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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Função horizontal da licitação e da contratação administrativa / Horizonal policies in public procurement

Fabre, Flávia Moraes Barros Michele 09 March 2015 (has links)
Embora o objetivo primário da contratação administrativa seja a aquisição de bens e serviços nos melhores termos possíveis, os entes estatais frequentemente se utilizam de seu inquestionável poder de compra para promover questões nacionais outras, que são industriais, sociais ou ambientais em sua natureza. Todavia, essas políticas, também conhecidas como políticas secundárias, colaterais ou horizontais, legitimamente perseguidas pelos governos nacionais, podem estar em contraste com outros propósitos nacionais ou internacionais legítimos, tais como livre comércio, transparência e lealdade. Esta tese analisa a taxonomia do que denominamos função horizontal da licitação e da contratação administrativa, bem como o modo por meio do qual o regime brasileiro de compras públicas lida atualmente com essas preocupações secundárias (mas de igual importância) econômicas, sociais e ambientais e com os limites impostos à adoção de tais políticas. / Although the primary objective of procurement is the acquisition of goods or services on the best possible terms, governments have frequently used their unquestionable power of procurement to promote further national concerns, which are industrial, social and environmental in their nature. However, these public policies, also known as secondary, colateral or horizontal policies, legitimately pursued by national government, could be in contrast with other nacional and international legitimate purposes, such as free trade, transparency and fairness. This essay analyzes the taxonomy of what we name horizontal function of public procurement and the way in which brazilian regime of public purchasing is dealing nowadays with these economic, social and environmental secondary (but not less importante) concerns and the limits imposed on the adoption of such policies.

Similar solutions for similar problems: harmonising energy trade and investment policies and strategies in the East African community

Kikonyogo, Joseph Mary January 2009 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / Sustainable Energy (oil, gas and electricity) plays an important role in advancing productive capacity and increasing economic growth and sustainable development. In order to achieve this, there must be effective trade and investment in energy. Currently, there is relatively low regional and international trade in energy in the East African Community (EAC). Local and foreign direct investment flowing into the EAC is still very low in spite of a number of measures, such as, investment protection guarantees, that have been taken to improve investment. Each of the five countries in the EAC has its own energy policy, as well as a trade and investment policy and strategy. For some the policies are clearly stated; for others they are presumed. However, these policies are not effective. Without effective policies on trade and investment protection and promotion, the EAC will have minimum benefits in terms of terms of trade, investment inflows and sustainable economic development. The EAC is a customs union with an ultimate aim of attaining a political federation. Before this happens, there is need to have effective but also harmonised trade and investment policies and strategies. Adoption of comprehensive harmonised trade and investment policies and strategies shall provide a guideline to the Governments, the trade and investment agencies and other relevant stakeholders to follow in order to attain the ideals, objectives and spirit of the Community. This research, therefore, aims at proposing effective and harmonised trade and investment policies and strategies that Member States should pursue in order to develop the EAC into a viable integrated energy trade and investment zone. The study involves a review of the current policies, strategies, laws, regulations and practices in trade and investment in energy and a discussion of how the situation can be improved. The research raises many suggestions on conservation of energy as well as use of alternative sources . / South Africa

Similar solutions for similar problems :harmonising energy trade and investment policies and strategies in the East African community

Joseph Mary Kikonyogo January 2009 (has links)
<p>Sustainable Energy (oil, gas and electricity) plays an important role in advancing productive capacity and increasing economic growth and sustainable development. In order to achieve this, there must be effective trade and investment in energy. Currently, there is relatively low regional and international trade in energy in the East African Community (EAC). Local and foreign direct investment flowing into the EAC is still very low in spite of a number of measures, such as, investment protection guarantees, that have been taken to improve investment. Each of the five countries in the EAC has its own energy policy, as well as a trade and investment policy and strategy. For some the policies are clearly stated / for others they are presumed. However, these policies are not effective. Without effective policies on trade and investment protection and promotion, the EAC will have minimum benefits in terms of terms of trade, investment inflows and sustainable economic development. The EAC is a customs union with an ultimate aim of attaining a political federation. Before this happens, there is need to have effective but also harmonised trade and investment policies and strategies. Adoption of comprehensive harmonised trade and investment policies and strategies shall provide a guideline to the Governments, the trade and investment agencies and other relevant stakeholders to follow in order to attain the ideals, objectives and spirit of the Community. This research, therefore, aims at proposing effective and harmonised trade and investment policies and strategies that Member States should pursue in order to develop the EAC into a viable integrated energy trade and investment zone. The study involves a review of the current policies, strategies, laws, regulations and practices in trade and investment in energy and a discussion of how the situation can be improved. The research raises many suggestions on conservation of energy as well as use of alternative sources ...</p>

Europos Sajungos struktūrinės politikos Lietuvoje ir Lenkijoje lyginamoji analizė / European Union structural policies in Lithuania and Poland comparative analysis

Laumelytė, Aldona 22 February 2010 (has links)
Mokslo darbe atskleidžiama, kad Europos šalys struktūrinę politiką suvokia kaip vieną patraukliausių narystės ES siekių, nes tai yra siejama su didžiulėmis išmokomis iš ES struktūrinių fondų. Papildomi pinigai skiriami investicijoms į aplinkos apsaugą, gamybos, infrastruktūros, žmogiškųjų išteklių plėtrą ir t. t. Įpusėjus 2007–2013 m. programiniam periodui, Lietuvoje vis dar pastebimas didžiulis susidomėjimas ES struktūrine politika, jos teikiamomis galimybėmis. Struktūrinių fondų nauda visuomenei buvo pateikiama kaip bene pagrindinis stojimo į ES motyvas ir šalies gerovės augimo ateityje šaltinis. Panaši situacija buvo/yra ir kaimyninėje Lenkijoje, todėl šio darbo rezultatuose reikėtų atkreipti dėmesį į Lietuvos ir Lenkijos pasiruošimą įgyvendinti struktūrinę politiką bei teikiamos paramos valdymą. Struktūrinės politikos įtaka Lietuvai, Lenkijai ir kitoms naujoms ES šalims neabejotinai turėtų būti teigiama, tačiau šių fondų panaudojimas yra planuojamas ir priklauso nuo pasirengimo įgyvendinti struktūrinę politiką bei valdyti ES struktūrinių fondų teikiamą paramą. Mokslo darbe iškeliama hipotezė, kad Lietuva ir Lenkija nepakankamai pasirengusi įgyvendinti ES struktūrinę politiką ir valdyti ES struktūrinių fondų teikiamą paramą, iškeltas tikslas ir uždaviniai tikslui pasiekti. Darbe naudojami tokie tyrimo metodai: dokumentų ir mokslinės literatūros analizė, Lietuvos ir Lenkijos politikų ir valstybės tarnautojų, įmonių, pasinaudojusių struktūrinių fondų parama, darbuotojų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Scientific work reveals the fact that the European countries, the structural policy is perceived as one of the most attractive EU membership aspirations, which is associated with enormous benefits from EU structural funds. Additional money of structural fund‘s is available for investment in environmental protection, production, infrastructure development, human resources development, etc. Now in the midway of the period 2007-2013 programming period, Lithuania is still seen huge interest in the EU's structural policy and its opportunities. Structural Funds, the benefits to society was presented as perhaps the main reason for joining the EU and the country's source of wealth for future growth. A similar situation was / is in the neighboring Poland, the results of this work should pay attention to the Lithuanian and Polish preparations for the implementation of structural policies and support management. Structural policy in Lithuania, Poland and other new EU countries should be clearly stated, but the use of these funds are planned, and depends on the preparation for the implementation of structural policies and the management of EU structural funds assistance. Work raises the hypothesis that „Lithuania and Poland are not sufficiently prepared to implement the EU's structural policy and management of EU Structural Funds“ goals and objectives to achieve that objective. The work used in such tests as documentation and analysis of scientific literature, Lithuanian and Polish... [to full text]

Similar solutions for similar problems :harmonising energy trade and investment policies and strategies in the East African community

Joseph Mary Kikonyogo January 2009 (has links)
<p>Sustainable Energy (oil, gas and electricity) plays an important role in advancing productive capacity and increasing economic growth and sustainable development. In order to achieve this, there must be effective trade and investment in energy. Currently, there is relatively low regional and international trade in energy in the East African Community (EAC). Local and foreign direct investment flowing into the EAC is still very low in spite of a number of measures, such as, investment protection guarantees, that have been taken to improve investment. Each of the five countries in the EAC has its own energy policy, as well as a trade and investment policy and strategy. For some the policies are clearly stated / for others they are presumed. However, these policies are not effective. Without effective policies on trade and investment protection and promotion, the EAC will have minimum benefits in terms of terms of trade, investment inflows and sustainable economic development. The EAC is a customs union with an ultimate aim of attaining a political federation. Before this happens, there is need to have effective but also harmonised trade and investment policies and strategies. Adoption of comprehensive harmonised trade and investment policies and strategies shall provide a guideline to the Governments, the trade and investment agencies and other relevant stakeholders to follow in order to attain the ideals, objectives and spirit of the Community. This research, therefore, aims at proposing effective and harmonised trade and investment policies and strategies that Member States should pursue in order to develop the EAC into a viable integrated energy trade and investment zone. The study involves a review of the current policies, strategies, laws, regulations and practices in trade and investment in energy and a discussion of how the situation can be improved. The research raises many suggestions on conservation of energy as well as use of alternative sources ...</p>

Economie du changement climatique : des politiques d'atténuation aux politiques d'adaptation / Economics of climate change : from mitigation policies to adaptation policies

Rousset, Nathalie 20 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet les politiques d'adaptation au changement climatique. Il est montré que la Convention-cadre sur le changement climatique (1992), ainsi que la construction des stratégies de réponse, sont caractéristiques d'une approche pollutioniste. Cette approche a conduit à appréhender la question du changement climatique comme un problème classique de pollution et d'environnement. Il en est résulté un double biais en défaveur de l'adaptation par rapport aux politiques d'atténuation : l'adaptation a été confinée dans un rôle secondaire et marginal dans la structuration des politiques, avec un cadre conceptuel et méthodologique inopérationnel pour sa mise en œuvre. La thèse propose une déconstruction de cette conception du changement climatique ; les limites majeures qui caractérisent les politiques d'atténuation remettant par ailleurs en cause la prépondérance qui leur a été accordée. La déconstruction de cette approche pollutioniste permet tout d'abord de montrer que la définition et l'opérationnalisation de stratégies d'adaptation efficaces nécessitent de dépasser (i) le cadre analytique standard des politiques climatiques et, (ii) la conception du changement climatique comme une question de pollution classique et de gestion de l'environnement. Il est alors soutenu que l'adaptation doit être inscrite dans la promotion du développement, c'est-à-dire qu'elle doit être appréhendée non plus dans une problématique de gestion ad hoc des effets d'une pollution mais dans une problématique de développement. Que ce soit dans le contexte propre aux politiques d'adaptation, ou plus largement dans celui des politiques climatiques, la thèse laisse cependant ouverte les questions relatives à la viabilité et aux modalités d'organisation et de financement d'un régime climat inscrit dans la promotion du développement. / Climate change adaptation policies are the subject of this thesis. It has been showed that the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992) and the response strategies construction are characteristic of a pollutionist approach. This approach led to envision the question of climate change as a classic pollution and environment issue. As a result, this approach has generated a double bias to the disadvantage of adaptation compared to mitigation policies: adaptation has been confined in a secondary and marginal role in climate policies structuring, and with an inoperative conceptual and methodological framework for its implementation. The thesis proposes a deconstruction of this climate change conceptualization. Moreover, the major limits that characterize mitigation policies call into question the predominance given to them in climate policies construction. The « pollutionist » approach deconstruction allows at first to show that adaptation policies definition and operationalization need to go beyond (i) the standard analytic framework of climate policies and, (ii) the climate change conceptualization as a classic pollution and environment management issue. The thesis then argues that adaptation has to be integrated in development promoting policies, which means that adaptation needs to be conceptualized no longer as an ad hoc management of pollution effects issue, but as a development issue. Whether in the proper context of adaptation policies, or more largely of climate policies, the thesis leaves open the questions of the viability, but also of the organization and financing modalities, of a climate regime which fits within development promoting.

Função horizontal da licitação e da contratação administrativa / Horizonal policies in public procurement

Flávia Moraes Barros Michele Fabre 09 March 2015 (has links)
Embora o objetivo primário da contratação administrativa seja a aquisição de bens e serviços nos melhores termos possíveis, os entes estatais frequentemente se utilizam de seu inquestionável poder de compra para promover questões nacionais outras, que são industriais, sociais ou ambientais em sua natureza. Todavia, essas políticas, também conhecidas como políticas secundárias, colaterais ou horizontais, legitimamente perseguidas pelos governos nacionais, podem estar em contraste com outros propósitos nacionais ou internacionais legítimos, tais como livre comércio, transparência e lealdade. Esta tese analisa a taxonomia do que denominamos função horizontal da licitação e da contratação administrativa, bem como o modo por meio do qual o regime brasileiro de compras públicas lida atualmente com essas preocupações secundárias (mas de igual importância) econômicas, sociais e ambientais e com os limites impostos à adoção de tais políticas. / Although the primary objective of procurement is the acquisition of goods or services on the best possible terms, governments have frequently used their unquestionable power of procurement to promote further national concerns, which are industrial, social and environmental in their nature. However, these public policies, also known as secondary, colateral or horizontal policies, legitimately pursued by national government, could be in contrast with other nacional and international legitimate purposes, such as free trade, transparency and fairness. This essay analyzes the taxonomy of what we name horizontal function of public procurement and the way in which brazilian regime of public purchasing is dealing nowadays with these economic, social and environmental secondary (but not less importante) concerns and the limits imposed on the adoption of such policies.

Efficient enforcement of security policies in distributed systems

Alzahrani, Ali Mousa G. January 2013 (has links)
Policy-based management (PBM) is an adaptable security policy mechanism in information systems (IS) that confirm only authorised users can access resources. A few decades ago, the traditional PBM has focused on closed systems, where enforcement mechanisms are trusted by system administrators who define access control policies. Most of current work on the PBM systems focuses on designing a centralised policy decision point (PDP), the component that evaluates an access request against a policy and reports the decision back, which can have performance and resilience drawbacks. Performance and resilience are a major concern for applications in military, health and national security domains where the performance is desirable to increase situational awareness through collaboration and to decrease the length of the decision making cycle. The centralised PDP also represents a single point of failure. In case of the failure of the centralised PDP, all resources in the system may cease to function. The efficient distribution of enforcement mechanisms is therefore key in building large scale policy managed distributed systems. Moving from the traditional PBM systems to dynamic PBM systems supports dynamic adaptability of behaviour by changing policy without recoding or stopping the system. The SANTA history-based dynamic PBM system has a formal underpinning in Interval Temporal Logic (ITL) allowing for formal analysis and verification to take place. The main aim of the research to automatically distribute enforcement mechanisms in the distributed system in order to provide resilience against network failure whilst preserving efficiency of policy decision making. The policy formalisation is based on SANTA policy model to provide a high level of assurance. The contribution of this work addresses the challenge of performance, manageability and security, by designing a Decentralised PBM framework and a corresponding Distributed Enforcements Architecture (DENAR). The ability of enforcing static and dynamic security policies in DENAR is the prime research issue, which balances the desire to distribute systems for flexibility whilst maintaining sufficient security over operations. Our research developed mechanisms to improve the efficiency of the enforcement of security policy mechanisms and their resilience against network failures in distributed information systems.

Unemployment, fertility rates and family policies : A study of 22 European countries during the 2008-2012 recession

Eriksson, Victor, Montan, Allan January 2016 (has links)
In this study we have investigated fertility levels during periods of unusually high unemployment levels. Our research questions were: 1. To what extent does fertility levels change during periods of higher unemployment? 2. Can family policies affect changes of fertility levels during these periods? Our hypothesis states that firstly, fertility levels are expected to be lower during periods of higher unemployment, due to households perceiving a lower level of economic security. Secondly, effective family policies should counter this effect, making unemployment having less of an effect on household fertility decisions, due to family policy lowering the economic risks associated with having a child. We performed an analysis in two parts. In the first part we divided countries into groups based on which countries had experienced a period of higher unemployment, and which countries had more or less generous family policies. The second part of our analysis was a regression analysis of TFR, unemployment and family policy variables. The results were in line with our first hypothesis: In our first analysis, the group of countries that were experiencing a period of higher unemployment also had a more negative development of fertility. In our regression analysis, we could observe a negative relationship between unemployment and fertility. On the other hand, our results could not support our second hypothesis: No individual family policy could be found to change the effect of unemployment on fertility levels.

Improved integration of female refugees? : - An evaluation of the Establishment reform

Wennemo Lanninger, Alma January 2016 (has links)
It may take several years for a refugee in Sweden to establish on the labor market. The slow establishment is particularly problematic for female refugees. Compared to men, low-skilled women and women with young children experience major disadvantages. In Sweden, refugees were offered a voluntary program with measures to ease the integration into the labor market. On December 1, 2010, the enacting of the so-called Establishment reform, which was carried out in order to speed up the refugees’ labor market entry, changed that program. Newly arrived refugees were then offered participation in an Establishment program at the Public Employment service instead of an Introduction program offered by the municipalities. This thesis provides an evaluation of the Establishment reform. The aim is to analyze the employment rates two and three years after enrollment in the program. The applied approach is to compare the outcome for the refugees participating in the Introduction program with the outcome for the refugees participating in the Establishment program, while controlling for important observables. This is possible by using Swedish register data on all immigrants given residence permit in Sweden 2009-2011. The findings from the evaluation provide evidence that the Establishment reform has had a small but significant effect on the probability of being employed. Those participating in the Establishment program showed higher employment rates compared to participants in the previous Introduction program. This association was evident for both women and men. Among low-skilled women, co-resident mothers, and women with young children, no significant increase in the probability of being employed was observed. It thereby seems like the reform at large has had a positive effect but that more effort is needed for those with the initially largest disadvantages.

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