. A total of 2364 samples were selected from the soil data base of Embrapa Rice & Beans and Embrapa Cerrados, covering Cerrado soils from Mid-West, North, and Northeast regions of Brazil. Values of S index, defined as the slope of the soil water retention curve at its inflection point, obtained from these samples were correlated to soil bulk density, macroporosity, and total porosity, considering the following textural classes: very clayey, clayey, sandy clay, sandy clay loam, loam/sandy loam e loamy sand/sand. Based on review of literature, critical values were established for the physical attributes that separated, according to the texture, soils with good and poor structural quality and, based upon they, critical values were established for the S index. In order to study the effect of cover crop mulches on soil physical quality, an experiment was carried out under center pivot at Embrapa Rice & Beans, in Santo Antônio de Goiás, GO, in a randomized block design, with eight replications. The treatments consisted of eight cover crops: Brachiaria brizantha; corn associated with B. brizantha; pigeon pea; millet; Panicum maximum; sorghum; Stylosanthes guianensis; and Crotalaria juncea. The first seven crops had been cultivated in summer season since December 2001 and C. juncea since November 2003. In the winter season, after cover crop desiccation, irrigated common bean crop was implemented under no-tillage. In February 2006, soil organic matter content, some soil physical attributes, and soil physical quality measured by S index were determined. This index was highly correlated to the physical attributes, showing to be an adequate indicator of physical quality of Cerrado soils. The limit value of S = 0.045 showed to be adequate to separate soils with good structure and soils with the tendency to be degraded, while values of S ≤ 0,025 indicate physically degraded soils. Cover crops, specially grasses, favored soil aggregation at surface layer. Soil cultivation modified its structure in comparison to native forest, increasing bulk density and reducing macroporosity and total porosity, and hence, reducing soil physical quality. Among the cover crops, pigeon pea, C. juncea, and corn associated with B. brizantha were those that maintained soil surface layer with good physical quality. / Os objetivos desse trabalho foram verificar a adequação do índice S no diagnóstico da qualidade física de solos de Cerrado e, com base nele, determinar o efeito de culturas de cobertura na qualidade física de um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico sob plantio direto. Foram selecionadas, nos bancos de dados dos Laboratórios de Solo das Embrapa Arroz e Feijão e Embrapa Cerrados, 2364 amostras abrangendo solos sob Cerrado das regiões CO, N e NE do Brasil. Valores de índice S, definido como sendo a declividade da curva característica de retenção da água do solo em seu ponto de inflexão, foram correlacionados com a densidade do solo, macroporosidade e porosidade total, considerando as classes texturais: muito argilosa, argilosa, argilo-arenosa, franco-argiloarenosa, franco/franco-arenosa e areia-franca/arenosa. Foram buscados na literatura valores limites de atributos físicos que separavam, de acordo com a textura, solos com boa e pobre qualidade estrutural e, com base neles, estabelecido valores limites para o índice S. Para o estudo do efeito de culturas de cobertura na qualidade física do solo, foi conduzido um experimento sob pivô central na Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, em Santo Antônio de Goiás, GO, no delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com oito repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de oito culturas de cobertura: braquiária; milho consorciado com braquiária; guandu anão; milheto; mombaça; sorgo; estilosantes; e crotalária. As sete primeiras vêm sendo cultivadas no verão desde dezembro de 2001 e a crotalária a partir de novembro de 2003. No inverno de cada ano, após dessecação dessas culturas, foi implantado o feijoeiro irrigado. Em fevereiro de 2006 foram determinados o conteúdo de matéria orgânica do solo, alguns atributos físicos, e a sua qualidade física por meio do índice S. Esse índice correlacionou-se altamente com os atributos físicos, mostrando ser um adequado indicador da qualidade física de solos de Cerrado. O valor limite de S = 0,045 mostrou-se adequado à divisão entre solos de boa qualidade estrutural e solos com tendência a se tornar degradados, enquanto valores de S ? 0,025 indicam solos degradados fisicamente. As culturas de cobertura, especialmente as gramíneas, favoreceram a agregação do solo na camada superficial. O cultivo do solo modificou a sua estrutura comparativamente à mata nativa, aumentando sua densidade e reduzindo a macroporosidade, porosidade total e, consequentemente, a sua qualidade física. Entre as culturas de cobertura, guandu, crotalária e milho consorciado com braquiária foram as que mantiveram a camada superficial do solo com boa qualidade física.

Přepočet a variantní návrh zastřešení zimního stadiónu ve Znojmě / Static verification and variant design of roof structure of winter sport stadium in Znojmo city

Kovář, Jindřich January 2014 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is the conversion and alternative proposals for the existing steel structure roofing winter stadium in Znojmo. The building has a rectangular shape with dimensions of 84 x 63 m Roof truss structure is formed purlins and trusses girlandovými, vynášenými two steel arches with a span of 84 m variant solution is full board and reduced lattice truss plate. After evaluating both solutions was chosen the first option, which was subsequently designed and assessed according to applicable standards. Truss plate is designed on the original footprint supported the original concrete bearing walls. Eye lattice plate is a square with sides of length 3.5 mA at 3 m Joints are designed truss balls and anchoring pin.

La politique extérieure de l'Inde en Afrique / The Indian foreign policy in Africa

Monnet, Rodolphe 12 June 2018 (has links)
Depuis 2001 et la recomposition des équilibres de puissance, l'Inde s'affirme comme l'un des acteurs qui compte dans un espace international de plus en plus multipolaire. Les mouvements de fond actuels provoquent une redistribution de cette puissance imposant de nouvelles alliances et de nouveaux jeux de pouvoirs. L'Inde n'est pas étrangère à cette tendance et encore plus depuis l'arrivée au pouvoir, en 2014, de l'actuel Premier ministre, Narendra Modi. Ce dernier conduit une politique extérieure ambitieuse pour que son pays accède à un statut de puissance mondiale. C'est dans ce cadre que se pose notre problématique qui est de savoir dans quelle mesure la place de l'Afrique dans la politique étrangère indienne permet-elle justement à l'Inde de parvenir à se hisser à ce statut de puissance. Pour y répondre, cette thèse investigue trois directions. D'abord, la place de l'océan Indien dans la relation indo-africaine doit rendre compte du rôle de l'Afrique dans la volonté indienne de faire de cet océan un espace pacifique et sécurisé sur lequel l'Inde puisse être un acteur incontournable face à des acteurs politiques puissants et hétérogènes. Ensuite, cette thèse s'attache à déterminer le rôle que l'Afrique joue dans la volonté de l'Inde d'être une puissance ayant une capacité d'influence politique sur la scène internationale au travers des instances internationales, de ses relations bilatérales avec les États africains et de la diaspora indienne installée dans ces pays. Enfin, cette recherche de statut passe par le champ économique et la nécessaire évaluation de l'empreinte économique que l'Inde souhaite imprimer en Afrique pour mieux asseoir ses capacités d'influence. Cette étude doit permettre de donner un éclairage sur la politique extérieure indienne à l'heure où les États-Unis réévaluent leur implication dans l'océan Indien, où la Chine met en place la « One Belt, One Road » et où l'Inde et le Japon viennent de s'unir pour proposer un nouveau partenariat à l'Afrique. / Since 2001 and the reshuffling of the balance of power, India has become one of the influential actors in an increasingly multipolar international context. The current groundswells are reshuffling powers between Nations in shaping new alliances and new power games. India is, more than ever, involved in this trend since the current Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, came to power in 2014. He conducts an ambitious foreign policy as a means to make his country a global and respected power. The context of the issue detailed in this document is: to what extent does Africa's place in India's foreign policy enables India to reach this status of power? This thesis investigates the following three themes: Firstly, the Indian Ocean's place in the Indo-African relationship should reflect Africa's role in India's will to make the Indian Ocean region a peaceful and secured space in which India is a decisive player in front of powerful and heterogeneous political actors. Secondly, this thesis focuses on assessing Africa's role in India's initiatives to be an influential player on politics on the international agenda through international bodies, its bilateral relations with African states and the Indian diaspora settled down in these countries. Thirdly, India's search for that particular status goes through the economic area and the assessment of India's economic footprint in Africa to better establish its influence on that Continent. This study tries to shed the light on India's foreign policy while the United States are reassessing their involvement in the Indian Ocean, and while China is setting up its "One Belt, One Road" and India and Japan have just come together to propose a new partnership to Africa.

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