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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Planning for multiculturalism: a comparison of approaches in two metro-Atlanta cities

Pienta, Alison Jo 27 August 2012 (has links)
Over the past two decades, the Atlanta metropolitan region has seen a large increase in its immigrant population, particularly in the city's northern suburbs situated in Gwinnett County around the famously multi-ethnic Buford Highway corridor. The suburbs of Norcross and Duluth have experienced a particularly large influx of immigrants from Asia and Central and South America. Once predominantly white bedroom communities, the cities' racial and ethnic make-up are now heavily defined by their Asian and Hispanic populations. Many residents and business owners are foreign-born or second-generation immigrants, and the number is growing. Despite this significant demographic shift, little attention has been paid to how multiculturalism fits into the planning process and how they are affected by local planning procedures and priorities. The cultural and linguistic divides found in Atlanta's continuously-diversifying social landscape remain largely unexplored and unaddressed in conventional planning practices. This research looks at demographic data and planning initiatives in Gwinnett County, and the cities of Duluth and Norcross in particular, to determine the extent that Asian and Hispanic populations are represented and involved in the planning process. An examination of public participation and community involvement in issues relating to land use, housing, and transportation is used to assess the degree of inclusion in planning and measure the extent to which increased cultural diversity is addressed in the region and in the two cities. I will argue that if the Asian and Hispanic populations are not engaged in planning processes and if their needs are not accounted for in city plans, there could be a resulting negative impact on those populations and the city in which they live.

A Study of Using the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior on the Adoption of e-Dealer Management System in Motorcycle Business

LIN, CHEN-SHENG 26 July 2006 (has links)
Today¡¦s motorcycle business has come to the saturation point in the market of Tawian; consequently, the major motorcycle companies recently competed with each other in building the DMS (Dealer Management System) by using the e-solutions. Through the deployment of an e-DMS (e-solutions of Dealer Management System) for shops of motorcycle, the manufacturers hope that all the channels could be more competitive. The purpose of this research is to explore the influence factors concerning the adoption of e-DMS of motorcycle¡¦s shops. After the studies of literature and empiric, the research is based on ¡§Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior¡¨ (Taylor and Todd, 1995b) to establish the research model.This resrerch suveryed 250 samples of motorcycle¡¦s shops for study cases The result of the research indicated that factors influenced the adoption of e-DMS for motorcycle shops as follows: (1).¡§Behavioral Intention¡¨ was principally influenced by ¡§Attitude¡¨ and ¡§Perceived Behavioral Control¡¨. The later was less important than the former. ¡§Subject Norms¡¨ showed no obvious influence. (2).¡§Attitude¡¨ was mainly influenced by ¡§Perceived Usefulness¡¨, ¡§Perceived Ease of Use¡¨ and ¡§Compatibility¡¨. The first two factors were more important than the last one. (3).¡§Perceived Behavioral Control¡¨ was chiefly influenced by ¡§Self-efficacy¡¨ and ¡§Technology Facilitating Conditions¡¨. The later was less essential than the former. ¡§Resource Facilitating Conditions¡¨ showed no apparent influence. In the end, this research checks explanation by using three acceptance models, TAM (Davis, 1989), TPB (Ajzen, 1985) and D-TPB (Taylor and Todd, 1995b) to evaluate. All the explanations were nearly close. Because D-TPB considered the contruct of society psychology, it shows better explanation than the others.

"Bridging Ages": rejuvenating the North PointEstate

施俊雅, Sze, Chun-nga, Angela. January 2001 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Architecture / Master / Master of Architecture

Decline and regeneration : policy responses to processes of change in post-WWII urban neighbourhoods /

Beckhoven, Ellen van, January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Utrecht University, 2006. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references.


Mirsch, Eva January 2018 (has links)
Egenanställning är en anställningsform som växer mycket snabbt. Under senare år har det börjat komma rapporter och debattartiklar om nya former för att organisera arbetslivet och möjliga konsekvenser av egenanställning när det gäller regelverk och anställningstrygghet. Med egenanställda menas personer som utför arbete på uppdrag och inte själva har något företag. De är i stället anställda av ett egenanställningsföretag som ansvarar för fakturering mot kunden/ uppdragsgivaren. Utifrån dessa förändringar är det intressant att se vilka konsekvenser det får för individen och vilka färdigheter som krävs i rollen som arbetstagare för att kunna hantera nya förväntningar och krav. I förlängningen är det också intressant att se vilket stöd arbetssökande kan få i att utveckla nya färdigheter på en arbetsmarknad som innebär en förskjutning från anställningstrygghet till anställningsbarhet och om vägledare och rådgivare inom arbetsmarknadsområdet bör eller ens kan rekommendera egenanställning som ett alternativ oavsett den arbetssökandes färdigheter. Denna studie utgår från ett individperspektiv och vänder sig främst till vägledare inom arbetsförmedling och vuxenutbildning samt till rådgivare och karriärcoacher inom Trygghetsråden. Förhoppningen är att studien ska kunna hjälpa till i vägledningsarbetet och fungera som en pusselbit inför individers kommande karriärbeslut. Studien baseras på Planned Happenstance-teorin. Valet av teoretisk utgångspunkt har gjorts utifrån att teorin ligger väl i linje med förskjutningen på arbetsmarknaden och den nya gig-ekonomin, där individen förväntas ta ansvar fullt ut för den egna utvecklingen och ställer krav på initiativförmåga och att vara självgående. För studien har en kvalitativ metod tillämpats. Sju personer har valts ut, de representerar organisationer i olika branscher, olika typer av organisationer samt har olika roller. Gemensamt är att det är organisationer som på olika sätt uppmuntrar, stöttar eller vägleder individer i en karriärvägledningsprocess. De intervjuade personerna arbetar i egenanställningsföretaget Frilans Finans, Fackförbundet Unionen, Trygghetsråden TRR, TSN och TRS, Arbetsförmedlingen och Verto Konsult AB. Resultaten i studien visar att det är relativt ovanligt att arbetslösa använder egenanställning som en plattform för att komma in på arbetsmarknaden. De specifika kompetenser som krävs är främst att vara självständig, driven, gilla försäljning, vara flexibel, våga ta risker, relationskompetens och specialistkompetens. Flera av dessa färdigheter stämmer överens med de färdigheter som karriärteorin Planned Happenstance menar är viktiga. Studien visar vidare att karriärvägledare bör stämma av att personer som överväger egenanställning har en tydlig affärsidé och att de gjort en ordentlig marknadsundersökning av den tjänst eller produkt man ska sälja samt har koll på de ekonomiska förutsättningarna. Stöd genom utbildningsinsatser för att öka den digitala kompetensen och kurser i lagar och avtal är också något som respondenterna lyfter fram, samt rådgivning när man är igång, inte bara inför uppstarten. Tillgång till nätverk och att kunna bolla med andra är också förslag på stödinsatser. / Self-employment is an employment form that is growing rapidly. In recent years, reports and debate articles are coming up about new forms of organizing work-life and possible consequences of self- employment in terms of regulations and employment security. Self-employed means people who perform work on assignments and not have a company themselves. Instead, they are employed by a self-employment company which is responsible for billing against the customer / client. Based on these changes, it is interesting to see what consequences it has for the individual and which skills are required in the role of the employee in order to handle new expectations and demands. In the long run, it is also interesting to see which support jobseekers can get in developing new skills in a labor market, which involves shifting from job security to employability and if counsellors and advisors in the labor market sector should or even can recommend self-employment as an option regardless of the job applicant's skills. This study is based on an individual perspective and is primarily addressed to counsellors in employment service and adult education, as well as advisors and career coaches within the job security councils - Trygghetsråden. The hope is that the study should be able to assist in the work of guiding and as a piece of puzzle for individuals' future career decisions. The study link to the Planned Happenstance theory. The choice of theory has been based on the fact that the theory is well in line with the shift in the labour market and the new gig economy, where the individual is expected to take full responsibility for his / her own development, claiming initiative and being self-governing. For the study a qualitative method has been applied. Seven people have been selected, they represent organizations in different industries, different types of organizations and have different roles. Commonly, they are organizations that encourage, support or guide individuals in a career-counselling process. The interviewees work in the self-employment company Frilans Finans, The labour union Unionen, the job security councils TRR (outplacement and job security services for private companies and employees), TSN (The Job Security Foundation, job security services for government employees) and TRS, Arbetsförmedlingen (The Swedish Public Employment Service) and Verto Konsult AB. The results in the study show that it is relatively unusual for unemployed to use self-employment as a platform for entering the labour market. The specific skills required are primarily independent, driven, like sales, flexible, dare to take risks, relation competencies and specialist skills. Several of these skills are consistent with the skills that the career theory Planned Happenstance means are important. Further, the study shows that career counsellors should argue that people who consider self- employment have a clear business idea and that they have done a proper market research of the service or product to sell, as well as the financial conditions. Support through training efforts to increase digital skills and courses in laws and agreements is also something that respondents highlight, as well as counselling at the start, not just before the start-up. Access to networks and being able to chat with others are also suggestions for support efforts.

“En klapp på rumpan istället för en klapp på axeln” : En enkätstudie om arbetstagares upplevelser av sexuella trakasserier inom hotell- och restaurangbranschen

Johansson, Amanda, Bäckström, Jessica January 2021 (has links)
I Sverige är hotell- och restaurangbranschen den bransch där flest anställda utsätts för sexuella trakasserier på arbetsplatsen, där en sexistisk och hård jargong är en betydande faktor. Studiens övergripande syfte är att undersöka hur arbetstagare inom branschen upplever sexuella trakasserier, arbetsgivarens arbete mot detta samt vad som påverkar beslutet att anmäla. För att undersöka detta skickades en webbenkät till arbetsgivare som delade enkäten med sina arbetstagare samt delades på en Facebookgrupp för anställda inom hotell- och restaurangbranschen. Den besvarades av totalt 79 personer, med tämligen jämn könsfördelning. Resultatet visade att 64% av deltagarna har utsatts för sexuella trakasserier på sin arbetsplats samt att kvinnor är signifikant mer utsatta än männen. Deltagare vittnade om att de blivit utsatta för sexuella trakasserier fysiskt, verbalt och icke-verbalt från kunder, kollegor och chefer. Resultatet visade även att upplevelsen av att känna stöd från arbetsgivaren kan predicera en upplevd meningsfullhet att anmäla sexuella trakasserier. Studien ger en bild av en bransch vars arbete mot sexuella trakasserier bör förbättras och stärkas. / The hotel and restaurant industry in Sweden has the highest relative number of sexual harassments occur at the workplace. The harsh, and often sexual, jargon has been identified as a significant contributing factor. The overall purpose of the study is to investigate how employees within the industry are experiencing sexual harassment, how organizations work to counteract sexual harassment and the employee’s decision to report. To investigate this aweb-based questionnaire was sent to employers who distributed it to their employees, andthrough a Facebook group for employees working in the hotel and restaurant industry. The questionnaire was answered by 79 employees, with a gender distribution that was approximately even. The results show that 64.4% of the participants state that they have been subjects of sexual harassment in their workplace. Furthermore, there is a significant difference between women and men, where women are victimized to a larger extent than men. Participants testify that they have been subject to physical, verbal, and non-verbal harassment by customers, colleagues, and managers. The results show that the feeling of support from the employer can predict whether the employee finds it meaningful to report sexual harassment. Moreover, the report indicates that the industry should improve and strengthen its ongoing efforts against sexual harassment.

Návrh dlouhodobého finančního plánu / Proposal of a Long-Term Financial Plan

Dvořáková, Martina January 2016 (has links)
The main goal of this Diploma thesis is compiling of longterm financial plan for chosen company. This issue is dedicated theese chapters. In theoretical basis is listed theoretical part of financial planning. In analysis of issue and present financial situation is set a few chosen instruments of financial analysis, which evaluate present financial situation of company, Strategic analysis of company will focus on the current situation and the company's potential The last part is custom design solution where is processed longterm financial plan through planning of statements, which is then subjected to a check of financial analysis.

Grön Köpintention under en Kris : En kvantitativ undersökning om konsumenter bosatta i Sverige under pågående Covid-19 kris / Green purchase intention during a crisis : A quantitative study on consumers living in Sweden during the Covid-19 crisis

Facca, Jessica, Persson, Linn, Rosendahl, Madeleine January 2021 (has links)
Frågeställning: I vilken utsträckning finns det samband mellan konsumenter bosatta i Sverige och deras Gröna Köpintention under en pågående kris? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka konsumenter bosatta i Sverige och deras Gröna Köpintention gentemot livsmedel under en pågående kris. Detta för att klargöra och analysera, samt ge en ökad förståelse kring ämnet. Metod: En kvantitativ ansats med tvärsnittsdesign har använts för studien. Webbaserade enkäter användes för insamling av primärdata. För att öka arbetets validitet har enkätfrågorna tagits från tidigare forskning. Vidare genomfördes en pilotundersökning före publicering av enkäten. Det totala urvalet inkluderade 354 respondenter varav 6 bortfall. Slutsats: Studien visade att det fanns ett samband mellan svenska konsumenter och deras Gröna Köpintention under en pågående kris. Det framkom att Sociodemografiska egenskaper inte hade något samband med Grön Köpintention i en krissituation, med undantag för kön. Däremot fanns det ett samband mellan Attityd mot Beteendet, Subjektiv Norm och Upplevd Beteendekontroll mot Grön Köpintention under en kris. Respondenterna visade en positiv attityd gentemot Grön Köpintention vilket kan grundas i en uppåtgående trend gentemot en hållbar livsstil före krisen och en ökning av Gröna alternativ i butiker. Vidare kan krisen även ha gett konsumenter utrymme för att se över sina vanor och därav deras Gröna Intentioner. / Research question: To what extent is there a correlation between consumers living in Sweden and their green purchase intention during an ongoing crisis? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine consumers living in Sweden and their green purchase intention during an ongoing crisis. This to clarify and analyze the subject as well as contribute with further knowledge. Method: A quantitive approach with a cross-sectional design has been used for this study. Web-based surveys were used to collect the primary data. To increase the validity of this study, the survey questions were formed after previous research. Furthermore, a pilot-study was conducted prior to the publication of the survey. The total sample-size included 354 respondents, of which 6 were not in the criteria-range. Conclusion: The study showed that there was a correlation between Swedish consumers and their green purchase intention during an ongoing crisis. It emerged that socio-demographic attributes did not correlate with green purchase intention, with the exception of gender. However, there was a correlation between attitude towards behavior, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control towards green purchase intention during an ongoing crisis. The respondents showed a positive attitude towards green purchase intention, which can be based on an upward trend towards a sustainable lifestyle that has emerged prior to the crisis and an increase in green alternatives in stores. Furthermore, the crisis may also have given consumers space to review their habits and therefore their green intentions.

Understanding the Digital Future : Applying the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour to the Generation Y's Online Fashion Purchase Intention while Creating and Using a Customised Avatar

Lancere de Kam, Eva, Diefenbach, Jacqueline January 2020 (has links)
Abstract Purpose - The purpose of this master thesis is to research the Generation Y’s online purchase intention for fashion items while creating and using a customised avatar. Overall, the objective is to create a better understanding of this technology’s potential, formulate managerial implications for fashion businesses and strengthen business viability. Design/Methodology/Approach - The research approach of this study is deductive, whereby hypotheses derive from the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behaviour. After secondary data is reviewed, a single quantitative data collection is applied, thus following a mono-method. This primary data is gathered virtually through a self-administered online questionnaire. A total number of 205 qualified responses from the Generation Y are statistically analysed using a structural equation modelling. This descriptive research design is chosen to conduct the relationships between the latent variables and the behavioural intention. Findings - The empirical findings reveal, that the attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioural control significantly and positively influence the Generation Y’s online purchase intention to create and use a customised avatar. While the attitude, with the behavioural belief of perceived usefulness specifically, shows the strongest influence on the behavioural intention, the research sample also sees a fit to all technology facilitating conditions, affecting the perceived behavioural control. In comparison to this, the subjective norm influences the behavioural intention in a weaker manner, whereby the research sample is influenced more by external than interpersonal factors. Implications - To enlarge the Generation Y’s online fashion purchase intention while creating and using a customised avatar, fashion marketers are advised to highlight and improve the usefulness of the technology. Fashion businesses are recommended to implement interactive digital platforms, by employing influencer marketing, in order to endorse and promote the brand awareness in regard to the technology. Originality/Value - This master thesis addresses the online purchase intention for fashion items while creating and using a customised avatar from a commercial perspective. Where prior literature findings lack the link to managerial implications, this study examines the Generation Y’s behavioural intention towards this technology. The Generation Y has an immense and increasing purchasing power, which is accompanied with technical skills, thus making them crucial for the market success of online fashion businesses. Therefore, the authors examine the technology's commercial potential and encompass the whole fashion industry.

The perception of Chinese electric cars : A quantitative study of Norwegian car owners behavioral intentions of purchasing Chinese electric cars

Mattsson, Viktor, Stephanson, Erik January 2022 (has links)
In a time where environmental issues have become an important topic on the political agenda, car companies have begun transitioning from fossil-fueled vehicles to battery-driven electric vehicles. In this transition, multiple Chinese electric car manufacturers have emerged on the European car market. The purpose with this study has been to investigate Norwegian consumers' perception of Chinese electric car manufacturers. Empirical data was gathered through a self-completion questionnaire that was sent out to Norwegian electric car-related forums and Facebook groups. The results showed that Norwegians had a positive attitude towards electric cars and large intentions of purchasing one. This did not correlate with their attitude and intention of purchasing a Chinese electric car. A contributor to the Norwegians’ negative effect on Chinese electric cars consisted of the individuals’ political views of China. Lastly, it was seen that social norms and perceived behavioral control cannot be considered predictors of the intention. / I en tid där miljöfrågor har blivit ett viktigt ämne på den politiska agendan har bilföretagen påbörjat en övergång från fossildrivna fordon till batteridrivna elfordon. I denna övergång har flera kinesiska elbilstillverkare dykt upp på den europeiska bilmarknaden. Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka norska konsumenters uppfattning om kinesiska elbilstillverkare. Empirisk data samlades in genom ett självfyllande frågeformulär som skickades ut till norska elbilsrelaterade forum och Facebook-grupper. Resultaten visade att norrmän hade en positiv inställning mot elbilar och hade stora avsikter att köpa en. Det här korrelerade inte med deras inställning och avsikt om att köpa en kinesisk elbil. En stor bidragande faktor till norrmännens negativa effekt på kinesiska elbilar var individernas politiska syn på Kina. Slutligen uppmärksammades det att sociala normer och upplevd beteendekontroll inte kan betraktas som prediktorer för deras avsikt.

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