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Nutrition Needs Assessment for women of childbearing age with Polycystic Ovarian SyndromeColeman, Callie, Bignell, Whitney 25 April 2023 (has links)
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine disorder that affects women’s menstrual cycles and their levels of androgens (male hormones) and cysts on the ovaries. There is a variety of symptoms that come with this endocrine disorder, but insulin resistance is a hallmark symptom of the disorder. It’s shown that 65-70% of women with PCOS have insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia, this is in women that are overweight, obese, or lean (Marshall & Dunaif, 2012). A lot of women with PCOS find themselves struggling to lose weight because their excess weight is tied to lifestyle and not properly nourishing their bodies, as well as their imbalanced hormones. The understanding of PCOS being a metabolic disorder led to the investigation of the need for registered dietitian nutritionists on the health team of women with PCOS could change the quality of life in women. We developed a survey based on the literature available on the topic of PCOS, diet/nutrition interventions, and the role of RDNs in the healthcare team of PCOS women of childbearing age. Only childbearing-age women (18-44) that have been diagnosed with PCOS were allowed to complete the survey. The survey was comprised of three sections and was designed to be a needs assessment on the need for registered dietitian-nutritionists to be included in the healthcare team of PCOS women. The questions were designed also show any gaps of knowledge or misconceptions about nutrition that these women may have. Lastly, it was designed to examine if women understand how nutrition relates to the management of their symptoms of PCOS and future disease risks. The data from this survey will show the need for RDNs in the healthcare team of PCOS women, and give us an understanding of nutrition education and intervention that could be developed for future studies. This understanding of how RDNs could play a role in symptom management could lead to a better quality of life in PCOS women.
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Enhanced ERK1/2 activity a central feature of cystogenesis in ARPKD. Implications for ion transport phenotypeVeizis, Ilir Elias January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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The Relationship of Food Insecurity to Health Parameters in Adult Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)Hamilton, Angela M. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Androgen secretion and cardiovascular risk factors in women with and without PCOS:studies on age-related changes and medical interventionPuurunen, J. (Johanna) 26 May 2015 (has links)
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age. The main features of the syndrome include menstrual irregularities and hyperandrogenism. In addition to symptoms related to fertility, some women also suffer from an unfavourable metabolic profile including impaired glucose tolerance, dyslipidaemia and low-grade chronic inflammation.
In the present studies we aimed to investigate the role of age on adrenal and ovarian androgen secretion in 79 women with PCOS and 98 healthy women, with special focus on the menopause. Furthermore, we studied the effects of combined hormonal contraceptives (CHCs) administered orally, transdermally and vaginally (n=42, healthy women, 9 weeks) and atorvastatin treatment (n=28, women with PCOS, 6 months) on androgen levels and metabolic factors. Androgen secretion capacity was analysed by using adrenal and ovarian stimulation tests and glucose tolerance by using oral and intravenous glucose tolerance tests. Furthermore, chronic inflammation was assessed via assay of C-reactive protein and pentraxin-3.
Basal and stimulated adrenal and ovarian androgen production was elevated and levels remained higher in women with PCOS compared with healthy women even after the menopause. Furthermore, women with PCOS presented with enhanced insulin resistance and chronic inflammation, which persisted beyond menopausal transition. During CHC treatment, the route of administration was insignificant, and all treatments impaired insulin sensitivity and increased chronic inflammation. In women with PCOS, treatment with atorvastatin improved chronic inflammation and the lipid profile as expected, but worsened glucose tolerance and did not affect testosterone levels.
Regardless of strict exclusion criteria, where only relatively healthy women with PCOS were recruited, the results showed that enhanced androgen secretion and unfavourable metabolic alterations associated with PCOS persist through menopausal transition. The findings emphasize the importance of monitoring glucose metabolism during the use of CHCs, especially in women with known risks of type 2 diabetes. Atorvastatin treatment exacerbates insulin resistance in women with PCOS and therefore the treatment should only be considered after individual risk assessment of cardiovascular disease and not just because of PCOS. / Tiivistelmä
Monirakkulainen munasarjaoireyhtymä (PCOS) on hedelmällisessä iässä olevien naisten yleisin hormonaalinen ongelma. Tyypillisiä PCOS:n oireita ovat munarakkuloiden epäsäännöllisestä kypsymisestä johtuvat kuukautiskierron häiriöt ja miessukuhormonien eli androgeenien liikatuotanto. Hedelmällisyyttä heikentävien oireiden lisäksi PCOS:än liittyy aineenvaihdunnan ongelmia, kuten heikentynyttä sokerinsietoa sekä taipumus rasva-aineenvaihdunnan häiriöihin ja krooniseen tulehdukseen.
Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin ikääntymisen ja vaihdevuosien vaikutuksia lisämunuais- ja munasarjaperäiseen androgeenieritykseen 79 PCOS-naisella ja 98 terveellä naisella. Lisäksi tutkittiin eri yhdistelmäehkäisyvalmisteiden antoreittien (suu, iho, emätin) (n=42, terveet naiset, 9 viikkoa) ja atorvastatiinihoidon (n=28, PCOS-naiset, 6 kuukautta) vaikutuksia androgeenitasoihin ja aineenvaihdunnallisiin muuttujiin. Androgeenieritystä tutkittiin lisämunuaisten ja munasarjojen stimulaatiotesteillä ja sokeriaineenvaihdunnan muutoksia suun kautta ja suonensisäisesti tehtävillä sokerirasituskokeilla. Tulehduksellista tilaa mitattiin määrittämällä C-reaktiivisen proteiinin ja pentraksiini-3:n pitoisuuksia.
Lisämunuaisten ja munasarjojen androgeenieritys oli PCOS-naisilla lisääntynyt terveisiin naisiin verrattuna, ja ero säilyi vaihdevuosi-iän jälkeen. PCOS-naisilla esiintyi myös enemmän heikentynyttä sokerinsietoa ja kroonista tulehdusta vielä vaihdevuosi-iän jälkeenkin. Hormonaalinen yhdistelmäehkäisy heikensi insuliiniherkkyyttä sekä pahensi pitkäaikaista tulehdusta annostelureitistä riippumatta. Atorvastatiinihoito puolestaan paransi pitkäaikaista tulehdusta sekä rasva-aineenvaihduntaa PCOS-naisilla, mutta huononsi sokerinsietoa ja insuliiniherkkyyttä eikä sillä ollut vaikutusta testosteronitasoihin.
Koska poissulkukriteerit olivat tiukat, tutkimuksiin valikoitui varsin terveitä PCOS-naisia. Siitä huolimatta osoittautui, että PCOS:än liittyvä lisääntynyt androgeenituotanto sekä epäedulliset aineenvaihdunnan muutokset jatkuvat vielä vaihdevuosi-iän jälkeen. Hormonaalisen yhdistelmäehkäisyn käytön aikana olisi hyvä seurata sokeriaineenvaihdunnan muutoksia erityisesti niillä naisilla, joilla on kohonnut riski sairastua aikuistyypin diabetekseen. Atorvastatiinihoito huonontaa PCOS-naisilla insuliiniherkkyyttä, minkä vuoksi hoito tulisi aloittaa vain yksilöllisen riskiarvion perusteella.
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Sekvenční varianty genu HNF1B u autozomálně recesivní polycystické choroby ledvin / Sequence variety of HNF1B gene in autosomal recessive polycystic kidney diseaseKavec, Miriam January 2017 (has links)
Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) is a rare severe inherited disease manifested by cystic renal disease, congenital hepatic fibrosis and dilatatation of bile ducts. The spectrum of clinical manifestations is very wide and variable, depends on the age at which the disease was manifested. In severe forms of the disease, it is possible to detect the first symptoms prenatally around the 20th week of pregnancy due to increased echogenic kidneys and the presence of oligohydramnios. The causal gene of this disease is thePKHD1 gene with protein product fibrocystin that is most likely contributing on maintaining the intracellular concentration of Ca2+ cations. The exact phatophysiology mechanism of ARPKD remains unknown. Phenotypic manifestations of this disease may overlap with mutations associated with other genes. One of the genes mimicking the ARPKD phenotype is the HNF1B gene. Mutations associated with HNF1B gene are the most common monogenic cause of developmental kidney abnormalities. HNF1B is a tissue-specific transcription factor that regulates the expression of PKHD1. In experimental part I worked on genetic analysis of the HNF1B gene in 28 patients who have not been confirmed ARPKD diagnosis by detection of 2 PKHD1 mutations. For the purposes of mutational screening, I used...
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Veränderungen des Kohlenhydratstoffwechsels im Leben einer Frau und seine Bedeutung für den FrauenarztSchlüter, Amelie 18 April 2005 (has links)
Ziel dieser vorliegenden, vergleichenden Literaturarbeit ist es, den heutigen Wissensstand in Bezug auf den Kohlenhydratstoffwechsel einer Frau darzustellen. Hierbei werden die physiologischen Veränderungen des Metabolismus zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten im Leben einer Frau, begonnen mit der Kindheit und Pubertät, über Menstruation und Schwangerschaft bis hin zur Menopause, betrachtet und es werden die Ursachen und möglichen Mechanismen aufgezeigt, die zu Abweichungen der Insulinresistenz und der Insulinsekretion und damit möglicherweise zu einer Glukoseintoleranz bzw. einem Typ-2 Diabetes mellitus führen können. Der Kohlenhydratstoffwechsel wird nicht nur bezüglich der physiologischen, sondern auch in bezug auf die iatrogen verursachten Veränderungen, d.h. unter oraler hormonaler Kontrazeption, unter Hormonersatztherapie im Klimakterium, sowie hinsichtlich bestimmter Pathologien, wie dem zur Infertilität führenden polyzystischem Ovarsyndrom oder dem Gestationsdiabetes, untersucht. Ergebnis: Es scheint eine starke Verknüpfung zwischen dem weiblichen Reproduktionssystem und dem Kohlenhydratstoffwechsel zu geben, deren Interaktion von den unterschiedlichsten Faktoren beeinflusst wird. Der Frauenarzt sollte sich bei der Verschreibung hormoneller Kontrazeptiva, der Hormonersatztherapie und im Besonderen bei der Therapie des polyzystischen Ovarsyndroms sowie bei der Untersuchung seiner Patientinnen bewusst sein, dass verschiedene Lebensphasen, wie Pubertät, Schwangerschaft und Klimakterium und die damit verknüpften Veränderungen des Reproduktionssystems und der Sexualhormone auch deutliche metabolische Veränderungen nach sich ziehen können. Besonders eine erhöhte Insulinresistenz, die mit einer gesteigerten Insulinsekretion einhergeht, muss bedacht werden. Nicht nur das Syndrom X, eine Zusammenfassung von metabolischen Abnormitäten (Dyslipidämie, Insulinresistenz, Adipositas, Hypertonie), die mit einem deutlich erhöhten Risiko kardiovaskulärer Krankheiten und besonders der Atherosklerose einhergehen, sondern die daraus folgende steigende Prävalenz von Typ-2 Diabetes mellitus und das stark vermehrte Auftreten von Adipositas verlangen nach einer fachübergreifenden Zusammenarbeit zwischen Frauenärzten und Internisten. / The aim of this comparative review is to reveal the current standard of knowledge concerning carbohydrate metabolism in women. The study demonstrates the physiological changes in metabolism at various stages in a female life, from childhood and puberty, through menstruation and pregnancy and ending with the menopause, whilst also evaluating different causes and possible mechanisms that lead to aberrance in insulin resistance and insulin secretion and thereby potentially to glucose intolerance and/or type 2 Diabetes mellitus. In addition to presenting physiological alterations in glucose metabolism, this work also analyses changes generated by iatrogenic treatment such as oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy, as well as those caused by different pathologies like polycystic ovary syndrome or gestational diabetes. The results indicate a strong correlation between the female reproduction system and the carbohydrate metabolism. The interaction is influenced by the many very different factors. Before prescribing oral contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy in climacteric (especially during the treatment of infertility in PCOS), or examining patients, the gynaecologist needs to be aware of the fact that different phases in life along with sex steroids and connected changes in the reproductive system, might lead to severe metabolic diversifications. Special attention should be paid to an increased insulin resistance, associated with an augmentation in insulin secretion. Not only the metabolic syndrome, the simultaneous appearance of metabolic abnormalities (dyslipidaemia, insulin resistance, adiposity, hypertonia), which holds a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases, especially arteriosclerosis, but also the consequential increased prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus and the highly increased prevalence of adiposity, demand for a multidisciplinary collaboration between gynaecologists and internists.
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