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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ungas skifte till höger? : En kvantitativ studie av ungas förändrade röstningsbeteenden 2010–2022

Welin, Matti January 2023 (has links)
This essay examines the changing behavior of young Swedish voters in the 2022 election, showing a shift towards right-wing parties compared to older voters. Focusing on the period from 2010 to 2022, it analyzes the influence of gender and education on subjective political alignment and party choice of young voters in parliamentary elections. The study relies on a statistical analysis of exit poll surveys from Swedish Television, from the elections that took place during the period. Previous research suggests that today's younger generations lean towards post- materialistic or libertarian values due to improved material and economic security, while older generations lean towards materialistic and authoritarian values. As older voters pass away and young people gain voting rights, support for libertarian parties is expected to increase while backing for authoritarian parties should decline. However, this essay challenges the previous research, suggesting that despite increased opportunities for higher education and affluence, certain demographic groups, particularly young men who opt out of these opportunities, are more likely to adopt authoritarian values. The results disclose that both gender and education significantly impact the political alignment and party choice of young people throughout the studied period, with the most significant changes observed among the youngest men.

Deliberation och gruppolarisering på Internet : En netnografisk studie av politiskt beteende

Trolin, Elin January 2014 (has links)
Gruppolarisering innebär att bl.a. social jämförelse leder till att isolerade grupper med likasinnade genererar mer extrema åsikter. Gruppolarisering på internet kan vara ett oroväckande fenomen för den deliberativa demokratin. Istället för att människor med konkurrerande ståndpunkter utbyter idéer och tankar med varandra samlas de i isolerade diskussionsforum på internet där social jämförelse i värsta fall kan utmynna i hattal och terrorism. Med netnografisk metod studeras här politiska diskussioner online i två olika typer av forum, ett politiskt och ett icke politiskt. Utifrån teorier om social influens på individers attityd, the Law of Group Polarization och the Spiral of Silence, studeras två olika sammansättningar av nätbaserade forum i diskussioner om antifeminism. Resultaten visar att de politiska diskussionerna på de nätbaserade forumen skiljer sig åt avsevärt. I facebookgruppen Anti-feminism finns flera tydliga indikatorer på gruppolarisering. Det är ett oroväckande fenomen som i den utvalda gruppen visar hur hatet kan eskalera i en grupp med likasinnade till följd av social jämförelse. I en diskussion om antifeminism och feminism på familjeliv.se saknas istället alla indikatorer om social jämförelse och forumet präglas istället av argumentation och oenighet. Studien styrker den forskning som visat att deliberation mellan individer med olika idéer och ståndpunkter sker på opolitiska forum på nätet, inte på de politiska bloggarna eller forum som flera tidigare studier fokuserat på.

The Political Game On Social Media : A quantitative study of to what extent Swedish first-time voters were influenced by political videos on "TikTok"

Dallmann, Bethina January 2023 (has links)
This research explores if Sweden, a country with high trust in the political system could be challenged by social media. The study focuses on one spectrum of social media, TikTok, that exploded during the covid-19 pandemic and is proof of how fast social media develops and reaches out to human beings. The study addresses a research gap regarding this new social media platform as it examines exposure to political content and impact on political behavior. Specifically, the study focuses on first-time voters voting behavior in the Swedish election 2022. This thesis is based on a digital survey sent out to 139 respondents during November 2022. The result indicates that there is a relationship between viewing time on TikTok and voting behavior among young voters in the Swedish election 2022. The study ends with a discussion about how specific political content the respondent was exposed to on TikTok could have had an impact on the political behavior in the Swedish election 2022.

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