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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Structures de biopolymères pour la reconstruction de tissus biologiques

Degeratu, Cristinel-Nicolae 19 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
La thèse intitulée Structures de biopolymères pour la reconstruction de tissus biologiques, structurée en 4 chapitres, présente la possibilité d'obtenir des structures biopolymériques qui peuvent être utilisées dans la reconstruction des tissus, notamment dans la reconstruction des tissus osseux. Les objectifs spécifiques suivants ont été définis et suivis dans les chapitres 2, 3 et 4: 1) L'obtention de structures basées sur le PHA et des fibres naturelles, pour leur utilisation médicale - films, fibres, structures compactes et/ou poreuses, 2) Modification physique ou chimique des structures obtenues pour améliorer leur biocompatibilité, 3) Caractérisation biologique in vitro et in vivo des matériaux; 4) Etude de l'influence des métaux sur la minéralisation du tissu osseux. Le Chapitre I résume les biomatériaux utilisés en génie tissulaire basé sur la littérature. Le Chapitre II présente les différentes structures biopolymériques étudiées: films, microparticules, fibres, tubes et structures microporeuses et l'évaluation des propriétés physiques, chimiques et mécaniques des PHA et fibres naturelles et une étude sur la porosité en utilisant le microCT. Le chapitre III traite de l'influence de la porosité sur l'adhésion cellulaire des films de PHA, une étude in vitro et le comportement in vivo des fibres de PHBV. La dernière partie inclut une étude sur la modification des fibres de fibroïne et de cellulose, pour améliorer leur minéralisation. Le chapitre IV traite l'influence de l'aluminium sur la minéralisation osseuse. Cette étude a été motivée par les conclusions alarmantes des effets nocifs de l'aluminium sur la minéralisation osseuse. La dernière section contient des observations finales et des perspectives.

Bioprospecção de genes relacionados à biossíntese de polímeros biodegradáveis a partir de uma biblioteca metagenômica de solo de Mata Atlântica. / Bioprospecting in a metagenomic library from Atlantic forest soil for genes involved on the biosynthesis of biodegradable polymers.

Yeimy Paola Galindo Rozo 10 November 2011 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo realizar a triagem de PHA sintases numa biblioteca metagenômica de solo de Mata Atlântica, empregando duas técnicas de busca: o método de detecção fenotípica e a técnica de PCR. Resultados positivos foram obtidos com este último, empregando iniciadores descritos na literatura e iniciadores descritos neste trabalho. Em 10.67% dos clones da biblioteca foram obtidos amplicons, dos quais 7 foram seqüenciados, apresentando similaridade para os genes phaC dos tipos II e IV. Adicionalmente, 67 clones positivos para a classe III foram obtidos e 4 destes foram seqüenciados. Duas das seqüências obtidas mostraram alta similaridade com o gene codificador da enzima glutamina sintetase tipo I, outro deles para a proteína hipotética conservada pertencente à família de enzimas oxidoredutases e a outra para o componente D do gene hidrogenase-4. A partir da análise dos resultados, iniciadores mais específicos são propostos. Assim, a técnica de PCR foi mais eficiente na detecção de genes da biossíntese de PHA na biblioteca metagenômica estudada. / To perform a PHA synthase screening in a metagenomic library from Atlantic forest soil two search methods were applied: phenotypic detection and PCR. Positive results with PCR were obtained by using primers described in the literature and proposed in this study. Amplicons were obtained in 10.67% of the library, 7 of them were sequenced showing similarity with class II and IV phaC genes. In addition, 67 positive clones for class III were obtained and 4 of them were sequenced. Two of these sequences showed high similarity to the glutamine synthase gene type I, the third one showed similarity to the conserved hypothetical protein of the reductase family, and the forth presented similarity to the component D of the hidrogenase-4. According to the results, more specific primers are suggested. Therefore, PCR was more efficient in the detection of PHA biosynthesis genes in the studied metagenomic library.

Avaliação de genes para o catabolismo de xilose e seu potencial para geração de bioprodutos. / Evaluation of xylose catabolism genes and their potential for the generation of bioproducts.

Juliano Cherix 06 April 2015 (has links)
A xilose é um dos principais componentes dos materiais lignocelulósicos, os quais são de grande interesse para produção de bioprodutos como etanol e polihidroxialcanoatos (PHA). Visando melhorar o consumo de xilose em Burkholderia sacchari, uma grande produtora de PHA, os seguintes genes codificadores de xilose isomerase foram nela inseridos e avaliados: xylABs, xylABc, xylAPl, xylABp e xylABx, respectivamente de B. sacchari, B. cenocepacia, Photorhabdus luminescens, B. phymatum e B. xenovorans. Foi ainda sintetizado o gene de B. sacchari (xylA*) no qual foram inseridas modificações descritas na literatura como capazes de aumentar o consumo de xilose em outros organismos. As linhagens recombinantes de B. sacchari abrigando os genes xylABs e xylA* tiveram um aumento de aproximadamente 30%, e aquelas abrigando os genes xylABp e xylABx de 23%, no consumo de xilose quando comparadas com a linhagem controle. Essas quatro linhagens recombinantes foram aquelas que conseguiram produzir maior quantidade de P3HB, aproximadamente 70% a mais do que linhagem controle. / Xylose is a major component of lignocellulosic materials, which are of great interest for the production of bio-products, such as ethanol and polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). To improve the consumption of xylose in Burkholderia sacchari, a major PHA producer, the following genes, encoding xylose isomerase, were introduced in these bacteria: xylABs, xylABc, xylAPl, xylABp and xylABx, respectively from B. sacchari, B. cenocepacia, Photorhabdus luminescens, B. phymatum e B. xenovorans. The gene of B. sacchari (xylA*) was also synthesized with several modifications described in the literature as able to increase the consumption of xylose in other organisms. Recombinant strains harboring B. sacchari xylABs and xylA* gene had an increase of approximately 30% in the xylose consumption compared to the control strain, and those harboring xylABx and xylABp gene an increase of 23%. These four recombinant strains were those that were able to produce more P3HB, approximately 70% more than the control strain.

Bio-prospection et biodiversité des micro-organismes des milieux atypiques des lagons de la Nouvelle-Calédonie : Premières évaluations du potentiel de production de nouvelles molécules d’intérêt biotechnologique / Bioprospection and biodiversity of marine microorganisms issue from New Caledonia marine atypical areas : Research, Characterization, and Valuation of marine natural polymers

Chalkiadakis, Eleftherios 16 December 2013 (has links)
Le milieu marin constitue la plus grande partie de la biosphère et contient les formes les plus anciennes et les plus variées de la vie. Les espèces microbiennes, relativement négligées jusqu’à présent, pourraient bien être le principal gisement de nouvelles molécules des prochaines décennies grâce à leurs adaptations à un environnement marin atypique et/ou à des conditions extrêmes (zones hydrothermales, sédiments des fonds sous-marins, lagunes hyper-salines, continent arctique et antarctique, tapis microbiens…). La Nouvelle-Calédonie est dotée de milieux naturels littoraux, côtiers et marins au sein desquels existent des gradients thermiques, d’hypersalure/dessalure, de chocs UV, de pH, d’évaporation, d’inondation/exondation… qui déterminent des habitats atypiques dans lesquels les micro-organismes doivent développer des stratégies adaptatives et de défense potentiellement uniques. Un travail de bioprospection de ces milieux atypiques a ainsi permis la création d’une souchothèque riche à ce jour de 771 isolats bactériens néo-calédoniens. Sur la base de cette collection, des études ont été engagées pour la recherche et la caractérisation de biopolymères de type exopolysaccharides (EPS) et polyhydroxyalcanoates (PHA). Les EPS sont des complexes osidiques de grande taille dont la composition est variable selon l’organisme producteur. Les PHAs sont des macromolécules formées de liaisons ester présentant de fortes similitudes avec les plastiques issues de la pétrochimie mais sont totalement biodégradables et biocompatibles. Les débouchés pour la valorisation des biopolymères marins sont très variés et touche plusieurs secteurs comme la cosmétique (gélifiant épaississant, antirides, etc.) la santé (immunostimulation, anticoagulant, cicatrisant), l’agroalimentaire, la bioremédiation les emballages, l’enrobage… Les criblages réalisés sur l’ensemble de la collection pour les deux types de polymères ont permis de mettre en évidence qu’une part importante des souches de la collection étaient potentiellement capables de sécréter ces polymères. À l’heure actuelle, 10 types d’EPS et 5 types de PHAs ont été produits et caractérisés afin de cibler des domaines d’applications. L’étude des bactéries marines pour leur faculté à produire des polymères est donc un secteur en pleine expansion et les premiers résultats montrent que ce type de biotechnologies pourrait constituer une perspective de développement intéressante pour la Nouvelle-Calédonie. / Previous works on marine bacteria led to the discovery of molecules of great biotechnological interest. Under unusual physical and chemical conditions some microorganisms have developed various survival strategies including exopolysaccharides (EPS) and Poly-3-hydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) production. Due to their many interesting biological, physical and chemical properties, those polymers have found applications in many industrial sectors. Due to interesting physical and chemical properties, EPS can find applications in many industrial sectors including the food industry, cosmetics, for oil and metal recovery from industrial waste and in the mining industry as well. During the last decades EPS have also been demonstrated as interesting bioactive molecules with many applications for human health. PHAs are biopolyesters accumulated as granules in bacteria in order to endure long starving periods. Those biodegradable biopolymers can be used as an alternative to petroleum derived polymers and can be produced from renewable carbon sources. PHAs exhibit a wide variety of properties and structures depending of the carbon source available and the microorganism used for the production. New Caledonia (NC) is frequently referred as a hotspot biodiversity. During a prospection campaign performed in different marine costal ecosystems of NC, a great number (770) of bacteria were isolated from different locations. Screening showed that 55% of the isolates were able to produce under lab conditions EPS and 53% to produce PHA. Partial chemical characterization was performed on purified samples using colorimetric methods, infrared spectrometry (FTIR), gas chromatography (GC) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Marine bacteria from New Caledonian ecosystems were shown to produce EPS with unusual chemical composition with potential applications in cosmetics. Preliminary experiments also showed high metal-binding capacity with applications in bioremediation. Different PHAs were also produced using different types of sugars and oil as renewable resources. Blue biotechnologies can have various applications in many industrial sectors (Health, food industry, environment, cosmetics etc…) and there is a great international demand for new molecules issue from marine areas. New Caledonian marine bacteria have proved their capacity for producing innovative biopolymers with a wide range of application that can be valuating in on short time period (environment, cosmetics) or at long time (pharmaceutics, surgeries). These applications are promising in order to develop

Caractérisation mécanique multiaxiale de matériaux polymères, application à un PHA utilisé pour des structures d'emballages alimentaires / Multiaxial mechanical characterization of polymers, application to a PHA used for food packaging structures

Guitton, Erwan 10 December 2014 (has links)
L'étude porte sur la caractérisation des propriétés mécaniques des matériaux polymères et notamment d'un grade d'une famille de matériaux biodégradables et biosourcés : les PolyHydroxyAlcanoates (PHAs). Afin d'étudier ce matériau, un montage expérimental original a été mis en place pour des essais multiaxiaux sur une géométrie unique d'éprouvettes cylindriques. Celui-ci permet d'effectuer des cycles de sollicitations successives et/ou simultanées de traction-compression-torsion. L'objectif est de pouvoir effectuer des chemins complexes, avec changements de direction et cycles au cours d'un même essai, permettant ainsi d'explorer tout le plan déviatoire de déformation avec prise en compte de l'histoire du chargement. De nombreux essais ont été effectués sur le grade de PHA à différentes températures pour développer une base de données expérimentale servant à l'identification d'un modèle de comportement proposé d'Hyperélasto-Visco-Hystérésis (HVH). La méthodologie d'identification des paramètres matériaux est suffisamment simple pour être étendue à une large variété de polymères. Cette identification met particulièrement en évidence les faiblesses et les qualités du modèle. Pour le PHA étudié, la base expérimentale montre ainsi l'insuffisance de la partie visqueuse du modèle, contrairement aux travaux antérieurs utilisant des essais classiques unidirectionnels. Néanmoins, le modèle HVH fournit des réponses précises pour les composantes hyperélastique et hystérétique non-visqueuse dans la gamme [0-100]°C. Cette loi a pour but d'être utilisée pour vérifier la tenue mécanique en statique et en dynamique de structures dans le domaine de l'emballage alimentaire en PHA. / This study deals with the mechanical properties characterization of polymers. One of the studied polymers is part of a biodegradable and biobased family of materials: the PolyHydroxyAlkanoates (PHAs). In order to study its behavior, an original setup has been designed to perform tests with multiaxial loadings on a unique cylindric specimen. It allows to carry out multiple cycles of loadings mixing tensile, compression and torsion. The goal is to be able to perform complex deformation paths with changes in the deformation direction and cycles in a single test. These possibilities allows to scan the deviatoric subspace of deformations with the consideration of the loading history. Many tests has been carried out on the PHA polymer at different temperatures to develop a database used for the identification of a Hyperelasto-Visco-Hysteresis constitutive model. The methodology identification of the mechanical parameters is simple enough to be extend at a large variety of polymers. This identification points out the model weaknesses and qualities. For the studied PHA, the experimental data shows the viscous contribution insufficiency in the constitutive model, unlike previous studies using uniaxial classical tests. Nevertheless, the HVH model gives precise predictions for hyperelastic and non-viscous hysteresis components in the range of [0-100]°C. The constitutive law has been developed in order to check the strength of structures behavior in static and dynamic in the field of food packaging in PHA.

Desenvolvimento de processo de produção de polihidroxibutirato a partir da xilose empregando técnicas de engenharia evolutiva e bioprocessos. / Development of polyhydroxybutyrate production from xylose employing evolutionary engineering techniques and bioprocesses.

Carlos Andrés Fajardo Gómez 26 May 2015 (has links)
O trabalho é proposto visando melhorar o consumo de xilose na bactéria Burkholderia sacchari utilizando o acúmulo de PHB como modelo de produção Foi desenvolvido um processo de evolução por meio da aplicação de feast and famine e Cultivos sequenciais em fase exponencial. Foi obtida uma linhagem mutante com uma velocidade especifica de crescimento de 0,24 h -1. Foi feita uma análise de fluxos metabólicos da qual foi possível concluir que o metabolismo da xilose acontecia em sua maioria pela VP junto com a ED. Foi feito um ensaio de acumulo com carbono marcado utilizando uma solução de xilose, de 20:80 de xilose marcada 13C em todos os carbonos e xilose não marcado, para determinar quais seriam as possíveis vias metabólicas no uso da xilose por parte de B. sacharia LFM 101 e da linhagem evoluída BSEV11. Foi determinado que houve embaralhamento de carbonos, fato que só acontece quando o metabolismo da xilose e feito pela VP junto com a via ED, assim foi possível conferir a via ED como principal via para o metabolismo da xilose em B. sacchari LFM 101. / To evaluate the possibilities of improving the productivity of PHA production from xylose, evolutionary engineering techniques were applied to B. sacchari to select cells with maximum specific growth rates (max) higher than the wild type. Metabolic flux analysis was also performed to evaluate the fluxes through central pathways and the possibility of further improvements by modifying fluxes rates. The evolved strain reached a max of 0.24 ± 0.01 h-1 at the end of the evolutionary process. Strains were submitted to bioreactor experiments. A metabolic network of the strain was usedn to determine the possible distribution of metabolic fluxes. A total of 19 elementary modes were obtained. It was concluded that the metabolism of xylose occurred mostly by VP along with the ED. The ED pathway has the major activity going on in a cyclic way. It was also performed a 13C labeled xylose assay, in which it was possibly to confirm the obtained results from the metabolic flux analyses.

Estudo do metabolismo de ácidos graxos em Pseudomonas putida visando a modulação da composição monomérica de elastômero biodegradável. / Study of fatty acids metabolism in Pseudomonas putida aiming to modulate monomer composition of biodegradable elastomer.

Sonia Regina da Silva Queiroz 30 April 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho, foram desenvolvidas estratégias para modular a composição de elastômeros biodegradáveis da família dos polihidroxialcanoatos (PHA), produzidos por Pseudomonas, a partir de ácidos graxos ou óleos vegetais, para diversificar suas aplicações, sobretudo pela inserção de monômeros insaturados. A composição do PHA produzido variou com o tipo de ácido graxo fornecido e com sua proporção em misturas. Em genomas seqüenciados, detectaram-se dois genes fadH (codificador de 2,4-dienoilCoA hidratase) em P. aeruginosa e apenas um em outras Pseudomonas. Observou-se uma correlação entre o número de cópias de fadH no genoma e maior eficiência na oxidação de ácidos graxos insaturados. Mutantes afetados no metabolismo de ácidos graxos insaturados foram obtidos utilizando-se transposon, alguns destes mutantes apresentaram maior eficiência na incorporação de monômeros insaturados ao PHA. A clonagem e seqüenciamento de fragmentos de DNA interrompidos pelo transposon permitiram a identificação dos genes afetados nesses mutantes. / Different strategies were applied to modulate the composition of biodegradable elastomeric polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) accumulated by Pseudomonas from fatty acids and plant oils, in order to improve the applications of this material, mainly by unsaturated monomer insertion. PHA composition varied both with fatty acid type and fatty acids ratio in mixtures supplied. Analysis of genome sequences revealed two fadH (encoding 2,4-dienoyl-CoA hydratase) copies in Pseudomonas aeruginosa and only one in other Pseudomonas species. The number of fadH copies in the genome was related to the higher oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids. Transposon-induced mutants affected on unsaturated fatty acids metabolism were obtained, some of them showing higher efficiency to incorporate unsaturated monomers do the PHA. Cloning and sequencing of transposon-disrupted DNA regions allowed to identify the genes affected in those mutants.

Construção de biblioteca metagenômica e prospecção de genes para a síntese de polihidroxalcanoatos / Metagenomic library construction for PHA synthase screening

Mauricio Rocha Dimitrov 18 September 2009 (has links)
Os microrganismos constituem dois terços da diversidade biológica na Terra, no entanto, muitos deles não podem ser cultivados por técnicas tradicionais. Portanto, o acesso a esta diversidade tem sido feita através da utilização de técnicas independentes de cultivo. Diante deste panorama, a metagenômica apresenta-se como uma alternativa, pois dispensa a necessidade de cultivo. Tal técnica possibilita inclusive a identificação e utilização do potencial metabólico destes organismos para o desenvolvimento de novos processos e produtos. Os polihidroxialcanoatos (PHAs) são poliésteres bacterianos, acumulados intracelularmente em forma de grânulos, cujas propriedades são similares a de alguns plásticos de origem petroquímica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e avaliar a diversidade de genes relacionados à produção de PHAs em bibliotecas metagenômicas de solo. A prospecção realizada resultou na identificação de clones contendo o gene phaC. De uma forma geral, pôde-se concluir que ainda há uma grande diversidade deste gene a ser descoberta no ambiente estudado. / Microorganisms constitute two third of the Earth\'s biological diversity, however, many of them cannot be cultured by standard techniques. Therefore, access to this diversity has been achieved through the use of culture-independent techniques. Facing this scenario, the metagenomic presents itself as an alternative, since it eliminates the need for cultivation. This technique also allows the identification and use of the metabolic pathways of these organisms to develop new processes and products. The polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are bacterial polyesters accumulated as granules, whose properties are similar to some plastics of petrochemical origin. The aim of this work was to identify and access the diversity of genes related to PHAs production in soil metagenomic libraries. The screening resulted in the identification of clones containing the phaC gene. In a general way, it was concluded that there is still a considerable diversity of this gene to be discovered in the study environment.

Isolamento de bactéria produtoras de polihidroxialcanoatos de cadeia curta e média a partir de óleos vegetais / Isolation of bactéria producing polyhydroxyalkanoates containing short-chain-length and medium-chain-length monomers from plant oils

Tatiana Sayuri Matsuda 09 December 2009 (has links)
O potencial de bactérias em produzir polihidroxialcanoatos (PHA) a partir de óleo de soja foi avaliado com ênfase em Aeromonas spp. Dez isolados apresentando características de Aeromonas spp. (colônias amarelas em GSP agar e produção de P3HB-co-3HHx) e perfis ARDRA similares foram obtidos. Dois isolados produzindo PHAMCL foram também obtidos e experimentos de identificação adicionais serão necessários para confirmar se pertencem ao gênero Aeromonas. P3HB-co-3HHx contendo diferentes frações molares de 3HHx foram produzidos. Isolados produzindo P3HB-co-3HHx a partir de óleo de soja ou ácido láurico foram incapazes de produzir P3HB a partir de glicose sugerindo sua incapacidade de gerar monômeros 3HB a partir de acetil-CoA. Introdução de plasmídeo abrigando genes de biossíntese de P3HB de Ralstonia eutropha em isolados capazes de utilizar eficientemente óleo de soja como fonte de carbono permitiu a produção de P3HB, mas não PHA contendo monômeros de cadeia média, sugerindo uma transferência ineficiente de intermediários a partir da <font face=\"Symbol\">&#946-oxidação para PHA sintase. / The potential of polyhydroxyalknoates (PHA) production from plant oils was evaluated especially in Aeromonas spp. Ten isolates presenting features of Aeromonas spp. (yellow colonies in GSP agar and production of P3HB-co-3HHx) and similar ARDRA profiles were obtained. Two isolates producing PHAMCL were also obtained and further identification experiments will be needed to confirm their position in Aeromonas genus. P3HB-co-3HHx containing different molar fractions of 3HHx were produced. Isolates producing P3HB-co-3HHx from soybean oil or lauric acid were unable to produce P3HB from glucose suggesting their incapability to generate 3HB monomers from acetyl-CoA. Introduction of a plasmid harboring P3HB biosynthesis genes from Ralstonia eutropha into isolates able to use efficiently soybean oil as carbon source allowed the production of P3HB but not PHA containing HAMCL suggesting an inefficient transfer of intermediates from &#946-oxidation to PHA synthase.

Biotechnologické produkce PHA kopolymerů obsahujících 4-hydroxybuytrát / Biotechnological production of PHA copolymers containing 4-hydroxybutyrate

Kovářová, Radka January 2021 (has links)
The proposed diploma thesis aims to study the biotechnological production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate) copolymer. The subject of the experimental part was first to select a suitable bacterial strain from five selected microorganisms with different carbon precursors applied at various concentrations. The five selected microorganisms used in the experimental part include bacterial strains Cupriavidus malaysiensis DSM 19416, DSM 19379, and DSM 25816. Furthermore, the strain Thermomonas hydrothermalis DSM 14834 and Aneurinibacillus thermoaerophilus H1 CCM 8960. The experiment shows that the most suitable candidate for biotechnological production is the bacterial microorganism Cupriavidus malaysiensis DSM 19379. Finally, the biotechnological production of the copolymer was investigated utilizing a batch cultivation technique in a laboratory bioreactor.

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