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Návrh marketingového mixu / Marketing Mix ProposalŠtefanová, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
Thesis is focused on compilation of proposals to introduce new marketing mix of Slavkovský pivovar company. Based on performed marketing analysis, there is introduced a plan of marketing mix, which is aimed at increasing of competitiveness, sales and customer awareness and satisfaction.
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No description available.
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Marketingový mix prodejce a servisu automobilů Alcor Motors, s.r.o. / Marketing Mix of the Car Dealer and Service Station Alcor Motors, s.r.o.Pristachová, Lívia January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the suggestion of using suitable tools of marketing mix for the car dealer and service Alcor Motors, s.r.o. It specifies concepts needed for understanding this issue. It analyzes recent situation on the market and in the surrounding of an organization. It evaluates an actual condition of Alcor Motors and present usage of marketing tools. Suggestions are also analyzed from the financial point of view.
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Reklama jako nástroj komunikačního mixu / Advertising as a tool of communication mixDUFKOVÁ, Iva January 2010 (has links)
The target of the thesis is an evaluation of current advertising offers and budgeting system characteristic of a particular organization. Object of study is advertising on various radio stations, satisfaction with the work of companies, advertising agencies and then to their advertising and consumers look to advertising.
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Návrh na zlepšení konkurenceschopnosti firmy pomocí marketingových nástrojů / Proposal for an Improvement of Company Competitiveness by Marketing ToolsAdámková, Pavla January 2012 (has links)
The Master’s thesis deals with the proposal of marketing strategy, which should lead to gain new costumers, maintaining the existing costumers and a higher profits, based ontheoretical knowledge and analysis of contemporary conditions of the company.
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Návrh zlepšení marketingového mixu ve společnosti / Proposal for Company Marketing Mix ImprovementHradil, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the analysis and subsequent proposals in individual segments of the marketing mix, which will lead to the achievement of target, which means increasing sales in the company. The diploma thesis contains proposals for expanding the portfolio, increasing attractiveness for customers and increasing the efficiency of processes in the company, which deals with renting advertising places situated on the street furniture.
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Прецедентные феномены в рекламных и pr-текстах как средство продвижения территории : магистерская диссертация / Precedence phenomenon in advertising and pr texts as a means of place promotionМакарова, А. С., Makarova, A. S. January 2016 (has links)
Образ территории складывается из элементов идентичности, которые отражаются в прецедентных феноменах: актуальных личностях, событиях, местах. В данной работе был проанализирован образа Урала через призму рекламных и PR текстов, содержащих прецедентные феномены со сферой-источником Урал. Исследование также коснулось вопроса, насколько актуальны и значимы для местного населения те или иные прецедентные феномены. Итог исследования заключается в разработке рекомендаций по эффективному применению прецедентных феноменов со сферой-источником Урал в рекламных и PR текстах. / Place image is formed by its identity elements, which in its turn are reflected in precedence phenomenon, that refer to the place: persons, events, places of current interest. In this work Ural image was studied in terms of advertising and PR texts, which contain precedence phenomenon referring to Ural. The study also touched on the question how important the precedence phenomenon for the local inhabitants are. As a result recommendations on usage of precedence phenomenon in advertising and PR texts were given.
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Оценка потенциала виртуальной и дополненной реальностей как инструментов в продвижении территории : магистерская диссертация / Assessing the potential of virtual and augmented reality as tools in the promotion of territoryДингес, М. Д., Dinges, M. D. January 2023 (has links)
Со второй половины XX века всё большую значимость получает неценовая конкуренция, которая стала постепенно вытеснять ценовую. В такой же ситуации оказались и регионы, которые тоже имеют свою конкуренцию с другими территориями за туристический поток, приток квалифицированных рабочих, ученых, деятелей культуры и прочих людей, которые могут стимулировать социально-экономический рост региона. Правильные коммуникации создают желательную репутацию, которая зачастую является сильным преимуществом перед другими конкурентами, повышая стоимость продукта или услуги, или помогая потребителю в принятии решения по поводу путешествия или переезда именно в этот регион, а не в другой. Одними из новых и быстро развивающихся технологий, которые всё чаще используются в качестве инструментов продвижения территории, являются виртуальная и дополненная реальности. Всё больше менеджеров по продвижению региона начинают их осваивать, но при этом они до сих пор не являются распространёнными для этой области. В представленной работе отражены особенности использования инструментов виртуальной и дополненной реальностей в продвижении территории, проанализированы практика и результаты научных исследований в этой области. Основываясь на результатах методологической и эмпирической базы исследований, разработана коммуникативная программа продвижения Пермского края как региона с использованием инструментов виртуальной и дополненной реальностей. / Since the second half of the 20th century, non-price competition has become increasingly important, gradually replacing price competition. In the same situation, regions have also found themselves in competition with other territories for tourist flows, influx of skilled workers, scientists, cultural figures and other people who can stimulate the socio-economic growth of the region. The right communications create a desirable reputation, which is often a strong advantage over other competitors, adding value to a product or service, or helping the consumer decide to travel or relocate to that particular region rather than another. Virtual and augmented reality are some of the new and rapidly evolving technologies that are increasingly being used as tools to promote a territory. More and more promotional managers are beginning to master them, but they are still not common for this area. This paper reflects the peculiarities of virtual and augmented reality tools in territory promotion, analyses the practice and research results in this field. Based on the results of the methodological and empirical research base, a communication programme for the promotion of the Perm Territory as a region using virtual and augmented reality tools has been developed.
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The Involvement of Business Improvement Areas in Tourism: An Exploratory Study of Ontario BIAsGiraldi, Andrew Marc January 2009 (has links)
Local festivals and cultural events, signage and streetscape improvements, and regional marketing efforts indicate that tourism is present in some Business Improvement Areas (BIAs). However, the extent and form of this relationship has never before been examined in the North America context. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the involvement of Ontario’s BIAs in tourism. It reports on the findings of a 2008 province-wide survey of approximately 260 BIAs, touching on a variety of topics, including: the proportion of BIAs that are involved in tourism, the factors prompting them to attract tourists, the ways that they promote themselves to tourists, the types of tourism experiences that they offer, the positive and negative impacts of their tourism efforts, and whether they partner with other stakeholders in tourism promotion efforts. The data are then used to propose a typology of Business Improvement Areas showing differing levels and forms of tourism involvement. The thesis concludes by considering four case studies of successful tourism-oriented BIAs (Downtown Kingston, Downtown London, Downtown Yonge and Creemore), which are examined to identify the characteristics that have led to their success.
The findings show that the majority of Ontario’s Business Improvement Areas are involved in tourism, using diverse methods to promote themselves as destinations. Their tourism offering usually includes special events and festivals, but can also involve investments in other attractions. Although BIAs are aware of both positive and negative impacts from tourism, tourism management efforts are uncommon. Seven characteristics of successful tourism-oriented BIAs are identified: innovation, self-awareness, appearance, attractions, partnerships, experiences, and planning. BIAs that strongly manifest these characteristics are believed to be likely candidates to benefit from the tourism industry.
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The Involvement of Business Improvement Areas in Tourism: An Exploratory Study of Ontario BIAsGiraldi, Andrew Marc January 2009 (has links)
Local festivals and cultural events, signage and streetscape improvements, and regional marketing efforts indicate that tourism is present in some Business Improvement Areas (BIAs). However, the extent and form of this relationship has never before been examined in the North America context. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the involvement of Ontario’s BIAs in tourism. It reports on the findings of a 2008 province-wide survey of approximately 260 BIAs, touching on a variety of topics, including: the proportion of BIAs that are involved in tourism, the factors prompting them to attract tourists, the ways that they promote themselves to tourists, the types of tourism experiences that they offer, the positive and negative impacts of their tourism efforts, and whether they partner with other stakeholders in tourism promotion efforts. The data are then used to propose a typology of Business Improvement Areas showing differing levels and forms of tourism involvement. The thesis concludes by considering four case studies of successful tourism-oriented BIAs (Downtown Kingston, Downtown London, Downtown Yonge and Creemore), which are examined to identify the characteristics that have led to their success.
The findings show that the majority of Ontario’s Business Improvement Areas are involved in tourism, using diverse methods to promote themselves as destinations. Their tourism offering usually includes special events and festivals, but can also involve investments in other attractions. Although BIAs are aware of both positive and negative impacts from tourism, tourism management efforts are uncommon. Seven characteristics of successful tourism-oriented BIAs are identified: innovation, self-awareness, appearance, attractions, partnerships, experiences, and planning. BIAs that strongly manifest these characteristics are believed to be likely candidates to benefit from the tourism industry.
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