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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Manejo da vegetação intercalar para obtenção de cobertura morta na cultura do abacateiro visando minimizar os danos causados por Phytophthora cinnamomi / Inter-row vegetation management for mulching avocados to minimize negative effects of Phytophthora cinnamomi

Santos, Nardélio Teixeira dos 18 February 2014 (has links)
Apesar das excelentes condições edafoclimáticas para a produção de abacates no Brasil, a cultura encontra limitações relacionadas à baixa produtividade e suscetibilidade à podridão da raiz causada por Phytophthora cinnamomi, a principal doença da cultura nas distintas regiões produtoras. A aplicação de coberturas naturais ao solo é uma das estratégias que visa o controle desta doença, e entre seus benefícios estão a maior disponibilidade de água e nutrientes, menor competição das plantas daninhas, melhoria da estrutura, porosidade e fertilidade do solo e melhor aspecto sanitário das plantas, por favorecer a formação de um ambiente supressivo ao desenvolvimento do patógeno, pelo aumento do sistema radicular e da população de microorganismos antagônicos. Todos estes benefícios das coberturas naturais, junto ao aporte de nutrientes após sua incorporação, favorecem indiretamente a produção e o crescimento dos frutos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar distintos manejos da vegetação intercalar em abacateiros \'Hass\' visando à obtenção de coberturas naturais que, aplicadas ao solo, permitam minimizar a incidência da podridão radicular, promovendo melhorias no estado sanitário das plantas e na produção. Entre 2011 e 2013 foram avaliados cinco tratamentos: T1: ausência de vegetação intercalar, sem aplicação de cobertura morta sob a copa das plantas; T2: ausência de vegetação intercalar e duas aplicações externas de cobertura morta sob a copa; T3: duas deposições de cobertura morta sob a copa, obtida pelo corte da vegetação intercalar com roçadeira enleiradora lateral (REL); T4: três deposições de cobertura morta sob a copa, obtida pelo corte da vegetação intercalar com REL, e T5: manutenção da vegetação intercalar com três cortes anuais utilizando roçadeira convencional, sem deposição de cobertura morta sob a copa. O delineamento estatístico foi em blocos aleatorizados, com 6 repetições e 3 plantas úteis por parcela, nas quais foram avaliados: os teores de macronutrientes e micronutrientes em folhas e no solo; desenvolvimento vegetativo e radicular, produção de frutos, aspecto visual das plantas, massa seca da vegetação intercalar, espessura da cobertura morta e características químicas e microbiológicas do solo. A aplicação de coberturas vegetais resultou em um maior crescimento das plantas e maior tamanho dos frutos, sem efeito significativo sobre a produção. A deposição de cobertura morta obtida com REL favoreceu o desenvolvimento das raízes na camada superficial do solo. No entanto, os tratamentos não influenciaram significativamente o aspecto visual sanitário das plantas, nem os teores de macronutrientes e micronutrientes nas folhas e no solo. O manejo da vegetação intercalar com roçadeira convencional resultou em maior volume de massa seca, já o manejo desta com dois ou três cortes anuais utilizando REL depositou uma quantidade similar de cobertura morta sob a copa, que foi inferior à depositada pela aplicação externa de cobertura (T2). Todos os tratamentos com deposição de cobertura vegetal suprimiram o desenvolvimento de plantas daninhas sob a copa. No tratamento sem aplicação de cobertura morta e sem vegetação intercalar, houve aumento na população de P. cinnamomi no solo. Comparativamente, no período de dois anos, não foram observadas diferenças na população de actinomicetos no solo dos distintos tratamentos. / Despite the excellent soil and climatic conditions for avocado production in Brazil, the culture has limitations related to low productivity and susceptibility to avocado root rot caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi, the main crop disease in all producing areas. Mulching is one of the strategies utilized for controlling this disease, with several benefits such as an improved soil water and nutrients availability for roots, reduced weed competition, improved soil structure, porosity and fertility and enhanced plant health condition, due to the creation of a suppressive environment for the development of the pathogen, by increasing root density and the population of antagonistic microorganisms. All these benefits of natural mulches, together with the supply of nutrients and assimilates after their incorporation to the soil, indirectly enhance fruit yield and size. The aim of this work was to evaluate different managements of inter-row vegetation in an adult \'Hass\' avocado orchard in order to obtain mulches which, after being applied to the soil, will allow reducing root rot incidence, thus promoting improvement of plant sanitary condition, with positive effects on fruit yield. From 2011 through 2013, five treatments were evaluated: T1: absence of inter-row vegetation, without mulch application under the canopy; T2: absence of inter-row vegetation and two applications of external mulch under the canopy: T3: two mulch depositions under the canopy obtained after cutting off the inter-row vegetation with a lateral alignment mower (LAM); T4: three mulch depositions under the canopy obtained after cutting off the inter-row vegetation with a LAM, and T5: maintenance of natural inter-row vegetation with three annual cuttings using a conventional mower, without mulch deposition under the canopy. The experiment was conducted in randomized blocks, with 6 repetitions and 3 plants per plot, on which the following variables were measured: levels of macro and micronutrients in leaves and soil; root and plant size development; fruit yield and size; plant sanitary condition visually assessed with a 10-note scale; biomass of inter-row vegetation; mulch thickness and chemical and microbiological soil characteristics. Mulching resulted in larger plant growth and fruit size, with no significant effects on fruit yield. Application of mulch obtained with a LAM enhanced root growth in the surface soil layer. Nonetheless, the treatments did not significantly affect nor the plant sanitary aspect, neither the leaf or soil levels of macro and micronutrients. Management of inter-row vegetation with a conventional mower resulted in larger biomass development, while managing inter-row vegetation with two or three cuttings with LAM per year resulted in similar amounts of mulch laid down under the canopy, yet less than with the application of external mulch (T2). All the treatments with mulch deposition suppressed weed growth under the canopy. In the treatment with no mulch and no inter-row cropping, a larger population of P. cinnamomi was recorded. There were no differences in the Actinomycetes soil population among treatments.

Estudos funcionais e estruturais de pectinases e xilanases com potencial para aplicações biotecnológicas / Functional and structural studies of pectinases and xylanases with potential for biotechnological applications

Danilo Elton Evangelista 31 October 2017 (has links)
O uso desenfreado dos recursos naturais durante as últimas décadas têm impactado drasticamente o meio ambiente, direcionando a humanidade a investir no desenvolvimento de tecnologias para produção sustentável e ecológica de novas fontes de energia renovável e de produtos verdes. Nesse âmbito, o uso de resíduos derivados da biomassa vegetal tem sido apresentado como uma promissora alternativa à substituição de combustíveis, componentes químicos e polímeros de origem fóssil. Esse material é barato, abundante e não compete direta ou indiretamente com a segurança alimentar. Hoje, mais de 200 compostos químicos e biopolímeros de valor agregado podem ser obtidos a partir do processamento de material lignocelulósico. Todavia, essa tecnologia ainda não é plenamente desenvolvida, afetando sua competitividade econômica, sendo que o maior custo atribui-se à despolimerização enzimática dos polissacarídeos que formam a parede celular vegetal (PCV). Essa etapa requer preparados enzimáticos compostos por diversas enzimas, que agem sinergicamente sobre a complexa estrutura da PCV. Dentre essas enzimas, as pectinases e xilanases desempenham um importante papel na desconstrução dos polímeros pécticos e da hemicelulose. O presente trabalho objetivou o estudo funcional e estrutural de diferentes classes de pectinases e xilanases com potencial biotecnológico, no intuito de contribuir para o desenvolvimento pleno da despolimerização enzimática da PCV. Dentro dessa perspectiva, foram estudadas: uma pectina metilesterase (Sl-PME) e uma endo-poligalacturonase (Sl-EndoPG) do inseto Sphenophorus levis; uma exo-poligalacturonase (Bl-ExoPG) de Bacillus licheniformis; uma xilanase GH10 (MT-Xyn10) e duas GH11 (MT-Xyn11a e MT-Xyn11b) identificadas no metatranscriptoma de um consórcio microbiótico derivado de compostagem de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar. A estrutura cristalográfica da Sl-PME evidenciou alta semelhança com outra PME de inseto. Também foi concluído que as PMEs de inseto são mais similares às bacterianas, quando comparadas às fúngicas e vegetais, principalmente em relação ao sulco catalítico. Além disso, PMEs de inseto, exclusivamente, apresentam uma permutação circular, possívelmente realcionada a um evento de transferência horizontal. A Bl-ExoPG apresentou-se monomérica em solução, com atividade ótima em pH neutro a 60°C, sendo estável em uma ampla faixa de pH (5-10) e com considerável termoestabilidade em elevadas temperaturas. Essa enzima, também, apresentou especificidade por pectina não-metilada, liberando unicamente monômeros de ácido galacturônico. As três xilanases estudadas apresentaram-se monoméricas em solução, com maior atividade entre 30 e 45°C e pHs de 6 a 9, retendo atividade acima de 50% nos pHs 5 e 10. Além disso, todas elas apresentam especificidade por xilano, sendo que a MT-Xyn10 apresentou, também, alta atividade sobre arabinoxilano. A MT-Xyn10 apresentou um conjunto de propriedades enzimáticas bastante atrativas às aplicações industriais, uma vez que é altamente estável em uma ampla faixa de pH (4-10), termoestável em temperaturas de até 50°C e sua ação catalítica produz diversos xilo-oligossacarídeos de alto valor agregado. A análise da estrutura cristalográfica da MT-Xyn11a revela três particularidades estruturais, compartilhadas com a MT-Xyn11b, mas não descritas para outras GH11. Dentre essas particularidades, um loop parece limitar o acesso do substrato ao sítio catalítico, contribuindo diretamente para a baixa afinidade ao substrato apresentada por essas duas enzimas. / Decades of unbridled use of natural resources have drastically affected the global environment, driving humanity to invest in the development of novel technologies for production of sustainable and ecofriendly renewable energy sources and green products. In this context, plant biomass residues have been presented as a promising alternative to fuels, chemicals and polymers derived from fossil reserves. This feedstock is abundant, cheap and does not compete directly or indirectly with food security. Today, more than 200 value-added chemicals and biopolymers can be generated by processing lignocellulosic material. However, this technology is not fully developed yet; its major costs stem from the enzymatic depolymerization of the polysaccharides that constitute the plant cell wall (PCW). This step requires enzymatic cocktails composed of several enzymes that synergistically deconstruct the complex PCW. Among these enzymes, pectinases and xylanases play an important role in the depolymerization of pectic polymers and hemicellulose. The present work is a functional and structural study of different classes of pectinase and xylanases with biotechnological potential. It intends to contribute to the full development of PCW enzymatic depolymerization. With this perspective, we studied a pectin methylesterase (Sl-PME) and an endo-polygalacturonase (Sl-EndoPG) from the insect Sphenophorus levis; an exo-polygalacturonase (Bl-ExoPG) from Bacillus licheniformis; a GH10 xylanase (MT-Xyn10); and two GH11 xylanases (MT-Xyn11a and MT-Xyn11b) from the metatranscriptome of sugarcane bagasse compost-derived microbial consortia. The Sl-PME crystallographic structure showed high similarity with other insect PME. It was also concluded that insect PMEs are more similar to bacterial PMEs than fungi or plant PMEs, especially in relation to the catalytic groove. Moreover, insect PMEs exclusively presented a circular permutation that is possibly related to an event of horizontal gene transfer. Bl-ExoPG is monomeric in solution, with optimal activity on neutral pH and 60°C, being stable in a wide pH range (5-10) and with considerable thermostability at high temperatures. This enzyme, also presented specificity for non-methylated pectin substrates, releasing only monomers of galacturonic acid as catalytic product. All three xylanases studied here are monomeric in solution, with optimal activity between 30°C and 45°C and between pHs 6 and 9, retaining more than 50% of original activity in the pHs 5 and 10. Besides, they all showed specificity for xylan, and MT-Xyn10 also showed high activity on arabinoxylan. MT-Xyn10 revealed a set of enzymatic properties attractive for industrial applications, such as high stability in a wide pH range (4-10), thermostability up to 50°C and released products that are high value-added xilo-oligosaccharides. The MT-Xyn11a crystallographic structure revealed three structural particularities shared with MT-Xyn11b, but not previously described in other GH11. Among these particularities, a loop seems to limit the substrate access to the catalytic site, contributing to the low enzyme affinity presented by both MT-Xyn11a and MT-Xyn11b.

Potential of improvement of acid soils fertility by incorporation of natural fresh plant biomass combined with travertine in Rwanda/Potentiel damélioration de la fertilité des sols acides par lapport de biomasses végétales naturelles fraîches combinées à du travertin au Rwanda

Ruganzu, Vicky 10 December 2009 (has links)
Résumé La plupart des régions équatoriales humides, dont fait partie le Rwanda, sont caractérisées par une altération avancée des roches, des températures relativement élevées, de fortes intensités des pluies qui se traduisent par des phénomènes de ruissellement et dérosion accompagnées par la lixiviation déléments nutritifs avec pour corollaires lacidification et la réduction de la fertilité des sols. Lun des moyens daméliorer la fertilité passe par la mise en uvre de techniques destinées à modifier les caractéristiques défavorables du sol. Ce travail a pour objectif dévaluer les effets de lapport dans le sol de biomasses végétales fraîches collectées dans le milieu naturel, combinées avec du travertin, sur lamélioration de la fertilité et de la productivité des sols acides du Rwanda. Afin datteindre ce but, deux types dessais ont été mis en place sur le terrain au niveau du site de Rubona en moyenne altitude et de Gakuta en haute altitude. Il sagit tout dabord dun essai portant sur la mise en culture en milieu naturel de deux espèces végétales Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsley) A Gray et Tephrosia vogelii (Hook F) et lévaluation de leur production en biomasse et en quantités déléments. Lautre essai, consiste en lévaluation des caractéristiques des sols et des rendements de la culture du maïs des parcelles fertilisées avec les biomasses de ces espèces et/ou de NPK chacun combiné ou non avec du travertin. Le choix de Tithonia diversifolia a été basé sur son potentiel fertilisant et de production en biomasse tandis que celui de Tephrosia vogelii sur son utilisation dans les exploitations agricoles sous forme de haie anti-érosive. Les résultats obtenus indiquent que ces espèces ont un potentiel élevé de production en biomasse et en accumulation déléments dans leurs milieux écologiques favorables. Elles donnent des rendements de 18,7 t.ha-1.an-1 pour Tithonia diversifolia à Rubona et 11,4 t.ha-1.an-1 pour Tephrosia vogelii à Gakuta. Au terme de quatre saisons culturales dexpérimentation, les traitements avec la biomasse de Tithonia diversifolia combinée au travertin ont significativement augmenté le pH, la CECE, le Veff et réduit le taux de saturation en aluminium échangeable dans les deux sites. A Rubona, laugmentation de 0,8 unité de pH a induit un écart positif de 43,9 % et 2,9 cmolc.kg-1 de sol respectivement pour Veff et de CECE et une réduction de 60 à 11 % pour mAl. A Gakuta, ces écarts sont respectivement de 20,5 % et 4,1 cmolc.kg-1 de sol et de 20 à 0,4 % pour une amélioration de 0,7 unité de pH. Ce même traitement et celui relatif à la biomasse de Tithonia diversifolia seule ont amélioré les teneurs en Cot des sols de 0,1 à 0,5 %. Les effets des traitements sur la disponibilité du phosphore sont les plus marqués avec lengrais minéral NPK utilisé seul ou en combinaison avec le travertin. Les teneurs correspondantes ont été multipliées par 2,8 et 2,7 à Rubona et 1,3 à Gakuta à la quatrième saison. Sagissant des paramètres microbiologiques du sol (azote microbien, carbone microbien, respiration basale et respiration induite par le substrat), une amélioration sensible a été observée dans les traitements avec la biomasse de Tithonia diversifolia ou de Tephrosia vogelii en combinaison avec le travertin ou de la biomasse de Tithonia diversifolia appliquée seule. Lanalyse des échantillons de terres par la méthode de spectroscopie proche infrarouge a permis de prédire avec la meilleure précision (0,8<r2<1,0 et 2,3<RPD<5,4) la plupart des paramètres chimiques et microbiologiques pris en compte dans cette étude (pH, Cot, Nt, CEC, CECE, Nmic, Cmic, RBAS, RIS). Pour le maïs, les rendements en biomasse et en grains sont positivement influencés par le traitement avec la biomasse de Tithonia diversifolia combinée avec du travertin. Ce traitement présente une meilleure efficience agronomique. A la quatrième saison, le rendement en grain pour ce traitement a été multiplié par 4,7 et 2,8 par rapport au témoin respectivement à Rubona et à Gakuta.

Season effects on the potential biomass and sucrose accumulation of some commercial cultivars of sugarcane.

Donaldson, Robin Albert. January 2009 (has links)
An experiment was conducted at Pongola (27°24´S, 31°25´E; 308m altitude) in South Africa to study the effects of season on growth and potential biomass and sucrose yields on nine commercial sugarcane cultivars. The treatments that were the focus in this study consisted of the cultivars NCo376, N25 and N26 ratooned in March, April, May, August and December. The crops were well fertilized and kept free of weeds and diseases. Irrigation applications were scheduled with a computer programme to keep the crops free of stress at all times. Shoot populations were counted regularly to study shoot density dynamics. Leaf appearance rates, sizes, numbers and senescence were measured to study the development of green leaf area. Green foliage, dead trash and stalk mass were measured at 4, 8, 10, 11 and 12 months in each of the starting times and also at 13 months in the March, April and May ratoon crops. The fibre, sucrose and non-sucrose content of stalks were determined on these harvesting occasions. Yields were calculated in terms of individual shoots and area (m‾²). The fraction of PAR intercepted by the developing canopies was measured until full canopy and daily intercepted solar radiation was interpolated for the entire crop. An automated meteorological station adjacent to the experiment site provided daily weather data. Shoot densities were described by thermal time, however, average peak shoot densities were lowest in the May ratoon (31.8 m‾²) and highest in the December ratoon (48.7 m‾²). Shoot senescence was most rapid in August and December ratoons. At the final harvest shoot densities were highest in the March, April and May ratoon (14.8 to 14.2 m‾²) crops. NCo376 (16.4 m‾²) and N25 (13.6 m‾²) had higher final shoot densities than N26 (10.5 m‾²). Leaf appearance rate was also well described by thermal time, however the first twelve leaves took longer to appear in crops started in December i.e. the first phyllochron was longer (109.5°C d) than in crops started at other times (80.4 to 94.5°C d). Leaves produced during the early stages of December and August ratoon crops were larger (e.g leaf number 13 of N26 was 443 to 378 cm²) than in other crops. April and May ratoon crops produced much smaller leaves (e.g leaf number 9 of N26 was 170 to 105 cm²). Leaf senescence was slower in April and May ratoon crops (0.36 to 0.46 leaves per 100°C d) than in March (0.51 to 0.59 leaves per 100°C d) or August and December ratoon crops (0.60 to 0.68 leaves per 100°C d). December ratoon crops produced very high green leaf area indexes (LAI) (>7.0) at the age of four months; all other crops had lower LAI (3.3 to 6.0) and most peaked later (8 to 11 months of age). The LAI of N25 peaked at the age of 8 months while NCo376 and N26 peaked when 10 to 11 months old. Seasonal fraction of solar radiation intercepted was high in the March ratoon crops (0.84) and declined to 0.63 in the May ratoon crops and was highest in the December ratoon crop (0.88). N26 intercepted lower fractions of PAR than NCo376 and N25, particularly in the May and August ratoon crops. Biomass accumulation, although initially slow, tended to be linear in the March, April and May ratoon crops in relation to intercepted radiation. In August and particularly in the December ratoons biomass accumulation was initially rapid, and RUEs were high (2.65 g MJ‾¹ at 114 days in the December ratoon crops). However, biomass accumulation slowed when these December ratoon crops experienced winter. Low growth rates after winter, as well as low shoot densities resulted in December ratoon crops having produced significantly lower above-ground biomass yields (4 886 g m‾² at the age of 12 months) than March, April and May ratoon crops (6 760 to 5 715 gm‾² at the age of 12 months). The December ratoon crops responded poorly to the better growing conditions in spring and second summer and accumulated little biomass after winter. N26 shoots grew rapidly during the first 6-8 months of the December ratoon crop and it yielded better than NCo376 and N25 at harvesting (biomass yields were 5.8 and 13.3% higher at the age of 12 months, respectively). April ratoons produced significantly higher biomass yields (6 760 g m‾²) than March, August and December ratoons. May ratoon crops produced the highest cane fresh mass yields (18 151 g m‾²) and April, May and August ratoons produced significantly higher sucrose yields than March and December ratoons. The highest sucrose yield was produced by the April ratoon crop of N26 (2 385 g m‾²). On average, across the five ratoon dates, NCo376, N25 and N26 produced similar sucrose yields (1 902 to 1 959 g m‾²). Foliage production was severely limited during winter while sucrose accumulation was less affected by the low temperatures, resulting in accumulation of sucrose in the top sections of the culm. Low temperatures slowed the development of canopies in March, April and May ratoon crops, but these crops were able to recover their growth rates and produced high biomass and sucrose yields at the age of 12 months. The December ratoons experienced low winter temperatures (<12°C) when they had already accumulated relatively high yields and became moribund during winter. They were unable to accumulate any significant amounts of biomass during final four months before the final harvest at the age of 12 months. NCo376, N25 and N26 all yielded poorly in the December ratoon crop. However, there are cultivars that appear to be less sensitive to the low winters and are able to yield relatively well when they are ratooned in December. Sucrose yields of March, April and May ratoons were increased substantially (10.6 to 22.7%) by harvesting at the age of 13 months rather than at the age of 12 months. The poor growth of December ratoon crops after winter is possibly due to the recently revealed feedback signaling by high sugar levels induced by low temperatures on photosynthesis. The incorporation of the effects of low temperature and the feedback signaling with the objective of better simulating yields of December ratoons is a proposed study at the South African Sugarcane Research Institute. Annual mean sucrose yields of NCo376, N25 and N26 crops were estimated to be 17% higher in March than in December ratoons. The suggested short term remedy therefore of the poor December yields is to shift milling seasons to include March and exclude December harvested crops in the northern irrigated regions. March crops grow vigorously during the months close to harvesting and therefore have lower levels of sucrose content which can be corrected with chemical ripeners. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2009.

The roles of competition, disturbance and nutrients on species composition, light interception and biomass production in a South African semi-arid savanna.

Mopipi, Keletso. 14 November 2013 (has links)
Plants are the major source of food or energy required to sustain life on the planet, but humans are grappling with the deteriorating conditions of natural ecosystems such as compositional change, desertification, invasive plants and soil erosion. In the face of global climate change and growing demands for agricultural productivity, future pressures on grassland ecosystems will intensify, therefore sustainable utilization of all plant resources is of vital importance to enhance food security within the limits of good conservation. The semi-arid grasslands of southern Africa represent major grassland resources for grazing. Herbage production in these areas is determined not only by water and nutrient availability, but also by controlled and uncontrolled fires. Since fire is regarded as a natural factor in savannas, it is essential to develop a deeper understanding of the role of fire in community structure and function for the development of appropriate burning regimes. A study was conducted in the Eastern Cape of South Africa where the rural communities are faced with the challenges of rangeland degradation in the form of encroachment by unacceptable bush, karroid, macchia and less desirable grass species, as well as soil erosion. The main objective of this thesis was to investigate the roles of competition and disturbance regimes (fire and simulated non-selective grazing) on species composition, habitat productivity and the performances of selected species from this semi-arid savanna. Long-term effects of burning frequency on herbaceous species composition, Leaf Area Index (LAI), Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) within the herbaceous canopy, biomass production and soil chemical properties were investigated. These studies were conducted on a fire trial set up in 1980 at the University of Fort Hare research farm in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. The treatments comprise an annual, biennial, triennial, quadrennial, sexennial and no burn control, all replicated twice in a Complete Randomized Design. The data from the trial collected between 1980 and 2008 were used to determine compositional variation for herbaceous species using the Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling and Bray-Curtis Dissimilarity tests. The PAR ceptometer was used to determine LAI and intercepted PAR, while random samples were harvested from 1m² quadrats from each plot. Soil samples were taken at four depths (0-2 cm; 2-4 cm; 4-6 cm and 6-8 cm) from each plot and analyzed for pH, Ca, K, P, total C and total N. The Resin-Bag technique was used to determine nitrogen mineralization. Burning frequency caused significant variation in herbaceous species composition over time. The species were distributed along gradients of increasing burning frequency, and these responses were in three categories: Those that increased with burning frequency such as Themeda triandra; those that decreased with burning frequency such as Melica decumbens, and those that showed little response such as Panicum maximum. The three-year burn resulted in the highest compositional variation, light interception, Leaf Area Index, aboveground biomass production, while the annual, biennial and no burn treatments resulted in the lowest. The fact that infrequent burning resulted in higher species variation, improved habitat productivity due to increased leaf area for light interception shows that appropriate use of fire can maintain a more diverse and productive savanna system. Burning frequency had significant effects on the soil properties, while soil depth did not show any significance. Frequent burning increased soil pH, K, Ca, and Na, but reduced C, N, P and N mineralization. There was a negative correlation between burning frequency and N mineralization, but no correlation existed between N mineralization and total N, total C or the C:N ratio. These results imply that frequent burning can cause nutrient losses and a greater nutrient limitation to plants in the long-term, especially soil C and N loss from combustion of organic material in the soil top layer. The ability of shade-tolerant plants to persist under shade and regular defoliation such as in burnt and grazed systems may be of greater importance for long-term productivity and sustainability of forage crops. It is therefore imperative to explore the mechanisms by which some species were favoured by frequent burning which created low shade conditions, while others were favoured by high shade conditions where burning is infrequent or absent. A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the shade tolerances of seven grass species that were abundant in the long-term fire trial. The test species were Cymbopogon plurinodis, Digitaria eriantha, Eragrostis curvula, Melica decumbens, Panicum maximum, Sporobolus fimbriatus and Themeda triandra. Individual grass tillers of each species were collected from the natural vegetation, propagated in separate seedling trays and transplanted into individual pots, and were grown under five shading treatments: full sun (0 % shading), 55 %; 70 %; 85 % and 93 % shading respectively. Shading significantly reduced the dry matter production of all the species. Biomass production of all the species decreased linearly to varying degrees with an increase in shade intensity. Digitaria eriantha and Eragrostis curvula were most adversely affected by shading, hence are classified as shade intolerant, while Melica decumbens was the least affected by shading, and is hence classified as shade tolerant. Cymbopogon plurinodis, Panicum maximum, Sporobolus fimbriatus and Themeda triandra are classified as moderately shade-tolerant. From the results it was apparent that some species could perform optimally in partial shade than in full sunlight, and these results lead to a conclusion that for satisfactory natural regeneration and seedling growth of this savanna vegetation would require a gap large enough to provide at least 30 % of ambient light. Investigating patterns in competitive effects and responses of species in these communities may not only explain the abundance of each species, but may also provide insight into the nature of forces that affect the structure and function of that community. Since fire, herbivory and soil nutrients are natural drivers of savanna community structure and function, their influence on competitive interactions of selected species were investigated. Two experiments were conducted to investigate the competitive effects and responses of eight selected common species in the area. The test species (phytometers) included one woody shrub, Acacia karroo and seven grass species namely: Cymbopogon plurinodis, Digitaria eriantha, Eragrostis curvula, Melica decumbens, Panicum maximum, Sporobolus fimbriatus and Themeda triandra. In an outdoor plot experiment the responses of the phytometers to competition from neighbours (0; 2 and eight neighbours respectively), fertility (fertilized, unfertilized) and clipping (clipping, no clipping) were investigated. The second comprised a pot experiment where the competitive effects of the species were investigated. Each species was grown under 3 levels of fertility (0 %; 50 % and 100 % Hoagland‘s solution) and clipping (clipping, no clipping) in pots filled with fine river sand and 4 neighbours. Competition intensity, soil fertility and clipping had significant effects on the biomass production of the phytometer species. Acacia karroo and Melica decumbens, exhibited the weakest competitive effects and responses, and incurred the highest mortalities after clipping and with 8 neighbours. Digitaria eriantha and Panicum maximum exhibited the strongest competitive effects and responses, especially in high fertility, and experienced the lowest mortalities. T.triandra exhibited stronger competitive effect after clipping in low fertility, while A. karroo and C. plurinodis exhibited stronger competitive effects in moderate (50 %) fertility. Cymbopogon plurinodis, Eragrostis curvula and Sporobolus fimbriatus ranked between these two extreme groups in terms of competitive effects and responses. Relative Competitive Interaction increased with soil fertility and number of neighbours in the absence of clipping. These results indicate that in general, taller or broad-leaved grass species outgrow the shorter ones, and this gives them a competitive advantage over light and soil resources. One of the range management objectives in the False Thornveld of the Eastern Cape is to promote the abundance of Themeda triandra, which is of high forage value and an indicator of rangeland that is in good condition. The general situation under livestock farming conditions in this area is that if the grass sward is optimally grazed and rested then there is a great potential for Themeda triandra to dominate.The results of the competition experiments indicated that the species exhibits strong competitive interaction, and also exhibited stronger competitive effect after clipping in low fertility. These results imply that it has a low response and a high effect, an attribute that would enhance its performance if it is moderately grazed or the area is burnt. The species is also moderately shade tolerant, and this may explain why it thrives in burnt and moderately grazed areas. These studies have demonstrated the important role that competition and disturbance in the form of fire and herbivory play in the maintenance of this savanna grassland. Through natural selection species are able to occupy different niches in the same area and coexist in a heterogeneous environment and minimize their chances of extinction. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2012.

Caminhos para a transição agroecológica : estudo com uma família do assentamento Fazenda Ipanema, Iperó (SP) / Ways to agroecological transition: study with a family farm of ipanema settlement, iperó (sp).

Avila, João Eduardo Tombi de 22 June 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T18:57:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4585.pdf: 3982534 bytes, checksum: e0d9b8f2f41f1b6d65989b77ee23cf20 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-06-22 / Many farmers consider Agroecology a tool to produce sustainably. By changing their production systems, changing crops and inputs applied, aiming at a sustainable system, the family farmer search a transition agroecology. However, few among them can produce or advance in agroecological transition. A reason for this difficulty may be related to biomass production in quantity and quality to ensure the agroecosystems sustainability. The family agroecosystems tend to have greater biodiversity than large farms due to a tendency to polycultures, self, family pluriactivity, among other strategies. In this local biodiversity, plants play a key role and can be considered co-products. This study aimed to characterize a unit of production and family life (UPVF) adopting management practices aimed at agroecological transition, to discuss the importance of plant biomass in this transition process and to propose alternatives to achieve the fertility system. The research was developed at Iperó in Ipanema Farm settlement in the State of Sao Paulo. The UPVF studied occupies a plot of eight hectares and is divided into seven sectors of production. The family with whom this work was developed live in the settlement since 1992. The research aimed to detail the system features and the complexity of relationships in order to describe and analyze a case study setting. It was found that the biomass produced in UPVF did not meet the nutritional demand of the main sector of commercial product, the banana orchard. The proposed redesign sought to ally virtuous experiences and scenic beauty, attractive for humans. Thus, the UPVF redesign aimed at promoting the cradle areas of fertility, assisted in the production of plant biomass in abundance and quality (diversity), preferably in well accessible, as the surrounding residences, places of daily traffic and nearby areas containment of animals. Thus, it is expected to 16 contribute to the sense of pride in the family for the successful transformation of the local landscape and the awareness of what it represents. / Muitos agricultores familiares consideram a Agroecologia a base para se produzir de forma sustentável. Com base nos princípios agroecológicos, alguns deles alteram seus sistemas produtivos, modificam os cultivos e os insumos aplicados. Entretanto, poucos conseguem produzir ou avançar no sentido de obter uma produção sustentável, em termos ambientais e econômicos. Entre os possíveis fatores que dificultam essa transição agroecológica constata-se a dificuldade para produzir biomassa em quantidade e qualidade que garanta a sustentabilidade desses agroecossistemas. Os agroecossistemas familiares tendem a apresentar maior biodiversidade em relação às grandes propriedades rurais em função da tendência aos policultivos, autoconsumo, pluriatividade familiar, entre outras estratégias. Dentro dessa biodiversidade local, os vegetais desempenham um papel fundamental e podem ser considerados coprodutos da unidade produtiva. Esta pesquisa teve por objetivos caracterizar uma unidade de produção e vida familiar (UPVF) que adota práticas de manejo visando a transição agroecológica e propor alternativas de manejo para aumentar a produção de biomassa vegetal nesse processo de transição. A pesquisa se desenvolveu em Iperó, no assentamento Fazenda Ipanema, no Estado de São Paulo. A UPVF estudada ocupa um lote de oito hectares e está dividida em sete setores de produção. A família com quem se desenvolveu este trabalho vive no assentamento desde 1992. A pesquisa buscou detalhar as especificidades do sistema e a complexidade das relações, de forma a descrever e analisar a UPVF escolhida, estabelecendo um estudo de caso. Constatou-se que a biomassa produzida na UPVF não atendeu à demanda nutricional do principal setor de produção comercial do lote, o pomar de bananeiras. O redesenho proposto buscou aliar experiências bem sucedidas e beleza paisagística, um 14 atrativo para os seres humanos. Assim, o redesenho da UPVF teve por meta favorecer as áreas berço de fertilidade, apoiadas na produção de biomassa vegetal em abundância e qualidade (diversidade), de preferência, em locais bem acessíveis, como o entorno das residências, locais de trânsito diário e proximidades das áreas de confinamento dos animais. Dessa forma, espera-se contribuir para o sentimento de orgulho na família pelo êxito na transformação da paisagem local e a consciência do que ela representa.

Biomassa, apectos nutricionais e anatomicos de individuos jovens de especies arboreas de Cerradão e Floresta Estacional Semidecidual / Biomass, nutritional status and ecological anatomy of saplings of tree species of Savannah and Semidecidous Forestof the Wst Paulista

Muniz, Marta Regina Almeida 15 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Ricardo Ribeiro Rodrigues, Beatriz Appezzato-da-Gloria / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T21:40:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Muniz_MartaReginaAlmeida_D.pdf: 4518938 bytes, checksum: 396e1e3e5133f391b653239abaabfc34 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: O presente abordou aspectos da relação solo-planta, verificando o reflexo das condições físico-químicas e da disponibilidade hídrica do solo de áreas de Cerradão (Ce) e de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual (FES), sobre a anatomia do xilema secundário, sobre aspectos morfológicos (comprimento e a biomassa de parte aérea e de raízes), e sobre o teor, a quantidade e a distribuição de nutrientes e alumínio em plantas jovens de espécies arbóreas. O objetivo geral foi comparar plantas jovens de espécies arbóreas de Cerradão e de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual quanto ao crescimento proporcional em parte aérea e raízes, a distribuição da biomassa, aos teores e conteúdo de nutrientes e de alumínio, e a organização do xilema secundário, a fim de elucidar se há diferenças entre essas formações. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em duas parcelas de 10 ha de Cerradão (Estação Ecológica de Assis; Assis, SP) e de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual (Estação Ecológica de Caetetus; Gália, SP) que são mantidas pelo projeto temático "Parcelas Permanentes". Este trabalho foi dividido em dois capítulos: o primeiro relacionado a aspectos morfológicos, como comprimento total da parte aérea e raízes, biomassa, e teores, quantidades e distribuição de nutrientes (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Zn, Mn, Cu, Fe) e alumínio na planta. Para este estudo, foram escolhidas espécies abundantes e que representam aproximadamente 50% da comunidade arbórea adulta presentes em cada uma das parcelas. No total, foram escolhidas sete espécies de Ce e oito espécies de FES, sendo utilizadas para as análises, quinze plantas jovens de cada uma das espécies em cada uma das formações. Dentre as espécies escolhidas, duas são comuns entre Ce e FES. No segundo capítulo realizou-se uma abordagem anatômica, para o qual foram utilizadas plantas jovens de Cupania tenuivalvis Radlk, que é uma espécie comum às duas formações, pertencente à família Sapindaceae e que possui tuberizações ao longo de suas raízes. Os resultados encontrados neste trabalho mostraram que as variáveis analisadas são definidas pelas características edáficas dessas duas formações. As maiores concentrações de nutrientes encontrados em plantas de FES estão relacionados à maior disponibilidade de nutrienentes presentes no solo dessa formação. As diferenças entre o xilema secundário das plantas jovens de Cupania tenuivalvis Radlk estão relacionadas à disponibilidade de água nas camadas superficiais dos solos dessas duas formações / Abstract: This study investigated aspects of soil-plant relations, focusing on how physicochemical conditions and ground water availability in areas of Savannah (Sa) and Seasonal Semideciduous Forest (SSF) reflect on the anatomy of secondary xylem, on shoot and roots morphological characteristics such as length and biomass, and also on the percentage, quantity and distribution of nutrients and aluminum in wildlings of tree species. The overall objective was the comparison between saplings of tree species from Savannah and Seasonal Semideciduous Forest regarding the proportional investment in shoot vs roots, biomass distribution, percentage and content of nutrients and aluminum, and secondary xylem organization in order to elucidate whether there are significant differences between these vegetation formations. The study was conducted in two plots of 10 ha of Savannah (Assis Ecological Station, Assis, SP) and Seasonal Semideciduous Forest (Ecological Station Caetetus; Gália, SP) that are maintained by the project "Permanent Plots." This study is divided into two chapters. The first chapter focuses on aboveground and belowground morphology, total length and biomass, besides nutrients and aluminum percentages, amounts and distribution in the plant. For this study, we chose abundant species which represent aproximately 50% of the adult tree community present in each of the plots. In total, seven species were chosen from Ce and eight species of FES, and used for analysis, fifteen saplings of each species in each of the formations. Among the species elected,two are common these two formations. In the second chapter held an anatomical approach, for which they were used of Cupania tenuivalvis Radlk, which is a species common to both two formations in the family Sapindaceae and has tuberous along their roots. The results of this study showed that the variables examined are defined by soil characteristics of these two formations. The highest concentrations of nutrients found in plants of FES are related to increased availability of nutrienentes in the soil of that training. The differences between the secondary xylem of saplings of Cupania tenuivalvis Radlk. are related to water availability in the surface layers of soils in these two formations / Doutorado / Doutor em Biologia Vegetal

Avalia??o de um sistema agroflorestal com a?a?, mogno africano e leguminosas arb?reas implantado h? 10 anos em Serop?dica, RJ / Evaluation of an agroforestry system with a?a?, african mahogany and leguminous trees implanted 10 years ago in Serop?dica, RJ

OLIVEIRA, David Castor Maxwel 24 October 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2017-06-26T19:35:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - David Castor Maxwel de Oliveira.pdf: 6489134 bytes, checksum: 23e02124d5d66aa42a02e4375f4e0862 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-26T19:35:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - David Castor Maxwel de Oliveira.pdf: 6489134 bytes, checksum: 23e02124d5d66aa42a02e4375f4e0862 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-10-24 / Agroforestry systems (ASF) are potentially characterized as a agroecological crops by the similarity to the forest structure and function which gives more sustainability to the production systems, making them environmentally friendly. This study evaluated an AFS ten years plantation to obtain information about the nitrogen fixing legumes influenced over the soil chemical properties, the palm heart production, the Khaya ivorensis A. Chevalier and Euterpe oleracea Mart. Growth, and finally the common beans cultivation. The AFS was located at Embrapa Agrobiologia Experimental field, at Serop?dica city, Rio de Janeiro state. The statistical was randomized blocks with 5 treatments and 4 replications with 9 m x 9 m plots and total area with 1.620 m2. There were E. oleraceae, planted in a 3 m x 3 m spacing with one plant of K. ivorensis at the plot center. The treatments were different kinds of green manure crops between the lines such as: Acacia angustissima (Mill.) Kuntze; Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Steud;. Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC, nitrogen fertilization with castor cake and spontaneous vegetation. For the soil fertility analyses were collected two samples, one before and other after green manure crops management. K. ivorensis and E. oleraceae biometry, also heart palm production were harmed by inappropriate management on cultivation care lack between post planting and this evaluation lapse. These commercial crops reached larger diameters and superior height at the plot without leguminous crops competition. Green manure crops were efficient in soils nutrients cycling, increasing the most elements content after pruning the leguminous plants and the application of the biomass over the ground. Extract nodules inoculation showed capacity to increase nodulation and nitrogen content in common beans plants, but didn?t increase the grain production. / Os sistemas agroflorestais (SAF) podem ser configurados como cultivos agroecol?gicos, onde a similaridade com as florestas em estrutura e fun??o confere ao sistema uma maior sustentabilidade, tornando-os ambientalmente adequados. Este estudo avaliou um SAF com 10 anos de implanta??o, gerando informa??es sobre quanto as culturas de leguminosas fixadoras de nitrog?nio influenciaram nas propriedades qu?micas do solo e na produ??o do sistema, quantificando a produ??o de palmito, o crescimento de plantas de Khaya ivorensis A. Chevalier e Euterpe oleracea Mart. plantados e o cultivo de feij?o. O experimento estava localizado no Campo Experimental da Embrapa Agrobiologia, no munic?pio de Serop?dica, do Rio de Janeiro. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos ao acaso com cinco tratamentos e quatro repeti??es, com parcelas de 9 m x 9 m cada, totalizando 1.620 m2. Em todos os tratamentos existiam a?a?s plantados de 3 m x 3 m ao longo de todas as parcelas que tamb?m continham um mogno africano no centro de cada uma. Os tratamentos foram compostos por aduba??es verdes nas entrelinhas dos a?a?s, constitu?dos por Acacia angustissima (Mill.) Kuntze; Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Steud.; p aduba??o nitrogenada de cobertura com torta de mamona e o controle com vegeta??o espont?nea. Para avalia??o qu?mica do solo foram feitas duas coletas, uma antes e outra p?s manejo da biomassa vegetal. Foi realizada a biometria das plantas de mogno africano, de a?a?, e a quantifica??o da produ??o de palmito, onde foi poss?vel perceber que essas culturas tiveram o crescimento prejudicado devido a falta de manejo, tendo em vista que houve menos competi??o nas parcelas sem leguminosas arb?reas, onde essas culturas de interesse atingiram maiores di?metros e alturas, refletindo da mesma forma na produ??o de palmito. A aduba??o verde foi eficiente na ciclagem de nutrientes do solo, aumentando o teor da maioria dos elementos ap?s um manejo e superando vegeta??o espont?nea al?m de ter beneficiado a produ??o do feijoeiro. A inocula??o com extrato de n?dulos ? capaz de aumentar a nodula??o e o teor de nitrog?nio da parte a?rea do feijoeiro, por?m n?o aumentou a produ??o de gr?os.

Manejo da vegetação intercalar para obtenção de cobertura morta na cultura do abacateiro visando minimizar os danos causados por Phytophthora cinnamomi / Inter-row vegetation management for mulching avocados to minimize negative effects of Phytophthora cinnamomi

Nardélio Teixeira dos Santos 18 February 2014 (has links)
Apesar das excelentes condições edafoclimáticas para a produção de abacates no Brasil, a cultura encontra limitações relacionadas à baixa produtividade e suscetibilidade à podridão da raiz causada por Phytophthora cinnamomi, a principal doença da cultura nas distintas regiões produtoras. A aplicação de coberturas naturais ao solo é uma das estratégias que visa o controle desta doença, e entre seus benefícios estão a maior disponibilidade de água e nutrientes, menor competição das plantas daninhas, melhoria da estrutura, porosidade e fertilidade do solo e melhor aspecto sanitário das plantas, por favorecer a formação de um ambiente supressivo ao desenvolvimento do patógeno, pelo aumento do sistema radicular e da população de microorganismos antagônicos. Todos estes benefícios das coberturas naturais, junto ao aporte de nutrientes após sua incorporação, favorecem indiretamente a produção e o crescimento dos frutos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar distintos manejos da vegetação intercalar em abacateiros \'Hass\' visando à obtenção de coberturas naturais que, aplicadas ao solo, permitam minimizar a incidência da podridão radicular, promovendo melhorias no estado sanitário das plantas e na produção. Entre 2011 e 2013 foram avaliados cinco tratamentos: T1: ausência de vegetação intercalar, sem aplicação de cobertura morta sob a copa das plantas; T2: ausência de vegetação intercalar e duas aplicações externas de cobertura morta sob a copa; T3: duas deposições de cobertura morta sob a copa, obtida pelo corte da vegetação intercalar com roçadeira enleiradora lateral (REL); T4: três deposições de cobertura morta sob a copa, obtida pelo corte da vegetação intercalar com REL, e T5: manutenção da vegetação intercalar com três cortes anuais utilizando roçadeira convencional, sem deposição de cobertura morta sob a copa. O delineamento estatístico foi em blocos aleatorizados, com 6 repetições e 3 plantas úteis por parcela, nas quais foram avaliados: os teores de macronutrientes e micronutrientes em folhas e no solo; desenvolvimento vegetativo e radicular, produção de frutos, aspecto visual das plantas, massa seca da vegetação intercalar, espessura da cobertura morta e características químicas e microbiológicas do solo. A aplicação de coberturas vegetais resultou em um maior crescimento das plantas e maior tamanho dos frutos, sem efeito significativo sobre a produção. A deposição de cobertura morta obtida com REL favoreceu o desenvolvimento das raízes na camada superficial do solo. No entanto, os tratamentos não influenciaram significativamente o aspecto visual sanitário das plantas, nem os teores de macronutrientes e micronutrientes nas folhas e no solo. O manejo da vegetação intercalar com roçadeira convencional resultou em maior volume de massa seca, já o manejo desta com dois ou três cortes anuais utilizando REL depositou uma quantidade similar de cobertura morta sob a copa, que foi inferior à depositada pela aplicação externa de cobertura (T2). Todos os tratamentos com deposição de cobertura vegetal suprimiram o desenvolvimento de plantas daninhas sob a copa. No tratamento sem aplicação de cobertura morta e sem vegetação intercalar, houve aumento na população de P. cinnamomi no solo. Comparativamente, no período de dois anos, não foram observadas diferenças na população de actinomicetos no solo dos distintos tratamentos. / Despite the excellent soil and climatic conditions for avocado production in Brazil, the culture has limitations related to low productivity and susceptibility to avocado root rot caused by Phytophthora cinnamomi, the main crop disease in all producing areas. Mulching is one of the strategies utilized for controlling this disease, with several benefits such as an improved soil water and nutrients availability for roots, reduced weed competition, improved soil structure, porosity and fertility and enhanced plant health condition, due to the creation of a suppressive environment for the development of the pathogen, by increasing root density and the population of antagonistic microorganisms. All these benefits of natural mulches, together with the supply of nutrients and assimilates after their incorporation to the soil, indirectly enhance fruit yield and size. The aim of this work was to evaluate different managements of inter-row vegetation in an adult \'Hass\' avocado orchard in order to obtain mulches which, after being applied to the soil, will allow reducing root rot incidence, thus promoting improvement of plant sanitary condition, with positive effects on fruit yield. From 2011 through 2013, five treatments were evaluated: T1: absence of inter-row vegetation, without mulch application under the canopy; T2: absence of inter-row vegetation and two applications of external mulch under the canopy: T3: two mulch depositions under the canopy obtained after cutting off the inter-row vegetation with a lateral alignment mower (LAM); T4: three mulch depositions under the canopy obtained after cutting off the inter-row vegetation with a LAM, and T5: maintenance of natural inter-row vegetation with three annual cuttings using a conventional mower, without mulch deposition under the canopy. The experiment was conducted in randomized blocks, with 6 repetitions and 3 plants per plot, on which the following variables were measured: levels of macro and micronutrients in leaves and soil; root and plant size development; fruit yield and size; plant sanitary condition visually assessed with a 10-note scale; biomass of inter-row vegetation; mulch thickness and chemical and microbiological soil characteristics. Mulching resulted in larger plant growth and fruit size, with no significant effects on fruit yield. Application of mulch obtained with a LAM enhanced root growth in the surface soil layer. Nonetheless, the treatments did not significantly affect nor the plant sanitary aspect, neither the leaf or soil levels of macro and micronutrients. Management of inter-row vegetation with a conventional mower resulted in larger biomass development, while managing inter-row vegetation with two or three cuttings with LAM per year resulted in similar amounts of mulch laid down under the canopy, yet less than with the application of external mulch (T2). All the treatments with mulch deposition suppressed weed growth under the canopy. In the treatment with no mulch and no inter-row cropping, a larger population of P. cinnamomi was recorded. There were no differences in the Actinomycetes soil population among treatments.

Impact des changements globaux sur la diversité des champignons du sol : approche en génomique environnementale / Impact of global changes on soil fungal diversity : an environmental genomics study / Impatto dei cambiamenti globali sulla diversità fungina del suolo : uno studio di genomica ambientale

Bragalini, Claudia 01 April 2015 (has links)
La thèse porte sur l'impact de changements globaux sur la diversité taxonomique et fonctionnelle des champignons du sol. L'impact de l'intensification agricole sur les champignons mycorhiziens à arbuscules a été évalué par comparaison des communautés fongiques présentes sur des sites Européens soumis à différents niveaux d'intensification dans l'usage des terres. La diversité taxonomique a été appréciée par « métabarcoding » sur l'ADN de sol. L'effet de l'intensification apparait lié au contexte local. L'adaptation aux conditions environnementales locales ainsi que des processus stochastiques semblent jouer un rôle important dans le modelage des communautés fongiques. L'effet des changements climatiques en zone Méditerranéenne a été évalué sur les sols d'un site expérimental où une réduction de la pluviométrie a été établie. Nous avons réalisé une approche de séquençage haut débit de 4 familles géniques, 3 d'entre elles codant des enzymes actives sur la biomasse végétale. La date d'échantillonnage, et non la réduction de pluviométrie, a un fort impact sur la diversité béta. Nous formulons l'hypothèse que les communautés fongiques présentes sur des sites soumis à de fortes et récurrentes variations climatiques ont développé des stratégies adaptatives leur conférant une résistance à des variations d'une plus forte intensité. Enfin, une technique indépendante de la PCR (« solution hybrid selection capture ») a été adaptée pour étudier la diversité fonctionnelle des communautés eucaryotes à partir d'ARN de sol. Cette approche, testée sur une famille génique codant des endoxylamases a permis l'isolement d'ADNc complets produisant des enzymes fonctionnelles dans la levure / In this thesis we assessed the impact of two drivers of global change on the taxonomic and functional diversity of soil fungi. The impact of changes in land use on symbiotic Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) was evaluated comparing AMF communities from European sites with different levels of land use intensification. AMF taxonomic diversity was assessed by metabarcoding using soil-extracted DNA. The effect of land use intensification was found to be context-dependent. Adaptation to local environmental conditions and stochastic processes may play important roles in shaping these communities. The effect of climate change in the Mediterranean area was assessed in soils collected from an experimental forest where a rainfall reduction experiment had been established. A parallel high-throughput metabarcoding on soil-extracted RNA was performed on four transcribed fungal genes, 3 of them encodind enzymes involved in plant biomass degradation. Analyses indicated that sampling time had a strong impact on beta-diversity indices, while rainfall reduction had not. We hypothesized that microbial communities present in environments which naturally experience strong and recurrent climatic variations have developed adaptive strategies to cope with these variations and may be to some extent resistant to further climate changes. Finally, an original PCR-independent technique (“solution hybrid selection capture”) was adapted to study the functional diversity of eukaryotic microbial communities using soil RNA. The approach, tested on an endoxylanase gene family, allowed the efficient recovery of full-length cDNA which could be expressed as functional proteins in yeast

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