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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulation des Einflusses von Formabweichungen auf die Betriebseigenschaften hydrodynamischer Gleitlager mit ALP3T und MATLAB

Ebermann, Marko, Prase, Björn, Leidich, Erhard 02 July 2018 (has links)
Die quantitative Abschätzung des Einflusses geometrischer Abweichungen auf die Betriebseigenschaften von Maschinenelementen stellt für die Produktentwicklung einen wesentlichen Bestandteil zur Sicherung der Funktionalität dar. An einem radialen zylindrischen Gleitlager wird gezeigt, wie der Einfluss der Rundheit in Form eines Gleichdickes die Betriebsparameter verändert. Durch die Simulation mit ALP3T und die Auswertung der Ergebnisse mit MATLAB kann eine mögliche Vorgehensweise für den Umgang mit Formabweichungen bei der Entwicklung und der Qualitätssicherung aufgezeigt werden. Ferner gilt es andere geometrische Abweichungen (Position, Richtung) zu untersuchen, um die Funktionalität des Gesamtsystems sicherzustellen.

Information från myndigheterna : En studie i tillgänglighetsanpassning av krisinformation / Information from the authorities : A study in accessibility adaptation of crisis information

Karlsson, Caroline January 2021 (has links)
Vid krissituationer som berör en hel nation är det av yttersta vikt att kommunikationen mellan myndigheter och medborgare fungerar. Den måste vara utformad på ett tillgängligt sätt för att så många som möjligt ska kunna ta del av informationen. I samband med covid-19-pandemin skickade Folkhälsomyndigheten (FoHM) och Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB), på uppdrag av regeringen, ut ett sms till befolkningen med syftet att uppmana om att följa de nya restriktionerna. Meddelandet väckte stor uppståndelse i media och på sociala medier där det bland annat dömdes som innehållslöst, blev förlöjligat i jämförelse med liknande kommunikation i andra länder och fick kritik för att sakna en klickbar länk. Meddelandet skickades även bara ut på svenska.  Denna studie fokuserar på att granska originalmeddelandet och med hjälp av metoder som textanalyser, enkäter och intervjuer undersöka behovet av och möjligheten till en förbättring av kommunikationen. Med stöd i teorier om klarspråk, lättläst, krisinformation, lässvårigheter och visualisering har jag utvärderat originalmeddelandet utifrån ett tillgänglighetsperspektiv samt skapat och testat olika gestaltningsförslag. Utifrån resultaten har jag formulerat tydliga riktlinjer vars syfte är att effektivisera utformandet av denna typ av kommunikation.  Resultatet av rapporten visar att omfattande förbättringsmöjligheter finns och att de riktlinjer jag kommit fram till eventuellt skulle kunna underlätta för myndigheter i deras arbete med kortfattad kriskommunikation.  Studien är ett examensarbete för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen inom Informationsdesign med inriktning mot Textdesign. / In the event of a crisis that affects a whole nation it is of utmost importance that the communication between the authorities and the citizens is satisfactory. It needs to be designed in an accessible way so that as many as possible can assimilate the information. During the covid-19 pandemic the Public Health Agency of Sweden (FoHM) and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB), sent out an SMS, on behalf of the Swedish government, to urge the citizens to follow the newly enforced restrictions. The message caused a great stir in the media as well as on social media where it was accused of being empty, was ridiculed in comparison with similar communication in other counties and received criticism for not including a clickable link. Also, the message was only sent out in Swedish.  This thesis focuses on examining the original message and through the methods of text analysis, surveys and interviews explore the necessity of and possibilities for an improvement of the communication. With support in theories of plain language, writing very legible, crisis communication, reading difficulties and visual perception I have evaluated the original message from an accessibility perspective and created then tested different design proposals. Based on the results I have put together a set of guidelines that might help streamlining the process of forming this type of communication in the future.  The result of the study shows that there is room for extensive improvements and that the guidelines I have formulated might help agencies in their work with short crisis communication.  This study is a bachelor’s thesis in the field of Information design with focus on Text design.

Modélisation hydrologique du bassin versant de l'oued Rheraya et sa contribution à la recharge de la nappe du Haouz (bassin du Tensift, Maroc) / Hydrological modeling of the Rheraya watershed and its contribution to the groundwater recharge of the Haouz aquifer (Tensift basin, Morocco)

Hajhouji, Youssef 20 October 2018 (has links)
La recharge de l'eau souterraine est un paramètre encore peu connu du bilan hydrologique. La connaissance des processus et l'estimation précise de la recharge de l'eau souterraine est une condition préalable à une gestion efficace et durable des eaux souterraines dans les régions arides et semi-arides. En plus la recharge de l'eau souterraine est considérée comme le paramètre le plus direct avec lequel le changement climatique peut affecter les ressources renouvelables des aquifères. Les présents travaux de thèse s'intéressent à la recharge de l'aquifère alluvial de la plaine du Haouz par les crues de l'oued Rheraya (rivière intermittente), qui descend des montagnes du Haut-Atlas et traverse la plaine du Haouz du sud vers le nord. Ces travaux ont deux objectifs principaux (i) d'abord simuler le régime hydrologique de l'oued Rheraya dont les crues sont à l'origine de la recharge de l'eau souterraine, et ensuite (ii) aborder la quantification de la recharge de l'eau souterraine du Haouz par ces crues dans la zone du piémont atlasique. La modélisation des débits de l'oued Rheraya dans le Haut-Atlas marocain (225 km², altitudes comprises entre 1030 m et 4165 m) est réalisée en prenant en compte la composante nivale. Pour cela, le modèle conceptuel global GR4J est appliqué sur la période 1989-2009 en y adjoignant le module CemaNeige qui simule la dynamique de la composante neigeuse de manière semi- distribuée. La fraction enneigée simulée se révèle corrélée avec celle extraite du produit neige MODIS durant la période 2000-2009 (R2 = 0,64). De plus, l'équivalent en eau de la neige simulé est cohérent avec celui mesuré par la station automatique au sommet de l'Oukaimeden durant la période 2004-2006 (R2 = 0,81). Enfin, nous obtenons une simulation des débits qui reproduit bien la très forte variabilité saisonnière et interannuelle. En conclusion, le régime hydrologique de l'oued Rheraya est pluvio-nival avec une distribution unimodale des débits dont le maximum en avril coïncide avec la fonte des neiges. L'étude de la recharge de l'eau souterraine est effectuée à travers l'analyse du suivi des fluctuations de l'eau souterraine sous le lit de l'oued Rheraya sur deux cycles hydrologiques 2014-2015 et 2015-2016.[...] / Groundwater recharge is a little known parameter in the water balance. Knowledge of processes and accurate estimation of groundwater recharge is a prerequisite for effective and sustainable management of groundwater resources. In addition, groundwater recharge is considered the most direct parameter by which climate change affects the renewable groundwater resources. The present PhD thesis focuses on the recharge of the alluvial aquifer of the Haouz plain by the floods of the Rheraya wadi (intermittent river), which descends from the High-Atlas Mountains and crosses the southern plain towards the North. This work has two main objectives: (i) simulating the hydrological regime of the Rheraya River whose floods are at the origin of the groundwater recharge, and (ii) Quantifying the groundwater recharge by the floods of the Rheraya in the zone of the High-Atlas piedmont. The runoff modeling of the Rheraya wadi in the High-Atlas (225 km², elevations ranging between 1030 and 4165 m.a.s.l.) takes into account the snow component. For this purpose, the GR4J conceptual and global model was applied over the period 1989- 2009, coupled with the CemaNeige module for semi-distributed snow dynamics. The daily snow coverage simulated by CemaNeige is in good agreement with that extracted from the MODIS snow product in the period 2000-2009 (R² = 0,64). In addition, the simulated daily snow water equivalent is consistent with that measured at the weather station of Oukaimeden (2004-2006, R² = 0,81). Finally, the runoff simulation reproduces quite well the strong seasonal and inter-annual variability. In conclusion, the hydrological regime of the Rheraya wadi is pluvio-nival with an unimodal distribution whose maximum in April is linked with snowmelt. The study of groundwater recharge is carried out through the analysis of the monitoring of groundwater fluctuations in the streambed of the Rheraya wadi, over two hydrological cycles 2014-2015 and 2015-2016.[...]

Origin and Evolution of Sinkholes on the Bellevue-Castalia Karst Plain, North-Central Ohio

Dinsmore, Michael A. 09 December 2011 (has links)
No description available.


[pt] A oferta de serviços públicos digitais (e-serviços) avança no Brasil, mas a população tem dificuldade para se engajar. Uma queixa comum é achar o contato com o governo pela internet complicado. Os obstáculos para interagir com governo eletrônico vêm sendo discutidos sem confrontar o papel do burocratês, o estilo textual do setor público. Este estudo investigou como o estilo textual pode influenciar na compreensibilidade de informações sobre e-serviços, e em que medida o burocratês gera dúvidas de compreensão em leitores proficientes. A pesquisa articulou conceitos sobre compreensibilidade textual na Ergonomia, Design da Informação e Psicolinguística; examinou características linguísticas do burocratês; reuniu informações sobre habilidades de leitura dos brasileiros; reuniu informações sobre o movimento e a técnica Linguagem Simples; averiguou o estágio de digitalização de serviços públicos federais. Fez um levantamento documental de diretrizes de Linguagem Simples em onze governos internacionais e nacionais. Conduziu um estudo experimental em que 42 adultos com pósgraduação em diferentes áreas leram um texto sobre o benefício Auxílio-doença conforme o site do INSS e na versão reescrita em Linguagem Simples, aferindo a compreensão em cada condição. A versão em Linguagem Simples gerou mais acertos na primeira leitura, suscitou menos releituras e demandou menos tempo para completar o teste de compreensão. O experimento também mediu a percepção de usar textos e sites governamentais, que foi igual nos grupos: informações em sites e aplicativos são confusas e difíceis de entender, textos não se preocupam em facilitar a vida dos usuários, que preferem buscar informações em sites independentes. / [en] The provision of digital public services (e-services) is advancing in Brazil, but the population struggles to engage. A common complaint is that dealing with the government online is complicated. Barriers to interaction with e-government have been discussed without further exploring the role of officialese , the public sector s textual style. This study investigated how textual style can affect the comprehensibility of information about e-services and how confusing officialese can be, even to proficient readers. The research was based on textual comprehensibility concepts in Ergonomics, Information Design, and Psycholinguistics; it examined linguistic characteristics of officialese; gathered information on the reading skills of Brazilians; gathered information about the Plain Language movement and technique; and investigated the level of digitalization of federal services in Brazil. The research first examined Plain Language guideline documents from eleven governments, both national and international. Next, an experimental study was conducted in which 42 adults with post-graduate degrees in different areas read two versions of a text about Sickness Benefit. One as it appeared on the INSS website, and another version rewritten in Plain Language – assessing comprehension in each condition. The Plain Language version scored a higher number of correct answers on first reading, prompted fewer re-readings of the text, and required less time to complete the comprehension test. The experiment also assessed the user-experience of government texts and websites: it was the same for the majority of participants. Information on government websites and apps is confusing and difficult to understand, and there is little concern about making things easier for users, who instead prefer to search for information on independent websites.


Shoemaker, Kurt A. 22 April 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Theoretical Implications of the Beachy Amish-Mennonites

Anderson, Cory Alexander 05 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Physical and Hydrologic Responses of an Intensively Managed Loblolly Pine Plantation to Forest Harvesting and Site Preparation

Miwa, Masato 30 September 1999 (has links)
The Southeastern Lower Coastal Plain wet pine flats include thousands of acres of jurisdictional wetlands that are economically, socially, and environmentally important. These highly productive forests have been intensively managed as pine plantations for the past few decades. More recently, harvesting and site preparation practices have become a concern among natural resource managers because intensive forestry practices may alter soil physical properties and site hydrology. These alterations could decrease seedling survival, growth, and future site productivity. However, the effects of soil disturbance on long-term site productivity and the effects of amelioration techniques on site hydrology are uncertain. The overall objectives of this study were (1) to characterize disturbed forest soil morphology and physical properties, (2) to assess their impact on the processes that control site hydrology and site productivity, (3) to determine effects of harvesting and site preparation on site hydrology, specifically on the overall hydrological balance and on spatial and temporal patterns of surface water storage. The study site is located in an intensively managed loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantation in the lower coastal plain of South Carolina. This study was established in winter 1991, and dry- and wet-weather harvesting treatments were installed in summer 1993 and winter 1994, respectively. Bedding and mole channel/bedding treatments were installed in both dry- and wet-harvested plots in fall 1995. Soil profiles were described for a recently disturbed, deeply-rutted area, and 2-year-old deeply-rutted and churned areas, bedded and undisturbed areas. Intact soil core samples and composite loose soil samples were collected from each morphological section for soil physical characterizations. Automated weather station and wells were used to collect continuous climatic and surface water level data since 1996. Surface water levels were monitored monthly on a 20 x 20 m grid of 1-m wells since 1992. Total groundwater heads were determined from differential piezometer measurements at high and low elevation places in each treatment plot. Soil profile descriptions and soil physical property measurements indicated that significant amounts of organic debris were incorporated into the surface horizons, and subsurface soil horizons showed significant soil structural changes and increased redoximorphic features caused by soil disturbance. The disturbed soil layers in recently created traffic ruts consisted of exposed and severely disturbed subsurface soils, but this layer was naturally ameliorated 2 years after the disturbance. Bedding site preparation had little amelioration effects on the physical properties of surface soil horizons because the surface horizons already had some incorporation of organic debris. Overall, the main consequence of bedding in a disturbed wet site was to increase the aerated soil volume. The bedding appeared to have little effect on disturbed subsurface horizons. Groundwater head in the study site was constantly higher than -25 cm during the study period, which caused groundwater inflow when the surface water level was low. Frequent fluctuation of the surface water level and constant water supply from the groundwater probably explain the high productivity of the study site. Results of the annual water balance showed that surface soil water storage changes were very small, and annual precipitation and potential evapotranspiration were approximately equal. Silvicultural practices and minor topography on the study site had significant effects on the water balance because they influenced surface water level. Surface water hydraulic gradient evaluation and multivariate cluster analysis indicated that micro-site hydrology and water flow patterns were significantly altered by wet-weather harvesting and bedding site preparation, but overall site hydrology was not altered. Evaluation of predicted surface water level indicated that micro-topography and precipitation patterns had significant influences on surface water levels during the site establishment period. These results revealed that the hydrologic components of wetland delineation are complex in the wet pine flatwoods. / Ph. D.

Fracture Characteristics Of Self Consolidating Concrete

Naddaf, Hamid Eskandari 07 1900 (has links)
Self-consolidating concrete (SCC) has wide use for placement in congested reinforced concrete structures in recent years. SCC represents one of the most outstanding advances in concrete technology during the last two decades. In the current work a great deal of cognizance pertaining to mechanical properties of SCC and comparison of fracture characteristics of notched and unnotched beams of plain concrete as well as using acoustic emission to understand the localization of crack patterns at different stages has been done. An artificial neural network (ANN) is proposed to predict the 28day compressive strength of a normal and high strength of SCC and HPC with high volume fly ash. The ANN is trained by the data available in literature on normal volume fly ash because data on SCC with high volume fly ash is not available in sufficient quantity. Fracture characteristics of notched and unnotched beams of plain self consolidating concrete using acoustic emission to understand the localization of crack patterns at different stages has been done. Considering this as a platform, further analysis has been done using moment tensor analysis as a new notion to evaluate fracture characteristics in terms of crack orientation, direction of crack propagation at nano and micro levels. Analysis of B-value (b-value based on energy) is also carried out, and this has introduced to a new idea of carrying out the analysis on the basis of energy which gives a clear picture of results when compared with the analysis carried out using amplitudes. Further a new concept is introduced to analyze crack smaller than micro (could be hepto cracks) in solid materials. Each crack formation corresponds to an AE event and is processed and analyzed for crack orientation, crack volume at hepto and micro levels using moment tensor analysis based on energy. Cracks which are tinier than microcracks (could be hepto), are formed in large numbers at very early stages of loading prior to peak load. The volume of hepto and micro cracks is difficult to measure physically, but could be characterized using AE data in moment tensor analysis based on energy. It is conjectured that the ratio of the volume of hepto to that of micro could reach a critical value which could be an indicator of onset of microcracks after the formation of hepto cracks.

A vegetation classification and description of five wetland sysems and their respective zones on the Maputuland Coastal Plain

Pretorius, Mathilde Luïse 14 May 2013 (has links)
The Maputaland Coastal Plain in Kwa Zulu-Natal is covered by aeolian sands . According to the national wetland delineation manual delineating wetlands in this area is complex due to problematic wetland soils. The aim of this study was to classify and describe the vegetation of the different zones of the wetland systems to determine the main drivers of the plant communities. The understanding of these complex ecosystems could assist in wetland delineation. Twenty wetlands from five wetland systems were surveyed. The vegetation zones of each wetland were sampled and basic environmental data were collected. The results from this study indicate that different plant species assemblages are characteristic for the wetland zones. However, zone delineation using vegetation composition varies between the different wetland systems, and should be evaluated according to the system in question. The major determinants of the vegetation communities in wetlands on the MCP are the substrate type and hydrological regime / Environmental Sciences / M.Sc. (Environmental Management)

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