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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modeling and experimental study of inverse suspension polymerization of acrylic acid and trimethylolpropane triacrylate for hydrogel production. / Modelagem matemática e estudo experimental da polimerização do ácido acrílico e trimethilolpropano triacrilato para produção de hidrogel.

Liliana Patricia Olivo Arias 04 December 2015 (has links)
In the present work, a super water-absorbent poly(acrylic acid) was synthetized by inverse suspension polymerization, using Span60 as the dispersant, toluene as the dispersing organic phase, trimethylolpropane triacrylate as the crosslinking agent, and sodium persulfate as the initiator. The synthesis was conducted in a small-scale glass reactor operated in semi-batch mode. The following reaction conditions were evaluated: effects of initiator concentration, temperature, percentage of multifunctional cross-linker agent and monomer concentration. Also, two important properties were determined, conversion and gel fraction. A kinetic model including a population balance was employed to simulate the process. The proposed model uses the numerical fractionation technique and is capable of predicting the pre-gel and post-gel properties, the effect of the crosslinking agent level on the polymer properties and the dynamic of gelation. The model was compared with the experimental results and showed a satisfactory representation of the system after parameter adjusting. / No presente trabalho, o poli (ácido acrílico) super-absorvente foi sintetizado por polimerização em suspensão inversa, usando Span 60 como o dispersante, tolueno como fase orgânica, trimetilolpropano triacrilato como agente de reticulação e persulfato de sódio como iniciador. A síntese foi conduzida num reator de vidro em escala de bancada, operado em modo semi-batelada-batelada. As seguintes condições da reação foram avaliadas: os efeitos da concentração de iniciador, a temperatura, a porcentagem de agente de reticulação multifuncional e a concentração de monómero. Além disso, foram determinadas propriedades importantes, como a conversão e a fração de gel. Da mesma forma, foi desenvolvido um modelo de balanço populacional para simular o processo em conjunto com a técnica de fracionamento numérico, que é capaz de prever as propriedades pré-gel e pós-gel, o efeito do nível do agente de reticulação no polímero e as propriedades da dinâmica de gelificação. O modelo foi comparado com os resultados experimentais e mostrou uma representação satisfatória do sistema após o ajuste dos parâmetros.

Synthèse d'agents RAFT macromoléculaires hydrophiles à base d'acide (méth)acrylique ou d'alginate pour l'élaboration de nanoparticules par polymérisation en émulsion / Synthesis of poly(meth)acrylic acid and alginate-based hydrophilic macromolecular RAFT agents for the design of nanoparticles by emulsion polymerization

Chaduc, Isabelle 31 October 2013 (has links)
Ces travaux décrivent la synthèse de nanoparticules stabilisées par des polyélectrolytes d’originesynthétique (poly(acide (méth)acrylique)) ou naturelle (alginate) par polymérisation radicalairecontrôlée (PRC) de type RAFT en émulsion. Ce procédé est basé sur l’utilisation d’un polymèrehydrophile obtenu par RAFT (macroRAFT) qui est réactivé dans l’eau pour la polymérisation d’unmonomère hydrophobe. Des copolymères à blocs amphiphiles sont ainsi générés et s’auto-assemblent in situ pour former des nanoparticules. Dans un premier temps, nous avons cherché à conduire l’ensemble du procédé en milieu aqueux. Des études ont ainsi été menées sur la polymérisation RAFTdans l’eau de l’acide acrylique et de l’acide méthacrylique. Des homopolymères bien définis ont été obtenus sur une large gamme de conditions, puis ont été utilisés comme macroRAFTs pour la polymérisation en émulsion de monomères hydrophobes. Des nanoparticules stables constituées de copolymères à blocs amphiphiles bien définis ont été produites. Il a été montré que le contrôle de la polymérisation et la nucléation dépendaient fortement du pH, mais qu’une bonne stabilité colloïdale était néanmoins observée dans tous les cas. Ce procédé "one-pot " a ensuite été extrapolé à la synthèse de particules stabilisées par des copolymères hydrophiles de N-acryloylmorpholine (NAM) et de macromonomères d’alginate. Des nano-objets aux morphologies variées ont été obtenus. Afin de mieux appréhender la formation de ces morphologies, un système modèle employant un copolymère hydrophile de NAM et de macromonomère de polyNAM obtenu par polymérisation RAFT a été étudiépour la polymérisation en émulsion du styrène. / This work describes the synthesis of nanoparticles stabilized by polyelectrolytes from synthetic(poly((meth)acrylic acid)) or natural (alginate) source by controlled free radical polymerization (CRP),namely RAFT, in emulsion. This process is based on the use of a hydrophilic polymer prepared by RAFT (i.e. macroRAFT) which is reactivated in water for the polymerization of a hydrophobic monomer. The formation of amphiphilic block copolymers which self-assemble in situ leads to the formation of nanoparticles. Firstly, we tried to perform the whole process in water. The RAFT polymerization of acrylic acid and methacrylic acid was studied in this context. Well-defined homopolymers were obtained under a large range of conditions, and further used as macroRAFTs in emulsion polymerization of hydrophobic monomers. Stable nanoparticles composed of well-defined amphiphilic block copolymers were produced. It was shown that the control of the polymerization and the nucleation were strongly dependent on the pH. Nevertheless, a good colloidal stability wasobserved in all cases. This “one-pot” process was then extrapolated to the synthesis of particles stabilized by hydrophilic copolymers of N-acryloylmorpholine (NAM) and alginate macromonomer. Nano-objects with various morphologies were obtained. In order to better understand the formation of these morphologies, a model system using a hydrophilic copolymer of NAM and a polyNAM macromonomer obtained by RAFT polymerization was studied in styrene emulsion polymerization.

Μελέτη της προσρόφησης πολυμερών σε πορώδη υλικά

Μαγιάφα, Μαρία 04 February 2014 (has links)
Στην εργασία αυτή μελετήθηκε o ρυθμός ροής υδατικών διαλυμάτων, σε διάφορα pH περιβάλλοντος, διαμέσου ενός νανοπορώδους υλικού τροποποιημένου με πολυμερικές ψήκτρες. Ειδικότερα, ερευνήθηκε το σύστημα του σύνθετου υλικού πορώδους ανοδικής αλουμίνας με πολυμερικές ψήκτρες του γραμμικού δισυσταδικού συμπολυμερούς πολύ(Ισοπρένιου)–b–πολυ(Ακρυλικού Οξέους) (ΙΑΟ). Η προσρόφηση καθώς και η κινητική προσρόφησης του IAO στο νανοπορώδες υλικό διερευνήθηκε κυρίως μέσω τεχνικών δονητικής φασματοσκοπίας. Πιο συγκεκριμένα με τεχνικές υπερύθρου μετασχηματισμού κατά Φουριέ (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy ή FT-IR), εγγύ υπερύθρου (N-IR) και Αποσβεννύμενη Ολική Ανάκλαση στο μέσο υπέρυθρο (ATR-IR). Ακόμη, με σκοπό την ποσοτικοποίηση της προσροφημένης ποσότητας του ΙΑΟ εφαρμόστηκε η τεχνική της θερμοσταθμικής ανάλυσης (TGA). Τέλος, για την απόκτηση μιας λεπτομερούς εικόνας σχετικά με τη δομή του σύνθετου νανο-πορώδους υλικού τα δείγματα χαρακτηρίστηκαν και με ηλεκτρονική μικροσκοπία (SEM/EDS). / In the present study the flow rate of aqueous solutions of different pH values through a nanoporous material functionalized with polymeric brushes was investigated using spectroscopic and thermogravimetric methods. In particular, the system under study was a composite material of porous anodic alumina with polymeric brushes of the diblock copolymer poly(Isoprene)–b–poly(Acrylic Acid) (IAO). The adsorption and adsorption kinetics of the IAO onto nanoporous alumina were explored mainly through techniques of vibrational spectroscopy. More specifically Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR), Near Infrared (N-IR) and Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR-IR) were employed for this purpose. Moreover, for the quantification of the adsorbed amount of IAO, thermogravimetric analysis was applied (TGA). Finally, to obtain a comprehensive picture of the structure of the nanoporous composite materials used in this study, samples were additionally characterized by electron microscopy (SEM/EDS).

Estudo da dinâmica molecular em copolímeros em bloco compostos de poli(metacrilato de metila), poli(ácido acrílico) e poli(acrilato de chumbo) por técnicas de ressonância magnética nuclear e análise térmica / Study of Molecular Dynamics in Copolymers of Poly (methyl methacrylate), poly (acrylic acid) and Poly (acrylate lead) by nuclear magnetic resonance and thermal analyses

Silva, André Luis Bonfim Bathista e 07 July 2009 (has links)
Esta tese envolveu o estudo da dinâmica molecular em copolímeros em bloco compostos de poli(metacrilato de metila) (PMMA), poli(ácido acrílico) (PAA) e Poli(acrilato de chumbo) (PAPb) por técnicas de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear e de análise térmica (DSC e DMTA). Estes copolímeros em bloco foram sintetizados visando a obtenção de compostos para serem utilizados, tanto como lentes oftálmicas com maiores índices de refração, como materiais dedicados à proteção radiológica, sendo estas duas propriedades de emprego individual ou integrado. Para o estudo destes materiais, as amostras foram confeccionadas com várias composições, incluindo aquelas nas formas puras contendo apenas um bloco, resultantes da combinação de dois blocos, e as triblocos, com diferentes quantidades relativas de PAPb, variando de 1 a 40%. Para o caso do PMMA, a dinâmica molecular é bem conhecida, sendo caracterizada por uma relaxação β, que envolve mais especificamente movimentos de seus ramos laterais e que ocorre dentro de um amplo intervalo de temperatura centrado em torno da ambiente, e pela transição vítrea, que envolve, predominantemente, movimentos da cadeia principal que ocorrem para temperaturas em torno de 100oC. Devido à extensão destes dois eventos em grandes intervalos de temperatura, eles acabam se superpondo já em temperaturas abaixo de 100oC. O fato da relaxação β ocorrer para o PMMA em torno da temperatura ambiente, confere-lhe uma de suas características mais importantes, não ser quebradiço. Porém, devido à presença do grupo hidroxila no PAA, que permite a ocorrência de ligações de hidrogênio entre os diferentes ramos laterais, a relaxação β é suprimida neste material, tornando-o quebradiço e não adequado para as aplicações desejadas. No caso do copolímero tribloco, espera-se que o PAPb também possa interferir na característica mecânica final do material, em função de sua participação na dinâmica molecular do copolímero. Para este estudo foram preparadas várias amostras com diferentes quantidades relativas de PMMA, PAA e PAPb, de modo entendermos a dinâmica molecular destes materiais, individual e coletivamente, afim de selecionar os mais indicados para as aplicações tecnológicas almejadas. Para o estudo destas amostras, utilizamos tanto técnicas de análise térmica (DSC e DMTA), que fornecem, de forma relativamente rápida, dados importantes sobre a dinâmica macroscópica, quanto métodos básicos e avançados de RMN no estado sólido, que propiciam informações mais detalhadas sobre a dinâmica molecular. Estes estudos indicaram que a presença do PAA, obrigatória na rota de síntese utilizada para a inserção do PAPb, é um elemento indesejável no produto final, pois ele sempre atua na supressão da relaxação β. Adicionalmente, os dados obtidos indicaram que o PAPb, em grandes quantidades, também age na supressão desta relaxação. Embora a proposição destes novos materiais para a área oftálmica não ser muito adequada, já que a quantidade de PAPb necessária para a obtenção de amostras com bons índices de refração deve ser grande (bem acima de 5%, quando elas tornam-se quebradiças), as amostras com pequenos conteúdos de PAPb (até 5%) permitiram uma redução de até 50% dos raios-x incidentes. Finalmente, os estudos realizados por técnicas que observam detalhes da dinâmica molecular, tanto em níveis macroscópicos (DSC e DMTA), quanto moleculares (RMN), ofereceram excelentes informações básicas tanto sobre a mobilidade dos diferentes ramos que compõem os copolímeros em bloco, quanto a interação/miscibilidade entre os diferentes blocos, que afeta também a dinâmica global do sistema. / This thesis involved the study of molecular dynamics in triblock copolymers consisting of poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), poly (acrylic acid) (PAA) and Poly (lead acrylate) (PAPb) by solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and thermal analyses (DSC and DMTA). These block copolymers were synthesized in order to obtain materials not only presenting higher refractive index but also offering good radiological protection, which are useful for individual and combined applications. For the study of these materials, the samples were prepared with various compositions, including those in pure form containing only a block, resulting from the combination of two blocks, and the triblock with different relative amounts of PAPb, ranging from 1 to 40%. In the case of PMMA, the molecular dynamics is well known, characterized by a β relaxation, which involves more specifically the ester side-group dynamics occurring within a broad temperature range centered around the room temperature, and the glass transition, predominantly involving the main chain dynamics that occur for temperatures around 100oC. Due to large extension of these two dynamical events in wide temperature ranges, they merge at temperatures below 100oC. The fact that the β relaxation occurs for the PMMA around the room temperature, confers to it one of its most important features, toughness. However, due to the presence of the hydroxyl group in PAA, which allows the occurrence of hydrogen links between different branches, the β relaxation in this material is strongly suppressed, making it brittle and not suitable for the desired applications. In the case of the triblock copolymer, it is also expected that PAPb may also interfere with the mechanical properties of the final material due to its involvement in the full molecular dynamics of the copolymer. For this study, several samples were prepared with different relative amounts of PMMA, PAA and PAPb, in order to understand the molecular dynamics of these materials, individually and collectively, and select the most suitable ones for the desired technological applications. To characterize and study these samples, we employed thermal analyses (DSC and DMTA), which give quick and important data on the macroscopic dynamics, and basic and advanced solid-state NMR methods, which provide more detailed information about he molecular dynamics. These studies indicated that PAA, necessary along the synthesis route used for the insertion of PAPb in the triblock copolymers, is an undesirable element in the final product, because it is always acting on the suppression of β relaxation. Although the proposition of these new materials for the ophthalmic area is not very appropriate, since the amount of PAPb necessary to obtain good refraction indexes would be necessarily large (over 5%, when they become brittle), the samples with small amounts of PAPb (up to 5%, when they present good mechanical properties) allowed a significant reduction of about 50% of the incident x-rays. Finally, using solid-state NMR methods, including modern Exchange experiments and thermal analyses (DSC and DMTA), it was possible to understand in detail the individual and cooperative motions of the main chain and side groups. The most import result obtained indicate that, despite being important inserting PAPB and PAA in the block copolymer for improving the desired optical and x-ray shielding properties, the presence of these blocks tend to suppress the β relaxation, reducing thesample mechanical properties.

Synthesis of polyelectrolyte brushes on silica-based substrates through surface-initiated polymerization : brush characterization and responsiveness to variation in pH and ionic strength

Borozenko, Olga 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Estudo da dinâmica molecular em copolímeros em bloco compostos de poli(metacrilato de metila), poli(ácido acrílico) e poli(acrilato de chumbo) por técnicas de ressonância magnética nuclear e análise térmica / Study of Molecular Dynamics in Copolymers of Poly (methyl methacrylate), poly (acrylic acid) and Poly (acrylate lead) by nuclear magnetic resonance and thermal analyses

André Luis Bonfim Bathista e Silva 07 July 2009 (has links)
Esta tese envolveu o estudo da dinâmica molecular em copolímeros em bloco compostos de poli(metacrilato de metila) (PMMA), poli(ácido acrílico) (PAA) e Poli(acrilato de chumbo) (PAPb) por técnicas de Ressonância Magnética Nuclear e de análise térmica (DSC e DMTA). Estes copolímeros em bloco foram sintetizados visando a obtenção de compostos para serem utilizados, tanto como lentes oftálmicas com maiores índices de refração, como materiais dedicados à proteção radiológica, sendo estas duas propriedades de emprego individual ou integrado. Para o estudo destes materiais, as amostras foram confeccionadas com várias composições, incluindo aquelas nas formas puras contendo apenas um bloco, resultantes da combinação de dois blocos, e as triblocos, com diferentes quantidades relativas de PAPb, variando de 1 a 40%. Para o caso do PMMA, a dinâmica molecular é bem conhecida, sendo caracterizada por uma relaxação β, que envolve mais especificamente movimentos de seus ramos laterais e que ocorre dentro de um amplo intervalo de temperatura centrado em torno da ambiente, e pela transição vítrea, que envolve, predominantemente, movimentos da cadeia principal que ocorrem para temperaturas em torno de 100oC. Devido à extensão destes dois eventos em grandes intervalos de temperatura, eles acabam se superpondo já em temperaturas abaixo de 100oC. O fato da relaxação β ocorrer para o PMMA em torno da temperatura ambiente, confere-lhe uma de suas características mais importantes, não ser quebradiço. Porém, devido à presença do grupo hidroxila no PAA, que permite a ocorrência de ligações de hidrogênio entre os diferentes ramos laterais, a relaxação β é suprimida neste material, tornando-o quebradiço e não adequado para as aplicações desejadas. No caso do copolímero tribloco, espera-se que o PAPb também possa interferir na característica mecânica final do material, em função de sua participação na dinâmica molecular do copolímero. Para este estudo foram preparadas várias amostras com diferentes quantidades relativas de PMMA, PAA e PAPb, de modo entendermos a dinâmica molecular destes materiais, individual e coletivamente, afim de selecionar os mais indicados para as aplicações tecnológicas almejadas. Para o estudo destas amostras, utilizamos tanto técnicas de análise térmica (DSC e DMTA), que fornecem, de forma relativamente rápida, dados importantes sobre a dinâmica macroscópica, quanto métodos básicos e avançados de RMN no estado sólido, que propiciam informações mais detalhadas sobre a dinâmica molecular. Estes estudos indicaram que a presença do PAA, obrigatória na rota de síntese utilizada para a inserção do PAPb, é um elemento indesejável no produto final, pois ele sempre atua na supressão da relaxação β. Adicionalmente, os dados obtidos indicaram que o PAPb, em grandes quantidades, também age na supressão desta relaxação. Embora a proposição destes novos materiais para a área oftálmica não ser muito adequada, já que a quantidade de PAPb necessária para a obtenção de amostras com bons índices de refração deve ser grande (bem acima de 5%, quando elas tornam-se quebradiças), as amostras com pequenos conteúdos de PAPb (até 5%) permitiram uma redução de até 50% dos raios-x incidentes. Finalmente, os estudos realizados por técnicas que observam detalhes da dinâmica molecular, tanto em níveis macroscópicos (DSC e DMTA), quanto moleculares (RMN), ofereceram excelentes informações básicas tanto sobre a mobilidade dos diferentes ramos que compõem os copolímeros em bloco, quanto a interação/miscibilidade entre os diferentes blocos, que afeta também a dinâmica global do sistema. / This thesis involved the study of molecular dynamics in triblock copolymers consisting of poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA), poly (acrylic acid) (PAA) and Poly (lead acrylate) (PAPb) by solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and thermal analyses (DSC and DMTA). These block copolymers were synthesized in order to obtain materials not only presenting higher refractive index but also offering good radiological protection, which are useful for individual and combined applications. For the study of these materials, the samples were prepared with various compositions, including those in pure form containing only a block, resulting from the combination of two blocks, and the triblock with different relative amounts of PAPb, ranging from 1 to 40%. In the case of PMMA, the molecular dynamics is well known, characterized by a β relaxation, which involves more specifically the ester side-group dynamics occurring within a broad temperature range centered around the room temperature, and the glass transition, predominantly involving the main chain dynamics that occur for temperatures around 100oC. Due to large extension of these two dynamical events in wide temperature ranges, they merge at temperatures below 100oC. The fact that the β relaxation occurs for the PMMA around the room temperature, confers to it one of its most important features, toughness. However, due to the presence of the hydroxyl group in PAA, which allows the occurrence of hydrogen links between different branches, the β relaxation in this material is strongly suppressed, making it brittle and not suitable for the desired applications. In the case of the triblock copolymer, it is also expected that PAPb may also interfere with the mechanical properties of the final material due to its involvement in the full molecular dynamics of the copolymer. For this study, several samples were prepared with different relative amounts of PMMA, PAA and PAPb, in order to understand the molecular dynamics of these materials, individually and collectively, and select the most suitable ones for the desired technological applications. To characterize and study these samples, we employed thermal analyses (DSC and DMTA), which give quick and important data on the macroscopic dynamics, and basic and advanced solid-state NMR methods, which provide more detailed information about he molecular dynamics. These studies indicated that PAA, necessary along the synthesis route used for the insertion of PAPb in the triblock copolymers, is an undesirable element in the final product, because it is always acting on the suppression of β relaxation. Although the proposition of these new materials for the ophthalmic area is not very appropriate, since the amount of PAPb necessary to obtain good refraction indexes would be necessarily large (over 5%, when they become brittle), the samples with small amounts of PAPb (up to 5%, when they present good mechanical properties) allowed a significant reduction of about 50% of the incident x-rays. Finally, using solid-state NMR methods, including modern Exchange experiments and thermal analyses (DSC and DMTA), it was possible to understand in detail the individual and cooperative motions of the main chain and side groups. The most import result obtained indicate that, despite being important inserting PAPB and PAA in the block copolymer for improving the desired optical and x-ray shielding properties, the presence of these blocks tend to suppress the β relaxation, reducing thesample mechanical properties.

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