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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Johnson Settlement Area, Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park cultural landscape inventory

Frisbie, Margaret Xochitl 25 July 2011 (has links)
The Cultural Landscape Inventory is a comprehensive inventory of all historically significant landscapes within the National Park Service. This cultural landscape inventory documents the Johnson Settlement Area at the Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park in Johnson City, Texas. The Johnson Settlement Area served as the headquarters for former president Lyndon B. Johnson’s paternal grandparents, Samuel Ealy Johnson and Eliza Bunton’s, open-range cattle ranch from 1867 through 1872. After the collapse of the cattle ranching enterprise, the land was sold to James Polk Johnson and later converted into a small-scale farm by John Bruckner. From 1970 through 1972, Lyndon B. Johnson was involved with the planning, acquisition, and donation of a portion of the original settlement property to the National Park Service. In 1972, a major restoration and reconstruction project was completed as the property was converted into an historic interpretive landscape administered by the National Park Service. The Johnson Settlement Area is primarily an open pastoral landscape with reconstructed livestock corrals and a cluster of restored and reconstructed building and structures that collectively convey the ranching and frontier heritage of former president Lyndon B. Johnson. The cultural landscape inventory documents the physical development and historical significance of the Johnson Settlement Area. The inventory evaluates the landscape characteristics of the district and considers the integrity and overall condition of this historic vernacular landscape. Further, the inventory assesses eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places. The Johnson Settlement Area Cultural Landscape Inventory expands the 1990 National Register of Historic Places nomination in its period of significance, boundaries and acreage, and National Register Criteria. / text

Šiaulių regiono saugomų teritorijų būklė ir perspektyvos / The state and perspectives of the protected territories of the Siauliai region

Paulauskas, Robertas 11 August 2009 (has links)
Spartus saugomų teritorijų tinklo kūrimas Šiaulių regione prasidėjo po Lietuvos nepriklausomybės atkūrimo. Šiuo metu saugomos teritorijos regione užima 114158 ha arba 13,4% visos teritorijos, šalies mastu - 15,3%. Europos Sąjungos valstybių vidurkis- 18%. Perspektyvoje saugomų teritorijų plotas turėtų didėti, kadangi valstybinės saugomų teritorijų tarnybos strateginiuose veiklos planuose iki 2015m. numatyta jų plotą padidinti iki 16,7%. Nuo 2000 m. regione prasidėjo Europos ekologinio tinklo NATURA 2000 kūrimo procesas, šį tinklą sudaro paukščių apsaugai svarbios teritorijos (PAST) ir buveinių apsaugai svarbios teritorijos (BAST). NATURA 2000 teritorijos Šiaulių regione užima 7,1 % teritorijos, Lietuvoje- 6%, Europos Sąjungos valstybių vidurkis-14%. Didžioji dalis ekologinio tinklo įkurta jau saugomose teritorijose- draustiniuose, biosferos poligonuose. PAST jau yra patvirtintos Europos Komisijos, o vietovės, atitinkančios buveinių apsaugai svarbių teritorijų atrankos kriterijus, bus patvirtintos per artimiausius 4 metus. NATURA 2000 tinklo kūrimas prisidės prie nykstančių rūšių populiacijos išsaugojimo, atlikus tyrimą paaiškėjo, kad Šiaulių regione iš 162 saugomų į Lietuvos Raudonąją knygą įrašytų rūšių: 76 (47%) rūšys yra ties išnykimo riba arba sparčiai nyksta. Siekiant užtikrinti biologinės įvairovės apsaugą ir darnaus miškų ūkio plėtojimą, Šiaulių regiono miškuose inventorizuota 743 kertinės miško buveinės (KMB), kurių plotas- 2005 ha. tai sudaro 1,2 % miškų ploto... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Rapid creation of the Protected Territories Net in the Siauliai region began after the restoration of Lithuanian independence. Today protected territories in the region cover 114158 ha or 13,4% of the whole territory, to the country extend it makes 15,3%. The average in the European Union counties makes 18%. The area of the protected territories should be increased in the perspective as the strategic plans of activity of the State Service for Protected Areas suppose to expand these territories up to 16,7% before the year 2015. The creation process of the European Ecological Net NATURA began in the region in the year 2000; the Net consists of territories important for birds’ protection (TIBP) and territories important for residence protection (TIRP). The NATURA 2000 covers 7,1% of the region territory and 6% of the State territory, the average in the European Union counties makes 14%. The greater part of the Ecologic Net is established in the territories which are already protected, in the biosphere ground. TIBP have been confirmed by the European Commission and the territories meeting the selection criteria of the territories important for residence protection will be confirmed during the next 4 years. The creation of the NATURA 2000 will promote the preservation of the endangered population species. After the conduction of the research it appeared that there are 162 protected species in the Siauliai region, which are registered in the Lithuanian Red Data Book: 76 (47%)... [to full text]

Towards a Canadian Policy on Places of Refuge for Ships in Need of Assistance

John, Philip 01 1900 (has links)
In an era of rapidly growing maritime trade, national and international efforts to prevent marine environmental disasters have taken various dimensions, including vessel safety mandates, traffic control measures and increased state inspections and control of ships. The advent of large modern tankers has generated new marine environmental risks. The customary right of access to a place of refuge for vessels in distress is becoming a complex issue of increasingly conflicting values reflecting humanitarian response and environmental conservation. A national ‘Places of Refuge’ policy is an essential component of Canada’s oceans management strategy. A cohesive and robust structure for conflict resolution will help assure the continued progress and development of ocean-based industries and minimize threats to Canada’s oceans and marine environment. The input of ship and port management personnel in the development of a national strategy and risk assessment procedure is vital for credibility and acceptance. The Canadian and international experience of ships in need of assistance and the lessons learned dictate that developing a ‘Places of Refuge’ policy and risk assessment procedure is not only prudent but imperative if Canada is to continue to be a major player in the global marketplace. This dissertation outlines a risk assessment procedure to categorize Canadian ports as places of refuge. This categorization of ports based on defined risk levels allows for the optimum allocation of resources for upgrading the refuge suitability of ports. Twenty-one ports on the east coast are evaluated for their suitability as places of refuge, based on their risk category. The measures suggested in this thesis propose elements of a Canadian national policy and risk assessment procedure for places of refuge which are comprehensive, pragmatic and flexible within the country’s existing command and control infrastructure.

Etude typologique de l'accent français et lituanien / Prancūzų ir lietuvių kalbų kirčio tipologinis palyginimas / Typology study of French and Lithuanian accent

Aučiūnaitė, Lina 31 July 2012 (has links)
Dans notre mémoire nous présentons une description théorique des accents français et lituaniens. Nous définissons la notion de l’accentuation, analysons les types d’accents, leurs places et leurs fonctions dans la chaîne parlée de deux langues cibles. Le but du chapitre théorique est de décrire et de comparer les deux systèmes d’accentuation car le nombre de travaux scientifiques consacrés à leur comparaison, est très restreint. Pourtant, l’analyse de ce sujet est importante puisque les différents auteurs qui étudient l’accent ne partagent pas les mêmes idées. De plus, le but du chapitre pratique est de vérifier si la langue lituanienne influence l’accentuation en apprenant le français et à quel point. / Šio darbo pirmoje teorinėje dalyje aprašomuoju metodu siekiama apibrėžti kirtį kaip prozodijos elementą prancūzų ir lietuvių kalbose. Remiantis skirtingais lietuvių ir prancūzų lingvistų darbais buvo aprašomi kirčio tipai, kirčio vieta žodyje bei kirčio funkcijos abiejose kalbose. Kiekvieno poskyrio pabaigoje lyginamuoju metodu atskleidžiami skirtumai ir panašumai, kurie esti tarp dviejų kalbų. Pagrindinė antroje darbo dalyje iškeliama užduotis – išsiaiškinti, ar gimtosios lietuvių kalbos kirčiavimo sistema turi įtakos mokantis prancūzų kalbos. Šiai praktinei daliai buvo pasirinktas anketos metodas. / We are presenting a description of the Lithuanian and French accents. We define the notion of accentuation, analyse the types of accents, their places and the functions in the speech chain of two languages​.

Robot semantic place recognition based on deep belief networks and a direct use of tiny images

Hasasneh, Ahmad 23 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Usually, human beings are able to quickly distinguish between different places, solely from their visual appearance. This is due to the fact that they can organize their space as composed of discrete units. These units, called ''semantic places'', are characterized by their spatial extend and their functional unity. Such a semantic category can thus be used as contextual information which fosters object detection and recognition. Recent works in semantic place recognition seek to endow the robot with similar capabilities. Contrary to classical localization and mapping works, this problem is usually addressed as a supervised learning problem. The question of semantic places recognition in robotics - the ability to recognize the semantic category of a place to which scene belongs to - is therefore a major requirement for the future of autonomous robotics. It is indeed required for an autonomous service robot to be able to recognize the environment in which it lives and to easily learn the organization of this environment in order to operate and interact successfully. To achieve that goal, different methods have been already proposed, some based on the identification of objects as a prerequisite to the recognition of the scenes, and some based on a direct description of the scene characteristics. If we make the hypothesis that objects are more easily recognized when the scene in which they appear is identified, the second approach seems more suitable. It is however strongly dependent on the nature of the image descriptors used, usually empirically derived from general considerations on image coding.Compared to these many proposals, another approach of image coding, based on a more theoretical point of view, has emerged the last few years. Energy-based models of feature extraction based on the principle of minimizing the energy of some function according to the quality of the reconstruction of the image has lead to the Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) able to code an image as the superposition of a limited number of features taken from a larger alphabet. It has also been shown that this process can be repeated in a deep architecture, leading to a sparse and efficient representation of the initial data in the feature space. A complex problem of classification in the input space is thus transformed into an easier one in the feature space. This approach has been successfully applied to the identification of tiny images from the 80 millions image database of the MIT. In the present work, we demonstrate that semantic place recognition can be achieved on the basis of tiny images instead of conventional Bag-of-Word (BoW) methods and on the use of Deep Belief Networks (DBNs) for image coding. We show that after appropriate coding a softmax regression in the projection space is sufficient to achieve promising classification results. To our knowledge, this approach has not yet been investigated for scene recognition in autonomous robotics. We compare our methods with the state-of-the-art algorithms using a standard database of robot localization. We study the influence of system parameters and compare different conditions on the same dataset. These experiments show that our proposed model, while being very simple, leads to state-of-the-art results on a semantic place recognition task.

Médiation langagière en milieu pluriculturel et plurilingue : altérité, interactions, construction dynamique de la personne

Patouma Moidinecouty, Marie Judith 07 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre d'une sociolinguistique interpersonnelle et s'intéresse à la construction dynamique de la personne, à travers les symbolisations verbales qu'elle produit, dans un milieu pluriculturel et plurilingue. Elle se situe à la croisée d'une science des sujets, encore à construire, et d'une socio-pragmatique, sans refuser d'emprunter à la psychologie sociale ses concepts les plus utiles. S'il nous fallait définir de manière plus précise le cadre épistémologique qui est le nôtre, nous dirions qu'il s'apparente à une sociolinguistique du conflit structurant dans les relations interpersonnelles des sujets. La parole construit l'individu ou, plutôt pourrait-on dire, que la personne se construit par la parole et dans l'altérité. Ainsi mêlons-nous ici la linguistique pragmatique à toutes les disciplines qui se sont intéressées à la construction identitaire. Par cet apport transdisciplinaire nous mettons en évidence la complexité d'une thématique incluant un sujet, lui-même complexe et indivisible intégrant la langue et la personne. Nous nous intéressons plus spécifiquement à l'usage des langues dans une situation de conflit structurant (avec l'autre, avec soi) et à celui de la médiation langagière dans ce milieu tensionnel de la personne face à un autrui déstabilisant. Notre outil privilégié dans le cadre de cette recherche se trouve être l'analyse textuelle (textes issus de la transcription d'entretiens) dont nous redéfinissons les contours et pour laquelle nous proposons un outil de compréhension. Ce travail est fait d'un va et vient constant entre théorie et pratique. Nous pensons, en effet, que ces deux mouvements s'enrichissent mutuellement. Si la connaissance de notre objet est un des objectifs de notre thèse, nous visons aussi à élaborer et tester des outils épistémologiques, méthodologiques, transférables dans d'autres situations. Nous souhaitons ainsi montrer dans cette recherche que la personne se construit de manière dynamique dans l'entre-deux du dire et de l'action, au hasard des rencontres et des identifications partielles. Ce qui fait d'elle un être toujours singulier pris dans les affects, les représentations, dans des discours aux significations multiples qui la fondent symboliquement.

Addressing social issues in rural communities by planning for lively places and green spaces / Nicoléne de Jong

De Jong, Nicoléne January 2014 (has links)
The increase in social challenges especially with regards to safety and security experienced in rural communities, as well as the lack of efficient lively places and public green spaces, is predominantly increasing in importance for government and planning policies. This problem is substantiated by the large number of deaths (especially the deaths of children) drowning in rivers flowing through or nearby rural communities because of the lack of any other safe, public facilities and well-managed and maintained green spaces. The research question therefore focuses on whether the planning of lively places and green spaces in rural communities can address some of these social issues, and contribute to the strengthening of communities and creation of lively public places. Government is struggling to deal with social issues (especially that of safety and security) within rural communities and a number of strategies were discussed and drawn up. (For example, the Rural Safety Summit which took place on 10 October 1998 aimed at achieving consensus regarding issues of rural insecurity; as well as crime prevention strategies as defined by the SAPS White Paper on Safety and Security (1998).) However, very little (if any) in-depth research on the possibility of upgrading public spaces into lively green places as a solution, has been done. This study can serve as a link between literature and practical rural issues, as well as contribute to green space and lively place development, incorporating international approaches and pilot studies, and illustrating best practices in terms of lively place and green space development, linking it to the local rural reality. In creating public and lively green places for rural communities, issues of safety, inequality, sociability and community coherence are addressed. Through the correct corresponding planning initiatives consequently drawn up, overall quality of life of those living in rural communities can be improved, decreasing the social challenges experienced. / MArt et Scien (Urban and Regional Planning), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Representations of the city in video games

Schweizer, Bobby 08 April 2009 (has links)
This research strives to characterize the means by which video game players experience and understand the space of the game city during the course of play. Three-dimensional video game cities are neither static environments nor stationary views; rather, they are experienced through movement, action, and play. Our experiences of new places are not developed at a glance. Instead, they are cultivated through use over time. This work utilizes games that take place in constructed versions of New York City as a case study. By focusing on the ways players navigate spaces, we can understand how they construct spatial awareness and how this space is transformed into a meaningful place of play. In order to come to this understanding, this study asks a series of questions: How are these spaces arranged? How does the player move through the space and how does the game teach spatial navigation? What actions are performed in the space and how is gameplay adapted for the city environment? And how do of narrative environments contribute to a player's identification with the space? These questions are examined within a framework of urban, cultural, and game studies. I examine techniques that are employed by video game city designers to help players navigate space and make it meaningful. Additionally, this research poses areas for future expansion and experimentation with game cities.

Évolution du tissu urbain de Québec et de ses espaces publics : analyse morphologique de trois places /

Kotzev, Emil. January 1997 (has links)
Thèse (M. Arch.)--Université Laval, 1997. / Bibliogr.: f. 142-148. Publié aussi en version électronique.

Estresse e acidentes de trabalho: Estudo Pró-Saúde / Stress and work accidents: Estudo Pró-Saúde

Alexandre dos Santos Brito 30 May 2007 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Esta tese tem o objetivo geral de investigar a associação entre estresse e acidentes no trabalho em funcionários técnico-administrativos efetivos de uma universidade pública no Rio de Janeiro por meio de modelos multiníveis. Para alcançar tal objetivo, a tese foi distribuída em dois artigos. O primeiro artigo investiga a associação entre estresse e acidentes no trabalho considerando componentes hierárquicos da estrutura dos dados por meio de modelos multiníveis com funcionários no primeiro nível agrupados em setores de trabalho no segundo nível. O segundo artigo investiga o comportamento dos coeficientes fixos e aleatórios dos modelos multiníveis com classificação cruzada entre setores de trabalho e grupos ocupacionais em relação aos modelos multiníveis que consideram apenas componentes hierárquicos dos setores de trabalho, ignorando o ajuste dos grupos ocupacionais. O estresse psicossocial no trabalho foi abordado a partir das relações entre alta demanda psicológica e baixo controle do processo laboral, Estas dimensões foram captadas por meio da versão resumida da escala Karasek, que também contém informações sobre o apoio social no trabalho. Dimensões isoladas do estresse no trabalho (demanda e controle), razão entre demanda psicológica e controle do trabalho (Razão D/C) e o apoio social no trabalho foram mensurados no nível individual e nos setores de trabalho. De modo geral, os resultados destacam a demanda psicológica mensurada no nível individual como um importante fator associado à ocorrência de acidentes de trabalho. O apoio social no trabalho, mensurado no nível individual e no setor de trabalho, apresentou associação inversa à prevalência de acidentes de trabalho, sendo, no setor, acentuada entre as mulheres. Os resultados também mostram que os parâmetros fixos dos modelos com e sem classificação cruzada foram semelhantes e que, de modo geral, os erros padrões (EP) foram um pouco maiores nos modelos com classificação cruzada, apesar deste comportamento do EP não ter sido observado quando relacionado aos coeficientes fixos das variáveis agregadas no setor de trabalho. A maior distinção entre as duas abordagens foi observada em relação aos coeficientes aleatórios relacionados aos setores de trabalho, que alteraram substancialmente após ajustar o efeito da ocupação por meio dos modelos com classificação cruzada. Este estudo reforça a importância de características psicossociais na ocorrência de acidentes de trabalho e contribui para o conhecimento dessas relações a partir de abordagens analíticas que refinam a captação da estrutura de dependência dos indivíduos em seu ambiente de trabalho. Sugere-se a realização de outros estudos com metodologia similar, que permitam aprofundar o conhecimento sobre estresse e acidentes no trabalho. / This thesis has the general aim of investigating the association between stress and accidents at work with public employees at a public university in Rio de Janeiro, by means of multilevel models. To reach this goal, this study has been distributed into two articles. The first one investigates the association between stress and accidents at work taking into consideration hierarchic components in the data structure by means of multilevel models with employees in the first level grouped in working areas in the second level. The second article investigates the behavior of random and fixed coefficients of the multilevel models with cross classification between working areas and occupational groups in relation to the multilevel models which only take into consideration hierarchic components of the working areas, ignoring the adjustment of occupational groups. The psychosocial stress at work was approached from the relation between high psychological demand and low labor process control. These dimensions were taken by means of the summarized version of the Karasek scale, which also contains information about the social support at work. Isolated dimensions of work stress (demand and control), the ratio between psychological demand and work control (ratio D/C) and the social support at work were measured at individual level and at working areas. Generally speaking, the results highlighted the psychological demand measured at individual level with a major aspect associated to accidents occurrence at work. The social support at work, measured at individual level and in the working area, presented inverted association to the prevalence of accidents at work, that association being more present among women. The results also show that the fixed parameters of the models with and without cross classification were similar and that, in general, the stander errors (SE) were a little bigger in the models with cross classification, although this behavior of the SE hasnt been observed when related to the fixed coefficient of the variable measured at working area. The major distinction between the two approaches was observed in relation to random coefficients related to the working areas, which were highly altered after adjusting the effect of the occupation by means of models with cross classification. This thesis reinforces the importance of psychosocial characteristics in the occurrence of accidents at work and contributes to the knowledge of these relations from analytical approaches which refine the gathering of the dependence structure of individuals in their working place. Its suggested that other studies with similar methodologies are made, that would allow us to go deep in the knowledge of stress and accidents at work.

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