Spelling suggestions: "subject:"politické"" "subject:"politická""
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Vývoj místní samosprávy v městě Březnice / The Development of Local Government in the Municipality of BřezniceTrčková, Kamila January 2017 (has links)
The thesis was built up as a method of case study, dealing with the political development in Březnice from communal election in 1994 to the present. The theoretical part was focused on the development of local authorities in the historical milestones. It defines the term municipality, its institutions, communal elections and its components, the coalition theory, local party system, participation of population, position of independent candidates in local politics and local models of democracy. The practical part uses all the information obtained in the first part and applies it to the municipality Březnice according the knowledge collected from interviews with current and former local representatives. This part also describes history of the village and socio-economic indicators.
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Vývoj místní samosprávy v obci Starý Plzenec / The Development of Local Government in the Municipality of Starý PlzenecPotůčková, Štěpánka January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the development of local government in the Municipality of Starý Plzenec, which is located in the Pilsen Region. The main task of the first part (Theoretical background) is a public administration with a focus on the basic territorial administrative unit. Furthermore, it discusses the municipal election system, pays attention to the communal party spectrum and the phenomenon of independence. It also describes the communal political coalition and the typology of local models of democracy. The second part (Practical part) represents the Municipality of Starý Plzenec, its development and basic demographic data. It analyses the economic activity in the Municipality, the character of the building and its budget. Besides that, it compares the results of local elections since 1994 and deals with the current local politicians, the style of local policy and assigns the Municipality to a model democracy.
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Persvaze v politickém diskurzu: kontrastivní analýza / Persuasion in political discourse: a contrastive analysisGRABMÜLLEROVÁ, Martina January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this Master's thesis is to analyse the means of persuasion in Czech and Spanish texts of political discourse. The thesis is divided into a theoretical part and a practical part. The first chapter of the theoretical part is focused on the pragmatics. The second chapter deals with the discourse and the specific characteristics of political language. In the last chapter of the theoretical part we introduce the term of persuasion and afterwards we describe the linguistic means of persuasion in political discourse. The practical part is focused on the proper research conducted on the basis of the selected sample of Czech and Spanish political texts. The result of this thesis is a comparison of the data obtained from the analysis between the above mentioned languages. The thesis is finally summarized in Spanish résumé.
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Veřejné soukromí : interakce politického marketingu a mediální komunikace na příkladu soukromého života českých politiků (1989-2010) / Public PrivacyKasl Kollmannová, Denisa January 2010 (has links)
Title: Public Privacy: Interaction of Political Marketing and Media Communication on the Example of Private Life of Czech Politicians (1989-2010) Abstract This dissertation thesis analyses by using critical discourse analysis two decades (1989- 2010) of changes in media representations of private life of Czech top politicians. These changes took place in two periods, 1996-98 (the first clashes which affected later development) and 2006-10 (institutionalization and professionalization of political PR in presenting the privacy of politicians). It shows on the example of analysis of specific cases and events concerning the private life of politicians the evolution of political marketing and PR in the field of private life of Czech politicians on one hand at the same time as the development in media representations. The thesis analyses the mutual influence of media and PR sphere, especially in the growth of media interest in the privacy of politicians and in the way of informing about specific private events such as divorces, marriages, births etc. The aim of the thesis is to analyse the development and techniques of political PR, which are used to influence the quantity and content of media texts in order to build a certain image of politicians. Keywords political marketing - public relations - media...
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Marketingové aktivity politických stranNavrátil, Jan January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with marketing activities of political parties in the Czech Republic and it's focused on the campaign, promotion and the creation of the image of the Czech pirate party. At first the past and present campaigns were evaluated and the financial analysis has been performed. On the basis of found results and the output of the processed market research, changes to the communication mix of the party and a layout for the selection procedure of a marketing agency were proposed. Further in the thesis, there has been developed a strategy for risk management and a strategy to increase the member count and for a proper work with the membership base.
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Vliv volebního cyklu a vládního uskupení na daně z příjmůEisenwort, Lukáš January 2007 (has links)
Práce se snaží nalézt souvislosti mezi politickým děním a příjmovými daněmi. Je založena na sledování dynamiky vývoje zvolených proměnných v politickém kontextu. Do zkoumání jsou zahrnuty podíly osobní důchodové daně , korporátní důchodové daně a sociálního pojištění na celkovém daňovém výběru. V práci jsou provedeny výpočty globální progresivity osobní důchové daně a rovněž je zkoumán vývoj daňové kvóty. Sledovaným obdobím jsou roky 1993 až 2005.
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Politické snahy o znovuzvolení -- souvislosti s hospodářským cyklem v ČR? / Political efforts to be re-elected - the contexts of the business cycle in the Czech Republic?Josková, Kamila January 2009 (has links)
As apparent from the name of my diploma thesis I am trying to find a relation between the political and the economical cycle in the Czech Republic. It is evident that the political events are motivated by the personal interests of the politicians to be re-elected. Also the development of the economy does not need to be spontaneous but influenced by the populist intentions. In the theoretical part I am trying to explain the relations between the political and the economical cycle and also the behaviour of several macroeconomic variables which I have chosen for the analytical part of my work. These are: GDP development, inflation, unemployment rate, social migration of the population, consumption and balance of the state budget. In the analytical part I am analysing the behaviour of the selected variables in the election period 1996-1998, 1999-2002, 2003-2006 and in the first two years of the postelection period 2007 and 2008. Based on the behaviour of the variables within the political cycle I am trying to find the possible reason of their development, whether it is a spontaneous process characterized by the current phase of the economical cycle or whether it is a result of the implemented populist measures.
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Formování francouzského politického systému skrze přímou volbu prezidenta republiky / Formation du syst?me politique français par le biais de l´élection du Président de la République au suffrage universel directVojnár, Štěpán January 2006 (has links)
Přestože patří Francie mezi země s vysokou mírou politické stability, je členem nejdůležitějších mezinárodních organizací, ve kterých mnohdy zaujímá klíčové postavení (OSN, EU), její politický vývoj byl vždy pestrý a v mnoha ohledech i dynamický. Tato komplexnost francouzského politického systému vedla autora k vymezení podtématu, s jehož pomocí se tento systém pokusil rozebrat. Cílem práce je charakterizovat a na konkrétních příkladech ilustrovat, jakou roli mělo zavedení přímé volby prezidenta republiky v roce 1962 na politický systém V. republiky v teoretických i praktických rysech. V závěru práce autor hodnotí minulé prezidentské volby a pokouší se nastínit možnou budoucí orientaci francouzského politického systému.
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USA and the EU Politics of Homeland Security after September 11 / USA and the EU Policy of Homeland Security after September 11Vycudilík, Vojtěch January 2004 (has links)
Práce se zabývá vývojem politiky vnitřní / domácí bezpečnosti v USA po 11. září 2001 s ohledem na vývoj v Evropské unii v této oblasti. Zachycuje hlavní změny v architektuře institucí zodopovědných za domácí bezpečnost USA a sleduje vývoj legislativy spjaté s domácí bezpečností. Následně práce analyzuje vliv těchto změn na americký politický systém, na občanské svobody a na rovnováhu moci.
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Proměny politického systému Bollívie po nástupu Eva Moralese / Changes of the Bolivian political system after Evo Morales` accession to the powerHudcovská, Jana January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the changes in the political system of Bolivia .after Evo Morales` accession to the power. The aim of this thesis is to investigte the changes of the Bolivian political system and the changes of its character under Morales` rule. The main attention is focused on the changes of the institutional base of the political system, the forms of governance and the character of the Bolivian political representation. The issue is discussed in the frame of the current Latin American left governments.
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