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Réactivité des polyéthers ionophores et des coumarines : vers des systèmes moléculaires efficaces pour la santé animale / Chemical reactivity of polyether ionophores and coumarins : towards effective molecular systems for animal healthVialle, Émilie 22 September 2011 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse, réalisée en collaboration avec la société Mérial, concerne la santé animale et s’oriente vers la synthèse de molécules actives à visée préventive ou thérapeutique. Deux sujets distincts sont abordés. Dans un premier temps, le but recherché est la synthèse d’une série de molécules présentant une activité anti-coccidienne pour le traitement préventif des poulets. Quarante-trois composés originaux, issus d’une synthèse courte à deux ou trois étapes, ont été préparés par hémi-synthèse de la monensine. Quinze molécules ont été testées in vitro et trois d’entre elles montrent une activité importante vis-à-vis du parasite Eimeria tenella. Dans un second temps, nous nous sommes intéressés à la synthèse de nouveaux répulsifs pour un large panel d’insectes. Après avoir fait une étude bibliographique approfondie, nos recherches se sont concentrées sur la réactivité de la coumarine. Environ soixante-dix molécules ont été synthétisées par modifications fonctionnelles des 4-, 6- et 7- hydroxycoumarines et de la coumarine. La grande majorité a été testée en présence de drosophiles. Six molécules présentant une activité répulsive équivalente à celle du DEET, produit de référence, ont été identifiées / This thesis was completed in collaboration with the Animal Health Company Merial. The objective of the thesis is the synthesis of preventive and therapeutic bioactive molecules. Two separate subjects were treated. First, the aim was the synthesis of a series of molecules having an anticoccidial activity for the preventive treatment of chickens. Forty-three original compounds, issued from a short synthesis with two or three steps, were prepared from monensin by hemi-synthesis. Among them, fifteen were tested in vitro and three of them showed a significant activity against Eimeria tenella. Thereafter, we have worked on the synthesis of new repellents for a wide range of insects. After a comprehensive bibliographic study, our research was focused on the coumarin reactivity. More than seventy molecules were synthesized by structural modifications of 4-, 6- and 7-hydroxycoumarins and of coumarin. Almost all the compounds were tested in the presence of drosophila. Six molecules showing a repellent activity equivalent to DEET, used as a reference product, were identified
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Electrochemical Synthesis Of Crowned Conducting Polymers: Nature Of Radical Cations In Polymerization And Mechanism Of ConductivityCihaner, Atilla 01 June 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Cihaner, Atilla
Ph. D., Department of Chemistry
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ahmet M. Ö / nal
June 2004, 96 Pages
Poly(dibenzo-18-crown-6) (Poly(DB18C6)) was synthesized by electrochemical oxidation of dibenzo-18-crown-6 (DB18C6) using a mixture of acetonitrile and dichloromethane as solvent and tetrabutylammonium tetrafluoroborate (TBABF4) or tetrabutylammonium hexafluorophosphate (TBAPF6) as supporting electrolyte. The anodic polymerization of DB18C6 was investigated using in-situ ESR and in-situ UV-VIS spectroscopic techniques. Spectroelectrochemical (SPEL) properties and thermal analysis of the resulting polymers have been investigated using UV-VIS, Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA).
Furthermore, new compounds consisting of bis(2-thienyl) methyl (I and II) and bis(2-thienyl) ethyl (III) units linked by polyether bridges have been synthesized and their electrochemical polymerization was performed via constant potential electrolysis (CPE) in an electrolytic solution containing 0.1 M TBAPF6 dissolved in CH3CN. Also, I and II were polymerized via chemical oxidation
which yielded broken & / #61552 / -conjugated polymers except for III. The polymers were characterized using 1H-NMR and FT-IR spectroscopic techniques. In addition, copolymers of III with thiophene (Th) and pyrrole (Py) were studied with cyclic voltammetry (CV). SPEL behaviors of the products were investigated using UV-VIS spectroscopic technique.
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Desenvolvimento de membranas de poli(éter imida) sultonada para a permeacão de gases / Development of sulfonated poly(ether imide) membranes for gas permeationMichelle Silva Vila Chã 21 December 2009 (has links)
A busca por membranas com propriedades adequadas a separação de gases em escala industrial tem levado a modificação e sIntese de polImeros de engenharia, com objetivo de obter membranas com propriedades adequadas. Uma das modificaçoes que tem se apresentado promissora é a inserção de grupos sulfônicos em polImeros comerciais. Espera-se que o polImero sulfonado apresente um aumento na permeação de gases polares, em relação a gases apolares, devido a sua estrutura mais polar e flexIvel. Neste contexto, o objetivo do presente trabalho é a sIntese e caracterização de membranas de poli(éter imida) sulfonada para a permeação de gases. Um planejamento experimental foi desenvolvido, em diferentes condiçoes reacionais de temperatura, tempo e excesso de um dos reagentes (ácido acético), para a sIntese de poli(éter imida) sulfonada (SPEI). Através deste planejamento, constatou-se que as variáveis que mais influenciam o grau de sulfonação são a temperatura e o tempo. O polImero com o maior grau de sulfonação, determinado por capacidade de troca iônica (IEC= 92 mEq H+/g), foi utilizado para o preparo da membrana de SPEI, obtida pela técnica de inversão de fase por evaporação do solvente, utilizando-se clorofórmio como solvente. Este filme foi caracterizado a partir das seguintes análises: espectroscopia de infravermelho (FTIR), calorimetria diferencial de varredura (DSC), análise termogravimétrica (TGA) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), a fim de avaliar a influência da inserção do grupo sulfônico na matriz polimérica. O espectro de infravermelho de
SPEI apresentou bandas relacionadas as vibraçoes assimétricas em 1240 cm-1
(ligação O=S=O), ligação simétrica em 1171 cm-1 (O=S=O) e ligação S-O entre
1010-1024 cm-1. Isto indica a presença de grupos sulfônicos. A análise de DSC foi realizada entre 150-250C. Nesta faixa, não foram observadas alteraçoes na temperatura de transição vItrea (Tg) do polImero modificado (217C). Acredita-se que a decomposição do grupo sulfona aconteça antes da temperatura atingir o Tg do polImero. Esta suposição é confirmada na análise de TGA. As imagens de MEV
mostraram que foram obtidos filmes livres de poros e defeitos. A membrana da SPEI foi utilizada no ensaio de permeaçao dos gases 02, N2 e C02, a fim de determinar a permeabilidade e seletividade da membrana. As permeabilidades encontradas para o gas oxigênio foram de 0,76 barrer para a PEI e 0,46 barrer para a SPEI. A seletividade do dióxido de carbono em relaçao ao oxigênio aumentou de 3,5, na membrana de PEI, para 4,83, na membrana de SPEI. Em relaçao ao nitrogênio, as permeabilidades medidas foram 0,064 barrer e 0,043 barrer, para a PEI e para a SPEI, respectivamente, enquanto a seletividade em relaçao ao C02 aumentou de
41,1 para 55,5. Estes resultados indicam que o efeito de sorçao predominou devido
ao aumento das interaçöes moleculares, reduzindo assim o volume livre, o que tornou a membrana sulfonada mais compacta, com permeabilidade menor e maior seletividade. Estes resultados corroboram com a premissa de que a sulfonaçao é um processo promissor para o desenvolvimento de membranas mais eficientes. / The search for membranes with suitable properties for gas separation in industrial scale has led to the modification and synthesis of engineering polymers with the purpose of obtaining membranes with superior properties. 0ne of the modifications that have been considered promising is the insertion of sulfonic groups in commercial polymers. Due to its structure more polar and flexible, it is expected that the sulfonated polymer present an increase in polar gas permeation in relation to nonpolar gases. In this context, the objective of this work is the synthesis and characterization of membranes of poly (ether imide) sulfonated for the permeation of gases. An experimental design was developed in different reaction conditions of temperature, time and an excess of one of the reagents (acetic acid), for the synthesis of poly (ether imide) sulfonated, SPEI. Through this planning, it was found that the variables that most influenced the degree of sulfonation are temperature and time. The polymer with the highest degree of sulfonation, by ion exchange capacity
(IEC = 92 mEq H+ I g), was used to prepare SPEI membrane obtained by the
technique of solvent evaporation, using chloroform. This film was characterized from the following analysis: infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to evaluate the influence of insertion of the sulfonic group in the polymer matrix. The infrared spectrum showed bands of SPEI related to asymmetric vibrations at 1240cm-
1 (S = 0 = 0), in symmetric stretch at 1171 cm-1 (0 = S = 0) and S0 stretch between
1010-1024cm-1. This indicates the presence of sulfonic groups. The DSC analysis was carried out between 150-250C. In this range, there are no significant changes in glass transition temperature of the modified polymer (217C). It is believed that the decomposition of the sulfone group occurs before the temperature reaches the Tg of the polymer. This assumption is confirmed in the TGA analysis. The images of SEM showed that films were obtained free of pores and defects. The membrane SPEI obtained by the technique of solvent evaporation, was used for testing permeation of gases 02, N2 and C02 in order to determine the permeability and selectivity of the membrane. The permeabilities found for oxygen were 0.76 barrer for PEI and 0.46 barrer for SPEI. The selectivity of carbon dioxide relative to oxygen increased from
3.5 to 4.83. Regarding nitrogen, the permeability measurements were 0.064 barrer
and 0.043 barrer for the PEI and the SPEI, respectively, while the selectivity relative to C02 increased from 41.1 to 55.5. These results indicate that the predominant effect of sorption due to increased molecular interactions, thus reducing the free volume, made the membrane sulfonated more compact with lower permeability and higher selectivity. These results agree with the premise that the sulfonation is a promising process for the development of more efficient membranes.
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Preparation And Performance Of Membrane Electrode Assemblies With Nafion And Alternative Polymer Electrolyte MembranesSengul, Erce 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Hydrogen and oxygen or air polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell is one of the most promising electrical energy conversion devices for a sustainable future due to its high efficiency and zero emission. Membrane electrode assembly (MEA), in
which electrochemical reactions occur, is stated to be the heart of the fuel cell. The aim of this study was to develop methods for preparation of MEA with alternative polymer electrolyte membranes and compare their performances with the conventional Nafion® / membrane. The alternative membranes were sulphonated polyether-etherketone (SPEEK), composite, blend with sulphonated polyethersulphone
(SPES), and polybenzimidazole (PBI). Several powder type MEA preparation techniques were employed by using Nafion® / membrane. These were GDL Spraying, Membrane Spraying, and Decal methods. GDL Spraying and Decal were determined as the most efficient and proper MEA preparation methods. These methods were tried to improve further by changing
catalyst loading, introducing pore forming agents, and treating membrane and GDL. The highest performance, which was 0.53 W/cm2, for Nafion® / membrane was obtained at 70 0C cell temperature. In comparison, it was about 0.68 W/cm2 for a commercial MEA at the same temperature. MEA prepared with SPEEK membrane resulted in lower performance. Moreover, it was found that SPEEK membrane was not suitable for high temperature operation. It was stable up to 80 0C under the cell operating conditions. However, with the blend of 10 wt% SPES to SPEEK, the operating temperature was raised up to 90 0C without any membrane deformation.
The highest power outputs were 0.29 W/cm2 (at 70 0C) and 0.27 W/cm2 (at 80 0C) for SPEEK and SPEEK-PES blend membrane based MEAs. The highest temperature, which was 150 0C, was attained with PBI based MEA during fuel cell
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Estrutura e comportamento em solução de copolímeros anfifílicos do tipo poliéter glicolMarques, Yuri Alencar 11 January 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-01-11 / The solution behavior and self-assembly structural phenomena of two industrial amphiphilic polyether glycol block copolymers with different chemical structures and similar cloud points were studied. The raw industrial diol copolymer was subjected to fractionation by preparative liquid chromatography with a size exclusion column (prep-LC-SEC). Prep-LC-SEC did not achieve a molecular mass separation; nonetheless it generated a separation of fractions by means of polarity. Significant heterogeneity of chain polarity of the fractions was demonstrated by CO2 supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC). The temperature and concentration effects of the polymers in polar 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol and water (25DB) solution were investigated by means of a combination of ATR-FTIR and SAXS techniques. In ATRFTIR analysis, a hypsochromic shift was shown for the O-H absorption peak with an increase in copolymer concentration in solution. This shift was consistently observed in high as well as in low temperatures. Narrowing of the C-O peak width with increasing concentration was demonstrated. A slight bathochromic shift of the C-H peaks was observed as a result of increasing polymer concentration. SAXS evaluation of the copolymers was carried out in concentrated systems. Despite the distinct chemical structures, the scattering curves indicate that the micellar aggregation processes and structural forms of both polyether glycols in solution are significantly similar. SAXS profiles in temperatures above and close to the cloud point revealed the absence of a macromolecular organized structure of the copolymer polyethers in 25DB solution. An investigative fit of the SAXS curves with a hard sphere model (HSM K-T) support the similar solution behavior of the two block copolymers evaluated in this study. The similarities of the aggregation and structural assembly of the two industrial triblock polyether glycols in polar solutions were evidenced. The correlations of the intermolecular interactions and the self-assembly morphology of the copolymer polyethers with the microphase separation temperature, i.e. the cloud point, were demonstrated. / O comportamento e os fenômenos da estruturação e organização em solução de dois copolímeros anfifílicos poliéter glicóis industriais, com distintas estruturas químicas e pontos de névoa similares, foram estudados. O poliéter glicol diol bruto produzido em reator de escala industrial foi submetido a um fracionamento por cromatografia líquida preparativa com coluna de exclusão de tamanho (prep-LCSEC). A prep-LC-SEC não apresentou um fracionamento por massas moleculares, mas gerou uma separação de frações por polaridade de cadeias. Comprovou-se, por cromatografia em fluido supercrítico (SFC-CO2) que estas frações apresentaram heterogeneidade significativa quanto à polaridade nas cadeias. A investigação dos efeitos da temperatura e concentração dos polímeros em solução polar 2-(2- butoxietoxi)etanol e água (25DB) foi realizada por combinação das técnicas de ATRFTIR e SAXS. Na análise de ATR-FTIR, foi demonstrado um deslocamento hipsocrômico do pico da ligação O-H com aumento da concentração em solução para os copolímeros. Este efeito foi consistente em temperaturas baixas e altas. Um estreitamento na largura dos picos de absorção da ligação C-O com aumento da concentração foi demonstrado. Um leve efeito batocrômico foi observado nos picos relacionados às ligações C-H em função da concentração. O estudo de SAXS dos copolímeros poliéter glicóis foi realizado em sistemas concentrados. Apesar das distintas estruturas químicas, as curvas de SAXS indicaram que o processo de agregação micelar e as estruturas assumidas por estes polímeros em solução são significativamente similares. Os perfis de SAXS em temperaturas acima e nas proximidades do ponto de névoa revelaram a ausência de uma estrutura macromolecular organizada em solução 25DB. Um ajuste investigativo das curvas de SAXS com um modelo de esferas duras (HSM K-T) reforçou a semelhança do comportamento em solução entre os dois poliéter glicóis avaliados neste estudo. Foi evidenciada a semelhança no processo de agregação e organização estrutural destes copolímeros tribloco em soluções solventes polares. Demonstraram-se as correlações entre a interação intermolecular e a morfologia de auto-organização dos copolímeros anfifílicos poliéter glicóis com a temperatura de separação em microfase, detectada pelo efeito macroscópico de turvação em solução, i.e. o ponto de névoa .
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Desenvolvimento de membranas de poli(éter imida) sultonada para a permeacão de gases / Development of sulfonated poly(ether imide) membranes for gas permeationMichelle Silva Vila Chã 21 December 2009 (has links)
A busca por membranas com propriedades adequadas a separação de gases em escala industrial tem levado a modificação e sIntese de polImeros de engenharia, com objetivo de obter membranas com propriedades adequadas. Uma das modificaçoes que tem se apresentado promissora é a inserção de grupos sulfônicos em polImeros comerciais. Espera-se que o polImero sulfonado apresente um aumento na permeação de gases polares, em relação a gases apolares, devido a sua estrutura mais polar e flexIvel. Neste contexto, o objetivo do presente trabalho é a sIntese e caracterização de membranas de poli(éter imida) sulfonada para a permeação de gases. Um planejamento experimental foi desenvolvido, em diferentes condiçoes reacionais de temperatura, tempo e excesso de um dos reagentes (ácido acético), para a sIntese de poli(éter imida) sulfonada (SPEI). Através deste planejamento, constatou-se que as variáveis que mais influenciam o grau de sulfonação são a temperatura e o tempo. O polImero com o maior grau de sulfonação, determinado por capacidade de troca iônica (IEC= 92 mEq H+/g), foi utilizado para o preparo da membrana de SPEI, obtida pela técnica de inversão de fase por evaporação do solvente, utilizando-se clorofórmio como solvente. Este filme foi caracterizado a partir das seguintes análises: espectroscopia de infravermelho (FTIR), calorimetria diferencial de varredura (DSC), análise termogravimétrica (TGA) e microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), a fim de avaliar a influência da inserção do grupo sulfônico na matriz polimérica. O espectro de infravermelho de
SPEI apresentou bandas relacionadas as vibraçoes assimétricas em 1240 cm-1
(ligação O=S=O), ligação simétrica em 1171 cm-1 (O=S=O) e ligação S-O entre
1010-1024 cm-1. Isto indica a presença de grupos sulfônicos. A análise de DSC foi realizada entre 150-250C. Nesta faixa, não foram observadas alteraçoes na temperatura de transição vItrea (Tg) do polImero modificado (217C). Acredita-se que a decomposição do grupo sulfona aconteça antes da temperatura atingir o Tg do polImero. Esta suposição é confirmada na análise de TGA. As imagens de MEV
mostraram que foram obtidos filmes livres de poros e defeitos. A membrana da SPEI foi utilizada no ensaio de permeaçao dos gases 02, N2 e C02, a fim de determinar a permeabilidade e seletividade da membrana. As permeabilidades encontradas para o gas oxigênio foram de 0,76 barrer para a PEI e 0,46 barrer para a SPEI. A seletividade do dióxido de carbono em relaçao ao oxigênio aumentou de 3,5, na membrana de PEI, para 4,83, na membrana de SPEI. Em relaçao ao nitrogênio, as permeabilidades medidas foram 0,064 barrer e 0,043 barrer, para a PEI e para a SPEI, respectivamente, enquanto a seletividade em relaçao ao C02 aumentou de
41,1 para 55,5. Estes resultados indicam que o efeito de sorçao predominou devido
ao aumento das interaçöes moleculares, reduzindo assim o volume livre, o que tornou a membrana sulfonada mais compacta, com permeabilidade menor e maior seletividade. Estes resultados corroboram com a premissa de que a sulfonaçao é um processo promissor para o desenvolvimento de membranas mais eficientes. / The search for membranes with suitable properties for gas separation in industrial scale has led to the modification and synthesis of engineering polymers with the purpose of obtaining membranes with superior properties. 0ne of the modifications that have been considered promising is the insertion of sulfonic groups in commercial polymers. Due to its structure more polar and flexible, it is expected that the sulfonated polymer present an increase in polar gas permeation in relation to nonpolar gases. In this context, the objective of this work is the synthesis and characterization of membranes of poly (ether imide) sulfonated for the permeation of gases. An experimental design was developed in different reaction conditions of temperature, time and an excess of one of the reagents (acetic acid), for the synthesis of poly (ether imide) sulfonated, SPEI. Through this planning, it was found that the variables that most influenced the degree of sulfonation are temperature and time. The polymer with the highest degree of sulfonation, by ion exchange capacity
(IEC = 92 mEq H+ I g), was used to prepare SPEI membrane obtained by the
technique of solvent evaporation, using chloroform. This film was characterized from the following analysis: infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to evaluate the influence of insertion of the sulfonic group in the polymer matrix. The infrared spectrum showed bands of SPEI related to asymmetric vibrations at 1240cm-
1 (S = 0 = 0), in symmetric stretch at 1171 cm-1 (0 = S = 0) and S0 stretch between
1010-1024cm-1. This indicates the presence of sulfonic groups. The DSC analysis was carried out between 150-250C. In this range, there are no significant changes in glass transition temperature of the modified polymer (217C). It is believed that the decomposition of the sulfone group occurs before the temperature reaches the Tg of the polymer. This assumption is confirmed in the TGA analysis. The images of SEM showed that films were obtained free of pores and defects. The membrane SPEI obtained by the technique of solvent evaporation, was used for testing permeation of gases 02, N2 and C02 in order to determine the permeability and selectivity of the membrane. The permeabilities found for oxygen were 0.76 barrer for PEI and 0.46 barrer for SPEI. The selectivity of carbon dioxide relative to oxygen increased from
3.5 to 4.83. Regarding nitrogen, the permeability measurements were 0.064 barrer
and 0.043 barrer for the PEI and the SPEI, respectively, while the selectivity relative to C02 increased from 41.1 to 55.5. These results indicate that the predominant effect of sorption due to increased molecular interactions, thus reducing the free volume, made the membrane sulfonated more compact with lower permeability and higher selectivity. These results agree with the premise that the sulfonation is a promising process for the development of more efficient membranes.
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Synthesis of a PbTx-2 photoaffinity and fluorescent probe and an alternative synthetic route to photoaffinity probesCassell, Ryan T 29 July 2014 (has links)
A natural phenomenon characterized by dense aggregations of unicellular photosynthetic marine organisms has been termed colloquially as red tides because of the vivid discoloration of the water. The dinoflagellate Karenia brevis is the cause of the Florida red tide bloom.
K. brevis produces the brevetoxins, a potent suite of neurotoxins responsible for substantial amounts of marine mammal and fish mortalities. When consumed by humans, the toxin causes Neurotoxic Shellfish Poisoning (NSP). The native function of brevetoxin within the organism has remained mysterious since its discovery. There is a need to identify factors which contribute to and regulate toxin production within K. brevis. These toxins are produced and retained within the cell implicating a significant cellular role for their presence.
Localization of brevetoxin and identification of a native receptor may provide insight into its native role as well as other polyether ladder type toxins such as the ciguatoxins, maitotoxins, and yessotoxins. In higher organisms these polyether ladder molecules bind to transmembrane proteins with high affinity. We anticipated the native brevetoxin receptor would also be a transmembrane protein.
Photoaffinity labeling has become increasingly popular for identifying ligand receptors. By attaching ligands to these photophors, one is able to activate the molecule after the ligand binds to its receptor to obtain a permanent linkage between the two. Subsequent purification provides the protein with the ligand directly attached.
A molecule that is capable of fluorescence is a fluorophore, which upon excitation is capable of re-emitting light. Fluorescent labeling uses fluorophores by attaching them covalently to biologically active compounds.
The synthesis of a brevetoxin photoaffinity probe and its application in identifying a native brevetoxin receptor will be described. The preparation of a fluorescent derivative of brevetoxin will be described and its use in localizing the toxin to an organelle within K. brevis. In addition, the general utility of a synthesized photoaffinity label with other toxins having similar functionality will be described.
An alternative synthetic approach to a general photoaffinity label will also be discussed whose goal was to accelerate the preparation and improve the overall synthetic yields of a multifunctional label.
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Optimization Of The Melt-Transetherification Polycondensation Route To Polyethers And Its Utilization For The Study Of Hyperbranched PolymersBehera, Girish Chandra 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Vliv vysokého napětí na různé materiály v nízkém a vysokém vakuu / Investigation of high voltage influence on different materials in high and low vacuumŠedivý, Matúš January 2017 (has links)
The beginning of this thesis contains an overview of properties of the insulators, and description of insulators that were used for in depth research of surface breakdown in vacuum. Furthermore, this work focuses on mechanisms of an electric breakdown initiation at the interface of the solid insulator and surrounding low pressure gas. Multiple methods for measurements of dielectric strength are examined. The experimental part describes the measurements performed in the vacuum chamber. The results of these measurements are then analysed. In conclusion, used insulators are compared and suggestions for further work are given.
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Nouveaux copolymères biosourcés à blocs polytriméthylène éther pour applications cosmétiques / New biobased copolymers with polytrimethylene ether block for cosmetic applicationsRodier, Jean-David 13 September 2016 (has links)
L’objectif du projet est de préparer de nouveaux copolyéthers hydrophiles biosourcés, non ioniques, pour des applications cosmétiques proches de celles du polyéthylène glycol (PEG). Le polytriméthylène éther glycol (PTEG), dont la structure ressemble à celle du PEG, a été synthétisé par polymérisation du 1,3-propanediol biosourcé (PDO) en catalyse acide. Parmi les catalyseurs testés, l’acide sulfurique est le plus approprié pour polymériser le PDO sans dégradation excessive. Pour augmenter la solubilité du PTEG dans l’eau, des copolymères associant des unités PDO et des unités hydrosolubles type isosorbide et glycérol ont été envisagés. Ainsi, nous avons montré que l’éthérification en catalyse acide entre l’isosorbide et le PDO (ou le PTEG) conduit à de nouvelles structures de copolyéthers que nous avons finement caractérisés par RMN et spectrométrie de masse. Ces copolyéthers ont des extrémités préférentiellement constituées d’unités isosorbide, du fait d’un différentiel de réactivité entre le PDO et l’isosorbide. En revanche, l’éthérification du PDO et du glycérol par catalyse à l’acide sulfurique ou par catalyse basique n’a pas abouti. En effet, dans le premier cas, on observe une très forte dégradation voire une réticulation et dans le deuxième cas, seule l’homopolymérisation du glycérol est observée. Pour compléter, la réaction entre du carbonate de glycérol et un oligomère de PTEG donne les dérivés souhaités, même si le milieu réactionnel reste riche en polyglycérol libre. Les produits les plus prometteurs de l’étude sont des copolyéthers de PDO et d’isosorbide, d’environ 600 g/mol, obtenus par éthérification en catalyse acide. Ces nouveaux copolyéthers ont des bouts de chaînes constitués d’unités isosorbide, sont hydrosolubles et ont une stabilité thermique améliorée par rapport aux PTEG. / The aim of this project is to prepare some new hydrophilic biobased copolyethers for cosmetic applications, similar to those of polyethylene glycol (PEG). Synthesis of polytrimethylene ether glycol (PTEG) which has a chemical structure close to the PEG was studied by polymerizing 1,3-propanediol (PDO) with sulfuric acid as catalyst. This acid catalyst is appropriate to promote the polymerization of PDO without excessive degradation. We tried to increase the solubility of PTEG in water by combining to PDO units hydrophilic monomers, such as isosorbide and glycerol, to the PDO units. We showed that etherification of isosorbide and PDO (or PTEG), in the presence of acid catalyst, gives new copolyethers structures, deeply characterized by NMR and mass spectroscopy. These copolyethers are preferably ended by isosorbide units due to different reactivity between isosorbide and PDO. The etherification of the PDO and glycerol with sulfuric acid results in a cross-linked and degraded product. Basic catalytic route favored the polymerization of glycerol on itself rather than the etherification on PDO units. We also grafted glycerol carbonate on PTEG oligomer but obtained a complex composition mixture rich in polyglycerol. The most promising products of the study are PDO and isosorbide copolyethers with a molar mass of 600 g/mol, obtained by etherification with sulfuric acid as catalyst. These copolyethers have chain ends constituted by isosorbide units, are water soluble and have a higher thermal stability compared to PTEG.
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